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I find this really funny...
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Posted: 3/23/2005 1:52:08 AM     Post subject: I find this really funny...  

I sit back, and take a trawl through your archives... and the level of Independant Thought here, I have concluded, is Non-Existant.

Furry-Bashing is old. Very Old. One joke said a thousand times does not become funnier each and every time you say it.

So, here, you have a nice, open target to flame to a crisp...and I know you will, because, let's face it, you've nothing better to do.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 1:54:07 AM     Post subject:  

Furry-Bashing is old. Very Old. One joke said a thousand times does not become funnier each and every time you say it.

Yes, but when that joke gets more and more provocative every day, it never gets old.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 1:56:20 AM     Post subject:  

I wouldn't say so. See, each time you say something, it get's noticed less. Like Bill Clinton getting a BJ from Monica. Big press at first, but then slowly trailing off.. Kinda like this.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 1:59:28 AM     Post subject:  

Well, don't you worry your tails off, foxie. If this isn't funny to you then go back to your Sonic porn and leave us be.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:02:17 AM     Post subject:  


Thus we come to the meat of the misunderstandings. You've automatically associated my Character name with a famous animated series, and, just because I'm a furry, you're automatically linking it to sexually-orientated theme.

Not all furries are sex-crazed members of society... and that's a point that's been pretty much lost because of the actions of a minority
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:07:18 AM     Post subject:  

Furry to CYD is like the pot calling the mirror black.

Now, someone give me mod powers to ban this retard for not making an intelligent post.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:09:15 AM     Post subject:  

Since you're taking offense at a forum occupied predominately by furries who mock the extremist aspects of the fandom, than, yes, I would assume you're one of the "bad" ones.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:13:57 AM     Post subject:  

'Extremist' is a matter for debate, the term varies wildly from one person to another. I see a thread on Zeta Creations... A site that specialises in Animal-Shaped Dildo's. The only aspect that seperates that site from a 'traditional' dildo is the fact that Zeta makes far more interesting shapes.

Offense is too large, and too wide a term to use. I said I found it funny, I didn't say I found it offensive.

Granted, fursuits aren't my thing, and Anal Stmulation is not an area I'm keen on.. but nobody has a right to judge based on what someone else doesm if that specific action, or series of actions, is doing no harm to others
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:18:39 AM     Post subject:  

The only aspect that seperates that site from a 'traditional' dildo is the fact that Zeta makes far more interesting shapes.

They make ANIMAL dildos for people who like ANIMAL COCKS up their asses. They're a proud zoophile-run company who not only sell "interesting shapes" but also Zeta jewelry and clocks featuring dog dick.

First impressions are always right, aren't they?
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:27:42 AM     Post subject:  

I know a few who use the site to obtain dildo's with a knot on, as the knot itself can serve as a stimulatory tool.

Yes, it is a zoophile-orientated site, but not everyone who frequents is a zoophile. As for Animal Cocks up asses... don't forget there is a female portion in the fandem. Most who use the dildo's from the furry side don't actually make the connection with pretending that they're yiffing/bring yiffed by an animal. Like I said, the shapes provide interesting ways to stimulate
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:36:02 AM     Post subject:  

I'm not having a drawn out conversation over dildos, alright? You're so wrapped up in apologetics and denial that you fail to see the big picture.

If they kept their odd sex behind closed doors as most people have the tact to do, I wouldn't have a problem. That's not the way it is with furrydom: they wear their fetish as a badge of pride upon their sleeve in representation of us all.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:43:25 AM     Post subject:  

How can something that is constantly growing be old?

There's always new material..
A new random sub fetish showing up in the fandom, a horrifiying person caliming themselves to be a furry..
A famous artist commiting a crime, that somehow realtes to the stuff he/she draws!

It's like a freaking goldmine!
Except it's GETTING old..

It's getting old because of places like 4chan..

"Seen those lactating dick nipples... And those gimungous dickgirls anally voring tigers..."

The world is becoming desensitized to this stuff..

But when you add "Fur" or an animal factor..
It becomes DIFFERENT.
People HAVEN'T seen this, they probably haven't THOUGHT about it..

And they laugh..

Out of nervousness..
Because that's all laughter is..
A nervous reaction, that makes us feel GOOD.

And there is no such thing as a furry without sexual thoughts..

There is always the lingering word "Yiff" in the mind of anyone inside the fandom.
Whether they WANT it there, or not.

Unless your biologically Asexual.
In which case you don't think about sex at all anyway, so not much of a difference.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:43:31 AM     Post subject:  

Then ignore them, and point of to those that ask that they are in a miniroty group within the fandom.

As for those that wear their fetish like a badge, take a good, long, hard look at those who participated in Gay Pride Marches. I know how much other Homosexuals didn't like how they acted, and they simply informed others that the minority's don't speak for the majority.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:44:31 AM     Post subject:  

I've only been to 2 cons so far and I've never seen anyone do anything bad in public. Maybe I'm missing something -- I'm pretty new to the whole scene, after all. All the adult stuff was closed off to anyone under 18, too.

So where's all the public yiffing and stuff? I feel so left out....

The most I ever hear about it is on sites like this. (no offense, I do realize it's the theme)
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Posted: 3/23/2005 2:57:55 AM     Post subject:  

I've only been to 2 cons so far and I've never seen anyone do anything bad in public. Maybe I'm missing something -- I'm pretty new to the whole scene, after all. All the adult stuff was closed off to anyone under 18, too.

I've been to one, and for that particualr con, it was true. However, when you have something like Morphicon, whose theme this year IS a fetish, then you cannot say it isn't sex oriented.

As for public displays... remember that EVERYTHING posted online is public.

So where's all the public yiffing and stuff? I feel so left out....

This is CYD, not CSI.

The most I ever hear about it is on sites like this. (no offense, I do realize it's the theme)

How often would the KGB mention gulags?
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:16:23 AM     Post subject:  

I fail to see a point to this thread.

Furry bashing-bashing is old. You're just like everyone else who came on here to "set them CYD fuckers straight and teach them some netiquette!" Your message is old, tired, boring. I'd get out before you make an even bigger embarassment of yourself, because that's all you're doing.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:19:17 AM     Post subject:  

Posting online in a forum isn't what I'd call a public display, but whatever.... If someone doesn't want to know about the stuff why would they be reading it??

Yeah, it happens -- we all know this. There are also sites for adult babies and balloon fetishists. Some of them scare me -- that's why I don't go to them ;)

But like I said in the other thread here, if people are doing stuff in public I could see it as a problem, especially since there are kids running around the hotels. I've just never seen it.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:24:47 AM     Post subject:  

But like I said in the other thread here, if people are doing stuff in public I could see it as a problem, especially since there are kids running around the hotels. I've just never seen it.

Then, I might be as bold to say that you have no reason to talk. You're seeing the world through rosebud colored glasses, my child. Until you've seen that these crazy fuckers not only act this way online, but do so in public - with the motif of "We can do anything we want, ha ha, you too stupid to know any better", you really haven't experienced furry.

Much like I wouldn't walk into a KKK rally and shout "REDNECK" at the top of my lungs, I wouldn't expect to walk into a 'normal person situation' with a fursuit, and my cock hanging out.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:37:41 AM     Post subject:  

Like I said, I'm pretty new to this. I'll be going to a bunch of cons soon, though, so I guess I'm bound to see some sort of public excursion of yiffiness.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:50:50 AM     Post subject:  

Like I said, I'm pretty new to this. I'll be going to a bunch of cons soon, though, so I guess I'm bound to see some sort of public excursion of yiffiness.

Oh god, please don't tell me there's going to be cons in Tampa. :(
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:54:03 AM     Post subject:  

No, I have a car ;)
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:55:42 AM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:56:34 AM     Post subject:  

No, I have a car ;)

.... :( Orlando?
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Posted: 3/23/2005 3:56:45 AM     Post subject:  

Posting online in a forum isn't what I'd call a public display, but whatever.... If someone doesn't want to know about the stuff why would they be reading it??

Can the public access it easily? If the pornographic part of the furry fandom was quiet and private, Furcadia's most active section would not be the adult one. Likewise, VCL would contain more Picasso-inspired artists than Huslter-inspired. Also, it is become so volumous that normal google searchs are turning up furry 'art'. Try googgling 'fox' and see what shows up on the first page.

You also still seem to think that everyone here 'hates' furry, because we criticique it openly. Actually, most here have at least an interest in funny animals or anthros. Hence, we don't like it when things like the Mutant Turtles are turned into gangbang porn.

Yeah, it happens -- we all know this. There are also sites for adult babies and balloon fetishists. Some of them scare me -- that's why I don't go to them ;)

You'd be suprised how many people who are on the con's staff, board of directors, DO. This attitude of 'if you don't like it don't look' is nice, but then why did you post here?

Also, it just encourages the pedophiles and bestials among the furry ranks to continue to taint the fandom that much farther.

But like I said in the other thread here, if people are doing stuff in public I could see it as a problem, especially since there are kids running around the hotels.




I've just never seen it.

We do, that's why we have this website, and you can read some articles on it, or check out the atrocity archives if you choose to see it too.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 4:15:14 AM     Post subject: Re: I find this really funny...  

I sit back, and take a trawl through your archives... and the level of Independant Thought here, I have concluded, is Non-Existant.
So. You're saying we're closed minded? I tell ya, we sure haven't heard that one before. Especially from a furry.
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Posted: 3/23/2005 4:36:31 AM     Post subject:  

You see a medium-sized orange fox. He seems normal... until you look to see if he's got a tail worth stealing. He has two!!
A nice, only about once-a-month-yiffy friend, he is worth being around. He loves to fetch and will always go after shiny or interesting items... Don't let him get near the Object Cart or Plushmachine! He can fly away in the event of danger, however, he usually just jumps on or bites the threat.
< TwoTailedFox sees you looking at him >
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Posted: 3/23/2005 4:48:27 AM     Post subject:  

Drama drama drama drama drama chamellion
Your mates come and go; come and go.
A tiger with stripes of gold and green
of gold and green, you prissy queeen
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Posted: 3/23/2005 5:29:49 AM     Post subject:  

Jeese, you people. I'm idle for an hour and I come back to find all this idioticy. Further proof why Skunkie should be a mod.

Not all furries are sex-crazed members of society... and that's a point that's been pretty much lost because of the actions of a minority

There have been attempts to correct this. The most prominent being the Burned Fur movement which may have had good intentions but executed it poorly. Others have left "furry" yet still create anthro art.

I'm content to say that the most furries are indeed sex-crazed members of society much like I'd say most anime fans are compulsive fanboys who desperately wish to move to Japan and find a Japanese girlfriend or like I'd say that most trekkies are fat men who dress as Klingons or women who write Kirk/Spock slash or most ICP/Eminem fans need to get a life.

I'm a furry and I have friends who are furry. Some closer than others, but most relatively sane. Don't expect me to become buddy-buddy with TDK, Folk, or Galen any time soon.

Furry will always be full of idiots and atrocities and that's the very lifeblood of this site. In the end we gain a few vents and a few good laughs. No one gets hurt in the long run and I'd venture to say that some good does come out of this site, but mostly laughs. If you don't like it there are plenty of Yahoo! groups for SPH creation and chatting with real-life dog-fuckers.
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Zeis Montero
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Posted: 3/23/2005 6:03:16 AM     Post subject:  

this thread = hurf glurf
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Posted: 3/23/2005 6:27:18 AM     Post subject:  


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