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Posted: 5/1/2005 2:16:38 AM
Post subject: Furry convention comic |
The rest of it is predictably named (change 1of8 to 2of8 and so on).
Note how it basically amounts to a Twilight Zone episode. |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 3:56:42 AM
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Page not found. :( |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 5/1/2005 5:35:13 AM
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I thought this had already been posted, but I might be thinking of the yahoo group.
In any event, this comic simultaneously bores and saddens me. |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 5:38:40 AM
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...Yahoo group? |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 5/1/2005 5:41:00 AM
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Sorry, I meant the livejournal community. A retard is me. |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 6:00:22 AM
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The remixed ones are even better (I think the links are dead, though). That comic depresses the hell out of me in either form.
Even the original comic clearly illustrates the dangers of furry cons. Do you want this to be the sum of your adult existence:
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Posted: 5/1/2005 7:40:31 AM
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Booooorriiiiiiing! What sad, pathetic fucks they are, especially the main character.
At least it had a happy ending though. If only the hotel blew up then he could have company. :) |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 8:41:31 AM
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It's not "boring", it's realistic - the exciting adventures of a furry loser, THE TRUE STORY.
I for one just love how honest he is about everybody there being middle-aged, fat, ugly, boring, mentally disturbed, sad and wearing huge glasses (with the exception of a one gay guy with a coon tail), or how SO LONELY the author is... Is there any more of this?
Edited for:
Am I the only one to think "A Chick trait"? |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 11:45:22 AM
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On the original comic: Imagine if Harvey Pekar was a really flamboyant homosexual and drew all manner of fruity things into his comicbook that it'd be so gay they'd change the title from 'American Splendor' to 'Fuck Me In the Ass'. The result would probably be something like this comic.
On the redux: :lol: |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 9:42:06 PM
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The remixed version
Nothing I didn't know already.
The only difference between me and furies is that when I go to face the Devil, I'll be going with a clear concience. |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 9:50:54 PM
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The only difference between me and furies is that when I go to face the Devil, I'll be going with a clear concience.
Dude, the Furies were like the secret police of Zeus. They punished mortals for ill deeds while still on Earth, negating a need for hell.
Your typo insults mythology by placing these ass-kickers as skunkfuckers. |
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Joined: 30 Dec 2004
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Posted: 5/1/2005 10:01:18 PM
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That original version suprised me. Whole time i waited for shit to hit the fan, just like in those christian comics where some dudes form a rock band and turn into gays with canser and aids in the end. |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 10:09:24 PM
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I have to wonder why exactly this guy is trapped in the hotel. Why the hell can't he leave? Why doesn't he go to Heaven (or Hell, more likely)?
I kept picturing that one scene with the twin girls in The Shining. |
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Posted: 5/1/2005 10:28:46 PM
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That original version suprised me. Whole time i waited for shit to hit the fan, just like in those christian comics where some dudes form a rock band and turn into gays with canser and aids in the end.
You mean like this delightful little tract? |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 12:35:19 AM
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I honestly can't figure out if the original comic is meant to be a sympathetic portrayal of a fandom the authors like, or a scathing put-down of the shallowness of the goings-on in it.
On a completely different note, I didn't know there was a CYD LiveJournal... |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 12:57:06 AM
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This guys a dumbass..
If they respawn go on a killing spree!
It's not like you got anything ELSE to do, or any consequences..
Seriously, the whole "Repeating Hell" thing is overdone, and unoriginal..
If hells BAD, it would be REALLY random, so much so that it would cause insanity.
Not to mention the obvious bias in the fursuits..
They all look PRETTY, and SPECTACULAR..
Most of them are actually shit.
Hell, the MAJORITY of them are shit..
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Posted: 5/2/2005 1:44:50 AM
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That original version suprised me. Whole time i waited for shit to hit the fan, just like in those christian comics where some dudes form a rock band and turn into gays with canser and aids in the end.
You mean like this delightful little tract?
Holy shit. Literally. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 6:33:54 AM
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I think the original was better, because you know, it was A REAL THING.
So hillariously sad. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 12:10:04 PM
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I want to be one of those psychological deprogrammers for furries. The kind of guy who gets hired by a family to rescue their son from a furry con and debug his brain so he can go back to college, finish his medical degree and become a rich doctor INSTEAD OF WASTING HIS TIME WITH A SHITTY SUB-CULTURE.
I'd make so much money from that job. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 12:44:54 PM
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I want to be one of those psychological deprogrammers for furries. The kind of guy who gets hired by a family to rescue their son from a furry con and debug his brain so he can go back to college, finish his medical degree and become a rich doctor INSTEAD OF WASTING HIS TIME WITH A SHITTY SUB-CULTURE.
I'd make so much money from that job.
Are you qualified psycho therapeutist, or would you rather employ a selected Nazi anti-gay methods or something? Well, most (like 99%) of these people decipted in the comic were middle-aged already, so I guess it's too late for them anyway :( |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 12:45:38 PM
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I'd make so much money from that job.
If the furry living in his mother's basement is living off welfare... what makes you think his parents are loaded?
Besides, why would you want to talk and interact with them? That's masochistic. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 1:41:14 PM
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To answer both AP and Garg, I wouldn't do it just for the money (and you're right about their parents being poor). I'd do it also for the fun of physical therapy which includes BEATING HIS STUPID HEAD WITH A 2x4 UNTIL HE SWEARS HE WON'T GO TO ANOTHER RETARDED CON.
My methods are harsh but fair. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 2:02:47 PM
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To answer both AP and Garg, I wouldn't do it just for the money (and you're right about their parents being poor). I'd do it also for the fun of physical therapy which includes BEATING HIS STUPID HEAD WITH A 2x4 UNTIL HE SWEARS HE WON'T GO TO ANOTHER RETARDED CON.
My methods are harsh but fair.
Ah, okay.
And BTW my gassed Nazi thread and the "extermination" thing:
In some ways the Nazis seemed conflicted on the subject of homosexuality. Nazi ideology was that homosexuality was incompatible with National Socialism because homosexuals did not reproduce and perpetuate the master race. (...)
When studying the status of homosexuals in Nazi concentration camps, it is important to first understand the role that concentration camps played in Nazi Germany: they were a tool to bring the society to conform with the fascist state. In the case of homosexuals (and similarly, of Jehovah's Witnesses and political prisoners) the camps were perceived primarily as reeducation centers for Aryans who had deviated from state-imposed social norms. In this worldview, internment in the concentration camps was necessary to "correct" homosexual tendencies and could, at least theoretically, be followed by release and reintegration into society.
On the other hand, Hitler also believed that homosexual tendencies could not be eliminated in the individual, so that the purpose of reeducation was to suppress them instead. In other words, homosexuals were imprisoned in concentration camps as an extreme form of aversion therapy. Nazi theory further elaborated on this by distinguishing between "hard-boiled" homosexuals and people who engaged in occasional sexual offences. In neither case was extermination an immediate necessity, though, castration might be the desired outcome in the case of "incurable" homosexuals.
(...) Women were not officially included under Nazi anti-homosexual laws. However, lesbians were considered a threat to family values and marked as 'anti-social'.
There were also a criminal thugs imprisoned in the camps as well (often serving in the Kapo, the prisoners' Konzentrazionlagerpolizei). One of the ways out of the camps for them before the sentence ended was to voluunteer to the punitive military units to be used against a partisans, and especially and in the reprisals against an occupied civilian populations (not surpisingly very little morale and actual combat value, and a very high rate of a largely unlegalised marouding). |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 2:26:01 PM
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The way I see it, people can have as much buttsex as they want, just as long as they don't dress up in fursuits and post their picture on the internet while doing it. Or drawing comics about it. Or asking people at cons if they want to yiff. And leaving mayonayse stains in elevators.
See, furry makes everything lame, including gay sex. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 4:26:57 PM
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I want to be one of those psychological deprogrammers for furries. The kind of guy who gets hired by a family to rescue their son from a furry con and debug his brain so he can go back to college, finish his medical degree and become a rich doctor INSTEAD OF WASTING HIS TIME WITH A SHITTY SUB-CULTURE.
I'd make so much money from that job.
The power of real women with actual flesh compells you! The power of real women with actual flesh compells you! |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 5:04:23 PM
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The way I see it, people can have as much buttsex as they want, just as long as they don't dress up in fursuits and post their picture on the internet while doing it. Or drawing comics about it. Or asking people at cons if they want to yiff. And leaving mayonayse stains in elevators.
See, furry makes everything lame, including gay sex.
Hey, it's okay. I would sympathise with a desire for a job about beating a reason into the furries' heads for fun and profit. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 5:36:18 PM
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It's sad. Contrary to the (small amount of) straight furry community propaganda, teh gayzors did not ruin the fandom. Merlino invited a few idiots to a furcon, and in the long run furry is a tarnish on a name of homosexuality.
Although the 'I want to physically hurt furries' line is overused and lame. It's as bad as the furry threats of lawsuites. Just... grow up. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 6:36:18 PM
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Hey chill, man.
When I mentioned my desire to 'physically hurt furries', it was a joke. Y'know, jokes? They're things you say that aren't really true, but you say them just to be extremely comical. You know, like a Itchy pulling out a giant mallet to beat Scratchy over the head with it. Hur hur hur? Wocka wocka?
My point was I'd like to knock a furry over the head with a 2x4 in hopes he'll finally come to his senses. Kind of like how in bad sitcoms someone gets amnesia froma bump to the head and the only way to make them better is another bump to the head. Which is kinda why I said it in the first place.
Sure, I'm the first to admit it sounds lame and immature (cause lets face it, most spare-of-the-moment jokes are anyway), but I don't think a stupid joke like that is as purile and retarded as dressing up in a cheetah costume to go parading around a hotel lobby while showing off my artwork of a six dicknipple skunktaur to a legions of likeminded individuals... But that's probably just my opinion. :)
But if you think I'm serious, think about the reality here: I'm going to get a 2x4, smack a furry over the head with it, face a possible arrest by police for murder, attain news coverage bigger than Michael Jackson's trial for my so-called hate-crime, and all this even though I have better things to do with my time. And also considering I harbor no real hate towards furries. I just think they're lame and stupid.
And I don't think you can compare a joke about beating a furry over the head to a furry lawsuite since, well, I'm joking and most furries making art theft accusations aren't.
Does that make sense? Or am I completely off the rails here?
As for the so-called homosexuality-furry connection, I don't think homosexuality is all that tarnished by it. I think the usual overly-conservative and overly-Christian viewspoints tarnish homosexuality a million times more that furry ever can. Furry really exists on it's own... it's very seperate from homosexuality, I think. It doesn't matter if a furry likes to have anal sex with a guy in a zebra costume or he/she is the author of Kit'n'Kay Boodle/Better Days/Sabrina Online. That furry will still be lame. Lamer than I'll ever be with my 2x4. |
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Posted: 5/2/2005 10:28:25 PM
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My aren't we the wordy one...
Hey chill, man.
Okay bro'. But if you see trouble just shout 'shady' yo! Furry... I won't hit dat.
Furry really exists on it's own... it's very seperate from homosexuality, I think.
Keep telling yourself that. |
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Posted: 5/3/2005 1:47:41 PM
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Oh, you bitch :lol: |
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Posted: 5/3/2005 1:54:20 PM
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I don't know. I see too many tits in the artwork to believe the fandom's truly gay. Also, given the popularity of herms (barf) we should write the fandom up as "confused," not gay. |
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Posted: 5/3/2005 5:22:07 PM
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"By and large, the furry fandom is bi and large." - Skunky
Ever passing day I doubt this comic was done by a furry. How can someone draw that well and waste it on something with such a boring plot? Furries are sensationalists, if nothing else. They want furry vs hy00mon wars, incestial twin sex and explosions... not mild mannered ghost tales. |
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Posted: 5/3/2005 7:40:06 PM
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Ever passing day I doubt this comic was done by a furry. How can someone draw that well and waste it on something with uch a boring plot?
But that's just like saying you can't believe Eric Schwartz would waste time doing a boring comic that weakly tries to panders to lesbian skunk fantasies because he's a good animator.
Furries and furry artists do things both you and I cannot begin to explain. Go figure. |
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Posted: 5/3/2005 10:36:24 PM
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Ever passing day I doubt this comic was done by a furry. How can someone draw that well and waste it on something with uch a boring plot?
But that's just like saying you can't believe Eric Schwartz would waste time doing a boring comic that weakly tries to panders to lesbian skunk fantasies because he's a good animator.
Furries and furry artists do things both you and I cannot begin to explain. Go figure.
So we come down to that never-to-be-precisely-answered question, when is someone a furry? Do you have to subscribe to all the most screwed-up aspects of furrydumb? I don't think so.
The comic was written by Mike Curtis, author of Shanda the Panda (which I've never read) and drawn by Shelley Pleger, who I only know as a guest artist on Vicki Fox, a webcomic so squeaky clean it doesn't fit any "normal" definition of furry. Are Curtis and Pleger furries? AFAIK Curtis is involved in the fandom both as an artist and a publisher, other than that, I have no idea.
And I still have no clue what the point of that comic was. |
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Posted: 5/3/2005 10:45:49 PM
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So we come down to that never-to-be-precisely-answered question, when is someone a furry?
Furry is, who furry does. |
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Posted: 5/3/2005 11:01:01 PM
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So we come down to that never-to-be-precisely-answered question, when is someone a furry?
Furry is, who furry does.
An admirable non-answer. |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 3:30:19 AM
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Furry artists might not be furries, but they CAN be just as stupid and lame, if not more at times. |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 3:33:08 AM
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I have to wonder why exactly this guy is trapped in the hotel. Why the hell can't he leave? Why doesn't he go to Heaven (or Hell, more likely)?
I kept picturing that one scene with the twin girls in The Shining.
Apparently I missed something. Did that guy die in a car accident when leaving or something? I mistook him fading away in the end as a metaphor.
What a stupid comic :x |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 8:04:01 AM
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The moral of the story is that furries make fat ghosts. DA END! |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 8:52:06 AM
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Oh, so it's about a dead guy TRAPPED IN A FURRY CON... FOREVER?
Jesus Christ, just think it could happened to you! |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 9:33:20 AM
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He's just trapped in the hotel. Ya'd think he'd find other shit in the hotel interesting...
Better yet, why isn't he haunting that stretch of highway he croaked on? |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 11:57:25 AM
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Maybe Happywabbit haunts some hotel ... <=) |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 2:12:46 PM
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He's an ugly version of Patrick Swayze and has to avenge his murder, death from too much non-concentual yiff. |
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Posted: 5/4/2005 10:35:25 PM
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Both versions bored the hell out of me. That is just sad. Seriously sad. |
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Posted: 5/7/2005 6:07:32 PM
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For a few days, I have been obsessing about something I couldn't quite put my finger on in this comic. I was thinking, "There's something not quite right about it... I mean, apart from the fact it's about a furrycon... There's something else..." I mulled over it for the last few days, then I re-read the comic today and finally it dawned what was bothering me.
'White Wing', our tubby hero of the comic, never talks to anybody. No one really looks straight at him. He just walks around and looks at a few things. He hangs out in a hotel room with his "friends" but they hardly make eye contact with him. The only one who comes close is the chick who looks like she's straddling him on page five. But look closer. If she's straddling him, where'd his legs go? And on page two where he passes the tape to the con worker. He doesn't actually pass it to her, but more so slides it to her along the ground, like Swayze and his freakin' penny. And he wears the same thing each day of the con. No lugage or anything. And he wears the same badge from his first Fur Con.
We're right. He IS a ghost... the fading away bullshit is no metaphor. He died on his first fur con. It was all just some lame Sixth Sense rip-off. In fact, the name of the comic is "Furry Con". Perhaps "Con" in this case has a double meaning, as in "HE WAS DEAD ALL ALONG, HAHAHA SUCKERS!" And you'll notice, the Jim Groat badge was dated 1999, same year as The Sixth Sense came out. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Wanna know my secret? I see dead furries. |
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Posted: 5/7/2005 10:48:02 PM
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The no changing of clothes could just mean he doesnt bathe or own another set of clothing, which is a common furry trait. |
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Posted: 5/8/2005 8:58:01 PM
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OMG! That third page had to be the one that was the most brutally honest.
Think about it:
Zack used to be the "hanger-on kid" when I dated Jill. Now he and Jill are a couple.
God only knows why Jill and Sarah hooked up with us
My God, his self esteem is so low, not only does he lose his girl to his best friend, he even questions why those girls even hang out with them!
I do not know how to put this into words, but I understand exactly what is going through his mind, at least the thought processes involved that leads him to feel this way.
I almost shed a tear for the guy out of sheer pity. Pathetic. |
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Posted: 5/9/2005 12:26:36 AM
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Nono, she hooked up with Zack after the main character died. It helped with her grief. It's like Ghost with Patrick Swayze. In fact, I bet Zack was the one who killed him. Oh, I don't trust that fucking Zack one bit! |
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 5/9/2005 11:36:10 AM
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Maybe Happywabbit haunts some hotel ... <=)
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