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Joined: 11 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/23/2005 5:17:47 AM
Post subject: So... |
Some "Mundanes" who happened to be rather dissatasfied with inflate-a-dates get together and create the RealDoll. Of course, being the wretched creatures they are, unable to appreciate those highest ideals of mastrubating furiously while playing StarFox: Assault, they end up creating a high-quality product that serves to finance a rather sucessful business.
So what's a furry going to do by way of compitition? Well you know if it's gonna happen, it'll show up on FurBid. And look, it just did! |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 5/23/2005 7:23:37 AM
Post subject: Re: So... |
Some "Mundanes" who happened to be rather dissatasfied with inflate-a-dates get together and create the RealDoll. Of course, being the wretched creatures they are, unable to appreciate those highest ideals of mastrubating furiously while playing StarFox: Assault, they end up creating a high-quality product that serves to finance a rather sucessful business.
So what's a furry going to do by way of compitition? Well you know if it's gonna happen, it'll show up on FurBid. And look, it just did!
This is nothing new :) |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 5/23/2005 2:40:04 PM
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Dear God, someone shoot me now! :x |
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Posted: 5/23/2005 2:45:32 PM
Post subject: Re: So... |
This is nothing new :)
But is that one "yiffable"?
PS: this is creepy. |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 5/23/2005 2:53:55 PM
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is that a dick coming out of where it's navel should be? |
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Posted: 5/23/2005 2:56:33 PM
Post subject: Re: So... |
This is nothing new :)
But is that one "yiffable"?
Indeed. I recall that thing and seeing other photos of it during its construction so yes. |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 5/23/2005 3:35:24 PM
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is that a dick coming out of where it's navel should be?
I almost want to know if it's a herm. But, I still have respect for my eyes and like being able to see. Finding out with require the use of bleach afterwards. |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 5/23/2005 4:58:42 PM
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I almost want to know if it's a herm.
Here is hir naughty bits hidden. There is NO obvious print, no clue that there are <3> holes present, a pouch for the penis, a vagina and tail hole. |
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Posted: 5/23/2005 5:58:26 PM
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Are they're imaginations that bad? They can't masturbate to thinking of an anthro fox without the plushie from hell actually taking it?
Dear sweet fuck, the creators of those dolls need their own holes stitched up. |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 5/23/2005 6:06:29 PM
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I almost want to know if it's a herm.
Here is hir naughty bits hidden. There is NO obvious print, no clue that there are <3> holes present, a pouch for the penis, a vagina and tail hole.
I said ALMOST! |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2005
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Posted: 5/24/2005 3:11:44 AM
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The eyes on both of those things look very creepy. |
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Joined: 02 Mar 2005
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Posted: 5/24/2005 6:31:17 AM
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It said the "naughty bits" were "interchangable". Are people making collections of these things? |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 5/24/2005 6:34:29 AM
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It said the "naughty bits" were "interchangable". Are people making collections of these things?
(I think) what they mean is that the recess is large enough to place different, uhm, toys into. Like, non-dog dicks. Different pocket pussies. That kind of thing.
...and I was hoping to sleep tonight. Cheeky Aussie Bastard. |
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Posted: 5/24/2005 8:32:58 AM
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is that a dick coming out of where it's navel should be?
I almost want to know if it's a herm. But, I still have respect for my eyes and like being able to see. Finding out with require the use of bleach afterwards.
You know that thing has had terrible, horrible things inflicted upon it - regardless.
yick |
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Joined: 13 Nov 2003
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Posted: 5/24/2005 10:50:45 AM
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You know that thing has had terrible, horrible things inflicted upon it - regardless.
Probably as a punishment for its creepiness. Uh. Eh. Forget me, I'm going to empty my eyesocks. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 5/24/2005 5:13:44 PM
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1. UGH
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Posted: 5/24/2005 6:30:43 PM
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For added bonus I will draw a colored image of your character on lettersize bristol board paper, colored with micron pen and prismacolor markers as a THANKS! To see examples of my art click the link below:
What a pal! I'll bet he'll even throw in a free reach-around! |
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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Posted: 6/1/2005 12:05:48 AM
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yiffable plush is old news. There used to be a artist named Ferreton who had a site on Furnation. The site was called "The Hairy Harem" and featured human sized plush in sexual poses. All of them were "correct" so to speak as far as their parts went. The site got scapped back in 1999 and the reason why was never stated by Ferreton himself, which of course set the usual furry gossip forums into motion. I won't bother getting into the reasons I heard. Any ways, despite the site being taken down and Furnations attempts to bury any left over skeletons, here's some pics I knew about hidden away:
Fox Bondage
Tit Shot
Check them quick if you actually want to see them, I'm sure those furs out there who monitor CYD will find a way to get them removed. |
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Joined: 28 Oct 2003
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Posted: 6/1/2005 1:44:47 AM
Post subject: Re: So... |
Some "Mundanes" who happened to be rather dissatasfied with inflate-a-dates get together and create the RealDoll. Of course, being the wretched creatures they are, unable to appreciate those highest ideals of mastrubating furiously while playing StarFox: Assault, they end up creating a high-quality product that serves to finance a rather sucessful business.
So what's a furry going to do by way of compitition? Well you know if it's gonna happen, it'll show up on FurBid. And look, it just did!
Holy shit! Four hundred and seventy dollars for a God damn mass of cheap fabric made from Chinese prison labor for a person to fuck?
Isn't it cheaper just to use two sofa cushions and a printout from pureyiff?
Dear god I'm in the wrong business. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 6/1/2005 1:32:16 PM
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Ok, so the guy's drawings aren't too terrible, I mean...he's got a reasonable amount of talent...
But has he really got to use it on shit like this?
That's furry pornsters in a nutshell: a reasonable amount of talent used on shit.
Fox Bondage
Tit Shot
Those pics are both funny and spooky at the same time. Fursuit sex would be a good subject for a comedy-horror movie. |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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Posted: 6/1/2005 4:19:07 PM
Post subject: Ahem... |
BlaqueTygriss, the artist/seamstress is a woman. I commissioned her for an 18-inch poseable plush/action figure of Micah about three-four years ago (no, *not* anatomically correct). |
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Posted: 6/1/2005 4:25:32 PM
Post subject: Re: Ahem... |
I commissioned her for an 18-inch poseable plush/action figure of Micah about three-four years ago (no, *not* anatomically correct).
*snaps fingers* Aw! |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 6/1/2005 7:14:47 PM
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New Meat would've had a fit over that one. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 6/2/2005 12:41:19 AM
Post subject: Re: Ahem... |
BlaqueTygriss, the artist/seamstress is a woman. I commissioned her for an 18-inch poseable plush/action figure of Micah about three-four years ago (no, *not* anatomically correct).
Do you have any pics? I'd like to see... |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 6/2/2005 5:20:28 AM
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Just seeing this conversation make s me worry about you guys.
Second, why hasn't a phurrai just made a fursuit for a blow-up doll and got it over with? They like squeakies (inflatable furries) anyways, so this'd fit both fetishes quite nicely.
Double your pleasure, double your fun they always say. |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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Posted: 6/2/2005 4:37:06 PM
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Just seeing this conversation make s me worry about you guys.
Second, why hasn't a phurrai just made a fursuit for a blow-up doll and got it over with? They like squeakies (inflatable furries) anyways, so this'd fit both fetishes quite nicely.
Double your pleasure, double your fun they always say.
I, for one, do not like squeakies. Talk about overgeneralization! ;P
Of course, I'm not exactly about to buy any sort of blow-up/life/sex doll, furry or nonfurry, anyway. |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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Posted: 6/2/2005 4:37:43 PM
Post subject: Re: Ahem... |
BlaqueTygriss, the artist/seamstress is a woman. I commissioned her for an 18-inch poseable plush/action figure of Micah about three-four years ago (no, *not* anatomically correct).
Do you have any pics? I'd like to see...
I'll take some and post them when I go home tonight! |
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Posted: 6/2/2005 4:46:19 PM
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Put Blossom next to it. =) |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 6/3/2005 4:47:59 AM
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Just seeing this conversation make s me worry about you guys.
Second, why hasn't a phurrai just made a fursuit for a blow-up doll and got it over with? They like squeakies (inflatable furries) anyways, so this'd fit both fetishes quite nicely.
Double your pleasure, double your fun they always say.
I, for one, do not like squeakies. Talk about overgeneralization! ;P
Of course, I'm not exactly about to buy any sort of blow-up/life/sex doll, furry or nonfurry, anyway.
d'oh. Sorta used a wide paintbrush didn't I? Of course, I joke with my friends all the time about having an emergency inflatable friend for carpooling *wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more*. |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 6/3/2005 6:14:55 AM
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Just seeing this conversation make s me worry about you guys.
Second, why hasn't a phurrai just made a fursuit for a blow-up doll and got it over with? They like squeakies (inflatable furries) anyways, so this'd fit both fetishes quite nicely.
Double your pleasure, double your fun they always say.
I, for one, do not like squeakies. Talk about overgeneralization! ;P
Of course, I'm not exactly about to buy any sort of blow-up/life/sex doll, furry or nonfurry, anyway.
I love you, babe, but there's no need to point out exceptions to every blanket statement. Because, a, blanket statements are fun and, b, enough people know furries well enough that they already know that blanket statements always include exceptions.
You silly muckaluck, you!:) |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Posted: 6/3/2005 10:09:00 AM
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SERIOUSLY... what, the fuck. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 6/3/2005 7:55:59 PM
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SERIOUSLY... what, the fuck.
Awww I think it's cute! |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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Posted: 6/3/2005 11:19:38 PM
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What in bloody smeg is a muckaluck??
Have you been at the crack again, oh fiance of mine? ;) |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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Posted: 6/3/2005 11:21:30 PM
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Just seeing this conversation make s me worry about you guys.
Second, why hasn't a phurrai just made a fursuit for a blow-up doll and got it over with? They like squeakies (inflatable furries) anyways, so this'd fit both fetishes quite nicely.
Double your pleasure, double your fun they always say.
I, for one, do not like squeakies. Talk about overgeneralization! ;P
Of course, I'm not exactly about to buy any sort of blow-up/life/sex doll, furry or nonfurry, anyway.
d'oh. Sorta used a wide paintbrush didn't I? Of course, I joke with my friends all the time about having an emergency inflatable friend for carpooling *wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more*.
Of course, if I *did* actually *have* enough money to get one of those incredibly realistic real-dolls, it wouldn't be furry, it would be modeled to look like...oh, never mind...XD |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 6/3/2005 11:28:27 PM
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i have a feeling it's one of those people who killed a certain radio star. |
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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 6/4/2005 12:59:12 AM
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i have a feeling it's one of those people who killed a certain radio star.
RIP, Notorius BIG. |
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Posted: 6/4/2005 1:02:35 AM
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As of my plush Micah figure as made by a (rather unimpressed, I'd say) Blossom. ;)
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Posted: 6/4/2005 1:18:36 AM
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Envyntyvve spaelynng BlaqueTygriss yusiss. And that's the ugliest dog I've ever seen. |
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Posted: 6/4/2005 1:23:53 AM
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Apparently Micah is the ring bearer too.
Shire... Fennec... |
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Posted: 6/4/2005 1:57:27 AM
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Envyntyvve spaelynng BlaqueTygriss yusiss. And that's the ugliest dog I've ever seen.
Are you referring to Micah, or the opossum? ;P
Apparently Micah is the ring bearer too.
Shire... Fennec...
Yeah, I added that on myself, he didn't come with it. *smirk* |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 6/4/2005 6:17:47 AM
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Posted: 6/5/2005 2:46:14 PM
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I swear the women in the fandom make a killing off of the males. |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Posted: 6/5/2005 8:22:54 PM
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How is this different from anything outside the fandumb? :) |
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