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Joined: 04 Jul 2005
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Posted: 8/10/2005 9:12:16 AM
Post subject: Rabbit Valley threatens The Pirate Bay. Much pwnage. |
From's legal threat page:
From: Andrew Beaudoin <>
Subject: ABUSE - Copyright Infringement; Trademark Abuse
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:33:12 -0400
Box 1206
Stockholm, 11479
Voice - +46-707-323-819
Fax - +46-707-323-819
To whom it may concern:
I am writing to you as the legal representative of Rabbit Valley
Comics®. Rabbit Valley® owns the copyright of all the published works
under the Another Rabco Disaster® trademark. I hereby notify you that
you are hosting material (published via a bittorrent tracker) which
infringes on our copyrights.
The address of the website is
Neither use nor distribution of this material has been authorized by
Rabbit Valley. Hence I have to conclude that this publication
constitutes an infringement of the copyrights of Rabbit Valley.
Under the European E-Commerce directives (Directive 2000/31/EC,
2004/48/EC, (EC) No 1383/2003) you, as a hosting provider, are liable
for unlawful content. If you don't act immediately after you have been
notified of this fact. I trust you will take all necessary measures
upon receipt of this notification to end this and all future
infringements of our intellectual property rights.
Thank you for your courtesy and anticipated co-operation.
Andrew Rabbitt
Vice President
Rabbit Valley
From anakata
Subject: Re: Copyright Infringement; Trademark Abuse
To: Andrew Beaudoin <>
Dear Mr Rabbitt, (Why the extra T? Afraid of furry-jokes when paying
with your credit card? Or does the rabbit suit give you away?)
Even though we deeply respect and acknowledge your "intellectual"
property, we fail to see how an interpretation of the said directives
makes them applicable in this case.
NONE of the copyrighted data in question is published or ever stored on
our servers. Nor is any of the copyrighted data relayed through our
servers. The tracker merely provides .torrent files.
As to this day this activity is not prohibited by Swedish law and it's
our assessment that not even a wide interpretation of the E-commerce
directives makes them applicable to torrent trackers. Out activities
will therefore continue until this fact changes or Hell freezes over.
We suggest that you motion for a change of Swedish and/or for the
European Supreme Court to clarify the interpretation of the directive,
which should take no more than 3-7 years. Patience is a virtue!
In the meantime: Enjoy our tracker! If you browse under "porn" I'm sure
that you'll find something that tickles just that "special" spot.
Hope to see you at the annually furry-convention in Las Vegas! Our whole
staff will be going as the cast from the movie "Homeward Bound: The
Incredible Journey"
Legal representative of The Pirate Bay
From: Andrew Beaudoin <>
Subject: Re: Copyright Infringement; Trademark Abuse
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 08:44:09 -0400
To: anakat
(Actually the extra 't' has always been there. I suppose I could ask
the elders of the family why it was added, but most of them have
passed on, and the remaining few don't like talking to the younger
With regard to the situation at hand, I'll take your advice and
contact the EC directly. I don't expect much, I just don't want to
lose any more sales to the person called 'evilsibe'. We've been able
to shut down many trackers who don't actually host our materials
under the 'made available' clause of the US DMCA; but this is an
international case, so the laws of the US don't hold water - nor
should they.
(There is a furry convention in Las Vegas? Cool! Have a great time!)
Andrew Rabbitt
Crafty Marketing Fox
Rabbit Valley
Voice - 781-760-1139
Fax - 302-444-9335
I don't know which is more hilarious. The fact that a tiny furry smut peddling group is threatening a website that PROUDLY DISPLAYS legal threats from Microsoft, EA, and Dreamworks... or the furry being completely unaware that he was being mocked. |
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Joined: 28 Jul 2005
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Posted: 8/10/2005 9:23:45 AM
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Well, first, I'd just like to start this reply off with a hearty domo-kun endorsed
I love how furries act all terrified of evilsibe. He's like batman, only instead of being an angsty crimefighter that flips out all the time and kicks people in the face, he makes them feel super insecure about themselves and records their most embarassing moments for all time and displays it in public places. Sure he's insane, but at least he's ENTERTAININGLY insane. |
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Beauty of Nature
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Posted: 8/10/2005 11:38:04 AM
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Oh, thats some site like Anime DB.
I just typed "furry" "fxc" and "yiff" into Edonkey and got links to tons
of zipfiles. Even withoutout the pirate bay database it is no problem
finding the published content. |
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Posted: 8/10/2005 1:04:20 PM
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They'll never figure out what to do with Sibe. :twisted:
Oh noes, my pr0nz r being pirated. |
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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 8/10/2005 2:01:46 PM
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This just in, Mike Curtis continues with the Mcarthyite bullshit..
The Internets replied: WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
Best way to make Groat freak out? Mention Sibe to him. NOT TEH SIBEZORS!!! It's like Kryptonite to Superman!
The artists are really up shit creek. Even without P2P it'll still be traded in everything from Xerox copies to CD-Rs. |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 8/10/2005 2:42:38 PM
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The STAFF at furry cons engage in this sort of thing. I've got the CD-Rs to prove it. He burned the over-priced CD for people not 10 minutes after buying it. Who does this guy think he's fooling?
He took the suggestion to lobby the European courts seriously. Way to show him you're serious there, Andy. |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2005
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Posted: 8/10/2005 4:17:43 PM
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Our whole staff will be going as the cast from the movie "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey"
My favourite line out of the whole shebang. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 8/10/2005 4:42:32 PM
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How come furry copywrite must be enforced but everybody else's is fair game? |
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Barry Scott
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Posted: 8/10/2005 5:10:20 PM
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How come furry copywrite must be enforced but everybody else's is fair game?
Simple! Furries are, for the most part, a load of fucking hypocrites. |
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Posted: 8/10/2005 6:15:05 PM
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And for the record, there is no teh phurrhae convention in Las Vegas. |
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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 8/10/2005 8:48:37 PM
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And for the record, there is no teh phurrhae convention in Las Vegas.
Of course there is. Remember PAFCON? |
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Posted: 8/10/2005 9:57:19 PM
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It is a personal dream of mine to move to whatever country hosts that site and buy a beer for the duder(s) who run it.
This just in, Mike Curtis continues with the Mcarthyite bullshit.
DAMN that got deleted fast. |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/10/2005 10:43:59 PM
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I'm sorry I missed that. Did he talk about how he "tells it like it is" and they just can't "handle the truth" and then "whinge like a little baby?" |
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Posted: 8/10/2005 11:00:18 PM
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I'm sorry I missed that. Did he talk about how he "tells it like it is" and they just can't "handle the truth" and then "whinge like a little baby?"
Not in those exact words... It was a semi-formal open letter where Curtis basically asked all furry cons to refuse to let that evil no good Sibe in, because if they did, he and his fellow furry artists would all be forced to boycott the cons.
Empty threat of course, as A) the cons have no obligation to keep anyone out because of behaviour outside the con, and B) Curtis & other furry artists make a lot of their money at cons. Highly unlikely they'd want to miss that even if Sibe was selling pirated CDs of their work just outside "Artists' Alley". All in all, it wasn't very well thought out - it just displayed Curtis' impotence when it comes to dealing with this. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/10/2005 11:26:07 PM
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Has a furry lawsuite ever made it into the courts ever? I can't imagine a furry even having enough money to hire an attorney. Sibe should only pirate and distribute the porn furries do that violates other peoples copywrites, he'd be plenty busy and it would be the ultimate exposing of furry hypocrisy.
Also is there a thread here someone could link me to to know more about this Sibe fellow? All I know is he's insane, the bane of the furries cuz he posts humiliating shit they do all over the net, and he fucks dogs. Or is that all there is to know?
And for the record, there is no teh phurrhae convention in Las Vegas.
Of course there is. Remember PAFCON?
I had no idea what this pafcon was so i clicked the link and saw
During the episode there are some fairly unsettling sexual sequences. A black light test performed on Sexy's cat suit reveals semen stains covering the groin area of the costume.
I absolutely have to see this CSI now |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 8/10/2005 11:35:05 PM
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It's not too hard to find.
I wish they had the guts to have called it Fapcon though. |
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Posted: 8/10/2005 11:37:47 PM
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Alright, let me rephrase that. There is no non-fictitious teh phurrhae convention in Las Vegas.
Hence, there's been no reason for me to raid my Godfather's rifle cabinet. |
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Posted: 8/11/2005 1:07:04 AM
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Has a furry lawsuite ever made it into the courts ever?
Um, I remember something with Judge Mathis and "Don't forget my internet!"
Sadly, this is the same old, same old. Furry threatens legal action, which he can't afford and won't actually commit to... Over jpegs. In the REAL porn industry, meanwhile, they don't pull shit like this. Every rising star studio that panders to human porn knows their movies will end up P2Ped, torrented, and worse. So they just produce MUCH MUCH more material, and distribute DVDs and VHSs through the mail to those loyal, lazy or un-tech-savy fans who will actually buy it.
Furries can't do this because, after paypal cleaned it's image, they have no means for funds transfer in the same manner. Go on most moderate sized furry porn sites and you'll see you have to mail a written request for what you want. A furry pornographer loves the money he gets off his smut, but he doesn't want to have to figure sales taxes, or write down what he got the money from on his income taxes.
So until the furries have the balls to play like big league porners, why should they get the same legal and/or preceived legal respect? |
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Posted: 8/11/2005 2:37:31 AM
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When I read "EvilSibe" I thought to myself "Why am I not surprised that Sibe is behind this one?" Oh, Sibe you scat-ridden husky, you. Will you never cease pissing off the furry artists by pirating their yiff-ridden wares, or should I say warez?
Mike Curtis, he's the dude who created Shanda, right? |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 8/11/2005 3:35:12 AM
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...the fuck?
So a furry porn site threataned another furry porn site?
You know, screw it. It's best not to think about it too much :? |
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Ray Prower
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Posted: 8/11/2005 4:12:00 AM
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Uh, what? The Pirate Bay is a torrent site (like Mininova, Boxtorrents, etc), not some furry porn site. People may upload torrents with furrry porn, but it's by no means dedicated to the stuff. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 8/11/2005 4:29:58 AM
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Uh, what? The Pirate Bay is a torrent site (like Mininova, Boxtorrents, etc), not some furry porn site. People may upload torrents with furrry porn, but it's by no means dedicated to the stuff.
I'm fucking confused now.
Ok now I know yay! |
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Posted: 8/11/2005 11:46:45 AM
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Has a furry lawsuite ever made it into the courts ever? I can't imagine a furry even having enough money to hire an attorney. Sibe should only pirate and distribute the porn furries do that violates other peoples copywrites, he'd be plenty busy and it would be the ultimate exposing of furry hypocrisy.
Rabbit Valley sued Sibe once. They settled out of court for a couple thousand dollars. That's it. |
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Posted: 8/11/2005 5:10:38 PM
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Rabbit Valley sued Sibe once. They settled out of court for a couple thousand dollars. That's it.
Wait... Sibe buckled under a furry legal threat and settled out of court? What court in it's right mind would have forced him to pay damages over furry-fuckng-porn?
Methinks there is more to this story, like blackmail. |
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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Posted: 8/11/2005 6:38:32 PM
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Wait... Sibe buckled under a furry legal threat and settled out of court? What court in it's right mind would have forced him to pay damages over furry-fuckng-porn?
Methinks there is more to this story, like blackmail.
God, how would you even blackmail and out-and-proud furry?
Blackmailer: We have pictures of you jerking it to bad drawings of six-breasted anthropomorphic foxes!
Furry: Hot! Can I get a copy of those? |
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Joined: 27 Oct 2003
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Posted: 8/12/2005 1:01:39 AM
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Rabbit Valley sued Sibe once. They settled out of court for a couple thousand dollars. That's it.
As far as I understand, Rabbit Valley sued in MA small claims court for approximately $2000 for damages, and a judgement was reached against Sibe in absentia as he did not have the time/resources to show up to the court hearing in order to defend himself. It's my belief that the suit was little more than a formality as a part of trademark/copyright defense, as everyone pretty much knows you can't squeeze blood from a stone.
Jeremy Bernal supposedly also had a lawsuit out for a lot more money, five figures, over supposed lost revenue to from piracy, but I don't know the outcome of that case if one was ever reached.
The brouhaha over on right now over Shanda Fantasy Arts threatening to boycott conventions which do not ban Sibe is currently far more interesting and entertaining reading than the lawsuit threats are. |
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Posted: 8/12/2005 2:38:20 AM
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I think there's an interesting difference in intelligence between Sibe (I stealz ur art! fapfap) and the douchebag furrys who wag their tounges over whatever can be done about this Sibe fellow. He just knows how easy it is to get a hysterical reaction from all of furrydom, and will continue pushing their buttons as long as he can get a response. He just does it to serve his basic urge for drama and to validate his ego. He's lower than even an animal, he's more like an ameboa that has discovered how to feed on drama and just get bigger and bigger... it's like dramazilla or the last 15 minutes of Akira.... |
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Posted: 8/12/2005 6:19:59 AM
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Bobby: Links please.. too lazy to look for them.
As far as Sibe goes, they found him guilty without his presence which is kind of idiotic - but that only goes to show how shitty the civil legal system can be. :> |
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Joined: 30 Aug 2004
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Posted: 8/12/2005 11:51:14 AM
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What I don't get is while Sibe's the big old heat spot to the heat seeking missiles, furry publishers can't seriously think there's not a dozen other smaller "Sibes" who stay quiet and copy and rip just as much spoken of anyway, furrys do this themselfs! F-chan's mods have to delete at least 10 torrent links a week and I'm sure other furry fourms have the same thing happen.
Most of this stuff stems from people trying to live on this shit. I know Shawntae Howard gets heat around here from a few folks, but at least the man's got his masters and a viable job that won't be vanishing anytime soon..the comic and the art are side things that if they went under tommarrow wouldn't break him. Where artists allways get in shit is when they end up needing the model to pay bills.
Going to work, may post more on this when I get back..because it's funny. |
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Posted: 8/12/2005 2:02:16 PM
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Grand Theft Anthro: Rabbit Valley
Sibe-hatred snowballs. Everyone needs a singular face to point at and hate, and the furry groupthink is guided by the artists and webmasters. 'I wish Sibe would die! Don't you hate him too?' 'Uh... yeah, I'd kick him in the face! BFF! Draw me!'
I'd mentioned Groat is crazy around the Sibe topic. Direct quote from shortly before AC, "Sibe is a crinimal, a rapist, molester, asshat, plagerious, copright infringer." I can't confirm these because they probably aren't true, but among other things Groat claims Sibe has kidnapped a younger girl and sexually assaulted her over several days, carjacked an old man with a shotgun, started innumerable fights at conventions... Of course Kadaitcha released his criminal record, and his worst offenses were e-stalking, being a general prick, and ripping off a friend's car.
Groat's friends (ie, everyone in his comic) accept this as canon. Nexxus and Liger convinced everyone on FurNation to hate Sibe by taking the service down.
EDIT: Ooh, Sibe on piracy. Furries are basically the largest group of pirates on the 'Net, so burrrrn. |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 8/12/2005 3:02:26 PM
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Nexxus and Liger convinced everyone on FurNation to hate Sibe by taking the service down.
The part I loved about that was it was exactly what Sibe wanted. They inadvertenty helped him succeed in his quest for drama beyond his wildest dreams. Sibe is pretty childish himself, but I really do have to give him credit for that. |
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Posted: 8/12/2005 3:22:08 PM
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This Sibe fellow seems like quite the anti-hero. I mean, I -want- to like him because he's the object of so much furry ire, but he sounds like such a prick that I'd wind up hating him if I actually met him.
Oh, Sibe, you mischevious little scamp. What lolz-riffic drama will spring up in your name next? |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 12:42:20 AM
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The great thing about being an asshole (I mean that in a positive light, btw) like Sibe is that you can't really lose. Especially to furries. This is because when you have asshole-like tendacies, anger from others makes you happy. Furries are the most irritable people ever, even more touchy then southern fundamentalist christian politicians. Sibe is now getting everything he wants - hatred, and attention. Of course, furries don't realize this because they're all falling over themselves in a desperate attempt to cash in on the hatred.
In short,
Sibe = happy and unconcerned despite half-assed attempts against him.
Furries = flustered and failing miserably to stop Sibe. |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 3:28:59 AM
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I'd love to get like, two dozen people together at a convention, give them all t-shirts that say, "I'm Sibe", and parade them through the dealer's room with bunches of blank CD-Rs labeled "Furry pr0n". Something with an "I'm Sparticus!" kind of flare.
Or maybe some shirts that read, "Dear Furries, keep that drama comin'! Love, Sibe".
...course, I think it'd be funny to have shirts that say, "Something Awful doesn't care any more. Let it go, already." |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 4:09:10 AM
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I know some people who were pretending to be Sibe at AC, and they got a couple fuck you's - of course the physical internet threats never materialized. :O |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 4:38:20 AM
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...Do people actually say fur-end?
I would personally love to see one recorded case of a furry's internet threat actually being carried out. |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 7:33:39 AM
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Not that I know of, but I can totally imagine them saying that...
And think about what your saying. A pudgy guy in a tail having to convince a judge or jury that: A. they're mentally competent to stand trial in the first place, and B. That anything said over TEH INTARWEB actually holds weight in any other circumstance besides fraud, murder or kidnapping. |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 4:19:47 PM
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Upcoming drama:
Sibe will appear in the special features section of the DVD of "The Aristocrats", thus becoming the first furry ever to appear in an actual feature film (sort of). He will be shown talking about buttsex, dogsex, goatsex, horsesex, incest, rape, murder, necrophillia herms, furries, and pedophillia for several minutes.
Also, Sibe stalkers "Kadiatcha Dancers" have made cryptic references to "August 25th". It seems like somethings going down, either a bust or some kind of proffesional hit:
August 25th 2005 is the final day. And sibe knows it.
This is when mr reddicks mountain of shit comes avalanching down upon
his head. We are not going to say what will happen until after that
day but you may trust Us when We tell you that it will be quite
impressive and perhaps more than a little frightening for those who
support him by passing around his pirated materials. |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 5:19:28 PM
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And think about what your saying. A pudgy guy in a tail having to convince a judge or jury that: A. they're mentally competent to stand trial in the first place, and B. That anything said over TEH INTARWEB actually holds weight in any other circumstance besides fraud, murder or kidnapping.
Technically, anything said over the internet holds as much weight as were it printed as a letter to the editor in a newspaper. Both are made public; both are documentable - an aspect of the internet many people seem to ignore. It's just that most of what's said in chatrooms etc is of no consequence - but if someone were to take some internet death threat from a dumbass furry seriously, a case could be made. It's just that generally, people don't give a shit. And the furries who do give a shit are usually too incompetent to do anything about it.
Also, Sibe stalkers "Kadiatcha Dancers" have made cryptic references to "August 25th". It seems like somethings going down, either a bust or some kind of proffesional hit:
August 25th 2005 is the final day. And sibe knows it.
This is when mr reddicks mountain of shit comes avalanching down upon
his head. We are not going to say what will happen until after that
day but you may trust Us when We tell you that it will be quite
impressive and perhaps more than a little frightening for those who
support him by passing around his pirated materials.
Ha! Let's get back to that one on the 26th. :) |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 5:43:47 PM
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What if some lonely disturbed furry actually does go ahead and kill Sibe on the 25th? What then? |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 6:06:12 PM
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What if some lonely disturbed furry actually does go ahead and kill Sibe on the 25th? What then?
Investigation, prosecution, sentence, jail or mental hospital. Plus huge if short-lived media attention on furry fandom. And a crappy "based on a true incident" TV docu-drama a few years later.
We've talked about the possibility of furries running seriously amok before. IIRC, Wayd Wolf maintained it's probably just a matter of time before it happens, while ZenZhu said that furries are notoriously lazy except when it comes to acquiring furry porn, so it's highly unlikely. I guess I'm with ZenZhu on this - furry drama queens are notoriously high on noise and low on action. |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 6:07:48 PM
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What if some lonely disturbed furry actually does go ahead and kill Sibe on the 25th? What then?
Investigation, prosecution, sentence, jail or mental hospital. Plus huge if short-lived media attention on furry fandom. And a crappy "based on a true incident" TV docu-drama a few years later.
Ever see the movie "Bully"? |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 6:19:02 PM
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Ever see the movie "Bully"?
The one by Larry Clark? No, but according to its IMDb entry it's "Based on a true story. Naive teenagers plot to murder one of their own, who has been too much of a bully to them." So just rewrite to: "Based on a true story. Naive furries plot to murder one of their own, who has sold pirated CDs of their cartoon skunk porn."
Then again, the Kadiatcha Dancers' "threat" is probably nothing more drastic than hacking Sibe's computer... |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Posted: 8/13/2005 8:58:08 PM
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The "Kadaitcha Dancers" isn't plural, Sibe figured out who it was long ago and he's been shown to be an incompetent lardo. For a while it even went like this (from what I've internet-heard)...
Kadaitcha Dancers: SIBE, WE KNOW YOU FUCK DOGS!
Sibe: Why yes I do! Would you like to see some pictures?
Kadaitcha Dancers: WELL, WE KNOW YOU LIKE SCAT!
Sibe: Why yes I do! Would you like to see some pictures?
Kadaitcha Dancers: WELL, UH, YOUR MOM.
EDIT: INCORRECT AND WRONG INFO, that Kadaitcha guy recruited a few other tardos a long time ago. But for a while, it was just one person. |
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Posted: 8/13/2005 9:35:06 PM
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What if some lonely disturbed furry actually does go ahead and kill Sibe on the 25th? What then?
Call the CSI team. |
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Posted: 8/14/2005 6:41:53 AM
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I'm pretty sure that would be justifiable homicide. |
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Jerry Collins
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Posted: 8/15/2005 3:14:05 PM
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GUYBRUSH! LOOK OUT!!!!oops...wrong pirate.... |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 8/15/2005 5:36:59 PM
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Take Furry Porn CD. Use Hammer with CD-R. Take CD-R Fragments. Use CD-R Fragments on Curtains. Open Window. Take Shoelaces. Use Murray with Slashed Curtains. Use Rope Ladder on Window. Go Window. Use Shoelaces with Tin Cans. Use Bicycle. Sibe escapes again! |
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Posted: 8/15/2005 9:28:35 PM
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How appropriate. You fight like a cow. |
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Posted: 8/17/2005 2:43:18 PM
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This just in, Mike Curtis continues with the Mcarthyite bullshit.
DAMN that got deleted fast.
Someone reposted Curtis' "threat" on their site where I found it... so here it is, in all its lack of glory:
I hope you all read this.
If you follow alt fan furry, you'll notice that Sibe is back to his old tricks, pirating copyrighted material and posting it illegally on the web.
The rightful copyright owners will go after him, as we always do, but it's time you took a stand too, and it's a very easy one to do.
Deny him membership to your furry conventions. And say so.
This past year, he was admitted to Conifur (I understand) as well as Further Confusion (again, second hand information. I was sick most of the con). He may attend other ones.
If our information is correct, he probably purchased the material he is posting at these conventions.
Like I said, it's an easy thing to do. Rabbit Valley, Radio, SFA and many of the talents buy table space and memberships at the conventions. At SFA, we run free full page ads for the conventions, space permitting. We have for many years.
Sibe buys a membership.
The balance sheet is easy to read.
I can tell you now, SFA will no longer support or take part in conventions that help Sibe rip furry creators off. If you let him into a convention we are at, you are no friend of ours.
It's real simple. Make the decision and post a statement. Support the people who support you rather than one who leeches off most of the furry talent.
Mike Curtis
Shanda Fantasy Arts
I stand by my "empty threat" comment. I'll be surprised if SFA starts boycotting cons. |
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Joined: 30 May 2005
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Posted: 8/17/2005 2:58:07 PM
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Maybe I'm just stupid, but why go after Sibe? I find it hard to believe that he's the only one whod oes stuff like that.
Of course, he does have a certain dramatic flair, but that's beside the point. ;)
And the phrase "furry talent" cracks me up. :lol: |
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Captious Tyro
Joined: 06 Aug 2005
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Posted: 8/17/2005 6:28:05 PM
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...why go after Sibe? I find it hard to believe that he's the only one who does stuff like that.
It's probably because Sibe, unlike most of the folks pirating fine furry art :roll:, makes a point of letting people know he's behind it. I'd assume most people who do that sort of thing try and hide who's behind the piracy. |
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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 8/17/2005 7:14:03 PM
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Maybe I'm just stupid, but why go after Sibe?
As I'd said, Sibe-hatred snowballs. See also Furry McCarthyism.
Furry McCarthysim (also known as witch-hunting) is a term used to describe how many members in the furry community react to another member, but is mostly used to describe events revolving around Sibe. In using this term, one states a furry or a group of furries attempt to "one-up" each other in stories or statements about a person.
Wow, this thing is already being useful! |
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Monkey King
Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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Posted: 8/17/2005 9:19:00 PM
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As much furry stuff as I see getting shared on P2P servers, Sibe must be in possession of an awful lot of computers to be single-handedly responsible for all this evil piracy. |
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Dr. Dos
Joined: 11 Oct 2004
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Posted: 8/18/2005 12:28:57 AM
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Never forget. |
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Joined: 13 Nov 2003
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Posted: 8/18/2005 12:52:59 AM
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Is that your archive or something!? I'm confused. |
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Dr. Dos
Joined: 11 Oct 2004
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Posted: 8/18/2005 1:36:24 AM
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no that was this guy i found on soulseek. Those were his shared files.
I'm just guessing there's a good amount of pirate material. There's a sexyfur folder for one. His videos are far more scary however. |
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baserock love
Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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Posted: 8/18/2005 1:46:42 AM
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no that was this guy i found on soulseek. Those were his shared files.
I'm just guessing there's a good amount of pirate material. There's a sexyfur folder for one. His videos are far more scary however.
I don't even want to know how someone can get a tapier to have sex with them :x. Where the fuck do you even find a tapier? God the internet is sick. And why aren't they going after the sites that do nothing but torrents of pirated furry porn? FXC I think. But sibe is a more attractive to blame cuz he puts a face on it. |
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Joined: 30 May 2005
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Posted: 8/18/2005 3:35:16 AM
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OK, I predict that on the 25th, Sibe's ego will get so large that his head will explode. |
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Barry Scott
Joined: 09 May 2005
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Posted: 8/18/2005 4:19:24 AM
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OK, I predict that on the 25th, Sibe's ego will get so large that his head will explode.
Just like in Scanners! It would kick ass if that happend! |
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Joined: 04 Jul 2005
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Posted: 8/18/2005 4:32:10 AM
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More news:
Sibe is now evicted.
Just like We said he would be.
We missed Our opportunity to take pictures of greyfoxofwinter loading all of his belongings into the Ryder truck as Our camera died at a karmic moment. And again as Fate would have it We did not have access to another camera. We tried to buy a disposable but greyfoxofwinter had packed up and left.
We looked in the window and could see the outline of his computer through the curtains and the lights were running. He is leaving the computer behind until the final check-out date of the 20th.
Do you want to know why you are being kicked out, greyfoxofwinter? Because We turned you in to your landlord. And they in turn posted your name and details to their entire mailing list in both Washington and Oregon along with your criminal record and warrant history.
Enjoy continuing to live with your parents.
I would like to take this time to say that David Cronenberg is awesome. |
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