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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 9/5/2005 9:26:24 AM
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My neighbor has one in her pool
...oh god. |
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Beauty of Nature
Joined: 29 May 2005
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Posted: 9/5/2005 11:44:29 AM
Post subject: Re: Inflatable Orca Update |
Remember the inflatable Orca from here?
It seems it's not just an inflatable Orca.... :)
Sure. The pic was on PoE's random LJ image generator today.
Lets see what he writes:
The goal was to modify the standard black Intex inflatable orca ride-on so that I would be able inflate the toy with me inside it. As you can see, the project was a success, the end product being a fully-sealed inflatable suit that could be entered, zipped up and inflated - the toy's vinyl layers inflating outwards to form the orca shape, whilst also pressing inwards against the occupant inside. Since its initial construction, many modifications have been made to improve the design.
The reasoning behind the suit may not seem obvious to everyone. Essentially it satisfies a desire of mine (and many others, for that matter) to experience what it might feel like to be inflatable. When i'm inside the orca suit, I 'become' the toy in many ways - thus satisfying that strong desire on so many levels. As well as inflation fetishists, the suit appeals to those interested in bondage, rubberwear and even animism. Combined with the obvious influences from furry, the suit seems like the ideal plaything to a number of people I have spoken to.
Ah yes. I still don't understand.
Also it surprizes me that there is are a "number of people" that would clad themselves in inflatable plastic orcas and get off on it. If I told about this guy to anyone else I know, without substencial evidence, then they would suspect I took drugs and had a bad trip. |
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Posted: 9/5/2005 4:48:38 PM
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So does that mean that there are two people in that photo? |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 9/5/2005 5:01:03 PM
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My neighbor has one in her pool
...oh god.
I hope you just mean she has an inflatable Orca in her pool ;)
So does that mean that there are two people in that photo?
Could be! |
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Joined: 05 Jun 2005
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Posted: 9/5/2005 6:31:42 PM
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I'm having so much fun laughing at that site right now :D
I can imagine some kids on a kiddy pool playing with an inflatable toy, then suddenly some guy jumps in it and starts humping the toy. Then one of the kids goes to his mom;
"Mommy.. there is a man humping my pool toy ;_; "
"Well, now Timmy.. mommy's got alot work to do, and is veeery tierd..." |
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Joined: 15 Jul 2005
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Posted: 9/5/2005 7:30:50 PM
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The pictures are just creepy, though I have to hand it to him for making an underwater coffin. |
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The Flying Fox
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Posted: 9/5/2005 7:58:11 PM
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The pictures are just creepy, though I have to hand it to him for making an underwater coffin.
Let's hope he stays in it. Like, until the earth takes a dive into the sun. |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/5/2005 8:45:53 PM
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The pictures are just creepy, though I have to hand it to him for making an underwater coffin.
I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the gimp suit, I'm not easily disturbed I guess.
So Lim-Dul I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you play or have played magic at some point. |
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Joined: 15 Jul 2005
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Posted: 9/5/2005 9:29:53 PM
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So Lim-Dul I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you play or have played magic at some point.
And the limb you climb is one thought in disillusion, for the limb is a bridge made of stone...
In short, yes. I was a player of M:T.G., I just stuck to that name due to its appeal and sound. |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/5/2005 9:49:21 PM
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So Lim-Dul I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you play or have played magic at some point.
And the limb you climb is one thought in disillusion, for the limb is a bridge made of stone...
In short, yes. I was a player of M:T.G., I just stuck to that name due to its appeal and sound.
I thought so, must have been in Ice age block judging by the name.
Oh this is off topic but for some reason They've been doing stuff like this a whole lot lately
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Posted: 9/5/2005 11:17:37 PM
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I had that as a desktop background recently. Nezumi and Kitsune are the two new races of cards I guess because they know it's popular among furries and/or japanophiles.
Oh, back to the orca... Does anyone else realize that in order to have a picture of him in his airtight suit, someone else had to be in the room to take it? I'll have to keep an eye on furbid to see if anyone tries to market these things to the larger inflatophile population (read: Xydexx).
Fetishers, especially furry fetishers need to learn that it's fine under most circumstance to jerk to X in images or stories, and to be fair, this guy doesn't seem to be the uberdefensive "Don't like it, don't look!" type or not so yet... but when someone decides to go out on a limb and and blur their mental fetish with reality, it's somewhat scary, especially when they find likeminded people online who will say "I have to try that". This is waht leads to babyfurs and cub art and a host of other crap in furry and without. Got a fetish? Fine. Want to find fellow fetishers? Er, okay... Want to make the inflatable orca suit for you to wear and cum in... Die. |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/5/2005 11:34:45 PM
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I had that as a desktop background recently. Nezumi and Kitsune are the two new races of cards I guess because they know it's popular among furries and/or japanophiles.
Oh, back to the orca... Does anyone else realize that in order to have a picture of him in his airtight suit, someone else had to be in the room to take it? I'll have to keep an eye on furbid to see if anyone tries to market these things to the larger inflatophile population (read: Xydexx).
Fetishers, especially furry fetishers need to learn that it's fine under most circumstance to jerk to X in images or stories, and to be fair, this guy doesn't seem to be the uberdefensive "Don't like it, don't look!" type or not so yet... but when someone decides to go out on a limb and and blur their mental fetish with reality, it's somewhat scary, especially when they find likeminded people online who will say "I have to try that". This is waht leads to babyfurs and cub art and a host of other crap in furry and without. Got a fetish? Fine. Want to find fellow fetishers? Er, okay... Want to make the inflatable orca suit for you to wear and cum in... Die.
You know the thing is that these guys probably won't accidentaly kill themselves because someone has to be there to blow them up.
But they'll probably figure out a way to that early grave eventually.
Oh and you forgot snakefolk, now those are something you'd imagine a furry would think up (six limbed snakes with breasts :? ) |
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Joined: 29 Oct 2004
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Posted: 9/5/2005 11:49:43 PM
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The fetish with the best darwin rate seems to be autoasphyxation. Maybe we could thin out a bit of the babyfurs population by circulating some OMGHOT underage furry fanfiction where the protagonists get off on sealing their heads in airtight bags or something... |
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Joined: 08 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/6/2005 1:37:21 PM
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Double-walled for wearing...
The possibilities are endless. Inflatable jellyfish for that Guy In A Bubble look. Sea-anemones, from which the wearer can eject himself, body-painted like tentacles, and withdraw again... And the ultimate wouldn't-even-know-they-were-there inflate-a-suit:
Should these include air-holes, or would that be "un-authentic"? |
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