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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/9/2004 2:37:01 AM
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Now that's some mod you won't see on "The Screen Savers". Maybe Unscrewed, but not The Screen Savers.
In fact, I might put the Dark Tipper's advice to good use, and use some thermite on that monstrosity.
UGH! Now that's burned into my retinas!!! |
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Joined: 13 Nov 2003
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Posted: 4/9/2004 2:42:10 AM
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Please kill me. |
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 4/9/2004 3:09:30 AM
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May they attemp to use it with it plugged in so we can get a good laugh from the obituary. "In tonight's news, a local man was found dead from electrocution with his genitals fused to his computer after attempting intercourse with it..." |
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Joined: 31 Dec 2003
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Posted: 4/9/2004 3:57:35 AM
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Ill laugh when the CPU overheats and the whole thing bursts into an inferno.
Can someone please lend m_estrugo a weapon? |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 4/9/2004 4:05:10 AM
Post subject: Re: How much is that yiffable computer? |
well this completely defies commentary
Kathmandu made a posting to AFF a while back and mentioned (apperently) this very computer... that always stuck in my mind because it was really weird and funny, I thought it was just something goofy that he made up for his post...I NEVER imagined someone actually created such a thing, or that he was referencing reality .. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/9/2004 7:16:56 AM
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Someone needs to nuke this guy! In a human-sized microwave!
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 4/9/2004 7:31:47 AM
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This is more than a few years old, but it really hasn't declined in idiocy with age. It still angers me that someone would defile a decent ATX case for that. |
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Joined: 31 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/9/2004 9:10:16 AM
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Now that's some mod you won't see on "The Screen Savers". Maybe Unscrewed, but not The Screen Savers.
No, I think even Martin Sargent would cringe at that one. But maybe not, he has seen stuff like that Messyload guy.... |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/9/2004 3:15:26 PM
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It never fails to mystify me that someone dedicates time and monetary resources to produce these things. I mean... people do wacky things. As someone once said, "Nothing human is foreign to me." But there are some things you just figure would be too lame to bother with.... it's like when a friend and I theorized how to make an arm-mounted model rocket launcher... or when he wanted to make a bicycle that floats... or the time he wanted to make a home-made Back to the Future spoof and pour gasoline trails along the street and light them on fire...... sure, it sounds like a plan..... but if you were to actually think about making the step from bullshitting to reality, you just stop at some point and think "That's too bogus to even bother doing."
But just when you think humanity is starting to get back on track, some wafflefart does something like this. They have to go and be the Design on a Dime of furry fucked-uppedness.
I try and bear in mind that if something makes someone happy and doesn't hurt anyone, then who cares. But, sometimes, you still gotta stop and think, "Wait.. okay... you went shopping, you measured dimensions, you bought supplies, you whipped out the sewing machine and slaved over it............. for this????????
Oh well.
And what the hell does a person do when company comes over????
"Hi Mom and Dad. Thanks for coming to visit in my new apartment. Make yourself at home. You wanna check your email, Dad? Sure.. go ahead...... OH WAIT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T GO IN THERE!!!"
I especially like the clouds and rainbows wallpaper border:
(BTW... how do you link URLs to words in the paragraphs, rather than just showing the URL?)
You know you suck when not only do you put a cock on your computer, but you dress it up, too:
A quote from
One thing I hadn't counted on was that with the case resting on the ground, the wheels would sink into normal carpeting and he'd be dragging his 'nads on the ground whenever he was rolled around. Right now I have him sitting on the floor on top of a piece of shelf-board, but I'll probably move him up on the desk so I can play with him easier. Hey, you'd do the same thing!
Uhm.. how sure of that are you?
It ain't a computer, but you'll claw your eyes out all the same:
Actually... scratch the company comment. Take a look at his "collected artwork" section ( I was right about the Design on a Dime gone furvert.
Be sure to check out the "A Memorable Mistake."
And you have to LOVE this part of his website:
If you are some potential employer, please remember that this has absolutely nothing to do with how I work and shouldn't in any way reflect on my professional outlook. This is just something I've done for fun, and to let others know my personal interests, which I would obviously try to keep out of the office. |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 4/9/2004 6:00:02 PM
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The front panel. Look closely, it's kinda subtle.
Subtle..? SUBTLE?
Gak! Aaaak! Byargh!!!! No! -Easter's ruined!! |
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Joined: 12 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/9/2004 6:48:58 PM
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Why isn't this in OMG MY EYES? @.@ |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 4/10/2004 9:51:49 AM
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There are several images strewn throughout this:
Jesus.. I mean. After one click, I was ready to gouge my eyes out. (Furry kinda has that effect on people.) I'm kinda glad I just skimmed over it though. I'm not sure if I want to know what was going on. What a wholesome site he has.
And right now I'm wishing I could un-fuck my brain after finding all of this.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 4/10/2004 10:31:47 AM
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I read your warning, yet chose to pay it no heed. I still feel some animosity towards you for this link, however. Nooooooo! |
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Joined: 04 Dec 2003
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Posted: 4/10/2004 4:16:27 PM
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I really don't know what to say about all this, except...
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 4/10/2004 7:35:46 PM
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And here's the intrepid system builder himself:
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Joined: 13 Nov 2003
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Posted: 4/10/2004 9:12:27 PM
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he's been caught with his pants down. |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 4/11/2004 12:01:29 AM
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There are several images strewn throughout this:
Jesus.. I mean. After one click, I was ready to gouge my eyes out.
I came across this:
I even found a "graphic novel" that I had been trying to locate for a long time called The Suit. Nicely drawn furs, not heavy on the yiff and straight for the most part, but erotic none-the-less.
'not heavy on the yiff'? ...yeah, so what?
"erotic"? !
god, what a fucking MORON.
No wonder Kazaleh vanished from furry fandom. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/12/2004 3:57:19 PM
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If you are some potential employer, please remember that this has absolutely nothing to do with how I work and shouldn't in any way reflect on my professional outlook. This is just something I've done for fun, and to let others know my personal interests, which I would obviously try to keep out of the office.
I was reading this statement again, as it just defies rational thought, and I noticed something about the last line.
"This is just something I've done for fun, and to let others know my personal interests, which I would obviously try to keep out of the office."
Try to keep out of the office..... not keep... try to keep. So, what's this mean.... if he has a lapse in his efforts, everyone will come in one day and every machine will have a furry schlong on it? Does this mean that, try as he might, there may be days as a salesperson at Office Depot he hands out cards for his home-based PC customization business.. act now and get a free reset anus? As hard as he may try, there may be an occasional casual Friday where he shows up in a fursit and a thong?
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
So, now I've clicked the page Mouse referenced.... more fun.
AnthroCon 2002 came shortly after the Conference and I took time off from work, obviously without pay.
And some furs gotta wonder why they're dirt poor and can't hold a job. Well, if you keep taking unpaid vacation time to hop off to every screwfest.. er.. convention.. that pops up in the continental U.S., the I would think your work record is gonna kind of adversely affect you.
I won't assault you by quoting the whole retelling of the orgy. It reads like a bad yiff log.. as if there's ever a good one. Anyway, what I really love is the first line on the next paragraph, "The rest of the Con was fairly uneventful."
Exsqueeze me? I bet this guy would be quick to say furry cons aren't about sex. And, yet, the con itself.... presumably the primary reason he went.... is "uneventful" compared to the first night's little grope-fest where he sits like a masturbating wallflower. The orgy merits pictures and a detailed write-up, but the entire extent of the con merits only a one-paragraph gloss over. Fucking brilliant!
The rest of the Con was fairly uneventful. I tried to attend more events than in previous years, and I spent a few hundred dollars in the dealer's room collecting smut. I even found a "graphic novel" that I had been trying to locate for a long time called The Suit. Nicely drawn furs, not heavy on the yiff and straight for the most part, but erotic none-the-less. I spent about $200 on the adult art auction, and I was very pleased with what I won. There were two items that I didn't get because I set a limit of $150 each on them and I have enough self-control that wasn't about to go nuts.
You spent "a few hundred dollars in the dealer's room" plus about $200 on furry porn. Yes.... yes, my child... you are the very definition of self-control.
I tried desparately to go swimming with other furs, but no one's schedules ever seemed to overlap. I did manage it on the last night, but only for about an hour and no one really seemed all that interested in having pool fun. *sigh* I really love to play around in a pool, but with others there or it's boring and lonely.
I am hoping there's not more to what is implied by "pool fun" than Marco Polo or a 400-yard freestyle relay. If my hopes are unfounded, then OMG U ARE TEH SUXXORZ!
The fur renting the room was into the adult baby stuff, so along with dirty diapers there were dirty sheets too (some was caused by Marty's over-lubricated and stretched-out tailhole).
Forget links to FurNation.....THIS is the kind of crap people need to forward to hotel staff.
"We here at Tide have come to the famous Ritz to find out how they keep their linens so fresh. Mr. Manager, how DO you do it?"
"We keep the fucking furries from smearing shit and KY all over them." |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 4/12/2004 9:24:26 PM
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Gotta admit, that site is a treasure chest of WTF! |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/13/2004 2:08:44 PM
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I imagine hotel cleaning staff see some pretty weird stuff on a regular basis, anyway. Still, soiled adult-sized (presumably) diapers and sheets have to rank pretty high up there on the WTF-o-meter.
I know when my apartment was destroyed due to a fire in the one adjacent to it, the folks from Service Master were telling me they come across some pretty weird stuff when they have to go in and clean out apartments.... adult toys, porn stashes, etc. Amusingly, the only thing in my surviving stuff was a slightly risque drawing of Leela from Futurama done as a joke for someone who I used to know that worked on The Simpsons. They put it at the top of one of the boxes as if to say, "Look what we found, you naughty boy." :D :oops: |
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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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Posted: 4/14/2004 12:29:09 AM
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I imagine hotel cleaning staff see some pretty weird stuff on a regular basis, anyway. Still, soiled adult-sized (presumably) diapers and sheets have to rank pretty high up there on the WTF-o-meter.
It used to be that when someone said they liked to be pampered, you asked "day-spa or overnight resort?" Now you ask, "Luvs or Huggies?" |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 4/14/2004 3:07:06 PM
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I still can't get my brain around the whole idea of a fuzzy cock. I mean........ afterwards......... you've got all this fuzz in your nethers. It's bad enough getting paper lint, but.... geez, the itching that would have to cause.
Does this pave the way for Preparation F?
And oral sex would be like going down on a used feather duster.
Not to mention, if the world were furry, all of the time the spoogers would spend in the shower... getting crap out of your fur.
Oh, wait, these are furries. They'd probably just walk around with cum-matted-fur and reeking of spooge.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 4/14/2004 7:58:21 PM
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Call me prejudiced, but I suspect the majority of furries never have actual sex anyway, so bodily fluids and lube in the fake fur is a problem only a sorry few would have. |
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Joined: 15 Sep 2003
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Posted: 4/14/2004 10:56:15 PM
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Ow, shit! :shock:
After sawing some pics from the links, I think I have to desinfect my pc and my eyes with Drano.
The links from the "about me" of that crackpot were absolutely awful.
Somebody would lend me a gun to shoot myself, please? |
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Joined: 30 Apr 2004
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Posted: 5/1/2004 5:51:17 AM
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ugh.. :? Are furries really that sexually deprived that they resort to homosexual stuff? I'm not against gay people, in fact I have gay friends. But giving up heterosexuality jus cuz you can't get some of it? ugh :? |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/3/2004 2:38:04 PM
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Hence the term "prison gay." As in... stuck in prison with a bunch of men... no women in sight... so... when in Rome.... stick your dick in a Roamn. |
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Exodite Dragon
Joined: 03 May 2004
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Posted: 5/3/2004 7:23:19 PM
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I don't know if anybody else has made the connection yet, but do any here recall an old, old Monty Python sketch done up in the fashion of a television news hour giving an inside look on the horrors of mouse parties? People runnin' around dressed up like mice, eating cheese, acting like mice, etc. One line from Eric Idle stands out the most when I see shit like all the above.
"Eventually, you come to the realization more comfortable around other mice."
Scary. |
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The New Meat
Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 5/4/2004 7:45:50 AM
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I don't know if anybody else has made the connection yet, but do any here recall an old, old Monty Python sketch done up in the fashion of a television news hour giving an inside look on the horrors of mouse parties? People runnin' around dressed up like mice, eating cheese, acting like mice, etc. One line from Eric Idle stands out the most when I see shit like all the above.
"Eventually, you come to the realization more comfortable around other mice."
I remember that one. Good stuff.
Say, didn't you draw that pic of a dragon buggering Jesus? |
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The New Meat
Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 5/4/2004 7:48:27 AM
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I don't know if anybody else has made the connection yet, but do any here recall an old, old Monty Python sketch done up in the fashion of a television news hour giving an inside look on the horrors of mouse parties? People runnin' around dressed up like mice, eating cheese, acting like mice, etc. One line from Eric Idle stands out the most when I see shit like all the above.
"Eventually, you come to the realization more comfortable around other mice."
I remember that one. Good stuff.
Say, didn't you draw that pic of a dragon buggering Jesus? |
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