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In other news, Ch'Marr is a total faggot
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 5/25/2004 11:36:30 PM
Post subject: In other news, Ch'Marr is a total faggot |
Apparently a certain LiveJournal community is "just plain mean". Oh, and he figured out how to use strikethrough! |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 5/26/2004 12:16:27 AM
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The idea of an "Internet Arms Race" appeales to me. Maybe it's because we already had one on SA a while back, resulting in the development of the Pain series as an ultimate weapon of last resort... |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/26/2004 1:50:55 AM
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Ch'marr sounds like such a two-faced liar. He says he doesn't mind critizism, yet blocks people from doing just that.
You know, try blocking this one, Ch'marr baby.
Ch'marr, Mr. Gollum AyeAye wishes to speak with you in his office. Bring plenty of bugs and berries. |
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Joined: 31 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/26/2004 2:48:07 AM
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First off, Ch'marr?! Immitate H.P. Lovecraft much?! Been hanging out with Kar'd'flar'mahar?
Second, didn't this dumbass know of all the other places, CYD included, that've been doing what this community's been doing for as long, if not longer, than they have? And THEY get him up in arms?! Well ain't that ass backwards...
Oh, and he figured out how to use strikethrough!
He's truly gained a mastery of mad text skillz. Now all he has to do is figure out that oh-so-difficult "Delete Key".
Fight on, you crazy Lovecraftian-named furry loser! Continue your courageous crusade! Because unless you fight against this atrocity, furrydom will see the same persecution, oh, I mean FURsecution yuk yuk, that the jews and blacks have suffered! |
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Joined: 22 Nov 2003
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Posted: 5/26/2004 4:16:50 AM
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You can just copy-paste the URLs.
edit: HAHAHA, someone has an awesome gamerz icon! |
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Zeis Montero
Joined: 16 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/26/2004 6:23:43 AM
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Jesus God, what a complete whimpering little baby. must be because of the fagosity of his bodypaint leeching into his skin or something.
you can get around the block even easier by using Opera. |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 5/26/2004 6:24:48 AM
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Well, I'm sorry, but what a whiny bitch. I doubt VCL horrors takes up anywhere NEAR PoE does, and, truthfully, he just needs yet another hobby to keep him busy.. |
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Zeis Montero
Joined: 16 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/26/2004 6:36:43 AM
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He claims it's because we make fun of beginner artists. But the problem is, many of the artists on VCL have been drawing for years and years, and still look like something a beginner would draw.
Case in point, Urban Hermit. |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 5/26/2004 6:40:42 AM
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Oh noes! Ch'marr has laid teh smackzorz down! Maybe if we bribe him with fan art he'll take that remote linking block down. Geeee..
Does anyone else here find it funny that some people upload the worst, most poorly drawn, devious shit and seem to be proud of it? And then get miffed when someone says something other than "That's great!"
"Look at the stickman I drew.. yeah, that's a multi titted skunk/armadillo taur herm buggering him, while eating him, crapping on some dude's chest and unbirthing a macro porcupine.... herm taur. Did I mention they're both undead? This is officially my best drawing evar!" Mom and dad would be proud. (Heh)
People.. excuse me, 'furrays' draw weird shit like that, and then choose to upload it. They're just asking to be poked fun at. |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 5/26/2004 6:57:48 AM
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Case in point, Urban Hermit.
oh christ
that guy....
yeah, his art sucks, but the content is whats worse IMO
a large chunk of that LJ community is furries anyway.
What happened that cause the original Atrocities Archive to close (the FurCentral one) was is pressure from the VCL or they just opted to close it? |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/26/2004 2:35:10 PM
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Ch'marr wrote:
Several folk have mailed me taking glee that they've found a way around my efforts. I will simply counter with more efforts as I see fit, exaserbating an internet-arms-race with both sides expending effort. Instead, I invite folk to write to me to discuss this issue. As I've said, I don't want to squash critical thought, but instead want to stop folk trashing VCL artists in such a public, glorified, advertised and permanent medium.
An arms race? Like Schmorky mentioned, you can just cut and paste the URLs real quick-like. Ch'marr's talking the 'net equivalent of SAR missles and such, when all the other side needs is a 2x4 with a nail in it.
It has been suggested that I am infringing on people's right to free speech. This would only be the case if I was forcing you to shut your community down, which I am not doing. No, all I am doing is making it non-fun to post your trash in just the same way you are making it non-fun for VCL artists to post to the VCL.
Wahh... it's not fun for me to reveal my deepest, darkest secrets to the world in the form of half-assed art and have people suggest I'm anything other than a talented visionary.
So, I will now do what I can to ensure that your community fades from the publicity it is getting. If you want to pick on VCL artists in a small private community, then I am not going to stop this. However, continuing in such a public manner as you are now is no longer an option.
The jig is up, boyos. Let's cheese it while the gettin's good. The heat is on and the gander is in the cave.. I repeat, the gander is in the cave.
and trying to hide behind a veil called 'artwork critique' or 'social commentary'.
Very much like how furries wanting to post multi-phallused hermtaurs spooging acidic cum onto Bambi simply to gain a little attention from other furries so desperate for such stuff that they'll overlook a complete lack of skill or talent try to hide behind a veil called "erotica."
I guess the only thing left is:
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Joined: 22 Nov 2003
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Posted: 5/26/2004 10:58:33 PM
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Everyone gets made fun of... on and offline. If you do something "weird" it's just gonna happen. The thing about being online is you never have to worry about getting beat up. Why is it so bad to be teased a little?
These people are asking for "special treatment." The more they do that the more people are going to hate them.
Now, see, he could have lied and said a more legit reason for not wanting people linking to images from another site, such as bandwidth issues, but he didn't. |
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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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Posted: 5/27/2004 1:46:08 AM
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Is this supposed to be blocking images linked to his site from here and those LiveJournals? I ask because it isn't blocking me at all. But then, I have Sygate Personal Firewall Pro which can do "Stealth Browsing" and for him to defeat that, means having to infringe on the privacy of all sorts of furs who like their privacy. Way to go Ch'marr!
Oh, he might be interested that writing a script(which can even be made to run under WinXP never mind *nix) to spoof the referrer field would be trivial for most Internet programmers and a small proxy app could even be made to change the referrer to let's say Ch'marr's own site there and then... he'd have to block his own site... from accessing his own site... yeah, it don't make sense to me either.
Arms race? His attempts at blocking are beyond pathetic. What's next? Blackholes for IP ranges? Come on Ch'marr, let's block the entirety of furrydom from reaching your site. And we won't be the ones doing it either. You'll do all the damage your own self. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/27/2004 6:07:02 AM
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I wonder if this 1337 h4x0r has blocked CYD yet?
000h, I ph34r the cuthulu boy's mad h4x0r ski11z. /sarcasm |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 5/27/2004 2:06:34 PM
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Everyone gets made fun of... on and offline. If you do something "weird" it's just gonna happen. The thing about being online is you never have to worry about getting beat up. Why is it so bad to be teased a little?
One of the problems you run into with some furry art is that, regardless of the level of artistic skill, you're dealing with artists that are using their art to reveal things about themselves... not just their general thoughts, political views, or other things you typically see expressed in art, but their fetishes and other bizarre behavior both in and out of the bedroom. If you think about how many of the weirder (and frequently less talented) furries' archives consist largely of images of their character in various sexual situations (e.g. NightKrawler), you're dealing with a situation that could be compared to the webcam phenomenon..... JeanieCam, BillCam, BubbaCam... that section of the 'net that enjoys putting webcams up so people can peek in on them, be it the mundane routines of their lives, or something more explicit. Given the appearance of your stereotypical furry, however, a webcam is not really an option, as no one would want to watch Jabba the Hut while he's mucking and scratching himself and imbibing gallons of Mt. Dew.
So, they have their idealized furry character as an outlet for their exhibitionism. Now matter how fat, ugly, and miniscule you are in the nether bits, your furry character's exploits on paper give the VCL-going world a chance to ogle your sleek furry form and your 15-inch dong that you feel is the "real" you.
Going beyond this, it seems to me that a lot of furry "artists" use the furry art forum not only to simply get some kind of exhibitionistic thrill out of depicting the sexual exploits of their character, but also use it as a means of seeking external validation for their more deviant desires and angst. One of the appeals of furrydom is it's full of people that, no matter how degenerate your desires may be, they'll pat you on the back and tell you "It's all good in the furry world, brother. You're free from judgement here." You like to put on your girlfriend's panties and bra? Hey... no problem. Folks might raise an eyebrow, but, hey, no one gets hurt. But, in furrydom, they go so far as to practically say, "You fantasize about having sex with a 12-year-old quadruple amputee, killing her, then eating her corpse? Say... how good are you at drawing?"
Angst is another matter. If you're drawing pictures about your character cutting their wrists because you're having serious thoughts yourself, you need professional help, and fast. If you're drawing that kind of stuff simply because it's what's cool, gets you noticed, and makes you feel like the furry equivalent of Nine Inch Nails, then that's just comical. A lot of the angst art I've seen in my time seems like it comes from furry teens that just need a good swift kick in the ass and someone to tell them, "Adolescence is rough. We all have to endure it. Deal with it." In the angst department, I think some of the art is really a cry for help. The "artist" may act all cool about it, but the art says "I'm thinking about this stuff.... someone stop me. Reach into the pit of my depression and give me a hand out."
So, in the furry art world, you have a lot of folks that aren't really dealing in the art itself. There's no real thought put into what kind of brushes to use, or pens, or markers... what kind of paper will take the ink best... how the layout is going to flow on the page. Any idiot can scribble a doodle on notebook paper, scan it, and upload it to VCL. Most of those idiots can learn to do a semi-competent job of Photoshopping the pictures. There's a difference between your run-of-the-mill digital coloring job, and someone who truly uses digital techniques to add to the artistic process. Take Doug Winger. I think most will agree that, despite his chosen subject matter, Winger is definitely talented when it comes to digital artistry. His pencil and pen work, however, is choppy, sloppy, and just generally atrocious.
Many furry artists are really like porn directors. They can put something together that people will look at and buy, but it's no Schindler's List or Shawshank Redemption. Think about all of the artists... you know the kind... the ones that make you say "The government gave them a grant for THAT?!?!?!?".. that have no real artistic talent... they just have shock value.
So, coming through this labyrinth to my point, a lot of furry art isn't about the artistic process or even about expressing thoughts and emotions in the sense that is most commonly thought of when someone says "art"..... thoughts like social or political commentary, or the simple enjoyment of abstraction of form.. viewing the world through a different set of glasses... or emotions that anyone viewing a work can identify with, like sadness, joy, love. Much of furry art isn't about creating a work for the enjoyment of the process. It's simply about creating a picture that says "This character is me. This picture shows I like to fantasize about beating off in front of a pile of charred fetuses. Tell me I'm a good person for it!!!!!"
Then, when someone insults the work because it's freakish...... the furries get prickly. Not because you've insulted their work, but because you have denied them the external validation they seek. It's not about art critiques. It's about them wanting to be patted on the head and told "You RAWK" because they want to shove a porcupine quill up their urethra, and not getting the feedback they expected. |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 5/27/2004 9:45:19 PM
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ZenZhu, you have, once again, psychoanalyzed the furries head on. Respect!
I still wonder, though - how does anybody manage to convince themselves they can expect PRAISE for making such things as, say, the Urban Hermit's gelding fantasies? |
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