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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 4:07:08 AM
Post subject: Unoriginal picture edit =) |
I suck! :D
(But so does zer :lol: ) |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 9/7/2004 4:37:17 AM
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Posted: 9/7/2004 4:42:15 AM
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Nah, it just didn't have a home there :wink: |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 4:49:29 AM
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What the fuck is that? A lemur? |
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 4:56:26 AM
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It's the rare, wild, self-absorbed-egomaniac-furry-'goddess'. :wink: |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 5:06:50 AM
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It's the rare, wild, self-absorbed-egomaniac-furry-'goddess'. :wink:
I thought KAK was quite a bit fatter than that. |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 12:22:20 PM
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It's the rare, wild, self-absorbed-egomaniac-furry-'goddess'. :wink:
Well now I'm curious. Link to this person's doings, please? (Famous last words!) |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 7:08:48 PM
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On an unrelated note:
Paul, where's your vomiting dog icon from? That's not by Johnny Ryan is it? I'd like to find out who that artist is... |
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Not Really Funny
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Posted: 9/7/2004 9:54:30 PM
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Ahh, the trendsetter of goth furries.
I'm on Deviantart myself (yes, yes, lame, I know, but it's an easy way to show my doodles to my friends), and I've been to Zer's little niche of the site before... and every time, there's something stupid on her page. It's a gold mine of idiocy. She often tries to pass herself off as being the cool, indifferent goth, but as is expected, fails horribly. Also apparent on said egomaniac's page: furries constantly offering blowjobs.
I think her fursona is supposed to be some sort of mangled ringtail lemur with super 3dgy lime green accessories. |
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Posted: 9/7/2004 10:00:47 PM
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Basically this... thing... believes that she has a vagina and therefore deserves worship from the entire fandom. (Of course I would struggle for the oppisite) She actively seeks out ANY AND ALL pictures that REMOTELY look like her's and sick her entourage of fanboys on the artists. She actually believes that the ears of that... thing... are completely her original creation; which if you know anything about art you know nothing is original. Knowing this, I now send you into the stagnant abyss that is Zeriara's asshole Art Gallery...
(Nothing special or bearingly "lol" but it's the attitude of this bitch that deserves attention) |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 10:05:39 PM
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Ah think Paul's mascot is Rocky... I seen some in Finn Pyton-magazine lately! |
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 10:09:08 PM
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Can't believe I forgot one of the best examples of her bitch-osity, read her fucking VCL comments on her pics. Christ, what I'd do for her IP now. :lol: |
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Not Really Funny
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Posted: 9/7/2004 10:22:35 PM
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Didn't realize she had a VCL gallery, too. I noticed she likes to capitalize, "MY FURSONA" nearly every time she types it.
Edit -- One more thing... Why are all the goths/furries doing My Little Ponies lately? Does anyone know how this started? |
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 10:27:44 PM
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Edit -- Because Goths have become so fucked up that they now use their childhood characters in their 'expression.' Which reminds me, won't you find it in your hearts to donate to the 'send all goths to the sun' project? Think about the children... THE CHILDREN!!! |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 10:46:41 PM
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I think "independent goth" is an oxymoron.... or just a moron. :D I mean, you have an entire youth subculture convincing themselves that they're independent and rebellious when they're really all dressing and acting alike, and buying right into the hands of marketeers for places like Hot Topic and Torrid. That's like rebelling against Pepperidge Farm by buying Ritz. |
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/7/2004 11:09:07 PM
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But it all boils down to this...
*Edited for bold-ocity* |
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 9/8/2004 12:19:13 AM
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I think "independent goth" is an oxymoron.... or just a moron. :D I mean, you have an entire youth subculture convincing themselves that they're independent and rebellious when they're really all dressing and acting alike, and buying right into the hands of marketeers for places like Hot Topic and Torrid. That's like rebelling against Pepperidge Farm by buying Ritz.
To be carved in osmiridium plates twenty feet on a side by anti-proton beams and placed at the entrance to all places where REALITY is found:
"We must all join together in lockstep
and co-ordinate our actions mutually
so as to provide a united front
in the war on conformity."
Sad, but true. Goths are merely a self-deceiving group. Most people tacitly grasp this and shrug and go on with their buying of DKNY jogging suits, buying of Brittney Spears CDs, and Prada shoes, or whatever. |
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Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 9/8/2004 6:57:11 AM
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Sad, but true. Goths are merely a self-deceiving group. Most people tacitly grasp this and shrug and go on with their buying of DKNY jogging suits, buying of Brittney Spears CDs, and Prada shoes, or whatever.
To sum this all up,
Goth = Marketing |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 9/8/2004 7:17:29 AM
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It's the rare, wild, self-absorbed-egomaniac-furry-'goddess'. :wink:
That's not really rare at all, you know.
Also, this lemur character of hers doesn't seem to have any nails in her eyes. Therefore, she is a failure as a goth. Maybe she needs to watch more Invader Zim. |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 9/8/2004 12:47:09 PM
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Paul, where's your vomiting dog icon from? That's not by Johnny Ryan is it? I'd like to find out who that artist is...
Donotsue is right, it's the protagonist from Swedish cartoonist Martin Kellerman's newspaper strip Rocky.
Hmm, I actually think she's a pretty good artist - nice character designs, good use of colour. But the abundance of bitchy gothy pics makes me lose interest rather fast... and she's overdoing it with the omnipresent "copyright ME" notices... And yeah, her comments do tell me she has an attitude problem. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 9/8/2004 2:22:05 PM
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Sad, but true. Goths are merely a self-deceiving group. Most people tacitly grasp this and shrug and go on with their buying of DKNY jogging suits, buying of Brittney Spears CDs, and Prada shoes, or whatever.
What all of these "nonconformists" don't seem to realize is that everyone conforms to some notion or another. We all play into marketing. Even if we happen to be wandering by a theater and spot a poster for a movie we've heard nothing about, the poster alone has done its work. It's made us aware of a product, and, for one reason or another, convinced us to put money into it.
The angsty, nonconformist crowd was one of the biggest reasons I switched from a major in art to another career. I didn't want to spend my life being surrounded by people that were striving to seem nonconformist, only to, really, conform more to some social standard- albeit goth, hippy, neo-beatnik, whatever- than most folks that just go about their lives doing whatever it is they do moment to moment.
Sometimes the difference between conformity, and just liking the same thing a lot of other folks happen to like, is your motive for liking something. If you happen to like the way you look with jet black hair, a spiked collar, and black denim from head to toe then, well, the look you enjoy just fits a certain niche. If you dye your hair black, wear white-out contact lenses, and fill your wardrobe with nothing lighter than charcoal gray because "it says something" or you "identify with goth culture," then, you might be slipping into conformityland. It's a hard line to define. Since we all conform to something.. a social standard, an goal, religious ideals, whatever... it's not worth really distinguishing where the line is. In the grand scheme of things, the more someone claims to rally against conformity, the less I could give a rat's ass.
I think the funniest case I ever saw of this was on an MTV show called Fanatic, where die-hard fans of some performer would have the opportunity to meet them. They profiled a fellow that was a big fan of Marilyn Manson. His daily wardrobe consisted of fishnet shirts, leather pants, combat boots, studs, spikes and chains out the wazoo, and, yes, even mismatched colored contact lenses or the white-out FX lenses. The fellow insisted that Manson had helped him "find is true self."
His true self. Let's think about this for a moment, shall we? He claims to go against the grain of society and fly in the face of conformity. Yet, in defining his "true" self, he's simply made himself a cheap imitation of a media superstar.
Who's fooling whom?
Oddly enough, I've seen snippets of Manson out of makeup and all. He is really quite a normal fellow... even calls his mom. Such a nice boy. |
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/9/2004 6:31:34 AM
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Never said she was a bad artist, but I did mention how she was stagnant (Meaning her style / subject matter.)
Another problem is that she is openly a snobby bitch, just look at this slightly altered picture of her possible 'friend.'
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 9/9/2004 6:55:12 AM
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I think "independent goth" is an oxymoron.... or just a moron.
Sad, but true. Goths are merely a self-deceiving group. Most people tacitly grasp this and shrug and go on with their buying of DKNY jogging suits, buying of Brittney Spears CDs, and Prada shoes, or whatever.
just to be contrary, 2 things:
When I was in school there was a single actual "goth" that made no effort whatsoever to conform with our group made mostly of what I describe as para-military potheads in BDU's.
Also it depends on what type of goths you are talking about. Theres your Hot Topic goths and then you got 'Goth' chicks that do coke and might try stabbing me with thier switchblades, or kick my ass in the parking lot ..and those are A-OK in my book.
To sum this all up,
Goth = Marketing
What isn't nowadays? |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 9/9/2004 7:08:36 AM
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I think this needs to become a regular forum macro. |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 9/9/2004 7:25:25 AM
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It's all pretend for people without a real idea of who they are. Having gotten out of highschool a year and a half ago, I know this all too well. Kids attempting to appear as rebels to society, but listen to Linkin Park and would cower in fear if you hit them. And I'm not talking about 'Emo' wusses either.
I saw all this and decided there are two types of people. Those that pretending to be what they are, and those that make no attempt at all and just are. Sure, those kids might be going through their whole 'rebelling' and finding themselves, but god; why do the same thing everyone else is? I tend to look down on most people because the're so utterly fake. People that look to me and say "If you can't sell out, buy in." disgust me. It's high time america learns that developing a character is far more important than developing a fashion sense.
And yes, things like Hottopic($Tm$) make me sick.
I'm done with my rant now. :| |
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Posted: 9/9/2004 8:01:04 AM
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It's all pretend for people without a real idea of who they are. Having gotten out of highschool a year and a half ago, I know this all too well. Kids attempting to appear as rebels to society, but listen to Linkin Park and would cower in fear if you hit them. And I'm not talking about 'Emo' wusses either.
I saw all this and decided there are two types of people. Those that pretending to be what they are, and those that make no attempt at all and just are.
Im not trying to go out of my way to defend goths here , but you have to consider if someone feels like acting/dressing a certain way, then they run across someone with similiar tastes or styles..they are probably going to hang out together. Couple that with a general perception that goths are cliquey and then they get shoved aside and/or avoided - they are going to hang out more and more with people increasingly similiar to themselves. You see this with all kinds of groups (more on-topic: especially furries) drawing in on themselves. This is called a self-fulfilling prophecy. When I was in high school 5 years ago .. err actually when I got started doing whatever the fuck it was I was doing back then - I was all into the anarchist cookbook and being a 'FUCKIN' SUBURBAN COMMANDO' so I wound up hanging out with people similiar to me (along with a whole cast of other misfits). In retrospect I can see that the group of people I hung out with over the years in high school became increasingly isolated and increasingly disliked every year that went by till school let out for good - then it all vanished almost instantly. Thats just the way it goes. I look at it that more people are individuals and tend to group together rather than just blindly conforming. (Ill grant you that a look, a style, an attitude has to be out there and visible for people to decide to adopt it but you can always spot a poser a mile away.)
I tend to look down on most people because the're so utterly fake. People that look to me and say "If you can't sell out, buy in." disgust me. It's high time america learns that developing a character is far more important than developing a fashion sense.
And yes, things like Hottopic($Tm$) make me sick.
A lot of people are fake, but not as many as are assumed thats all Im saying.
Tho I really didn't ever buy anything there, I liked Hot Topic when you could reasonably call it 'vampire-mart'. It was just cool to look at all the weird shit I guess. Now Hot Topic is a mish-mash of ..well whatever. Popular clothes for high school outcasts (some of its cool tho)
Im just about ready to strangle the next motherfucker wearing Von Dutch/West Coast or Orange County Choppers shit. |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 9/9/2004 11:57:06 AM
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Also it depends on what type of goths you are talking about. Theres your Hot Topic goths and then you got 'Goth' chicks that do coke and might try stabbing me with thier switchblades, or kick my ass in the parking lot ..and those are A-OK in my book.
People who try to stab you or beat you up are OK?! :shock:
I think those kinds of action is taking deliberate non-conformity a bit too far... |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 9/9/2004 2:22:28 PM
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I think "independent goth" is an oxymoron.... or just a moron.
just to be contrary, 2 things:
When I was in school there was a single actual "goth" that made no effort whatsoever to conform with our group made mostly of what I describe as para-military potheads in BDU's.
Also it depends on what type of goths you are talking about. Theres your Hot Topic goths and then you got 'Goth' chicks that do coke and might try stabbing me with thier switchblades, or kick my ass in the parking lot ..and those are A-OK in my book.
Just to refresh some context that was missed, 1 thing:
Sometimes the difference between conformity, and just liking the same thing a lot of other folks happen to like, is your motive for liking something. If you happen to like the way you look with jet black hair, a spiked collar, and black denim from head to toe then, well, the look you enjoy just fits a certain niche. If you dye your hair black, wear white-out contact lenses, and fill your wardrobe with nothing lighter than charcoal gray because "it says something" or you "identify with goth culture," then, you might be slipping into conformityland.
No great revelations with the "depends on what type of goths you are talking about." As I said, sometimes the difference between conformity and nonconformity that just looks similar to other folks is your rationale. Plenty of people have a look they like that really simply happens to resemble something that other people are blindly following. And it's not just goths... it can apply to anyone or any group that is in line with a trend either by coincidence or by choice. If I was to accuse any one group of having the highest percentage of its demographic basing their wardrobe and interests simply on what is trendy, rather than what they simply like, it'd be soccer moms.... what with their capri pants and mules and all.
There's another facet to why someone adopts a look or interests that can go beyond simply conforming to a crowd... that being a genuine enjoyment of the culture that produces a certain look and such. Obviously, a person's appearance is going to say something about their interests. With goths, on one side of the coin, you have the folks that simply really like the music. Maybe they are rather moody and downcast by nature... as teens can be... and the whole goth shebang is just something they identify with. On the other side, you have the folks that are just desperately clawing at something in a vague attempt to be rebellious and feel like they stand out.
Even as a teen, that's one thing I never understood... the teenage tendency to make up angst. Transitioning into adulthood is hard enough as it is. And plenty of kids have their own serious tribulations. So, if you're lucky enough to be fairly well adjusted, have parents that don't have some major emotional issues of their own, and aren't hurting for cash..... if you really don't have much of a care in the world as far as being a teenager goes................. why decide to slap on some black clothing and eyeliner and pretend like your life is a miserable pit of despair and angst? My high school days pre-date the goth movement, though we had The Cure and Depeche Mode crowd. But, even outside of those folks, my fellow teens were making their transition to adulthood harder than it had to be by basically making up problems to lament over because all of the "coming of age" movies had them convinced that being a well-adjusted teenager just wasn't hip. |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2004
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Posted: 9/9/2004 8:16:07 PM
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Ta for the info, Paul and Donotsue. Too bad I can't understand any of it. :?
It doesn't exist in English anywhere, does it? |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 9/10/2004 12:12:47 PM
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Ta for the info, Paul and Donotsue. Too bad I can't understand any of it. :?
It doesn't exist in English anywhere, does it?
AFAIK - no. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been published outside Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. (I bought the two first Rocky books on a visit to Sweden a few years ago.) |
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Joined: 11 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/11/2004 9:54:03 PM
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Ah... Zer. Never found her art appealing in the least (I hate lemurs only slightly less than I hate monkeys), but I have known several of her worshippers in the past...
...Speaking of "teh ANGST" furry artists, does anybody have any info on the person known as "LeeLee"? There's a billion teen "artists" out there who imitate the style (stick-thin creatures of no particular species with 4' tall ears, goth/raver clothing, etc...) she supposedly "pioneered" (I have my doubts about that), but I can't find any of her stuff online... Hmmm... >_> |
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21st Century Digital Boy
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Posted: 9/11/2004 11:24:10 PM
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Ah... Zer. Never found her art appealing in the least (I hate lemurs only slightly less than I hate monkeys), but I have known several of her worshippers in the past...
...Speaking of "teh ANGST" furry artists, does anybody have any info on the person known as "LeeLee"? There's a billion teen "artists" out there who imitate the style (stick-thin creatures of no particular species with 4' tall ears, goth/raver clothing, etc...) she supposedly "pioneered" (I have my doubts about that), but I can't find any of her stuff online... Hmmm... >_>
If I remember correctly (which is something I do rarely), she had a big hissyfit after one of chrmarr's various "purgings" (I think he was weeding out either images with insane, rambling descriptions or absurdly long titles, both of which were in abundance in her gallery) and stomped off. She may or may not have come back under a different pseudonym afterwards, I can't remember. |
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