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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
Posts: 462
Posted: 10/12/2004 12:32:47 AM
Post subject: LIBLE |
http://www.geocities.com/lady_minerva_nightshade/Online_Harrassment.jpeg |
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Joined: 04 Dec 2003
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Posted: 10/12/2004 12:39:54 AM
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OMG IF yuo tell a phurriae that her artwork is t3h SUXXXX, YUO KILL TEHM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 10/12/2004 3:04:35 AM
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That picture makes me internet-sad. :( :( :( |
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Needs to get out more
Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 10/12/2004 3:20:10 AM
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Why is someone's shitty ripoff of TLK angry? Does the kitty think they're a shitty make too?
"Every moment I live is agony! BLLSUAUAUGGHG!" |
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Strychnine Velcro
Joined: 05 Oct 2004
Posts: 23
Posted: 10/12/2004 8:42:26 AM
Post subject: Re: LIBLE |
WTF? The lion appears to be a Christian? Or has it just eaten one and kept a souvenir?
To sum up : Do not steal my art or I'll kill myself okay? I mean it. I spent hours coming up with the deformed arms and curvature of the spine which clearly make my character an original piece of work, and if you steal it I just might disappear and kill myself and die and then you'll be sorry yes you will I MEAN IT! |
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Needs to get out more
Joined: 22 Mar 2004
Posts: 897
Posted: 10/12/2004 4:56:01 PM
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Dear Angsty Artiste,
Boo hoo hoo. Some little artist gets their panties in a knot because someone else didn't care for their work. If an artist has been drawing for "many years" as the picture states, then one would expect them to build up a tolerance for the comments of others and learn to see when someone is making a constructive critique, and when someone is just being an ass.
Sure, it's unfortunate that people decide to make negative comments about someone's stuff online for the sheer sake of trying to taunt the artist, but there's flip side to this. If you're going to put your art online, you have to expect that people are going to post comments that are intended to pick on you. The internet isn't an art showing where people sip champagne and eat caviar while eagerly awaiting your latest unveiling, okay? The internet is a fucking dunking booth, where many people line up with softballs in the singular hope of dunking you enough times to make you cry or drown or some crap.
And if you're depressed and so sensitive that someone's trolling of your artwork could send you over the brink enough to send you to the shower with a razor blade and Linkin Park turned up full blast, then you need a better goddamn coping mechanism than your artwork. Expressing your depression in your art and then putting it online for people to comment on is like going to a psychologist you know will simply advise you to get it over with and decrease the surplus population.
The world doesn't need to see your angst, cuz you know what.. the world doesn't care. In an ideal world, you'd get tons of email supporting you, offering you free counseling, or at least a trial package of Zoloft. But, you know.. it's not an ideal world. Putting your angst down on paper and then scanning it and uploading it isn't like walking into a support group with a "hug me" sign on. It's like walking into a lion's cage at feeding time wearing a sirloin poncho. So don't get pissy when the world doesn't give a rat's ass about your little problems, because the world doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone's problems, especially if you're a whiny, gothy little l'artiste. Gothy teen angst is like the boy who cried wolf. No one really knows when you're seriously going to tap a vein, cuz you say that every morning over your freaking Cheerios.
"Mornin' kiddo. How's life treating you?
"My existence is a meaningless void of apathy and darkness that will ultimately drive me to hurl myself off of a building."
"That's great, sport. Let me know how that works out for you..... hey, the Dodgers won!"
Every freaking person, every freaking day experiences the same emotions we all do. People get happy, sad, broken-hearted, fall in love, are on top of the world, at the bottom of a well...... and most of them don't put it online expecting some kind of superficial and falsified external validation from everyone that might see their Blog. Why should you be any different because you drew a sea cucumber sitting in a tub of its own blood or because you expressed your angst in some free-verse assemblage of words you call a poem? If you're so fragile that any assault to your angst threatens to send you over the edge, you need to go take a vacation at the Rubber Room Ramada. Seriously. Put the sketch pad down and get help. There are people out there who will listen to you and help you.... but Simba and Balto ain't one of them.
Saying you don't like someone's artwork isn't spiteful, unkind, uncaring, or jealousy. If you're saying it out of spite, unkindness, lack of caring, or jealously, then.. yeah... it is out of that. But just expressing the opinion that you don't care for someone's depiction of Timon in pancake makeup slashing his wrists because the linework is a little goofy or you don't care for the arrangement of the piece is just that.. expressing an opinion.
If you want other people to not inflict their hurt on you by not saying they don't like your artwork, why should it be any better to expect them to lie and say they do like it to preserve your feelings? Sure, the best thing would be for them to just not post anything but, remember kids... that whole dunking booth thing. Maybe your art doesn't rule. If you're doing it for yourself, then take your own words to heed and don't care what other people have to say. So many bitchy little artists expect people to have nothing but good things to say about their work, and stamp their feet and say "Why should I care if you don't like my work? I do it for ME!" Well.. there you go. Why the hell should you care? Why the hell are you caring. Just shut up and draw or go rake a nail across the back of your forearm or whatever it is you do. Just because you put your emotions on paper with a few colored pencils or Prisma markers doesn't mean your angst belongs in the fucking Louvre, and don't expect people to tell you so. You don't care about the, remember? At least, that's what you say. Just because it's marks on a paper doesn't mean you're as skilled at expressing your darkest emotions as Picasso. Last time I checked, Salvador Dali wasn't using some ripoff of Simba to express his angst.
You can piss and moan about how art can't truly be defined, and you're right. Just about any creative endeavor can be considered artistic. But just because it's artistic doesn't mean it's good. Jenner rat ain't exactly Michelangelo's "David."
Another, stronger, force for good and justice must deal with this. There's only so much one person can do. Despite all that's been apparently said and only, Justice will yet be done.
Y'know wh you need.... TEH SUP3RFR13NDS!!!
But I'm not going to waste time anymore, ... feeding a bunch of bigots who come to my sites, only looking for a cheap laugh as some internet sideshow. This isn't some freakshow for a bunch of Nazi skinheads.
Take THAT, you POE fiends! No one can defeat the Nazi trump card!
Freedom of Speech is one thing, ... of course. But when people start abusing the system with the specific intention to cause any kind of intentional mental or emotional harm of any kind, using a message board (or a similar media) to mercilessly torment a specific person or group, well, it's really time to rethink the system.
"Freedom of speech is a great thing, so long as I approve of what is being said." |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 10/12/2004 11:54:16 PM
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Haven't you read the amendments?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances as long as the furries approve. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 10/15/2004 7:15:23 PM
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Read the 'main' site...
They seem to even possess a strange racism against fans of furry fiction!
Someone doesn't know the meaning of the word racism..or for that matter of real internet harassment. Funnily enough all the real internet harassment I've seen has been done by furrys. |
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