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Posted: 10/19/2004 2:52:49 PM     Post subject: Thunderkitties  

What do you get when you pair a lack of talent, a lust for your 15 minutes of fame, and 80's nostalgia? You get Thunderkitties! Bonus points when you have the chutspah to encourage people to send you money for your efforts.
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Posted: 10/19/2004 3:40:27 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 10/19/2004 5:53:54 PM     Post subject:  

Well, I'm "board" to tears, er, I mean jeers.
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Posted: 10/19/2004 8:45:27 PM     Post subject:  

Wow. The art sure is shitty.
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Posted: 10/19/2004 9:19:04 PM     Post subject:  

That makes me want to cry....
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 10/20/2004 12:14:23 AM     Post subject:  

I'm a starving student, so now I'm begging for money. What could be done with your donation?

* $ .50 I'll draw you some porn
* $ .70 I could buy lunch at school
* $1.00 I'll give you a hand job
* $5.00 I'll give you a blow job
* $10.00 I'll let you play with my butt
* $25.00 Ten (10) frozen pizzas and tube of KY jelly
* $50.00 WOW! A Furbid commission...
* $75.00 I stop drawing this god awful shit
* $300.00 I'll get a vasectomy
* $800,000,000,000 will start funding on time travel project to erase self from history (WARNING: May inadvertently cause self to be born after trying to fuck my own mom).

Your choices? Paypal, or email me and I'll send you my address. If, you know, you're that dedicated.


What do you get? A cool wallpaper for your computer! (I'll make one if anybody donates) Do it now! Please?

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Posted: 10/20/2004 2:33:54 AM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 10/20/2004 3:02:23 AM     Post subject:  


this is amazing on infinite levels
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Posted: 10/20/2004 4:52:59 AM     Post subject:  

I just wanna know what's up with that wierd ghost ship...
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Posted: 10/20/2004 10:35:19 AM     Post subject:  

Can we take up a collection to buy a gas can, a pack of matches, and a plane ticket so we can set these strips, the creator, and the server on fire?
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Posted: 10/20/2004 12:25:39 PM     Post subject: Re: Thunderkitties  

What do you get when you pair a lack of talent, a lust for your 15 minutes of fame, and 80's nostalgia? You get Thunderkitties!

Wow, I've seen a lot of crappy webcomics, but that one is exceptionally crappy. It almost transcends its own crappyness and comes out as naive art... but naive art doesn't have lousy puns.

I'm a starving student, so now I'm begging for money. What could be done with your donation?

* $ .50 I'll draw you some porn
* $ .70 I could buy lunch at school
* $1.00 I'll give you a hand job
* $5.00 I'll give you a blow job
* $10.00 I'll let you play with my butt
* $25.00 Ten (10) frozen pizzas and tube of KY jelly
* $50.00 WOW! A Furbid commission...
* $75.00 I stop drawing this god awful shit
* $300.00 I'll get a vasectomy
* $800,000,000,000 will start funding on time travel project to erase self from history (WARNING: May inadvertently cause self to be born after trying to fuck my own mom).

That was evil. And funny. And makes me wish it was real so I could mail the 75$.
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Posted: 10/20/2004 1:09:02 PM     Post subject:  

Fuck that, give him the 300 bucks and tell him to tape his reaction during the procedure, and no anesthesia!
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Posted: 10/20/2004 1:23:38 PM     Post subject:  

I only need $41.

I'll leave you to figure out what that entails.
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Posted: 10/20/2004 1:45:00 PM     Post subject:  

I only need $41.

I'll leave you to figure out what that entails.

A hand job followed by a blow job followed by hawt buttsexxorz followed by pizza?
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Needs to get out more
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Posted: 10/20/2004 2:50:04 PM     Post subject:  

Wow, I've seen a lot of crappy webcomics, but that one is exceptionally crappy. It almost transcends its own crappyness and comes out as naive art... but naive art doesn't have lousy puns.

That's what really throws the comic into the dumper. I really can excuse the artwork. You can see the artist has some ability, even if it's almost completely unrealized. With so many talentless artists creating webcomics now, you can even excuse yet another person deciding that they don't need to develop this thing called skill before sharing their vision with the world. I mean, hell, even this person demonstrates better ability than the likes of Gonterman.

But the thing that takes it a half-step beyond meh-country and into mockworthy territory is the lame jokes and blatant puns. I could forgive "I'm not so bored" with a little emphasis to point out the pun. But "I'm not so BOARD" is just lame. HAHAHAHA... GET IT GUYS! BOARD... HE'S ON A BOARD! I'M A FUNNY GUY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASENDMONEY!

Oh the wacky hijinks! Cheetara's PMS-ing and she threw Tygra against a surface. And not just any surface.. a HARD SURFACE! How do I know? Cuz it SAYS SO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. The mark of a true artist is the ability to convey texture and a sense of form by USING A STICKY NOTE TO TELL US WHAT THE OBJECT IS!

Hee hee hee! They didn't see him! Now back up!

Mum-Ra gives Lion-O a handjob.. then Lion-O fingers the old geezer's ass.
Still, at least he didn't say "Have a nice trip! I'll see you in the fall!"

Tygra climbs into a hairy vagina... and emerges a pedophile!

Monty Python, eat your heart out!

"Jaggy" gets stabbed by a double-ended wolf tail dildo while an anthropomorphic bicuspid watches the hilarity.

SUPER CRAZY FUN TIME ANIMATION AND PLAYGROUND ANTICS! They have the mutants' ball. Tee hee! So clever!

s3n1l1ty 1z t3h funn13

A masterful play on Mum-Ra's love of the term "poopoo head." Soon it will be time for juice and graham crackers, followed by the class putting down for a nap. And after that.... ELBOW MACARONI ON CARDBOARD!

Panthro obviously didn't see the sign that said "Welcome to our -OOL. Notice there is no "P" in it. Please keep it that way." If he could have controlled his bladder, maybe the whole animosity between Mum-Ra and the Thundercats would have been just a bad dream.

If Panthro would attend more rehearsals, he would have this problem when the Thunderkitties break into spontaneous interpretive dance.

A fresh new spin on the "what does this button do" gag..... as fresh as that soupy green thing in my fridge that used to be a honeydew melon.

There was a chance this was going to get published in the artist's school paper. It never happened. I wonder why.... things that make you go "hmmmm."

Things get really zany and IN YOUR FACE in the "F(U)AQ."

Oh, yes. Your drawing sucks. My cat could draw better than you.
Very funny, smartie. If you think it's so easy, you draw a comic. I enjoy this. And I've mostly gotten good feedback.

I hate to tell you this.. everybody's mother gives them good feedback.

Why don't you color them on the computer?
I feel the hand-done-ness gives it a more organic feel. But I'll probably always hand draw them so I can do them in class. I do have Photoshop, Illustrator, and a Wacom tablet. I may on occasion do them by computer, but I doubt it'll be a regular thing.

Organic.... you know what else is organic coloring? Monkeys smearing their feces on walls. "Hand-crafted" is generally something you like to see on a work that shows skill and refinement of one's craft. I mean... when I made all of those clay mugs in grade school and gave them to my mom.. they were handmade. But I kind of doubt anyone but her saw any value in them.

Is this anime?
Not really.... I've based some things off manga (Japanese comics, which would be what this iss, if it was one) but it's not very Japanese at all, and I'm not really going for that look either. I'm trying to be unique.

Nothing says unique like making a comic strip by taking someone else's characters and turning them into kids....... now that I think about it, that isn't so unique either... Tiny Toons, Baby Looney Tunes, Muppet Babies....

They've got no ______!
Yes, they have no necks (generally), wrists, ankles, middle fingers... They do however, always have the symbol (if they're in uniform), unless it is absolutely too tiny for me to draw. They do also change clothes.

Okay.. if the character has three fingers and a thumb.. and the second finger is sandwiched between the first and the third... wouldn't that designate it as the middle finger?

Hellloooooooooo new avatars!

Jocularity.. jocularity... jocularity....
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Posted: 10/20/2004 4:33:22 PM     Post subject:  

As funny as ZenZhu's links are, that comic is too paiful to read for more than 60 seconds. Seriously, it burns mah soul...
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Posted: 10/20/2004 6:08:04 PM     Post subject:  

A masterful play on Mum-Ra's love of the term "poopoo head." Soon it will be time for juice and graham crackers, followed by the class putting down for a nap. And after that.... ELBOW MACARONI ON CARDBOARD!

I desire... I desire macaroni pictures and popcorn necklaces.

I really don't know whether to feel overwhelming horror or pity.
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Posted: 10/20/2004 6:55:05 PM     Post subject:  

I don't know what was more painful, looking at that shit or having that aneurysm after the fact.
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