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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 11/7/2004 5:02:47 AM
Post subject: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrama! |
This WAS a commission. The patron hated it and demanded a refund after I've done the work two to three times. I don't give a damn that it's up again on VCL, he didn't pay for it anymore. FUCK YOU!
Now take a look at the filename. (nws, by the way) |
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Posted: 11/7/2004 6:01:52 AM
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We all know that Mikie spanks it to furry shit. He just hangs out here to be cool... and/or stir shit. Note that he hasn't been about recently. |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 11/7/2004 6:56:12 AM
Post subject: Re: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrama! |
This WAS a commission. The patron hated it and demanded a refund after I've done the work two to three times. I don't give a damn that it's up again on VCL, he didn't pay for it anymore. FUCK YOU!
Now take a look at the filename. (nws, by the way) DUN DUN DUN Note that he hasn't been about recently. Waiting for things to blow over, eh? Can't say I blame him. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
Joined: 20 Jan 2004
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Posted: 11/7/2004 4:57:57 PM
Post subject: Well Rakin didn't want one, so I'll try Hirtes |
Jesus. The auction states $40 extra for inked or $80 extra if you want it colored? How the hell much was Hirtes willing to pay in the first place?? That's... inconceivable to me, it really is. This commission thing is just money slipping through my whorish little hands (I wouldn't even have to learn real art, just how to draw the same stuff over and over).
Attn. M. Hirtes: PM me and I'll do a *FREE* request pic for you. Write detailed desc., serious reply only. NO joke pics and no 'testing' me to see what I'll draw. Of the things I can think of right now, I won't draw the following:
Kiddy stuff.
Inflation/morbid obesity.
Shit eating.
And anything suitably LOLriffic to come out of it may get posted to CYD, unless it's agreed otherwise. |
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Joined: 04 Dec 2003
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Posted: 11/7/2004 6:09:37 PM
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I can't believe that ANYBODY would pay for porn, especially furry porn, even if it's quality. Most pics are only suitable to jerk to a few times.
Surprisingly, though, that artist ain't that bad. |
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Joined: 30 Aug 2004
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Posted: 11/7/2004 6:46:52 PM
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I can't believe that ANYBODY would pay for porn, especially furry porn, even if it's quality. Most pics are only suitable to jerk to a few times.
Surprisingly, though, that artist ain't that bad.
No, he's not but those prices are fucking retarded. And hey I pay for it. If the artist is good, I have no issues. I have my price limits and this is it. |
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Posted: 11/8/2004 3:00:05 PM
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The outlook on what you'll pay for a commission probably varies widely with one's on drawing ability. Those who are capable of drawing better than a certain artist are probably much less likely to commission that artist, unless they just really like their style or something.
Even if you can't draw, however, there's still a concept of getting your money's worth. I could see this person doing maybe $20 for B&W and $30 for color.... $40, maybe, if they use Prismacolor markers or something... or the requested picture is insanely detailed. But $80 is right out. There's nothing about this person's ability that merits that kind of separation from one's funds.
Still, if some chump wants to pay that much for it, I say milk 'em. Furrydom is a showcase to the two sayings "There's a sucker born every minute." and "A fool and his money are soon parted." If some furry idjit is willing to pay $150 for a picture of his character or whatever.... you're not responsible for them being an idiot. Sit back and reap the rewards of their obsession.
I had an incident once where a fellow overheard that I was looking to unload my copy of the soundtrack to Robotech. This was around '95, I think.. so well before anime soundtracks were as easily acquired as they are today. He was practically shaking when he stated he was willing to pay $500 for it. Of course, I was just looking to get rid of it. With stuff like books, games, and CDs, once they get to the point where I'll never really ever read, play, or listen to them again, I like to get a couple of bucks for them and keep them out of a landfill.
Well, I just couldn't bring myself to exploit the guy for that much.
So I sold it to him for the meager price of $200.
HA! HA! Look at me! I'm almost naked and edgy and in-your-face with my two-tone anime hair and flipping you the bird. Don't I RAWK!? |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Michael Hirtes
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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Posted: 11/22/2004 5:30:25 AM
Post subject: Re: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrama! |
Waiting for things to blow over, eh? Can't say I blame him.
How many threads is this stupid shit going to generate? Could we please concentrate the Hirtes-bashing into one thread, please? Jeez!
And please don't force me to explain for the billionth time about my position about furry art vs. furry fandumb. It's like talking to a brick wall.
FYI, the amount she was charging for the commission was much less than $80 (think less than $20, even). Do you actually think I'd shovel out $80 for something like that? I weep for the tard who eventually did though. Maroons like that shouldn't be allowed to hold onto huge amounts of money for long.
It's amazing that one little commission that went sour turned into a multi-thread drama show (mostly one-sided, since I try to ignore it as much as possible). I'm even catching shit for it here on CYD. WTF??
As to why I've been mostly away, the reason is simple. I finally switched over from using a Mac (which I had been doing for over 10 years) to a PC. WinXP is sorta like MacOS X, but there are some differences that I'm still getting used to. Sorry if I don't LIVE on CYD to make you happy.
Oh, and Rankin? Please, eat a mountain of shit, okay? Thank you. |
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Posted: 11/22/2004 11:21:11 PM
Post subject: Re: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrama! |
Oh, and Rankin? Please, eat a mountain of shit, okay? Thank you.
Awww. If I do, will you go back to somewhere else on the internet for an extended haitus? It'd be more than worthwhile to stomach someone's feces that isn't spewing from yoru wrected mouth.
...can I pencil you in for another harem kitty? :twisted: |
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Michael Hirtes
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
Posts: 660
Posted: 11/23/2004 5:28:01 AM
Post subject: Re: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrama! |
Oh, and Rankin? Please, eat a mountain of shit, okay? Thank you.
Awww. If I do, will you go back to somewhere else on the internet for an extended haitus? It'd be more than worthwhile to stomach someone's feces that isn't spewing from yoru wrected mouth.
...can I pencil you in for another harem kitty? :twisted:
Dude, what is your fucking beef against me, anyway? You're acting like just another AFF shitheel and reminding me once again why furry fandom needs to just fucking die right where they stand.
No more reminders, OK? I've got plenty. |
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Needs to get out more
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Posted: 11/23/2004 3:55:55 PM
Post subject: Re: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrama! |
Dude, what is your fucking beef against me, anyway? You're acting like just another AFF shitheel and reminding me once again why furry fandom needs to just fucking die right where they stand.
No more reminders, OK? I've got plenty.
The truth of the matter is: I could give a fuck less about you. Most people on either side of the fence could. You keep coming back here, and USENET to fan the flames of a time no one truly gives much of a fuck about. Sure, I could equate it to some racist or bigoted commentary - but it's been done, and who cares?
You profess to be a hardass - nearly as much so as everyone's savior, Wayd, glub bless him, and then get all skittish when someone bites at you for something you've done or said. So, you jerk off to furry porn, but for some reason think you're better than them since they didn't take you into their inner circle of boi-fuckfest? Who gives a shit, Mike? I don't. |
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 11/23/2004 10:30:53 PM
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And so continues the slow inexorable decline of CYD into mediocrity through the Internet cliche of eating one's own.
I walk away to do some serious RL work and you're still obsessing over me Rankin. And you feel the need to add Mike to your list of people to fuck with.
Even The New Meat spent more energies on charicaturing CYD people than going after Groat.
You want fake tough? Check out Groat's coterie of gun collecting furries who spend their time at the firing range. Or the creepy goths permeating furry who think buying a cheap 440 katana at the asian decorations store makes them Duncan Fucking MacLeod.
Instead you'd rather go after people at CYD. Personally, you don't impress me. Your jibes are below your abilities and intellect, They're half-assed and insufficient to even merit rolling eyes. I have better things to do than joust with someone using yet another web board as personal emotional therapy.
But I can promise you, from long long experience watching closely the behaviour of Internet creatures, that if a few are chased off, after a while the cricket chirps in response to the taunts get tired and someone new is needed and then they get ticked and back away from participating and so on and so forth in round robin forum combat until the whole thing goes down.
Furries are very well versed at that. Scores of Yahoo groups have ended up with nothing more than ill will and bruised feelings because a few people thought being bullies was fun. And yes, it is bullying Rankin. I have to sit on my hands and let you insult me or get angry and threaten you and justify your crap after the fact. It's a chintzy immature routine of slacker teenagers who think they're cool. Not even sophmoric.
I thought CYD people were better than that. I hope I wasn't too wrong there. But more and more, I see the same behaviour here that I see furries engage in constantly. And don't think furries don't see it and see it as proof that we're no better than they are. Way to go. |
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Posted: 11/23/2004 11:22:38 PM
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Even The New Meat spent more energies on charicaturing CYD people than going after Groat.
Of course, he did so to parody Groat's cartoon name-dropping. So, really, he was going after Groat by caricaturing those folks he was familiar enough with to stick in his doodles in mockery of Groat's dick-suckery. |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 11/24/2004 5:09:08 AM
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There's no honour amongst bullies! =)
The Armchair Freud deduces Rankin must be just lonely...and feeling bad!
He needs booze! |
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Michael Hirtes
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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Posted: 11/24/2004 4:03:09 PM
Post subject: Re: Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrama! |
The truth of the matter is: I could give a fuck less about you.
Then don't. Fuck off now, please. |
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Michael Hirtes
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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Posted: 11/24/2004 4:11:56 PM
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You want fake tough? Check out Groat's coterie of gun collecting furries who spend their time at the firing range.
Not just "fake tough" but "creepy fake tough". One of the videos I have was of the "Tuscon Mafia" out in the desert shooting apart everything from Pound Puppies to Miller Light beer can signs to clown pinatas. One of the goons even went out in public wearing a WWII German helmet and field coat (probably trying to LARP up some sort of "Desert Peach" thing, I guess) and aside from a few still-sane people (like Ted Sheppard), the rest of them were acting like........well.........fanboys........with guns.
One telling part of the video was the group of "mundanes" who were also out at the particular stretch of desert, and the occasional glance towards the camera with that "Gawd, what a sad pack of losers." looks on their faces.
On a side note, I find it interesting that not long after Jim moved out to Wisconsin, most of the group that was left behind eventually got real jobs (started out with Shep getting a security gig at a local Indian casino, and he suggested more & more of his friends to apply as well, and now they're all wearing security uniforms out there and making much more $$$ than they ever would in "teh fandumb").
And guess how Jim is doing in the employment scene, BTW. ;) |
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