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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/21/2004 9:03:53 PM
Post subject: Top VCL Posters |
The top 20 posters at VCL based on number of image files as of Dec 20 '04 (shamelessly stolen from a.f.f.)
1. Urban-Hermit 5526
2. NachT NightKrawler 3380
3. Florence-Wong 1681
4. The-Inimical-Priest 1559
5. Poseidon-Simons 1391
6. Gwen Guinevere-D'Amico 1247
7. Sheryn-Brown 1197
8. Melissa-O'Brien Frisket 981
9. Doug Winger 974
10.Pink-Fairy-Lotus 937
11.Style Wager 918
12.Adrian-Maus 896
13.Micah Fennec 892
14.javachickn Allison-Reed 884
15.Jolyn-Ferguson SilverWing 866
16.Sunny-Colaneri 858
17.Sarah-Bosma TekniKat 854
18.K-Squared 848
19.Steve-Burt 805
20.EK-Goya 788 |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/21/2004 9:06:25 PM
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Anyone else notice a trend? The more stuff they produce the suckier their art. Only a few of those artists are half way decent and most of those draw some really squicky work. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 12/21/2004 10:10:52 PM
Post subject: Re: Top VCL Posters |
The top 20 posters at VCL based on number of image files as of Dec 20 '04 (shamelessly stolen from a.f.f.)
Links added for your browsing pleasure :twisted: |
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Joined: 14 Oct 2004
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Posted: 12/21/2004 11:08:27 PM
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Anyone else notice a trend? The more stuff they produce the suckier their art. Only a few of those artists are half way decent and most of those draw some really squicky work.
Boy, does it ever suck. And who has the time to draw that much? I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the art they draw is quite simple or have very little color or both. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/21/2004 11:21:02 PM
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Man, with all of that drawing, when do they find time for video games and masturbation?? |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/22/2004 8:05:19 AM
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Anyone else notice a trend? The more stuff they produce the suckier their art. Only a few of those artists are half way decent and most of those draw some really squicky work.
Boy, does it ever suck. And who has the time to draw that much? I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the art they draw is quite simple or have very little color or both.
Well I must admit I've churned out 40 odd drawings in a week once so it is possible to produce a lot of art in a short space of time but I didn't upload every single one. It's possible to do 60 gestural drawings an hour but those aren't really art more like prep work. The volume is easily possible the difference is as you said everything they draw is either simple or has very little color but I'd add in the less effort the more they can do. Though not all things are bad if simplistic and completed in little time.
The problem is that a lot of artists draw in the margins of their textbooks and seem to think every doodle is worthy of upload, most of the better ones do five sketches, pick out the best and work on it discarding the others. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/22/2004 8:05:56 AM
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Man, with all of that drawing, when do they find time for video games and masturbation??
You only need one hand to hold a pencil :wink: |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/22/2004 8:25:04 AM
Post subject: Re: Top VCL Posters |
The top 20 posters at VCL based on number of image files as of Dec 20 '04 (shamelessly stolen from a.f.f.)
Between this place and VCL Horrors, it's almost like a who's-who of furry's most insane pornographers. Nice. |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2004
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Posted: 12/22/2004 12:48:53 PM
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(Recognizes some of the names and shudders)
Urgh. Pink. Lady with a mushroom/household applicance/amputee/large breasted furry creatures fetish. She really does frighten me.
And Doug Winger is...Doug Winger. |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 12/22/2004 12:59:38 PM
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Urban Hermit makes everything suck. |
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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 12/22/2004 5:37:43 PM
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Urban Hermit makes everything suck.
Pretty sucky, it's all the same, it's strange, and not exactly furry. Apparently he's been doing this stuff since the 1970's. He must be some type of proto-furvert, or proto whatever the hell he is |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 12/22/2004 6:32:50 PM
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Urban Hermit makes everything suck.
Pretty sucky, it's all the same, it's strange, and not exactly furry. Apparently he's been doing this stuff since the 1970's. He must be some type of proto-furvert, or proto whatever the hell he is 1970, and he's still that awful?! God, I remember browsing VCL when he first showed up there. Uploading around 10 images a day. Then and now, I think the same thing. 'wtf is this shit?' |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 12/22/2004 6:36:27 PM
Post subject: Re: Top VCL Posters |
The top 20 posters at VCL based on number of image files as of Dec 20 '04 (shamelessly stolen from a.f.f.)
Links added for your browsing pleasure :twisted:
This HTML fragment is making a coworker's 'active desktop'.
...I'm so mean. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/22/2004 7:16:11 PM
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The problem is that a lot of artists draw in the margins of their textbooks and seem to think every doodle is worthy of upload, most of the better ones do five sketches, pick out the best and work on it discarding the others.
Back when I drew a lot, I had a folder filled with scrap paper, receipts, and other things I had drawn on. Still, none of them were scanned and uploaded. Sometimes you get a good idea, and make it really work on paper.. any paper... then you take it home to reproduce the idea in your sketchbook, or do a more finished version, and you're never quite able to capture what made the picture so right when your muse struck. I've done sketches on the back of ATM receipts that I was never able to recapture the essence once I sat down with pencils, bristol, and pens. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/22/2004 8:06:15 PM
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The problem is that a lot of artists draw in the margins of their textbooks and seem to think every doodle is worthy of upload, most of the better ones do five sketches, pick out the best and work on it discarding the others.
Back when I drew a lot, I had a folder filled with scrap paper, receipts, and other things I had drawn on. Still, none of them were scanned and uploaded. Sometimes you get a good idea, and make it really work on paper.. any paper... then you take it home to reproduce the idea in your sketchbook, or do a more finished version, and you're never quite able to capture what made the picture so right when your muse struck. I've done sketches on the back of ATM receipts that I was never able to recapture the essence once I sat down with pencils, bristol, and pens.
Yeah, I've got something like that, A box I stick all the ideas that didn't quite work out or that won't transfer properly onto a proper picture, then when I'm running into a brick wall for inspiration, I pull out one and redo it. This is also why I invariably carry a sketchpad and pencil on me :wink:
But really, I've done ten sketches in the last two days, only about 2 and a bit are worth even finishing let alone scanning. *sigh* whatever happened to standards? Bring back the rennaisance I say. |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2004
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Posted: 12/22/2004 10:12:55 PM
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*sigh* whatever happened to standards? Bring back the rennaisance I say.
These days some people regard a cat's scraping in a litterbox as art. :twisted: |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/22/2004 11:34:06 PM
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Hell.. a guy made a cool couple of million dollars by sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans and wrapping sausages around him for about a week.... and called it ART. I think there's too few standards to separate "art" from an "artistic endeavor." Unfortunately, what is and isn't art is so personally subjective, that one can't expect any kind of standardization.
So, soiled diapers nailed to crosses still qualify for government grants for the arts. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/23/2004 12:34:33 AM
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Yeah and because of shit like that we've got a generation of up and coming 'artists' who can't take critique at all. OMG don't say mean stuff to them. :lol: |
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Posted: 12/23/2004 9:00:29 AM
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Hell.. a guy made a cool couple of million dollars by sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans and wrapping sausages around him for about a week.... and called it ART. I think there's too few standards to separate "art" from an "artistic endeavor." Unfortunately, what is and isn't art is so personally subjective, that one can't expect any kind of standardization.
So, soiled diapers nailed to crosses still qualify for government grants for the arts.
See, the solution is just not to be afraid of labels
Which is why I have no problem at all labelling such artistès exactly what they are: pretentious fucking flakes
(I say this while supporting gov't grants for the arts, mind you.... paintings an shit, yo) |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 12/23/2004 2:31:06 PM
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Hell.. a guy made a cool couple of million dollars by sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans and wrapping sausages around him for about a week.... and called it ART. I think there's too few standards to separate "art" from an "artistic endeavor." Unfortunately, what is and isn't art is so personally subjective, that one can't expect any kind of standardization.
So, soiled diapers nailed to crosses still qualify for government grants for the arts.
Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. The thing with much of modern "shock" art is that the idea behind it really was a one-off: Marcel Duchamp had the idea of non-art as art with his famous urinal; it was a bold statement on the whole concept of "art", but (unfortunately) people have been copying that statement ever since. Another thing is, more people graduate from art schools than ever before. New artists need to make themselves known, and some resort to shock value, thus we get crucifixes in urine-filled jars, etc. Not necessarily not art, but I often get the impression that this type of thing, rather than an artistic expression in itself, is a made for the purpose of promoting the artists's name. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/23/2004 3:13:02 PM
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Not necessarily not art, but I often get the impression that this type of thing, rather than an artistic expression in itself, is a made for the purpose of promoting the artists's name.
That's the thing, since "art" is so subjective. I think, however, you have to question the motives behind such "artists." Are they stringing multi-colored dildos across the ceiling of a library* because their muse struck and they have some grand vision for what such a display actually represents? Or, are they just doing it to get known.. to get a rise out of people?
*This did happen
I think one thing that separates what we traditionally call art, the paintings and sculptures of the old masters and such, differ from a lot of what is, in my opinion, falsely labeled as art in its intent. Much of the work of the old masters praised man and nature and such. Nudes conveyed the idealized beauty of the human form. Landscapes captured the wonder and beauty of nature. Other paintings captured moments in the daily lives of people, idealizing a kind of innocent quaintness to Spanish villas or such.
As we moved towards the modern era, art began to become more of a means of expression, and less an attempt at realism... especially once the camera was invented. Skipping over anything I might bring up about cubism and abstractionsim and such, we move to today, where a person would never dream of toiling on something as physically demanding as painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for the sheer sake of it without any promise of fame and glory until after they died. We get into the shock art phase...... a means of generating notice and culling a few bucks from folks who like to think of themselves as avant garde (hmm... sounds like folks with money will pay out for crap just like furries :shock: )... and all without having to really develop any kind of disciplined skill.
When I was an art major, I took medical anatomy (and got better grades than most med students) with the rationale that if early artists could study cadavers to improve their anatomical knowledge.. and, thus, their ability to depict the human form... I could too. I doubt most "bohemian" artists would go to such lengths.. because it requires discipline. Why study art history, go to class for 2D design, and fill tons of sketchbooks with practice drawings when you can stick some beans up your butt and a couple of Oscar Meyers in your ears and call it art.
And what are the kinds of statements we get as the message behind crucifixes in urine jars and other "shock art?" It's not a lauding of the beauty of nature or of human achievement... it's a denigration of everything. Rather than develop artistic skill to add beauty to the world, many shock artists simply use a quick fix tactic to play up the negative, soak in the drama, and make a few bucks as angst whores.
Not to say all art must be rosy. But, still.... I think when assessing the general value of an "art" piece, you have to take into account what is the motive behind the work..... to focus on the good in something, or convey a valuable message (say, a collection of nudes of people of varying races, ages, builds, etc. as a means of saying everyone is beautiful in their own way).. or to just be drama queen and make a quick buck?
Not that I can really fault anyone for raking in a couple of million dollars for doing anything, so long as it's legal and ethical. I should be so lucky as to be set for life after taking a bath in Spagetti-Os. |
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Posted: 12/24/2004 8:01:48 AM
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When I was an art major, I took medical anatomy (and got better grades than most med students) with the rationale that if early artists could study cadavers to improve their anatomical knowledge.. and, thus, their ability to depict the human form... I could too. I doubt most "bohemian" artists would go to such lengths.. because it requires discipline. Why study art history, go to class for 2D design, and fill tons of sketchbooks with practice drawings when you can stick some beans up your butt and a couple of Oscar Meyers in your ears and call it art.
Ok, while I felt all the stupid performance art shit is pretentious.
So is this nonsense.
Yeah if you want to do art like leonardo da vinci. I have no qualms about saying - that shit is fucking boring. :)
Id rather look at velvet elvis' , dogs playing poker and rat finks. |
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Joined: 02 Dec 2004
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Posted: 12/25/2004 10:20:06 AM
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Thanks very much for this Topic.
I’m very astonished.
How much Gigabytes occupied by that 20 !!!!!!!!
Thanks gód for the intenet! (Cynical)
I have 69 crapictures there, I’m NOT a artist, Drawing is a hobby.
VCL is NOT a place to throw my drawing skills or drawing scrawls, saddly some peoples think there is a competition place or a depot whichever.
Rararara. (Sarcastic) |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/26/2004 8:24:54 AM
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I like that guy who said "I could shit in a can and call it art, and people would pay for it", before going out to prove the theory true.
The cans started exploding in some collection somewhere due to our fine friend known as biology. Gotta love the art world. |
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Posted: 12/26/2004 8:36:51 AM
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Well there is also that other guy who's idea I thought was pretty cool actually
He created a company to sell "Shit-B-Gone" toilet paper. The whole thing was to make a statement of some kind, cant really remember now, - but all the while be a serious company.
I think you can still buy the stuff.
All the links I can find point to novelty shops - but its not a novelty or a gag item - Its actual toilet paper. Cheaper than most name brands and available for bulk orders. I think the guy was trying to get a lot commercial business (corporate offices, manufacturing, etc) by offering a competitively priced product. I think it worked fairly well, IIRC. |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 1/4/2005 4:27:32 AM
Post subject: Re: Top VCL Posters |
14.javachickn Allison-Reed 884
Don't knock on Allison's work, man, her artwork is seriously kick-ass.
Has anyone seen it? |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 1/4/2005 1:14:25 PM
Post subject: Re: Top VCL Posters |
14.javachickn Allison-Reed 884
Don't knock on Allison's work, man, her artwork is seriously kick-ass.
Has anyone seen it?
Hey, I wasn't knocking on it. All I said was "Here are the top 20 VCL posters". |
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