Crush...Yiff...Destroy! The CYD Forum Archive
BREATHE, a wonderfully-written story by a Sonic furry
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Joined: 29 Dec 2004
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Posted: 12/29/2004 7:01:48 PM
Post subject: BREATHE, a wonderfully-written story by a Sonic furry |
I don't know if you guys like fanfiction in here, but a friend of mine came upon this thing ages ago on deviantart.com, and it was just so bad he had to save it. So I thought I'd share it here. Have fun.
Mood: In pain
Listening to: Castlevania - moonlight noctourne
Pairing: Knuxadow.
Dedication: For Orin, whose request for Knuxadow in her journal sent my muse out for a loop before it jumped back with this crazy idea.
Disclaimer: They aren’t mine, shame that. Wish they were, this is just a non-profit work of fiction written for the simple pleasure of doing so.
Breathe…Chest rising and a falling steadily, breath the turmoil out and breath the peace in, find the void, the comfort in your duty. Calm a mind reeling from the first intimate contact of lips, draw breath into lungs whose air was stolen moments before by a gentle thief’s love.
Red and black across your vision, no you’re not going to pass out not yet. What are you seeing? What are you feeling? Love? A mindless vision blessed with sweetness. A gasp, breath though your heart is breaking, breath though everything fails to matter, breath Knuckles the Echidna and live.
**************************************** ****************
Chapter 1 : Awakening.
The night was dark as dark as the purple eyes that blinked up into the emptiness lost still in the last tattered remnants of a dream, the moon shone whitely upon the stilled island as it drifted on currents held aloft by the soft green glow of the Master emerald. The night was not silent however the distant rumble of an aircraft and the muted rumblings of nocturnal creatures caught on the nights net and shattered the peace ever so slightly as Knuckles sat up. A glance told him that his precious master Emerald was safe before silence rippled across the island, an instant later the Echidna was on his feet and scanning for dangers in the heavy unnatural silence. Shadow’s moved in the deeper parts of the island drifting almost lazily but no danger that Knuckles could see waited to be discovered.
Dimly to the east the first gray fingers of dawn were creeping above the horizon, they wound up into the blackness turning it into a soft fuzz before the crowning peach of the rising sun touched the first edges of the night. On the island all was peaceful and yet the guardian could not say what had awakened him, a need for something perhaps. The dream he had awoken from was fuzzy, dimly remembered in his mind and yet the mute yearning that has accompanied it was so strong it seem stamped upon his heart like indelible fingerprints.
A soft scented breeze played in Knuckles dreadlocks as he watched the sun rise wondering as he did every morning if there was a more beautiful sight in the entire world than the rosy light flooding over his home and lightly touching the Master Emerald making the stone blaze with green fire in a way that took the crimson guardian’s breath away for the merest moment. For a second the red rising sun made him think of another sort of red, that immersed in a river of black quills that had fallen away from the ship in the sky.
Absently the Echidna brushed those thoughts away, yes it was a shame that Shadow had fallen in such a way before he had time to be the hero that he could have been but it was hardly anything to do with Knuckles and anyway such was life. Softly the new day overtook the floating island and it’s guardian as a blue and green world turned serenely guaranteed safety by it’s hero’s and somewhere beyond thought beyond everything crimson eyes opened and focused.
**************************************** **************************
Chapter 2 : Fear has many faces.
Knuckles relaxed back as Sonic babbled again, something about a mansion and an eggman plan, the echidna just let the hyper hedgehog’s word wash over him confident that whatever it was they would handle it with the usual ease.
That ease evaporated as they reached the destination that Tails had last had reports of Eggman at. "We’re going in there?" The voice was calm and only the sensitive ears of the batgirl perched on the opposite wing heard the minor quaver in that statement.
Tails merely nodded as the group approached the crumbling mansion, a weathered sigh next to the rusted gates was nearly unreadable but from the fox’s whispered comment it transpired to have once belonged to Eggman’s grandfather, Knuckles gave Tails an surprised look, he had not expected the scientist who spent nearly his whole life on ARK to own a mansion like this. Sonic reached forward and touched the gates, they gave instantly at the hedgehog’s touch slamming into the ground with a noise like a untuned metal gong, everyone winced as the sound bounced off the crumbling eaves of the house before them but aside from a cawing of a unseen raven there was no response from the sprawling mansion.
Knuckles shot the cerulean speedster a look before they crossed over the collapsed gates and entered the overgrown garden, the path to the door was dim and almost obliterated by creeping bushes with unhealthy looking white fruit on dark green and yellow spotted leaves. Deep in the distance Knuckles could still hear that unseen raven screeching like a warning, for a brief wild moment the guardian wanted to find and strangle the bird. Unnerved by his own response he turned to follow the cobalt back of the hedgehog as they slipped down the path.
They gathered in a huddle before the door with it’s peeling green paint as darkened window’s glared at the small group, Knuckles felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as he glanced at those windows, for the first time he wondered why he had agreed to come along since normally Tails and Sonic had no problems finding Eggman, he suddenly realized that Sonic and Tails had vanished within and Rouge was staring at him expectantly, muttering under his breathe the echidna whirled and run up the steps and through the partially open door hearing the soft flapping of the batgirl’s wings as she flew behind him, the entrance hall was draped with cobwebs and old furnishings.
Sonic and Tails stood at the door leading to the west wind and Knuckles nodded to them before heading towards the east wing followed by a somewhat put out Rouge. The doors creaked open before the pair as they peered into a long dusty corridor, Knuckles uttered a snort of disgust as the dust tickled his nose, he couldn’t think of any reason anyone would want to come here let alone Eggman.
Slowly room by room they checked the wing moving in silence by silent agreement since Knuckles was in no mood to talk and Rouge was still annoyed with him for spacing then leaving her behind and she had no desire to talk to the back of his head.
In the other wing Sonic and Tails were having the same amount of luck, room after empty dusty room went by until Sonic finally threw his hands up in disgust. "Are you sure about this Tails?" Whatever the fox was about to say was cut short by a quavering female scream from the other end of the house, a second later the hedgehog and fox were standing behind a confused Rouge who was staring into an empty room in horror.
Sonic blinked "Was there some reason you screamed?" He looked around for Knuckles wondering why the Echidna had left her alone. Rouge just turned around tears glimmering in her eyes "S..S something grabbed him…some kind of shadow…." Tails looked around the room, it was a lot like the other rooms they had already seen, peeling wallpaper and dust darkened windows, the drapes in moved eerily as the fox watched by try as he might he could not see any sign that the echidna had gone there not even footprints on the dust shrouded floor, the young hero whimpered and put his ears back even as Sonic patted Rouge on the shoulder "don’t worry we’ll find him".
Knuckles opened his eyes to darkness, not even the faintest glimmer of light was present, he murkily probed at his last memory, the room.. a sweet sickly smell and then enveloping sheets of something black before the long tumble in unconsciousness. Speaking of sickly sweet smells that same odor lingered here, it sluggishly clung to the echidna’s nose and made him feel unwell, a light footstep sounded some distance from the still semi conscious guardian and Knuckles shifted to try and look towards the direction he thought it was coming from, the dull clink of chain surprised him and he sat up reaching down for a moment before encountered a strong cuff around his right leg that was attached to a length of solid feeling chain, the chill settled into Knuckles fingers as it dawned on him that whoever had captured him had also removed his gloves and shoes.
Cautiously Knuckles groped along the chain, the sweet smell seemed to make him feel fuzzy headed if he breathed too deep, after a moment or two he reached the end of the chain a thick ring set into massive foundation stones in the wall that lay alongside the soft pile of fabric he had awoken on.
The chain was long enough to permit some movement including gymnastics if he felt up to it, but it kept the Echidna from going too far away from the wall, seeing there was no other restraint on him and hearing a dry shuffling far off across the chamber Knuckles decided to see if his captor would reveal himself, the smell seemed to make even the normally fiery guardian calmer "Hello… Who are you? What do you want with me?" The only answer was a soft laugh out of the darkness before the shuffling started heading towards Knuckles who was now somewhat unnerved by the lack of an answer. The smell grew stronger and Knuckles felt his head swim as he edged back towards the wall, a soft voice answered as a hand stroked his peach muzzled idly avoiding Knuckles’s attempt to swat it. "I am Deneial as for what I want, I want you…I shall return" Knuckles was left in the dark as his abductor disappeared, still at least he had a name now if not a face or a plan for escaping.
Slowly cautiously he moved listening for further movement in the large by the sounds of the echoes chamber before testing the chain that proved more than a match for his strength and the limit of his movement around the pile of fabric.
Deneial watched his new pet’s struggles to make some sense of the darkened world he found himself in, they always did that at first, then they settled down before bending to him. This one was stronger than the others, such sweet pleasure to break him first.
In the darkness to Deneial left came a soft noise before a hedgehog with dark quills appeared out of the shadows and into the dim red light his collar gleaming dully. "Don’t hurt him please" Deneial smirked at the soft plea "Compassion from you…how strange my pet". One hand absently stroked dark quills with rivulets of red in them before Deneial pulled Shadow towards him kissing the hedgehog soundly before Shadow pulled away "So you still fight me or try too, you are mine Shadow from now until doomsday, I have claimed your dark soul and it is mine to do with as I please, in time you will realize this as will he.." Deneial swept out leaving Shadow to watch Knuckles sit down frustrated on the edge of the bed as the demon smiled quietly to himself, he had no interest real in this ‘knuckles’ but hurting his friends would break the ultimate lifeform to Deneial’s whims and owning the ultimate lifeform was a goal that Deneial ardently wanted as he licked lips that still tasted slightly of Shadow.
Sonic peered around a darkened corner then beckoned the other two on, after Knuckles abduction they were being a lot more cautious as they searched the wings of the mansion, after an hour or so of checking dusty rooms empty of anything except for spiders and bats even the normally upbeat hedgehog was beginning to feel depressed.
Outside the sun which had been high when they arrived was slowly sinking in the west throwing lengthening shadows over the mansion as the three gathered in the main hall, Rouge looked around fearfully at each creak as Sonic put a reassuring hand on her arm though even he could feel his skin crawl with each sound in the darkening shadows of the mansion. Tails hid it less well than Sonic jumping at every noise before finally settling down with a determined look on his face. "No Luck… he’s got to be somewhere here" Sonic shrugged before Tails broke in "Whoever took him might not have stayed". Rouge glanced up the stairs as she saw movement from the corner of her eye as Sonic and Tails debated whether to keep on searching the mansion or to try the grounds.
Sonic gave a yelp at Rouge tugged on his arm and turned furiously before staring at shock at the human patiently waiting at the top of the dusty staircase. "Who are you?" Green eyes narrowed as the human laughed softly and flicked deep black hair over his shoulder. "Who am I Indeed?" Sonic started forward angrily as he sensed this stranger was laughing at him and for a second his temper rose before being stopped cold as he stared into the human’s eyes, soft, brown and companionable.
The human smiled "I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist, I seldom get guests and certainly not usually such unusual guests" Slowly he drifted down the stairs towards them his black robes rippling as Tails and Rouge hid behind Sonic "I am Ivan De Argent, I own this mansion, pray tell is there some reason you are here?".
Tails peered out from behind Sonic "We were looking for Eggman and our friend he disappeared.." Ivan smiled and the fox drew back "Eggman? I know no-one of that name and I have seen no-one else but you three, are you sure your friend has not just wandered off?".
Sonic bristled for a moment "We’re sure, Rouge saw someone grab him…Now where is he?" Ivan sighed dramatically "I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about, however you are quite welcome to look for your friend, though I expect he will turn up somewhere, in the meantime you must be tired" Ivan’s grin spread wider "You can continue to look for him in the morning, in the meantime let me offer you somewhere to sleep and my word to check the mansion for your friend, I’m sure he will turn up somewhere" Sonic looked at the others and shrugged, outside night was swiftly falling and soft shadow’s crept across the floor, as the three looked up at Ivan first Rouge then Tails yawned all of a sudden so tired they could hardly stay awake.
Moments later they were following Ivan down a corridor as he held a flickering candle to light their way, eventually they entered the northern wing of the mansion, here the corridors showed sighs of use. Rouge blinked as they passed door after door before Ivan stopped beside one and opened it with a iron key "My lady, your room for the night?" Nervously the female bat crossed the threshold ahead of him and glanced around a simple red room with a large recently made queen bed, Ivan lit the candelabra on the table before turning back to Sonic and Tails with a soft "sleep well my lady" Rouge shuddered as the door shut behind him, there was something about that Ivan person but as she gave a huge yawn she tiredly thought it could wait until the morning.
Ivan led the other two to another room, similar to Rouges except this had two beds and a cream theme, once again he lit the candelabra before exiting with a soft "sleep well, Sonic and Tails" if either had been thinking clearly they would have asked themselves why Ivan had rooms already prepared for them or how he knew their names without them having mentioned them but both tiredly dismissed the first question and ignored the second. Sonic tiredly got into bed convincing himself that Ivan would find Knuckles afterall he knew the house and the hedgehog was so very very tired, absently the Hedgehog wondered what the slight sweet odor he could smell was but his eyelids were like deadweights and the hedgehog was swiftly asleep followed by the fox.
Silence reined over the mansion except for the cawing of a raven but the aside from a flicked ear from Rouge all three of the group slept soundly. Deneial laughed softly from his chamber as Shadow turned his head away from the monitor "Eine meeny miney mo, which one shall I kill Shadow?" A shudder ran down the hedgehogs body as the demon lay in a whispered into one dark ear "or shall I have some fun with the other, this Knuckles?".
Shadow tried to turn but Deneial yanked him back, the soft brown eyes now matched Shadows but unlike his they had no mercy in them at all "well? Answer" soft black hair spilled across Shadow’s shoulder as Deneial leaned in his breath smelling slightly of cloves.
The dark hedgehog struggled for a moment but finally muttered "Leave them alone, they’ve done nothing to you…"
Deneial chuckled darkly "Leave them alone? They trespassed and now must be punished…" He kept the smaller Shadow close as Shadow glared back at him "You lured them here, posing as Eggman…" Suddenly the hedgehog was flying backwards before landing sprawled on the floor, he didn’t move for a moment dazed by the blow to the face and knowing from past experience that getting up would just invite another blow.
Deneial turned his back on Shadow "Don’t split hairs with me hedgehog, how they got here doesn’t matter, the fact is they’re are here and in my power, now what do you propose to do to protect them, will you fight me and lose as always… or will you offer me yourself for them" He smirked darkly as he heard the ultimate lifeform get up behind him.
Shadow stood up and glared at Deneial’s back, if looks could have killed then the demon should have ended up with a smoking hole in his chest from the hate in that look. The hedgehog sighed "What do you want? The usual…I suppose" The grin spread on the demons face as for the first time the hedgehog gave in without a long protracted argument for once.
Shadow sulked as Deneial stood silently still looking at the monitors, he knew the demon just did that to annoy him, the dark hedgehog could still remember the first time he had met the demon. He had been falling towards certain doom, the air around him had started glowing, yet he had felt no pain, just peace that it was finally going to end for him, with a abrupt yank the world had jumped sideways and suddenly he was dragged upwards away from his promised end, away from what he wanted, in the empty space previously unfelt burns screamed in pain as he was tossed though nothing until he hit a platform below one of the asteroids, the cool metal tore his sensitive skin as well as easing the burns as Shadow panted breathing in the held atmosphere of the mad space section of the colony.
Slowly the hurt hedgehog looked up at the one who had yanked him away from bliss and for a moment he blinked stupidly in disbelief, it looked human but no human had wings vast and black like the night nor looked at him with a look at made Shadow’s blood run cold. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/29/2004 8:24:49 PM
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oh clap clap, nice labelling. Shall I call you something since you've labelled me a furry? Wondered how long before you lot would post this here, So I write fanfic, least it's better than the standard:
Sonic: omg shadow I love you...
Shadow: omg mai evul heart has been metled by sonic's luff...
*insert horrible gratutious yaoi sex scene that is supposed to be 'romantic'*
I'm so impressed guys, if you think it's so bad why not actually try leaving me some feedback cos funnily enough most of the people I know who actually write and get paid for it think it's not half bad for a fanfic. |
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Joined: 04 Sep 2004
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:23:41 PM
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DA: Nobody knew it was yours, or was really interested, until you reacted with teh drama. Wow. (And no, I'm still not interested.)
DA's Internet stalker: Hello. |
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21st Century Digital Boy
Joined: 27 Dec 2003
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:32:20 PM
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God, I remember Sonic the Hedgehog. I remember playing a quarter-sized clump of blue pixels on my old, finickey SEGA Genesis, bouncing on robots, going through loop-de-loops, all that jazz. I even played Sonic and Knuckles once or twice at a friend's house, I always thought Knuckles was a girl, actually. Oddly enough, I don't remember ever thinking that a game in which technicolored rodents ran around smashing robots and collecting rings was an ideal setting for gooey homosexual romance. Then again, I also fail to see how Harry Potter, Secret of NIMH, Discworld, Invader Zim, Calvin and Hobbes, or Spongebob Squarepants could possibly be viewed as setups for HOTHOTHOMOLOVE either, but I guess that's just me.
So I write fanfic, least it's better than the standard:
Sonic: omg shadow I love you...
Shadow: omg mai evul heart has been metled by sonic's luff...
*insert horrible gratutious yaoi sex scene that is supposed to be 'romantic'*
The fact that there is actually a standard for gay Sonic the Hedgehog porn is... well, actually unsurprising. Guess I've been on the internet for too long.
I'm so impressed guys, if you think it's so bad why not actually try leaving me some feedback cos funnily enough most of the people I know who actually write and get paid for it think it's not half bad for a fanfic.
That may very well be, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that it's still fanfiction, which is quite possible the worst abuse of the gift of writing since Jonathan Livingston Seagull.*
*Although now that I think of it, JLS gay fanfiction would be unspeakably awesome in a two wrongs make a right sort-of way. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:42:24 PM
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Then again, I also fail to see how Harry Potter, Secret of NIMH, Discworld, Invader Zim, Calvin and Hobbes, or Spongebob Squarepants could possibly be viewed as setups for HOTHOTHOMOLOVE either, but I guess that's just me.
The fact that there is actually a standard for gay Sonic the Hedgehog porn is... well, actually unsurprising. Guess I've been on the internet for too long.
You've got me on the first one, even I scratch my head at some of the fanfic people produce. Yes there's a standard and it's a pretty low one at that, you should see some of the horrors people write, one I read had Knuckles as homosexual and every other male character suddenly turned homosexual and started throwing themselves at him and that's not even going into the Knuckles and master Emerald sex scene... *shrug* nobody asked me to write war and peace, there's no actual sex in Breathe, homosexual or otherwise so far.
I reacted Gargoyle because these people have been being idiots for the last two days. Even I don't have a limitless supply of patience and even you have to admit that while it's not an especially good fic, it's hardly horror material. |
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Joined: 13 Nov 2003
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Posted: 12/29/2004 10:27:10 PM
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I remember Sonic the Hedgehog (and its peculiar drawing style) was quite common on the furry fandom on the mid 90s, when the character was on the top of its popularity thanks to videogames, TV series and comics.
I know about a certain popular website with a lot of information about Mortal Kombat III when the game was teh latest. You know, the website I'm talking about had a section featuring fan-art of Sonic the Hedgehog and his sidekick Knuckles, mostly drawn by a certain Guppy (who STILL draws furry smut, even if it seems he finally left Sonic alone).
The section got so famous that Sega America contacted the administrator with a cease and desist message. The folk got scared to hell, he also got rid of the videogames' stuff and decided to make an art gallery, with a stringent emphasis on cleaniness. Actually, the "no naughty bits here" bit reached even the new gallery's name: Squeeky Clean Furry Archive, or SCFA.
Now, back in the time, the access to that gallery was unrestricted, with the sole condition that your stuff was decent and clean enough. That's how I got my gallery there. Unfortunately, about 4 of every 5 pics were quite SonicTheHedgehogesque, until the administrator got fed up with the style and just didn't let people to upload any more Sonic-esque stuff. Who knows, maybe Sonic of America was still watching the site.
Eventually, he got tired of furry retardness, and gave his gallery to some other people to take care of it while he went to live his life. The site was then recalled to...
I think it's amusing. Yerf, the most stringent and puritan of the furry galleries on the present, had its origins as a smut gallery dedicated to Sonic the Hedgehog. |
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 6:29:03 AM
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I think it's amusing. Yerf, the most stringent and puritan of the furry galleries on the present, had its origins as a smut gallery dedicated to Sonic the Hedgehog.
That is very amusing. I wonder if any of the current Yerf reviewers (or admins, for that matter) actually know that.
I might suggest an article on Yerf, except that there's enough drama surrounding the site as it is. |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/30/2004 7:22:12 AM
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I remember that (either here or on Portal Of Evil) it was decided that the massive GAY INVASION that swept through everything having anything to do with Sonic can be traced back to the overly melodramatic Archie comic and it's accompanying TV series.
Although I sort of have a handle on how the Sonic fandom got to be so utterly terrifying, I don't think it will ever be possible for someone to explain to me WHY it got like this. |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 7:23:52 AM
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I remember that (either here or on Portal Of Evil) it was decided that the massive GAY INVASION that swept through everything having anything to do with Sonic can be traced back to the overly melodramatic Archie comic and it's accompanying TV series.
... sometimes, all you need is a Kevin Smith movie. Other times, a lobotomy. Sometimes, both. |
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Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/30/2004 4:56:57 PM
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Nobody's perfect. It wasn't but a while ago someone dug up an old pic of mine with a reflection of osama on the gun. I'm not ashamed of anything I have done in my past years. Not even when was butt-naked ass drunk in a school bus trip.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 5:34:09 PM
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And you phoned Nimbl and me... not knowing or caring where ya were headed... without any pants... =) |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 12/30/2004 6:35:25 PM
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Oh, DA, we still love you. :) |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 6:52:39 PM
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I think the thing that gets me about fanfiction is that I don't really give a rat's patootie about what the characters from most works do in their off time. Before I go on, let me say that I certainly don't think this is any reason why fanfiction shouldn't be written. If it's something someone enjoys creating or reading, that's jake by me. So, this is merely why I could never get into the whole fanfiction deal.
Fundamentally, if it's not by the creators of said characters, I don't really care what some fan of this series or that game figures Captain Sheridan likes to do on Sunday mornings or what MegaMan's Christmas wish is. I don't care what some novelist's vision of what Han Solo's and Princess Leia's wedding was like... let alone their honeymoon night. I would be interested to know what the creators and approved writers of series and characters lay out for them.... but not so much what fans speculate. Not to mention, so much fanficion seems to go in the face of canon. The ones that really go against canon.... like homoerotic MegaMan or something... are really annoying in that they're often not written with the intent of taking the existing canon and working it, but reworking it to suit the author's tastes. That sort of disregard for what is established in the original works just kinda irks me... like nails on a chalkboard.
For instance, I'm always eager to learn more about Rikimaru and Ayame from one of my favorite game series, Tenchu, when new games come out. I would watch an anime made of it. But, I have zero interest in what some fan of the series wrote.. no matter how well done.. about little misadventures outside of what is presented in the creators' storylines. While I like the games and characters, I don't like them that much.
Plus, the fanfiction I've seen tries too hard to ground characters. There's too much focus on everyday things... like what Sonic likes on his turkey sandwiches, Spock's favorite girlie mag, Duncan McCloud's Thanksgiving holidy, or how Donkey Kong had abandonment issues as a child. I just don't care. I know it's probably just trying to be good writing and make the character a bit more rounded.. but, I just don't give a rat's ass about this collection of pixels on my TV enough to care how Samus Aran wanted to be a ballerina instead of a bounty hunter. I don't care about fictional characters enough to want to see them fleshed out beyond the 2D image on my screen. Now, if they're being played by Angelina Jolie, I'll care enough to ogle for a few seconds, but, really... who cares that this video game character turns into a crying infant whenever she misses her dead father. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
Needs to get out more
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Posted: 12/30/2004 7:12:00 PM
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Oh, DA, we still love you. :)
Ditto that.
*hugs DA*
I still want to see your boobies :P |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 7:31:02 PM
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So... Tengu has some kind of vendetta against DA? Pffft.. hate to tell you, boy, but I doubt anyone here cares what she's written. Hell, we even have spoogemongers in our midst. CYD, if nothing else, does seem different from other furry-bashing boards in that it lets anyone come here and speak up for themselves... from big names like EbonyLeopard to the really messed up ones like.. y'know... the wolf anus guy (he whose name shall not be mentioned (if you look in a mirror and say his name 5 times, he'll appear and make you hump a dog)). Anyone can register and speak up without being immediately banned, unless they prove to be totally obnoxious.
Sonic fanfic with homoerotic overtones hardly rates on the scale of "OMG YOU HEATHEN LEAVE MY SIGHT AND NEVER RETURN!"
Of course, I didn't bother to read the thing, either. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/30/2004 7:54:53 PM
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Although I sort of have a handle on how the Sonic fandom got to be so utterly terrifying, I don't think it will ever be possible for someone to explain to me WHY it got like this.
It's quite simple actually, it's really just the west playing catch up with the east, when Sonic's first game with Tails was released all across japan the porn mongers pencils were hard at work making hentai of the two despite Tails being 4 and Sonic being I think 8... of course the early Sonic fans got online and went looking for fanfic and fanart of them so sooner or later they had to stumble across it. There's weirdos in every section of society but apparently the japanese being so blatant about it merely encouraged the weirdos in the Sonic fandom a bit like how the japanese Zoo boards encourage furry weirdos.
To be honest the only reason I write the occasional fanfic is because it frustrates me that the ones who get to write the official stuff make it so stupid, even as a kid watching Sonic underground I was amazed that they expected us to swallow such stupidity as Sonic is the fastest hedgehog alive yet every time he spots his mother he can't catch her?? or the episode where Sonic and Manic wore identical dresses to Sonia in order to sneaking inside robotnik/eggman's castle and spy, not only did the bad guy not notice that the pink female hedgehog looked like one of those Sonic Underground hedgehogs but he also didn't notice when she changed color? That and Sonic and Manic's apparent complete comfort in those dresses made me wonder.
Though nothing will ever convince that the stupid antione character from the other cartoon series is anything less than gay. No matter how much they imply he's in love with Bunny Rabot.
Awww Guys ^_^ group hug!!!
I'll have to haul up some real horrors of Sonic fanfiction for people to see, honestly there's stuff out there that makes me wonder if they were too busy jerking off to type properly.
Here's one :twisted: enjoy the depths of baaaaaaaad sonic lemons.
http://adultfan.nexcess.net/aff/story.php?no=544172365 |
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Joined: 14 Oct 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 8:23:05 PM
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Here's one :twisted: enjoy the depths of baaaaaaaad sonic lemons.
The very definition of abysmal. I can picture some retard banging on his keyboard.
And what the hell is up with that banner (the one with Batman)? |
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Posted: 12/30/2004 8:29:56 PM
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Of course, I didn't bother to read the thing, either.
Well that explains everything.
I still want to see your boobies :P
Come to think of it, so does that. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/30/2004 8:37:48 PM
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And what the hell is up with that banner (the one with Batman)?
It's adultfanfiction.net, it doesn't just host bad sonic lemons but other unsavory items of the lemon persuasion. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 12/30/2004 9:45:57 PM
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Of course, I didn't bother to read the thing, either.
Well that explains everything.
I still want to see your boobies :P
Come to think of it, so does that.
Don't make me kill you, faggot. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 10:03:38 PM
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Don't make me kill you, faggot.
Please to not be feeding the
I'm thinking a might be forthcoming. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 12/30/2004 10:12:16 PM
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Don't make me kill you, faggot.
Please to not be feeding the 
Excuse me sir, but I was trolling the troll. Well, now you done fucked me up! I can't play Frizzle-Fry now because I don't where the hell we were... and it's a shame too because I really love playing that song.
I'm thinking a might be forthcoming.
This thread was destined for that kind of success, baby :wink: |
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Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/30/2004 10:34:44 PM
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And you phoned Nimbl and me... not knowing or caring where ya were headed... without any pants... =)
That's what I do, my friend. That's what I do. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 12/30/2004 10:38:08 PM
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Oh, I wasn't calling you the troll, SF. I was referring to Tengu. Based on a post elsewhere, he seems to think trolling CYD for transgressions DA is thought to have committed elsewhere is justafiable.
That's kinda like going to Sony headquarters and interrupting business meetings because a kid that works in their mail room annihilated you at DDR and called you a pussy. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 12/31/2004 2:20:22 PM
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Oh, I wasn't calling you the troll, SF. I was referring to Tengu. Based on a post elsewhere, he seems to think trolling CYD for transgressions DA is thought to have committed elsewhere is justafiable.
No, I got you. I was thinking the "do not feed the trolls" message isn't always neccessary, since I was just having some fun with this one. Whether you're 'feeding' them or playing with them all depends on what they were looking for in the first place, and I think this one was looking to foment anti-DA sentiments. I was curious to see how it would react to violent flame before starting the game in ernest, but it seems to have scuttled off into the sewer drain under the bridge it was born in. Pity that.
Yes, I did give some benefit of the doubt; how much do you want to bet that nick was chosen not for what a "Tengu" is, but because the name sounded all kewlsies? Now how much do you want to bet it was because they're just a hardcore Megaman X fan :roll: |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 12/31/2004 8:08:21 PM
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They've moved onto my livejournal and invited some buddies. Cue some total drivel posted. It'd be funny if it wasn't just the same old repeating shit.
Them: U SUCK
Me: u-huh
Me: so?
They really oughta get some new lines they might get furries to go off on a crusade over this but they're just boring me. |
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