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Rural Pimp
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Posted: 12/31/2004 7:57:37 PM
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It's by Pink. What else do you expect? :shock: |
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Posted: 12/31/2004 8:09:45 PM
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I am not surprised at who drew it... |
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Posted: 1/1/2005 2:00:53 AM
Post subject: Re: Furry Warhammer 40K Tyranid tentacle porn |
Sums it up right there. :D |
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Posted: 1/1/2005 2:22:26 AM
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Warhammer? Is nothing sacred? ;_; |
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Posted: 1/1/2005 10:41:27 AM
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Warhammer? Is nothing sacred? ;_;
Not where furrys are concerned, then again nothing is sacred on the internet. |
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Posted: 1/2/2005 9:51:54 AM
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So, what were guys planning on... OH MY GOD NO.
Well, I'd assume we all know who Pink is and why we should either pity or hate... it... so I'll just pin up some notable quotes from the "Support Pink" thread...
Pink, if you're reading this, you need to ignore the 13 year old harassers.. or even better, bitch in this forum about em. Remember, here you are respected and liked, and therefore, if you give us targets, we will initiate Operation: Burninate Little Flamey Bitches.
*dusts off his list of Net-assassin friends*
Internet-seclusion + Internet-threats = Internet-fun
If you read this Pink, you want me to dispatch my team of ninja assassins armed with wiffle ball bats after those little bastards?
Ya, those little bastards are quite internet-scared right now.
~dusts off his old email adresses~
I can spam them with porn and viruses!
Or use ub3r hax and find out where they live, then go there and sprinkle salt in their eyes!
Makes me want to STAEL TEH MEGAHURTZ of this HAXOR.
For every one person that simply dislikes her art, there's five people that enjoy it....
...Pink is loved.
It goes from Pink to 60MPH in under 25 posts.
Oh thank Internet-God, Pink didn't internet-leave us. |
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Posted: 1/2/2005 4:34:20 PM
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All that ass kissing for a mediocre artist. It makes me internet-sad. :(
Oh yeah. DRAMA.
Makes me want to STAEL TEH MEGAHURTZ of this HAXOR. h@xXor 0n jo0r c0mpu73r? |
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Posted: 1/2/2005 5:00:54 PM
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All that ass kissing for a mediocre artist. It makes me internet-sad. :(
You'll find that pretty much anywhere, if I pulled the same 'wah I'm leaving' post you can bet I'd get a good 50+ messages begging me not to. |
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Rural Pimp
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Posted: 1/2/2005 5:45:26 PM
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Pink seems to be very much "yesterdays´news". Her name seems to pop up now and then on this forum and then BLAH BLAH BLAH! Whatever...
Seen any jailhouse gay space marines lately? |
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Posted: 1/2/2005 5:59:58 PM
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Seriously, WTF is up with Pink?
It's like she has a household appliance/amputee/mushroom/naked furry girl fetish. I can't figure her out. She has a sexualized Care Bear character called Pinklepurr Heart.
And even worse, she's good online friends with the only furry artist that I really like and trust. I noted that a good portion of the small bunch of "Mature" pictures in this artist's gallery were the result of Pink by one way or another. Talk about a bad influence... |
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Posted: 1/2/2005 10:39:05 PM
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I have seen very little of Pink's art, and the pics linked to here sure as hell don't make me want to look for more... that amputee tentacle rape stuff is just creepy.
And even worse, she's good online friends with the only furry artist that I really like and trust. I noted that a good portion of the small bunch of "Mature" pictures in this artist's gallery were the result of Pink by one way or another. Talk about a bad influence...
Who would that be? Anyhow, I know very little about Pink other than what I've read on this forum - but there's no reason why she can't make messed-up art and still be really nice person who others like to be friends with. I mean, I have no idea if that's the case, but could be. |
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Posted: 1/2/2005 11:46:50 PM
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That could be the case, but her art (and amount of people that praise it) scares me. |
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Posted: 1/3/2005 9:28:37 AM
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I'm sure there's other people out there who aren't furries who are into this kind of thing. But just pass it through the "furry filter" and add animals to it, and it becomes "furry art." I think that babyfurs, if not furs, would still be into wearing diapers (saw those people on Oprah). And plushophiles are probably the furry version of people who have blowup dolls. THe question is, why do so many people like these enter fandom, to the annoyance of us and the normal 'funny animal' types? I think the idea of "furry will take any sex practice" makes it a magnet for those people who are too pathetic to get laid and/or have extreme kinks. Just slap on ears and tail and its acceptable to enough greasy guys to get some, I suppose. |
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Posted: 1/3/2005 4:36:13 PM
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Not to mention that, not only will furries not label them as freaks, but furries will actually tell them that being into shitting your diapers and pissing your pants is a more "enlightened" approach to getting in touch witn your sexuality.
I forget who was being quoted, but I once heard on Northern Exposure the saying "Nothing human is foreign to me." (I'm probably paraphrasing there.) On one hand, if you want to pee your pants and stuff in your own home. Hey.. great. If you want to play around with all of that bacteria you're recycling in your own waste... go for it. But why the heck do you have to parade it in front of everyone? What you enjoy in your own bedroom is fine.. just keep it in your bedroom.
Alas, the Internet, like much of modern communication technology... takes the private and makes it public. Crap your diapers on your webcam and upload it and.. technically, you are in your own home. Ideally, the folks that would be finding those pics are the people looking for it. But, then you get furrydom and sites like VCL.... where all types come to mingle.. and you just can't help but get slapped in the face with this garbage. So, the freaks get the run of the place by the simple fact that the ones that don't want to see that stuff have to either learn to not get pissed at seeing Care Bear amputee tentacle rape... or just stop looking all together.
Furries quickly say "If you don't like it, don't look at it!" But, when you have a Pink Fairy Lotus picture next to an Ursula Vernon image in the New Uploads section of VCL, that arguement just doesn't hold water. If you want to surf VCL's new uploads for clean images, you HAVE to subject your eyes to the thumbnails of the skanky stuff at least.
For every one person that simply dislikes her art, there's five people that enjoy it....
And for every one person that dislikes her art and every five that enjoy it, there's about 100,000 that find the whole idea of amputee tentacle rape goresex repulsive in itself, let alone in her art.... and about 4.5 billion people that don't even know her, and could care less about her. |
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Posted: 1/3/2005 6:19:05 PM
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A little gift for my love, Snowfox. He is the most perfect thing ever, always looking after me, making me food, buying me things, making sure I am alright, and being the Yin to my yang.
I love Snowfox so much... he is everything to me.
I also drew this because he has had a rough time lately, with work and Uni and trying to make me happy and keep my mental health good... he is so good to me, like an angel from a far off world where perfect beings are born...
That is the saddest thing I've ever heard. Not once does she mention any attributes about her boyfriend that don't involve him taking care of her. It sounds like she doesn't have any reason to love him other than being dependent on him. He's probably just in it for the sex.
This is Carrion... this little "Thing" was made from the rotting corpses of a few different pets that had sadylu all passed away... maybe I loved them too much....
Oh, yes. We do have issues. |
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Posted: 1/3/2005 7:13:07 PM
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That's what happens when a codependent Hot Topic L.U.G. with expired meds becomes infatuated. Of course, this is the chick that apparently bawled her eyes out because she stepped on a slug. :? |
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Posted: 1/3/2005 7:22:17 PM
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That Carrion thing is like Ren and Stimpy in "Double Header".
R&S get run over by a bus -- the non-stop kind to Ursa Minor that Ren wants to pack Stimpy onto with a
one-way ticket -- and wind up victims of miracle surgery: Chihuahua and cat grafted permanently together.
It's no surprise that Stimpy then becomes the bane of Ren's life: promptly losing the Chihuahua
his top-secret job at the defense factory, and leaving them with no choice but to become the world's only
hairball-spewing, siamese geeks at the local carnival. |
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Posted: 1/3/2005 8:25:30 PM
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That's what happens when a codependent Hot Topic L.U.G. with expired meds becomes infatuated. Of course, this is the chick that apparently bawled her eyes out because she stepped on a slug. :?
Yet she creates nasty pictures of critters being ripped about and tenticle-raped. Makes a lot of sense...NOT. |
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Posted: 1/3/2005 10:45:11 PM
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I think the chick is probably just Pippi Longstockings whacked in the head. Despite how some artists insist what they like and what they draw are totally separate, choosing to draw zombie amputee tentacle rape does say something about you. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/4/2005 3:35:26 AM
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To reassure you, yes, you are wrong and an all-around bad person for kind of liking that one. :D |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/4/2005 5:09:58 AM
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To reassure you, yes, you are wrong and an all-around bad person for kind of liking that one. :D
Oh, thank god... I thought I was losing my senses for a moment. |
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/4/2005 3:37:06 PM
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If I ran VCL I would probably group artists by genre. The artists themselves already have "adult" sections of their own...why not create entire directories of "Babyfur" and "Vanilla" and "Extreme a la Pink"? It would also make it alot easier to search for stuff that one likes, instead of having to wade through the chaff. |
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Posted: 1/4/2005 4:00:25 PM
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Errrgh... that sounds like a nightmarish undertaking, since there'd be so many niche genres and fetishes and crap. If you wanted to kill two birds with one stone and organize it a bit while pissing off some of the furries, just go this route:
General - no diapers, T&A, sex, whatevvah..
Adult - T&A, sex.. your usual tame stuff
Fetishy Crap - diapers, herms, feet, snuff, latex, etc. And actually call it "Fetishy Crap" to hurt the feelings of those that are freaks, but too thin-skinned to be comfortable with that fact.
Of course, the upshot of trying to make some kind of directory tree for the fetish folders would make the furries jump through hoops to figure out where to put their stuff.... Lawd knows they needs the exercise.
On the other hand.... you could graciously take over VCL... let it run for about a year, then close it.. making some vague excuse about time, money, etc... and obliterate all backup copies.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/4/2005 4:40:22 PM
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"Extreme a la Pink"
That sounds like an ice cream. A delicious, big, pink ice cream with cherries and strawberries... unfortunately, if you order one, you also get your arms and legs cut off and get anally raped by the ice cream man. |
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Posted: 1/4/2005 6:36:15 PM
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The ice cream man..... WITH A ROSE BUSH FOR A COCK!
Dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn! |
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Duck Stab
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Posted: 1/5/2005 4:42:19 PM
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If I recognize the name correctly, that's the one that did porn of characters from Lilo & Stitch... and I mean the aliens. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/5/2005 5:31:33 PM
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There is another, the anti-pink.
ladies and gentlemen, recieve this turd in good faith:
I've seen, maybe two episodes of Tripping The Rift, and thought to myself "nah, no one would ever do porn of that character..." Now I realize I wouldn't have thought about it unless somewhere in the back of my mind I didn't know it was actually possible.
On the other hand, I'll admit this is kind of hot. I'd stick my dick in both of those holes and fuck them till she can't hold her water. I just wonder if the artist would let me do fanart of my fursona holing out his fursona like the little "come hither" roly-poly purple cumdumpster s/he/it is? |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2004
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Posted: 1/6/2005 10:12:58 PM
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Hehe. Great quote from Pink's art directory of a nude:
A pic I asked Amber if I could do... she was more than happy for me to draw her nude, but she requested it was tasteful.
I myself prefer tasteful nudity and mostly do pornography for people who ask.
Suuuuuure you do. |
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Posted: 1/7/2005 4:28:31 AM
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Someone please get me some bleach for my eyes...
Wait... if I go blind, the last thing I ever saw was... this...
Nevermind... >_< |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2004
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Posted: 1/11/2005 11:30:26 PM
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More great quotes from Pink:
"When I feel depressed or lonely it cheers me up to be raped, especially by Naxafar or my Skinny things...
Before Lore went to Uni, he used to cheer me up by drawing my demons raping me, but he doesnt draw anymore :("
On a drawing of a female Tails:
"This little fox girl is above 18, she just happens to be a very small race of alien foxes."
"This is my Lore again, I think he is so sexy with his little b cups (well, she). Just incase people are wondering Lore is a non gendered shape shifting demon demi-god (Flame and Justice) so thats how he can become female to fufil Pink's sexual needs (yay)"
"As we all know Lore has tenticles... and s
so he has them in female form aswell :P
*sighs* he is so sexy as a femme *dribbles*"
"Another gift for Prophet Ten ;p He seems to have bigger breasts everytime I draw him :) "
"I decided to redo this... I really loved the original (when I coloured it in marker) but with my new colouring skills I thought I would re-do it as I want this as a tatoo at some point :P
I am so happy that I can cast the magic dick spell (that actually stemmed from a D&D game in real life)"
"Another re-done piccie of one of the Magic Pink dick pics.... I am glad I dont have a penis all the time and that it is just a spell... I like being 100% female :P
Even if I miss out on boning girls ;)"
"I thought I would sketch my toilet since I have this weird obsession with them, but later on I inked it and added tenticals for fun :P"
"There is a weird story behind this pic... I was looking about in my old box of art from 2001 and found this in it.. thing is I dont remember drawing it... but I I know I drew it because it had my writing next to it and I wrote something about the show...
So I inked it and decided to put it up :P
I really like it... it isnt that great but it is cute none the less. I think I might upload my female Popple Morph :P
Now she is hot and makes me wanna go POP! ;p
Yiffy © PinkFairyLotus"
"This is my care Bear Cousin... I already drew her here on VCL ages ago but this pic was actually done way before that by my friend.
I decided to add colours to it today :P
This was drawn back in November 2k2 sometime, anyway, this is my character for a care bear RPG that opened last year, which I still havent actually RPed in properly yet because I have been too busy... :P
I have Pinkles Profile finally written up though..
Name: Pinkle Purr heart
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual (Likes loving sex from a motherly female)
Likes: Hugs, females, breasts, love, feeling secure, sunshine, happy things
Dislikes: The dark, mean people, anything violent at all, males who are over sexual.....
Tenticals?: YES!!! (only if they are from a woman or a plant)"
"Pink showing Bubbles that she cares about her... this is a big step for Bubbles since she spends most of her life getting raped and abused by the koopas...
Pink is wearing a strap on just FYI ;p"
And for the grande finale...
A picture called carebear-rape.jpg. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 1/12/2005 3:14:11 AM
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only tentacles from women and plants?
I hope Pinkle Purr Heart doesn't encounter a male over sexual octopus. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/12/2005 3:26:50 PM
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"When I feel depressed or lonely it cheers me up to be raped, especially by Naxafar or my Skinny things...
Translation: When I'm feeling down or worthless, I like to really wallow in self-pity with rape fantasies.
Before Lore went to Uni, he used to cheer me up by drawing my demons raping me, but he doesnt draw anymore :("
Translation: Now I'm a sad panda, because that's one less person catering to my attention whore.
"This is my Lore again, I think he is so sexy with his little b cups (well, she). Just incase people are wondering Lore is a non gendered shape shifting demon demi-god (Flame and Justice) so thats how he can become female to fufil Pink's sexual needs (yay)"
Translation: Well, I had to do something to justify my fixation on an otherwise male character!
"As we all know Lore has tenticles... and s
so he has them in female form aswell :P
Translation: Lore has frozen tents sticking out of his body... tenticles.. tentcicl-... a screw it.
*sighs* he is so sexy as a femme *dribbles*"
Translation: *sighs* he is so sexy as a femme *suffers from bladder control disfunction*
"Another gift for Prophet Ten ;p He seems to have bigger breasts everytime I draw him :) "
Addendum: She means he has bigger manboobies each time she sees him RL.. not each time his character is drawn.
"I decided to redo this... I really loved the original (when I coloured it in marker) but with my new colouring skills I thought I would re-do it as I want this as a tatoo at some point :P
Translation: I use the European spelling for "color" because that's what all the other Wicca chicks do to appear international.
I am so happy that I can cast the magic dick spell (that actually stemmed from a D&D game in real life)"
"Another re-done piccie of one of the Magic Pink dick pics.... I am glad I dont have a penis all the time and that it is just a spell... I like being 100% female :P
Even if I miss out on boning girls ;)"
Translation: I'm trying to sort out this whole penis envy thing as it conflicts with my "grrl power" shirts from Torrid.
"I thought I would sketch my toilet since I have this weird obsession with them, but later on I inked it and added tenticals for fun :P"
"There is a weird story behind this pic... I was looking about in my old box of art from 2001 and found this in it.. thing is I dont remember drawing it... but I I know I drew it because it had my writing next to it and I wrote something about the show...
So I inked it and decided to put it up :P
I really like it... it isnt that great but it is cute none the less. I think I might upload my female Popple Morph :P
Now she is hot and makes me wanna go POP! ;p
Yiffy © PinkFairyLotus"
Lesson: Don't draw while on 'ludes.
Sexuality: Homosexual (Likes loving sex from a motherly female)
Likes: Hugs, females, breasts, love, feeling secure, sunshine, happy things
Dislikes: The dark, mean people, anything violent at all, males who are over sexual.....
Tenticals?: YES!!! (only if they are from a woman or a plant)"
Translation: Here is a manifestation of how fucked up I can get. Not only does my Care Bear persona have a kind of lesbian Oedipus complex, but it's a chance to reprise that whole "feeling secure" thing everyone else but me notices. She doesn't like violence, but loves getting violently raped by frozen tents from plant women.
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Duck Stab
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Posted: 1/12/2005 9:56:01 PM
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"I decided to redo this... I really loved the original (when I coloured it in marker) but with my new colouring skills I thought I would re-do it as I want this as a tatoo at some point :P
Translation: I use the European spelling for "color" because that's what all the other Wicca chicks do to appear international.
She is from the UK, unfortunately. |
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Posted: 1/12/2005 11:32:19 PM
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Ah.. well, I guess I stand down from that one, then. |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/13/2005 9:45:26 PM
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Tentacle sex, that I can deal with, I'm sure if you have a look at the recent VCL uploads, you'll see lots of it.
What I simply DON'T get is like.. the Pink-Toilet thing. You know, here SPIRITUAL artwork.
(Allow me to say how OMG ORIGIONAL the little flying/floating fetus is, there. I'm sure it's a symbolism of her lost childhood, or some such.)
...Someone help me understand.
Wait, don't. I don't want to. |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/13/2005 11:50:13 PM
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We once tried to understand this little toilet-orientated oriental oddness as well... =)
Maybe Pink fancies sumfin similar...
Somebody please find the whole comic again for the noobies.. Tis so much fun to gag at it! =D
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Posted: 1/14/2005 12:15:51 AM
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Somebody please find the whole comic again for the noobies.. Tis so much fun to gag at it! =D Ta da!
Edit: See? I fixed it Donny. ^.^ |
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Posted: 1/14/2005 12:20:55 AM
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Okay, thanks... =) Blaaarghfglgl! |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/14/2005 2:38:17 AM
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Somebody please find the whole comic again for the noobies.. Tis so much fun to gag at it! =D Ta da!
Edit: See? I fixed it Donny. ^.^
That was.. Ugh. My brain.
One of those things that you don't WANT to read, but you cant's stop..
*bangs his head on the desk many, many times* |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/14/2005 5:20:31 PM
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We once tried to understand this little toilet-orientated oriental oddness as well... =)
Maybe Pink fancies sumfin similar...
You don't mean.... there really are Appliance-kin??? |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/15/2005 1:07:14 AM
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Oh em gee you found us out.
(It's a joke community created by Poofy Wolf, we all had appliance avatars for running gags.)
I'll pull mine out of that dusty box when LJ decides to... work. |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/15/2005 2:02:21 AM
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Oh em gee you found us out.
(It's a joke community created by Poofy Wolf, we all had appliance avatars for running gags.)
I'll pull mine out of that dusty box when LJ decides to... work.
Eh, I was on there, too. KettleKin at your service. XD |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2004
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Posted: 1/15/2005 2:53:52 AM
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If Pink joined the club she'd be the toilet. A receptacle for odious excrement. :wink:
Is it just me, or is it kinda funny that she wants a tattoo of her busty pink Amazon cat fursona sporting a male reproductive organ? |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 1/15/2005 5:47:33 AM
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that would be a bitch to explain to the grandkids. |
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Posted: 1/15/2005 7:18:13 AM
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I don't think I'd permanently brand myself a dumbass with something like that.
Popeye and Olive Oyl screwing on your back wouldn't be as bad. |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/15/2005 7:22:05 AM
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I don't think I'd permanently brand myself a dumbass with something like that.
Popeye and Olive Oyl screwing on your back wouldn't be as bad.
I don't know about that - Marmaduke is looking right at your brown eye, kid. |
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Posted: 1/15/2005 2:56:08 PM
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But just think! Pink could get it tattood right on the top of her mom where her shirt hides teh dick part, then when asked she can pull down the shirt and SCARE ALL PROSPECTIVE DATES AWAY! |
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Posted: 1/15/2005 4:22:43 PM
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Let's just say that "Pink" would never be able to wear a swimsuit in public again. |
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Posted: 1/15/2005 4:46:06 PM
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Have you seen the photos of her?
I'd hope she wouldn't wear a swimsuit in public, anyway. Makes my testosterone run away and hide, she does. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/18/2005 3:38:09 PM
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Oh em gee you found us out.
(It's a joke community created by Poofy Wolf, we all had appliance avatars for running gags.)
I'll pull mine out of that dusty box when LJ decides to... work.
Eh, I was on there, too. KettleKin at your service. XD
Ah, okay.
The only one on there I vaguely internet-know is Exodite Dragon. He drew my fursona once, before he got all stuck up and shit :P
My fursona will kink your fursona's ASS. I mean kick it. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/18/2005 3:40:26 PM
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Have you seen the photos of her?
I'd hope she wouldn't wear a swimsuit in public, anyway. Makes my testosterone run away and hide, she does.
I thought you were a girl. |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/18/2005 4:35:33 PM
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But yeah. I'm a girl. I just have more of a guyish way. I'm bisexual, and while I still like the dick, I find portraying my character as a guy makes things a little less akward. Or something. XD
Wait. What is this shit:
Ok, sorry, photos of pink:
And the list goes on...
All taken from here: it just me, or does she only have one pair of underwear? |
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Duck Stab
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Posted: 1/18/2005 4:42:57 PM
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Jesus christ, imagine the sheer P.S.I those teeth can deliver!
like a human jaws of life, wearing cat ears. |
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Posted: 1/18/2005 5:01:17 PM
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I've always thought, since I saw the first pictures of her, that she should have been some sort of equine thing, not a pink fluffy toilet-cat.
But then, my best friend brought up a very giid point, when observing me looking at her toilet-esque art.
Perhaps she's perpetually constipated, and that's what the fixation is. |
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Duck Stab
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Posted: 1/18/2005 5:03:24 PM
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it would go a long way in explaining the face, too. |
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Posted: 1/18/2005 5:59:49 PM
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it would go a long way in explaining the face, too.
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Posted: 1/18/2005 6:11:57 PM
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Great googly moogly! Naturally, not everyone can be a supermodel... but there is such a thing as working with what you've got. A little eyebrow trim might be in order.. even for having a vaguely hindu look. And what's with the bindi and all of the piercings? I'm not sure where along the way every assfaced kid with remotely vague gothy/raver leanings decided that the best way to take their warped mug and make it more appealing was to go poking holes and metal things in it. Pretty much anyone can look good if they take what they have and find out what works and what doesn't....... and, generally, turning your puss into an Erector set doesn't work.
I mean, I can take a pile of elephant dung and put a floral arrangement and some votive candles around it, and that doesn't dress it up... it simply emphasizes the fact that there's a big pile of pachyderm poo sitting amongst all of this window dressing.
And for the love of Pete.... the girl really needs to learn to apply... let alone choose makeup. It looks like she let a 5-year-old apply pink tempra paint over her eyes.
I've always thought, since I saw the first pictures of her, that she should have been some sort of equine thing, not a pink fluffy toilet-cat.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/18/2005 7:17:42 PM
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But yeah. I'm a girl. I just have more of a guyish way. I'm bisexual, and while I still like the dick, I find portraying my character as a guy makes things a little less akward. Or something. XD
I think that's an awesome philosophy, and support you all the way :wink: it just me, or does she only have one pair of underwear?
Okay, I have seen a few pictures of her before (now that I know who that is). I'm also going to go otu on a limp and say that judging from those photos I think that -except for the face- she's actualy kind of hot
No, her body isn't exceptionaly nice, but it's okay in an average sense. It's just this side of the point where she'd be too fat for me to be attracted to, but seeing her there I wouldn't have a problem with hooking up with her. Though bear in mind that she's still young. Ten years down the road and that body might start to fall apart, and then I'd have to trade her in for something better anyway...
Now, as for the face.. well, that's a sticking point. Face counts for more points in my book, and hers is... to put it bluntly, kind of messed up. But as Zen Zhu said, with the right makeup she might be presentable in public.
As it stands, I'd hate to have a girl on my arm and be prettier than her. It just wouldn't be right. |
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Duck Stab
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Posted: 1/18/2005 7:24:38 PM
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There is no problem looking like that, as long as you've got a souped up personality to go with it.
I think she's losing on both points. |
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Posted: 1/18/2005 8:01:18 PM
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Yeah, skunk, she's got a nice body.. but... damn. When I look at the pics all I see is a big toilet bowl coming out of her stomach. >.< |
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Posted: 1/18/2005 8:24:11 PM
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Personality only goes so far when you're looking like Pinhead from Hellraiser. If your personality is such that it makes sense that you have so many bones and piercings that it looks like you went bobbing for thumbtacks in the sale bin at Office Depot, then that at least curbs the lameness a little. If you're honestly trying to be a sideshow freak, too, that can work. But if you're sticking bones and studs and Matchbox cars in your head in some attempt to be cool, rebellious, or whatever for the sheer sake of it, all it does is magnify your lame factor exponentially.
Take two people.. my brother, and a guy I knew that worked at a coffee shop where I used to live. My brother is the kind of guy I could see showing up with a lip ring. He has several rings in his ears, and used to have a stud in his tongue. Knowing him, it's just the kind of guy he is, and the kind of thing he'd do. The guy I knew at the coffee shop, though, was kind of a dork.. nice enough, but a goofy dork. He was also about 300 lbs. One day he got it in his head that he could improve his image by shaving his head, growing a goatee, and piercing his face. In short order, he was stubbly on both his head and his chin, and had about 10 rings in each ear, 5 in each eyebrow, a stud in his lower lip, and a nose ring. Did he turn into a guy that registered about 100,000 Megafonzies on the Coolometer? Nope.. he was just a fat goofball that couldn't get through airport security now.
Piercings and such are just the same as soccer moms stuffing themselves into capri pants that show off their varicose veins and pastel scoop-necked t-shirts that accentuate their neck waddle and ever-more-noticeable age spots. Just because you think something is cool or it looks good in the Eddie Bauer catalog doesn't mean you can successfully wear it.
It's kind of like in The Simpsons when.. for whatever reason I forget... Homer is suddenly bereft of whatever cool factor he had as a portly dude in a Hawaiian shirt (the rationale being fat+Hawaiian shirt = instant cool) and Milhouse exclaims, "Heeeey.... you're not fun! You're fat!"
Looking at those pics, in Pink's case, I'd say she can get away with the lower lip stud, but needs to lose the other ones in her face. Sculpt those eyebrows a little (seriously... she looks like the illegitmate child of Emeril Lagasse) and for the love of God.... go easy on the eye shadow and choose a better color. In fact, maybe even lose it all together.. she looks like Ronald McDonald dolled up to turn a few tricks on the street corner..... or one of those old ladies with the pancake-makeup eye liner and barn-red lipstick in the sun hats and earrings the size of coasters trundling into casinos.
If she's going to insist on wearing a bindi, she could probably benefit from a lighter-colored one and placed a little higher up on the forehead. As it is now, that thing only adds to the unibrow effect and emphasizes that aircraft-carrier of a forehead. While we're on that, maybe some bangs and a good shampoo for a little body on that greasy nest. Finally, lose the choker, as you've got no neck, girlfriend.
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Posted: 1/18/2005 10:17:08 PM
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I have boobs and a vagina, like meeeeeeeeee
Finally found my old avatar, Fridge > Toilet.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/19/2005 3:35:47 PM
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Yeah, skunk, she's got a nice body.. but... damn. When I look at the pics all I see is a big toilet bowl coming out of her stomach. >.<
Heh. Oddly enough it was 'smell' that popped into my head at the toilet/real life Pink association.
I have boobs and a vagina, like meeeeeeeeee
Finally found my old avatar, Fridge > Toilet.

Unless it's one of those cool Japanese toliets with all kinds of mysterious gadgets and shit. |
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Posted: 1/20/2005 6:25:58 AM
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I think the same way you do about her looks, but the way she interacts with people was summed up with my "quote" I have boobs and a vagina, like meeeeeeeeee
She's like, the communal vagina for the furry fandom. A whole following of people based on the fact that she has a vagina, not to say ALL her fans are that way, but it is glaringly obvious. |
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Posted: 1/20/2005 11:52:44 AM
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Unless it's one of those cool Japanese toliets with all kinds of mysterious gadgets and shit.
Naw, it'd get trumped by the Japanese fridge that can turn into a giant anime robot. God, I love Japan 8) |
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Posted: 1/20/2005 5:30:37 PM
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I think the same way you do about her looks, but the way she interacts with people was summed up with my "quote" I have boobs and a vagina, like meeeeeeeeee
She's like, the communal vagina for the furry fandom. A whole following of people based on the fact that she has a vagina, not to say ALL her fans are that way, but it is glaringly obvious.
I'd say she even goes beyond that.... I'd say it's more along the lines of "I have boobs and a vagina.... AND I DRAW FURRY PORN! WORSHIP MEEEEE!"
These are furries we're talking about. You can be popular enough simply having tits, a twat, and a willingness to wear a fursuit. But when you add DRAWING into the mix... look out... you now have a scent that lures furries in faster than free taco night at Del Taco. That's probably why she has to play at being a lesbian except for her special guy... cuz if she didn't assert that she was hands off to the guys, she'd be getting Danza-slapped by some furry's vienna sausage every time she leaned down to tie her shoes.
"Dammit, PhauxPhur... all I did was bend down to pick up a penny.. now your Prince Albert is caught on my lip stud!" |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 1/20/2005 6:07:59 PM
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I think the same way you do about her looks, but the way she interacts with people was summed up with my "quote" I have boobs and a vagina, like meeeeeeeeee
She's like, the communal vagina for the furry fandom. A whole following of people based on the fact that she has a vagina, not to say ALL her fans are that way, but it is glaringly obvious.
I'd say she even goes beyond that.... I'd say it's more along the lines of "I have boobs and a vagina.... AND I DRAW FURRY PORN! WORSHIP MEEEEE!"
These are furries we're talking about. You can be popular enough simply having tits, a twat, and a willingness to wear a fursuit. But when you add DRAWING into the mix... look out... you now have a scent that lures furries in faster than free taco night at Del Taco. That's probably why she has to play at being a lesbian except for her special guy... cuz if she didn't assert that she was hands off to the guys, she'd be getting Danza-slapped by some furry's vienna sausage every time she leaned down to tie her shoes.
"Dammit, PhauxPhur... all I did was bend down to pick up a penny.. now your Prince Albert is caught on my lip stud!"
Tell me about it, it's like some 'furrys' assumed that any female who likes drawing anthro work is dying to jump into bed with them. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/20/2005 9:17:00 PM
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These are furries we're talking about. You can be popular enough simply having tits, a twat, and a willingness to wear a fursuit. But when you add DRAWING into the mix... look out... you now have a scent that lures furries in faster than free taco night at Del Taco.
You could have stopped at the "having boobs" part and still been accurate.
"Dammit, PhauxPhur... all I did was bend down to pick up a penny.. now your Prince Albert is caught on my lip stud!"
Dammit, people. all this talk of Pink.. the more I look at her pictures... It sort of breeds a familiarity with her, and that coupled with my natural inclination to put my male drive into any half-suitable female is starting to make me develop an awkward attraction to the girl. You know, like that spazzy girl in 6th grade that you kind of had a crush on, even though she was sort of horse-faced and a geek?
Yeah, I'm sort of getting turned on here, gonna have to have some dreams about her pretty soon... |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/20/2005 10:11:29 PM
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Heh! =) Why isn't Rose Quoll turning ya on... she's way hotter than Pink!
I'll just dream bout Lady Harriet Alexandra Charlotte Makepeace...
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/20/2005 10:48:13 PM
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Dream away, kiddo.
I think I'd like to set her out front of my trailer and plant flowers in her, AFTER I put in a little fertalizer (and you know I mean that both ways :wink: )!
Heh! =) Why isn't Rose Quoll turning ya on... she's way hotter than Pink!
Link, yes please?
:P |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/20/2005 10:52:35 PM
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| ... and Bio! =)
You three-timin' Bitch of a husband! |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/20/2005 11:11:21 PM
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| ... and Bio! =)
Damn. She almost looks like one of the girls at the club, and that girl had a bit of something I could definitely grow up in.
You three-timin' Bitch of a husband!
Donny. You know I could never stop loving you, you silly skwrl!
:oops: |
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Joined: 23 Jul 2004
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Posted: 1/20/2005 11:46:57 PM
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I think the same way you do about her looks, but the way she interacts with people was summed up with my "quote"
These are furries we're talking about. You can be popular enough simply having tits, a twat, and a willingness to wear a fursuit. But when you add DRAWING into the mix... look out... you now have a scent that lures furries in faster than free taco night at Del Taco. That's probably why she has to play at being a lesbian except for her special guy... cuz if she didn't assert that she was hands off to the guys, she'd be getting Danza-slapped by some furry's vienna sausage every time she leaned down to tie her shoes.
"Dammit, PhauxPhur... all I did was bend down to pick up a penny.. now your Prince Albert is caught on my lip stud!"
Oh if only it was that easy I would have one hell of a following...
and damn...i think she's kinda cute. *dodges bullets*
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/24/2005 6:57:46 PM
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ou know, if I would have never seen a photoof Pink, and I saw this:
I could definately have mistaken it for her.
Ohnoes. Someone lawsuit that man(?)!
This one is much better: |
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Posted: 1/24/2005 7:28:00 PM
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This just shows that the character of Pink is pretty much Cyndi Lauper with cat ears and a toilet taped to her tummy. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/24/2005 9:45:21 PM
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This just shows that the character of Pink is pretty much Cyndi Lauper with cat ears and a toilet taped to her tummy.
You know, I'll admit I've always mixed her up with Roxicat before :oops:
And after posting that pic, I've still got to say...
ou know, if I would have never seen a photoof Pink, and I saw this:
I could definately have mistaken it for her.
Ohnoes. Someone lawsuit that man(?)!
This one is much better:
Oh nonono, I fucking mean "oh_fucking_god_DAMN"
I'm serious when I say that first image caused me to pull my face away from the screen and literaly say out loud "OH... GOD DAAAAMN", on pure instinct. I never do that, and I've seen tubgirl, goatse, everything on and every possible combination of furry/hentai/toon porn imaginable (and heretofore unimaginable).
Congratulations. I don't know what it is about those images over all the others I've seen, but you got me :cry: |
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Posted: 1/24/2005 10:08:47 PM
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Oh noes. :)
So do I win a prize or something?
Oh, by the way... Hope you like my new avi. :X |
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Posted: 1/24/2005 10:39:44 PM
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I miss the blue skeksis thing already. |
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Posted: 1/25/2005 2:54:36 AM
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I miss the blue skeksis thing already.
The blue WHAT? |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/25/2005 2:25:11 PM
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The blue WHAT?
Skeksis. Whatever that was in your old avatar, it did kinda resemble these guys. |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/25/2005 2:41:09 PM
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Well it was supposed to be a dragon.
Oh well, I guess I AM just another shitty furry artist. :) |
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Posted: 1/25/2005 2:43:08 PM
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At the very least, you might want to resize the avatar. It takes up a lot of page space next to short posts. |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/25/2005 3:11:34 PM
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Well it was supposed to be a dragon.
Oh well, I guess I AM just another shitty furry artist. :)
It looked pretty neat, actually.
Just slightly resembled a skeksis. |
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Posted: 1/25/2005 3:20:16 PM
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There, Zen. :) |
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Posted: 1/25/2005 5:51:24 PM
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how about this? |
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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 1/25/2005 6:26:20 PM
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how about this?
Great, now it's a zombie from the rave of the damned |
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Posted: 1/25/2005 10:17:08 PM
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It's Pink Babba Yaga! |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/26/2005 2:36:21 AM
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Oh noes. :)
So do I win a prize or something?
Oh, by the way... Hope you like my new avi. :X
I'LL KILL YOU. though actually, the eyeless-freak look of the first one was even worse . Between the two of us we've got just about the freakiest avatars in this place :cool:
Well it was supposed to be a dragon.
Oh well, I guess I AM just another shitty furry artist. :)
It looked pretty neat, actually.
Just slightly resembled a skeksis.
I thought it was cool too.
Now point me to the rest of your art so I may further ridicule it's shittiness :P |
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Posted: 1/26/2005 3:00:19 AM
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Now point me to the rest of your art so I may further ridicule it's shittiness :P
Oh hell no. :) I have more self-preservation than that.
If you reeeeeeeally want to see, though...
Don't hurt me too bad. ;.; I'll have to draw emo-suicidal-angst-hate art. |
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Joined: 30 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/26/2005 8:03:43 AM
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After seeing these, I decided I needed to make my avatar smaller.. :)
edit: i hate emotocon replacement smileys |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/26/2005 6:06:33 PM
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After seeing these, I decided I needed to make my avatar smaller.. :)
edit: i hate emotocon replacement smileys
I made it smaller, ok!
Jeezus. |
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Posted: 1/26/2005 8:02:35 PM
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Don't worry, Banrai, we're not trying to bust your chops. The general avatar size is 80x80 or 100x100.. I forget. It seems they're more relaxed here, so long as its reasonable. Many sites are militant about such things. Mitch and crew will probably send a PM to those offenders with avatars that are insanely large. We were just mentioning the size to circumvent any moderator heat you might catch for it. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/26/2005 10:15:16 PM
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If you reeeeeeeally want to see, though...
Don't hurt me too bad. ;.; I'll have to draw emo-suicidal-angst-hate art.
WOOT for female minotaurs and black fire!
Also, the old hospital is creepy. Just... creepy. In a Night of the Living Dead (original version) kind of way. |
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Posted: 1/26/2005 10:21:14 PM
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Hey! I thought I had a monopoly on pink haired creepy girls!
Sorry if I'm beating a dead dog (har) but the Portal of Evil certainly has interesting quotes saved from Pink's webpage before she moved on to art galleries...
" dog Jack would jump up on me and sniff me and make me feel like someone loved me, like someone was there for me... the way he would lick away my tears when I was sad.... that was arousing and loving and thats what lead on to me finding him sexually attractive, and in time being with him sexually. (which if offends anyone then I appologise)"
"Females were always loving and kind to me, nurturing me and making me feel loved which is a feeling I totally adore and it arouses me more than sexual actions could ever. Nothing arouses me more then being in the arms of a loving female, a mother, a pregnant female aswell..."
So basically anything that shows tenderness towards her is a turn-on? What about her own family?
****. |
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Posted: 1/26/2005 10:37:27 PM
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Ehh.. I think the bottom line is Pink has issues.. and not of People or National Geographic. I feel sorry enough for her I think the entertainment value of her lameness has petered out.
Nice minotauress by the way. I like seeing less-frequently used species.. especially ones that lend themselves to more rubenesque proportions like cows, zebras, or boars. |
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Posted: 1/26/2005 11:02:24 PM
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I made it smaller, ok!
140-150 pixels should be about the widest your ava should be, since after that you're risking breaking the tables. AND NOBODY LIKES BROKEN TABLES. As for the length of the image, well Skunkfuckers' ava is 200 pixels in length. Which may be a little too long. But it's fine with me.
So, if you can resize your avatar to somewhere 150 pixels(or less) width and 200 pixels(or less) height. It'd be fine.
And I have no idea why I posted this. |
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Posted: 2/11/2005 1:05:58 PM
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Sorry for bumping up an older topic, but I'm still giggling at Pink's comments that I posted earlier.
Pink considers a B-cup to be little. I guess there's variability in bust sizes, but hell, I'm that size, and I'll be damned if I want to have it any larger. After drawing countless pictures of her fursona armed with enormous breasts, I think her sense of porportion is a bit whacked.
That, and I'm puzzled as to why a creature that has known only rape and abuse would be happy to be raped by a cat wearing a strap-on. Yes, show that you "care for her". |
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Posted: 2/16/2005 9:34:13 AM
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So WTF happened to her VCL account? WHAT NEWS HAVE YOU? |
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Posted: 2/16/2005 11:12:36 AM
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Is she not only LEAVING TEH INTARWEB but MEANING IT THIS TIME... again? Oh well, it'll be nice to see her art fluttering back in the recent list when she bounces back. :) |
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Posted: 2/16/2005 2:49:11 PM
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First Shon, now Pink. I guess BOC will have to hop on the bandwagon soon to get a little limelight. |
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Posted: 2/16/2005 5:39:26 PM
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First Shon, now Pink. I guess BOC will have to hop on the bandwagon soon to get a little limelight.
Nah. BOC's been whoring it up at fchan. I don't know (and don't want to know) where all of his shit is. Shii probably knows. He's the fucker who blind-paged me that site. :cry: |
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