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Oh no! More furry anal vore!
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/7/2005 10:20:45 PM
Post subject: Oh no! More furry anal vore! |
I thought one character swalllowing another character up the ass was a once-in-a-lifetime viewing exclusive: the Simba/Scar anal vore (or anal unbirthing or whatever the hell it's called) horror posted in this Atrocity Archive thread.
But NO, I just had a look at Steve Burt's VCL site, and holy god in hell, there it is again! Anal vore! And it's one of five pics in sequence and the characters are herms! Eep! But the crowning achievement is Burt's own comment to this particular pic: "By FAR my sexiest picture to date. God DAMN I wish I could actually do this." ARGL!
Actually, there are plenty of ARGL!-worthy pics on Burt's site... how about some nipple vore - featuring, in Burt's own words, "a hermaphrophroditic amputerr with a spike in her head screwing a decaying zombie". Or this - whatever it is? There's no end to the weird stuff on that site. But often Burt's comments manage to out-weird his pics, like: "Worship the exploding floaty amputee two-faced girl! gotta respect a woman who has 9 warm orifices to plunge your cock into!" ... which goes with this pic. Huh?
Explore Steve Burt's "erotic" index further at your own risk... |
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Joined: 30 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/7/2005 10:45:02 PM
Post subject: Re: Oh no! More furry anal vore! |
"Worship the exploding floaty amputee two-faced girl!"
Today's challenge: Use this sentence during an everyday conversation. Bonus points for creative use of hand gestures.
There is something in electrical engineering called Moore's Law. It says basically that every six months the capability of a processor or whatever doubles. So, I am going to theorize that something equivilent exists in furry... Every six months the weirdness quotient is doubled. Who should the law be named after, eh? :) |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/7/2005 11:00:55 PM
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You know, I was going to start a thread here the other day after seeing this pic, with the accompanying comment:
THIS i have to make. If anyone knows how I could alter a Carebear or make one of my own, contact me. Brokenheart Bear (c) Steve Burt
He says the exact same things I would, except he may be serious about it all. In fact, if one didn't know better one might suspect you'd found me out :wink:
the hell you have |
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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Posted: 1/7/2005 11:03:55 PM
Post subject: Re: Oh no! More furry anal vore! |
There is something in electrical engineering called Moore's Law. It says basically that every six months the capability of a processor or whatever doubles. So, I am going to theorize that something equivilent exists in furry... Every six months the weirdness quotient is doubled. Who should the law be named after, eh? :)
Winger's Law
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Posted: 1/7/2005 11:09:43 PM
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Damn you, GoManVanGogh, I can't stop laughing now! |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/7/2005 11:42:51 PM
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Seeing that one with the character with a cock and balls bigger than her entire body.. I have to stop and wonder if there's some sort of unconsious kind of cock-worship going on with these people. I mean, there are cultures where phallic imagery actually factors into religious iconography. Some Japanese Shinto shrines have huge wooden phalluses. They have a festival where all sorts of penis imagery is used.. penis hats.. penis candy.. penis, penis, penis. I believe it's a fertility rite kind of thing. They're not alone in this, however.
I wonder if what we see with these hypherphallic characters and Wingeresque herms is a kind of obsession with genitalia (I'm grouping boobs under this term for the sake of ease). Since furry is populated by many individuals that are either sexually frustrated, sexually confused, or middle-aged virgins, perhaps the focus on genitalia is an outgrowth of this. Rather than fixating on sex in the way most people do..... since sex can be risky, scary, traumatic, enigmatic, etc.... they fixate on the genitalia. Maybe because genitalia are just physical appendages... carrying the idea of sex but, when exaggerated almost the the point of exclusion for the character they're attached to.. removed from the thoughts and emotions that can be difficult to deal with when one is either sexually frustrated or confused.
The more we dissect furrydom here, the more it seems like a lot of it is ways of achieving sexual gratification without embracing the totality of the sex act. Hyper-endowment, plushies, fursuit fucking, inflatable animals..... all provide a means of indulging sexual urges while providing a kind of safe zone. In the case of plushies, inflatable animals (for folks like Xydexx) and stimulation with other inanimate objects brought under the umbrella of furry fetishism provide sexual release without contact with another.
Screwing in fursuits or body paint provides a certain sense of anyonymity. In the same way that I was more apt to be charmingly annoying in the Dinersaurus suit at my old job because I could act that way without anyone knowing who I was... fursuits and body paint can provide a mask... even if you know the person you're screwing.. there's a kind of psychological buffer zone in hiding behind a mask of plastic, fur, or even makeup.
Jacking off to cartoon animals even has a kind of buffer effect in that you get to stare at some tits and ass... but not of a real person. For most folks, they'd generally prefer to look at an image of a real person (for those times when you're not actually with a real person, of course). But, for some furries, maybe even the image of a real person is just "too real." Then when you start getting into hyper boobage and dicks the size of skyscrapers.... you're really just looking at something that is a half-step away from a detached penis or hooters floating about on their own.
Of course, many of these things are simple novelty for most people. But, furries manage to take them to extremes. Maybe some of those ideas above are why. I dunno.. I'm just kind of free-associating here. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/8/2005 12:25:08 AM
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maybe for those people it's lack of sex -due to being too geeky, or shy, or scared, or ugly, or weak, or fucked up from childhood- over a long period of time that causes their interests to be detached from the real thing. the longer they are detached, the further their mind moves into a netherworld of sexual... I don't know, I want to use the word "miasma" again. have I used that word here before?
the point is, maybe for them it's not about it being a way to avoid real sexual contact (how many do you see expressing their loneliness? would they really feel that way if they didn't want some sort of genuine companionship?), but a case of idle minds losing touch with reality, even while in the process of trying to fill a void. |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 1:55:43 AM
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What, seeex? What's so unappealing about hearing your elderly father talk about sex?
I had seeeeex.
What are ya implying Skunk-fuckerrr! =)
I like human porn too... |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 2:49:15 AM
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SON OF A BITCH, even non-recurring anthros from FinalFantasy get ruined for me.... POR QUUUEEEEEE
http://vcl.ctrl-c.liu.se/vcl/Artists/Steve-Burt/erotic/finalfasatsybirthing.jpg |
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Joined: 08 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/8/2005 4:14:06 AM
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Steve Burt huh, those comics are pretty funny. |
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 4:46:09 AM
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I was talking with a fur at some new year's party. He was claiming how in the near future, EVERYTHING woudl be automated (even creativity, ignoring the fact that humans only want to automate things that AREN'T fun, but then im assuming this person has no creativity), and there would be no need for money. When I plied further and asked about WHAT people would do all day, he basically said "have sex and go on the internet"...in other words, he looks foreward to a future where he doesn't have to work or do anything, just yiff and go online to yiff there. I simply chuckled rudely and said that once you get a decent sex life (even masturbation), you don't obsess about it as much. Add social life or a meaningful significant other into that mix, and it's what we in the business call 'well adjusted.' However, the notion of this person wanting to escape anything outside of sexual or internet gratification was very telling.
I think the earlier points about extreme fetishes being escapism of some sorts is interesting, and would go into the above story. In fact, its been suggested that fetishes or obsessions for certain body parts signify a fear of relating to the whole person. Plushie fucking and fursuit sex might also imply a removal from having to deal with an acutal person and the commitment that comes with it. I would also say that otherkin furs who INSIST they are really another species in some form or another, or who cannot be happy unless they are that species are dissatisfied/fearful with their current life and body, and want to change it. Again, the whole theme of escapism is present. Too scared to change or deal with reality.
However, I think that fursonas do have a value. As a spiritual type, I think that ones 'soul' is beyond mortal DNA and species. Animals and other ideas in spirituality represent certain primal concepts that they exhibis (ie wolves for loyalty, cats for mystery,humans for artificing, etc)Your 'soul' can be anything you want it to be...but to assume an archetype means you want to manifest it in the universe...it's an idealized self, a goal to strive for. That's why I tell furs who have carnivorous or aggressive species to train in some combat art, and why I encourage those whose fursonas are mages to study some sort of spirituality. Loners should be more feline; social types more canine. You're a rhino fursona? start lifting weights! Most ferret furs I find are indeed hyper, and I enjoy that. If someone want to cosmetically alter themselves to further fit their archetype, fine (I wouldnt mind a few minor changes a la anime catboi style), but at the same time they should be satisfied with their own human form, since part of a funny animal IS to resemble a human in some way (most furry erotica I like has human shaped physique).
A fursona is not an escape, its a focus.
This is also why I usually am cheesed off at someone whose persona is, say, a muscular sleek jaguar, but in reality is really a fat loser who does nothing to lose weight or embody the noble qualities of the creature he associates with. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.
Right? Right.
EDITORS NOTE: Akhetnu seems to have spiraled out of control at this point in the post, and started dancing in the manner of a whirling dervish mystic, while singing "Nights in White Satin" backwards. We only have transcripts of a voice recorder that was in his pocket. When they are fully compiled, they will be posted. |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 1/8/2005 9:49:33 AM
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Did anyone else look at steve burts um work and think Pink? |
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Joined: 30 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 10:12:43 AM
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Screwing in fursuits or body paint provides a certain sense of anyonymity.
I'd bet its a useful route for someone who really REALLY wants to maintain the fantasy they've built up online, too. Someone who fantasizes that they are e-mated to a hot vixen herm taur, but really it's that creepy guy that hangs out at the public library and coughs a lot. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/8/2005 5:20:21 PM
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What are ya implying Skunk-fuckerrr! =)
I like human porn too...
Did anyone else look at steve burts um work and think Pink?
I always think pink. |
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 5:34:21 PM
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That's why I tell furs who have carnivorous or aggressive species to train in some combat art, and why I encourage those whose fursonas are mages to study some sort of spirituality. Loners should be more feline; social types more canine. You're a rhino fursona? start lifting weights! Most ferret furs I find are indeed hyper, and I enjoy that. If someone want to cosmetically alter themselves to further fit their archetype, fine (I wouldnt mind a few minor changes a la anime catboi style), but at the same time they should be satisfied with their own human form, since part of a funny animal IS to resemble a human in some way (most furry erotica I like has human shaped physique).
A fursona is not an escape, its a focus.
Yeah, if you're assuming "fursonas" are spiritual things, and maybe that's the case now, but originally a "fursona" was just something people had for fun, like a comic gag, and people didn't read that deeply into them. |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 6:55:30 PM
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There is something in electrical engineering called Moore's Law. It says basically that every six months the capability of a processor or whatever doubles. So, I am going to theorize that something equivilent exists in furry... Every six months the weirdness quotient is doubled. Who should the law be named after, eh? :)
Call it "the subversive law". It honours you for formulating it and it's descriptive of the theory.
Did anyone else look at steve burts um work and think Pink?
Both style and content is somewhat similar... and of course Burt drew a pic of Pink (very subdued by both artists' standards).
... Hmmm. "Think Pink". That sounds like something from a book on do-it-yourself psychology... one designed to make you feel worse, of course: "Think Pink! Think of amputee tentacle rape!" |
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 10:41:16 PM
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Xarai wrote:
Yeah, if you're assuming "fursonas" are spiritual things, and maybe that's the case now, but originally a "fursona" was just something people had for fun, like a comic gag, and people didn't read that deeply into them.
True, it depends on the religious outlook of a person and their overall psychological health. Just for fun, spiritual archetype, or escape. I think the 'furries' frequently cited in this forum fall into the escape category, and aren't necessarily 'spiritual' at all.
I find that the 'escapists' are usually more vocal about their desire to become their fursona than the 'spiritual' types (who are already more content with themselves), to the point of even complaining about their life constantly and feeling despondent about not being their fursona 100% in the physical. I'm at the point of showing little mercy for such angst, especially if they don't want to be helped (since they feel they get more attention by entering a chatroom and typing "sigh"). |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2004
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Posted: 1/8/2005 11:03:57 PM
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Is it just me, or are most fursonas either endowed with a good or great build (for a half man, half animal)? The number of lionesses with firm buttocks and bouncy busts outnumber the lionesses with an extra 20 pounds on them.
From what I can tell, the majority of the fursonas (or furry characters) that don't at least have an average build are that way for fetish purposes (I'm looking at you, Pink!).
It's quite a harsh comparison to real life for a large portion of the people that make a character for themselves. |
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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Posted: 1/9/2005 1:06:37 AM
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Is it just me, or are most fursonas either endowed with a good or great build (for a half man, half animal)? The number of lionesses with firm buttocks and bouncy busts outnumber the lionesses with an extra 20 pounds on them.
From what I can tell, the majority of the fursonas (or furry characters) that don't at least have an average build are that way for fetish purposes (I'm looking at you, Pink!).
It's not just you. Nearly every "fursona" has the build of a porn star.
Because, you see, that's what they are. |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/9/2005 1:16:01 AM
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Of course their 'fursonas' are going to have the body of a god or goddess.
Because few people are realistic about their fantasies. |
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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/9/2005 1:41:06 AM
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When I think Pink, I feel better about who I am and why I'm here.
Note: overgeneralized and underresearched hypothesis to follow.
Furries tend to choose an opposite body type than the one they have for their fursonas. Grossly overweight males tend to create slim and strong characters. Hambeast females like to be 5' tall 90 pound girls. Skinny computer geeks choose characters with muscle, 30 foot tall giants. Creepy and hairy nerds play the cutest girls. And so many of them call themselves lords, kings, princes, ninja rulers and generals. (Spending 16 hours a day online, what kind of power do you think they really wield?)
Of course, this breaks down against the furries who've convinced themselves that 300 pounds of sweat and gristle are healthy and sexy. |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/9/2005 6:21:37 AM
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Of course their 'fursonas' are going to have the body of a god or goddess.
Because few people are realistic about their fantasies.
I only gave the skwrl one extra inch... <=) |
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Joined: 06 Jun 2003
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Posted: 1/9/2005 2:09:26 PM
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Of course their 'fursonas' are going to have the body of a god or goddess.
Because few people are realistic about their fantasies.
Technically I have a 'fursona' if we take fursona as a character meant to represent oneself, oddly enough she's heavily based on what I really look like build wise, then again I don't want to be her. She's just a symbol.
I guess the problems start when the critter becomes more of a goal for attaining rather than a mere representation. |
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Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/9/2005 2:16:38 PM
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Is it just me, or are most fursonas either endowed with a good or great build (for a half man, half animal)? The number of lionesses with firm buttocks and bouncy busts outnumber the lionesses with an extra 20 pounds on them.
From what I can tell, the majority of the fursonas (or furry characters) that don't at least have an average build are that way for fetish purposes (I'm looking at you, Pink!).
It's quite a harsh comparison to real life for a large portion of the people that make a character for themselves.
Meh, my bunny is if anything worse than me. I'm a 6'2" 200ib human with a not half bad face and build. My bunny is a chubby midget who smells. And I made sure whenever I or someone else draws him to make sure they keep the bloodshot eyes and coffee stained teeth in place damnit! Like Cromwell, when he had his portrait done, he famously ordered he be drawn, 'warts and all'. Same here. Even in furry form. |
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/9/2005 4:05:42 PM
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My own fursona is pretty much the same as me as far as build, abilities, etc. Different eye color, thats about it. And most of my well-adjusted friends have fursonas that are similar to their own selves. In fact, perhaps you can gauge how well adjusted a fur is by how much his fursona matches him (or will, given his current lifestyle and exercize).
Occasinally I get requests to draw someone, but I often warn them that I WILL draw their fursona as they appear in human form.
Also, the species of some furs IMO may be utterly incorrect. I'm not going to buy into a fat whiny pacifist being a wolf, nor will I be convinced of a shrimpy timid geek being a bear.
The issue of 'porn star fursonas' essentially boils down to being dissatisfied with one's body and life, and trying to create something different in the hope that people will look past your inability or unwillingness to change yourself for the better. |
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Joined: 01 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/9/2005 9:25:38 PM
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The issue of 'porn star fursonas' essentially boils down to being dissatisfied with one's body and life, and trying to create something different in the hope that people will look past your inability or unwillingness to change yourself for the better.
Heh, if you're a loser who can't sort out your life and have failed at everything... at least you can have a superduper fursona and be someone else's online fetish. That's some kind of an accomplishment, I guess. |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/10/2005 5:41:55 PM
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I was talking with a fur at some new year's party. He was claiming how in the near future, EVERYTHING woudl be automated (even creativity, ignoring the fact that humans only want to automate things that AREN'T fun, but then im assuming this person has no creativity), and there would be no need for money. When I plied further and asked about WHAT people would do all day, he basically said "have sex and go on the internet"...in other words, he looks foreward to a future where he doesn't have to work or do anything, just yiff and go online to yiff there.
Truly a furry paradise, since it totally ignores the fact that humans need something to do besides screw and surf. They need a purpose, which is one reason an easy job that is unfulfilling can be less rewarding to a person than one that is twice as hard, but gives them a purpose and a way to use their natural talents.
However, I think that fursonas do have a value. As a spiritual type, I think that ones 'soul' is beyond mortal DNA and species. Animals and other ideas in spirituality represent certain primal concepts that they exhibis (ie wolves for loyalty, cats for mystery,humans for artificing, etc)Your 'soul' can be anything you want it to be...but to assume an archetype means you want to manifest it in the universe...it's an idealized self, a goal to strive for. That's why I tell furs who have carnivorous or aggressive species to train in some combat art, and why I encourage those whose fursonas are mages to study some sort of spirituality. Loners should be more feline; social types more canine. You're a rhino fursona? start lifting weights!
That's kind of interesting. I approach it from the other side... that the soul is devoid of mortal constraints like gender, species, etc. The archetype you mention, in my opinion, is more of an analogy to one's idealized self, than something the soul can manifest. The way I tend to describe it, I see the soul like water.. if takes the form of the vessel it fills. So, a rhino soul in a human body is like suggesting you have square water in a round glass.
Furthermore, I'd argue that whatever it is we call a soul cannot be merely altered by how you perceive it and the body made to follow suit. For example, while Jet Li is in fine shape, there is no way someone like him could manifest themselves as a "rhino persona," no matter how much they lift weights. Comparing an animal to a person's build or character is, as I see it, a handy descriptive tool and often a kind of caricature, but cannot be equated to that person's soul. The concept of a Jungian archetype is, in my opinion, a potential aspect of the soul, but not a definitive quality.
Not to mention that, the way I see it, it's counter-productive for one to assume an animal persona based on what they like, and then aspire to that. A person that is more of a loner and likes social animals cannot necessarily be told to asipre to be more outgoing to be like the animals they like. That's asking them to be more like some idealized stereotype of an animal's human-applied traids than like themselves. I've always seen a personal animal person as a reverse-engineered thing. Rather than selecting an animal and trying to engineer yourself to be more like it... success comes more from deconstructing yourself and discovering what animal you most represent.
Not that I'm agruing or suggesting your views are wrong... just offering up a different viewpoint.
Yeah, if you're assuming "fursonas" are spiritual things, and maybe that's the case now, but originally a "fursona" was just something people had for fun, like a comic gag, and people didn't read that deeply into them.
I think the idea of a "spiritual fursona" is really an abuse of the concepts of both spirituality and fursonas. Much of spirituality implies that the divine in us and out there in the universe has a pretty good handle on what it's doing. So, when you start talking about wolf souls in human bodies, you start to suggest that the grand designs of that which is divine are overall pretty good.. if not flawless.. except when it comes to what you personally want.
The idea of a fursona, originally, is a self-insertion.. as you suggested. It's a method of working yourself into, usually, an image. Rather than make a half-assed attempt at drawing yourself objectively, the fursona has classically been a way to depict yourself without the burden of realism. In some cases, the fursona is drawn to resemble the person in reality. In others, it's a joke. Case in point - I used to have a Terrie Smith portfolio where she depicted herself as some kind of vaguely feline ElfQuest-looking thing. A caption at the bottom, however, read that if anyone things she really looks like that, they could dream on. Another case is Masamune Shirow, who looks like this, but sometimes draws himself like the mecha squid thing with a gatling gun for a mouth when he puts himself into a comic.
I only gave the skwrl one extra inch... <=) So he's two whole inches, eh? Hung like a snack-sized roll of lifesavers. PAR-TAY! :)
Technically I have a 'fursona' if we take fursona as a character meant to represent oneself, oddly enough she's heavily based on what I really look like build wise, then again I don't want to be her. She's just a symbol.
I guess the problems start when the critter becomes more of a goal for attaining rather than a mere representation.
I approach it the same way. The "fursona" I may draw is to represent me as I am, rather than an idealized self. As I have gotten in better shape, the depiction of myself has as well... though my wife says I draw it too heavy. Since total objectivity is impossible, I lean towards self-effacing rather than self-promoting. The thing that's always been a pisser for me is that I've always defied one convention or another.. not quite falling enough into something to have an animal be a fitting representation/parody. I'm big, but not rhino-big. I'm very flexibile and agile, but not felineesque. To boot, my personality and physique don't really compliment each other that well. To make matters worse, I've never known any other furries except my brother, who would never render an opinion on what he would depict me as. So, I've never had one animal I've really used for myself. The boar is a default, since it's my Chinese zodiac (my normal zodiac being a lion, but I don't look very leonine..... a severe lack of a mane, for one thing. ;)). So, my "fursona" changed, like, every other day.
As for a fursona being a problem as a goal... I figure anything that helps people to better themselves can't be too bad. But, the problem comes when it may be an unrealistic goal. Like I said above, not matter how much you'd like to be like this or that animal, it's not always something you'll be capable of. If an animal's attributes are completely against your nature.... like a guy that's 6'5" and built like a linebacker wanting to be "mouselike"... it's just not going to work, and may be more detrimental than beneficial. The real problem can come from trying to be like this or that animal rather than simply trying to be yourself. Likewise, if you're working out simply to be more like a tiger or bull or something.. rather than for general fitness and wanting to be better as a human.. you're doing it for the wrong reasons and likely to sabotage your fitness plans. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/10/2005 8:07:57 PM
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Of course their 'fursonas' are going to have the body of a god or goddess.
Because few people are realistic about their fantasies.
I only gave the skwrl one extra inch... <=)
:shock: |
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Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/11/2005 3:04:18 AM
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Of course their 'fursonas' are going to have the body of a god or goddess.
Because few people are realistic about their fantasies.
I only gave the skwrl one extra inch... <=)
What? Can't you handle general math?
One plus One is two. |
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Joined: 27 Dec 2004
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Posted: 1/11/2005 6:58:57 AM
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Actually, Zhen Zhu, I'm more in agreement with you than you might think. I think the spirit is beyond gender, species, etc., so I don't believe that anyone has a 'human soul' or a 'wolf soul' or a 'faery soul'. And I would agree that some fursonas are impossible to create for ones self (like a 6'5" person trying to be a mouse). In most cases, I think that one's human personality and body is a better indicator of their fursona, and if those change (like a loner becoming social, or someone losing weight) then perhaps the fursona should change too. I consider them dynamic. After all, when I first got into furry I wanted a dragon fursona.
And if you get into the notion of spirits being beyond species, then a wolf spirit isnt a wolf at all, but rather the 'spirit' of, say, loyalty and hunting etc, which manifests to our imaginations as a wolf since we associate wolves with loyalty and the hunt. To that end, a wolf furry would be loyal and perhaps an avid hunter or at least a decent combat artist. And so on.
But that's getting abstract. I think most furs fall into your category as far as fursonas (just for fun / self-effacment), or else escapists. I myself have a couple of 'reserve fursonas' i keep to have a little fun with, although they invariably end up being canid most of the time.
In my case, my fursona is an anubis jackal because 1) I focus on ANubis in my worship of the egyptian deities, 2) I'm small, quick, slender and have a whiny-ass voice, and 3) I'm social like a canine. Seems to fit on the mortal and spiritual planes. But that's just me. |
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Joined: 17 Jan 2004
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Posted: 1/11/2005 7:02:55 AM
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2 inches...pheh! I'll surely outstretch all ya needle dicks! =) |
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Posted: 1/11/2005 3:22:10 PM
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My eeeeeeeeeyeeeees!!!
AGH! Someone please wipe those images from my brain!
Why do people post such ugly shit? Do people actually get off on it or is it some sort of shock value thing? |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/11/2005 6:31:53 PM
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I only gave the skwrl one extra inch... <=)
What? Can't you handle general math?
One plus One is two.
2 inches...pheh! I'll surely outstretch all ya needle dicks! =)
How tall iz yur char? I don't recall seeing any stats like height, weight, shoe size... you know, for the sake of judging scale and stuff.
We love you, Donny! :D |
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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: 1/12/2005 2:06:46 PM
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Skinny computer geeks choose characters with muscle, 30 foot tall giants.
I'm a skinny computer geek-- well, actually, I'm just a skinny geek since I know almost nothing about the inner-workings of a computer, but, anyway, my rabbit fursona is, surprise, surprise, a skinny geek. In fact, the only embellishment I've made to it is that I've given him/me red hair, because I like redheads. Otherwise it's pretty much exactly like me, except that, you know, it's an anthropomorphic bunny...
Of course, this breaks down against the furries who've convinced themselves that 300 pounds of sweat and gristle are healthy and sexy.
Reminds me of my friend ScottBear from SheezyArt. Okay, he's more like an aquaintence than anything else... He's a nice guy, harmless really, but tends to get on my nerves with his constant assertations that being a giant, fat bear who can absorb stuff into his rolls of fat is sexy.
And with regards to the original topic of this thread, um, why does that cow have udders and breasts?! I thought udders were a cow's breasts. I'm going to have nightmares for weeks. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/12/2005 5:52:12 PM
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my fursona
:roll: |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2004
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Posted: 1/12/2005 6:26:17 PM
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my fursona
:roll: It should read: My fursona...
I never really pictured myself as a furry, I've allways felt like I was more of a... demon. :twisted: |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/13/2005 9:23:31 PM
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Oh, my eyes... |
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Joined: 22 Mar 2004
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Posted: 1/14/2005 12:24:03 AM
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I never really pictured myself as a furry, I've allways felt like I was more of a... demon. :twisted:
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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 1/14/2005 12:40:57 PM
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A furry demon? A demon who... feeds on furries?
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/14/2005 5:06:18 PM
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A furry demon? A demon who... feeds on furries?
Ugh. I can't imagine even a demon would nosh on such greasy shit. |
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