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"The Banrai Files"
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Posted: 3/15/2005 6:02:03 AM     Post subject: "The Banrai Files"  

Please keep your comments, questions, and thoughts regarding "The Banrai Files" here.

Edit, for clarification, et al:

  • I fucked up. I tried to move DA's thread to "Off Topic", and I ended up killing it. This is my bad. If you think I did this with malicious intent, please mail Mitch. You're welcome to attack MY character elsewhere.
  • As stated On a LiveJournal link referenced in from the Original "Banrai Files" article, "...let's not forget that the harassment she's whining about is the truth. ... I think that sometimes the word 'harassment' is judged too quickly as being automatically a creepy and criminal act, when by definition it literally means bothering another person repeatedly in a way that causes aggravation. I see nothing wrong with this if your intent is to let the other side's story be considered and what you have to say is true." - I feel both sides have a right to respond to this, and I'd like to condense everything in one thread where everyone who cares might keep abreast. I'm not attempting to show favoritism - I don't fucking care. I want less shit to do. Having other threads turning into shitfests does not make my life easier.
  • I seem to be having a difficult time formulating lists, and I can't type, or spell worth a shit.

    So, bone up on the topic, and ask away. Banrai will either answer, or won't. Her detractors are welcome to post here, or not, at their discretion. Please, just don't make me deal with any more fucking topics on this. Thanks.
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Posted: 3/15/2005 6:18:25 AM     Post subject:  

I could've sworn a little tremor went through the forum when DA made this post, which has since been deleted. Interesting how quickly it was shut down. Even more interesting is that there probably is some truth to it. - Anyways, I'm still reading into it and I'm not going to jump to conclusions. Abusing those mod rights already I see.
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Posted: 3/15/2005 7:10:33 AM     Post subject:  

Fallen and Kagerou are nicely illustrated, but Kagerou is too DARK EDGY ANGSTY BLOOD CRAZY PINK FLOYD and Fallen is just the same magical fantasy elf-wankery I thought the 'Net had outgrown five years ago. And clearly someone's ripping someone else off wholesale, but nowhere in the darkest reaches of my soul can I find a reason to give a fuck about the drama.

Because I don't know any of these people.

That said, and taking a purely scientific and journalistic approach (which I do enjoy), readers are led to one of two conclusions.
  • Banrai is batshit insane, mostly for ripping off such mass quantities of utterly dull 14-year old art girl fantasy. Partially so for Internet Lawyering, identity theft, copyright theft, yaaaaaargh, and so forth.
  • Yuko and Luka are batshit insane, mostly for creating such mass quantities of utterly dull 14-year old art girl fantasy. Wait, no, their comics prove that. Let me try again.
    Yuko and Luka are batshit insane for claiming Banrai store their utterly dull 14-year old art girl fantasy, and further for accusing Banrai of identity theft, copyright gar gar gar yes.
  • Oops, number three. Everyone's insane, the artists create drama for blowjobs, Rankin's a bit trigger happy, and all the little people are kinda stunned into not personally caring and quietly hoping there'll be bloodshed.
    Regardless, it's a heavy load of angst over the theft of something so worthless. Though I suppose that under this overwhelming load of proof, I have to conclude the artists are insane. Thank you.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 7:14:36 AM     Post subject:  

    Regardless, it's a heavy load of angst over the theft of something so worthless. Though I suppose that under this overwhelming load of proof, I have to conclude the artists are insane. Thank you.

    I vote '3'. Can you post the text, or images related? Google's cache gives me shit.

    From what I've read, and have been able to see, it's obvious that some of those items were more than merely stolen concepts. I'm no artist, and when attempting to make a little sketch here or there, I'd draw inspiration from someone else's work - however, I'd not have the balls to erase their name, and put my own beside it.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 8:07:44 AM     Post subject:  

    Banrai seems to get into the drama pit as much as her accusers, but I hardly doubt she's the SOULERAEPING ART FEETH that she's made out to be. The 'evidense' is basically just images of somebodies work with a label of 'Aido' and a sketch with the label 'Banrai' superemposed. There are no links to the original works, and for all we knew, both could be done by the same person.

    Likewise, a fair share of it is a stretch.

    This one, for example, is only linked by rope. So many of the other details have changed it's impossible to claim it's art theft. It's akin to saying that the Statue of Liberty is art theft from the Mona Lisa because they are both women.

    ASSUMING (big assumtion reuires allcaps) that it's all 100% true, so fucking what. All that's damaged is a few egos. Tracing from jpegs is no worse than what furries do by copying Sonic or Balto anyway. Since I doubt this 'Aido' character made his living off his 'art', I can't see how any real damage could be done by the 'crimes' Banrai is accused of.

    I got your back, Bany. Let's give 'em hell.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 8:25:32 AM     Post subject:  

    I vote '3'. Can you post the text, or images related? Google's cache gives me shit.

    I took that link straight from the PAGE OF SHAME. Sorry, little joke, the cache was broken when I found it.

    Yeah, Banrai loves the drama. As much as I love ripping it apart. That's why I stalk her cute scootybutt. Hell, after this much, I'd just about support her by saying 'you go steal some more art', though when the day's over she's still stealing from the equivalent of a liberal art major who watches too much goddamn anime. Oh, because she is. Assuming she is.

    And no, AP, this ain't much worse than watching my fantasy game of 'drunken bitter ex-Amblimation animators take KAK to court'. Or much different, really. Someone who might have some intellectual rights versus someone who might be stealing that property. Something that might be an honest legal claim but is utterly inane anyway. And something that's probably much less fun before Guiness but entertaining nonetheless. Just don't ask me to choose sides - because I still don't honestly feel for any of these people, or 'give a fuck' in layman's terms.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 8:32:57 AM     Post subject:  

    The real evidence is in the links, everything else is just backstory. I'll make this short.

    Original (Gallery Link) -> Banrai's

    Original -> Banrai's (this image also has several other comparisons in it.)

    Here's some more 12345678.

    Edit: Even more disappearing links. That makes... what? 20 images I've seen removed? And like 15+ accounts banned? Christ almighty.

    I've also read most of that livejournal thread. Has alot of bad stories about her... It'd take a very, very damn good explanation from her to make me think all of it was lies. Too many people saying the same things.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 9:35:03 AM     Post subject:  

    Tracing, copying, etc. is not bad in the world of art. Just like so many pictures KAK has done, Banrai has seemingly done the same. The problem lies in how the person goes about it, KAK holds with an iron fist that she is TEH ORIGINAL. Haven't heard from Banrai about this so I don't know where she falls. There's two ways this can turn...

    1) It goes something like "I copied the idea / trace / etc, I didn't make an ass out of myself over it" then it doesn't really matter for two shits.
    2) It goes something like "I actually made those characters / pictures / etc, that bitch stole from me" then it's up for debate, who the frick knows. Would the real slim-lady please stand up?

    Either way, anyone who can make a bigassed blue/yellow husky scooting with yellow stains is alright in my book.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 10:09:47 AM     Post subject:  

    I want to be a Banrai Victim too.. Seriously, if anyone ever told me that someone was stealing my furry fan art, i'd be all "WTF I have art?" and then I'd be flattered. If I was trying to make a living, maybe I'd be pissy, but come on go outside people, its all make-believe.

    This whole thing has a weird similarity to the KAK fiascos though.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 10:57:56 AM     Post subject:  

    Well, I think DA should at last show us these huge tits, GODH dammit!

    Also, what the Moogle sayeth. Amen!
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 12:41:37 PM     Post subject:  

    Well, I think DA should at last show us these huge tits, GODH dammit!

    You couldn't afford em :P

    Rankin, I didn't know it had been deleted until I read this but I doubt you deliberately got rid of it.

    As for me, I wasn't sure whether to totally believe it until Banrai turned around and said it was 5 years old when some of the links were dated this year in the deleted topic. My feeling is that someone who could tell a porkie that obvious wouldn't have any problem with the rest of it.

    It's a bit like KAK and her posting her 'horsie' that she 'painted' in photoshop then posting it on her site saying that it was actually an alter in her photoshop class. Tell me a different story when I've seen proof that is not that case and I'll not believe anything else you say.

    I was reading it and wondering where I'd heard that name before, then it clicked so I thought I'd post it and see what Banrai would say.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 1:15:23 PM     Post subject:  

    Original (Gallery Link) -> Banrai's

    First of all, I gave Ebony credit for that. And also, at first yes I did claim it was mine. Point is, that was long time ago. You look in my private gallery, you'll see a link back to Ebony for it. :D

    Second of all, Yeah, I DID do some of those things. I had some long, drawn out reply to make but the forum ate it, I guess, cause it's not showing up where I posted it as a reply, here. :/ Long story short: Yes, i did do SOME of those things. Others, however I did not.

    First and foremost, the lawyer thing, becasue apparantly EVERYONE is so interested in that. No, my husband did NOT post that shit. Someone (a friend of Aido?) posted a looong sphiel on her forums, claiming to be A) my husband and B) a lawyer. Well, in the end she managed to get our phone number, so we ended up spending DAYS dealing with Aido calling and finally I told her not to call again when I intercepted a call. Then we got our number changed because it was becoming THAT much of an issue with retardedness. Great, so we figured it was all said and done, until we get a letter form the NC state bar. Hm, so Aido had APPARANTLY printed out TEH FORUM POST and mailed it to them, or something? My husband had to go to Raleigh and to court and blah blah blah, and ALMOST went to jail. But in the end I guess the Bar decided that it was TEH INTERNET.

    Secondly, when I first started out on the internet, yeah, I did trace some shit. I was pretty new to the whole thing, so I didn't know what was going on, and what proper eticuitte was. After a while, I was told very bluntly what was what, and took all my art down. Hell, I've still got some of that art, that Luka doesn't. I'm almost tempted to share it with her, for wank value.

    Secondly, Yes, I still use images as referance. And in ALL cases, if it is uploaded on a gallery, I try to link back to the origional artist, and GIVE CREDIT. That's one thing that Luka failed to mention. No, I did not do it FIVE years ago. Duh, that's the point of all of this, I think.

    Then, Banrai, why are your galleries/images dissapearing?
    Because, dear readers, I get very tired of people failing to read the descriptions, failing to NOT BE AN ASS, and generally, I don't care for getting 50 comments from one person with the word 'thief' in them. And while reporting them to the admins is all fun and dandy, it gets pretty boring after a while.

    Is there anything else I said before? I think there is, but it's too early in the morning for me to remember.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 4:07:30 PM     Post subject:  

    You know what, guys? Now that all this drama and controversy is out of the way, I'm feeling all moisty-eyed and loving for you guys.

    Come 'ere, everyone. You too, Scootybutt. GROUP HUG!!! :D
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 4:14:09 PM     Post subject:  

    Hugs are for sissies, Stoneth.
    LOL sissy. ^___^

    of course, there's teh haters out there too. Woo, i have h8ers. XD
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 4:15:54 PM     Post subject:  

    You know what, guys? Now that all this drama and controversy is out of the way, I'm feeling all moisty-eyed and loving for you guys.

    Come 'ere, everyone. You too, Scootybutt. GROUP HUG!!! :D
    I hope you're being sarcastic.
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 4:29:11 PM     Post subject:  

    I hope you're being sarcastic.

    Sounds to me like someone needs a hug. :wink:
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 6:30:49 PM     Post subject:  

    Come 'ere, everyone. You too, Scootybutt. GROUP HUG!!! :D

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    Posted: 3/15/2005 9:06:01 PM     Post subject:  

    What's this faggotry over something so trivial I didn't even bother to find out about? Sounds like a middle aged womens' gossip ring.

    Get finnish perkele!
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 10:45:54 PM     Post subject:  


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    Dr. Mojo
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    Posted: 3/15/2005 11:28:34 PM     Post subject:  

    Last I heard, Yuko doesn't even give a shit about this anymore. It's her fans that won't shut up about it.
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    Posted: 3/16/2005 12:34:39 AM     Post subject:  

    I still have no idea what's going on and frankly I don't much care to
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    Posted: 3/16/2005 12:50:17 AM     Post subject:  

    I have a slight idea of whats going on..

    And personally?
    If you put it on the internet, its free game.
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    Posted: 3/17/2005 12:35:29 AM     Post subject:  

    Dun dun dun.

    I wonder where the lies end and the truth begins.
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    Posted: 3/17/2005 12:45:54 AM     Post subject:  

    Dun dun dun.

    I wonder where the lies end and the truth begins.

    You know..
    I can't beilieve that they say "Lynch mob, we have enough people."
    And then complain about stolen art.


    Just ACCEPT Hypocrisy..
    I don't see why people can't just say "Well yeah, I can be hypocritical."
    And watch what happens?

    It's bull!

    They always think that HYPOCRISY is a horrible and disgusting thing..



    Get were I'm going with this?

    Why can't people realize that what you said five years ago doesen't apply to you as you are today!
    Opinions, styles, moods, they all change.

    So why must everything be set in stone?
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    Posted: 3/17/2005 1:01:46 AM     Post subject:  


    Enough trying to talk to the hord-- uh.. fanbase.

    Aido's gotten a note with everything I have to say in it. And that's probably the last you'll hear me say about it for a while, because this is all rediculous.
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    Posted: 3/17/2005 1:22:24 AM     Post subject:  

    I have no idea what you just wrote, bud. It's almost as if you vomited on my monitor. What does any of this have about change..?

    If I remember right, this thread is about someone who apparently has been tracing artwork for years and claiming it as their own. As we all know, plagiarizing is indeed, SERIOUS BUSINESS.

    Still waiting on a real explanation from you, Banrai. 'OMG 5 years ago' just doesn't cut it. It seems you also lied about getting the artist's permission to reference that piece you claimed you had permission to reference. As stated here and more specificly, here.

    So Banrai, how about giving us the story?
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    Posted: 3/17/2005 1:25:42 AM     Post subject:  

    Yes...Come clean! Cydders only attack hippo-crates! =)
    And total nutjobs... and people who can't draw for shit and... =)
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    Posted: 3/17/2005 1:36:03 AM     Post subject:  

    Not to mention you don't want to hear what she let someone do to her pet rat.

    As someone who worked in a vets, I felt sick when I read that. :?
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    Posted: 3/17/2005 1:48:36 AM     Post subject:  

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    Posted: 3/17/2005 2:13:57 AM     Post subject:  


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