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So Bobby...
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 10/29/2003 5:03:09 AM     Post subject: So Bobby...  

I see you're finally auctioning off

For those not in the know, Bobby was able to pick the domain name up due to a stroke of luck many years ago. He used it for a while, but lost his free hosting for the domain and has been sitting on it for the last two years with the intention of well, auctioning it off to see just how much he could get from the furries for it.

My question is, though: why eBay and not FurBid? Given the extravagant sums crayon-based furry pr0n goes for there I imagine you'd get more exposure and more bids....
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Joined: 27 Oct 2003
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Posted: 10/29/2003 5:16:54 AM     Post subject:  

I dunno, just posted it to see if I'd get any response at all. Actually I haven't had any of note until it got noticed by SA.

The money doesn't matter to me, I've just tried thinking of something decent to do with the domain and haven't yet, so I've just sat on it to prevent anyone else from doing something horrible and regrettable with it. It's 15 bucks a year for a 9 year renewal and 15 bucks is the cost of a large pizza.

The admin of had asked me about using it 5 years ago to create an "adult" version of (obviously called but talks never went anywhere productive.

If I do sell it I want to get a decent sum for it, as the logical positive uses (a furry porn, a furry porn site, or large scale furry portal site) would either make the site moderately central to furry fandom in some way, or would make the owner of the site some money.
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The New Meat
Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 10/29/2003 7:49:11 AM     Post subject:  

Computolio, I love your new avatar.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
Posts: 349

Posted: 10/29/2003 8:36:36 AM     Post subject:  

Computolio, I love your new avatar.

Ain't it awesome? I feel like a fool for discovering Daler Mehndi two years after everyone else did.
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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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Posted: 10/31/2003 1:33:06 AM     Post subject:  

Computolio, I love your new avatar.

Ain't it awesome? I feel like a fool for discovering Daler Mehndi two years after everyone else did.

I keep flashing on those games that were out around the time of Mortal Kombat which used digitized 2D images for the characters instead of the more usual sprites and polygons. And the Mendhi site seems to have problems at the minute so I guess I'll have to wait to hear his music.
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