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Comics fans on furry
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Posted: 5/12/2005 7:32:44 PM     Post subject: Comics fans on furry  

A comics fan on this forum innocently says:
I was over at the official site of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and saw mention of this year's Anthrocon -- The World's Largest Anthropomorphics Convention! I've never been to one, and am not even sure I had heard of it before. I imagine the pros here have already heard about this year's event, but I thought I should put up a link for any funny-animal fan who'd like to know more about it. I put it up now because of the April deadlines for conbook submissions.

....and elicits some fun reactions from his fellow forum-goers... including Scott Shaw! of Captain Carrot fame:

I've had a few creepy encounters with certain sex-obsessed "furries" as well. They keep asking me to draw nekkid versions of the Zoo Crew!

And I'll never forget the clueless "furry" artist who interviewed at a studio for which I was working; he couldn't understand why his interview was suddenly cut short when the young female recruiter started flipping through his portfolio...and found nothing but XXX hardcore "furry" porn!

Our innocent comics fan continues:

if I had read through all the Wikipedia pages on the subject of furries before posting, I either wouldn’t have posted at all on Anthrocon, or else would have asked Scott! what he thought, first.
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Posted: 5/12/2005 7:56:08 PM     Post subject:  

At least the message is out there.
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Posted: 5/12/2005 11:26:58 PM     Post subject:  

I think that community is going to be in for a serious shock when they get a little more curious about this whole "Furry" thing.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 5/13/2005 2:29:36 AM     Post subject:  

I think that community is going to be in for a serious shock when they get a little more curious about this whole "Furry" thing.

All that needs to be mentioned are things like "Merlino", "Quozl", "Sibe", and "Law Suite", and it's
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Posted: 5/13/2005 4:19:58 AM     Post subject:  

Having come from comics into the furry fandom, I'm surprised it took this long for things to even be discovered. At least by the general public. I know a couple cartoonists took potshots at the fandom back in 96 (if I remember right). Most took the shots at Groat, which isn't surprising.
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Posted: 5/13/2005 1:34:12 PM     Post subject:  

Having come from comics into the furry fandom, I'm surprised it took this long for things to even be discovered. At least by the general public. I know a couple cartoonists took potshots at the fandom back in 96 (if I remember right). Most took the shots at Groat, which isn't surprising.

The general public doesn't know what "furry" is, it's a tiny thing, and I'm pretty damn sure it will remain so. After all, most people don't mix up their interest in a specific genre or form of entertainment with whatever psychosexual defects they may have.

If you look around a bit for funny animal comics, films, etc you'll probably, but not necessarily, come across furry fandom. It depends on where and how hard you're looking. After all, most anthropomorphic comics, films, etc - and certainly most of the good ones - have fuckall to do with furries and furry fandom. So it's perfectly possible to get plenty of funny animal entertainment and not encounter the furries other than as some vague noise in the background. Take the comment by Jim Engel (good funny animal artist himself btw):
I yield to no one in my (wholesome) love for anthropomorphic characters, whether it's WATERSHIP DOWN or "Fox & Crow Comics", but this whole "furry" con thing---isn't that the world of dressing up in animal suits and having perverted sex with other people dressed as animals? Or having sex with plush toys?

I've never been to one either, but based on articles I've read (in Vanity Fair, and I THINK MAYBE the Chicago Reader) I wouldn't go anywhere NEAR one...

That's a typical reaction, I think: notice furrydumb, then notice how screwed up it is by normal standards, and then proceed to ignore it.
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Posted: 5/13/2005 6:43:04 PM     Post subject: Re: Comics fans on furry  

And I'll never forget the clueless "furry" artist who interviewed at a studio for which I was working; he couldn't understand why his interview was suddenly cut short when the young female recruiter started flipping through his portfolio...and found nothing but XXX hardcore "furry" porn!

That would probably be Steve Martin, at least according to an old a.f.f posting vaguely remembered.
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Posted: 5/14/2005 1:02:33 AM     Post subject:  

Jim Engel is a wise man.
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Posted: 5/14/2005 4:24:39 AM     Post subject: Re: Comics fans on furry  

And I'll never forget the clueless "furry" artist who interviewed at a studio for which I was working; he couldn't understand why his interview was suddenly cut short when the young female recruiter started flipping through his portfolio...and found nothing but XXX hardcore "furry" porn!

That would probably be Steve Martin, at least according to an old a.f.f posting vaguely remembered.

It was Steve Martin, I heard the stroy from a direct wistness to that incedent, so if you ever run into Mark Shermister, ask hime about the legend of "Bathroom Jack Martin." It'll have you laughing so hard you'll fall over. He told me and a freind the story at a LASFAS meeting years ago, and if it was'nt for that parked care I woulf have fallen over.


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Posted: 5/15/2005 1:11:09 PM     Post subject:  

No wonder they didn't hire the guy! Now if his portfolio had been filled with XXX Rogue-on-Jean Grey porn, it would have been a different matter! Comics fanboys have standards! =D
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Posted: 5/15/2005 3:46:06 PM     Post subject:  

No wonder they didn't hire the guy! Now if his portfolio had been filled with XXX Rogue-on-Jean Grey porn, it would have been a different matter! Comics fanboys have standards! =D

From what I heard it was the pics with the obvious phallus shaped rocks, and the knotholes shaped like female genitals that got him into troble and here's waht he said about the when the were spotted. "They're Subliminal!", strupid is'nt?


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Posted: 5/15/2005 6:51:37 PM     Post subject: Re: Comics fans on furry  

It was Steve Martin, I heard the stroy from a direct wistness to that incedent, so if you ever run into Mark Shermister, ask hime about the legend of "Bathroom Jack Martin." It'll have you laughing so hard you'll fall over. He told me and a freind the story at a LASFAS meeting years ago, and if it was'nt for that parked care I woulf have fallen over.

Would you care to enlighten us? Chances are that since I'm not a con-goer nor do I actually know anyone in the fandom, it's unlikely that I'd ever meet him.

(It bugs me that this Steve Martin guy shares the same name as a highly respected comedy actor)
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Posted: 5/15/2005 8:26:14 PM     Post subject: Re: Comics fans on furry  

It was Steve Martin, I heard the stroy from a direct wistness to that incedent, so if you ever run into Mark Shermister, ask hime about the legend of "Bathroom Jack Martin." It'll have you laughing so hard you'll fall over. He told me and a freind the story at a LASFAS meeting years ago, and if it was'nt for that parked care I woulf have fallen over.

Would you care to enlighten us? Chances are that since I'm not a con-goer nor do I actually know anyone in the fandom, it's unlikely that I'd ever meet him.

Seconded. My chances of running into this guy are nil, so do tell the whole story, IceCat! :)
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Posted: 5/15/2005 8:47:27 PM     Post subject: Re: Comics fans on furry  

(It bugs me that this Steve Martin guy shares the same name as a highly respected comedy actor)

Which one's this? All I know of is that guy who's waay past his use-by humour date. Sadly, seeing either one prancing around, "Hey, kid, wanna see a naked bunny?", would be funny, if not amusing.
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