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Cub porn flame war on FCHAN
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Posted: 7/5/2005 4:29:11 AM     Post subject: Cub porn flame war on FCHAN  

Not to recently, in /A/ on FCHAN, there has been threads posted with cub porn and beastiality (most of it non-anthro on human insted of non-anthro on furry as one might expect) and along with these threads comes flame wars!!! Of course. I know this has been chit chatted about in other threads here but, I just had to say some thing about it and was too lazy to look up the old ones.

Now despite the bitching and whining, these 2 threads have gotten way too many posts and pictures, having over 200 under age pics in one and over 500 pics posted in the beastiality thread.

This is probibly some sort of achievement for those who post in Alt on there but, what I find funny is people who like some of the fetishes they post on Alt are bitching about these threads and people who like these threads are bitching back in defense of their fetish preferances. They even tried to justify it and condemn it using psychology. There was also the usual "STFU" thrown in here and there for good measure.

I was oh so tempted to post a responce there, I could feel the need to point out how every thread in /A/ is rather twisted and for one fetishist to bitch about another's fetish is about as twisted, but there was already so much of that going on I couldn't stop laughing long enough to type.

I wanted to ask some meaningful, thought-provoking question which exposes how horribly wrong it all is but, it s just to much to take all in at once. So just leave some feed back of your thoughts.
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Ray Prower
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Posted: 7/5/2005 4:44:09 AM     Post subject:  

I was under the impression that FChan exists solely for nothing but retarded drama.
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Zod God
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Posted: 7/5/2005 5:01:13 AM     Post subject:  

While reading through the old threads, forum legend ZenZhu broke the whole thing down exceptionaly well.

I'm so glad I got away from mainstream furry when I did. I might have actually been associated with fucks like that at some point.
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Posted: 7/5/2005 5:17:53 AM     Post subject:  

I'm honestly waiting for some one to try and rationalise it by pointing out how back in the "old days" when a man's life expectancy was under 50 years, that they used to get married when they were like 10 or 12 and also having kids at that age. Or maybe point out those polygamy cults you occassionally hear about on the news who have 30 year old men marrying little girls as a accepted thing.

Also, on sort of a side topic, some one on those threads I think mentioned some thing about furs who might see cub porn and act it out "on their own children". Since when were furs reproducing? Last I knew there has to be a female in the equation some where along the way to have a kid. I've personally attended a couple cons now and have seen... ummmm.... maybe a couple young furs running around. They had non-fur looking parents with them, I wonder if they knew what their kid was dragging them too. I think if a hand full of furs out there actually did have kids, they wouldn't be dumb enough to drag them off to a con, it'd take time away from room hopping and such.

Just a thought.
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 7/5/2005 6:20:59 AM     Post subject:  

meanwhile on another forum with an anthrocon thread no less:

I won't, but my parents will be -- I think this is their "not dragging the kids along" con. I've asked them to get me a DMFA t-shirt if they can.Very Happy

It may be genetic :O
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Posted: 7/5/2005 6:33:48 AM     Post subject:  

I was under the impression that FChan exists solely for nothing but retarded drama.

4chan's fierce aversion to letting furries in looks less and less ass-headed by the day.
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/5/2005 9:26:59 AM     Post subject:  

500 pics in the bestiality thread, holy shit! And people in the /dis/ board were saying that the majority of furry is normal and not gay. yeah fucking right, the /s/ board probably hasn't had 500 pics since fchans inception. I really think that fchan is a microcosm of the furry community cuz the frequency of pics on whatever board seems to reflect whats in the latest art section on vcl

From most to least popular from what i've seen

/m/ :?

/a/ :x

/h/ :evil:

/f/ 8)

/s/ :cry:

Seriously though, how do these furry "artists" no so well what a dogs cock looks like that they can draw it in detail with the knot and all (didn't even know about that till furrydumb showed me)? In 23 years i've never even seen one outside of furry art.

I wonder if that's a good indicator of which furry artists are the acctual dog fuckers and which ones have no sexual interest in real animals.
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Posted: 7/5/2005 2:32:59 PM     Post subject:  

Nauseating things I've learned while at furry fandom (and I didn't need/want to know):

- Horse penises flare open like a flower.

- Dog penises have a 'knot' that locks it inside whatever it is during coupling.

- Some reptilians, like snakes, have two penises, one at every side of their body.

- Kangaroos have S-shaped, forked penises and their testicles hang in front of them.

- Female hyenas have male-like genitalia.

- Furries love dick trivia.

- If you find any of those things nasty, tasteless or disgusting you aren't a furry.
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Beauty of Nature
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Posted: 7/5/2005 2:51:53 PM     Post subject:  

Nauseating things I've learned while at furry fandom (and I didn't need/want to know):

- Horse penises flare open like a flower.

- Dog penises have a 'knot' that locks it inside whatever it is during coupling.

- Some reptilians, like snakes, have two penises, one at every side of their body.

- Kangaroos have S-shaped, forked penises and their testicles hang in front of them.

- Female hyenas have male-like genitalia.

- Furries love dick trivia.

- If you find any of those things nasty, tasteless or disgusting you aren't a furry.

Good to know I am not a furry.

Furry = "Anything" + "Animal penis"
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Monkey King
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Posted: 7/5/2005 3:33:51 PM     Post subject:  

Ugh. Whatever arguments you could make against furry porn being veiled bestiality, your rationale pretty much breaks down once you start drawing dog cocks. The animal penis wouldn't be there if you didn't want to masturbate to it.
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Posted: 7/5/2005 5:00:26 PM     Post subject:  

I was under the impression that FChan exists solely for nothing but retarded drama.

4chan's fierce aversion to letting furries in looks less and less ass-headed by the day.

And the sad part is the 4chan only did it because of the bandwidth issues and the crowding issues.
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Posted: 7/5/2005 5:05:17 PM     Post subject:  

Didn't we have some rule about no stupid fchan drama? Eh, either way...
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Posted: 7/5/2005 5:08:08 PM     Post subject:  

Didn't we have some rule about no stupid fchan drama? Eh, either way...

Come on, you know you love drama. Dramadramadramadramadramadramadrama. Say it with me. Draaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa.
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Posted: 7/5/2005 5:33:51 PM     Post subject:  

From most to least popular from what i've seen

/m/ :?

/a/ :x

/h/ :evil:

/f/ 8)

/s/ :cry:

I am really surprised the female and straight image boards aren't higher. Furries apparently like to shove dildos up their asses, fuck dogs, and image they have vaginas. What's the matter with these people? Who wouldn't want to see female furries portrayed in such a wholesome manner(NSFW)?

Off Topic: Am I the only one who thinks giving furries pubic hair is the height of redundancy(NSFW)?

And if there wasn't any drama, CYD would not exist.
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Posted: 7/5/2005 8:41:27 PM     Post subject:  

Seriously though, how do these furry "artists" no so well what a dogs cock looks like that they can draw it in detail with the knot and all (didn't even know about that till furrydumb showed me)? In 23 years i've never even seen one outside of furry art.

Actually, there are many non-furry ways one might become aware of such things, GOOGLE being the best I imagine but they might also stumble across some thing like this.

Then say you've ever joined a adult Yahoo group. There are spammers out there who sweep the members list, get every ones e-mail addy and then bombard your inbox with all sorts of illegal porn and drug ads. and if your dumb enough to actually click a link on there, you'll pop up to some web page deticated to farm girls getting road by every thing imaginable and OH, don't forget to check out the free tour while your there to see people getting humped for free, while at the same time your IP is being logged and ad/spyware is being dumped onto your HD.

Then there's always loads of artwork out there you could bump into here and there, I even found a couple sites once that had pics of art (cave drawings and pottery) actually art,not some scribbles from a con. Hell, just look into greek mythology and you'll see pictures of zeus as a swan banging some chick.

OK, say your some loney guy and looking for some new sex toy to keep you busy. Your finding the odd stuff like Fleshlights to keep you busy but then stumble onto This Site and "Oh God! My eyes!"

I bet there's alot more ways out there a non-furry could find out what a dog's dong looks like, but I have to ask, WHY WOULD ANY ONE BE LOOKING?
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/6/2005 1:10:17 AM     Post subject:  


True. Since it would be almost impossible to accidentally stumble on an erect dog penis i have now deduced that if you draw anatomically correct and breed specific penises on your anthro characterds you either

A: Seeked out pictures of real animal wangs on purpose cuz you wanted to see them, and are therefore a dog fucker.

B: Only know how to draw them from looking at other dog fuckers furry art, but draw them instead of human like wangs cuz you secretly are a dog fucker but haven't accepted it yet.

The bottom line is for the most part unless money is involved, your drawing porn cuz it gets you off, and it's bad to be attracted to know.
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 7/6/2005 2:15:31 AM     Post subject:  


True. Since it would be almost impossible to accidentally stumble on an erect dog penis i have now deduced that if you draw anatomically correct and breed specific penises on your anthro characterds you either

A: Seeked out pictures of real animal wangs on purpose cuz you wanted to see them, and are therefore a dog fucker.

B: Only know how to draw them from looking at other dog fuckers furry art, but draw them instead of human like wangs cuz you secretly are a dog fucker but haven't accepted it yet.

The bottom line is for the most part unless money is involved, your drawing porn cuz it gets you off, and it's bad to be attracted to know.

Or, you could just go to that Zeta Website and cry.
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Posted: 7/6/2005 2:50:40 AM     Post subject:  

I guess if I draw furries and must show the 'naughty bits' I just draw human shaped ones o_O

Number 23: The naughty bits of a furry.
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Posted: 7/6/2005 6:51:46 PM     Post subject:  

I find it completely mind-blowing when furries try to defend PEDOPHILIA let alone bestiality by arguing that it's all in 'fun' and 'pretend' to post pics of children in such situations when most of society would associate such acts as having pedophilic tendencies...

I mean it's illegal to own or make child porn yet there's no law against DRAWING child porn (even if it IS furry)? How does anyone seriously try to rationalize a difference between the make-believe and the real? I think, as with most of society I hope, that looking at such art for 'fun' equates to having a probability of actually going out and molesting children....
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Posted: 7/6/2005 9:38:13 PM     Post subject:  

I mean it's illegal to own or make child porn yet there's no law against DRAWING child porn (even if it IS furry)? How does anyone seriously try to rationalize a difference between the make-believe and the real? I think, as with most of society I hope, that looking at such art for 'fun' equates to having a probability of actually going out and molesting children....

Because there is a difference... "Real" child pornography, i.e. photographs or films of children in sexually explicit situations, obviously can't be made without molesting chidren. That's a crime right there. But with drawn pornography, there is no victim. I fully agree that someone who gets a hard-on over drawn pedo porn, furry or not, likely does have a probability of actually going out and molesting children... but the legal key here is that you can only convict people for crimes they've done, not for crimes you think they might commit.
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Posted: 7/6/2005 10:06:32 PM     Post subject:  

I mean it's illegal to own or make child porn yet there's no law against DRAWING child porn (even if it IS furry)?

Well, it depends on the law. When we discussed why certain Australian furry writer was accused of 'possesion of child pornography', I did some research on Australian laws and found that in some territories the depiction of a child (or something looking like a child) on sexually explicit poses is a crime by itself.

As far as I can tell, there's at least a case of a man who got arrested and convicted for -writing- pedophilia:

In Dodge v R (2002) A Crim R 435, a prisoner in Western Australia who was serving a long sentence for sexual offences against children was convicted of further offences after writing 17 sexually explicit stories about adult males involved in sexual acts with young children (mostly boys aged less than 10). Dodge pleaded guilty to child pornography charges for supplying another prisoner with these stories and of possessing the stories himself. The appeal court noted that a prison sentence was required because the law sought to prevent access to child pornography. However, the fact that no child was involved in producing the material was taken into account in reducing the sentence from 18 to 12 months.
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Posted: 7/6/2005 10:37:09 PM     Post subject:  

I mean it's illegal to own or make child porn yet there's no law against DRAWING child porn (even if it IS furry)?

Well, it depends on the law. When we discussed why certain Australian furry writer was accused of 'possesion of child pornography', I did some research on Australian laws and found that in some territories the depiction of a child (or something looking like a child) on sexually explicit poses is a crime by itself.

As far as I can tell, there's at least a case of a man who got arrested and convicted for -writing- pedophilia:

In Dodge v R (2002) A Crim R 435, a prisoner in Western Australia who was serving a long sentence for sexual offences against children was convicted of further offences after writing 17 sexually explicit stories about adult males involved in sexual acts with young children (mostly boys aged less than 10). Dodge pleaded guilty to child pornography charges for supplying another prisoner with these stories and of possessing the stories himself. The appeal court noted that a prison sentence was required because the law sought to prevent access to child pornography. However, the fact that no child was involved in producing the material was taken into account in reducing the sentence from 18 to 12 months.

Well it looks like Cub Central won't be getting an Australian mirror anytime soon. They have one is New Zealand, though. I guess they don't have such laws there. Mmmm ... kiwis.

Regardless of whether lewd depiction of a minor character is or isn't illegal where you live, one has to admit that it's not exactly a healthy thing to be drawing in the first place.
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Posted: 7/7/2005 10:03:50 AM     Post subject:  

This reminds me...

somewhere around america (dunno where exactly) is some laws what don't allow some.. sex poses.. you know.. like teh buttsecs.
i chuceled when i thought that how do they know if someone is doing it? Do the policemen have hidden cameras at everyones room? No.
At this point i imagined a SWAT-team to crash from a bedroom window yelling "This is the police! You've been having an illegal sex! Repent! everything you say... etc.."

So.. yeah.. my point is, that how can they make people NOT to draw it? If there's a law that says it's not allowed some people would prolly start doing it just "beacouse it's illegal" to look like badasses.. right?
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Posted: 7/7/2005 10:57:45 AM     Post subject:  

It was illegal in most of America, then it slowly went away up to a big spike with this. Yet even with it being legalized, Virginia is a little slow to catch on.
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 7/7/2005 4:45:32 PM     Post subject: (this is dated though)
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Posted: 7/7/2005 8:02:40 PM     Post subject:  

Good grief xD
Now i know even too much of sex laws <___<;; How.. disturbing.

there's no happy smileys on that list D:
It would've been amusing;
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Posted: 7/7/2005 8:37:35 PM     Post subject:  


Does anyone else find it a little disconcerting that gay sexxorings is illegal in about 15 states or so?
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 7/7/2005 9:21:30 PM     Post subject:  

The coolest places are the ones where gay sex is legal before straight sex. That confused me at first until I realized two 13 year old guys or two 13 year old girls aren't going to have to worry about getting pregnant.
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Posted: 7/7/2005 9:59:53 PM     Post subject:  


Does anyone else find it a little disconcerting that gay sexxorings is illegal in about 15 states or so?

Not since Lawrence v. Texas.
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Monkey King
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Posted: 7/8/2005 12:03:10 AM     Post subject:  


Does anyone else find it a little disconcerting that gay sexxorings is illegal in about 15 states or so?

Come live down south for a while. It's not disconcerting so much as it is par for the course. It's still illegal for stores to sell liquor on Sundays down here.
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 7/9/2005 3:34:24 AM     Post subject:  


Does anyone else find it a little disconcerting that gay sexxorings is illegal in about 15 states or so?

Not since Lawrence v. Texas.

Gay Texans.
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Posted: 7/9/2005 1:47:51 PM     Post subject:  

Gay Texans.

You haven't seen Midnight Cowboy, did you?
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Posted: 7/9/2005 4:23:44 PM     Post subject:  


Does anyone else find it a little disconcerting that gay sexxorings is illegal in about 15 states or so?

Not since Lawrence v. Texas.

I don't like the name Lawrence, only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence. From now on you're Gomer Pyle.
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 7/9/2005 8:19:16 PM     Post subject:  

Gay Texans.

You haven't seen Midnight Cowboy, did you?

I have. It's just that I know a ton of people from Texas and they all seem to LOL at the notion of any gayness going on.
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Posted: 7/10/2005 2:21:52 AM     Post subject:  

Gay Texans.

You haven't seen Midnight Cowboy, did you?

I have. It's just that I know a ton of people from Texas and they all seem to LOL at the notion of any gayness going on.

Never been to Austin, I see.
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Ray Prower
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Posted: 7/10/2005 4:05:04 AM     Post subject:  


Does anyone else find it a little disconcerting that gay sexxorings is illegal in about 15 states or so?

Not since Lawrence v. Texas.

I don't like the name Lawrence, only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence. From now on you're Gomer Pyle.

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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 7/11/2005 7:12:15 AM     Post subject:  

Gay Texans.

You haven't seen Midnight Cowboy, did you?

I have. It's just that I know a ton of people from Texas and they all seem to LOL at the notion of any gayness going on.

Never been to Austin, I see.

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Posted: 7/11/2005 5:19:34 PM     Post subject:  

that link is interesting.

horay for the UK! I think 16 is a good age, in my opinion, and that we have the right idea. I wonder what the punishment is for some of these if you are caught having illegal sex?

They missed out 'male - animal' and 'female - animal' :(

and lesbians get away with alot don't they? lolage.
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 7/12/2005 1:22:24 AM     Post subject:  

that link is interesting.

I wonder what the punishment is for some of these if you are caught having illegal sex?

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Posted: 7/12/2005 11:58:16 PM     Post subject:  

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