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Blind Furry Rapes Guide Dog
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Posted: 8/31/2005 6:07:25 AM     Post subject: Blind Furry Rapes Guide Dog  

Felony charges against FurryMUCK denizen. Alan Yoder goes by the name of Jayren on FurryMUCK. Jayren'd recently been mentioning the fact that he's blind and has been recently evicted from his apartment for felony charges, as well as the fact that he's blind and he can't see. He's made no public statements about his innocence to those on the MUCK, but prosecutors might only need to request the system logs:

-- WhatIsz 1.33 : Show Character ---------------------------------------------
Jayren roleplaying anal oral transforming voyeur zoophile machinist
. mind-control microphile macrophile electrical watersports
. painless chemical open-minded available male-biased ageplaying
. [unknown]
= - =

Seems he might be facing up to 5 years in jail and/or $10 000 in fines. That'd be a pretty long break from the MUCK.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 6:44:48 AM     Post subject:  

It's sad people don't take the charge more seriously. Likewise, HOW THE FUCK DOES HE TYPE AND READ MUCKS IF HE'S BLIND?

Hell, though, his fetishes read like a laundry list.

- zoophile - can one say, evidense.
- machinist - if only he was crippled, and not blind, he could have raped the wheelchair
- mind-control - "Come to Yuri... so he can rape you!"
- microphile - power/dominance
- macrophile - power/dominance
- electrical - power/dominance
- watersports - power/dominance

Hmmm, notice a pattern? Not like any rapists do it for power or dominance.

- painless - chemicals, crushing and electricity painless? Fucking a dog wasn't painless, bastard!
- open-minded - AKA completely perverted
-male-biased ageplaying - is this combined or seperate? Either way, bet he sends checks to NAMBLA.

Maybe he'll get his blind ass raped too in prison. They hate child molestors, so they can't like a dog-fucker.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 7:00:23 AM     Post subject:  

It's sad people don't take the charge more seriously. Likewise, HOW THE FUCK DOES HE TYPE AND READ MUCKS IF HE'S BLIND?

Jayren Player Information
Jayren seems to be a rather young human. however, this is not necessarily the case. roleplaying with him should reveal certain facts that question what is known. Character history is available on the muck, though i've integrated it into rp to some extent. heh, no free rides. right now, he's looking for a guardian/caregiver/protector, well ok he's not looking for that, he doesn't mind being on his own though one is necessary.
very important! the player of this character is blind. a text to speech device is being utilized for muck access. Because of this notice in pinfo, when spamming the device the excuse of not knowing of its existence will not be accepted. I've accepted this one for 4 years now. any user spamming this device will get 3 strikes against them. upon the third strike, they will be permanently placed into something equivalent of a gagfile.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 7:05:27 AM     Post subject:  

Actually, it kinda makes sense that he fucked the aid-dog. Most people become furries for the jpegs, but if you're blind, that's useless. Thusly, the vast majority of cartoony sex the fandom is becomes null. You therefore have tactile sensations left to make your sexual side to the fandom.

Tactile sexuality for furries is fur. So to a blind person, yeah, furry is basically bestiality, or at best, fursuit mansex.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 7:08:14 AM     Post subject:  

When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was some kind of punchline to a joke.
Good god. :(
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Posted: 8/31/2005 7:09:17 AM     Post subject:  

Actually, it kinda makes sense that he fucked the aid-dog. Most people become furries for the jpegs, but if you're blind, that's useless. Thusly, the vast majority of cartoony sex the fandom is becomes null. You therefore have tactile sensations left to make your sexual side to the fandom.

Tactile sexuality for furries is fur. So to a blind person, yeah, furry is basically bestiality, or at best, fursuit mansex.

Guide dogs are loyal, honorable friends who would never so much as nibble an owner. They are bred from the highest standards and trained to perfection, giving the sweet childlike love of an innocent. Raping this animal was a disgusting act. Pornless or not, he should be shot. Period.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 7:40:43 AM     Post subject:  

- mind-control - "Come to Yuri... so he can rape you!"

You sir, have just tainted every last game of C&C I will ever play in my life. I'm never playing as the russians again. Ever.

Also, I agree with Hagfish. There is a great deal of fucked up repugnant shit in the world, but abusing an animal that tries to genuinely help people with life-altering problems by commiting a horrendous violation is just plain... well, I can't think of an adjective powerful enough but if someone knows a word that mixes "stupidity", "retarded", and "fucked up beyond human comprehension", feel free to interject it there.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 7:59:23 AM     Post subject: Jesus H christ on a chrome plated pogo stick.  

Just, what the -hell-.
that's just sick, wrong, low, depraved, and very very unfunny... (Really, unlike the majority of the crap furries do, I really can't turn this into a funny.)

The only thing I can interject at all? Too bad he's blind, so he can't watch himself bleed from prison beatings later on in life.
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Beauty of Nature
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Posted: 8/31/2005 9:44:31 AM     Post subject:  

To top it off, it was a male dog. Meaning he poked into the poop factory of a canine. Good thing that I can not visualize it or else I might talk in multicolor to my keyboard.
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/31/2005 10:19:16 AM     Post subject: Re: Blind Furry Rapes Guide Dog  

Studies show that offenders who commit bestiality often go on to commit sex crimes against humans

I always figured this but i never knew if any studies had been done. It's like a serial killer, they kill niebhorhood cats and other random helpless animals and that emboldens them to go onto bigger prey. Same thing here I guaruntee. I love how they call it "Age Playing". Just like "cub art".
Sick fuck :x

-- WhatIsz 1.33 : Show Character ---------------------------------------------
Jayren roleplaying anal oral transforming voyeur zoophile machinist
. mind-control microphile macrophile electrical watersports
. painless chemical open-minded available male-biased ageplaying
. [unknown]
= - =

This here ladies and gentlemen, is why cyd exists. Why the fuck is this guy involved in furry? What the fuck does any of that shit have to do with anthropomorphic animals?
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Posted: 8/31/2005 12:43:06 PM     Post subject:  

It's sad people don't take the charge more seriously. Likewise, HOW THE FUCK DOES HE TYPE AND READ MUCKS IF HE'S BLIND?

Hell, though, his fetishes read like a laundry list.

- zoophile - can one say, evidense.
- machinist - if only he was crippled, and not blind, he could have raped the wheelchair
- mind-control - "Come to Yuri... so he can rape you!"
- microphile - power/dominance
- macrophile - power/dominance
- electrical - power/dominance
- watersports - power/dominance

Hmmm, notice a pattern? Not like any rapists do it for power or dominance.

- painless - chemicals, crushing and electricity painless? Fucking a dog wasn't painless, bastard!

I think it means he likes it painless for himself, probably listed to avoid getting 'hurt' during any typefucking sessions involving the other buggery he's into. In other words, he doesn't mind inflicting it but can't stand to take it himself.

There is a great deal of fucked up repugnant shit in the world, but abusing an animal that tries to genuinely help people with life-altering problems by commiting a horrendous violation is just plain... well, I can't think of an adjective powerful enough but if someone knows a word that mixes "stupidity", "retarded", and "fucked up beyond human comprehension", feel free to interject it there.

But I wouldn't be surprised if he has a frightening number of supporters on this matter in the end. Nothing is low enough for a furry, or for furries to try and justify.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 2:31:08 PM     Post subject:  

I can't think of an adjective powerful enough but if someone knows a word that mixes "stupidity", "retarded", and "fucked up beyond human comprehension", feel free to interject it there.

Try "repugnant"
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Posted: 8/31/2005 3:40:49 PM     Post subject:  

Guide dogs are loyal, honorable friends who would never so much as nibble an owner. They are bred from the highest standards and trained to perfection, giving the sweet childlike love of an innocent. Raping this animal was a disgusting act. Pornless or not, he should be shot. Period.

Oh, I'm sorry if it came off as justifying his actions. I really didn't mean that at all, just that it would be more likely for zooaphile furries to be blind, not to say any man without sight boinks fido. Really, anyone should be shot for raping an animal, regardless of how well or poorly bred it is. At least it was adopted out quickly and to a good family.

You sir, have just tainted every last game of C&C I will ever play in my life. I'm never playing as the russians again. Ever.

It was ruined that easily? Pftt. Somewhere, out there on the vast internet, there is a fanfic of a Brute fucking Tanya, you know there is. I'll put all my e-money on that bet.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 4:02:30 PM     Post subject:  

It's sad people don't take the charge more seriously. Likewise, HOW THE FUCK DOES HE TYPE AND READ MUCKS IF HE'S BLIND?

Don't know how he does it, but I would assume that like a lot of my blind friends, he has a MU* client that reads the text to him, same way blind people do anything online.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 4:13:41 PM     Post subject:  

It's sad people don't take the charge more seriously. Likewise, HOW THE FUCK DOES HE TYPE AND READ MUCKS IF HE'S BLIND?

There are plenty of text-to-speech programs out there, many of which for the blind will read everything that's on the screen and read out what you type as you type it.
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Beauty of Nature
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Posted: 8/31/2005 4:15:25 PM     Post subject:  

It's sad people don't take the charge more seriously. Likewise, HOW THE FUCK DOES HE TYPE AND READ MUCKS IF HE'S BLIND?

Don't know how he does it, but I would assume that like a lot of my blind friends, he has a MU* client that reads the text to him, same way blind people do anything online.

The blind can surf the Internet with a braille display.
Chats must be especially attractive to the blind since they are purely text based.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 6:15:04 PM     Post subject:  

Guys, RailFoxen already posted the answer to the "blind" question:

a text to speech device is being utilized for muck access.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 6:20:33 PM     Post subject:  

It's sad people don't take the charge more seriously. Likewise, HOW THE FUCK DOES HE TYPE AND READ MUCKS IF HE'S BLIND?

There are plenty of text-to-speech programs out there, many of which for the blind will read everything that's on the screen and read out what you type as you type it.
I just can't imagine being around this guy having text sex... and his computer reading it aloud. "I TAKE UR HAWT CAWK..."

Should I laugh or vomit? :?
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Posted: 8/31/2005 6:21:24 PM     Post subject:  

Gawd. I fucking busted up laughing when I read the thread title. Sometimes, when confronted with mankind's inhumanity to his fellow, uh, dog, all you can do is laugh.=(

The blind can surf the Internet with a braille display.

I just thought of David Straithairn's character from Sneakers. Argh, I don't want to associate that movie with this story!
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Posted: 8/31/2005 6:53:26 PM     Post subject:  

I just can't imagine being around this guy having text sex... and his computer reading it aloud. "I TAKE UR HAWT CAWK..."

Should I laugh or vomit? :?

I'd imagine it would sound something like this.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 8:14:45 PM     Post subject:  


That's awesome, but the issue with those programs is that usually you have to type weird (with 'bicycle' being 'bye sick ul') to get them to sound normal.
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Posted: 8/31/2005 11:45:22 PM     Post subject:  

I had this posted in a separate thread over in News (because, well, it is news), THEN saw this already-made thread. Here's the deep philosophical discussion:

<15:57:48 public> Caspian says, "'"Studies show that offenders who commit bestiality often go on to commit sex crimes against humans," said PETA Casework Division Manager Martin Mersereau.' .... Why do I somehow doubt this?"
<15:57:58 public> Caspian says, "If that's true, then furries should be ZOMG ALL A BUNCH OF RAPISTS!!!11"
<15:58:30 public> Tasmia says, "Actually, that's probably true, Caspian, because the data is skewed. It's long been known that violent and sexual criminals often manifest their behavior early on in childhood against animals first."
<15:58:36 public> Caspian says, "Look, dog-fucking ain't my thing, but I don't think Jayren's done anything wrong."
<15:58:50 public> Caspian says, "I'm just amazed that a fellow fur has made the news. It's unfortunate that it was for something as meaningless and stupid as this."
<15:59:21 public> Caspian says, "I'm not into dogs. Never had sex with any sort of animal. Never will. Yet I believe a dog can consent./"
<15:59:31 public> Caspian says, "Dogs consent to other dogs. Why can't they consent to peoples?"
<15:59:43 public> Caspian says, "It's not like every time a dog has sex with another dog it's ZOMG RAPE"
<15:59:47 public> Thalesin says, "I really could care less. Long as the dog wasn't hurt. The big thing makes me roll my eyes is PETA's involvment and the fact that by the law standards he hasn't broken the law so they are hunting for a law which he may opr may not have broken"
<16:00:05 public> Tasmia says, "If you never study dog-fuckers with good lives, but you do study the dog-fuckers who go on to do worse crimes, then you might conclude dog-fucking is correlated."

Yes, that's right, "dog-fuckers with good lives".
wait let me emphasise that a tad more

dog-fuckers with good lives

(pity this board doesn't allow blink or marquee tags)

<16:00:19 public> Caspian says, "As far as I'm concerned, if the dog doesn't want it, it's perfectly capable of showing it in various ways. If the dog isn't hurt, who cares? No harm done."
<16:00:36 public> Caspian says, "Probably every redneck bumpkin farmer in the Red States has fucked AT LEAST one sheep...."
<16:00:36 public> Jayren says, "peta are the people that adverted to college kids that they should drink more beer. because they were concerned about the treatment of the pour cows."

(which makes it okay to rear-end Fido apparently)

<16:01:05 public> Tasmia says, "According to some studies, yes, bestiality is very widespread in the country, at least, in terms of an ocassional incident with livestock."
<16:01:24 public> Tasmia says, "Not as a way of life or anything, but fucking a horse once."
<16:02:02 public> Seg says, "Note: Jayren probably shouldn't say anything about it here. It should stay between him an a good lawyer until its over. ;P"
<16:02:16 public> Caspian says, "Prolly, but it's not like we're going to talk to the court."
<16:02:16 public> Seg says, "Though I would like to hear his side. ;P"
<16:02:18 public> Qgar says, "also they might subpoena this whole shout convo, eh!"

(or post it to a public forum?)

<16:02:27 public> Seg says, "THE MEDIA MIGHT ME LISTENING"
<16:02:34 public> Caspian says, "I AM SECRETLY A SPY FROM FOX NEWS"
<16:02:44 public> Caspian says, "DOUBLE AGENT CASPIAN FOXWORTH"
<16:02:50 public> Tasmia says, "Did you read the earlier article, Caspian? Aparrently he asked some woman to join him who ratted on him."
<16:02:59 public> Caspian says, "I read the WorldNetDaily one."
<16:03:04 public> Caspian says, "WND == Christian motherfucks"
<16:03:08 public> Tasmia says, "Read the link at the bottom to the earlier article"
<16:03:10 public> Jayren says, "the dog did the very same thing when the vet worker brought him from the back where they keep the animals back up to me. what if he were happy because he thought he was going to go back to meet me up front of the building."
<16:05:06 public> Alendria says, "Jayren, shut up hon. You don't know if one of these guys might not just send logs of whatever you say to hurt you. you're in enough shit."
<16:05:17 public> Tasmia says, "You're also forgetting Bruce had that public incident where he had sex in a room full of other MUCKers who aparrently didn't appreciate being in the same room."

(note: Bruce and Tasmia are the same person, why he's talking about himself in third person I don't know)

<16:05:42 public> Alendria says, "didn't you set yourself invisible and go watch other people fuck?"
<16:05:49 public> Tasmia says, "No."
<16:05:58 public> Tasmia says, "And I'm talking about Real Life (tm), at a sci-fi con"
<16:06:00 public> Alendria says, "Oh right. That was Siegfried. nevermind."
<16:06:13 public> Qgar snorts
<16:06:15 public> Caspian says, "Wait, what? You just started fucking with someone in a crowded room?"
<16:06:22 public> Jayren says, "i did that on a muck once. happened to be a wiz. i set everyone dark and had fun looking at the who display"
<16:07:20 public> Tasmia says, "Bruce had sex with his girlfriend in THEIR room at a sci-fi con, in the dark, with some other people they graciously ALLOWED to crash there."
<16:07:32 public> Tasmia says, "And they were supposedly ASLEEP."

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Posted: 9/1/2005 4:59:27 AM     Post subject:  

Jayren, shut up hon. You don't know if one of these guys might not just send logs of whatever you say to hurt you.

I doubt that'd happen.
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Monkey King
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Posted: 9/1/2005 4:04:38 PM     Post subject:  

<16:00:05 public> Tasmia says, "If you never study dog-fuckers with good lives, but you do study the dog-fuckers who go on to do worse crimes, then you might conclude dog-fucking is correlated."

See, that's the thing. There are no well-adjusted dog fuckers. Well adjusted people fuck other people. They are not sexually frustrated to the point where they must have sex with animals to satisfy their urges. Honestly, why fuck a dog when you could have a woman (or a man) instead?

<16:00:36 public> Caspian says, "Probably every redneck bumpkin farmer in the Red States has fucked AT LEAST one sheep...."

I love this one. Dog fucking is defensible, because ignorant rednecks fuck animals too!
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Posted: 9/1/2005 5:08:13 PM     Post subject:  

Hey, let's hear '2' cry out for his brain-splattering style of justice NOW!


And a HUSH fell over the crowd.
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Posted: 9/1/2005 5:51:36 PM     Post subject:  

I just can't imagine being around this guy having text sex... and his computer reading it aloud. "I TAKE UR HAWT CAWK..."

Should I laugh or vomit? :?

I'd imagine it would sound something like this.


Can you imagine hearing this nonsense coming from an apartment next door all the time?!
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Posted: 9/2/2005 5:13:19 AM     Post subject:  

This further reinforces my belief that most furries don't give a shit about animals beyond their use as sex objects.
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Posted: 9/5/2005 7:12:48 PM     Post subject:  

Are there links other than WorldNetDaily? I prefer not to give hits to that neocon e-rag.
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Posted: 9/7/2005 4:21:13 AM     Post subject:  


Man I remember Jayren from years ago on FM. He's insane. He occasionally came on with some character which was depicted as a human child of about 10, IIRC, which he also used for some sort of wacky sexual antics with assorted folks from the Purple Nurple. He apparently had text to speech going amongst other things. I have no clue how it was being paid for since this was all back in 1996-1999 when such things were still pretty costly and proprietary.

The fact that that log contains Bruce, Jayren and Caspian is hilarious since they're all batshit insane just like almost everybody else on FM, which is why I never go there anymore. I gather that's a somewhat old log, too. Bruce is referring to himself in the third person because back then he was still remembered and everyone on FM hated him for trolling/exploiting the MUCK into near-oblivion - he was also subversive and loved creating a billion different alt characters to textfuck and get to know people with so that as Bruce, he'd be better at trolling them. He'd therefore talk about "Bruce" in the third person to throw people off. The man had no life.

I wonder if Bruce was Michael Hirtes. I still don't know who the fuck he was and would find it hilarious if he was someone I knew today.
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Posted: 9/7/2005 5:43:47 AM     Post subject:  

I gather that's a somewhat old log, too. Bruce is referring to himself in the third person because back then he was still remembered and everyone on FM hated him for trolling/exploiting the MUCK into near-oblivion - he was also subversive and loved creating a billion different alt characters to textfuck and get to know people with so that as Bruce, he'd be better at trolling them. He'd therefore talk about "Bruce" in the third person to throw people off. The man had no life.

The man still has no life. The log was posted the day it was captured - Bruce is mostly living off of old dreams and in-jokes. Hell, nothing's changed except the name of the latest drama.

Alendria says, "So.. How much do you suppose the Bush family has profitted from their affiliation with nazis over the years?"

Alendria is queen of batshit, FYI.
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Posted: 9/7/2005 10:01:47 AM     Post subject:  

Alendria says, "So.. How much do you suppose the Bush family has profitted from their affiliation with nazis over the years?"

Alendria is queen of batshit, FYI.

My fucking god. I figured it was old because I thought Caspian became CassieFox after deciding he/she was transgendered. Guess he decided not go go through with it.

Alendria is insane, yes. Is she still dating that idiotic centaur chick, Mavra or Mavica or whatever the fuck her nickname was? I have seen Alendria's artistic nude photos. Sometimes I wonder why I clicked the link, but I did and my life was changed forever just like that guy in That Hunter Thompson Movie who accidentally walked into that San Francisco bathroom at the most inopportune moment. It is sort of amusing to see these same fucking names in the @shout logs ten years after I first got onto the MUCK and about five after I quit regularily using it.
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Posted: 9/17/2005 9:37:52 PM     Post subject: .  

Oh god. I think I actually met this guy once. Anyone know where he lives?

Oh fuck. Tallahassee. I have met this guy. that just sent chills down my spine. Ewwww.... Oh my god, I've sat right next to this guy in a restaurant before. I've petted his dog. I need some serious counseling now.
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Posted: 9/20/2005 8:05:37 PM     Post subject:  

Oh nose I'm in trouble for posting a log!

<12:23:08 public> Tasmia says, "Oh, I see, someone felt like they had to quote me on the CYD message board so they could badmouth me in private? You're a fuckwit."
<12:23:21 public> Tasmia says, "Whoever Squizzle is"
<12:25:55 public> Tasmia says, "Railfoxen, too, whoever that is."

Okay folks, here's some classic front page quote fodder:

<12:26:32 public> Tasmia says, "Sure, they have an opinion, but at least have to guts to tell me to my face than badmouth me on some out-of-the-way message board where it's safe from my prying eyes."

Also: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE RAILFOXEN! You'll have to enter the Furry Witness Protection Program now!
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baserock love
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Posted: 9/20/2005 9:04:51 PM     Post subject:  

Oh nose I'm in trouble for posting a log!

<12:23:08 public> Tasmia says, "Oh, I see, someone felt like they had to quote me on the CYD message board so they could badmouth me in private? You're a fuckwit."
<12:23:21 public> Tasmia says, "Whoever Squizzle is"
<12:25:55 public> Tasmia says, "Railfoxen, too, whoever that is."

Okay folks, here's some classic front page quote fodder:

<12:26:32 public> Tasmia says, "Sure, they have an opinion, but at least have to guts to tell me to my face than badmouth me on some out-of-the-way message board where it's safe from my prying eyes."

Also: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE RAILFOXEN! You'll have to enter the Furry Witness Protection Program now!

I find it funny that they think anybody gives half a fuck about them other then they're use as light comedy
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Monkey King
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Posted: 9/20/2005 9:15:07 PM     Post subject:  

Well gosh, CYD can't be that far out of the way if he managed to find his way here, now can it? It's not like the place is a big secret among furries. Seems to me that a message board that can be viewed by unregistered guests is the antithesis of privacy, but what would I know?

I like to imagine Tasmia slowly going mad now trying to figure out who the mole is, the snake in his midst. Who among his cohorts on FurryMUCK is a filthy spy for the anti-furry conspiracy? :D
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Posted: 9/21/2005 9:28:35 PM     Post subject:  

I like to imagine Tasmia slowly going mad now trying to figure out who the mole is, the snake in his midst. Who among his cohorts on FurryMUCK is a filthy spy for the anti-furry conspiracy?

Congratulations, you get an e-cigar!

<11:22:36 public> Tasmia says, "So which one of you is Squizzle?"
<11:23:17 public> Squizzle says, "You rang?"
<11:25:08 public> Tasmia says, "No, Squizzle, I mean who is your ALT?"
<11:25:54 public> Shal'Nath says, "You are number 6"
<11:26:03 public> Tasmia says, "Come on, fess up!"
<11:28:08 public> Tasmia says, "Hello?"
<11:29:37 public> Squizzle says, "'We want information... information... information...'"
<11:30:07 public> Tasmia rolls her eyes.
<11:33:10 public> Squizzle says, "You see it is not as simple as an 'ALT' as you seem to believe. The monolithic anti-furry conspiracy is EVERYWHERE !!!"
<11:33:20 public> Greycloak says, "Do you want your information useless or irrelevant?"
<11:34:51 public> Squizzle says, "Pay no attention to that thing floating in the sky overhead that follows you everywhere you go. It's, um, just a weather balloon. Yeah."
<11:35:13 public> Tasmia says, "I believe either you have an alt or someone emailed you the chat logs from the other day. You don't seem interested in revealing the truth, though."
<11:35:30 public> Tasmia says, "emailed or otherwise sent them"
<11:36:01 public> Tasmia says, "Or otherwise showed them to you. Maybe you room with a furry here. All I'm asking is how it happened."
<11:38:14 public> Squizzle says, "We have our ways."
<11:38:20 public> Squizzle says, "We have our sources."
<11:39:40 public> Hollon pulls up Squizzle's user record from the DB. REAL_NAME= David Bowie.
<11:40:58 public> Greycloak says, "So how does sitting around logging chats on a furry channel give you room to distance yourself?"

Brutal! I am devastated! Clearly sitting around logging stupid chats is much dorkier than sitting around making stupid chats. A bit later:

<12:26:43 public> Thumper says, "Peak oil, shmeak oil. FedEX, which everyone would expect to be highly sensitive to oil prices, just raised its forecasts. Stock is up 8%."
<12:27:21 public> Skylos wonders about fedex's fuel costs as a porportion of outlay.
<12:27:40 public> Squizzle says, "FedEx was bought out by Adrian Veidt, and is now using electric vehicles..."
-- You have been #banished from channel 'public'

I guess somebody didn't like Watchmen.
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Posted: 9/21/2005 9:35:28 PM     Post subject:  

Comedy gold!

Also, thumbs up for the Franquin avatar.
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Posted: 9/21/2005 9:46:31 PM     Post subject:  

I'm sure if I should feel sorry for them or just giggle my head off.

I think I'll giggle.
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Posted: 9/21/2005 11:52:08 PM     Post subject:  

Congrats CYD, just when you stop looking like FYAD, you become Ugh... Although that log's contents are really fucking retarded.
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Posted: 9/22/2005 12:00:48 AM     Post subject:  

<11:39:40 public> Hollon pulls up Squizzle's user record from the DB. REAL_NAME= David Bowie.
This is the part where I'd start posting lyrics, in caps of course.

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Posted: 9/22/2005 1:00:51 AM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 9/22/2005 2:06:59 AM     Post subject:  

wtf is FYAD.
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Posted: 9/22/2005 2:48:01 AM     Post subject:  

wtf is FYAD.

The "Fuck You and Die" forum over at Something Awful. I'd explain it if I fully understood it.
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Posted: 9/22/2005 6:40:26 PM     Post subject:  

wtf is FYAD.

Fyad is for gross pictures and flamewars.
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Posted: 9/22/2005 8:38:52 PM     Post subject:  

wtf is FYAD.

Fyad is for gross pictures and flamewars.

Are you sure?
I thought that was 4chan's /b/...
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Posted: 9/22/2005 8:55:07 PM     Post subject:  

wtf is FYAD.

Fyad is for gross pictures and flamewars.

Are you sure?
I thought that was 4chan's /b/...

I think those two are related in some sister-fucking-hick sort of way. Anime fan goons being /b/-tards and the other way around.
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