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Posted: 9/10/2005 2:21:03 PM     Post subject: FurNation Worlds
Just scroll down and watch the previews.
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Posted: 9/10/2005 2:35:05 PM     Post subject:  

That's disturbing. I know there's worse stuff on SL's still disturbing. ;)
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Posted: 9/10/2005 4:09:37 PM     Post subject:  

SL gives me nightmares... ;.;
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Posted: 9/10/2005 6:14:06 PM     Post subject:  

FurNation webmaster Nexxus wanders around public areas wearing his expensive and erect penis. If there are any questions as to what this system is for, let them be dispelled.
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Posted: 9/10/2005 9:21:24 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 9/10/2005 10:56:41 PM     Post subject:  

FurNation webmaster Nexxus wanders around public areas wearing his expensive and erect penis. If there are any questions as to what this system is for, let them be dispelled.
Disturbing, yet expected.
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Posted: 9/10/2005 11:03:34 PM     Post subject:  

So its gonna be some kind of inbred, bastardized version Ever Quest?
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baserock love
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Posted: 9/11/2005 1:55:41 AM     Post subject:  

I can't believe i didn't see a single poorly modeled K9 penis in a SL thread. My jaw has officially dropped.
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Posted: 9/11/2005 3:46:11 AM     Post subject:  

So its gonna be some kind of inbred, bastardized version Ever Quest?

The difference being that EverQuest has missions, levelling, etc. Instead, they intend to to use one developer incentive to generate money. Second Life's creators reward "Dwell," or people hanging around in your land, with money, as a way to get more people to stay. As such, we have found step 2:

1) Make 'furry area' devoted to mindless chatter and sex.
2) Lemmings swarm in with their horrific avatars, generating tons of dwell.
3) Profit!
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Barry Scott
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Posted: 9/11/2005 1:10:23 PM     Post subject:  

1) Make 'furry area' devoted to mindless chatter and sex.
2) Lemmings swarm in with their horrific avatars, generating tons of dwell.
3) Profit!

The only problem with that is that it costs more real moneys to own a private sim (area) then you can create with dumb asses loitering on your plot. No, there must be other ways to screw them out of money. As I wouldn't be seen dead in there I can only guess, and I'm guessing land rental. You can charge as much as the land is worth each week in rent to people because only those with a premium account (which you have to pay for each month) can own land. Of course leasing out tiny plots in a popular area as shop is almost a guarantied income. Therefore people with no real money and lots of fake money (the arty creators and scripters) will pay the extortionate rent prices. Something one Anshe Chung has learned very well.
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Posted: 9/13/2005 4:03:48 AM     Post subject:  

I'll stick to mucks. At least the freaks there are easy to ignore. And I don't doubt that Furnation worlds or whatever has a huge influx of no life visitors who couldn't cut it on mucks or are on there along with the 8 other alt characters they are running on four mucks looking for a way to pick up a quick fuck first. I'm sure lovely well known muck sluts like Aqua Vixen and shit will be there.

And that huge black wolf. I'm allmost sure that's Woulfe, oddly enough one of the first guys I met when I found mucks. Poor guy, mucks are all he has, if what I know of the player is right.
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Posted: 9/13/2005 4:07:50 AM     Post subject:  

Oh yeah, I wish the Furnation Servers and all the backups would burn in a huge fire. The amount of fucking drama that hosting service and Nexxus have created over the years is just beyond all reason. Sure he's most likely paid a amount of money that if fully known would make the urge to slap him with a bat overwhelming, but jesus. All the people asskissing him, all the people he asskisses, all the drama when he wakes up out of his little furry dreamworld every so offen when something pricy blows and he remembers how much cash he's spent on it..behhhh
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Posted: 9/13/2005 9:16:01 AM     Post subject:  

Why must you all shatter my illusion that I'm normal by making me talk on things no normal person should know about? Here we go.

Of course leasing out tiny plots in a popular area as shop is almost a guarantied income.

Yes, I did once teleport to a friend before realizing they were in there. If I recall, huge sections of the pyramid are devoted to godawful vendors, mostly sales points uglier than sin.

I'll stick to mucks. At least the freaks there are easy to ignore.

I delude myself into thinking it's also possible to avoid the freaks in SL. It's done differently than mucks, in that instead of one server serving the entire world, it's a grid of servers, such that the sims that make furnation are just two out of a thousand, most with no theme, and furries (hopefully) the minority.

I'm sure lovely well known muck sluts like Aqua Vixen and shit will be there.

And that huge black wolf. I'm allmost sure that's Woulfe, oddly enough one of the first guys I met when I found mucks.

Correct, and correct. Sadly, that's one of the later versions of his avatar, too. The ones before were even shittier. Always creepy.

Oh yeah, I wish the Furnation Servers and all the backups would burn in a huge fire.

Not likely. Unlike a muck or a website, it's all centralized and run by one company, which runs all the sims much like World of Warcraft is run by Blizzard centrally.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 9/25/2005 6:08:43 AM     Post subject:  

I think the welcome page is a good shock to start off the discovery.

Welcome to FurNation!

Traditionally, there's supposed to be some welcome to Hell when you arrive. I think this confirms that.

We have a slight problem. Two days ago one of the brand new drives we used for the new RAID array decided to go boom. Yep, it died. We have full backups of everything, but since we need 4 drives to run the array correctly we could only put up the services we needed to continue (, email system, etc.). We are presently looking for a replacement unit for the array.

In the world of IT, we sometimes believe machines can sense the crappiness of their usage, what is put on them, and this only cofirms it. I wonder where these people buy hardware that can resist the sheer horror of what they have to host.

Since we will be down for a few days I decided to use this time to ask our visitors for a little help, and show you some things we are working on. Right now we could use 2 RAID array drive sets to create a mirrored array. In this configuration a drive could die and yet the system would not go offline. This would give us time to replace the drive and no one would notice anything.

If they died and the system doesn't go offline, we need obviously to chip in for a dead man switch device and make sure that if they die, it does go down. That would be more comforting. It frightens me to know that they could be wiped out to sea in a tsunami or killed in an earthquake caused building collapse and this clusterfuck would still be serving up psychological assaults.

I do doubt that furries wouldn't notice anything. They're known to attempt to hack mail servers to find working addresses they can spam with complaints that they can't get to their furry fix. I mean hack as in puerile attempts at misusing basic networking tools that come standard on a Knoppix CD.

FurNation presently gets over 30,000 visitors a day, with close to 350,000 page views a day. The total number of hits is in the millions a day, and we transfer over 1.5 Terabytes of data a month. As you can tell this takes a lot of strain on any single system. We pay over $350.00 a month from our own pockets to support the server and pay for the bandwidth it uses. We are going to use our present downtime to also install the new front end system that allows for blogs, feedback, instant messaging, chatroom, and more!

I'm not sure what part of this paragraph frightens and disturbs me more.

So, we are going to ask once again for donations to help us past this glitch. We also have a massive sale going on at If you would like to support our effort you can use the link below to donate to our PayPal account:

Somehow the cognitive dissonance of knowing that furries don't tend to hold meaningfully income generating jobs yet manage to produce all kinds of money when they have to continues.

I can only hope and pray they try to someday do a rip-off of Kingdom of Loathing and draw that crowd's ire. Oh, the drama to come.
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Posted: 9/25/2005 7:42:38 AM     Post subject:  

In the world of IT, we sometimes believe machines can sense the crappiness of their usage, what is put on them, and this only cofirms it. I wonder where these people buy hardware that can resist the sheer horror of what they have to host.

If that was true, then why would televisions last so long?

Wait a minute. Brand new drive? And they're begging for money? Either this drive isn't really new, or someone doesn't know what a warranty is.

FurNation presently gets over 30,000 visitors a day, with close to 350,000 page views a day. The total number of hits is in the millions a day, and we transfer over 1.5 Terabytes of data a month. As you can tell this takes a lot of strain on any single system. We pay over $350.00 a month from our own pockets to support the server and pay for the bandwidth it uses. We are going to use our present downtime to also install the new front end system that allows for blogs, feedback, instant messaging, chatroom, and more!

I'm not sure what part of this paragraph frightens and disturbs me more.

I vote for the 'And more!' bit. The only thing they haven't mentioned would be something like video or possibly podcasts. Gah.

Somehow the cognitive dissonance of knowing that furries don't tend to hold meaningfully income generating jobs yet manage to produce all kinds of money when they have to continues.

I think I've linked to it before, but it's always worth linking to, many times over.
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Posted: 9/25/2005 7:45:04 AM     Post subject:  

I didn't wanna say it out loud but I think the time has come...


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Posted: 9/25/2005 11:39:46 AM     Post subject:  

Well no shit it's a scam. Furry art archives are cashing in on their fanbase these days for nonexistant product.

Jheryn and FurAffinity got $1500 in donations for a new server (possibly more, but they aren't saying). They fucked up and bought the wrong parts so the site's still in limbo. Taking donations for a nonexistant product. Awesome. Meanwhile, Jheryn has decided that he can't find a job in the real world so he's now decided to start his own fursuit and art studio to try and pay the bills. Of course, this new "studio" will run on the donated hardware. For only $1100 (not including shipping) you can have yourself one of these awesome pieces of misshapen work.

Is it an SPH or is it just shitty worksmanship?

Fursuit head includes free half-empty bag of doritos and fake maple syrup with every purchase! PAYPAL DONATE NOW, STARVING FURSUIT ARTIST NEEDS MORE LIPTON INSTANT SIDE NOODLES!

And then you have Yerf, where Dingo scored $2000+ in donations for drive recovery, was told "sorry you're SOL" and then vanished. Site's been dead for what, a year now? Every time someone asks "is the site ever coming back", Ruggels and a bunch of other sycophants storm in to say "IT WILL BE BACK WHEN IT IS BACK GO AWAY", or "Dingo has a job and can't do it right now". Way to go there Yerf, another decent community down the drain due to incompetence. Yerf is finished, it only cost the community a $2000 tax in its death throes.

And now FurNation is supposedly "down". Personally, I think Nexxus just couldn't afford the bandwidth bill for the month so made up a bullshit excuse to take the whole site offline so he'd not incur any bills until he could afford to pay them again. But then, he's taking donations and trying to score some money with this "Furnation Worlds" crap, so hey, your donations can go towards giving his avatar a shinier, larger, more erect penis to walk around with.

Man, the next time a decent furry community or resource site actually needs money, the examples above are going to make it a lot more difficult for anyone to trust them.
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baserock love
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Posted: 9/25/2005 4:59:01 PM     Post subject:  

You would think Jheryn would have learned to draw or make fursuits before opening up a studio that specializes in them.
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Posted: 9/25/2005 7:29:13 PM     Post subject:  

Since when has TALENT been an important factor to furries?
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Posted: 9/25/2005 9:02:07 PM     Post subject:  

You know if I sacrifice my standards I could have a great time exploiting furries for fun and profit.

What was that Genus crap any way? 20 or so pages of shit (or creepy shit) for three bucks a piece, I bet furries bought that stuff by the truck load.

I just have a vague feeling that there's large amounts of money to be made with very very little effort.

I swear there were times when I would have thought that stuff was a joke or something.
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The Flying Fox
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Posted: 9/25/2005 10:14:16 PM     Post subject:  


Those character models look like they're the product of a million years of monkeys playing around with playdo. Before it was all about writing the script for some Shakespearian play, but now, it's about modelling spooky characters for creepy online games. Where is the world coming to?
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vanilla rin
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Posted: 9/25/2005 11:17:20 PM     Post subject:  

I really wish I could amateurly render 3D animal penises. I could use the insane amounts of cash.
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Posted: 9/25/2005 11:23:04 PM     Post subject:  

I really wish I could amateurly render 3D animal penises. I could use the insane amounts of cash.

That's what I've been saying, hey we could start a real conspiracy to rob furries of their cash via crappy porn.
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vanilla rin
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Posted: 9/25/2005 11:36:16 PM     Post subject:  

That's what I've been saying, hey we could start a real conspiracy to rob furries of their cash via crappy porn.

If I had the skills, I'd be all for that.... but alas, I don't even know where to begin.

I'm surprised that hasn't been a furry convention panel yet. "Animal Penises for Profit: Second Life and other words"
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Posted: 9/25/2005 11:41:49 PM     Post subject:  

Oh, I'm in if you still need doggy dick models. Money from furries isn't particually more unclean than money from say, coke-heads, and modelling animal penises won't get me locked behind bars, I think.

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Posted: 9/25/2005 11:42:13 PM     Post subject:  

That's what I've been saying, hey we could start a real conspiracy to rob furries of their cash via crappy porn.

If I had the skills, I'd be all for that.... but alas, I don't even know where to begin.

I'm surprised that hasn't been a furry convention panel yet. "Animal Penises for Profit: Second Life and other words"

All we have to do is find some unwitting artist to lock in a basement.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 1:06:08 AM     Post subject:  

What really sucks is that I can't get to Donotsue's site while FurNation is down. That makes me sad.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 1:45:06 AM     Post subject:  

What really sucks is that I can't get to Donotsue's site while FurNation is down. That makes my dick sad.

Edited for truth.
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 9/26/2005 5:44:07 AM     Post subject:  

What really sucks is that I can't get to Donotsue's site while FurNation is down. That makes my dick sad...BUT MY CARPET IS HAPPY AGAIN!

Edited for truth.

Edited for the REAL truth.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 2:08:09 PM     Post subject:  

a decent furry community


What was that Genus crap any way? 20 or so pages of shit (or creepy shit) for three bucks a piece, I bet furries bought that stuff by the truck load.

AFAIK, Genus is Radio Comix' best selling title.

I just have a vague feeling that there's large amounts of money to be made with very very little effort.

No shit. This isn't news, folks. That's what plenty of furry artists do: spend 15 minutes on a drawing, and furbid it off, starting at 20 bucks. Or get a table at a furry con and do sketchbook drawings for money. Or do commissions. Easy money, only cost is your reputation and self-esteem.
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baserock love
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Posted: 9/26/2005 4:21:11 PM     Post subject:  

I'm not the worlds greatest artist but selling furry porn is no goldmine. I sold 3 or 4 different styles of porn under 4 different names. Sometimes they sold for very little but regardless i was making around 400 bucks a week at the height of it. I was also doing a lot of drawing. It paid better than my shitty job at a coffee shop
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Posted: 9/26/2005 5:06:13 PM     Post subject:  

There is a common thing I say when people ask me why I play World of Warcraft and not Second Life: "Second Life, for people who barely have a first".

It should be noted all my roommates play SL and I just giggle when they call me weird for playing WoW.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 6:54:31 PM     Post subject:  

We should totally all collaborate on a massive furry-porn production company, and sell all our crap under the name of "Charles the Yiffy Dingo," and use the proceeds to run these forums.

'Cuz, see, the furries would be paying us to make fun of them. OMG IRONY.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 7:00:36 PM     Post subject:  

We should totally all collaborate on a massive furry-porn production company, and sell all our crap under the name of "Charles the Yiffy Dingo," and use the proceeds to run these forums.

'Cuz, see, the furries would be paying us to make fun of them. OMG IRONY.

So we would end up making what we poke fun at. Plan goes to dev/null.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 7:46:50 PM     Post subject:  

We should totally all collaborate on a massive furry-porn production company, and sell all our crap under the name of "Charles the Yiffy Dingo," and use the proceeds to run these forums.

'Cuz, see, the furries would be paying us to make fun of them. OMG IRONY.

So we would end up making what we poke fun at. Plan goes to dev/null.

Well, would we end up making dicknipplehermmacrotaurs? I mean, some of us already do make furry porn already. Like Donny or Micah.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 8:22:22 PM     Post subject:  

We should totally all collaborate on a massive furry-porn production company, and sell all our crap under the name of "Charles the Yiffy Dingo," and use the proceeds to run these forums.

'Cuz, see, the furries would be paying us to make fun of them. OMG IRONY.

So we would end up making what we poke fun at. Plan goes to dev/null.

Well, would we end up making dicknipplehermmacrotaurs? I mean, some of us already do make furry porn already. Like Donny or Micah.

If people want to make furry porn, fine with me, especially if they retain a sense of humour about it. But doing so specifically on behalf of this site would certainly make the OMG IRONY work the other way 'round, too.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 10:37:53 PM     Post subject:  

a decent furry community


What was that Genus crap any way? 20 or so pages of shit (or creepy shit) for three bucks a piece, I bet furries bought that stuff by the truck load.

AFAIK, Genus is Radio Comix' best selling title.

I just have a vague feeling that there's large amounts of money to be made with very very little effort.

No shit. This isn't news, folks. That's what plenty of furry artists do: spend 15 minutes on a drawing, and furbid it off, starting at 20 bucks. Or get a table at a furry con and do sketchbook drawings for money. Or do commissions. Easy money, only cost is your reputation and self-esteem.
Self respect is overrated anyway. This is of course another hair brained scheme I'll never get around to following through on.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 10:41:13 PM     Post subject:  

We should totally all collaborate on a massive furry-porn production company, and sell all our crap under the name of "Charles the Yiffy Dingo," and use the proceeds to run these forums.

'Cuz, see, the furries would be paying us to make fun of them. OMG IRONY.

So we would end up making what we poke fun at. Plan goes to dev/null.

Well, would we end up making dicknipplehermmacrotaurs? I mean, some of us already do make furry porn already. Like Donny or Micah.

If people want to make furry porn, fine with me, especially if they retain a sense of humour about it. But doing so specifically on behalf of this site would certainly make the OMG IRONY work the other way 'round, too.
What if we hid subliminal messages in the porn?

Edit:Oh sorry about the double post.
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Posted: 9/26/2005 10:54:24 PM     Post subject:  

What type of messages? "Dog penises are gross!"? Wouldn't it kinda defeat the point?
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Barry Scott
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Posted: 9/27/2005 12:25:32 AM     Post subject:  

What type of messages? "Dog penises are gross!"? Wouldn't it kinda defeat the point?

I was thinking of "KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING WASTE OF CARBON!" or something of that ilk.
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Posted: 9/27/2005 1:59:32 AM     Post subject:  

What type of messages? "Dog penises are gross!"? Wouldn't it kinda defeat the point?
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 9/27/2005 3:05:59 AM     Post subject:  

What type of messages? "Dog penises are gross!"? Wouldn't it kinda defeat the point?

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Posted: 9/27/2005 7:29:04 PM     Post subject:  

What type of messages? "Dog penises are gross!"? Wouldn't it kinda defeat the point?

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Posted: 9/27/2005 8:49:22 PM     Post subject:  


"Buy more of MY gross porn and when yer out of money then kill yerself! " ? =)

I already hid "Adolf" in me old " llittle bAD wOLF" pic... =)
...Which ya can't see since Furdamnation is n e v e r getting back online! Raagh!
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Posted: 9/27/2005 9:20:25 PM     Post subject:  


"Buy more of MY gross porn and when yer out of money then kill yerself! " ? =)

I already hid "Adolf" in me old " llittle bAD wOLF" pic... =)
...Which ya can't see since Furdamnation is n e v e r getting back online! Raagh!

I want to try an experiment.

What are furries reactions when someone draws them porn and makes fun of them at the same time, do they love them, hate them, or do their heads explode?
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Posted: 9/27/2005 9:22:17 PM     Post subject:  

What are furries reactions when someone draws them porn and makes fun of them at the same time, do they love them, hate them, or do their heads explode?

Two words: angry masturbation.
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Posted: 9/27/2005 9:45:09 PM     Post subject:  

The Phoxhunt series on VCL was interesting.. I posted a pic per day...
or least tried to keep up the pace....

Feedback was all positive... and plentiful especially the day the vixen's butt
was in close shot. Untill the gross pig pic in the middle of the series... "WHEN COME TEH YIFF?"
No mail untill the picshurs got sexy again! =)

I've never recieved any angry mail bout the pigs... maybe they all believe my warning...
"Complainers will be drawn as pigs!"
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 9/27/2005 10:03:10 PM     Post subject:  

You get

which in turn leads to requests for porn by the artist.
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Posted: 9/29/2005 5:21:15 PM     Post subject:  


"Buy more of MY gross porn and when yer out of money then kill yerself! " ? =)

I already hid "Adolf" in me old " llittle bAD wOLF" pic... =)
...Which ya can't see since Furdamnation is n e v e r getting back online! Raagh!

Donny, why don't you move your site to a host that isn't prone to problems? Do it now so that I may pa view your wonderful art again!
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 9/30/2005 5:19:01 AM     Post subject:  


"Buy more of MY gross porn and when yer out of money then kill yerself! " ? =)

I already hid "Adolf" in me old " llittle bAD wOLF" pic... =)
...Which ya can't see since Furdamnation is n e v e r getting back online! Raagh!

Donny, why don't you move your site to a host that isn't prone to problems? Do it now so that I may pa view your wonderful art again!

How about getting your own domain?
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Posted: 9/30/2005 9:52:34 AM     Post subject:  

If I don't make any money with fur stuff I sure don't wish to pay a dime for sharing it.=)
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Barry Scott
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Posted: 9/30/2005 11:55:02 AM     Post subject:  

God damn it! FN Worlds is EVER empty. All times of the day they are there. I live in the UK so I was hoping to get in at 5am game time and snoop around when no one is looking, but there's always a large group there! Don't these fuckers ever sleep?
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Posted: 9/30/2005 2:47:51 PM     Post subject:  

Don't these fuckers ever sleep?

No. They work in shifts to ensure a constant 24/7 supply of badly typed incomplete sentences and hideously modeled and rendered dicks.
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Posted: 9/30/2005 7:27:04 PM     Post subject:  

If I don't make any money with fur stuff I sure don't wish to pay a dime for sharing it.=)

That's because you don't take commissions Donny. If you did, I'd be Paypaling you monies for smut in a heartbeat. Or hell, even for a selfstyled jab at the fandom.
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 10/1/2005 1:12:34 AM     Post subject:  

If I don't make any money with fur stuff I sure don't wish to pay a dime for sharing it.=)

By the time you read this message it will have already been taken by a Donny Osmond fanboy :(
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Posted: 10/1/2005 6:23:09 AM     Post subject:  

By the time you read this message it will have already been taken by a Donny Osmond fanboy :(

Long-time lurker, etc, etc...

I'd chip in to help fund that one.
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baserock love
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Posted: 10/1/2005 6:35:11 AM     Post subject:  

If I don't make any money with fur stuff I sure don't wish to pay a dime for sharing it.=)

By the time you read this message it will have already been taken by a Donny Osmond fanboy :(

That could never work, that would alienate his female fanbase.......all 2 of them
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Posted: 10/1/2005 7:19:58 AM     Post subject:  

If I don't make any money with fur stuff I sure don't wish to pay a dime for sharing it.=)

Did you learn nothing from the thread? You can make money hand over fist by having the server up for a while, and when you get bored/broke with it, having the server 'break' and asking for paypal donations!
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Posted: 10/1/2005 5:22:19 PM     Post subject:  

I didn't wanna say it out loud but I think the time has come...



Hmmm... reduced to quoting myself.
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Posted: 10/9/2005 9:10:00 PM     Post subject:  

Annnd Furnation is back ... after a month or two's outage! =)
Finally...Now I can again swap me avatars daily and remember the Ala...Orliens!
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 10/9/2005 10:55:45 PM     Post subject:  

For all the supposed techie geeks in the ranks of furry, do NONE of them have real skills with technology? How many servers can they build that fail again and again and again?

Oh yeah, the tinfoil hat conspiracy to make money angle. Sort of machiavellian by accident as furries generally ain't that talented at conspiracies. For one thing, they'd leave DNA evidence on every surface they touched with their right hand.

Besides, pros let someone else do the hardware and don't try hosting on their own DSL lines in their apartment. "Oh no, we can't! Someone might get past all that security and steal the server out of the hosting company offices! Our apartment is much more secure!" Only because no one would be insane enough to try looking under their spooge-soaked spooge to steal the server from their apartment. Now there's a security idea: security through revulsion.

No shit. This isn't news, folks. That's what plenty of furry artists do: spend 15 minutes on a drawing, and furbid it off, starting at 20 bucks. Or get a table at a furry con and do sketchbook drawings for money. Or do commissions. Easy money, only cost is your reputation and self-esteem.

Two groups of people can do this without missing a beat: stupid and evil. Furries are stupid because they really believe this is right. I'm evil because I know its wrong and want to do it anyways. Fortunately for furries, and unfortunately for my wallet, my art skills stop at knowing what is pretentious shit and drawing back of the envelope mechanical sketches. I'm way past not wanting to encourage their dumbassery and caring. I'm ready to mix the fucking KoolAid right now. If I won Powerball, I'd bankroll this in a heartbeat.

That and selling them servers that work for absurdly inflated prices to get my cut of that furry donation money. Brand them POWERFOX or something. Wait and see how many nanoseconds it is before there's a row over a Windows based server with a furry name and aim. Wait to see how many demand Linux and don't notice Windows with a Linux skin on it or a sucktastic Lindows load. Wait to see how long until note is made of this being sacrilege since it isn't an Amiga.
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Posted: 10/9/2005 11:42:32 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 10/9/2005 11:55:15 PM     Post subject:  

spooge-soaked spooge

I assume you meant "sofa", but that's infinitely funnier.
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Posted: 10/12/2005 12:06:22 AM     Post subject:  

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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 10/12/2005 2:19:25 AM     Post subject:  

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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 10/19/2005 4:46:32 AM     Post subject:  

Thank you Donny.
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