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Furries: shitting up religion
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Posted: 12/29/2005 10:28:30 AM     Post subject: Furries: shitting up religion  



Recently, I've done a lot of thinking. Mostly about dreams and fears, but also about my spiritual side which usually seems to be in hibernation. And when I put them all together, nothing makes quite as much sense as coming to the conclusion that I was a squirrel in a former life.


Religions throughout the world have beliefs that there are gods who are animals or anthropomorphisised animals, such as the Hindu elephant god, Vishnu and the ancient Egyptian jackal god, Anubis.

Somehow making Satanism a little less shitty: (possible NWS)

Vexen Crabtree worships theDark Lord and loves to dress up as a squirrel
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Monkey King
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Posted: 12/29/2005 10:57:41 AM     Post subject:  

"Zeta" Christians. I don't know where or when furries picked up this 'zeta' catchphrase to represent their organizations, but the idea of them all voluntarily referring to themselves as zeta males makes me laugh.

Oh look, Vexen Crabtree is in the British Army. I'm sure they're just wild about that kind of publicity.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 12:23:32 PM     Post subject:  

Ugh... double the groupthink. Double the hypocrisy. Double the fun.

Satanism can be broken into 3 groups: those who just like the inverted christianity deal, those who base their lives around avoiding the 9 satanic sins and just a bunchof asshats who decided to be different and weird for the hell of it. That guy seems like definitiley the last group, which also just happens to be the loudest and most numerous.

I knew a 'true' Satanist in junior year of high school, he was one of the nice guys I ever spoke with.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 2:59:02 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion  

Religions throughout the world have beliefs that there are gods who are animals or anthropomorphisised animals, such as the Hindu elephant god, Vishnu

If you're gonna make claims like this, at least get it right. GANESHA has an elephant head. He's probably the most popular Hindu god since he's invoked before all other gods. He's also usually one of the first gods introduced to Hindu children. Vishnu is the god of preservation.

Is it really that hard to Google image search? Elephant head, no elephant head.

And of course, totally ignore the monkey Hindu god, Hanuman. :roll:
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Posted: 12/29/2005 3:16:31 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion  

If you're gonna make claims like this, at least get it right. GANESHA has an elephant head. He's probably the most popular Hindu god since he's invoked before all other gods. He's also usually one of the first gods introduced to Hindu children. Vishnu is the god of preservation.

Is it really that hard to Google image search? Elephant head, no elephant head.

And of course, totally ignore the monkey Hindu god, Hanuman. :roll:

Dont forget the bastardization of Ra and Bast.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 3:20:49 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion  

If you're gonna make claims like this, at least get it right. GANESHA has an elephant head. He's probably the most popular Hindu god since he's invoked before all other gods. He's also usually one of the first gods introduced to Hindu children. Vishnu is the god of preservation.

Is it really that hard to Google image search? Elephant head, no elephant head.

And of course, totally ignore the monkey Hindu god, Hanuman. :roll:

Dont forget the bastardization of Ra and Bast.

And Anubis. Poor, poor Anubis.

I think "Zeta" means "animal fucker" in that it's the Greek form of the letter Z for "zoophile". Is this right ? Anyone?
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Posted: 12/29/2005 3:45:54 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion (possible NWS)

Vexen Crabtree worships theDark Lord and loves to dress up as a squirrel

A satanist squirrel is a very silly idea, but at least mr. Crabtree acknowledges this:

Satanism and furry match in the same way that spandex trousers match a beer belly. If that's what the wearer wants, then it's not really anyone's call to say the combination is odd. Conservative observers (or ones with normal tastes) might want to walk away, and if Satanists don't like furs and furs don't like Satanists then that's fine and normal. Emotional human beings can't have their tastes easily altered by some of the rationalism I tend to throw at people in defence of my haphazard adoptions of subcultural labels.

For a satanist furrry, he seems pretty sane. His own site's explanation of "furry" is the usual furry apologist bollocks ("everyting with talking animals in it = furry"), though.
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Strychnine Velcro
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Posted: 12/29/2005 4:24:26 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion  

I think "Zeta" means "animal fucker" in that it's the Greek form of the letter Z for "zoophile". Is this right ? Anyone?

Correct. See paw_paul's avatar? Seeing that design on a lapel pin means you should run away now.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 6:01:46 PM     Post subject:  

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the overwhelming majority of furries are christian. They were born into christian families, baptised at an early age, attended sunday school, xmas eve mass, and communion, etc. They or their families may not have been the most orthodox, but back in their pre-furry days I can almost guarantee the majority of them were believers.

The whole 'alternative religion' thing is yet another furry attention ploy. They throw around terms like 'satanist', 'paganist', and 'wiccan' without any real idea of what they mean, simply because most of Western society is programmed to be 'shocked' by them. I seem to recall 'true' Satanism not having anything at all to do with an entity called 'Satan' - IIRC it has something to do with worshipping yourself. Hell, even the name of that 'belief system' reeks of christianity - in no other religion is there an entity called 'Satan'; that name is a purely christian creation.

Those who cling to a more widely accepted religion (ie, one practiced by more than 10% of a given population) are obviously only clinging to one particular facet of that religion, like the examples above of claiming the Hindu gods are 'furry' or that poor old Anubis is furry. If these people actually did some more research into Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and so on, they'd find that not only are most major religions nearly identical at the core, but to actually be recognized as a member of one of them takes actual effort. Oh, and most of them probably frown on jacking off to furry porn.

Finally, in what's perhaps the most furry trait of all, most of these people have been so busy trying to convince others that they're 'cool' because they're not christians have forgotten to convince themselves they're not christian (by, again, learning more about whatever religion has had the misfortune of attracting them, and, more importantly, practicing it).

(No, I'm not advocating christianity, just noting that the vast majority of western culture is built on it.)
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Posted: 12/29/2005 6:56:07 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion  

Dont forget the bastardization of Ra and Bast.

Yeah, but at least they usually have the proper names. At any rate, I'm gonna be an ass and e-mail this person about the name thing. (I didn't say I'm gonna launch a full scale war or anything :P ) I admit I like Ganesha a lot...despite seeing a few furry artists draw him. :? On VCL, no less.

-I don't wanna know Ganesha's sometimes depicted with female consorts, but that one's name is "Snowkat" and s/h/it is giving Ganesha a "trunking" so I don't think that's one of them.
-I don't remember any Hindu writings saying Ganesha is well hung

I know Egyptian deities get mucked up more often but...arg!
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Posted: 12/29/2005 7:17:40 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion  

Recently, I've done a lot of thinking. Mostly about dreams and fears, but also about my spiritual side which usually seems to be in hibernation. And when I put them all together, nothing makes quite as much sense as coming to the conclusion that I was a squirrel in a former life.

Greatest opening paragrah ever
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Posted: 12/29/2005 7:20:06 PM     Post subject:  

I suppose Furrs Fur Christ, which is run in part by our very own Stoneth, will be mentioned sooner or later. I think it's okay though; they're a little heavy on the Christian imagery, but it's not anything like that "ZETA CHRISTIAN LOL".

Oh, and Shinto is represented too. In this case, it's every anime, Japanophile, furry, and otherkin stereotype rolled into one! It appears some of her more hilarious entries have gone friends only, but there's still plenty of pretentious bad Japanese.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 12/29/2005 8:17:38 PM     Post subject:  

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the overwhelming majority of furries are christian. They were born into christian families, baptised at an early age, attended sunday school, xmas eve mass, and communion, etc. They or their families may not have been the most orthodox, but back in their pre-furry days I can almost guarantee the majority of them were believers.

This is true of most Internet denizens who throw stones at Christianity. Most are young between 16 and 26, most are male, and most are from Protestant denominations where they mostly went when they were youngest and as they grew older and more persnickety as kids do, their parents saved themselves the headache and made them go to church less and less and less.

Also, most of them were taught hypocrisy and double standards early on by their parents' actions. Most are somewhat intelligent in a raw potential sense but not very wise or worldly, not nearly as much as they imagine, and overly given to hollow epiphanies and mostly with low self esteem and too much ego to compensate.

Prescription for furries, Trekkies, most introvert subcultures with severe issues, spiritual and otherwise.

The whole 'alternative religion' thing is yet another furry attention ploy. They throw around terms like 'satanist', 'paganist', and 'wiccan' without any real idea of what they mean, simply because most of Western society is programmed to be 'shocked' by them. I seem to recall 'true' Satanism not having anything at all to do with an entity called 'Satan' - IIRC it has something to do with worshipping yourself. Hell, even the name of that 'belief system' reeks of christianity - in no other religion is there an entity called 'Satan'; that name is a purely christian creation.

Inaccurate. "Satan" is from old Hebrew and means "adversary". In religious terms it would be more akin to an anti-G-d, and ancient Hebrew theologians were somewhat torn and divided over whether this was actually the fallen angel Lucifer or if Satan existed separately and independantly from creation onward and was the one who seduced Lucifer to rebellion against G-d. I tend towards this side of the debate.

Those who cling to a more widely accepted religion (ie, one practiced by more than 10% of a given population) are obviously only clinging to one particular facet of that religion, like the examples above of claiming the Hindu gods are 'furry' or that poor old Anubis is furry. If these people actually did some more research into Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and so on, they'd find that not only are most major religions nearly identical at the core, but to actually be recognized as a member of one of them takes actual effort. Oh, and most of them probably frown on jacking off to furry porn.

Finally, in what's perhaps the most furry trait of all, most of these people have been so busy trying to convince others that they're 'cool' because they're not christians have forgotten to convince themselves they're not christian (by, again, learning more about whatever religion has had the misfortune of attracting them, and, more importantly, practicing it).

(No, I'm not advocating christianity, just noting that the vast majority of western culture is built on it.)

Exactly true. Most of those in furry or anywhere else online claiming to be pagan, etc., are not actually possessed of any... faith. Faith is a part of any religion and most don't have it.

Now, yes, it is true many evangelical Christians are also somewhat lacking in faith and more given to running on the sloganeering than anything else while many Catholics are simply going by the rituals by rote. However, they pass the test of faith. So do the Jews, the Muslims, the Hindus, etc. right on back. The ancient pre-Christian Celts did in their time.

However, like the ancient Egyptians, that religion died out a very long time ago; simply picking up a book full of conjectures by a cultural anthropologist or worse some pop book of idiocy right out of an unused episode of Charmed and having some ennui and estrangement from your own religion that you were raised in however flimsily, does not make you an adherent in that religion.

Most crap about paganism, etc., in bookstores is completely made up out of thin air, and largely by people who are such mouth breathers they're no longer even attempting to mix in Allistair Crowley horseshit anymore. You have to be reaching for a new low to not even mix in the old school pagan and Satanist horseshit. Of course, back then even the loons were erudite enough to make for reading that makes the average goth twinkie's head hurt.

It makes you spiritually lonely maybe, looking for something more than yourself to believe in, but doesn't make you of that religion. And choosing a religion should be more in the way of familial and cultural tradition first, personal tastes second, and a desire to fuck with people should not enter into it. I may not go to church but I never stopped believing in Him and I don't believe to fuck with others who don't. It's not between be and everyone else. Faith is between you and what you believe. If you feel a need to attack and savage other religions for your own amusement, you probably don't believe in what you claim you do.

EDIT: and yeah, wrapping any religion in furrydom is about as savage as you can get. Given what the Egyptians wrote of Anubis, he'd have been among the first to bring pain and sufferings to furries just on general principle.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 8:27:59 PM     Post subject:  



You know, if the big guy is THAT anal about his name, maybe he should have made it something unpronouncable.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 12/29/2005 8:35:22 PM     Post subject:  



You know, if the big guy is THAT anal about his name, maybe he should have made it something unpronouncable.

I've taken to writing it that way because the conservative Jews in my family (by marriage) do. Best explanation I got was that it shows respect by not actually saying His common name. I also know a number of conservative Christians who do it that way. So I do it to.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 8:38:43 PM     Post subject:  

This is in the comments from the guy who requested the graphics:

I recently re-read darkhorseman's post about the wiccan preist performing a hand fasting between you two and your guyses mare. I was talking to a furry friend of mine about this, and he use to be Wiccan. He informed me that its for all intensive purposes its like a wedding, but that you can't really have one with an animal because the animal would have to know whats going on and repond back weathor or not her/she wants to be married. I don't meen to say this as insult, because even though I'm a Christian I would even allow myself to be in a wiccan hand fasting if it would allow me to marry an animal i would want as my life partner. My friend also informed me that it will be reconized with that preiest and whoever's in that circle, but outside it other wiccan's may not reconize the marrage >.< *wimpers*

:shock: I've been Wiccan for 11 years and clergy for five, and I thought I had seen every ridiculous thing Wiccans could possibly do to make the rest of us look like freakish idiots. OMG was I wrong.

If anyone needs me I'll be in the muffled weeping corner. :cry:

Edited because I can't spell.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 8:40:46 PM     Post subject:  

You know, if the big guy is THAT anal about his name, maybe he should have made it something unpronouncable.

Actually, it is. Hebrew didn't originally have any vowels so nobody knows exactly how to pronounce "YHWH" anymore. It's speculated to be "Yahweh" sometimes but, well, it's not positive.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 12/29/2005 8:50:03 PM     Post subject:  

You know, if the big guy is THAT anal about his name, maybe he should have made it something unpronouncable.

Actually, it is. Hebrew didn't originally have any vowels so nobody knows exactly how to pronounce "YHWH" anymore. It's speculated to be "Yahweh" sometimes but, well, it's not positive.

Hence the jokes in our house about choking on French or Hebrew.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 9:07:01 PM     Post subject:  


You know, if the big guy is THAT anal about his name, maybe he should have made it something unpronouncable.

OH Cthulhu I choose YOU!

I admit I like Ganesha a lot...despite seeing a few furry artists draw him.

Mm Ganesha. I got more gods than most religons. :D
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vanilla rin
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Posted: 12/29/2005 9:49:37 PM     Post subject:  

I'm always very surprised by furry Christians. It always seems a bit too sane for them-- which really says something, considering how rational religion is in the first place (saying this as a Christian myself, to make it even worse).

But it doesn't confuse me as much as foreign Shintoists. Shinto isn't a religion of worship, like others, it's more like a traditional system of actions based around ancient superstitions. Why would anyone be Shinto if they didn't live in Japan?
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Posted: 12/29/2005 10:14:12 PM     Post subject:  



You know, if the big guy is THAT anal about his name, maybe he should have made it something unpronouncable.

Yeah, "God" isn't his name, just his title (in Judaism, at least). As far as I understand it, his name is the Tetragrammaton, i.e. "Yahweh" or "YHWH", which you can still write, just not usually say, in Jewish tradition.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 10:46:20 PM     Post subject:  



You know, if the big guy is THAT anal about his name, maybe he should have made it something unpronouncable.

It's actually Jehovah, aka Allah. God is for every god.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 10:55:15 PM     Post subject:  

Yeah, "God" isn't his name, just his title (in Judaism, at least). As far as I understand it, his name is the Tetragrammaton, i.e. "Yahweh" or "YHWH", which you can still write, just not usually say, in Jewish tradition.

Religious Jews are like the Bosnians, they need some vowels.

Cities of Sjlbvdnzv, Grzny to Be First Recipients

Before an emergency joint session of Congress yesterday, the State Department announced US plans to deploy over 75,000 vowels to the war-torn region of Bosnia. The deployment, the largest of its kind in American history, will provide the region with the critically needed letters A,E,I,O and U, and is hoped to render countless Bosnian names more pronounceable.

"For six years, we have stood by while names like Ygrjvslhv and Tzlynhr and Glrm have been horribly butchered by millions around the world," State Department officials said. "Today, the United States must finally stand up and say 'Enough.' It is time the people of Bosnia finally had some vowels in their incomprehensible words. The US is proud to lead the crusade in this noble endeavor."

The deployment, dubbed "Operation Vowel Storm" by the State Department, is set for early next week, with the Adriatic port cities of Sjlbvdnzv and Grzny slated to be the first recipients. Two C-130 transport planes, each carrying over 500 24-count boxes of "E's," will fly from Andrews Air Force Base across the Atlantic and airdrop the letters over the cities.

"With these valuable letters, the people of war-ravaged Bosnia will be able to make some terrific new words," Clinton said. "It should be very exciting for them, and much easier for us to read their maps."

Once the Bosnians have vowels, they will be able to construct such valuable sentences as: "The potatoes are ready"; "I believe it will rain"; and "All my children are dead from the war."

The airdrop represents the largest deployment of any letter to a foreign country since 1984. During the summer of that year, the US shipped 92,000 consonants to Ethiopia, providing cities like Ouaouoaua, Eaoiiuae, and Aao with vital, life-giving supplies of L's, S's and T's. The consonant-relief effort failed, however, when vast quantities of the letters were intercepted and hoarded by violent, gun-toting warlords.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 11:05:15 PM     Post subject:  

Do you people see my ability to derail an entirte topic because I asked about one word with a letter missing?

That is power. G_dl_ke p_wer.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 11:06:28 PM     Post subject:  

:shock: I've been Wiccan for 11 years and clergy for five, and I thought I had seen every ridiculous thing Wiccans could possibly do to make the rest of us look like freakish idiots. OMG was I wrong.

Hey, how do you these Gonterman comics about you guys?
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Posted: 12/29/2005 11:14:22 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries: shitting up religion  

Religions throughout the world have beliefs that there are gods who are animals or anthropomorphisised animals, such as the Hindu elephant god, Vishnu

If you're gonna make claims like this, at least get it right. GANESHA has an elephant head. He's probably the most popular Hindu god since he's invoked before all other gods. He's also usually one of the first gods introduced to Hindu children. Vishnu is the god of preservation.

I found this same wording on a bunch of furry websites. Ganesh doesn't have the elephant head because elephants totally ROCK and they're a great Indian totem animal, he has it because it's symbolic of removing obstacles in dense forest, as elephants do. Hand it to furries for being th masters of missing the point in everything.
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Posted: 12/29/2005 11:56:24 PM     Post subject:  

:shock: I've been Wiccan for 11 years and clergy for five, and I thought I had seen every ridiculous thing Wiccans could possibly do to make the rest of us look like freakish idiots. OMG was I wrong.

Hey, how do you these Gonterman comics about you guys?

There was something in there about Wiccans? I must have missed it while slogging through the hellish swamp of bad art.
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Posted: 12/30/2005 12:24:23 AM     Post subject:  

There was something in there about Wiccans? I must have missed it while slogging through the hellish swamp of bad art.

There was an old one called "Night Soldiers" and a new version that some Wiccan e-zine "invited" him to write...or so he says. Gouge your eyes out! The terrible accent! Ahhh!
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 12/30/2005 1:04:55 AM     Post subject:  

Steering back towards topic...
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Posted: 12/30/2005 3:48:32 AM     Post subject:  

I lost my religion long ago, I still believe in GOD but I would be the first out of anyone on this forum to burn down a church... that old feeling is coming back thanks to WAYD WOLF.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 12/30/2005 5:22:02 AM     Post subject:  

I lost my religion long ago, I still believe in GOD but I would be the first out of anyone on this forum to burn down a church... that old feeling is coming back thanks to WAYD WOLF.

Don't waste your one chance to make it big.

Build a church to scale out of paper mache, put little Gonterman furries in the window, put Lola Bunny figurines in little slutty dominatrix wedding dresses, douse with gasoline on video, digitize and post.

Then, you'll be a legend for generating years of loltastic fursecution drama.
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Posted: 12/30/2005 7:46:07 AM     Post subject:  

There was something in there about Wiccans? I must have missed it while slogging through the hellish swamp of bad art.

There was an old one called "Night Soldiers" and a new version that some Wiccan e-zine "invited" him to write...or so he says. Gouge your eyes out! The terrible accent! Ahhh!

:shock: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! *dies*
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Posted: 12/30/2005 10:05:03 AM     Post subject:  

I lost my religion long ago, I still believe in GOD but I would be the first out of anyone on this forum to burn down a church... that old feeling is coming back thanks to WAYD WOLF.

Don't waste your one chance to make it big.

Build a church to scale out of paper mache, put little Gonterman furries in the window, put Lola Bunny figurines in little slutty dominatrix wedding dresses, douse with gasoline on video, digitize and post.

Then, you'll be a legend for generating years of loltastic fursecution drama.

No thanks Wayd, I have enough fucked up bull shit in my life as it is... I don't need FURREH DERAMA to add to it.
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Bag Full o' Money
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Posted: 12/30/2005 10:35:16 AM     Post subject:  

Then what brings you here?
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Posted: 12/30/2005 10:43:33 AM     Post subject:  

I don't KNOW!!! :x :x :x :x :x
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Posted: 12/30/2005 10:43:59 AM     Post subject:  

But just for the hell of it... I'll do what Wayd commands and burn down a church. And not just cause my foster parents forced me to go to it so they could show off their nice cloths and try and out sing the other women that fat bitch would talk about behind their backs... while she made me and my raggedy ass sit in the back alone.

is now listening to PRODIGY: FIRE STARTER
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I'm the instigator! I'm the face you hated! I'm the FIRE STARTER!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Posted: 12/30/2005 4:07:53 PM     Post subject:  

I haven't posted on here for a while but this topic has caused me to remember a pretty funny story. I was around three years ago I was at my friend's house painting his 5 year old son's room. He had another of his friends at the house as well and he was very into furry. My friend tells him that I do a little of that art and the guy thinks that I've got to be one of them, he gets real happy and chats me up about where I'm from. So I tell him I'm from Egypt and his eyes just light up and he asks me(and I shit you not) "Are you keeping Anubis's faith alive?" Now he says this to me knowing that I'm wearing an icon of the Virgin Mary around my neck. so I tell him that I'm a Copt and that I didn't think anyone in Egypt still worshipped the Old Gods. And the guy gets upset telling my that I've got to carry on the faith which has been dead for several thousand years.
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Posted: 12/30/2005 5:14:35 PM     Post subject:  


That's awesome. I wonder if he asks the guys down at the local Gyro shop where their shrine to Zeus is?
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Posted: 12/30/2005 5:24:56 PM     Post subject:  

And the guy gets upset telling my that I've got to carry on the faith which has been dead for several thousand years.

Not yet several thousand.

And I think there's some believers still - at least some like these idiot new-agers appearently pissing off Native Americans, AS SEEN ON THE INTERNET.
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Posted: 12/30/2005 5:45:44 PM     Post subject:  

I don't KNOW!!! :x :x :x :x :x

Is your shirt too tight, Lex?
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Posted: 12/30/2005 5:49:04 PM     Post subject:  

And I think there's some believers still - at least some like these idiot new-agers appearently pissing off Native Americans, AS SEEN ON THE INTERNET

I don't really count them.
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Posted: 12/30/2005 5:54:30 PM     Post subject:  

How would it even be Anubis's faith? He really was a minor God most days of the year to ancient egytians until someone died. he wasn't even dependant upon the other gods, as seen by the fact that early egyptian Christians would still place the hieroglyph for him on their burial shit. I mean, if anything it was Ra's or Isis's faith.

It's sad that with their boring little lives white Americans need to latch onto the ethnical identities and cultural histories of others. I mean, hell, I even have Kemetic stuff lying about here, but I know that there really isn't any black jackal dude who is going to take me anywhere after I die. And if there is, he's likely straight or taken at that.

Fuck why are people so retarded?
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Posted: 12/30/2005 7:49:32 PM     Post subject:  

So I tell him I'm from Egypt and his eyes just light up and he asks me(and I shit you not) "Are you keeping Anubis's faith alive?" Now he says this to me knowing that I'm wearing an icon of the Virgin Mary around my neck. so I tell him that I'm a Copt and that I didn't think anyone in Egypt still worshipped the Old Gods. And the guy gets upset telling my that I've got to carry on the faith which has been dead for several thousand years.

Cos, you know, it's his freakin' business to go around telling people what religion they should have.

I bet he hates evangelical christians too.
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Posted: 12/30/2005 7:52:28 PM     Post subject:  

It's sad that with their boring little lives white Americans need to latch onto the ethnical identities and cultural histories of others.

You know, you may always worship THOR, WOTAN AND SHIT. And try to join the White Aryan Resistance, like this little fatass Gonterman back when he was all angry on the niggers.
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Posted: 12/30/2005 10:46:14 PM     Post subject:  

I don't KNOW!!! :x :x :x :x :x

Is your shirt too tight, Lex?

Who's Lex?
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Posted: 12/30/2005 10:52:18 PM     Post subject:  

I don't KNOW!!! :x :x :x :x :x

Is your shirt too tight, Lex?

Who's Lex?

Luthor :0
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Posted: 12/30/2005 11:01:59 PM     Post subject:  

I don't know... shirt too tight... Lex Luthor...

I don't see it... :?:
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Posted: 12/30/2005 11:17:42 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 12/30/2005 11:20:11 PM     Post subject:  

Oh... I get it now. But I actually do look like the first two... not so much the third. :o
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Posted: 12/30/2005 11:34:55 PM     Post subject:  

Oh... I get it now. But I actually do look like the first two... not so much the third. :o

Putting "fascism" back into "islamo-fascism".
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Posted: 12/31/2005 1:39:07 AM     Post subject:  

The bald gentleman on Magnuskin's avatar is Manuel de Falla, a Spanish composer. Aaaand that picture was used on a banknote widely used in Spain until it was replaced by coins:

I used those banknotes pretty often in the early 80s (but not as much as I wanted, 100 pesetas was a lot of money for a little kid, kinda like a $50 banknote), so it's funny to me seeing that head here at CYD. :)
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Posted: 12/31/2005 4:12:08 AM     Post subject:  

From religion to bank notes, how far have we fallen?

That being said, a majority of furries I ran into are not Christian or at least not too vocal about it. It seems that crazy anti-establishment faggots run around a lot more and scream about their idiotic beliefs. But I think that's common for a lot of teenagers these days as a means of rebelling?
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Posted: 12/31/2005 4:29:20 AM     Post subject:  

That's not the same as saying that Hindus and Egyptians are furries. Frankly, I'm disturbed that that mythical stuff appears on the same page as "yiffing." Arg!
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Posted: 12/31/2005 5:04:17 AM     Post subject:  


Well first comission afterwards I asked if he wanted to be friends and he told me so bluntly I rememebr the exact wording. "You americans are only good for giving me money." afew years later I comissioned him cause I thought maybe I was being silly and took it the wrong way and stuff and he randomly decided to change one of the characters on the pic he drew into a woman....When I said I asked for it to be a man he went and doodled a man instead of changing it calling me a whinner....

I commissioned him for a pic of two my characters going at it, and he added a "For your greatest fan..." on the end of it for no apparent reason.

Hahaha. What a jerk.
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Posted: 12/31/2005 5:32:53 AM     Post subject:  


Well first comission afterwards I asked if he wanted to be friends and he told me so bluntly I rememebr the exact wording. "You americans are only good for giving me money." afew years later I comissioned him cause I thought maybe I was being silly and took it the wrong way and stuff and he randomly decided to change one of the characters on the pic he drew into a woman....When I said I asked for it to be a man he went and doodled a man instead of changing it calling me a whinner....

I commissioned him for a pic of two my characters going at it, and he added a "For your greatest fan..." on the end of it for no apparent reason.

Hahaha. What a jerk.

Excellent find, but start a new topic for shit like that.
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Posted: 12/31/2005 6:20:24 AM     Post subject:  

I would post a pic of myself but that pic of Manuel de Falla and Lex Luthor do the job.
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Posted: 12/31/2005 7:34:56 PM     Post subject:  

I suppose Furrs Fur Christ, which is run in part by our very own Stoneth, will be mentioned sooner or later. I think it's okay though; they're a little heavy on the Christian imagery, but it's not anything like that "ZETA CHRISTIAN LOL".

If FFC became a breeding ground for Zeta Christians, I'd renounce my adminship. Of course, I doubt that Razi would allow FFC to reach that low.
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Posted: 1/1/2006 1:52:36 AM     Post subject:  

Where are the islamic furries?
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Posted: 1/1/2006 6:11:36 AM     Post subject:  

Where are the islamic furries?

I bet Islam strictly forbids furry, right alongside alcohol.

"And should the Infidel dress himself as a beast, he shall be put to the sword, and his village burned, and his women raped, and his children slaughtered..."
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Posted: 1/1/2006 11:40:55 AM     Post subject:  

You know, I've always wondered, what IF furries were actually persecuted like you're suggesting? They act like we're such bad, evil mean people that are beating them down constantly. I mean, furries are always ready to bust out the anti-censorship posters and the sobbing "SOAL RAEP" posts on LJ whenver someone tells them "Um, I think the idea of you fucking wild animals is a little crazy", but imagine if someone went crazy and DID try persecuting them?


I think it'd be hilariously sad that someone would actually be stupid enough to care about persecuting them instead of just pointing and laughing like we do.
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Bad Furry Pun
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Posted: 1/1/2006 2:02:19 PM     Post subject:  

You know, I've always wondered, what IF furries were actually persecuted like you're suggesting?

If furries had seriously been persecuted at any point in the past, I'm tempted to think a) they'd obviously be a bit less whiny about OMG FURSECUTION, knowing what -real- persecution is like, and b) perhaps they would be a little quieter about being furry in general, and avoid telling it to everyone at every possible opportunity. :lol:

I think it'd be hilariously sad that someone would actually be stupid enough to care about persecuting them instead of just pointing and laughing like we do.

And I'm sure that there are people floating around on the internet who would like nothing more than to start a holy war to wipe the Yiffing Plague from the face of the Earth. But, would that make them even more sad/laughworthy than the furries CYD is here to mock?
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Posted: 1/1/2006 2:13:34 PM     Post subject:  

And I'm sure that there are people floating around on the internet who would like nothing more than to start a holy war to wipe the Yiffing Plague from the face of the Earth. But, would that make them even more sad/laughworthy than the furries CYD is here to mock?

You mean other than Kimmaugh, right?
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Posted: 1/1/2006 2:18:12 PM     Post subject:  

Where are the islamic furries?

I bet Islam strictly forbids furry, right alongside alcohol.

"And should the Infidel dress himself as a beast, he shall be put to the sword, and his village burned, and his women raped, and his children slaughtered..."

It depends of the regional tradition. Bosniaks were a heavy-weight rakija drinkers, at least before the war and genocide traumatised them. Saudi and Iranian influence didn't help much. But before the war, Olympic city Sarajevo had been the place of party hard Balkan-style.

And appearently they still drink alot. Helps forget the war, or remembering it. Good for everything.
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Bad Furry Pun
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Posted: 1/1/2006 2:51:15 PM     Post subject:  

And I'm sure that there are people floating around on the internet who would like nothing more than to start a holy war to wipe the Yiffing Plague from the face of the Earth. But, would that make them even more sad/laughworthy than the furries CYD is here to mock?

You mean other than Kimmaugh, right?

If she counts as a people, then yes.

Edit - I suppose I should also add "and if she doesn't count as a 'furry CYD is here to mock.'"
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Posted: 1/1/2006 3:10:24 PM     Post subject:  


So, first of all you: Arabs in Bosnia, it's time for you to go.

No no, don't tell me about the "religious miracle", don't babble about an Islamic renaissance. We, the pig eaters, the hard drinkers, the heavy smokers and those who appreciate the beauty of a woman's unveiled face know much more about this world of Allah than you think. We don't need your instructions. For five years, you did not lift a finger to help, but now you come to colonize lands cleared of our "infidel" neighbors and stained with a mixture of our bloods. We don't need your squat bottle mosques, your long gowns which offer no protection from the Balkan winter, your hideous betrayal of everything beautiful in the world with your fanaticism. Arabs, I wish I could say it's been fun, but better to end the night now than to hang on waiting for satori.

This is calculated. This is not stone-hearted but I'm sure someone who can't understand the point will e-mail me and wonder why I hate Arabs. I don't. I've lived and worked and prayed with them, in their own lands and those far abroad. But if you think that accepting an influx of foreigners into a society fractured among ethnic lines is going to do anything to help, you've got another thing coming. I'm sure there are some Arab charities in Bosnia who have nothing to do with spreading Wahhabism. We'll miss them.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that I'm declaring my hand for one side or another, though. Because while we'll be forever thankful, I'm afraid it's reached the point where we have to break up with our American lovers if we ever want to be, not a normal country, I don't go that far in my delusions, but just a mediocre and very small one.

and complete OT this time, but worth reading IMO:
July 12, 1995
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Posted: 1/1/2006 5:55:31 PM     Post subject:  

I don't remember where, but I think I heard something about a Muslim once getting offended at the thought of furry because it placed man at the level of an animal or something.

Regardless, while Islamic art does feature some figures, it's more often about patterns and shape. Plus there's the fact that Islam forbids the depiction of God in art. Ergo, even if there are furry Muslims, you'll never find them creating something like this in praise of Allah.
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Posted: 1/2/2006 9:28:33 AM     Post subject:  

Plus most canines are considered unclean in the eyes of Islam.
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Posted: 1/2/2006 11:02:55 AM     Post subject:  

Plus most canines are considered unclean in the eyes of Islam.

Again, not everywhere.

Also, you can try a mix of Christianity and Islam and still call yourself a Muslim, like the Lebanese Druze (and they were basically against Christain factions in the civil war, maybe because of their leftist PSP party vs mostly rightist and sometimes outright fascist Christian parties - I think their allies were a Sunni left and Palestinian coalitions).

Or a mix of Islam and Satanism, like the Yezides, with a same effects (some Iraqi Kurds and Assyrians, afair).

Funny thing here is, al-Qaeda guys there are appaerently much more of OSAMA ANGRY OSAMA SMASH on the Iraqi Shiites, who also happen to be overhelming majority of Iraqis (oops!). I think they're basically ignoring Yezides because they just can't get SUCH a heresy into their "sick little minds", as to quote Gonterman.

Also USA=GREAT SATAN. I think they would try and include an edited footage from a furry con into their recruitment videos. (I would seriously like to see one some of these, and I wonder if they're having a jerk off circle sessions over Fahrenheit 9-11).
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Philip Savage
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Posted: 1/2/2006 10:00:40 PM     Post subject:  

Also, you can try a mix of Christianity and Islam and still call yourself a Muslim, like the Lebanese Druze (and they were basically against Christain factions in the civil war, maybe because of their leftist PSP party vs mostly rightist and sometimes outright fascist Christian parties - I think their allies were a Sunni left and Palestinian coalitions).

PSP? Bah. The DS is better. YOU CAN TOUCH IT...and it won't tell the cops.

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Posted: 1/2/2006 10:23:12 PM     Post subject:  

Also, you can try a mix of Christianity and Islam and still call yourself a Muslim, like the Lebanese Druze (and they were basically against Christain factions in the civil war, maybe because of their leftist PSP party vs mostly rightist and sometimes outright fascist Christian parties - I think their allies were a Sunni left and Palestinian coalitions).

PSP? Bah. The DS is better. YOU CAN TOUCH IT...and it won't tell the cops.

In 1944, Lebanon was 56% Christian and 44% Muslim and Druze. (The Druze are an offshoot of Islam who support the Muslim Nazis in Lebanon.)

Lebanese Druze militiamen - The Druze are an offshoot of Islam who support Islamic terrorism


Funny thing is this photo:

actually shows Beirut being bombed by Israeli army (Osama said he got his idea of bombing towers after seeing footage like this of IDF bombing apartment towers).

Anyway, PSP stands for Progressive Socialist Party.

And hey, wow, guess what CHRISTIANS ARE ALSO EVIL.

In World War II, the Lebanese Christians supported Nazi Germany and the Axis powers.

The main Lebanese Christian political party, the Phalange Party, was modeled after the Fascist parties of Mussolini's Italy and Franco's Spain. To this day, the Phalangists greet each other with the Nazi salute.

Here again, the Lebanese Christians hoped that their pro-Nazi posture would gain them acceptance among Arab Muslims - since Arab Muslims fanatically supported Nazi Germany in World War II, and have always adored German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

Lebanese Christians who immigrated to Egypt to become part of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority became fervent supporters of the militant anti-American Egyptian nationalist leaders Gamal Abdul Nasser and Anwar Sadat.

Lebanese Christians who immigrated to the United States became leaders and spokesmen for Arab American organizations that openly support and raise funds for Islamic terrorism.

Uh-oh. Not to mention they were also Israel's allies in Lebanon War. I <3 this website. Have fun reading, if you care!
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Posted: 1/2/2006 10:33:19 PM     Post subject:  

It's a shame that the extremists in a few sandy parking-lot countries have made Islam into a bogeyman for the rest of the world, when the original tenets of the religion are quite honorable and rational, promoting tolerance, peace, and humility. I know people who practice various forms of secular Islam, and they are mostly very nice, forward-thinking people.

To be honest, I'm surprised we haven't seen any of the Indian animal-headed gods getting their boink on. ;)
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Philip Savage
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Posted: 1/2/2006 10:36:36 PM     Post subject:  

To be honest, I'm surprised we haven't seen any of the Indian animal-headed gods getting their boink on. :wink:

Shhh...the walls can hear you.
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Posted: 1/2/2006 10:50:25 PM     Post subject:  

Oh, and part 2

Ariel Sharon, then Israel's Defense Minister, ordered Israeli troops not to fire on Arab Muslim Nazi civilians, even though this insane policy led to massive Israeli causalities.

By tying the hands of Israeli soldiers, Sharon turned them into sitting ducks for Islamic terrorists.

All of Israel's Likud Party leaders - Menachem Begin, Yitzchak Shamir, Moshe Arens and so on - followed the Sharon policy of being "humane" to Arab Muslim Nazi civilians by letting them slaughter Jewish soldiers.

In the end, over 1,000 Jewish soldiers were unnecessarily murdered in Lebanon and thousands more were injured. Thanks to Sharon, Begin, Shamir and the Likud, Lebanon turned into Israel's Vietnam.

George W. Bush is currently tying the hands of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan in the same manner and with the same murderous results.

By tying the hands of Israeli soldiers in Lebanon and American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, Sharon and Bush consciously chose to value the lives of vicious, hateful, jealous, bloodthirsty Arab Muslim Nazis over the lives of young Israeli Jews and young American Christians who are loyally serving in their countries' armed forces.
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Posted: 1/4/2006 1:19:12 AM     Post subject:  

I don't remember where, but I think I heard something about a Muslim once getting offended at the thought of furry because it placed man at the level of an animal or something.


"my father’s a devout Muslim, and, because we have a great relationship, I send him every bit of Internet offal that I can get my hands on. He didn’t bat an eyelid when I sent him goatse. But he was shocked beyond belief when I explained to him what furries were."

Hm... I wish I had a dad I could talk goatse with.
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