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Homosexuality... your opinions?
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Posted: 12/30/2003 5:04:39 AM     Post subject: Homosexuality... your opinions?  

This is sorta relevant since a sizable portion of the fandom is openly gay, and a sizable portion of the rest is jailhouse gay, so...

What are your feelings on homosexuality?

I, personally, am straight. I'm not religious, so I don't have that to influence my feelings. I have at least one openly gay friend and several possibles, and a couple openly bi friends, and I really don't have a problem with homosexuality in general. Inappropriate touching and worse in public, I do have a problem with, but I also have a problem with that for heterosexuals, so that's another issue. Also, I am somewhat against gay marriage, not in and of itself, but in the way that it can lead to adoption of children into a same-sex marriage, which has a set of problems of its own (I believe that both a mother figure and a father figure are necessary, and that is really impossible to achieve in a same-sex marriage).

One thing: Please, I realize this is a touchy subject for many, but let's not let this degrade into a flame war. Civilized debate is almost always better than insults.
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Posted: 12/30/2003 11:05:16 AM     Post subject:  

Provided you don't get in my face about it, do what the hell you want.
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Posted: 12/30/2003 3:13:35 PM     Post subject:  

What people do in the privacy of their bedrooms is their business, not mine. If someone finds love with another of the same gender, I think that's as wonderful as a loving hetero relationship. I also think people, both straight and gay, should exercise a bit of self-restraint and not shove the relationship in everybody's faces.
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Posted: 12/30/2003 3:38:43 PM     Post subject:  

I have no problem with homosexuality having been one for twelve years, then moving on to become a Hollywood actor.

What I have a problem with is furries trying to compare homophobia to anti-furryism. It's not the same thing and it's insulting to homosexuals.
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Posted: 12/30/2003 6:14:00 PM     Post subject:  

Provided you don't get in my face about it, do what the hell you want.

edit: woah genghis, we think alike.
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Posted: 12/30/2003 6:36:46 PM     Post subject:  

Never bothered me, I've got gay friends, no biggie. I hate it though when people wave it around like it's something special and if things don't go their way it must be because others are against homosexual people not for whatever geniune reason it was for.
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Chris Baird
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Posted: 12/30/2003 6:50:53 PM     Post subject:  

What people do in the privacy of their bedrooms is their business, not mine.

Something I hate: when the furry jailhouse types proselytize to gullible confused frosh (recall the Queensland teenager and the 'werewolf cult') about how "You'll never be less miserable if you don't come out...", and egg the kid on. "Hi! We can't look after our own lives too well, but we're more than willing to steer the course of yours..." "Express and come to terms with your Homosexuality by liking/drawing yiffy art on the VCL and TS-ing on Taps!" ... There's no LART big enough...

There's also no LART big enough for the few misogynist gays I've known. I don't hate one particular guy for being gay (as he seems to think)-- I hate him for the way he treated a mutual female friend when she came to him for help.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 12/31/2003 12:31:26 AM     Post subject:  

Provided you don't get in my face about it, do what the hell you want.

Something that the furry problem kids just DO NOT UNDERSTAND there ladies and gentlemen.

As I said, nothing short of rabid embrace and reaffirmation at all times is defined as tolerance and simple live and let live and keep it in your own place is intolerance and bigotry to them.

So too for a good number of gays these days, mostly the really young ones who already were kind of screwed in the head regarding esteem, worth, etc. and given to the delusional idea that the world or some portion of them secretly hates and schemes against them. The world has more important people to target for hate and conspiracies like their own families and the neighbor next door who keeps letting his dog poop in their driveway.

First, last, and only argument to the contrary is something like Matthew Shephard. Well, the Holocaust doesn't make anyone not contributing money to the B'nai B'rith an anti-semite. There are people who genuinely DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO YOU'RE SCREWING TONIGHT as long as it ain't someone illegal like your kids or dog. That doesn't mean we don't care about you as a living entity much less want you roasted on a stick. (We'd like to barbecue some of you for being schmucks, not because you're gay or furry or whatever. Believe me, some of the people here are gay and would be the first to load up a flamethrower.)

Furry, gay, those Trekkies who wear their damn outfits to court, the world seems to be suffering an increase of people who have a constant need to shove whatever they do in the faces of everyone else, a not coincidental number of people ready to brainlessly defend them to the death(preferably someone else's), and a world that just gets number and number which results in the first group escalating their idiocy more and more.

And just because I'm bi and into anthropomorphics doesn't mean that I'm a traitor of some sort if I don't march in lockstep with that idiocy. Muslims don't have to approve of terrorists, Christians don't have to approve of the ninnies chanting hate at abortion clinics, bikers don't have to approve of fights at casinos, etc.

Note the numbers of these dipsticks who also feel a need to attack what they view as their opposite. Kids who decide they're pagan because they didn't like kneeling at 7am on Sunday go all ranty towards anything remotely Christian. Gay doofuses who have to attack every straight person they can. And so on.

As I asked rhetorically, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KIDS WANT FROM ME?!"
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Posted: 12/31/2003 12:35:13 AM     Post subject:  

I dont give a damn about ppl's private life as long as they keep it to themselves and do not hurt or offend anyone.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 7:00:50 AM     Post subject:  

You cant control what you are attracted to. There are a large number of people whos sexual preferences cannot be described simply by "straight", "gay", or "bi". There are folks who will get wet at the sight of something as simple as an oddly shaped cloud, and at the same time there are folks who can only get off when they are wearing an animal suit. These people arent "idiots", they're just people. If they COULD to be "normal" and have sex in the "normal" fashion, im sure they would.....but the fact of the matter is that everyone has certain preferences that they cannot change. Dont act like these people are scum or that they have a disease in need of curing.

Bottom line: Dont hate. As nasty as homo sex is to me Im sure there are homos out there who think what I do with my girlfriend is just as nasty. Same goes for fursuiters, bis, zoophiles, etc.

BTW - I would hardly call someone wearing a trekkie outfit "shoving in the faces of everyone else". Also, I know for a fact that some people (hetero and not) have learned more about their sexuality through drawing non-human art. Just because their pitch doesnt work for you doesn't mean they should stop selling.

So, in reply to the original post: As far as Im concerned, you can f*ck who- or what-ever you like in positively any fashion as long as its consentual.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 7:08:10 AM     Post subject:  

You cant control what you are attracted to....

ya know ,

theres one little word in your whole post you reeeeally should have just left out
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Posted: 12/31/2003 7:13:56 AM     Post subject:  

(edited) I dont think I know what you're referring to
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Posted: 12/31/2003 7:20:37 AM     Post subject:  

well..youll find out soon enough, as this thread spirals out into a shitstorm of (one-sided) controversy,

i aint gonna be here for it
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Posted: 12/31/2003 7:26:57 AM     Post subject:  

freudian slip maybe?
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Posted: 12/31/2003 7:56:09 AM     Post subject:  

to be completely objective ill just say:

dont bother bringing up zoophilia, ever
dont ever use it as an example to strengthen (or whatever) your point, it wont

look at manawolf , she writes a pretty extravagent essay defending 'zoophilia' and welp..

she still wrote an essay defending fucking the dog
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Posted: 12/31/2003 10:22:54 AM     Post subject:  

You shouldn't have to be in the closet for being gay or bisexual. You should keep your fetishes in the closet though. No one cares if you like dressing like Woody Woodpecker and sucking off your boyfriend as long as you keep it to yourself.

The only cases where it's very unacceptable is when it's dangerous and it can hurt you or others... such as being attracted to children, eating shit, necrophilia, snuff, rape (those three could be combined), and zoophilia.
For that stuff you should seek help unless you're an amazing individual who can control these feelings and not actually try to act upon them... but I don't see that happening.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 10:29:13 AM     Post subject:  

1-no harm no foul, and 2-people cant willfully change their sexual preferences, so dont ostracize them for it.

I find gay male sex even more disgusting than dog fucking, but I still respect gay males.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 10:34:01 AM     Post subject:  

^that was me heh. in response to mouse.

I do agree that some fetishes should be kept private IRL, but you cant set rules for the internet. I dont think I've ever seen a fursuiter actually walk around in public wearing the suit.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 10:53:47 AM     Post subject:  

I find gay male sex even more disgusting than dog fucking, but I still respect gay males.

You just broke the "keep it to yourself" rule, so I will be making fun of you from now on.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 3:36:34 PM     Post subject:  

The what now? That example was to prove a point. Its not like I was declaring my digust for homo-sex just to be vivid. Howabout u stick to the topic kthx.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 4:20:01 PM     Post subject:  

I don't mind homosexuals - hell, I've been known to come across a little queer.

Ahem, yes, sorry. It needed to be said, no matter how trite.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 4:39:58 PM     Post subject: While Im at it..  

There is this pizzashop wich makes the best pizza in the world, and I buy pizza from them quite frequently. Then there is this delivery guy who is really nice, he gives me discounts and free snacks. He recently said I should call him "if I wanted to", I did not think much about it but I just heard he is gay.. What am I to do? He is a nice guy but I dont feel safe when he is nearby. If he wanted to do something stupid Id just say no but I dont want to hurt anyones feelings.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 5:59:30 PM     Post subject:  

erm I'd do nothing, it's not like he's gonna jump you or anything, if you show a lack of interest he'll get the message without anyone being hurt.

Oh yes and to the person who said being attracted to rape was harmful, not it's not so long as you keep it in mutual consenting roleplay, the problems start when people try the real thing rather than keeping their fantasy's in their heads where they belong. Same with beastiality, sex with fido is actually in the top ten of womens fantasys, the key word being fantasy, in other words fantasy's can't hurt you but when you start trying to screw a dog in real life, that can hurt you. Nothing wrong with thinking about it so long as you keep it in your head where it belongs.
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Posted: 12/31/2003 8:52:56 PM     Post subject:  

I find gay male sex even more disgusting than dog fucking, but I still respect gay males.

ok, so i point out "hey!, watch out man, you digging yourself into a hole there"

so what do you do ? ...keep digging

Same with beastiality, sex with fido is actually in the top ten of womens fantasys,

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Posted: 12/31/2003 9:08:08 PM     Post subject:  

Tis true strangely enough...doesn't figure that high but it is in there, i read a scientific paper on it....but it's nowhere in mine :P
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Posted: 1/2/2004 2:16:47 AM     Post subject:  

Okay, one question for the people who argue against homosexuals getting in peoples' faces about their sexuality..

I'm, without a shadow of a doubt, positive that anyone here would get in peoples' faces if the future of your civil rights were in question because of something you couldn't control.

Say that black people weren't allowed visitation rights to see a hospitalized loved one.

Say that mexicans weren't allowed to collect insurance after the death of a significant other.

That because of the way you were born, you're considered sub-human and given as much consideration as a Jew in Nazi Germany back in the late 30's (sans the violence except for the KKKish gay-hate groups).

But there was a chance that your government might recognize you and the fact you deserve the same inalienable rights as everyone else in America.

What does our Bill of Rights say? "All (peoples) have the inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"?
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Posted: 1/2/2004 2:58:55 AM     Post subject:  

Life, liberty and happiness....

Hmm....nope don't see anything there about gay marriages...

No, while it would be a good idea and I'm not against gay marriage, I'm more against those who are like not only do we have to "accept" them but also bend over backwards to please them, like the ones who try to claim anyone who goes against them is a homophobic or the ones who can only define themselves as gay, the kinds who create the worst stereotypes.
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Posted: 1/2/2004 3:10:21 AM     Post subject:  

I guess there's nothing to be said of the freedom to choose how to live one's Life, or the legal benfits and Liberty benifits (like insurance) of marriage offers to those who choose to marry, or the kinds of Happiness that a loving marriage can bring--whether it's an opposite or same gendered couple.
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Posted: 1/2/2004 3:18:15 AM     Post subject:  

Oh? Those benefits are merely to encourage people to marry and have kids, ultimately society rewards those who benefit it, ie heterosexual couples because they breed the next generation of workers.

I agree that Gay couples should have some of the right of married Hetero's but Gay couples can marry and they can leave their estate to the other in a will. So really they aren't missing out on much are they?
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Posted: 1/2/2004 6:16:04 PM     Post subject: interesting subject  

i had a discussion at the 'Official Jack Forum' quite like this one.
My boyfriend is actually so entirely disgusted by gays guys that he admitted that if he ever found out that his best mate most gay, he'd never speak to him again!
I was actually wondering wether I should stay with such a person who cant tolerate others in such an extreme way.

I have lots of gay friends myself. Of course my boyfrined loves all my lesbian friends, but he HATES the guys who're gay, even before he gets to know them. I can't understand his logic at all, but I hear alot of guys hold the same view. And the more 'camp' they are, the more he cant tolerate them.

I'm bisexual myself, and he definately has no problem with that!

And whats this about keeping fetishes to yourself? I don't think they should be taboos. Just don't tell anyone the people that it will obviously offend. Its common sense. It could always make a good conversation starter too! lol!

and i agree with what someone said on the first page, about people could be attracted to just about anything, 'even an oddly shaped cloud'. Thats what makes us all different. People are weirder than you think!
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Posted: 1/2/2004 7:31:36 PM     Post subject: Furries aren't really gay.  

There is a little misconception going on here. Furries aren't gay. Yes, they engage in homosexual
relations, but it's for the same reason men in prison do: they don't have any other options. Furries are the bottom of barrel. They're the misbegotten trash that washed out of the more mainstream geek fandoms and groups. They have to turn to each other for release. Beyond that, most of them have developed a strange fixation on animals.

As to how I feel about homosexuality, I don't. Many people have little quirks to their personality that's annoying or gross. Like, they may like country music, pick their noses in public or perform sexual acts with members of their own gender.

One last thing... I don't like to see anti-gay sentiments compared to racism. A black man doesn't have a closet he can hide in.
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Posted: 1/2/2004 7:39:42 PM     Post subject:  

I love gay people, especially the "super" ones. And the ones who have a sense of humor.

And me, I like goils.
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Posted: 1/2/2004 10:07:32 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

There is a little misconception going on here. Furries aren't gay. Yes, they engage in homosexual
relations, but it's for the same reason men in prison do: they don't have any other options. Furries are the bottom of barrel. They're the misbegotten trash that washed out of the more mainstream geek fandoms and groups. They have to turn to each other for release. Beyond that, most of them have developed a strange fixation on animals.

As to how I feel about homosexuality, I don't. Many people have little quirks to their personality that's annoying or gross. Like, they may like country music, pick their noses in public or perform sexual acts with members of their own gender.

One last thing... I don't like to see anti-gay sentiments compared to racism. A black man doesn't have a closet he can hide in.

Don’t troll you. I

Hmmm, however,The name “random”….

You’re not paying homage through that name to one “random”/"random Fox" are you?

IIRC, he was a fairly sucessful troll on a few years ago.
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Posted: 1/3/2004 1:29:55 AM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

They have to turn to each other for release.

you know, they are guys AND girls who are furry fans! they're not all one gender
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Posted: 1/3/2004 11:49:30 AM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

They have to turn to each other for release.

you know, they are guys AND girls who are furry fans! they're not all one gender

With the guys being thin and flighty, and the femmes buttertrolls of the highest manitude, or worse, either/or being misplaced cat-girl-ears-wearig-ravers, it's hard to tell without being within approachable distance.

In truth, I find it a bit more than a TOUCH hippocrytical, er, hypocritical of someone to be able to toelrate someoen who gets off on the idea of fucking an animal-shaped balloon, but now if that balloon has an 'outie' bit..

Then again, I admit to being a jaded, cynical fuck.
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Posted: 1/3/2004 7:25:06 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

With the guys being thin and flighty, and the femmes buttertrolls of the highest manitude, or worse, either/or being misplaced cat-girl-ears-wearig-ravers, it's hard to tell without being within approachable distance

Oi! who you callin a buttertroll?! XD
i have pics to prove I'm not! oh....but then I could be the 1% of furries who arn't I suppose! dear oh dear
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Posted: 1/3/2004 7:44:02 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

Don’t troll you. I

Hmmm, however,The name “random”….

You’re not paying homage through that name to one “random”/"random Fox" are you?

IIRC, he was a fairly sucessful troll on a few years ago.

I was Random a few years ago on AFF sans fox.
As for being a troll, furries accused anyone who
disagreed with them a troll. In that sense, I'm
always a troll. However, I am not angling for flames. I merely posted my views. I don't appreciate the furry-esque dismissal as a
troll because my view isn't your view.
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Posted: 1/3/2004 7:53:59 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

I was Random a few years ago on AFF sans fox.
As for being a troll, furries accused anyone who
disagreed with them a troll. In that sense, I'm
always a troll. However, I am not angling for flames. I merely posted my views. I don't appreciate the furry-esque dismissal as a
troll because my view isn't your view.

Ah, But your denial of anti-gay statements being non-analgous to racism is false, since sexual oreitation, like skin color, is not chosen.

However, I am curious, Please, what motivated your campiegn on AFF?
What spurred you to it?
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Posted: 1/3/2004 8:11:10 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

I was Random a few years ago on AFF sans fox.
As for being a troll, furries accused anyone who
disagreed with them a troll. In that sense, I'm
always a troll. However, I am not angling for flames. I merely posted my views. I don't appreciate the furry-esque dismissal as a
troll because my view isn't your view.

Ah, But your denial of anti-gay statements being non-analgous to racism is false, since sexual oreitation, like skin color, is not chosen.

One last thing... I don't like to see anti-gay sentiments compared to racism. A black man doesn't have a closet he can hide in.

Seemed to me that Random was making the point that person can keep his or her sexual orientation secret (by remaining "in the closet" for example) but a person's skin colour is impossible to conceal.
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Posted: 1/3/2004 8:25:08 PM     Post subject:  

I believe that sexuality is determined by a mixture of variables. Up-bringing, genes, and personal taste.
and probably alot more if we're going to be specific.

for instance, one of my best friends was raped by a peadofile (spelling?) when she was little, so no wonder she turned out to be gay. I don't blame her. but is that a choice? yes and no.

I had this other male friend who only grew up with his mum and ister because his dad died when he was young. So he grew up being VERY camp and girly, and he also happened to be gay in the end.

Maybe I'm openly bisexual because I see it as the norm and its not frowned upon within my group of friends. But I have a boyfriend so I don't really think it has any effect on my life whatsoever anyway.

I also thought that maybe EVERYONE is bisexual deep down, but its a matter of personal taste of which way you go. Some animals for instance, will hump anything.
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Posted: 1/3/2004 8:46:48 PM     Post subject: Re: Furries aren't really gay.  

Seemed to me that Random was making the point that person can keep his or her sexual orientation secret (by remaining "in the closet" for example) but a person's skin colour is impossible to conceal.

And yet some black people used to whiten their skins with various ointments and powders… In apartheid south Africa I think?

However positing that there are different degrees of prejudice, some being worse than others….
Hmmm. No. I don’t buy that. All racism and prejudice towards people who are different in some way, is wrong, no matter what the source.

No one should have to conceal his or her sexual orientation or skin color.
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Posted: 1/3/2004 11:30:27 PM     Post subject:  

Woah, it's Random.

This is just like old times. Sniff. If only StukaFox and Hangdog were still with us today.
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Posted: 1/4/2004 5:28:32 AM     Post subject:  

Woah, it's Random.

This is just like old times. Sniff. If only StukaFox and Hangdog were still with us today.

They are - check Portal Of Evil. Different names, though.

As for Random, his appearance here is an interesting development to say the least.
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