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I'm home!!
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Posted: 12/31/2003 7:07:20 AM     Post subject: I'm home!!  

My eyes are full of tears! My heart is racing! Do I dare believe what has been put before me? A small group of sane furries. Well holy shit, Just when I thought this fandom(or whatever) had competely fuckstarted itself on the ride to oblivion. CrushYiffDestroy, you cats have restored some of my shattered faith in furries. Thank you. :D

But I have two questions for the forum peoples as I have been floating around here recently... Is most of the hatred towards furs lately been the fact that the majority are gay? I am gay, now don't get me wrong I am by no means some flaming fairy or oversenstive prideboy. I just see the term "faggy"(or some variation) thrown around alot. Maybe I am only seeing what gets under my skin, or maybe I am right. Who knows? As a side note, What the hell is Jailhouse gay or Nerdgay? Just because you fool around with a guy should'nt brand you for eternity. Hell, I had sex with a chick but it does not change who I am. Oh well, Another label for sterotyping I guess.

Secondly, I need to find something out about another fur who decided to wage a war against me. Now I have seen his name mentioned around here before, though I forget the details. When I was in my heyday of furrydom, I helped run the ONLY(And I mean only) gay pride Counterstrike server back when the game was still in beta. The game is now ridicliously popular and completly idiotic to play. This server was also very furry friendly, and many of the regulars were, including the guy who owned the server. A wonderful fur named Sibe joined one day and everything kinda went to hell. Me and the other admins tried to make the server a place for both furs and queers and regular ol gaming folk, by this we ment no cybersex on the chatlines(at least as little as possible) no name calling and bitching and No porn sprays(you can paintcan spray a picture on the wall of the game, kinda like a marker for your character, Fur porn was a big problem for most). Sibe broke all of these rules and generally was a less stellar guy. We'd kick him, He would come back, We ban him and he would get around the firewall. If my weed soaked memory can remember right, He was a damn good hacker, or at least had the programs to fuck with us. Next thing I know, My website at the time get shreded and my writings(I am a writer, but what fur isnt) posted all over the place, nicely edited of course. I left the fur world having enough of the bullshit as Sibe followers descended on me to blacklist me. I did not EVEN want to fight I left. The point of this post is twofold. Any one know who the fuck was this person and Why he went apeshit against furs? I heard a rumor that he shut down Furnation a few years ago? Any knowledge would be nice as I kinda wanna know what the hell happened.

Blah, Enough of my life story in the fur world. Thanks for having a good site CYD. Peace!

(Note to the writers of CYD. If you ever do a article on Sibe, I got some great stories of the little fucknut.)
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Posted: 12/31/2003 8:35:21 AM     Post subject: Uhhh  

My eyes are full of tears! My heart is racing! Do I dare believe what has been put before me? A small group of sane furries.

Lots of people here are not furries, merely observers. Sane, perhaps, but not furry.
What the hell is Jailhouse gay or Nerdgay?

A guy who has sex with men because no woman will come near him.
When I was in my heyday of furrydom, I helped run the ONLY(And I mean only) gay pride Counterstrike server back when the game was still in beta.

What is a "gay pride" Counterstrike server, and how does it differ from a regular Counterstrike server? Better wardrobe and grooming?
(Note to the writers of CYD. If you ever do a article on Sibe, I got some great stories of the little fucknut.)

Share, please!
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Ethan A. Stanger
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Posted: 12/31/2003 10:35:41 AM     Post subject:  

We're here to destroy your faith in furries, mwahahaha!
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Posted: 12/31/2003 10:49:44 AM     Post subject:  

"fag" and "faggot" are no longer offensive to me. The word can mean anything now. It's like "nigga."

If you've ever watched Kids In The Hall you'd understand just how funny the word FAGGOT can be. (FAGGO!)
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Posted: 12/31/2003 11:50:26 AM     Post subject: Re: I'm home!!  

....Sibe broke all of these rules and generally was a less stellar guy. We'd kick him, He would come back, We ban him and he would get around the firewall. If my weed soaked memory can remember right, He was a damn good hacker, or at least had the programs to fuck with us. Next thing I know, My website at the time get shreded and my writings(I am a writer, but what fur isnt) posted all over the place, nicely edited of course. I left the fur world having enough of the bullshit as Sibe followers descended on me to blacklist me. I did not EVEN want to fight I left. The point of this post is twofold. Any one know who the fuck was this person and Why he went apeshit against furs? I heard a rumor that he shut down Furnation a few years ago? Any knowledge would be nice as I kinda wanna know what the hell happened.

Google Groups can be your friend if you let it! Seriously, you'll find a shedload of mentions of Sibe on there if you go look, which is where this comes from: Sibe's Criminal Record
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Posted: 12/31/2003 12:44:38 PM     Post subject:  

Don't let the word "fag" being tossed around bother you. It's generally stated in a playful, teasing way - and can hardly be used to put someone down in this day and age.

I was first exposed to the "Jailhouse", aka "Nerdgay" terminology by Squee, or Charla Trotman, who was explaining it on the SomethingAwful forums aeons ago. Essentially, it's where people, generally males, end up having sex with eachother since it'd take too much effort to attempt the same with the altrenate sex. Mind you, if the opportunity arose, they'd most likely flee their 'mate' and run off...

I've only dealt with Sibe in passing - he was on the SA Forums for a short spell until eventually banned for image leeching, creating shitloads of drama by posting some ageplaying IRC logs or some bullshit to that nature, exposing Divefox as a pedophile. Nowadays, I hear he hangs out on Yiff, er, pardon 'Fur' Net.
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Posted: 1/1/2004 7:36:10 AM     Post subject:  

What the hell is Jailhouse gay or Nerdgay?

A guy who has sex with men because no woman will come near him.

Wow....That is a new level of sadness I did not think existed on the internet. Well If the hole can get any deeper, I sure at this point the Furrydom would find a way. That truely boggles the mind...though it does explain an ex-boyfriend of mine...... :shock:

What is a "gay pride" Counterstrike server, and how does it differ from a regular Counterstrike server? Better wardrobe and grooming?

I am sure we have a better wardrobe then most, I think it comes with the gay gene or something. But the Gay Pride CS server is basically a place where gay gamers(we do exist) can play without being called "Fag" or some other less then stellar term constantly. While you might not feel that its offensive, It does get under my skin. But hey, Everyone has thier buttons no? Basicaly, We warned,kick,banned assholes who came in here just to shout fag though the server and we generally made gay jokes at each other and had a good time without hiding ourselves. Just being open about it in a video game. Trust me, Go onto a random CS server and tell someone you are gay. Its amazing to watch the hate pourforth

Thanks for the Sibe Info! Kinda funny in that perverse Hindsight is 20:20 way. I always figured Sibe got pissed at Furries because of his stint on the Furry Counterstrike server and not some Star Trek Mud(though it does make the story of him all the more sadder). But basically, here is the story. First, ALOT of weed has been smoked from the past to now so I might not remember the whole story, But I can remember the highpoints. He appears one day out of the blue and we welcome him as another fur into the Regulars list. No big deal right, Just another fur to play with? Well, He is generally an asshole to people, accusing people of cheating, pissing off the regulars, doing annoying things just do to them. But then it starts to escalate. He starts name swapping and disguising himself as other people just to hurt reputations and whatnot. He made one regular, kinda a femmy guy, cry on the server by mascarading as his boyfriend. We would ban him, and he would get around the firewall with ease. The Server was on its last legs do to other factors and went down soon afterwards, after the entire server just ignored him. He went after my website, or one of his cronies, and I found all sorts of shit messed up. I did not want to deal with my furry online drama so I took the website down and pack up my tent. I heard after wards he went apeshit and took out furnation. I always figured because he was pissed at the Counterstrike furs. The creature known as Sibe lives on Drama, dont give it to him and he dies pretty quickly. Just another gay fur that the sane gay furs have to apologize for. Oh well, Fuck em =P

Thanks for the responses. Even if you guys are not furs, Its still fun to watch the slow but inevitable destruction of the Furry world. Who knows, Maybe something better will come out of it. PEACE =)
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Posted: 1/1/2004 7:58:10 AM     Post subject:  

While you might not feel that its offensive, It does get under my skin. But hey, Everyone has thier buttons no? Basicaly, We warned,kick,banned assholes who came in here just to shout fag though the server and we generally made gay jokes at each other and had a good time without hiding ourselves. Just being open about it in a video game. Trust me, Go onto a random CS server and tell someone you are gay. Its amazing to watch the hate pourforth

Im straight, and i disagree with a bunch of the people about using the word fag (or variations) fact i avoid the hell out of using it...once in a great while you might catch me calling something "gay" , but thats pretty rare in itself

i understand where they are coming from
although, i was just so completely, totally fed up with that word by the time i left high school .. me personally, i WILL NOT use it

for reasons mentioned ill longer hold it against people who do use it (when they are honestly not being bigoted)...rather, ill just not join in

The only other thing i would comment on though, while i do 100% believe you that if you mentioned you were gay in a coutnerstrike game - hate would pourforth ..i would just say

why would someone bother saying something like that to begin with? (barring being directly asked or somethign that might actually lead up to making a statement like that)

i mean if you are playing a game like counter-strike, a players sexual orientation is just WAY out of context

that what it seems a lot of people take issue with furries for is that they always have to mention it or bring it up or cant discuss anything outside of furry.
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Posted: 1/1/2004 8:27:42 AM     Post subject:  

why would someone bother saying something like that to begin with? (barring being directly asked or somethign that might actually lead up to making a statement like that)

i mean if you are playing a game like counter-strike, a players sexual orientation is just WAY out of context

that what it seems a lot of people take issue with furries for is that they always have to mention it or bring it up or cant discuss anything outside of furry.----

You do make a good point and in most cases, I do refrain from saying anything in any sort of online game(I stopped playing CS when it went retail). And that it has no place in most contexts. But the server was set up for gay players to come together, play with each other in a chill enviroment without worring too much about being harrassed if they shared the info that they had a boyfriend or something to that matter.

I merely offer the example of going into a random CS server and saying that is a way to show that a gay pride server had a place in the CS world. Now doing this would be a particulary dumbass thing to do as I really dont care who you are as long as you are chill and try to have a good time in the game.

And you are right with the furry thing as well. Most do have a way of mentioning it in some fashion or another. Is it right? To a degree. I am not gonna hid who I am to some asshole over the Internet. You ask me, I will tell you the truth. Does not mean I am gonna log onto the server with the name "Gay furry boy who likes ANAL!" and start spraying Fur pride logos on the wall. Its just a game anyways =P
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/1/2004 5:06:16 PM     Post subject:  

Jailhouse gay isn't a term I've ever used and started seeing it here first. I also don't use the words faggot, queer, homo, etc.

Jailhouse gay in short isn't about guys who CAN'T get a woman in the case of furry. It's about naturally bisexual guys who WON'T EVEN TRY to do the basic things that cross gender relationships generally require in the vein of seduction and such: wear decent clothes, observe common hygeine standards, speak casually and calmly on normal subjects, interact relatively honestly, and other simple things that just about everyone else on Earth takes for granted relative to their cultures and so forth.

(Dressing like your mother dressed you for summer camp(shorts, t-shirt, knee-high socks with sandals(WTF is up with that?!)), inability to go five minutes without referencing extremely esoteric furry trivia, use of the word "yiff" regularly, and so on are not sexy to females outside those severely fucked up anime fandom girls who've been mentioned on this forum. shows the kind of clothing more normal females like seeing these days, and you DON'T have to be as good looking as the models. You just have to learn to carry and behave yourself with some confidence, dignity, and normality.)

So they settle for other guys. When you throw in the tendency for delusional beliefs in victimhood, calling themselves gay and overindulging the whole pride thing follows pretty naturally. Suddenly you damn near have to promise to watch them bone their friends while you wave a penant and chant support for them to believe you have anything but plans for their total destruction in mind.

There's plenty of gay and bi CYD'ers. It's not the homosexuality that's despised. It's the constant defining of furry/anthropomorphics based on the interests of some of the most fucked up people around that's hated. It's the wrapping of furry in their every inane fetish and vice-versa.

And "furries" is subjective. If used in its common definition, most here AREN'T furries. Fans of anthropomorphics, but not furries. Many furries aren't furries either, and hopefully enough of them can be awoken to that and see how screwed up so many have gotten and how far out of hand their influence has been allowed to progress.
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Michael Hirtes
Joined: 04 Aug 2003
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Posted: 1/1/2004 7:00:44 PM     Post subject: Re: I'm home!!  

But I have two questions for the forum peoples as I have been floating around here recently... Is most of the hatred towards furs lately been the fact that the majority are gay? I am gay, now don't get me wrong I am by no means some flaming fairy or oversenstive prideboy. I just see the term "faggy"(or some variation) thrown around alot.

Okay, allow me to explain it from my POV........

There are gay people

And then there are FAGS

Think of it in the "Goofus and Gallant" sense.:

Gallant wears a suit & tie when he goes out with his male partner on the town.

Goofus wears a tie-died GAY PRIDE shirt and a dildo up his open-crotch leather bikini shorts when he goes on the town. Goes BALLISTIC when the waiter won't let him in because of the dress code and accuses the whole establishment of being a bunch of homophobes and he'll sue them all to oblivion.

Gallant likes to help out with the chores around the house because his partner has to work overtime and can't be home as often.

Goofus prances around the house in his rubber skunk outfit and shrieks at his partner because he hasn't done the dishes still in the sink.

You think I'm being a bit extreme with "Goofus"? Ohhhhhh boy. You haven't been to a certain place in Garden Grove, California, have you?

A wonderful fur named Sibe joined one day and everything kinda went to hell.

Don't even get me STARTED on that little turdling. I went to his latest incarnation of his little pirated art IRC room to see what the big deal was about (unless you're REALLY into ASB crap and Hardiman stuff, don't really bother), and when I made mention that I have both Ultra Rare CDs by Natasha Cat, he (as "Alaska") DEMANDED that I upload the CDs to him so he can look them over. When I took offense at this little shakedown I told him to grow up, and he +banned me from his precious little channel. I tell you, the guy's a truly deranged individual. I cannot fathom how he's gotten so far along in life without getting his head smashed in or tossed into jail for decades, and then I remember that Sibe is a spoiled-rotten brat with a rich father, and that explains everything. God, I loathe arrogant rich people!

(Note to the writers of CYD. If you ever do a article on Sibe, I got some great stories of the little fucknut.)

Oh, PLEASE don't wait for them! Go ahead and start getting an article ready. Between the antics of Merlino, the stalkings of Quozl, the greasiness of Kevin Duane, and the psychotic arrogance of Sibe, how can furry fandom NOT self-destruct eventually?
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Posted: 1/1/2004 7:28:30 PM     Post subject:  

(Small question, how do you get that "So-and so quote" thing up. I am not much of a computer person anymore)

There are gay people

And then there are FAGS

Yeah, I can dig that. Its like that Chris Rock Standup bit with "There is a war going on right now. A war between black people and the niggers. And the niggers have got to go." Though it still sucks from my POV. I can understand yours, and wish to god I could have that point of view. Example. My dorm at College is non smoking so all of the smokers sit outside the dorm at a place called "Smokers Corner". Its basically a cloud of cigerrettes where you can hang out with people. I am sitting out there one day, chain smoking between classes and shooting the shit with my punk friends when one of the Fairies of my dorm prances by with his new bleached blonde hair and says "God I feel so straight now!". Of course, We all have a good laugh at this because the guy is an asshole and no one really likes him. A friend of mine comes up to me and, thinkning I would not mind says "God, I hate fucking faggots like that, But you are cool man. You are not flameing like that." He is right, I am not some flamer but it stills sucks. It seems like we, the sane queers in the world, have to apoglize to the straights for every strange, bizarre, fucked up thing that our brothers do. The thing is, When you say Fag, Its means all of us, the cool ones and the assholes.

"You think I'm being a bit extreme with "Goofus"? Ohhhhhh boy. You haven't been to a certain place in Garden Grove, California, have you?"
I live near Dallas Texas. We got Oak Lawn and the Village. That includes a gay cowboy club(:shiver:) and all sorts of wonderful tidbits. Nothing makes a night wonderful is getting hit on by a 40year old fat guy calling you hunny and following you and friends around.

"Don't even get me STARTED on that little turdling."

Jeez, He is still around. I figured he would get blacklisted by the community in general. How he has made it though life is still beyond me. God or Darwin should of caught up with him by now. My biggest fear is that when I do actually get dragged to a furcon by a friend, He will be there. I will lose the calm and relaxed buddhist manner I live my life by and snap his neck. Ahhh, Here's to daydreams! :wink:

I really liked ASB. Its competely unrealistic, I am in College that shit does not happen no matter how hard you try. But it still kinda cute in that innocent, furry pr0n way. By the way, Thanks for all the responses guys. Its fun as all hell to get this shit off my chest for once and find out that my ideas are not so crazy after all. Maybe I will try my hand at an article. Got nothing better to do today :)
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 1/1/2004 8:53:54 PM     Post subject:  

(Small question, how do you get that "So-and so quote" thing up. I am not much of a computer person

Simple (kinda).

Use the "*<*quote*>*" At the beginiing of the paragraph you wanna quote, and "*<*/quote*>*" at the end of each paragraph (without the "" and the * parts, natch. I had to put them in there to keep the code from mangling up the lesson.), and sandwich your quoted paragraph in between.

Not to be a picker, but you might wanna rethink about the "Galen" part of your nick. The first thing that came to MY mind was the notorious "Galen Foxwolfie" of VANITY FAIR fame, and you DON'T want that kind of stigma on you
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Posted: 1/1/2004 11:19:21 PM     Post subject:  

Not to be a picker, but you might wanna rethink about the "Galen" part of your nick. The first thing that came to MY mind was the notorious "Galen Foxwolfie" of VANITY FAIR fame, and you DON'T want that kind of stigma on you

I have heard of some of the negative cons that go with my nick. Its been around since I started using this nick in 98. At this point, I would not even know WHAT to change it to. This same character name I have used forever, hell its even my AIM name. I am thinking up a new one...just really havent given it any thought. Though I certainly dont wanna be know as Galen Foxwolfie(If I remember his crimes against humanity right :shock: )

Hey the quotes worked....
Kinda :lol:
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 1/2/2004 3:48:21 AM     Post subject:  

I have heard of some of the negative cons that go with my nick. Its been around since I started using this nick in 98. At this point, I would not even know WHAT to change it to. This same character name I have used forever, hell its even my AIM name. I am thinking up a new one...just really havent given it any thought. Though I certainly dont wanna be know as Galen Foxwolfie(If I remember his crimes against humanity right :shock: )



And now you know (and knowing is half the nightmare).
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Posted: 1/2/2004 7:44:46 AM     Post subject:  



And now you know (and knowing is half the nightmare).

Man...I think I need a new nickname...Blarg. Damn wackos messing it up for me! :evil: Oh well, What are you gonna do right? :roll:
What else does a poor irish boy who roleplayed an otter once upon a time do...
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