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The Mirror Shines Both Ways
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Posted: 1/6/2004 6:05:38 PM     Post subject: The Mirror Shines Both Ways  

I'm not for a moment suggesting that this whole "Furry" thing is capable of being made more than what is has become. Any opportunity of that pretty much dissolved a long time ago.

But now that we're all more or less satisfied that it has become ruined beyond any hope of redemption, perhaps you can all find a moment to ask yourselves a question that presents a significant shift in your philosophical paradigm.

Rather than pointing your finger at others and saying what they did to ruin the "Fandom", why don't you try pointing the finger at yourself and asking "What did I do to try and HELP it?"
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Posted: 1/6/2004 6:39:30 PM     Post subject:  

Well I'm a relative newcomer to furry so it was fixed on the path to hell long before I came along, in fact my first encounter with a hard core furry was one of the weirdest things ever. I'm too young to have helped or harmed the fandom, best I can hope is to stay out of the quagmire of fetishes and produce good art. :)
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Ethan A. Stanger
Joined: 23 Oct 2003
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Posted: 1/6/2004 6:43:27 PM     Post subject:  

Rather than pointing your finger at others and saying what they did to ruin the "Fandom", why don't you try pointing the finger at yourself and asking "What did I do to try and HELP it?"

Help a social group? You surely jest, sir. I don't think anybody would lower themselves to help a bunch of fans and their fandom. Furthermore, I don't blame others for the ruin of the "furry fandom". It's existance, along with all other fandoms, is the meaning of ruin.
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Posted: 1/6/2004 7:24:43 PM     Post subject:  

I apologize in advance, but I feel inadequate to 'enlighten' and 'enable' furry, any more than I could NAMBLA.

Every tiem I've attended a furry function, I ensure I am dressed well, look decent, and am prepared to explain what the function is to others. Being that I was the only one at FC'03 with kakhis and a dress shirt, everyone normal (LOL TEH MUNDANES) assumed it was MY convention, so I had the joy of explaining that it was primarily a display of the joys of anthropomorphics, and a celeration of animals - not that this was any more of a stretch than classification of "Burning Man" beign religious, rather than an excuse to do LSD.

I've 'suited' previously when others were ill at the local zoo, and I hoenstly attained nothing from it - other than a few pictures with children whist their parents take shot after shot. It makes me ILL to think that someone out there might be getting a woody from this.

It's virtually impossible to attempt to break 'my furry' away from the general concensus of 'what is' furry. It's much easier to just sigh, roll up your sleeves, and scrub yourself clean.
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Posted: 1/6/2004 8:05:53 PM     Post subject:  

Rather than pointing your finger at others and saying what they did to ruin the "Fandom", why don't you try pointing the finger at yourself and asking "What did I do to try and HELP it?"

Being a complete asshole towards lifestylers.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 1/6/2004 8:12:39 PM     Post subject: Re: The Mirror Shines Both Ways  

I'm not for a moment suggesting that this whole "Furry" thing is capable of being made more than what is has become. Any opportunity of that pretty much dissolved a long time ago.

But now that we're all more or less satisfied that it has become ruined beyond any hope of redemption, perhaps you can all find a moment to ask yourselves a question that presents a significant shift in your philosophical paradigm.

Rather than pointing your finger at others and saying what they did to ruin the "Fandom", why don't you try pointing the finger at yourself and asking "What did I do to try and HELP it?"

Speaking as myself:

1. I tried to encourage the development of the art form by running a zine in the spirit of Reed Waller's "Omaha The Cat Dancer", which was and is an exellent example of erotica in comics.


-- trying to get artists to have enough of a work ethic to get things sent in by deadline

-- sniveling fans who want their comic now! Now!! NOW!!!

-- "Bondage Bob" phoning me up at all hours asking what will be in the next issue, even though the book hasn't been set down yet. Asking me if there's any Fred Perry art in it (and wanting me to describe each pic in every minute detail to him over the phone as if it were some sort of phone sex line), and then he goes and buys the zine from someone else after it comes out.

-- furries telling me that they REFUSE to buy my zine unless I put in some raunchy gay butt sex from some hack that they think is the greatest yiffy artist ever

-- barely breaking even when an issue is done, watching Mailbox Books make the big bucks off my work. Having to go back to MB for "seed money" so I can afford to print another issue. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

and ultimately...........

-- Brian O'Connell pulling a slimy stunt on me by trying to get me in trouble with the Feds for doing a zine in the first place.

And, that's just example #1.
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Posted: 1/6/2004 9:39:44 PM     Post subject:  

I drew, draw and will continue drawing funny animals' comics. The last one is the first layout attempts of a new, only pay-per-wiew comic I'm going to offer in the short future. :)

Alas, I don't care if they're considered furry or not.
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Posted: 1/7/2004 12:02:25 AM     Post subject:  

Well, I'm here for a start, standing up for the fandom if anything which is said is out of order.
Although my main reason for being here is that I'm actually very intriguiged that people could hate a genre of art and the artists behind it. I really find it fascinating because all Ive ever known until now, is people that LOVE furry art. I guess I'm naive and I've been quite restricted to all my regular sites and havent ventured far enough to know that there are people out there which are really disgusted by what my friends draw.
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Ethan A. Stanger
Joined: 23 Oct 2003
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Posted: 1/7/2004 2:03:00 AM     Post subject:  

Well, I'm here for a start, standing up for the fandom if anything which is said is out of order.
Although my main reason for being here is that I'm actually very intriguiged that people could hate a genre of art and the artists behind it. I really find it fascinating because all Ive ever known until now, is people that LOVE furry art. I guess I'm naive and I've been quite restricted to all my regular sites and havent ventured far enough to know that there are people out there which are really disgusted by what my friends draw.

An art subject/device and a fanbase (A pathetic social group, consisting of low lifes and underachievers) are not the same thing. No one here "hates" real art. Just chicken scratches and hodgepodge that are, posthumously, considered art.

A fandom is:

A. A hobgoblos (not a typo stupid furry fans)

B. A pathetic social group, consisting of low lifes and underachievers.

C. an art form

D. None of the above
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/7/2004 2:06:10 AM     Post subject:  

What I've done I've summed up two trillion times so what's the point of repeating it? Because you want me to relive the torturous pain and madness? Okay...

To put it short, I tried to show furs that you CAN be into anthropomorphics, look good, feel good about yourself, get laid, make money, hold a job, get along in normal society, get a signifigant other or wife, have a life, be respected, have real fun, etc.

I got stomped on, picked on, ridiculed, reviled, hated, and despised. I was said to be bragging and arrogant and egotistical. Well, if they don't like it and some of those sad fucks from a.f.f are strolling through I'll say it again: I GET LAID AND YOU DON'T . :twisted:

BTW, to continue pouring salt in the wounds of any furry losers lurking about, I've made over $400 at work this week* and that's in TWO DAYS with six more to go so while you're sitting back in your cum-stained barcalounger munching on two-week old pizza that was paid for by money you euphamistically "borrowed" from some other furry by way of taking a payment for a commission you have no intention of fulfilling, I'm buying groceries aplenty.

I've also snagged an absolutely gorgeous churchwarden pipe to add to my collection so while you only dream of smoking something like in the Lord of the Rings, I actually have such a pipe, but your self-styled moral superiority wouldn't let you do something so mundane as smoke, would it?

AND... I still get to be creative with anthropomorphics! Normal life, respect in my field, good resume, wife with big boobs, three dogs, three ferrets, umpteen cats, big house, kicking ride, AND I can still do furry writing. Now... WHY CAN'T YOU DUMB SHITS DO THE SAME?!

You can join the normal world and make a living and have a life any time you furry problem people want... just as soon as you take some responsibility for yourselves and grow up.

Now if I was one of those problem kids, I'd look at the one making the money, having fun, and having the life, and ask, "how did he do it? Can I do that?"

Furries, of course, instead think, "I can't believe he's throwing his good life in our faces again! Doesn't he know it's impossible for us to have a real life because we're furries?"


Had ancient pre-historic man did this when they encountered other tribes of men who had fire, the latter would have likely had a nice barbecue and been pestered by the former for handouts as opposed to the former learning to light a fire of their own. Furries seem to love cursing the darkness rather than lighting a candle.

(Good point here: furries consider that the world looks down on them and hates them a priori as opposed to as a result of their behaviour. This is like thinking the world despised Hitler because he was Hitler rather than being a genocidal madman. Divorced of logic and causality, furry pathology embraces the Self Fulfilling Prophecy like Rosie O'Donnel embraces the Hostess delivery guy. They imagine themselves to be persecuted and promptly engage in every inanity that will justify their belief AFTER THE FACT.)

News flash people, you can't fix furry or furries. I've tried very very hard. You'll go nuts and you'll be heartbroken. They have to snap back to reality, realize how pathetic their lives are, and abandon furry to salvage their lives on their own. Many actually do every year, but they tend to leave for good and what would be needed would be an across the board response from functional solid anthro fans of total uniform refusal to break with holding the rest to standards.

(It's an excellent reminder of how truly fucked furries are that if you offered any ten of them a job, a hot chick to screw, and a round of drinks, that generally nine out of ten would find the most unbelievable excuses not to take you up and the tenth would find a way to screw it all up beyond recognition. Do the same with your local freshman college class and ten out of ten would work themselves to the bone on overtime with the job and buy a nice car, get totally hammered on the drinks, and do things with the hot chick that they would fondly remember when they're my age.)

And standards are anathema to furry. Too bad since standards are the things people who can pay their bills live by. People like... the parents of furries. Oh, the horrors... Holding down a job like mom and dad. Wearing something other than a t-shirt and shorts in December(WTF is up with this? Polar bear like fat keeps them warm does it?) like... a suit. Doing real... work. Having to think of something other than yiffing, spooge, or some other stupidity for longer than five minutes... The horror...

Again, improving things isn't happening. We who tried were outnumbered ten bazillion to one. Now we can only think, "no, wait, stop, don't..." as the carnage continues apace.

*Work consisted of approximately thirteen hours of semi-hard labor requiring no real thought freeing me to be creative and profitable at the same time. Your milage may vary, but getting and holding a job and all it takes to do so is an excellent set of object lessons on coping with reality. So... what did your preoccupation with the zillionth furry spooge pic and sixteen straight hours on Tapestries accomplish for you furries? ready to join the dreaded real world yet?
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The New Meat
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Posted: 1/7/2004 2:45:27 AM     Post subject: Re: The Mirror Shines Both Ways  

Rather than pointing your finger at others and saying what they did to ruin the "Fandom", why don't you try pointing the finger at yourself and asking "What did I do to try and HELP it?"

Nothing, because that wouldn't be funny.
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Posted: 1/7/2004 3:54:30 AM     Post subject:  

I think the most I've done to help it was keep a safe distance. Even in my more innocent years I wouldn't last long before exploding in a flurry of "What the fuck is this shit!?". Either that or I'd end up becoming universally hated and have my ISP bombarded with whining. ("He said mean things about us! On the INTERNET!")

In retrospect, that would be pretty funny. Anything like that happen recently that any of you who still read a.f.f know of? The exact moment when someone's mind is finally broken is always funny to watch...
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Posted: 1/7/2004 6:58:08 AM     Post subject:  

I logged onto IRC as Babyshaker and visited #babyfurs.
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Posted: 1/7/2004 7:12:48 AM     Post subject:  

I logged onto IRC as Babyshaker and visited #babyfurs.


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Posted: 1/7/2004 12:56:57 PM     Post subject:  

Well, if they don't like it and some of those sad fucks from a.f.f are strolling through I'll say it again: I GET LAID AND YOU DON'T . :twisted:

You get laid to rest and rise again every morning regular?
Even jesus couldn't manage THAT.

You are better than jesus.

I actually have such a pipe, but your self-styled moral superiority wouldn't let you do something so mundane as smoke, would it?

I don't want to get cancer of the nose or cancer of the pallet or clog up my lungs with tar, that's why I don't smoke a pipe.

HTH. FYI. :o)

It's an excellent reminder of how truly fucked furries are that if you offered any ten of them a job, a hot chick to screw, and a round of drinks, that generally nine out of ten would find the most unbelievable excuses
not to take you up and the tenth would find a way to screw it all up

When did you carry out this experiment?

Work consisted of approximately thirteen hours of semi-hard labor requiring no real thought freeing

F**king hell!!
13 hours?!?!!? that's 65 hours a week, You're being exploited.
In the E.U, employers have to make you sign a waiver to get you to work more than 48 hours a week and no bad consequences can attach if you don't want to work more than 48 hours a week.

God bless the E.U.
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Posted: 1/7/2004 1:28:58 PM     Post subject:  

Anything like that happen recently that any of you who still read a.f.f know of? The exact moment when someone's mind is finally broken is always funny to watch...

Try reading this thread:*%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26group%

It’s not very funny though, just full of hate anger and negative emotions.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2003
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Posted: 1/8/2004 2:00:50 AM     Post subject: Re: The Mirror Shines Both Ways  

I'm not for a moment suggesting that this whole "Furry" thing is capable of being made more than what is has become. Any opportunity of that pretty much dissolved a long time ago.

But now that we're all more or less satisfied that it has become ruined beyond any hope of redemption, perhaps you can all find a moment to ask yourselves a question that presents a significant shift in your philosophical paradigm.

Rather than pointing your finger at others and saying what they did to ruin the "Fandom", why don't you try pointing the finger at yourself and asking "What did I do to try and HELP it?"

As far as most furries go, nobody want to chnage the mess that they made of the "fandom". I know I tried years and made a suggestion that the adut furry art section of a well known and now defeunct and not missed convention that ran for over a decade. Put it short I had the nerve to suggest that the "male gay furry porn" be put in a seperate area of the adult section of the art show, Well you can guess as t what kind of reaction that got, Only becuase some peole don't want to look at such, let alone puchase it.
Oh well the stuff is still out there, and can be seen, and bought by some, I won't. And personal I really don't care, I just don't want to see it.


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Posted: 1/8/2004 1:42:09 PM     Post subject:  

It?s not very funny though, just full of hate anger and negative emotions.

About a dead cat mainly.

I've lost two cats, got over it within 30 minutes. In both cases.
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Posted: 1/8/2004 5:37:54 PM     Post subject:  

how long did you own the cats for may i ask?
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Posted: 1/8/2004 5:41:04 PM     Post subject:  

First one for about two years and the later one for five.

A couple of pains in the ass, they were. Nails in me coffin.
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