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They're at it again!
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Posted: 1/15/2004 7:52:24 AM     Post subject: They're at it again!

*chuckle* Ah, those nutty SA kids. What WILL they think of next?
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Posted: 1/16/2004 7:14:33 AM     Post subject:  

There was rarely a day without furry lolocaust on the SA forums.
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Posted: 1/17/2004 4:06:33 PM     Post subject:  

Furries are easily Gold5 on the SA forums.

Also great flash by Shmorky on page 11 to sum up that whole topic.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/17/2004 4:26:44 PM     Post subject:  

The SA Forums don't look to me like much beyond immature kids playing King of the Castle, playing gods with their forum to mess with and verbally abuse people. That being said, they do produce some excellent Photoshop work. But verbal abuse isn't going to help furries although it is sometimes well justified given the immature, inane, and insane defenses of furry put forward; on the whole what furries need is tough love but the critical movement(whatever it is becoming) can't really afford to be easily dismissed as a bunch of flaming cranks. We ain't.
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Posted: 1/17/2004 9:18:31 PM     Post subject:  

I don't think that most SA forum members care about helping furries.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/17/2004 11:12:09 PM     Post subject:  

I don't think that most SA forum members care about helping furries.

No they do not. And what furries rise above the muck on the surface to make such spectacles of themselves rather deserve what they get. Mind numbing thing is, they both don't seem to understand it, yet do and seem to want the attention, don't they? Makes you want to fucking scream.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 1/18/2004 12:03:33 AM     Post subject:  

I don't think that most SA forum members care about helping furries.

No they do not. And what furries rise above the muck on the surface to make such spectacles of themselves rather deserve what they get. Mind numbing thing is, they both don't seem to understand it, yet do and seem to want the attention, don't they? Makes you want to fucking scream.

Perhaps it's time to start taking the fight back to the furries and making THEM do some screaming for a change. :wink:
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Posted: 1/18/2004 2:12:38 AM     Post subject:  

I don't think that most SA forum members care about helping furries.

We do care about US army soldiers though! :)

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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/18/2004 2:39:05 AM     Post subject:  

I don't think that most SA forum members care about helping furries.

We do care about US army soldiers though! :)


As opposed to furries. I swear, two thirds or even three fourths are solid leftists and whatever your politics, for American furries to say some of the anti-American things they've said regarding the President, the nation itself, the military, etc., borders on treason and is damn close to sedition. It figures that a bunch of people who owe the freedoms and progress of western civilization for their ability to lazily indulge in absurd pasttimes like furry turn around and spit in the face of it all. Even worse when you consider how many ex-military furs there are. :x
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Posted: 1/18/2004 9:45:25 AM     Post subject: Something Awful: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally  

The SA Forums don't look to me like much beyond immature kids playing King of the Castle, playing gods with their forum to mess with and verbally abuse people. That being said, they do produce some excellent Photoshop work. But verbal abuse isn't going to help furries although it is sometimes well justified given the immature, inane, and insane defenses of furry put forward; on the whole what furries need is tough love but the critical movement(whatever it is becoming) can't really afford to be easily dismissed as a bunch of flaming cranks. We ain't.

Because they are a force for good, they will answer your questions and improve your life.

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Posted: 1/18/2004 9:59:55 AM     Post subject:  

There was rarely a day without furry lolocaust on the SA forums.

I must be a lolocaust revisionist then

Because they are a force for good, they will answer your questions and improve your life.


Whats with people putting "what" at the end of thier posts now?
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Posted: 1/18/2004 5:20:45 PM     Post subject:  

As opposed to furries. I swear, two thirds or even three fourths are solid leftists and whatever your politics, for American furries to say some of the anti-American things they've said regarding the President, the nation itself, the military, etc., borders on treason and is damn close to sedition.

Can you come to my house and start talking in my garden?

It's just that all the bullshit you're spouting would make good fertiliser for the plants.

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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/18/2004 5:33:06 PM     Post subject:  

As opposed to furries. I swear, two thirds or even three fourths are solid leftists and whatever your politics, for American furries to say some of the anti-American things they've said regarding the President, the nation itself, the military, etc., borders on treason and is damn close to sedition.

Can you come to my house and start talking in my garden?

It's just that all the bullshit you're spouting would make good fertiliser for the plants.


I see you failed the entrance exam for the Junior League of Trolls again.

If it was up to people like you Labour would have wedded to the Communist Party early on. Fortunately for the UK and the rest of the world, they didn't. But shouldn't you be over that by now?
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Posted: 1/18/2004 10:27:49 PM     Post subject:  

Ole Sparky here
I tried to login, apparently it did not take, me and computers.
Don't, just don't get me started. Wayd, Dogthing, I could say a bunch with too many quotes from A.F.F to back me up.
With apologies to Sulaco for my very harsh view of Furry. The core, the center of Furry is sick and sad. And, I do remember the work of folks like the Oz Foxes, and Tim Albee, but honestly Furry has too many too willing to tear down, insult and try to diminish(Let's talk about "Soul Rape here") others who don't wear "ears and a tail" (Side note, I have incinerated mine and given myself wholely back to the human race, to love, to live, to care)
I know it offends, upsets, but Wayd, Dogthing, Sulaco, please will you step back, look at Furry, hopefully begin to understand why I call Furry a "Cult"
And Wayd, as someone who served honorably for many years, and continues to volunteer his time to the service and betterment of mankind and the world, I hope you can imagine why I have reached this level of implacable hostility towards the braying, butt-kissing core of Furry. I have worn the uniform for a lot of years. The insults of Furry's sick little core heros has infuriated me to the point where I think to call "Boycott" would be appropriate, not just as an "American Soldier", but as a businessman, watching the arrogance and stupidity. I suggest calling Boycott, choke off and strangle the cancer, until furry either comes to realize it is part of and subject to the same rules and ethics that the mundane world lives by, or goes under.
Boycott. Does anyone really, desperately need the latest "Furry" Comic? Does anyone really need to attend a con that snuggles up to "The worst of Furry"? The only weapon I have is my wallet. I am using it. And, Wayd, I don't care about helping "Furry", I really don't. I have been cheated, ripped off, and insulted far too often by "The Heroes of the Fandom" At this point, I feel myself spiritually closer to General Sherman as he marched through Georgia on the way to the sea.
I will do anthropomorphic stories, I will read science, history, and folklore and beliefs.
I will use them, I will blend them, I will turn them into works of art and imagination. I will turn those beliefs, facts, hopes of our world into a million possible tomorrows under countless suns.
I will use anthropomorphics for that purpose, honorably, as it has been used by artisians for thousands of years before me.
I won't write casual material, centered on a market that sits in front of a computer screen and exercises it's Waldo.
I even feel sick sometimes at the thought that there might actually be some Fur out there somewhere, getting his jollies off in a sticky mass over some of my stories.
And as someone who served many years honorably, and who had read too many True Furry comments, I will not support those individuals, I will not attend the cons, I will not buy the material, I will do what I can to choke off the cancer.
And I will keep my honor clean.
Apologies to Mitch for my intensity, also apologies, I did try to log in.
Ole Sparky

I don't think that most SA forum members care about helping furries.

We do care about US army soldiers though! :)


As opposed to furries. I swear, two thirds or even three fourths are solid leftists and whatever your politics, for American furries to say some of the anti-American things they've said regarding the President, the nation itself, the military, etc., borders on treason and is damn close to sedition. It figures that a bunch of people who owe the freedoms and progress of western civilization for their ability to lazily indulge in absurd pasttimes like furry turn around and spit in the face of it all. Even worse when you consider how many ex-military furs there are. :x
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Posted: 1/19/2004 9:09:28 AM     Post subject:  

I must be a lolocaust revisionist then

I guess so. Sometimes it was funny, but most of the time it was more of the same. "I MAY BE A 400LB GEEK WITH NO LIFE, BUT YOU JERK OFF TO THE SMURFS". Repeat ad-nauseum, until they learned the term 'skunkfucker'.

It was cute ocne in awhile, but when it gets to the point that anythigng relating to animals becomes 'furry', and then the 'usual crew' of furries generally 'furk up' a thread or two... it becomes the most pointless game of cat and mouse ever.

P.S. Verix, I am inadvertantly implciating you, buddy! ;)
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Posted: 1/19/2004 11:07:17 AM     Post subject:  

I see you failed the entrance exam for the Junior League of Trolls again.

If it was up to people like you Labour would have wedded to the Communist Party early on. Fortunately for the UK and the rest of the world, they didn't. But shouldn't you be over that by now?

It’s meant to make you stop and think about what you are saying.

Do you seriously believe that anyone who *questions* what the government does is committing treason or sedition?

Are you really so blind that you think freedom of speech doesn’t include the freedom to criticise the government?

You sound like a gross parody, A caricature of a right wing fanatic. If anyone’s the troll, Tis’ you sir. Tis' You.
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Posted: 1/19/2004 11:30:30 AM     Post subject:  

Do you seriously believe that anyone who *questions* what the government does is committing treason or sedition?

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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/19/2004 6:05:11 PM     Post subject:  

Do you seriously believe that anyone who *questions* what the government does is committing treason or sedition?


As David well knows, there is a line between freely questioning the government which rules by the consent of the governed in a democratic republic and giving aid and comfort to an enemy force which would if given the chance destroy that same republic under which one enjoys those freedoms.

Many of the things furries have said regarding the government are from the off beyond the pale and should at least not be tolerated by good people lest the very notion of tolerance itself be sullied and diluted so as to remove from it all useful meaning and leave open the land to a total lack thereof. Such gives rise to all manner of monsters of mankind and cover to all their crimes, both that from without which they paid no true heed and that from within and most especially that of their own hypocrisy.

Above all else in today's political correctness born of the idiot left, tolerance of all things has been taken to be absolute undying intolerance of all other intolerance until those who define it can decide of their own politics what is subject to their suffocating tolerance and what is not and we can be fairly assured that opposing points of view are not counted among the former.

Of course, furrydom gives aid and comfort to the holders of the enemies of everyone, such as sloth, arrogance, self-pity, holy effrontery, all in course contained by those who give furry's name so blackened an eye as to put it beyond salvage.

But then, David knows that as did his idol pictured above. For them it isn't about that which they speak of, their idiot leftism. It is about their own aggrandizement. Like furries, such people choose to see themselves as powerless, wrap themselves in their supposed noble suffering, and act upon it. Some merely mouth the words to puff themselves up and other act more to the point and these have been discredited everywhere but those places of the most freedom to engage in such idle intellectual twaddle such as David's own UK and here in the USA.

No socialism beyond familial, filial, and feudal of personal choice and common cause may stand for long but before they fall, they fall too who revelled in them. So furries may take what comfort they will in this western world which tolerates their foolish and silly delusions, but should if they knew better know that with their fantasy of a world working as their delusions say, crush them with all others that stand its way.

Put another way, can anyone name a communist or other non-democratic nation which would tolerate furries, especially after spitting in the face of that nation which to that point allowed them?
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Posted: 1/20/2004 7:45:57 AM     Post subject:  

In a way, I agree. Although real democracy is the freedom to have a opinion differing the government thus expressing it by voting, petitioning and even having a legal protest. The ones who make the decisions aren't always right, for example, worker's unions have done some good things about the general American and finnish woker's day, working conditions and salary. About daddy Stalin here, I was not making a statement, just trying increase the lol-factor.
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Posted: 1/20/2004 7:46:20 AM     Post subject:  

In a way, I agree. Although real democracy is the freedom to have a opinion differing the government thus expressing it by voting, petitioning and even having a legal protest. The ones who make the decisions aren't always right, for example, worker's unions have done some good things about the general American and finnish woker's day, working conditions and salary. About daddy Stalin here, I was not making a statement, just trying increase the lol-factor.
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Posted: 1/20/2004 9:46:07 AM     Post subject:  

As David well knows, there is a line between freely questioning the government which rules by the consent of the governed in a democratic republic and giving aid and comfort to an enemy force which would if given the chance destroy that same republic under which one enjoys those freedoms.

Umm... and how many furries have been aiding the iraqi insurgents or the Taleban or international terrorists?

Many of the things furries have said regarding the government are from the off beyond the pale and should at least not be tolerated by good people lest the very notion of tolerance itself be sullied and diluted so as to remove from it all useful meaning and leave open the land to a total lack thereof.

Right, So you're saying that we should lock people up just for saying that they don’t like the government.

(The Bolsheviks would be proud.)

Such gives rise to all manner of monsters of mankind and cover to all their crimes, both that from without which they paid no true heed and that from within and most especially that of their own hypocrisy.

WTF? That paragraph is incomprehensible. Explain PLS.

Above all else in today's political correctness born of the idiot left, tolerance of all things has been taken to be absolute undying intolerance of all other intolerance until those who define it can decide of their own politics what is subject to their suffocating tolerance and what is not and we can be fairly assured that opposing points of view are not counted among the former.

Right, Prove that Political correctness exists please. Since the only people who seem to be able to perceive the political correctness WHICH IS SWAMPING OUR PLANET OMG! Are rabid conservatives.

Of course, furrydom gives aid and comfort to the holders of the enemies of everyone, such as sloth, arrogance, self-pity, holy effrontery, all in course contained by those who give furry's name so blackened an eye as to put it beyond salvage.

Furry is not of any signifience on the world polotical stage.

But then, David knows that as did his idol pictured above.

Um... I'm not the one suggesting that anyone who so much as critcises the goverment is a traitor to the cause.

For them it isn't about that which they speak of, their idiot leftism. It is about their own aggrandizement. Like furries, such people choose to see themselves as powerless, wrap themselves in their supposed noble suffering, and act upon it. Some merely mouth the words to puff themselves up and other act more to the point and these have been discredited everywhere but those places of the most freedom to engage in such idle intellectual twaddle such as David's own UK and here in the USA.

No socialism beyond familial, filial, and feudal of personal choice and common cause may stand for long but before they fall, they fall too who revelled in them. So furries may take what comfort they will in this western world which tolerates their foolish and silly delusions, but should if they knew better know that with their fantasy of a world working as their delusions say, crush them with all others that stand its way.

Put another way, can anyone name a communist or other non-democratic nation which would tolerate furries, especially after spitting in the face of that nation which to that point allowed them?

You’re talking garden fertiliser again.
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Posted: 1/20/2004 1:35:48 PM     Post subject:  

Above all else in today's political correctness born of the idiot left, tolerance of all things has been taken to be absolute undying intolerance of all other intolerance until those who define it can decide of their own politics what is subject to their suffocating tolerance and what is not and we can be fairly assured that opposing points of view are not counted among the former.

Right, Prove that Political correctness exists please. Since the only people who seem to be able to perceive the political correctness WHICH IS SWAMPING OUR PLANET OMG! Are rabid conservatives.

There may or may not be an organized movement called "Political Correctness", but actions are carried out which are perceived as having been done for reasons of "political correctness" - and here's just one recent example.
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Posted: 1/20/2004 7:42:39 PM     Post subject:  

There may or may not be an organized movement called "Political Correctness", but actions are carried out which are perceived as having been done for reasons of "political correctness" - and here's just one recent example.

Ahh That’s true.

However, If the only existence that it exists is the subjective perception, then that simply adds more weight to the idea that “political correctness” (like “the nanny state”) is nothing more than a chimera made up by those who are ideologically opposed to whatever they are using the word “political correctness” (usually with “gone mad” added) to describe.

I mean, in that case, what was done was attacked on the grounds that the “majority of people in this country are Christians.”

For one thing, that might well not be true; secondly just because a majority thinks something, it doesn’t make them any more right than one person alone.

Also, I knew someone who was involved in a case where it was claimed that a school had banned competitive sports on the grounds that children might get hurt or lose self-esteem, IIRC, the Phrase “political correctness gone mad” might well have been used…and in that case, the media (the "sun" IIRC) made the ENTIRE DAMN THING UP. I knew someone who taught at that school, and no such thing had ever happened, or even been raised there or considered.

I strongly suspect that most stories of “political correctness gone mad” are pure BS. Just another tool in the armoury of the Murdoch Agenda.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/22/2004 11:13:53 PM     Post subject:  

As opposed to furries. I swear, two thirds or even three fourths are solid leftists and whatever your politics, for American furries to say some of the anti-American things they've said regarding the President, the nation itself, the military, etc., borders on treason and is damn close to sedition.

What are you, some kind of moron?

Putting that much validity in some furry's so called "political" ideas is akin to looking at some retarded totem/spyrit-animal all decked out in feathers and gay, and honestly thinking to yourself "THERE'S an accurate representation of Native American culture right there!"


Let's just go with the working assumption that a majority of furries are social invalids, still psychologicaly (if not biologicaly) adolescent and incapable of forming or maintaining worthwhile thought processes. Their spouting of OMFG SO 3DGY horse shit is just some vain attempt to get a response, or to make themselves look actually intelligent and still relevant to the grown-up real world (a world that neither needs nor acknowledges them I might add).

There's what you get when a furry takes on a serious political mindset, in this case one directed at the spectre of discrimination. Sedition? Yeah, I can see these mental dynamos just on the horizon, fingerless-gloved fists stabbing skyward, pushing forth a new age.

The New Revolution isn't coming, it's already here. It is in your schools, your homes, your furry mucks. It is in every kid ever bullied for drawing cats with tits & dicks. It is in every 40 year old fat man with a collection of plush, and within everyone who's ever been ostracized for wearing a tail in public.

The Revolution is NOW. You, dear sir, will not be spared.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/23/2004 1:19:54 AM     Post subject:  

As opposed to furries. I swear, two thirds or even three fourths are solid leftists and whatever your politics, for American furries to say some of the anti-American things they've said regarding the President, the nation itself, the military, etc., borders on treason and is damn close to sedition.

What are you, some kind of moron?

And you have what justification to flame me right off the bat with the name Skunkfuckers Inc.? My net handle was drawn up in thirty seconds just so I could use Netscape. Yours carries... well, we all know the baggage in furrydom of the word "skunkfuckers". Done much fucking have you to earn the name?

Putting that much validity in some furry's so called "political" ideas is akin to looking at some retarded totem/spyrit-animal all decked out in feathers and gay, and honestly thinking to yourself "THERE'S an accurate representation of Native American culture right there!"

It's not a matter of putting validity behind their ideas. I don't assign validity to the ideas of more competent communists and other whackos like Pol Pot, Ida Amin, or Josef Stalin either. Their ideas aren't valid. That isn't the point. Nice attempt at a strawman to set me up for justification for your flame, but it was pretty weak and juvenile. I've seen better.

Let's just go with the working assumption that a majority of furries are social invalids, still psychologicaly (if not biologicaly) adolescent and incapable of forming or maintaining worthwhile thought processes. Their spouting of OMFG SO 3DGY horse shit is just some vain attempt to get a response, or to make themselves look actually intelligent and still relevant to the grown-up real world (a world that neither needs nor acknowledges them I might add).

There's what you get when a furry takes on a serious political mindset, in this case one directed at the spectre of discrimination. Sedition? Yeah, I can see these mental dynamos just on the horizon, fingerless-gloved fists stabbing skyward, pushing forth a new age.

Yelling "fire" in a crowded theater doesn't necessarily result in a stampede, but reckless endangerment and incitement to riot don't require a successful result of damages. Neither do any other speech-action related charges. Free speech, fine. But speech is an action and actions have consequences and when those consequences result in or may result in serious harm to individuals or the nation they create laws regarding those actions.

Successful infliction of damage isn't the point. Revealing classified documents may have no effect if the information was about napkins designed for fallout shelters from 1958, but you're still going to go to jail for violating national security laws. Whether furries are part of a socialist movement or just full of bowel movement isn't germane. Does the speech fall under the heading of treason and/or sedition? Much of it comes close the way much does regularly in academia.

And if the goverment chooses not to enforce those as they see fit not to, that is their decision, but laws left unenforced or enforced capriciously are laws which lose proper meaning and treason and sedition concern something that people do not understand these days: your rights in a free society comes with responsibilities to certain actions or inactions so as to ensure the good continuance of that free society in a healthy form. Loyalty to your nation and body politic is paramount to the survival of that world you've become so accustomed to. And nowhere moreso than in a society based on an ever fought war between the absolute order of the group and the absolute chaos of the individual.

No society which winks at exhortations to support the enemies of modern civilization will last long. You can think it is silly and harmless all you like. You can think the people who do it are total buffoons and it is meaningless. The effect is cumulative and it's full force and power will be felt not by you but by generations yet to be born in a time well beyond you.

But cynic as you seem you probably could care less what happens to the world a century or more hence. As long as you can't see the effect right here and now and can laugh at furrydom and flame me, all is right in the world. You're in some very interesting company; there've been people in every dead civilization who were just like you and other people who at the end cursed the ground the bones of those like you were laid in.
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Posted: 2/6/2004 6:43:32 AM     Post subject:  

Staunch libertarian here.

Okay, hold up a minute. I'd like to point something out here (prompted by a post on the first page by the wolf). Bloody politicians are not what make a free country a free country. A free country is made free and kept free by the citizens who care about it and those who know when to stay their hand to preserve peace and stability and when to pull together and make a stand against injustice. President Bush did not make this a free country. I make it a free country. I make it a free country every day by attempting to be a mature, law abiding citizen and wishing the best for my country and by exercising my rights to keep them strong. If we feel that our politicians are behaving irresponsibly or unlawfully, then whether we are right or wrong in thinking so it is our responsibility to speak out.

I feel betrayed by Bush. This is largely because I was once a staunch supporter of him in spite of his flaws. By his actions, he has shown himself to be an irresponsible and incompetent excuse for a leader, and of course I have turned against him. I think that the most anti-American thing you can do is label as sedition speaking out against our politicians. No, I correct myself, it is not an unAmerican thing to say because "sedition" is part of what made this country as great and free as it is.

Sheeple are the favorite prey of the wolves of tyranny.


Umm...just a wee pet peeve there.

Fire at will.
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Posted: 2/6/2004 6:47:43 AM     Post subject:  

The SA Forums don't look to me like much beyond immature kids playing King of the Castle, playing gods with their forum to mess with and verbally abuse people. That being said, they do produce some excellent Photoshop work. But verbal abuse isn't going to help furries although it is sometimes well justified given the immature, inane, and insane defenses of furry put forward; on the whole what furries need is tough love but the critical movement(whatever it is becoming) can't really afford to be easily dismissed as a bunch of flaming cranks. We ain't.

You want some fun, get onto Furnet and go into the SAfur channel. Those are some retards that are funny as hell to watch bang their heads on the wall.
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Posted: 2/6/2004 6:49:59 AM     Post subject: I'm feeling silly now  

Very silly. Blasted trollage. I swear, I would have seen it if that weren't a pet peeve of mine. Well, it made a great excuse for a good old-fashioned rant. I think I'll crawl into a hole and die now.
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Posted: 2/6/2004 6:54:19 AM     Post subject:  

As opposed to furries. I swear, two thirds or even three fourths are solid leftists and whatever your politics, for American furries to say some of the anti-American things they've said regarding the President, the nation itself, the military, etc., borders on treason and is damn close to sedition. It figures that a bunch of people who owe the freedoms and progress of western civilization for their ability to lazily indulge in absurd pasttimes like furry turn around and spit in the face of it all. Even worse when you consider how many ex-military furs there are. :x

Well, speaking as one of the furs that has said probably too much against Bush, I will say where I stand on it. I do support the troops. I do agree with going into Afghanistan because the country, along with several others in the region were nothing but training grounds for terrorists. I cannot and will not support the reasons for going into Iraq because as far as I'm concerned Iraqis themselves were keeping Saddam down. His own scientists were lying to him about how much work they had done.

Anyway, I do support the troops. I've got many friends over there now that I am worried about. What I don't like is people who say "You don't support the war then you don't support the troops", which is BS. I didn't support the first war on Iraq because they did nothing this and damn near every other country on the planet hasn't done.
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Posted: 2/6/2004 7:14:52 AM     Post subject:  

As David well knows, there is a line between freely questioning the government which rules by the consent of the governed in a democratic republic and giving aid and comfort to an enemy force which would if given the chance destroy that same republic under which one enjoys those freedoms.

This nation was founded on the ideals that everyone should have a voice, even those with unpopular opinions. That's what makes this country great. As a representative republic we are allowed to say and think anything we want, but not able to act on it.

Many of the things furries have said regarding the government are from the off beyond the pale and should at least not be tolerated by good people lest the very notion of tolerance itself be sullied and diluted so as to remove from it all useful meaning and leave open the land to a total lack thereof. Such gives rise to all manner of monsters of mankind and cover to all their crimes, both that from without which they paid no true heed and that from within and most especially that of their own hypocrisy.

Which is why everyon in this country has a voice to say what they think, even the communists and nihilists. This gives us access to all ideas and thoughts.

Above all else in today's political correctness born of the idiot left, tolerance of all things has been taken to be absolute undying intolerance of all other intolerance until those who define it can decide of their own politics what is subject to their suffocating tolerance and what is not and we can be fairly assured that opposing points of view are not counted among the former.

I personally hate political correctness and believe it is one of the many things wrong with this country, but it is there and has to be delt with. I think both sides, the politically corrrect and political censors, need to relax and calm down.

Of course, furrydom gives aid and comfort to the holders of the enemies of everyone, such as sloth, arrogance, self-pity, holy effrontery, all in course contained by those who give furry's name so blackened an eye as to put it beyond salvage.

Those things are around no matter what. There will always be the slothful and arrogant because there will always been those who can get away with it. Self-pity, in any form, is a basic human nature. Like it or not.

Holy effrontery I don't care about. I'm a former Satanist and currently don't give a shit about any religion because save for a few eastern religions most have been perverted and abused to one end or another.
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Posted: 2/6/2004 7:23:12 AM     Post subject:  

The wolf isn't serious. He can't be serious. Please tell me he isn't serious.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2003
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Posted: 2/8/2004 3:02:17 AM     Post subject:  

He isn't serious. Happy? YW.
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