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Ancient furry madness?
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/16/2004 11:57:28 PM     Post subject: Ancient furry madness?  

Proof is here that furry wasn't a recent collosal screw-up but one that began an awfully long time ago, but probably required the modern age's surplus of fucked up people with idle time on their hands. Still, it wasn't the best idea as we've seen since.
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Posted: 1/17/2004 1:18:29 AM     Post subject:  

That statuette is based off of Greek mythology.

The story goes something like this. Hera's son was an evil man, commiting crimes against man, gods, and nature, like the statuette idolizes. Zeus was so angered by his subhuman behavior, that Zeus altered the man's appearence into the half-goat creature you see in the statuette.

Edit: I forget the name of Hera's son, I don't think it is Pan, and yes, Furry is a recent collosal screw-up. Infecting everything from loony toons to ren and stimpy.

Edit yet a-freakin-gain: This really has nothing to do with furry, but more of a transformation story, which Greek mythology is full of.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 1/17/2004 2:10:12 AM     Post subject:  

Edit yet a-freakin-gain: This really has nothing to do with furry, but more of a transformation story, which Greek mythology is full of.

Whuh? Transformations are something that furries wack off to.

Have you seen SLaitila's avatar lately?
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Posted: 1/17/2004 2:17:15 AM     Post subject:  

Um, what?

Have you read any Greek mythology? Ever had a course in it during elementary school? There are a few stoies regarding changing forms in mythology. There is one about a hunter catching a moon goddess bathing in a pond naked, she then alters him into a stag as punishment. He then runs off into the woods and is eventually inadvertantly hunted by his friends.

As for that wolf qoute, I have no idea what that is about.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 1/17/2004 3:21:30 PM     Post subject:  

That statuette is based off of Greek mythology.

The story goes something like this. Hera's son was an evil man, commiting crimes against man, gods, and nature, like the statuette idolizes. Zeus was so angered by his subhuman behavior, that Zeus altered the man's appearence into the half-goat creature you see in the statuette.

Edit: I forget the name of Hera's son, I don't think it is Pan, and yes, Furry is a recent collosal screw-up. Infecting everything from loony toons to ren and stimpy.

Edit yet a-freakin-gain: This really has nothing to do with furry, but more of a transformation story, which Greek mythology is full of.

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that although I am not a college graduate I'm well aware of many of the Greek myths having been schooled in a number of them along with Egyptian, Roman, and other myths and histories by a very astute sixth-grade teacher.

No shit. I was pointing out the tendency of the theme of fucking animals as well as being animal to show up in human history and what's become of mythological anthropomorphics in the modern age vis a vis furry.

Come on now, don't let this end up like a.f.f where assumptions of meaning are blithely made and corrections leapt upon. It was commentary on today in light of yesterday.
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Posted: 1/18/2004 3:52:45 PM     Post subject:  

Tailgunner, that was Artemis, or, as the Romans called her, Diana. There was one when Zeus was pursuing a young maiden named Io. Thinking he could fool his wife, he created a dark cloud to form around him and Io. Hera immediately noticed something weird going on in the distance and went to confront her lusty husband. Zeus, in the meantime, transformed Io into a white cow. Yup, a cow.

Then there was Circe, who transformed some of Odysseus' men into pigs.

The minotaur is also supposed to be the offspring of a bull and the wife of King Minos. Poseidon was so enraged that King Minos would not sacrifice the bull that the god gave him. He caused King Minos' wife to fall in love with the bull and they had some unnatural relations.

Some of the Egyptian gods were a little f'd up too...I can't recall the exact myth, but I remember reading it in an adult book as a child...something about someone throwing someone else's semen into the river. I asked my mom was semen was and she just about fainted.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head :-)
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Posted: 1/21/2004 2:12:37 AM     Post subject:  

A week ago I saw at Discovery Channel a documentary about the roman emperor Nero. And one of his "hobbies" consisted in putting over his body a lion skin, and then kill slaves chained to walls and columns.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/22/2004 12:24:05 PM     Post subject:  

A week ago I saw at Discovery Channel a documentary about the roman emperor Nero. And one of his "hobbies" consisted in putting over his body a lion skin, and then kill slaves chained to walls and columns.

That reminds me of a documentary about ancient Rome that mentions Colosseum events involving slaves forced to have sex with lions to the death and young girls tied to posts to be gang-raped by baboons, among other things.

I'm too tired right now to come up with a witty comment or hunt for evidence to support this, but know that I really did see it on TV!
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Posted: 1/23/2004 1:37:34 AM     Post subject:  

Google to the rescue :-)

This article goes quite in-depth about ritual beastiality and such...

Here's the pertinent part:

One appreciatively received spectacle is said to have been staged at which a
hundred tiny blonde girls were raped simultaneously by a horde of baboons.
Chimpanzees and ferocious but colorful mandrills, made drunk by wine and
inflamed by the odor of females of their kind, were loosed upon girls whose
genitals had been drenched with the urine of female chimps and mandrills.
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baserock love
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Posted: 12/5/2004 9:55:05 AM     Post subject:  

wow, if you get stuck with the job of training baboons to jerk people off, it might be time to start thinking about going to The Devry Institute or something.
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Posted: 12/5/2004 2:52:29 PM     Post subject:  

While we're on the subject of Greek mythology and transformation, I'd also like to point out that there was King Lycaon who angered Zeus by offering him human flesh to eat. Zeus turned the King into a wolf and this is where the term "Lycanthropy" comes from.
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Posted: 12/6/2004 4:56:24 PM     Post subject:  

And my header says I need to get out more??????
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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 12/6/2004 5:20:05 PM     Post subject:  

I don't see how this can be catagorized as bestiality. bestiality concerns humans and animals, not satyrs and animals. When a horse and a donkey copulate to produce a mule, is that bestiality?
As far as it being furry.... like others basically said, there are thousands of years between THIS and FURRY for god sake, wtf? In case you havn't noticed, animals with intelligence and/or other human properties can most likely be found in every creation myth on the planet. If that is furry, sorry Wayd, humans then are inherently furry.
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Posted: 12/6/2004 5:33:04 PM     Post subject: Re: Ancient furry madness?  

Proof is here

Uh, dude... "NWS"... It's just three letters... It doesn't take that long to type.
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Posted: 12/6/2004 5:39:54 PM     Post subject:  

Of course, it's generally safe to assume anything linked here is NWS.

Don't give a rat's patootie about the sculpture.. but some nice titties on the page around it.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 12/7/2004 12:07:00 AM     Post subject: Re: Ancient furry madness?  

Proof is here

Uh, dude... "NWS"... It's just three letters... It doesn't take that long to type.

Did you notice the original post date?

And I've seen sculptures like that in office buildings. Though personally the Greek mythology angle doesn't make it any more artistically redeeming.
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