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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
Posts: 456

Posted: 1/28/2004 1:53:16 AM     Post subject: Non Political Stuff Just for the Disaffected!  

Okay, since some have been pains in the backside, here's all I could manage to look for before I tried to claw my eyes out and eat them. If you can stomach worse, by all means, go for it.
What in the name of Hell is THIS and what size rifle do I need to take it off my roof?
While demeaning to wolves by inferring they'd mutilate sheep for fun as opposed to eating, this is so ironic for furry given the furries who act like blind sheep ignoring the degenerates in their midst.
Were baby bottles the ONLY models this artist had for nipples? A copy of Playboy would be soooo easy to check, y'know?
Teenage Mutant Samurai Linux Bird?
What is it with the neverending theme of killing for furries?
Tits and cocks on the same thing continue to plague furry. Maybe they should just learn to socialize and get a three-way going for real and then they could try both but on the appropriate genders.
I believe Computolio said something about furry and gay stereotypes. Yup, they are continuing and now they're plaguing the world of lizards. Given the spastic nature of orgasms and dragons breathing fire, I think we can smell lizard barbecue just around the corner at the climax of all this.

And lastly...
Oh good, my name in Orcish is Ghazklâsh the Sneak. I came across this doing a search for that furry name generator I saw someone post someplace. Not D. Formosa's either. If anyone has that by all means repost it here. I thought some of the names were priceless and could use them for something I'm writing.
The prior link came from here thanks to that Google search. It's spreading! Someone get the Lysol!
Oh yes, good idea... Putting a Usenet group dedicated to a fandom full of zoos on the site... Reaaaaallllly good idea there.

Well, that's all for me for the moment. Maybe if I can get my stomach to stop churning, I will see what else pops up...
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Posted: 1/30/2004 7:45:49 PM     Post subject:  

My god, those are some hideous pictures. Then again, I knew what I was getting into when I saw they were VCL. ;)

I deleted the original, cleaner PHP code for my generator. Sorry. I do have a crappier version in perl, but it's not as good.

The only thing better than big tits, and a huge cock, is having about as much talent as Kelly Price.


14 year old angst, now, lacking both definition, and non-harsh angles.

I can't take any more VCL to find 'teh worse'.
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Posted: 1/30/2004 8:17:19 PM     Post subject:  

I Have seen much worse........X_X
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Ole Sparky
Joined: 07 Nov 2003
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Posted: 1/31/2004 4:13:01 AM     Post subject:  

I ain't even a gonna look... I figure as how things like that belong to to realm of Lovecraft's Mythos.
Oh, BTW, ever wonder as how I come up with Ole Sparky?
Well, Ole Sparky is the nickname for a piece of furniture resident up in Raiford as Dogthing might recognize, as a Florida Resident.
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Ole Sparky
Joined: 07 Nov 2003
Posts: 21

Posted: 1/31/2004 4:26:20 AM     Post subject: Furry is... a lot of things... but there are dreams  

There are brighter things and possiblities for anthropomorphics. I won't say Furry, the name makes me gag.
But I am on the Kennedy Space Center mailing list and I like to visit the NASA web pages.
I believe in a universe of possiblities, civilizations, and peoples.
I think it was -estrango who wrote Alice Otter and mentioned feeling grossed out that some obese, oily, flatulent excuse might drool over his art, turning something meant honestly, innocently for people to enjoy into... No, I can not go on.
But I can relate.
As he does, I do as well, to appeal innocently to the wonder, the joy, the hearts of people without bound.
Yeh, m_estrago, I can relate.
Which is why I no longer write for Furry.
I try to write for a much broader audience.
Hey, its like, we are stuck with the scum suckers.
m-estrango... bugger Furry. Write for yourself, your happiness. Write and hope that there are kids out there who laugh and enjoy Alice Otter, even if they never say so, and hope that someday, one of them will send you email saying how much they enjoyed your comic.
Ole Sparky
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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
Posts: 456

Posted: 1/31/2004 4:38:06 AM     Post subject:  

I ain't even a gonna look... I figure as how things like that belong to to realm of Lovecraft's Mythos.
Oh, BTW, ever wonder as how I come up with Ole Sparky?
Well, Ole Sparky is the nickname for a piece of furniture resident up in Raiford as Dogthing might recognize, as a Florida Resident.

They use to bring an earlier incarnation of CT's Ole Sparky around in a mobile truck for the police to educate about crime and punishment. Would've loved to strap a few furries I've come across in and leave them in it. Overnight. In sub-freezing weather. And all the next day. Indefinitely actually. Slower and more fitting than electrocution.

When you watch John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness and you're wondering what kind of demons could foul existance itself and what evil might be, you can always check out VCL and see for yourself. Worse things are not found in Stephen King's nightmares and Lovecraft would've walked away muttering and shivering only wishing he could spend the evening with Cthulu himself. And worst, some people think this is a turn-on.
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Posted: 1/31/2004 4:49:35 AM     Post subject:  

I ain't even a gonna look... I figure as how things like that belong to to realm of Lovecraft's Mythos.
Oh, BTW, ever wonder as how I come up with Ole Sparky?
Well, Ole Sparky is the nickname for a piece of furniture resident up in Raiford as Dogthing might recognize, as a Florida Resident.

They use to bring an earlier incarnation of CT's Ole Sparky around in a mobile truck for the police to educate about crime and punishment.

I've never heard of an electric chair called Ole Sparky...but whatever

You know where the first man ever executed in the electric chair was from, dont you?
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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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Posted: 1/31/2004 5:34:16 PM     Post subject:  

I ain't even a gonna look... I figure as how things like that belong to to realm of Lovecraft's Mythos.
Oh, BTW, ever wonder as how I come up with Ole Sparky?
Well, Ole Sparky is the nickname for a piece of furniture resident up in Raiford as Dogthing might recognize, as a Florida Resident.

They use to bring an earlier incarnation of CT's Ole Sparky around in a mobile truck for the police to educate about crime and punishment.

I've never heard of an electric chair called Ole Sparky...but whatever

You know where the first man ever executed in the electric chair was from, dont you?

Although I could appear as I know everything and Google the heck out of it, I don't off the top of my head. I do know Joseph "Mad Dog" Taborsky was the last person fried here in CT at the old prison in Wethersfield which has been demolished, leaving only the administration building which is now the CT DMV headquarters. The grounds of the prison proper are now a green overlooking the Wethersfield Cove where the fire department holds it yearly picnics. Kids play where once they toasted convicts.

Ok, enough swerving away...
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Posted: 1/31/2004 6:13:26 PM     Post subject:  

I ain't even a gonna look... I figure as how things like that belong to to realm of Lovecraft's Mythos.
Oh, BTW, ever wonder as how I come up with Ole Sparky?
Well, Ole Sparky is the nickname for a piece of furniture resident up in Raiford as Dogthing might recognize, as a Florida Resident.

They use to bring an earlier incarnation of CT's Ole Sparky around in a mobile truck for the police to educate about crime and punishment.

I've never heard of an electric chair called Ole Sparky...but whatever

You know where the first man ever executed in the electric chair was from, dont you?

Okay, I Googled it, though I had a notion what it might be ;)

"Ole Sparky" I've heard as a sort of nickname for electric chairs. Speaking of which this is what I call bad taste.
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The New Meat
Joined: 03 Jun 2003
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Posted: 2/1/2004 9:14:32 AM     Post subject:  

I ain't even a gonna look... I figure as how things like that belong to to realm of Lovecraft's Mythos.
Oh, BTW, ever wonder as how I come up with Ole Sparky?
Well, Ole Sparky is the nickname for a piece of furniture resident up in Raiford as Dogthing might recognize, as a Florida Resident.

They use to bring an earlier incarnation of CT's Ole Sparky around in a mobile truck for the police to educate about crime and punishment.

I've never heard of an electric chair called Ole Sparky...but whatever

You know where the first man ever executed in the electric chair was from, dont you?

Okay, I Googled it, though I had a notion what it might be ;)

"Ole Sparky" I've heard as a sort of nickname for electric chairs. Speaking of which this is what I call bad taste.

Rockville's White Flint mall?? I used to go there! They had a nifty Banana Republic, you know, the old school sort where they just sold T-shirts with toucans and they made the whole thing up to look like a jungle. Back before they sold out and went corporate. Damn yuppies.
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Posted: 2/1/2004 2:17:29 PM     Post subject:

Image: lakotacharsheet.jpg Artist: Lakota 715x950 163800.bytes 2004.02.01
Due to the disturbing number of Lakota "look-alikes" that have sprung up recently, I drew a character sheet for Lakota.

When I see other characters that seem to look a lot like Lakota that have been posted AFTER I first started posting my own drawings of Lakota, I am deeply disturbed and upset. If things get worse, I will start a list of people who have copied her markings.

Lakota and image © Crystal Carlson.

To potential art/character thieves: Please remember that direct transmutation or minor alteration of a character that is copyrighted by the United States government, such as Lakota, is a felony and the offender shall be punished as per under section 2319 of title 18, United States Code.

Heh, Heh, Heh.
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Posted: 2/1/2004 2:22:17 PM     Post subject: Re: Furry is... a lot of things... but there are dreams  

There are brighter things and possiblities for anthropomorphics. I won't say Furry, the name makes me gag.
But I am on the Kennedy Space Center mailing list and I like to visit the NASA web pages.
I believe in a universe of possiblities, civilizations, and peoples.
I think it was -estrango who wrote Alice Otter and mentioned feeling grossed out that some obese, oily, flatulent excuse might drool over his art, turning something meant honestly, innocently for people to enjoy into... No, I can not go on.
But I can relate.
As he does, I do as well, to appeal innocently to the wonder, the joy, the hearts of people without bound.
Yeh, m_estrago, I can relate.
Which is why I no longer write for Furry.
I try to write for a much broader audience.
Hey, its like, we are stuck with the scum suckers.
m-estrango... bugger Furry. Write for yourself, your happiness. Write and hope that there are kids out there who laugh and enjoy Alice Otter, even if they never say so, and hope that someday, one of them will send you email saying how much they enjoyed your comic.
Ole Sparky

Hmmm, Does the name “Paul R. Bennett” mean anything to you?

It’s just that the way you lay out your posts and the language you use… et al.

Reminds me of…

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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
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Posted: 2/1/2004 4:53:13 PM     Post subject: Re: Furry is... a lot of things... but there are dreams  

Hmmm, Does the name “Paul R. Bennett” mean anything to you?

It’s just that the way you lay out your posts and the language you use… et al.

Reminds me of…


Does the phrase "so what?" mean anything to you?

A number of the people here are inconsistant with their net handles between forums whether BB or Usenet. So?

You should be expending more energies against the bestialist zoophiles in furry. Last I recall, you were flaming angry about them.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2004
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Posted: 2/1/2004 6:49:35 PM     Post subject: Re: Furry is... a lot of things... but there are dreams  

Hmmm, Does the name “Paul R. Bennett” mean anything to you?

It’s just that the way you lay out your posts and the language you use… et al.

Reminds me of…


Some quick Googling comes up with this.

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Posted: 2/1/2004 7:50:32 PM     Post subject: Re: Furry is... a lot of things... but there are dreams  

Does the phrase "so what?" mean anything to you?

A number of the people here are inconsistant with their net handles between forums whether BB or Usenet. So?

I never said there was anything to it… I just like to know things. I have nothing whatsoever against “Paul. R Bennet”. As far as one can tell through reading Usenet posts, He doesn’t seem like a bad person to me.


Tell me… Why are you reading anything into it?

What have you got to hide?

Make an honest confession here and now, and I can guarantee that your sole will be set free.

Wear one of those amusing spanish inquisition hats please.

Recite 12 ave marias while standing on your head and twirling round for penance.

Nostra Salvatio. Go with God my son.
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Posted: 2/1/2004 8:41:07 PM     Post subject: Ex Fan  

Ole Sparky says: “Write for yourself, your happiness. Write and hope that there are kids out there who laugh and enjoy Alice Otter, even if they never say so, and hope that someday, one of them will send you email saying how much they enjoyed your comic.
Ole Sparky”
I did it but he don‘t recognize his FRIENDS *sigh*
I live for MYSELF only. Bye bye.
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Posted: 2/2/2004 5:24:41 AM     Post subject:  

When you watch John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness and you're wondering what kind of demons could foul existance itself and what evil might be, you can always check out VCL and see for yourself. Worse things are not found in Stephen King's nightmares and Lovecraft would've walked away muttering and shivering only wishing he could spend the evening with Cthulu himself. And worst, some people think this is a turn-on.

That movie sucked. Agreeing with you on the Cthulu thing, though.
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Posted: 2/2/2004 7:41:28 AM     Post subject:  

When you watch John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness.....

That movie sucked. .....

I never seen it , however Big Trouble in Little China and also Escape from New York are COOL...and also They Live was recommended to me but havent seen it yet
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Posted: 2/2/2004 8:27:27 AM     Post subject:  

When you watch John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness.....

That movie sucked. .....

I never seen it , however Big Trouble in Little China and also Escape from New York are COOL...and also They Live was recommended to me but havent seen it yet

If you liked Big Trouble and Escape from New York you're bound to like all his other films. Mouth of Madness was pretty funny and of course it had Sam Neill in it.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 2/2/2004 8:53:52 AM     Post subject:  

When you watch John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness.....

That movie sucked. .....

I never seen it , however Big Trouble in Little China and also Escape from New York are COOL...and also They Live was recommended to me but havent seen it yet

If you liked Big Trouble and Escape from New York you're bound to like all his other films. Mouth of Madness was pretty funny and of course it had Sam Neill in it.

When I was younger, In the Mouth of Madness tricked me into thinking it was a good movie. It lied to me. I hate it for that.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 2/3/2004 3:02:25 AM     Post subject:  

When you watch John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness and you're wondering what kind of demons...

That movie sucked. Agreeing with you on the Cthulu thing, though.

Yeah, I watch it just to see Sam Neil deal with yet another badly written horror movie.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 2/3/2004 3:14:04 AM     Post subject:  

When you watch John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness.....

That movie sucked. .....

I never seen it , however Big Trouble in Little China and also Escape from New York are COOL...and also They Live was recommended to me but havent seen it yet

If you liked Big Trouble and Escape from New York you're bound to like all his other films. Mouth of Madness was pretty funny and of course it had Sam Neill in it.

Big Trouble is one of my favorite films to watch when I have nothing else better to do and probably the funniest thing Kurt Russel has done on purpose(Escape from New York and LA are just him doing the Snake deadpan thing) his Goldie Hawn work notwithstanding. And it gives you a chance to see a whole load of Asian actors you rarely see beyond bit parts. It's not the last time that Dennis Dun or Victor Wong worked for Carpenter either, they came back around for Prince of Darkness.

I think the Mouth of Madness humor was accidental and only caused by Sam Neil's hamming it up much the way he did in Event Horizon. BTW, his "Where we're going, we don't need eyes to see." line should be a slogan for furry conventions and on the back of that t-shirt should say "And we won't want to see either."
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 2/5/2004 5:42:26 AM     Post subject:  

I never seen it , however Big Trouble in Little China and also Escape from New York are COOL...and also They Live was recommended to me but havent seen it yet

If you liked Big Trouble and Escape from New York you're bound to like all his other films. Mouth of Madness was pretty funny and of course it had Sam Neill in it.

Big Trouble and the Escape movies are well worth seeing. They Live is one of those movies you watch because you need to sit there for 93 minutes and not give a shit about the rest of the world. It's damned good.
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