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i have an unnasked opinion to voice
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The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/22/2003 7:03:39 PM     Post subject: i have an unnasked opinion to voice  

I've been doing some reading in to the furry thing, the reason given for this "scritching" is absurd, it gose somthing along the lines of, animals having no social constraints, when they meet a new animal they initiate contact, physically, not worrying about apperance and stuff.

Load of crap.

Humans do something called "introduction" this can involve saying such things as "hello" and "my name is" also somtimes offering a hand, and annimals DO have social barriers they are somtimes more chilled than ours and (sometimes (more often) extreamly harsh it just depends on the species.

and this thing about world peace should we all be animorphs, Pleese! one thing, ANIMALS EAT EACH OTHER! and given a human outlook, whould be more prone to violance. And before you say it yes not ALL people, er, anithings whould feel this way

phew, well thats me done.........ill be quiet now :)


Posted: 7/22/2003 7:42:29 PM     Post subject:  

Wolves and canus lupus familiaris each others arses.

Therefore why don't furries who have wolf and domestic dog personas sniff each others arses?

It would be about as logical.

The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/22/2003 10:11:21 PM     Post subject: Dave's point  

Exactly!!! If they did that then thier point/s whould be vallid, Well put Dave!

Posted: 7/23/2003 6:19:55 PM     Post subject: Because..  

That's just way too gross, they want all the 'noble' traits but are blind too the true nature of animals.
The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/23/2003 9:58:06 PM     Post subject:  

yeah, i suppose thats what gets right up my nose about the fandumb, especialy the fact that it proclaims kin-ship with animal spiritualists or whatever is bloody irritating........and god im drunk righht now, please excuse my spelling

Posted: 7/23/2003 11:06:26 PM     Post subject: Re: Because..  

What's that quote? "Nature, red in tooth and claw" or something along those lines?

A lot of furries seem to forget how applicable that line becomes when they go on about how being half-animal would somehow solve all of society's problems.

The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/24/2003 12:27:33 AM     Post subject:  

YEah, its like they forgett that we ARE animals, and part of the animal kingdom, we'r just as vicious and just as caring depending on the person
Jerry Collins

Posted: 7/24/2003 3:44:22 AM     Post subject: previous  

The phurri types always seem to miss the point that being a critter ain't all fun!and animals have different needs,hungers,and wants than human folk.True,humans are a type of animal,but we are on a totally different vibe than our animal friends.for better or worse.The Wolf and her mate hunt down the cute lil' Deer,not because theyr'e the Bonnie& Clyde of the forest,it's because their cubs ARE HUNGRY!!The shark that chomped an unfortunate surfer dude doesn't have a anti-land dweller agenda,it's because the poor dumb beastie mistook our surfer friend for a nice,tasty,fat,seal!and so on...and the phurries that do acknowledge nature's darker aspects take it to grotesque extreams! inner critter?sure there's such a's called your soul,and if you wish to honour it,be true to it.Not some plush novelty item!..Nothing wrong with dreaming about being a being far more graceful,powerful,noble and free...(I do too)Just acknowledge reality for what it is,take care of your obligations,and take care of bussiness.And be thankful for what you have,and Don't mourn for what you don't have...don't get lost in your own skin!(Jerry)

Posted: 7/24/2003 5:42:57 AM     Post subject: Be like the Animals...  

There's something kinda sexy about it, though... that whole animalistic desire... I go nuts when someone growls in my ear, wow! *LOL*

Dunno why, but just to feel mor ewild, more untamed... I think that's what it is.


Jerry Collins

Posted: 7/24/2003 5:13:24 PM     Post subject: previous  

furries-shmurries,Vanpires are sexy and kick-ass too(check out "Nosgothic Realms" on the web ladies,and guys,cool armour,weapons,funky goth fortresses there too) a really neat-o nifty site(Jerry)P.S.for real fun and info check out "Eros boutique" and see what the best dressed pervs wear!( a good costume source)ain't I evil?

Posted: 7/24/2003 8:53:00 PM     Post subject:  

yeah, i suppose thats what gets right up my nose about the fandumb, especialy the fact that it proclaims kin-ship with animal spiritualists or whatever is bloody irritating........and god im drunk righht now, please excuse my spelling

Here’s a wonderful post yoinked off (it’s Sheer madness BTW)

msg ID:

“I'm pagan...

(yep, they always are...)

… My family treats roadkill a bit differently. I release the spirits
when I can and if it isn't dangerous for us to do so, we retrieve the
carcass and give the animal proper burial.

A few weeks ago, we had a special circumstance. My husband had
spotted a fox which had been struck a glancing blow as it crossed
traffic and had been killed instantly. No one else had hit it yet and
I could see it was bothering him so I suggested we turn the car around
and do a retrieval.

We carry black garbage bags, sterile gloves, masks, and shovels in the
C-RV for this purpose so we went back to retrieve him. My husband
does the retrievals; for some reason I can behead a chicken for dinner
but I just can't deal with an animal that has been struck down by a

When he came back, he said that the little fox had declined to move on
and wanted to come home with us (this isn't unusual; I have a
collection of creatures I call the Departeds who hang about living out
their fantom lives on our farm.) However, the fox had gifted his body
--- bones, teeth, skull --- to my husband because of his kindness in
dealing with the remains.

I'm not going to argue with that for one simple reason: my husband
practices the pagan lifestyle but he's generally blind when it comes
to things like spirits and receiving messages. If he says the fox
gifted the body to him, so be it. We buried the body and marked its
place. We'll let nature take its course and then follow the little
fox's instructions more exactly once the bones are clean.”


Posted: 7/24/2003 11:39:26 PM     Post subject: Re: previous  

The phurri types always seem to miss the point that being a critter ain't all fun!and animals have different needs,hungers,and wants than human folk.True,humans are a type of animal,but we are on a totally different vibe than our animal friends.for better or worse.The Wolf and her mate hunt down the cute lil' Deer,not because theyr'e the Bonnie& Clyde of the forest,it's because their cubs ARE HUNGRY!!The shark that chomped an unfortunate surfer dude doesn't have a anti-land dweller agenda,it's because the poor dumb beastie mistook our surfer friend for a nice,tasty,fat,seal!and so on...and the phurries that do acknowledge nature's darker aspects take it to grotesque extreams! inner critter?sure there's such a's called your soul,and if you wish to honour it,be true to it.Not some plush novelty item!..Nothing wrong with dreaming about being a being far more graceful,powerful,noble and free...(I do too)Just acknowledge reality for what it is,take care of your obligations,and take care of bussiness.And be thankful for what you have,and Don't mourn for what you don't have...don't get lost in your own skin!(Jerry)

I know what you mean, I hate it when people say animals are evil for the things they do.

Animals are not good nor evil, they are simply a force of nature. If an animal see's something as prey, they attack it. If they see something as a threat or as competition for food and as something they can surivie a fight with, they attack it. If an animal see's something as food, their gonna go for it.

Animals have no concept of good or evil, only doing what they see is neccessary to survive.

Being a wild animal would be far from fun,games and sex. If anything it would be a short and intence existance, constantly fighting for surivial, kill or be killed. Most humans woulden't last a week in the wild because we have concepts such as 'gross' and right and wrong. Because of this we would be resistant to doing what is neccessary to surivie.

The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/25/2003 1:33:49 AM     Post subject:  

"Being a wild animal would be far from fun,games and sex. If anything it would be a short and intence existance, constantly fighting for surivial, kill or be killed."

Yeah I agree, but some people actually seek that sort of existance, i.e. some soldiers and extream sporters to a lesser extent. And i have to admit, that kind of constant fight for survival dose sound appealing at times, I know what its like during a fight or some kind of encounter, it can feel fantastic and damn scary. (I usually have to walk along a pretty dark and known bad area some nights, i get mugged a lot, lol theres nothing like seeing the muggers face as you laugh and smash your fist into his jaw then go nuts and leave the basterd in a pool of his own fuckin blood. I'v been stabbed a few times, and also had to run like fuck, but all and all, the feeling is fantastic :D

Jerry Collins

Posted: 7/25/2003 3:14:52 AM     Post subject: to my neighbor above me  

Some years back I got mugged.I didn't find anything exciting about it,terrifying,humiliating,and resentful,(God as my witness,I wanted to kill the guys,4 of 'em,kill 'em like roaches!squash 'em!)yes,but exciting..not really..but the adrinaline rush is a valid point.I unfortunately am allergic to my own adrinaline( if I get upset,or angry,my digestion goes all to Hell)so I generally take the" less stress" path whenever possible.I must admit my friend,you are of sterner stuff than I!And what better way to say no to the would be muggers,robbers,and rapists of the world than a sword,hammer,a club,or a well made pistol or shot gun?I'm not an N.R.A. guy,(I prefer blunt and edged weapons person m'self)but why should anybody have to suffer an Ignorant violent jerk?DEFEND YOURSELF!even cute lil' critters do it!and you know what folks?3 months later I saw the same bunch of idiots that mugged me(btw:they didn't get my money)being put in police ambulances after they botched a box office robberyand tried to escape by jumping to the car ports below and hitting hard packed earth 75ft below(and it was during a law enforcment convetion!)LOL(Jer)

Posted: 7/25/2003 8:20:24 AM     Post subject: Re: to my neighbor above me  

but why should anybody have to suffer an Ignorant violent jerk?DEFEND YOURSELF!even cute

The Few Are weak, the many are strong.
United we Stand, Divided we fall.

We cede that to often the state, The state protects us with law enforcement, law system and secruity forces, and we therefore do not need to take unwise and hasty viliglante action and we pay taxes to cover that (& also things like free at point of use healthcare, I.e the state construcs civil socety or makes it possible)

In theory at least, But there are failings on both sides. PArticulaly of the goverment.

Jerry Collins

Posted: 7/25/2003 2:09:37 PM     Post subject:  

David,what I meant by"defend yourself";yes,I know,this why we have an army,air force,navy,marines,policemen,security guards,and citizen volanteer nieghborhood watches....what I was refering to is this: sometimes you'll be alone,no cops,not even a watch dog about to sound alarums,and some jerk will take advantage of this and try to do you harm.You cam possibly submit(and perish)fight,or run(there is no dishonour in the "run" mode..a Shao-lin priest was once asked by his students;"shi-fu"(teacher)if you are surrounded by many enemies who are skilled warriors,what would you do?the wise old man replied"run away,quickly!"so if no policeman or policewoman is about,run like hell,or dig in and pray for the best,some police folk say that it's not a good idea to fight back,that it would only encourage the mugger to do worse..well,the son of a bitch can't hurt you if you take him down first,or if your'e not there at all!I'm not saying pull a "Deathwish",and hunt down crooks,just defend your right to exist!that's,what was the original thread to this topic?and may we return to it?Blessed be(Jerry)
The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/26/2003 1:11:06 AM     Post subject:  

* apologies in advance i am drunk...again....funerals and that, so sorry for my spelling/grammer,, any way, i agree with gerry here/there, we do have to defend ourselves, and in actuall fact if we were forced to rely on our community to protect us/each other, then sociaty whould be less crime ridden, government forces/laws have proven less effective than the old laws, i give in example the clan systme, mean, cases of blatent robbery, rape, beatings, murder, were near non existant under clan rule, ( im using this as an algry of socaity and its modern out look)
The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/26/2003 1:12:06 AM     Post subject:  

Sorry, spelt Jerrys name wrong there, sorry pal!

Posted: 7/26/2003 12:26:38 PM     Post subject:  

* apologies in advance i am drunk...again....funerals and that, so sorry for my spelling/grammer,, any way, i agree with gerry here/there, we do have to defend ourselves, and in actuall fact if we were forced to rely on our community to protect us/each other, then sociaty whould be less crime ridden, government forces/laws have proven less effective than the old laws, i give in example the clan systme, mean, cases of blatent robbery, rape, beatings, murder, were near non existant under clan rule, ( im using this as an algry of socaity and its modern out look)

But as the materiel means of production advance, so too does society and how it works.

IIRC wasn’t the clan system and all that considered an obstacle to the unification of Scotland and the lowlanders disliked the highlanders?

Glencoe massacre?? Something to do with it Mmm.

But, I think that at the time, the Clan system did not change or could not change with the times. It could not adapt to the changing world, The changing technology and stuff.

The Advance of technology has seen the breakdown of convential ideas of family.

The Extended family has fallen, The nuclear family is now falling down.

Is this bad or good?
Mmmm. I don't know, I don't have enough knowledge to judge.

but I'd say that we can now no longer rely on ideas of community and family and stuff to get us to not commit crimes etc.

Jerry Collins

Posted: 7/26/2003 12:49:15 PM     Post subject:  

Technology..shmechology!! It's people looking out for each other that will win the day,so if it's like the old Scots-clan system, a Frank Capra small town,or an African or Amerind tribal structure,or a pack of Miyazaki badger critters,this is common's looking after your neighbor while giving them some privacy,common respect,responsibility to your own affairs and just plain being decent without being a be helpful WITHOUT expecting a reward,to help when you can,to do right by your fellow beings..simple really..if you don't mind a teency bit of sweat and share,to help,to laugh and weep with your truly be "Human"...not a god wannabe,not a thuggish demon,not an uber Phurri..just..plain..HUMAN!
The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/27/2003 2:57:44 AM     Post subject:  

Hey! can see your point david, but fuck massicer ! fuck you! you got no right throw that into tyhe disscusion, that just adds more ammo to my poiont of you dont fuckin shit on your own doorstep" asd it is, mean youir quite an eloquent guy demmingly, with most of your posts
The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/27/2003 3:00:58 AM     Post subject:  

and sorr for my incherance, funeral was today, iev beeen drinking since fuckin 12 in the afternoon, so my vews mean fuck right now in my opinion, :P, sorry for the last comment, i'll talk later, your sound guyss, sryy bout my behavoioier
The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/27/2003 3:05:22 AM     Post subject:  

actually , really pissed that you put that in THAT fuckin way, the massicer that is, rewallly, you got no fuckin right, im seriously pissed at you , lol, then again thats me oissed, so i'll let it go, but fuck, whgy the fuck did you out it in that context? you have somthging against scottish ppl?
The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/27/2003 3:40:37 AM     Post subject:  

mean, im quite pisssed at he moment, but fuck, im insulted about what you said, , If i ever meet you in person i'll fuckin SHOW you waht a massacar is you fuckin prick! really, fuck you m,an, you have no right to put thet therer! fguck you., i ever see you i'll fuckin oput a knife in your fuckinn skulll! you hear me!!!!!
Jerry Collins

Posted: 7/27/2003 5:14:48 AM     Post subject:  

My brother,may your grief pass swiftly,peace to your soul.Jah bless(Jerry)

Posted: 7/27/2003 5:42:20 AM     Post subject:  

ok, i never liked this thread too much to begin with and thats why i havent been posting here but

what the fuck dude

drunk or not , no reason to make threats
especially over the internet, it looks bad

i dont even see what your getting all pissed off about

chill the fuck out

The great misguided bee

Posted: 7/27/2003 3:20:13 PM     Post subject:  

you are right,, sorry about that, it dose look bad, I was just wound up, ni-idea why i went off either, thats twice i did that last night, cept in the first time was beeing an arse and started 'fistcuffs' with some one. seriously though, sorry
Jerry Collins

Posted: 7/27/2003 4:19:01 PM     Post subject: peace,sweet peace.  

To the great misguided bee: I think the Scottish poet Robert Burns said"Let us brothers,to our hearts be healed,and in time God's wisdom shall be revealled"..It takes a man of REAL substance to admit his mistakes,learn from them,and to move on with the bussiness of life.Grief is a VERY powerful emotion!and no one my brother is free of it.Time heals so the old proverb goes,but you still have to deal with the pain.My father passed on 2 years ago..I still feel the I have a small inkling of an idea of the sorrow you must have felt...Mouse: thank you for your clear vision and sense of fair play,thank you!....David: It's obvious your'e a bit of a history buff,but F.Y.I. ...The "Glencoe" incident is a VERY,VERY, sensitive issue with folks of Scots-ancestry and modern Scots.(not unlike the holcost is to Jewish people,and slavery to African Americans) it's a bit like going up to an Irish Catholic and saying "You know,That Cromwell fellow wasn't so bad." ( I have ancestors that were BOTH "orange" men and wearers of the "Green")all I have left to say is that I'm glad all this stuff is behind us now,and God willing, we can go on to bigger things ahead.I'm proud of all you guys!Angelpaws for her gentleness,Mitch for his wisdom,Mouse for his clarity,Repomancer for his convictions,and you too Brother Bee for owing up,I'm honoured to be among you!THANK YOU ALL!!!God bless all here,Blessed be!(Jerry)and DA,your'e a bit of a stuffed shirt,but you stick to your convictions,and THAT'S respectable!

Posted: 8/2/2003 7:31:49 PM     Post subject: o.0 you know it strange...  

But so many people online say I am this and that...nobody comes close..

One furry said I was rude and arrogant, another said I was a flamer, first I'd heard of it, I've been told I'm a male pretending to be a female and everything. Does Text really distort my points and arguments that much?


Posted: 8/6/2003 5:47:36 PM     Post subject: Re: i have an unnasked opinion to voice  

I've been doing some reading in to the furry thing, the reason given for this "scritching" is absurd

Most furries agree with you.

"Scritching" is something that came out of the original California segment of the fandom, specifically from the original furry "slan shack" known as The Prancing Skiltaire. "Slan shack" is an ancient SF term referring to a semi-commune of fans of any stripe, and the Skiltaire was that in all senses of the word.

Residents of the Skiltaire came and went, but the owner of the house was always Mark Merlino. Mark, a gay activist, encouraged (and some former residents report he forced) house members to be physically intimate with each other. "Scritching" began as a way for house members to greet each other in an offhand way, similar to walking up and patting someone on the back.

It also became a method by which house members could initiate more intimate contact --- if the "scritchee" reacted favorably to the contact, the scritcher might go on to a neckrub and who knows from there. At each stage, it was expected that the scrtichee would either call off the contact or signal for more. Essentially, it became a sort of foreplay that didn't actually require completion via a sex act.

Problem was, of course, that proponents of scritching took this behavior that was perfectly accepted (and even expected) in their household and applied it to folks they just idly ran across at furry conventions. Specifically, ConFurence, given that most of the population of the Skiltaire at any one time were the constaff. Since CF was for a long time the only furry convention anywhere, this behavior caught on with the more "touchy-feely" attendees.

This is where it all got extremely annoying. By CF 6, buttons were being sold at dealers' tables with such lines as "Scritch Me and I WILL Hurt You" (I have one myself). People for whom scritching wasn't a normal thing or at least analagous to something they were already into (and that was most folks) reacted as though they had been felt up. Which wasn't the intention of most scritchers, of course. They thought they were saying "hi", and their targets thought they were saying "let's go somewhere and fuck!".

Of course, the production of the buttons and other anti-scritching paraphernalia rapidly led to a bunch of for-gods-sake Scritching ACTIVISTS who bitterly complained that anyone who didn't like being scritched was obviously not in touch or comfortable with their sexuality --- which naturally only reinforced the view that scritching was just a way to cop a feel.

So there ya go...them's the facts.