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Say, it's a nutty idea, but....
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Posted: 3/4/2004 6:19:06 AM     Post subject: Say, it's a nutty idea, but....  

Would Jerry and any other folks here who consider themselves "artists" be interested in putting an APA together?
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The New Meat
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Posted: 3/4/2004 7:57:45 AM     Post subject:  

What's APA? Explain, because I am dumb.
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Posted: 3/4/2004 8:18:57 AM     Post subject: o.0  

what on earth is one of those when it's in?
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Posted: 3/4/2004 11:36:27 AM     Post subject:  

What's APA? Explain, because I am dumb.

I presume he means “An Alliance for the Promotion of Artists”


I hope it's not anything to do with SAVEING TEH FANDOM FROM ITSELF

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Posted: 3/4/2004 5:05:20 PM     Post subject:  


It stinks!

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Posted: 3/4/2004 8:05:11 PM     Post subject:  

What's APA? Explain, because I am dumb.

I presume he means “An Alliance for the Promotion of Artists”

Uhm Amateur Press Association

All it is is a bunch of artists/writers get together, and send groups of thier work to a central person who organizes it, puts it all together into one book, makes copies for everyone, and then mails it out to all the members.
Basically its just a group of people sharing thier work.

I think they are pretty cool, but they are usually restricted to the artists in them (unless they are APA-zines)

Heres one called "APA-5"

what on earth is one of those when it's in?

I have no idea what you are asking here
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Posted: 3/4/2004 10:11:31 PM     Post subject:  

Uhm Amateur Press Association

All it is is a bunch of artists/writers get together, and send groups of thier work to a central person who organizes it, puts it all together into one book, makes copies for everyone, and then mails it out to all the members.
Basically its just a group of people sharing thier work.

Yeah, what he said.
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Posted: 3/4/2004 10:15:02 PM     Post subject: Um...  

Basically the same thing The new meat asked, I've never heard of an APA either.

Then again why? I already share my work via Deviantart ;)
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The New Meat
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Posted: 3/4/2004 10:25:26 PM     Post subject: Re: Um...  

Well, it sounds like a nifty idea and all, but don't these things cost money?
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Posted: 3/5/2004 5:16:44 AM     Post subject: Re: Um...  

Well, it sounds like a nifty idea and all, but don't these things cost money?

Judging by the ones Ive seen, it depends on how they are structured
typically, yes.

If you have an APA with say 10 members, sometimes each contributor makes 10 copies of each piece they are submitting, so all the central mailer does is combine them and mail them out. Sometimes you just send one of each page and the central mailer does all the copying themselves.
Either way each member usually has a small account with the central mailer they have to keep around $5 in.

I guess the cost is mainly affected by how many members there are, how many pages each person is supposed to submit, how often the APA goes out, etc. I think most are bi-monthly or quarterly. Sometimes not all members are active at all times. (they still pay for the APA to be mailed to them though)

The only free APA would probably be one that they sell to anyone who wants to buy a copy (APA-Zine). If its popular enough, they might make enough money to continue the APA without the contributors having to pay anything...
I think Chandler's Gallery APA is like that.

Then again why? I already share my work via Deviantart :wink:

If DeviantArt is an APA then it is the worst APA in the history of APAs

D.A. is like an APA with more of everything that can go wrong in an APA...drama, worthless input from other members, etc.
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Posted: 3/5/2004 6:09:50 AM     Post subject:  

Actually I meant, I share my work with pretty much the entire net anyway so an APA wouldn't get anything no-one else has seen :P especially since some of my more rabid fans pounce on me frequently and poke me for preproduction art :P <----don't laugh too much please, I'm still overhaulling it and doing some new color works ;)
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Posted: 3/5/2004 6:29:34 AM     Post subject: Re: Um...  

If you have an APA with say 10 members, sometimes each contributor makes 10 copies of each piece they are submitting, so all the central mailer does is combine them and mail them out. Sometimes you just send one of each page and the central mailer does all the copying themselves.
Either way each member usually has a small account with the central mailer they have to keep around $5 in.

That, as it is with many things, is the rub. Time and money, as it would seem that noone who frequents this lovely little news group has much in the way of either.

It would have to be a labor of love.

I would be very interested to get in the APA groove again, as I did when I was trading zingers with the likes of Scott Malcolmson and Kjartan Arnorsson in the DBU and Bizarre Warz.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 3/5/2004 7:13:16 AM     Post subject: Re: Um...  

I would be very interested to get in the APA groove again, as I did when I was trading zingers with the likes of Scott Malcolmson and Kjartan Arnorsson in the DBU and Bizarre Warz.

A CYD APA featuring one of furry fandom's biggest maroons (Karno)?

Does not compute.

Before anyone asks why, allow me to explain:

-- On a road trip to a CA furry con, Karno was riding in a car that got pulled over by the CHP. Ponch discovers a cache of exposed and fully loaded firearms in the back seat. Mind you, this was a year or so after that infamous shootout between a couple of cops & a couple of white supremists during a "routine traffic stop". When asked about the guns, Karno says "They're for protection". Cops draw their weapons and Badda-Bing! Car gets impounded and Karno winds up being the whitest resident of the Southern California INS detention center, followed by deportation. From what I heard, he's barred from reentering the US now that he's an unregistered alien with a firearms violation. Just the kind of guy today's INS frowns on even moreso in this post-9/11 world.

-- The infamous fight at some con with Shirm where Karno actually bit into the guy. Ever since there have been wisecracks like "Chile Con Karno", "Take a Bite Out Of Shirm", and my favorite, "Marc: The OTHER Other White Meat".
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Posted: 3/5/2004 7:34:07 AM     Post subject:  

I might be interested in participating in an APA :) It sounds like a neat idea... so long as there isn't any dino/horse rape with sheaths stuff.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 3/5/2004 8:01:36 AM     Post subject:  

Yeah, it sounds like it could be fun. I'd be up for that, provided that it would be cheap. And wouldn't require me to do much.

Isn't Karno Icelandic? When did this whole gun-running brouhaha happen anyway? I just ask, cuz I know some folks who work at the US Embassy in Reykjavik and who might remember actually issuing this guy a visa...
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Posted: 3/5/2004 9:25:48 AM     Post subject: Re: Um...  

A CYD APA featuring one of furry fandom's biggest maroons (Karno)?

Does not compute.

I don't think he was suggesting a CYD APA...I think he was just asking artists on this board, since theres quite a few funny-animal-type cartoonists around here.

If he does end up getting one put together, while I couldn't really contribute to the issues themselves, I wouldn't mind putting up cash to subscribe to it.

Also I think I had heard Karno was banned from the U.S. before but didn't know why. Fucking around in a country you are not a citizen of is NOT a smart idea. Me living so close to canada I know more than enough people who have been detained in customs for weeks for what was relatively minor shit.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 3/5/2004 9:46:12 AM     Post subject: Re: Um...  

Also I think I had heard Karno was banned from the U.S. before but didn't know why. Fucking around in a country you are not a citizen of is NOT a smart idea. Me living so close to canada I know more than enough people who have been detained in customs for weeks for what was relatively minor shit.

Oh yeah. So you heard about the time where Steve Martin became an unwilling guest of the Canadian government too, huh? ;)
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Posted: 3/5/2004 12:17:51 PM     Post subject:  

An APA? never been in one, but why not? I'd be happy to donate some monies and a few scribbles.... so long as I get to draw Minerva Mink being tentacle raped ^_^

Okay, I'm kidding about the last part, she doesn't neccesarrily have to be tentacle raped..

This is for the building of a NEA, BTTR FURAE FANDUMB, Right?

A thought, though.. who would act as the central mailer?

Oh, a link, so that my poorly rendered people with animal characteristics may be scrutinized.. (so am I really drawing animorphic humans?)

Cover Thine Eyes! Beyond lies fur.. well, not much, but..

Oh, yeah, Customs sounds evil, glad I've never had to go through them.
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Posted: 3/6/2004 2:17:54 AM     Post subject:  

This APA thing sounds interesting... I dawdle in furry, er, I mean funny animal drawings myself... Haven't got a website and can't be bothered to get one either, so this could be fun... GoManVanGogh, were you just asking out of curiosity, or were you in fact volunteering to do the "central" job?
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Posted: 3/6/2004 8:27:57 AM     Post subject:  

This APA thing sounds interesting... I dawdle in furry, er, I mean funny animal drawings myself... Haven't got a website and can't be bothered to get one either, so this could be fun... GoManVanGogh, were you just asking out of curiosity, or were you in fact volunteering to do the "central" job?

Believe me, I'd TAKE the central job if I were in a position to. But being unemplyed and reduced to living under a parent's roof is hardly advantageous to undertaking an entreprenuerical (is that even a word?) excercise in publishing.


And shut up, Mike.
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Posted: 3/7/2004 9:27:00 AM     Post subject:  

APA? Sounds kinda pointless now that we have an INTARNET; it's too much trouble.

Not very keen on the idea myself, but I'm not about to stop anyone.
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Posted: 3/22/2004 11:28:47 PM     Post subject:  

Lessee now... in my attempt to save some cyberspace I thought instead
of starting a whole new thread, I could just scribble in here, well out of
anyone's way...
And it's about furry magazines so it should fit...

Since there seems to be many unpreviliged furs who have never
had the privelige to see the Skunk magazine and especially
the "Goat goes to france" story, would anyone know where to
direct those who are too poor or lazy to buy enlightement...

The best story in the mag, methinks... =)

I'm sure Michael has the answer as ususal... If so, just post it where the world finds it easilly. =)
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Posted: 3/23/2004 3:17:26 AM     Post subject:  

I think Skunk is still available for sale. I may be wrong, though. I'd scan the stuff and put it on the 'net, but I don't think it's polite even if the stuff is over 10 years old.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 3/23/2004 3:19:18 AM     Post subject:  

I think Skunk is still available for sale. I may be wrong, though. I'd scan the stuff and put it on the 'net, but I don't think it's polite even if the stuff is over 10 years old.

It already is being passed around online (thanks to Sibe's little IRC piracy thingie).
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Posted: 3/23/2004 3:22:26 AM     Post subject:  

I think Skunk is still available for sale. I may be wrong, though. I'd scan the stuff and put it on the 'net, but I don't think it's polite even if the stuff is over 10 years old.

It already is being passed around online (thanks to Sibe's little IRC piracy thingie).

OK, then. If you want to get Skunk, just ask Sibe. :)
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Posted: 3/23/2004 10:03:02 AM     Post subject:  

But isn't he an angry nut? =)
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 3/23/2004 7:21:56 PM     Post subject:  

I think Skunk is still available for sale. I may be wrong, though. I'd scan the stuff and put it on the 'net, but I don't think it's polite even if the stuff is over 10 years old.

It already is being passed around online (thanks to Sibe's little IRC piracy thingie).

OK, then. If you want to get Skunk, just ask Sibe. :)

It's easier than that. Get eMule, do a word search for "furry" and see what happens. For instance,


Haven't downloaded any of it but it is pretty obvious that Sibe was just the beginning.
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Posted: 3/23/2004 7:37:47 PM     Post subject:  

I think Skunk is still available for sale. I may be wrong, though. I'd scan the stuff and put it on the 'net, but I don't think it's polite even if the stuff is over 10 years old.

Yes, it's still available - for the king's ransom of $2.50.
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Posted: 3/23/2004 9:31:23 PM     Post subject:  

Hmm, a group of artists who have a same common interest and perspective. Sounds like the start of a new age. Now we just gotta wait for the Dinosaurs (The Furrey fandumb) to get hit with a pop-culture meteor.

Then we can take over.
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Posted: 3/24/2004 9:38:44 AM     Post subject:  

APA? Sounds kinda pointless now that we have an INTARNET; it's too much trouble.

Not very keen on the idea myself, but I'm not about to stop anyone.

I think people are confusing APA's and Zines

I would agree with you on this, if we were talking about specifically print zines, CYD as it is - is an e-zine.

With regular xeroxed newsletters, fanzines and such, they usually are pretty low quality, but with running something like an e-zine, you can have as colorful layout as you want with no extra expense (other than maybe bandwidth/hosting costs or time spent programming it). Where as just adding color to a print-fanzine would probably double or triple the cost, maybe even more.

e-zines are also more accessable to people (IMO, unless you have some awesome system of distribution and/or the zine is really popular and sought after). All you need to do is a distribute is a web address. I always have a hard time finding this local newspaper because I dont live IN the city, so its easier for me to read it online when I cant get the paper copy. Although I personally always prefer paper.

But anyway an APA is supposed to be a consortium of artists. With a goal of sharing ideas , techniques, getting input on stuff before its used. So a "CYD APA" couldn't really exist...there wouldnt really be any point to it. The only thing CYD about it would be a commonality of its members. I think DA is a good example of an online APA. And well..look at it. They recently banned anime and furry art from being made favorites because of rampant stupidity. Plus all the drama and other stupid shit I've seen on there. Artists posting pics back and forth bitching at each other. If I was a CM any artist sending me something like that would get thier envelope back "RETURN TO SENDER"

I think Skunk is still available for sale. I may be wrong, though. I'd scan the stuff and put it on the 'net, but I don't think it's polite even if the stuff is over 10 years old.

Yes, it's still available - for the king's ransom of $2.50. also carries them @cover if Donna Barr runs out.

It's easier than that. Get eMule,

Is that related to eDonkey/Overnet? that new version or whatever the fuck it is SUCKS. (at least the windows client does..the Linux/unix one it seems is way better)
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Posted: 3/24/2004 11:00:27 AM     Post subject:  

They recently banned anime and furry art from being made favorites because of rampant stupidity. Plus all the drama and other stupid shit I've seen on there.
Oh god, I think I remember some of that - the best one I saw was some sub-par furry picture being the daily favourite, and all the non-furry artists got pissed off over how some crappy no-background pinup was somehow ranked higher than, you know, actual decent artwork. The furries, of course, responded in their typical shrieking manner - because, you know, having a numerical advantage on a particular part of the internet makes you automatically correct in matters of taste. :roll:
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