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Crazy Notions, better notions
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Ole Sparky
Joined: 07 Nov 2003
Posts: 21

Posted: 3/14/2004 9:31:09 PM     Post subject: Crazy Notions, better notions  

Guess what I have been up to!
It is good!
Anyway the Science Channel was running a series called "The Big Picture" It took humanity from homo erectus through four hours to the first paleo native americans.
Now take that four hour production, add an interest in astronomy and astrophysics.
Throw it in the blender and then shake well, and add fox and coyote morphs... But not the helium hooter vixen squads...
KILL! Crush!!! Yiff!!! Destroy!!! Evil sound effects.
Anyhow I was doing a story line set on a planet in the Pleiades, and seeing that segment on the Bering Straight(I know that is spelled wrong, sorry) People was a real treat and help, also some other programs about Eskimo and Inuit religion and beliefs.
And, mind you, I also haunt the NASA and other web pages.
Which has left me a tough choice, Mars is much in the public consciousness, and I have a Mars based story. Again, haunting the NASA web pages, from the Mars reports to the pages on the ion engines and spacecraft.
I am torn. Today Mars is just so handy a possible subject to appeal to people. A story line set a thousand years from now when the terraforming of Mars is approaching culmination definitely has appeal. But then, that alternate story line, set on a planet about a star in the Pleiades, borrowing much from the Beringer and Inuit people also has a certain charm.
If I can just manage to overcome this Furry induced depression about anthropomorphic work.
Oh, and as a sidenote, next saturday I will be busy, contributing time as a March of Dimes volunteer.
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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
Posts: 456

Posted: 3/14/2004 9:39:31 PM     Post subject:  

K. Eric Drexler, Engines of Creation, 1986.

It won't take anything like a millenium to terraform Mars. Odds are short of self-destruction, humanity will have totally colonized the entire solar system with planetside and orbital settlements long long before a millenium. Population might well be over a trillion system wide. Never mind other star systems. Never mind that self-chosen evolution might wipe humanity out solely by nanotech transformation into whatever it is people decide to become.

But then being practically immortal they have time to be so many things.

As to furry induced depression, sounds more like general writer's block or author's apathy.

I simply create in my mind and memorize it all until I find myself ready to put it down in electronic/printed form.

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Ole Sparky
Joined: 07 Nov 2003
Posts: 21

Posted: 3/14/2004 10:47:18 PM     Post subject:  

Now this promises to be a Fun, and enlightening discussion. Grins.
Actually, I was figuring on "How to do terraforming on the cheap!"
Now if you figure lifting out of Earth's gravity well is gonna be really expensive, I was figuring on a society that had first turned to the near Earth asteroids as a source of materials. Which would be neat in a lot of ways, solar energy in a space environment and asteriod mining for a lot of the materials we use everyday. My basic concept of the first mars craft even involved it built in orbit from asteriod materials as much as possible, which puts clarity to the notion of why my Mars dates start around 2150-2200 for the first exploritory craft. I would love to see it earlier, in my own life time, but I would rather see a delay and have it succeed.
And, again, on the cheap, starting with the first primitive lichen around 2200, leading eventually into a prairie grass around 2700.
Oh, and BTW, I had a notion about water on Mars, pure fantasy, and then results came back from Spirit and Opportunity.
Wayd, my jaw almost bounced off the floor. My "Fantasy" had a real possibility of being a reality.
I have just got to get back on that mars story, gotta.
As for terraforming, it will take time, a planet is a big place. And I am writing not only about the actual terraforming itself, but a collection of societies and how they interact and change...
Oh Wolf, you ought to enjoy one of those societies.... The "Rus" or Rusalk. They are wolf morphs, and I borrowed from Russia, 1000 AD, highly civilized. They even have the Rusalk Academy of Science, on Mars the pre-eminent univerity and school of learning. In my story line the Imperial family sets such a high value on learning and intellectual achievement that the Chair of that distingushed University is always a Prince of the Imperial Family. And it is not a sinecure, the Chair is chosen by his, or her contributions to the advancement of knowledge and art.
Picture a world, where even the poorest wolf morph counts himself wealthy by the books he owns.
Picture a Mars, where of all the species, and all the governments, they seek to find those special, few who they can send to the single great University the wolves have created.
And it gets more entertaining. I get into archeology too. Chuckles... one of the charactors in my story line is a Chair of that distingushed body... and, ahem, the commander of their covert combat elite. Ahem... now iff'n you want to ponder about the capabilibites and training of that wolfmorph archeological team... Looks off into the middle distance... no comment. Now just because some of their archeological equipment bears a strange resemblance to a recoiless rifle is just down to your fevered, conspirtal imagining.
Innocent look, but it is a strange story line.
And Otters, and Foxes (helium hootered vixens need not apply) and a host of other species and socities.
Wayd, honest, I have a whole wonderful story line, covering so many years.

K. Eric Drexler, Engines of Creation, 1986.

It won't take anything like a millenium to terraform Mars. Odds are short of self-destruction, humanity will have totally colonized the entire solar system with planetside and orbital settlements long long before a millenium. Population might well be over a trillion system wide. Never mind other star systems. Never mind that self-chosen evolution might wipe humanity out solely by nanotech transformation into whatever it is people decide to become.

you are, I suspect, an optimist. Money talks, and colonising the planets is going to be expensive. First off, outside of Mars, Forget the Jovian moons. The radiation levels are bottom line lethal. Saturn, well. Yeh. whatever.
The asteriods, yes! Certainly! All the possibilities, including the possible wealth for Good Ole Capitalism.
Find, if you can, Poul Anderson's book "Tales of the Flying Mountains".
The asteriods and comets will be the keys for opening the solar system, both for material and energy.

But then being practically immortal they have time to be so many things.

As to furry induced depression, sounds more like general writer's block or author's apathy.

I simply create in my mind and memorize it all until I find myself ready to put it down in electronic/printed form.


Actually, probably a combination of Depression, exhaustion, illness, and writers block.
Wayd, like it or not, after a certain point it becomes hard to write anthro stories when others insist on turning the venue into a forum for their sexual causes or politics. It is the gross out factor, where after more than a decade of trying to write and create something that is more than a crotch fantasy a writer just gets tired.
Give the Furry thing a rest Wayd.
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Wayd Wolf
Joined: 06 Oct 2003
Posts: 456

Posted: 3/15/2004 3:08:11 AM     Post subject:  

I wish you luck with your work. I don't write to satisfy crotch fantasies either and only put sex scene in where they are an integral part of it. Not because I'm a prude, heck no, I collect rare porn clips in my spare time, but because I just don't see a reason for writing anything that isn't a part of the story I'm telling and sex is illustrative of passion, love, just plain lust, but between two or more people so it ties the characters together.

With regard to the science of science-fiction, I do a rapid extrapolation of present technology and tendencies and find it takes a huge amount of suspension of disbelief to do it at all. If you can control inertia and gravity as with a warp field for instance, and command immense energies, you therefore should be able to move planets about as easily as we move stone blocks. Which is why Trek always galls me. Huge technology that in the end takes a back seat to a good old fist fight. In actuality, with their technology, they should be able to re-engineer whole stars. Simple physics governs them and if you can modify that, then you control the thing. In essence, there should be no reason for 99.9% of all Trek stories.

So I don't tend to do a lot of sci-fi. More interplay, story, less sci-fi gadgetry.

Sorcery is easier because you can make it up any way you like and not have to make the thing logically self-justifying.

I'll eventually post some of the work on my website when I get it more together. It's not easy to invent 29,000 years of fictional history and populate it, but between Ma'lak E'Elam and Haradin Zhatack I'll probably find a way.
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