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Gayness and the being thereof
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Posted: 4/1/2004 3:52:49 AM     Post subject: Gayness and the being thereof  

Of course, the obvious definition of homosexuality is being attracted to someone of the same sex. But where is the line drawn?

Even as a man, I can tell when other men are attractive. Like Sean Connery, even though he's a fossil, he's got something going on. Till from Rammstein, too, even though he's what, 41? Ben Affleck, etc. I do not, however, love or even like the cock, unless it's my own. I like women. But am I gay for recognizing that other men can be attractive? (Answer: no). However, if you even mention such a thing among my peers, and they would likely force you into a dress and paint a purple triangle on your head.

Even inanimate objects or concepts can be gay. The ten-page history 101 essay? That's so gay, dude, etc. O-kay. So suddenly essays are sexually attracted to other essays, either that or brightly colored.

Do you out there in CYD-land refuse to recognize the power of other men to attract women for fear of deridement? Do you feel I'm t3h GaY for feeling this way?

Addendum: I also object to one term used to describe homosexuality: queer. Not because it's offensive (is it?), but because it's a damn good word and it was spoiled. Now we have to say odd, because queer means gay, but queer rolls of the tongue so nicely
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Posted: 4/1/2004 4:54:36 AM     Post subject:  

"Gay", as you most likely realize, is also used as a general slur to smear your character. That's how it's being used in several of your examples above - "That test was gay". Now, surely you aren't assuming that that test is attracted to tests of the same (neutral, be it) gender, but merely that someone was attempting to belittle the concept of the test.

Queer used to mean "peculiar", and Gay used to mean "happy". I fail to agree that either word was spoiled, per-se, as english if of it's own volition a queer smear of other languages. :wink:
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Posted: 4/1/2004 5:28:32 AM     Post subject:  

Gay (Or Ghey to the MMORPG/AOHeller speaking idiots) is pretty much used in the realm of 12 year old fat kids. Enough said.

If someone is in a debate with you, and they use it, they aren't exactly mature.

Same when you make a post and they say "OMG u teh ghey", usually they have a e-mail, and generally are 12 year old idiots.

Gay has no meaning online anymore, except as a schoolyard-level trolling.
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Posted: 4/1/2004 8:10:09 AM     Post subject:  

On the whole masculinity questioning this topic asks about, the best response I can give is a quote from comedian Ron White...

"I have a friend who's a homophobic. Didn't you think they were all gone or dead or something?..... It's silly to be homophobic, because we're ALL gay. It's just a question of how much. I tell my friend this, and he says 'no way, I ain't queer at all'...
'Okay, lemme give you an example. You like porn?'
'Yeah I like porn, you know that!'
'Do you just like to watch porn with two women?'
'Naw, I like to watch a man and woman make love'
'Alright, do you like the guy to be sporting a little limp, flacid penis?'
'No, I like big, strong cocks in my porn!........I did not know that about myself!'"
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Posted: 4/1/2004 10:40:41 AM     Post subject:  

My favourite quote:

If homosexuality is a disease, lets all call in Queer to work.

No but seriously I don't know about anyone else but as a female I can appreciate another womans attractiveness, doesn't mean I want to sleep with her though.
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Posted: 4/1/2004 11:42:14 AM     Post subject:  

... I don't know about anyone else but as a female I can appreciate another womans attractiveness, doesn't mean I want to sleep with her though.

If you just happened to do that, it seems to be the epitomy of the new age of heterosexual man; seeing two women having sex. Queer- er, Odd, isn't it? ;)
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Posted: 4/1/2004 1:43:26 PM     Post subject:  

On the whole masculinity questioning this topic asks about, the best response I can give is a quote from comedian Ron White...

"I have a friend who's a homophobic. Didn't you think they were all gone or dead or something?..... It's silly to be homophobic, because we're ALL gay. It's just a question of how much. I tell my friend this, and he says 'no way, I ain't queer at all'...
'Okay, lemme give you an example. You like porn?'
'Yeah I like porn, you know that!'
'Do you just like to watch porn with two women?'
'Naw, I like to watch a man and woman make love'
'Alright, do you like the guy to be sporting a little limp, flacid penis?'
'No, I like big, strong cocks in my porn!........I did not know that about myself!'"

yeah, thats my theory. We're all bisexual, just a question of how much.
It just seems that you're not bi enough to actually go past seeing another man as just attractive. Most people are probably straight because we find the opposite gender to ourselves more intriguing and further from ourselves in terms of biology, hormones and genitals.
I think girls are more attractive than guys but im much more sexually attracted to guys for some unknown reason.

i think people who get offended by people calling tests etc 'gay' should lighten up, its just slang now.

My boyfriend is a HUGE homophobic guy-lesbian lover though. hmmm.
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Posted: 4/1/2004 2:19:28 PM     Post subject:  

i think people who get offended by people calling tests etc 'gay' should lighten up, its just slang now.

Quote of the fucking decade. I have to deal with over-sensitive fuckwads daily that get upity over everything, especially that.

"It's raining cats and dogs!"
"Oh my god, my friend was attacked by a pitbull, could you not go there?! You are so insensitive to other people's feelings!"

Shit like that.
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Posted: 4/1/2004 2:35:34 PM     Post subject:  

We could all learn from South Park!

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Posted: 4/1/2004 6:36:04 PM     Post subject:  

I'm also of the opinion that everyone is pretty much bisexual... just a question of to what degree. I think that's one reason some people, guys especially, that are homophobic react so strongly when someone does something that could even be remotely construed as hitting on them. There's this little voice in the back of their mind that, for a split second, says "Hmm... I wonder what'd be like." Then they go nuts because they're trying to quell that little threatening voice.

A lot of people are naturally curious, I think, but they simply never act on those curiosities. I'm one of those. I mean, cocks are pretty damn fun things. At least, I like mine. And there's the natural curiosity what messin' around with someone else's would be like. But, the curiosity was never strong enough for me to act on it. Aside from the fact that no one wants to be an "experiment," there are too many dangers associated with trying to hook up with someone for the simple sake of sating physical curiosity.

This may be one reason there are so many "gay" furs online... cybersex offers them a way to dabble in those curiosities without the dangers of hooking up with a total stranger IRL.

I can look at guys and consider them attractive and I don't really consider it a "gay" thing. As someone with an artistic bent, I'm used to looking at people of either gender and assessing their physical attributes.... not just as simplistically as "Whoa.. check out her melons!" but looking at their figure overall.. their dimensions, their proportions, their bearing and posture, etc. It's more looking at the total package than just ogling the goodies. So, I figure I can assess the attractiveness of someone of either gender from a more objective standpoint than who I'd like to get into bed. Not to say I don't sometimes see a guy and think "Man, if I was gay, I'd sooooo do him."

Combine that with the fact that I hate most traditionally "male" activities, like boozing and sports, and that I love to cook and have a better sense of fashion and interior design than my wife, and you have a situation where I like to describe myself as "The gayest straight man alive." The funny thing is my brother is gay. I get hit on a lot by gay guys, and I always find it flattering. Hell.. I'm flattered that anything with a pulse finds me attractive enough to flirt with me.

It always amuses me how many homophobes that are total chick repellants think every gay man alive is out to coax them into bed. They say stuff like "I'm okay with gays.... as long as they don't try to marry me! Then I'll punch them!" First of all, obviously such comments show a LOT of insecurity, as it's highly unlikely these sitations homophobes theorize might happen if they were locked in a room with a gay guy would occur, except maybe if your roommate is doing 5-10 for armed assault and you're the fresh new face on the prison block. Second of all, I dare say a lot of truly gay guys have a narrower set of standards they're going to judge a guy by than women.

So, as I often suggest, "If you're a homophobe in a room with 10 women and 10 gay guys. You don't have 10 women that won't give you the time of day and 10 men that want your body... you have 20 people that want to have nothing to do with you."

One thing people don't understand about homosexuals is how genuinely gay people are in it mind, body, and soul. A lot of people who oppose homosexuality see only as far as the sexual acts. But, for one man to be genuinely attracted to another means that you have to be attracted to more than their appearance. You have attracted to their personality, their ideals, their sense of humor, etc. In short, for one man to really fall for another man, he has to like ALL of the things a straight man would like about a woman.

Being gay is a lot more than just liking cocks.

And that's one reason I know I could never have been in a gay relationship. I'm naturally curious about the act of gay sex, but men overall are just not attractive to me. They're hairy, sweaty, and shaped funny. They have none of the pleasant curves of a woman, or the fun soft bits. They don't have those personality traits I love in women, unless they're raging queens.. and then they're just annoying. So, while I can find a man attractive, I know it's not a gay thing, because there's just no way I could love a man.

But for one man to love all of that stuff about another man... IMO, that's just not something that someone "chooses" to do, as the homophobes accuse them of. Sure, some guys might "try it on for size" (no pun intended).... there are women that definitely do that. Ever heard of LUGs? Lesbians Until Graduation.... the sorority chicks that dabble with each other for a while, then start their man-hunt in earnest after college. I'm sure some guys experiment, too... swinging to one side of the spectrum then the other.

In our still largely homophobic society, though, simply being comfortable with such thoughts is the kind of thing the 'phobes will harp on you for. To label you as "gay" simply because your thoughts don't jive with those of the people you are around shows they haven't evolved much beyond grade school.

On the topic of bastardized words, I heard a caller on the Dr. Laura show once get pissy because Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street used the word "kinky." Apparetnly, Ernie was playing make-believe on the telephone... talking to an imaginary caller. He convinced Bert it was fun, and so the old stickler gave it a try. As he started having fun, he said "Hey, this is kind of kinky."

What the caller didn't realize, apparently, is that "kinky" is not an exclusively sexual term. "Kinky" basically means "different." So, a make believe phone call was "kinky" in that it was different than what Bert was used to. It wasn't kinky sex, it was just kinky. If I tried to ried a unicycle, that'd be kinky.

I know the whole Bert and Ernie thing is loaded with potential gay humor.. and it wouldn't surprise me if the person that devised that scene was trying to put as many off-color references in as possible (the phone thing being kind of like phone sex). Still, you gotta have a little perspective on the whole use of "kinky."
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Posted: 4/2/2004 12:51:10 AM     Post subject:  

Personally, I don't think we're all bisexual. Perhaps people who happen to be bisexual may think others are bisexual... but I doubt it goes far beyond that. Nothing against bi people mind you, just my two cents.

That said, I think problem arises is when folks call compassion a feminine trait, and the love of sports a masculine trait etc. A girl who likes sports, and a boy who's compassionate fly in the face of these stereotypes... and yet have no connection (in my experience) to homosexual tendencies. Some call this an issue of "gender"... but gender stereotypes have much to do with social construct if you ask me, and conformity is due to social pressures not inborn dispositions... unlike sexuality which seems to be determined by genetics.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 4/2/2004 3:43:30 AM     Post subject:  

Personally, I don't think we're all bisexual. Perhaps people who happen to be bisexual may think others are bisexual... but I doubt it goes far beyond that. Nothing against bi people mind you, just my two cents.

You ever see that part of a tv program or movie when it happens where they'll reference the concept of two guys stroking together and trying out a little fooling around when they're teens, over some porn mags? Very common thing, much more than anyone ever admits. I've known a fair number of virulently anti-homosexual people who when pressed down and their guard was down, admitted to similar. Most of the boys I grew up with blew someone at least once before graduation. The girls' speaking of fooling around at slumber parties where little slumbering gets done are fairly common too.

Most men and women, when the mood for sexual fun is on them, will under the right circumstances, do it with the same sex. In fact, men you'd never think of as going that way often give better head and women you'd never guess to munch rug do a better job then you'd ever imagine quite often. When it comes down to it, it's a matter of pleasure and humans love their pleasures.
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Posted: 4/2/2004 6:05:21 AM     Post subject:  

Talking about gayness, and intellectualizing it is totally gay.
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Posted: 4/2/2004 7:07:18 AM     Post subject:  

Actually scientists have proved that humans are bi-sexual through and through, just most people lean more heavily one way or the other.

They found the gene for Sexual programming :P plus they now know how to make a fetus gay, so useful? :roll:
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Posted: 4/2/2004 8:55:16 AM     Post subject: *CRIES*  

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Posted: 4/2/2004 2:45:43 PM     Post subject:  

We're not literally all gay or bi or anything. Noticing the attractiveness of one of the same sex is usually considered a gay thing by most. So if you can notice the good looks of someone of the same sex, or, say, like big, strong, hard cocks in your porn, that's known as "being a little gay", but technically, it's not, it's just normal.
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Posted: 4/2/2004 5:01:33 PM     Post subject: Re: Gayness and the being thereof  

Of course, the obvious definition of homosexuality is being attracted to someone of the same sex. But where is the line drawn?

Even as a man, I can tell when other men are attractive. Like Sean Connery, even though he's a fossil, he's got something going on. Till from Rammstein, too, even though he's what, 41? Ben Affleck, etc. I do not, however, love or even like the cock, unless it's my own. I like women. But am I gay for recognizing that other men can be attractive? (Answer: no). However, if you even mention such a thing among my peers, and they would likely force you into a dress and paint a purple triangle on your head.

Even inanimate objects or concepts can be gay. The ten-page history 101 essay? That's so gay, dude, etc. O-kay. So suddenly essays are sexually attracted to other essays, either that or brightly colored.

Do you out there in CYD-land refuse to recognize the power of other men to attract women for fear of deridement? Do you feel I'm t3h GaY for feeling this way?

Addendum: I also object to one term used to describe homosexuality: queer. Not because it's offensive (is it?), but because it's a damn good word and it was spoiled. Now we have to say odd, because queer means gay, but queer rolls of the tongue so nicely

Well, I dont find other men 'attracting', Im not 'attracted' to men, but, I do notice if men are good-looking.. Its probably normal, if its not, I dont want to hear about it :P
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Posted: 4/2/2004 5:48:51 PM     Post subject:  

I'm thinking he was using "attractive" as basically interchangable with "good-looking." "Attractive," though, might be good-looking with just the right amount of je ne se quois.
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