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Renting space in people’s heads
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Posted: 4/22/2004 11:20:40 AM     Post subject: Renting space in people’s heads  


Okay, these guys don't even give you the chance to think for yourself. Obviously the way they talk about everything just screams "We're right, and you're wrong!" Much like Maddox's policy, except Maddox isn't a fucking dick to anyone who has a fucking brain. These kids are fucking morons. They obsess about the fact that everyone supposedly is in the fandom for the sex and have an entire ARCHIVE of nasty furry sex pictures from VCL and other assorted pictures they happen to find "stupid". I don't have a problem with them making fun of Doug Winger or any other smut artist, but what about these other people who haven't done anything wrong? You know, maybe in their sick twisted little fucked up world they think they're doing people a great favor, but they forgot one thing: the only people who give a shit are the ones who found out they're being insulted. One picture on there wasn't half bad, the only reason those cocksuckers ripped on it was the person who made a "God Bless America" picture after 9/11. Wow! That's AWFULY fucking rude of them! That REALLY makes me want to continue to read their stupid goddamn website. And guess what! Gays too! And not just gay sex either, two gay guys just hugging each other and they're all like "What a bunch of faggots!" Basicly, in short, they're trying to be for furries. And apparently they've taken up great hate against anyone remotely related to Eric Schwartz. They have an entire section of their site devoted to not only hating Eric but hating all of his fans and his friends including Jay Naylor. If you're actualy a fan of Eric's work and his friends, reading these post will probably make you piss yourself laughing because the only thing they can say about Eric is he uses Zig Zag in his comic. THAT'S IT. That's their entire arguement. Zig Zag. Zig Zag works in a porn studio and there a millions of smut pics of her. Obviously, then, according to CYD, Sabrina is a smut filled comic. I'd like to let everyone know that in case you've never read Sabrina, you never even see one tit much less anything else. The hottest Sabrina gets is when they kiss and I think even that gets shillouted most of the time. Now, the one thing about CYD is the news stories: They're not half bad. In fact, if a good portion of the fandom would read just one of them (Furry jokes in comics and how people always get bent out of shape about them and cause even MORE problems for themselves and the fandom) I'm pretty sure we'd have a much better place. (By the way, PVP Onlines furry comics were funny as shit. :P) The thing is, all they ever do is insult their own fandom by pretty much saying "We're all a bunch of winers who jerk off to animal porn!" which is a few words off from SA's "Furries are a bunch of winers who jerk off to animal porn!" They continue to just take shots at the fandom. I bet their not even furries, they're just trying to piss people like me off.

And I bet once they get a load of 2, they'll be gunning for him too. Simply because he's gay.
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Posted: 4/22/2004 12:36:32 PM     Post subject: Re: Renting space in people’s heads  

And I bet once they get a load of 2, they'll be gunning for him too. Simply because he's gay.
Actually, we're gunning for him because he has all the redeeming qualities and vocal mannerisms of Nerdshoe, except 2 manages to be obnoxious without actually trying.
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Posted: 4/22/2004 4:15:28 PM     Post subject:  

uhhh... uh huh huh... words...

I'm not reading this.
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Posted: 4/22/2004 4:23:43 PM     Post subject:  

I love how furries go apeshit anytime someone says something remotely bad about furrydom. I think the real difference between an "ex-furry who still likes anthros" and a genuine furry is the ex-furries are better able to hear a generalization made about furries and know it doesn't apply to them.

Average Joe: "Furries are skunkfuckers!"

Furry: "NUH UH! I'm not! All the furs I know aren't! You're just a sad, pathetic loser with nothing better to do than hate on us because we're different!"

ex-furry morph fan: "Well, I know I'm not, so the guy's obviously not talking about me. Doo dee doo dee doo....."

It often seems the people that bitch the most about a stereotype, or are the most vocal about being offended by it, are the people that fit the stereotype the most.

"Those that are offended by this.... deserve to be."
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Posted: 4/23/2004 2:52:19 AM     Post subject: Re: Renting space in people's heads  

And I bet once they get a load of 2, they'll be gunning for him too. Simply because he's gay.
Actually, we're gunning for him because he has all the redeeming qualities and vocal mannerisms of Nerdshoe, except 2 manages to be obnoxious without actually trying.

That, and fragmaster isn't a beliggerant fucking retard. 2 is like a filtered FrederykFox without the Funny. Fredrek would probably be a wonderfully funny person to be around, and with a bit of lithium, tolerable. 2 is just a wannabe liberal who spouts off his retardation at anyone within earshot - which is, of course a wonderful furry trait.
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Posted: 4/23/2004 4:44:02 AM     Post subject:  

<...> And guess what! Gays too! And not just gay sex either, two gay guys just hugging each other and they're all like "What a bunch of faggots!"


I don't have a problem with them making fun of Doug Winger or any other smut artist, but what about these other people who haven't done anything wrong? You know, maybe in their sick twisted little fucked up world they think they're doing people a great favor, but they forgot one thing: the only people who give a shit are the ones who found out they're being insulted.

I don't have a problem with doug winger..I dont look at his art. When I do I always think, "Hey! thats pretty good, its just too bad there is a gigantic cock obscuring most of the image". I don't tell people what to do..I just think he would be better off drawing something else. He obviously has a sense of humor, why not some funny comics or something more people could enjoy. Furry dickgirls with ridiculously exaggerated sexual organs is a pretty specific crowd, and very definately not my thing

Also, I checked out that thread and I noticed that Calbeck still has not shut the fuck up about that 'Minerva wedding' article...
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Posted: 4/23/2004 6:23:39 AM     Post subject: Re: Renting space in people’s heads  

But I like 2. Hell, gotten drunk with him a couple times. Funny as hell.
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Posted: 4/23/2004 8:04:56 AM     Post subject:  

2 griffen likes to have plush-sex while watching this moose (from Pawpets?) because, "he thinks the accent is sexy"
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Posted: 4/23/2004 8:09:57 AM     Post subject: Re: Renting space in people's heads  

2 is just a wannabe liberal who spouts off his retardation at anyone within earshot - which is, of course a wonderful furry trait.

No, the stuff he spouts is just reactionary in character.

Not even worth a listen or any further attention.

Reading about the Stuarts is far more worthwhile and OMG, did you know that about 37,000 out of 210,000 people living in London died from the plague when James the first of England first took the throne in 1603?

In about 4 months 17 percent of the population of London died of bubonic plague.

Now that’s scary.
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Posted: 4/23/2004 10:00:22 AM     Post subject: Re: Renting space in people's heads  

In about 4 months 17 percent of the population of London died of bubonic plague.

Now that’s scary.

Is it bad I just got a stiffy reading that?

Honestly, sounds like a good start. I'm one of those idiots that thinks the human population of the world should be hunted like deer and wolves when the population gets too high.
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Posted: 4/23/2004 4:15:27 PM     Post subject:  

I'm more in favor of forced sterilization based on IQ, income projections, proximity to trailer parks, how many Jeff Foxworthy jokes accurately describe you, and how many Budweiser garments you own.
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Posted: 4/23/2004 8:15:26 PM     Post subject:  

I dropped my book on 1603 and the succession of James the first of England into the bath when I was reading it in the bath and now it’s expanded to twice it’s original size and I need to grow bugger hands to read it. :o(
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Posted: 4/23/2004 9:12:55 PM     Post subject:  

I dropped my book on 1603 and the succession of James the first of England into the bath when I was reading it in the bath and now it’s expanded to twice it’s original size and I need to grow bugger hands to read it. :o(

You know, every time you bugger hands, God kills a kitten.
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Posted: 4/24/2004 12:53:35 AM     Post subject:  

I dropped my book on 1603 and the succession of James the first of England into the bath when I was reading it in the bath and now it’s expanded to twice it’s original size and I need to grow bugger hands to read it. :o(

You know, every time you bugger hands, God kills a kitten.

Holy crap. I hope sometime in the future Fark catchphrases are bannable (or warrant a warning of a ban.)
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 4/24/2004 1:57:31 AM     Post subject:  

I'm more in favor of forced sterilization based on IQ, income projections, proximity to trailer parks, how many Jeff Foxworthy jokes accurately describe you, and how many Budweiser garments you own.

Speaking as someone at the top of the food chain, I hope you're just kidding because this is the sort of elitist crap that furries spout. Jeremy Rifkin, Paul Erlich, etc., are bad enough company to be in but now you're in with like 80% of furry.

The poorest and least among us have as much right as anyone else to be in the world. Those who have the least are those who forget that despite the illusions of civilized life, the world is still a place of the law of the jungle and if you piss of the superior predator, you are prey. Elitists are usually those very people.
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Posted: 4/24/2004 7:14:58 AM     Post subject:  

The poorest and least among us have as much right as anyone else to be in the world. Those who have the least are those who forget that despite the illusions of civilized life, the world is still a place of the law of the jungle and if you piss of the superior predator, you are prey. Elitists are usually those very people.

In before someone makes a piss poor lion king analogy or whiny liberal bleeding heart diatribe... Oh, damn.

You are partially correct, yes. We can not change what we are given, but as we go, we can take these tools and build ourselves as we are. As a case, I was born premature with several longstanding issues (yay, me!) I ended up getting into computers, because for all intents, I can't even write - my fine motor skills are significantly worse than a hummingbird that has done three speedballs. I learned computers, expanded my knowledge, and chose to move out of bumblefuck. I moved to the big city, made myself, and, well, find myself now drawn home.

Be proud to be who you are, but don't be standoffish because someone pokes fun at you. Fuck 'em, and fuck you if you can't laugh at yourself.
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Posted: 4/26/2004 2:46:19 PM     Post subject:  

We've got another characteristic of 80% of the furries going on here.. blowing things way out of proportion... not to mention the predator and prey analogies. Nice touch. I'm sure Mowgli and his noble four-footed clan will come teach me a lesson one of these days if I ever start taking my own jokes seriously.

Let me just get this out of the way.. SHEEEEEEEEEESH.

Okay, that being said, of course I wasn't serious. Forced sterilization would be the kind of stuff of THX 1138. It was a jo- Ah say- it was a joke, son. Nice boy, but about as sharp as a bowlin' ball.

Creature's joke about hunting folks down for population control made me think of the kind of folks I see a lot of here in the midwest... the kind that seem to reproduce the most, but have the least interest in providing their 6 or 7 kids with a quality upbringing. You know the kind... they spew about how Harry Potter and gays are against "family values" and then go home and demostrate that family values means neglecting your wife and kids except to maybe stop to smack them around a little. So, I followed with my own little joke.

Now, sing along with me here, kiddies..... in the circle of liiiiiiiiiffffeeeee
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Posted: 4/26/2004 4:45:54 PM     Post subject:  

Okay hay wait wait

What does it mean, then, when this same guy is posting over on eatallfurries and going 'heyyyyy guys, yeah you guys are cool and btw I'm a furry but not one of those furries oh no'

What's the difference between here and there? What are they doing that you're not, that's winning over Skunkboy Kyle's discriminating tastes? Help I am confused
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Posted: 4/26/2004 6:29:45 PM     Post subject:  

Okay hay wait wait

What does it mean, then, when this same guy is posting over on eatallfurries and going 'heyyyyy guys, yeah you guys are cool and btw I'm a furry but not one of those furries oh no'

What's the difference between here and there? What are they doing that you're not, that's winning over Skunkboy Kyle's discriminating tastes? Help I am confused

Well, that "Furry Army of Doom" post was over two months back, and people can change in two months. Or maybe he's just trolling Eat All Furries.
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Posted: 4/26/2004 9:00:35 PM     Post subject:  

Well, that "Furry Army of Doom" post was over two months back, and people can change in two months. Or maybe he's just trolling Eat All Furries.

Or maybe..its a SkunkboyKyle imposter
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Posted: 4/26/2004 9:50:52 PM     Post subject:  

Huh? It sounds like this Skunkboy Kyle is somebody one is supposed to know who is?
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Gene Ternruh
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Posted: 4/26/2004 11:00:52 PM     Post subject:  

Skunkboy Kyle is the person who wrote the rant at the beginning of this thread. He has since fallen out with the furry fandom for some reason, and has joined Eat All Furries in order to vent his woes about the fandom, how people see it, and how somone apparently hit on him online. Unfortunately for him, he's kind of annoying; and is seen as some combination of laughingstock and whipping boy by most of the Eat All Furries membership.
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