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Internet tough guy.
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Posted: 5/30/2004 6:45:36 PM     Post subject: Internet tough guy.  

Well, I was browsing though Fredryk Phox's website when I came across to a livejournal link that's just a goldmine of comedy. It's seems one Mr. 'Khyber Kitsune' overlooked the fact that they live, very, very close and decided to threaten the wrong person. Who was obviously joking.

From reading both of their profiles on the site, they both live in Memphis. Which would mean, for possibly the first time ever: Someone may get their ass handed to them for mouthing off on the internet. I couldn't help but grin the whole time I was reading. This kitsune guy is probably scared shitless.

I'm amused. Also note that there is absolutely no one taking his side.
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Posted: 5/30/2004 7:26:14 PM     Post subject:  

I dunno, I think they are both full of shit and just talking themselves up

When I was growing up of the hundreds and hundreds of planned fights I heard about, I think maybe ONE of them actually happened...meanwhile the 50+ fights I was actually around, happened spontaneously without any warning at all. A skirmish almost broke out at a pool table last night, and we were practically friends with the guys.

Khyber or whatever his name is, probably IS shitting his pants, but I doubt anything wil happen anyway.

Im afraid of real misanthropes, the guys walking around looking for any reason at all to kick someone's ass, not talking big.
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Posted: 5/30/2004 8:33:24 PM     Post subject:  

Meh. A pittance upon the web. I miss good old fashioned USENET flamewars - they used to be grand! You could feel the seething tesosterone over the wires, all the way down into rec.cats.yiffy-fuck.


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Posted: 5/30/2004 8:39:45 PM     Post subject:  

I dunno, I think they are both full of shit and just talking themselves up

When I was growing up of the hundreds and hundreds of planned fights I heard about, I think maybe ONE of them actually happened...meanwhile the 50+ fights I was actually around, happened spontaneously without any warning at all. A skirmish almost broke out at a pool table last night, and we were practically friends with the guys.

Khyber or whatever his name is, probably IS shitting his pants, but I doubt anything wil happen anyway.

Im afraid of real misanthropes, the guys walking around looking for any reason at all to kick someone's ass, not talking big.

It’s drunk young men that I fear most.

I know someone who had one of their students stabbed to death by a gang of drunk young men.

The person was just walking home late at night with a friend, and suddenly this gang of drunk young men, feeling macho and all that, just descended upon them and attacked em’. One of the persons they attacked got stabbed, the drunk men ran off and there was no mobile phone and the person died before aid came.
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Posted: 5/31/2004 4:42:02 AM     Post subject:  

The raging faggotry has overflowed onto Eat All Furries.
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Posted: 5/31/2004 6:29:53 AM     Post subject:  

The raging faggotry has overflowed onto Eat All Furries.

eh, I dunno how I should even be reading this serious is this guy? serious enough to be placing prank calls apparently... outside of the whole furry thing, this sort of shit is just too much of a pet peeve for me.

everybody wants to wag thier big dick around....right until its go time, then people get real quiet. its kinda sad. its like for every one guy that talks himself up as a real "asskicker", there are 50 more that can actually deliver and will never say a word.

You don't ask someone to fight, and then shit talk them when they refuse...all that says to me is the guy is too much of a fucking pussy to start a fight to begin with and is gambling the other guy wont do anything. Either start throwing punches or shut the fuck up....god
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Posted: 5/31/2004 9:47:12 AM     Post subject:  

Who cares what two internet fags talk about
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 5/31/2004 3:39:26 PM     Post subject:  


One gets the feeling that so few people these days understand the inevitable denoument of all this sort of thing.

Those of us who do just sit back, and in our best Willie Wonka voice go, "No, wait, stop, don't..." and shake our heads.

Why do so many in the goth/furry/sci-fi/fantasy/LARP/RPG/etc. world think they're so tough?
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Posted: 5/31/2004 4:09:53 PM     Post subject:  

Why do so many in the goth/furry/sci-fi/fantasy/LARP/RPG/etc. world think they're so tough?
Some LARPers are fairly fit - provided the LARP in question isn't one of the highly prolific white wolf gothfests.
Then again, the larpers in question tend to be civil war reenactment buffs who show up to teach the pasty roleplayers a thing or two about what it is to be bastard 'ard.
And I'm talking the War of the Roses, which means plate mail and halberds along with all the other INCREDIBLY FUCKING HEAVY shit they lug around without breaking a sweat...
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Posted: 5/31/2004 6:57:28 PM     Post subject:  

And I'm talking the War of the Roses, which means plate mail and halberds along with all the other INCREDIBLY FUCKING HEAVY shit they lug around without breaking a sweat...

Huh, there is War of the Roses re-enactors? They have the civil war thing like that here, with teh union and confederate soldiers. I take it the medieval re-enactment is more of UK thing? The closest they have to stufflike that here is like renneisance (sp? ah fuck it) fairs, or that medieval "disneyland" they have up in Toronto, Canada. Where you go there for dinner in this castle settting and they have jousting matches and whatnot
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Posted: 5/31/2004 7:04:29 PM     Post subject:  

I think the problem is too many video games, action movies, TV shows or whatever.

In my opinion, people see these fight sequences and think that fighting is easy. They have no real idea how much it *hurts* to get punched or kicked, they have no idea how terribly guilty it can make a person feel to hit someone and see that you really hurt them. They think it's all fun and glory, no one ever gets hurt and the good guy (which they will always see themsevles as) always wins and never really gets any more then a black eye or bloody nose or something.

Real life voilence is a terrible thing, and I think that once most people realise the other guy is honestly serious about hitting them and realise just how badly they could get hurt and all over a flame or two online, they back down because they realise how insane it is to risk serious injury over a petty argument.
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Posted: 5/31/2004 8:11:30 PM     Post subject:  

I think the problem is too many video games, action movies, TV shows or whatever.

In my opinion, people see these fight sequences and think that fighting is easy. They have no real idea how much it *hurts* to get punched or kicked, they have no idea how terribly guilty it can make a person feel to hit someone and see that you really hurt them. They think it's all fun and glory, no one ever gets hurt and the good guy (which they will always see themsevles as) always wins and never really gets any more then a black eye or bloody nose or something.

Real life voilence is a terrible thing, and I think that once most people realise the other guy is honestly serious about hitting them and realise just how badly they could get hurt and all over a flame or two online, they back down because they realise how insane it is to risk serious injury over a petty argument.

I agree with most of this, and would like to add one thing to that list: anime. Not only are kids thinking that fighting is fun and easy and a family activity, they also think that they are demons and demon hunters and have super saiyan powers and think that katanas are SOOOOOO KEWL OMG I WANT FIFTEEN OF EACH KIND and they sit by a road for three hours trying to make a spirit bomb but end up crapping their pants.

Shut the fuck up Japan, we don't want the steamy shit spewing out of your cultural ass, thanks.
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Posted: 6/1/2004 12:03:13 AM     Post subject:  

I take it the medieval re-enactment is more of UK thing? The closest they have to stufflike that here is like renneisance (sp? ah fuck it) fairs, or that medieval "disneyland" they have up in Toronto, Canada.
Yup, pretty much. The difference is that, once again, the honest-to-god historical buffs take a big steamy dump on the chests of the ren fair people. "Forsooth", my arse.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 6/1/2004 4:53:43 AM     Post subject:  

And I'm talking the War of the Roses, which means plate mail and halberds along with all the other INCREDIBLY FUCKING HEAVY shit they lug around without breaking a sweat...

Huh, there is War of the Roses re-enactors? They have the civil war thing like that here, with teh union and confederate soldiers. I take it the medieval re-enactment is more of UK thing? The closest they have to stufflike that here is like renneisance (sp? ah fuck it) fairs, or that medieval "disneyland" they have up in Toronto, Canada. Where you go there for dinner in this castle settting and they have jousting matches and whatnot

One sketch I remember from the hilarious "Mr. Show with Bob and David" had done as a sort of PBS Civil War miniseries, but done from the POV of a civil War re-enactor as he makes his car trip down to where they are holding the event, with readings of letters back home and all.

At the site, the civil war actors were having a hissy-fit with some renfaire types who were claiming that THEY had reserved the rights to the park that weekend, and there were even a couple of Star Trek fanboys in costume nearby (who were there to pretend that they were Starfleet officers who went back in time).

God, just thinking about it all still makes me chuckle.
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21st Century Digital Boy
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Posted: 7/30/2004 3:34:55 PM     Post subject:  

UPDATE: now with video!

Sadly, no furry ass-whuping in the video like I had hoped, but entertaining nonetheless.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 7/30/2004 4:06:49 PM     Post subject:  

Why do so many in the goth/furry/sci-fi/fantasy/LARP/RPG/etc. world think they're so tough?

Fingerless gloves? That, or the gay ass wolf avatars have finaly gone to their heads (note that I'm joking... don't make me kick your ass).

I've located maybe three furries in my city, one being a not-too-unattractive girl, and the other two living together/close friends who're into extra creepy fursuiting (I just wish I had their site still bookmarked, the pics were horrifying). The two freaks I'd walk away from if I saw them in real life, but the girl seemed pretty normal. I'd be afraid she'd think I was a stalker or something :roll:
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Posted: 7/30/2004 6:40:32 PM     Post subject:  

It's the whole cutting-themselves thing. One of the reasons for self-mutilation or self-injurious behavior is to project a tough-guy image. In reality, it could be viewed as a wussy-guy image, because 1. these people are projecting that the only way they know how to deal with emotional pain is to cause physical pain, and 2. injury releases beta-endorphins, which not only help relieve the pain, but also act as a drug, causing a not-entirely-unpleasant buzz. This, mild shock, and loss of blood are what cause the light-headed feeling associated with serious injuries such as accidental amputation, gunshots, or broken limbs. Even when not depressed, self-mutilation may be performed because of an addiction to the effects of beta-endorphins.

I know too damn much about people cutting themselves. It all goes back to when I had to do a report on a health problem in Bio back in high school, and all the mental disorders besides SIB were taken already.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 8/1/2004 6:53:52 PM     Post subject:  

Well, people might not think or try to make people think they are tough if they actually had to get wounded as a result of it and possibly die.

Having been sliced in a fight, and received a deep graze in the side(half an inch deeper and part of my pelvis would be missing), and also had very well trained people trying their damndest to punch my ticket, hearing steel jacketed lead slamming into a pile of rapidly disintegrating wood pallets and counting the fractions of seconds, and other stupid wasted youth stuff, I have to say, sitting back with some Jack Daniels and iced tea in your hammock is much better.

Just because I COULD kick someone's ass doesn't mean I WANT or NEED to, and there's no need to get those big-ass barbed wire tattoos on my biceps, shave my head, and hang my arms at the side like a gorilla. No, of course, furries aren't the only people who want to advertise their ass-kicking prowess as if they'd become someone's little bitch should they not, but furries, goths, and the like seem to have a freaking death wish by comparison. At least the bald gorillas in my town know that there's a line between acting tough and picking a fight outright.

Now, some will say I have the self-esteem not to need to go on how tough and get fights going like these furry clods, because they're idiots with no idea of what fighting and hurting entails, they have no confidence in the first place, and I on the other hand do.

No, it's because fighting fucking HURTS. EVERYBODY has nerve endings. Getting slashed, getting shot, getting punched in the face repeatedly, getting a 2x4 across the knees, taking a scrap piece of steel rebar across the back, FUCKING HURTS. You'll notice masochists pay for controllable pain. Not what ends up in the emergency room. I'm no masochist unless you count me desire to help furries grow up. I ain't into being wounded and beaten for amusement. And I'm getting too old for this shit anyways.

It's all about something most furries cannot possibly grasp it seems: RISK VS. REWARD.

Like going up a ladder too close to the power drop on a house. Am I being paid enough to do this? Is risking becoming the next Darwin Award Winner worth it? Am I getting a big enough reward?

If not, I'd rather lay back, put my hat over my face, and sleep. Less painful. Less paperwork. Less explanations to people with badges. Less explanations to my wife. Much simpler and preferable all the way around.

Like a shop owner with a gun behind the counter who doesn't use it when a knife-wielding kid on the other side of the counter robs him of $20. Sometimes, just because you can, doesn't mean you want to much less need to.

These goth kids, if they don't have enough self esteem, need to take off the dumpy angsty clothes, dress right, hold a good job, and earn the respect and praise of their managers. That's worth infinitely more than getting people on the net to fear you going off on them. Me, if I was going to go off, I'd have done it already. Haven't found a damn thing worth going off about. Not enough reward. Too much paperwork. Easier to get drunk and sleep.
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Posted: 8/31/2004 12:15:31 AM     Post subject:  

Ooh, goody! Taken from his journal.

On the subject of Khyber

"Oh yea, MFM is still on, baby."

Oh yeah.. I talked with him for a -very- short time. He's still pissed as hell about everything, and supposedly this fight is still on between all of us. I said to skip the whole "guitar" thing and was honest, and explained that I suck at thrash guitar and that it would be a waste of time, and just to skip to the fighting.

We hastily agreed on one thing, that a camera would be used by an uninvolved party to film the duration of the fight, and when it was over (when someone taps out or goes limp) the entire footage from beginning to end would be posted on all three livejournals, regardless of who won, or lost.

I doubt winning or losing the fight will put an end to our annoyance with this prick, but if he wants to get the shit beat out of him, then so fuckin' be it.

I'm so tired of this internet crap, and now that fag is totally up for the fight? Sure thing. Scruggs will beat the fuck out of this little shit, and in the miraculous case that he doesn't, I'll be there, because this cocky bastard says he can take both of us. So.. uh.. yeah. It's on, and we're going to do it outside of the furry faggot con so none of the fat people in black berets to call the cops.

Expect a bloody, controversial video when we get back.

Like I said. It's on.

I wonder if Scruggs will do a finisher on him. :twisted:
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Posted: 8/31/2004 2:50:19 AM     Post subject:  

This guy sounds like a frugging pro-wrestler wannabe every time I read that.

I half expect this guy to come in with a barb-wire baseball bat. Swinging furiously, gouging the hell out of the other guy.

While this may prove entertaining, I'm starting to wonder why I bother waiting to hear the results.

I really hope all three of these numbnuts kill eachother and clean out the gene pool a little more.

Although, Gollum Aye Aye looks foreward to it. He's a sadist, what can I say. I just say meh.
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Posted: 8/31/2004 6:01:44 AM     Post subject:  

It looks like its coming down to the wire...

regardless of the fact that I still got my money on "no fight" - Id be more interested in seeing the grainy black and white surveillance camera footage of anywhere between 1 and 3 nerds who thought they were hard getting pulverized in the holding center.

And if this con takes place on a weekend (like they seem apt to) there is really strong possiblity that if anyone is arrested over this, they'll be sitting in county until Monday when the judge gets there. (I dont know TN, but I know a guy who, I shit you not - was sitting in Erie County lock up for 3 days over a broken muffler - didnt pay a fine or missed a court date and was arrested late friday afternoon and couldnt be let out till the judge came back monday morning)

You know who youre fuckin' wit ?? G-G-G-G-G-G-G-Geto Boys!!
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Posted: 8/31/2004 2:54:00 PM     Post subject:  

Why am I reminded of Andy Kaufman?
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Posted: 8/31/2004 3:00:39 PM     Post subject:  

I wonder if Scruggs will do a finisher on him. :twisted:

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Posted: 8/31/2004 7:45:57 PM     Post subject:  

*Blindsided* Never.. saw.. it.. coming!
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