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Didja watch "Discovery Health" this weekend?
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Posted: 6/1/2004 8:15:06 PM     Post subject: Didja watch "Discovery Health" this weekend?  

There was a special on called "Humanimals", and it featured footage and interviews with the following;

The "Leopard Man" of Scotland

The "Human Enigma" (who's not so much and animal as a.... whatever)...

... and his WIFE, "Katya" (who, you guessed it, is a cat)

"Lizard-Man" (who, to his credit, actually went on record as saying he feels NO "kinship" with lizards whatsoever)

... and it wouldn't be complete without our very own Man-Kitty with the Man-Titties, you know him and loathe him, good ol' DENNIS AVNER!

Turns out nowadays they're referring to themselves as "trans-species", rather than the tried-and-true term of "sad, sick wastes of flesh".
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Posted: 6/1/2004 10:05:50 PM     Post subject:  

Lizard Man at least approaches it more from the standpoint of most folks that are heavily into tattooing and piercing.. that his body is a canvas that he's working on. He's not so much trying to be a lizard as just evolve his body as a work of art... depending on your use of the word.
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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 6/2/2004 3:37:48 PM     Post subject:  

Ooh oooohh!! <raises hand urgently> What about the Catman? I saw him on Larry King Live, then the other day he was featured on our favorite site, POE. You most likely have touched on him before, but hey what the hell.. Heres a link, It's not his own from POE, I can't find the damn thing, even in search, swear it was there:

Until seeing him in an un-altered state (unless that photo, too, is altered. but its very blury as well) my theory was that he was born with a serious cleft pallet and the operation left visible defect on the upper lip, as it often does. I thought the cleft pallet probable because of the insanely high level of alcoholism among American Indians(fetal alcohol syndrome might also explain his apparent "slowness"). I thought maybe it started there and the dude thought he looked like some sort of cat and the rest is history.
But damn, now that I saw that pic I'm figuring he has no purely biological excuse to mutilate himself.

And look, I've found him a mate! Awwww.. Too bad they will have to butcher their children so that there may be a resemblence (please excuse me if you've dug this one up already as well):

Body modifiaction, gone way too far in my opinion, for this day and age. and planet.

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Posted: 6/2/2004 3:49:33 PM     Post subject:  

I think she must have gone in and said "Make me look like a cat prevails." and the doctor heard "Make me look like a fat shemale."
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Posted: 6/2/2004 5:50:40 PM     Post subject:  

Ooh oooohh!! <raises hand urgently> What about the Catman?

Dennis Avner IS "Catman".
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 6/2/2004 6:28:52 PM     Post subject:  

+ +
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Posted: 6/2/2004 7:05:54 PM     Post subject:  

Looking at them together, he DOES bear a striking resemblance to Brak. Too bad he didn't opt for the Moltar look and just put a bucket over his head.

Y'know.. looking at his website, I notice the bit about the dream to "follow the way of the tiger." Seems to me he's done anything but. A tiger's stripes actually help it blend into the surrounding jungle and break up its form visually... camoflage. This guy's basically slapped a beer helmet with a whirling police light on his head..... not exactly tiger-like.

I wonder if someday that shaman will return to him in his dreams and say "What.. are you retarded?" I mean, he's not hurting anyone or anything.. more power to him. But, dream interpretation is pretty open-ended. Even if there was some validity to it, I don't think this is what the ol' shaman had in mind.

And a Native American talking about tigers? Just doesn't add up enough for me to think it merits this kind of thing.
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Posted: 6/2/2004 9:19:40 PM     Post subject:  

I notice the bit about the dream to "follow the way of the tiger." Seems to me he's done anything but.

I wonder if someday that shaman will return to him in his dreams and say "What.. are you retarded?"

I'd love it if the shaman comes back and tells him, "What the hell are you doing?! I told you to follow the way of the Opel Tigra, you moron! The woman of your dreams was driving that car! Ooohhh boy, you try to help people and see what happens."
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Posted: 6/2/2004 10:58:58 PM     Post subject:  

<raises hand urgently>

You guys are lucky I don't make action brackets a bannable offense.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 6/3/2004 1:36:13 AM     Post subject:  

Y'know.. looking at his website, I notice the bit about the dream to "follow the way of the tiger." Seems to me he's done anything but. A tiger's stripes actually help it blend into the surrounding jungle and break up its form visually... camoflage. This guy's basically slapped a beer helmet with a whirling police light on his head..... not exactly tiger-like.

And, the scales he had tattooed on his arms utterly wrecks the whole bodily mutilation into a tiger. Too bad the In'jun Chief didn't tell Dumbass.....I mean, Dennis to become a griffon instead.

IMO, those arm tattoos tell me that this clownshoe isn't really interested in becoming a tiger as much as he wants to be a self-butchering attention whore.
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Posted: 6/3/2004 2:10:53 AM     Post subject:  

<raises hand urgently>

You guys are lucky I don't make action brackets a bannable offense.

You'd have to make asterisks bannable too.
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Posted: 6/3/2004 3:12:22 AM     Post subject:  

<raises hand urgently>

You guys are lucky I don't make action brackets a bannable offense.

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Posted: 6/3/2004 7:16:51 AM     Post subject:  

And, the scales he had tattooed on his arms utterly wrecks the whole bodily mutilation into a tiger. Too bad the In'jun Chief didn't tell Dumbass.....I mean, Dennis to become a griffon instead.

I think I mentioned this before, I seen this guy on Larry King on CNN, before I knew this guy was a the time, I noticed the scales and was just kind of confused by it

funny how now - knowing furries, i know exactly how that happened. Probably decided he wanted to be a lizard and rushed a head getting the tattoos started then changed his mind and 'turned into' a tiger now hes got a tiger theme all over his body with inexplicable scales on his arm.

(I know this guy shows up at furry cons, but was he in fandom when he started all his transformation shit ? or just later started showing up?)
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Posted: 6/3/2004 2:15:46 PM     Post subject:  

From what I gather, he isn't so much a furry fan. I'm guessing he mostly goes to the cons as that's the one place he can be patted on the back for what he's doing, rather than having folks go, at the least, "Uhm... that's.... interesting."

The thing that really makes me wonder if we're looking at someone that's just kind of dumb, as opposed to "following the ways of the tiger" is that the man is a blob. I would tend to think that trying to be more tigerlike would include physical fitness. Tigers are several hundred pounds of raw muscle... not Twinkies.

Besides, if he trimmed down and buffed up, that would make his visual impression shift from that of pathetic freakshow to badass freakshow. I dunno about anyone else, but someone who was phsycially fit and opted to do that I can at least afford respect to them as someone who probably has good self-esteem.. and elected to do something daring. When I see someone that looks like Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons attempting to transform himself into a tiger, however, it just looks like someone that is trying desperately to attain self-esteem through external measures, rather than internal ones..... it's the body-mod equivalent of a balding, middle aged man going out and a Ferrari and having an affair with a co-ed cheerleader. We don't see the real him... just a permanently-attached fursuit. It creates the impression that even he doesn't know the real him.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 6/3/2004 5:42:49 PM     Post subject:  

From what I gather, he isn't so much a furry fan. I'm guessing he mostly goes to the cons as that's the one place he can be patted on the back for what he's doing, rather than having folks go, at the least, "Uhm... that's.... interesting."

The thing that really makes me wonder if we're looking at someone that's just kind of dumb, as opposed to "following the ways of the tiger" is that the man is a blob. I would tend to think that trying to be more tigerlike would include physical fitness. Tigers are several hundred pounds of raw muscle... not Twinkies.

Besides, if he trimmed down and buffed up, that would make his visual impression shift from that of pathetic freakshow to badass freakshow. I dunno about anyone else, but someone who was phsycially fit and opted to do that I can at least afford respect to them as someone who probably has good self-esteem.. and elected to do something daring. When I see someone that looks like Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons attempting to transform himself into a tiger, however, it just looks like someone that is trying desperately to attain self-esteem through external measures, rather than internal ones..... it's the body-mod equivalent of a balding, middle aged man going out and a Ferrari and having an affair with a co-ed cheerleader. We don't see the real him... just a permanently-attached fursuit. It creates the impression that even he doesn't know the real him.

The guy's so delusional, he spent a flaming fortune buying antique tiger skin rugs in the plan to have them grafted onto his body to replace his human skin. No need for me to describe how horribly suicidal that idea would be.

And just think about the fact that he's not getting any younger. Once the wrinkles start to set in and the flab becomes more unstoppable, all of those mutiations are going to become even more disturbing to behold.

And, I'll bet he's had his pecker sliced up to be made to resemble a tigger's wang too.

God, you just know that the Smoking Gun has a California coroner on retainer for the day when Dumbass Avner's autopsy report is filed.
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Posted: 6/3/2004 9:59:49 PM     Post subject:  

The guy's so delusional, he spent a flaming fortune buying antique tiger skin rugs in the plan to have them grafted onto his body to replace his human skin. No need for me to describe how horribly suicidal that idea would be.

No kidding. $150,000.00 can go a long way when not used for body mods. There's a lot of better uses for that.. but that's my opinion. The guy's doing what makes him happy.. I guess... though it seems to me the kind of happiness he's trying to buy would be fleeting.

Yes, the tiger skin thing dumbfounds me. At least the fursuiters can take their suits off to cool down. What's this guy gonna do on the first summer day when he discovers his own skin underneath has no place to radiate to.... not to mention what he's eventually going to start to smell like as sweat soaks into those grafts (doesn't seem to me like it'll ever be doable, anyway... by hypothetically speaking here). Soap and water will only go so far with that. He's going to have to go live at the arctic circle during the summer to keep comfortable.

And what happens as he starts to go bald? From what I saw on TV, his "mane" is thinning a bit as it is.

I wonder if when he dies he wants to be hacked up and fed to tigers... donate his body to dinnertime.

I dunno.. I think this guy is basically a semi-furry Michael Jackson... he'll never be satisfied, and that makes me feel kind of sad for him.
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Posted: 6/4/2004 1:45:18 AM     Post subject:  

As for "Tigerguy", I've had the misfourtune of seeing him laive at a couple of furry cons, and the same thought always goes through my mind.

"Is the Circus in town?, they must have let the freaks out again."

And that's not counting some of the other wierd shit I've seen at fur cons.


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Posted: 6/4/2004 6:09:11 PM     Post subject:  

Don't forget the other tiger guy..... ;)

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Posted: 6/4/2004 6:20:40 PM     Post subject:  

Don't forget the other tiger guy.....

Urge to kill, raising.
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Posted: 6/4/2004 6:30:40 PM     Post subject:  

Now I know what Bobby Hill would look like as a tiger. Whatta ass face.
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Posted: 6/4/2004 11:20:21 PM     Post subject:  

Crazy as they may be.. they're still famous now. =)

I remeber seeing that human puzzle, Enigma, the tiger freak and others onna documentary way out here in the wilderness...
Never seen that Bobby Hill tiger before tho.=D

Ah'll tell you...That boeh ain't right!

So... let's all slice our peckers.. and tattoo furpatterns on our skins... and we've got it made. =)

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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 6/6/2004 3:54:23 AM     Post subject:  

Yawn... Not a whole lot different than the dipsticks who wax eloquent (as much as they can) about "body modification" at the tattoo and piercing shop. One singular theme instead of merely random doodling. Unfortunately, it is just one more thing to make one's having an interest in anthropomorphics look bad.
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