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If Grant/Naylor ONLY Knew!
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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Posted: 6/10/2004 9:56:25 PM     Post subject: If Grant/Naylor ONLY Knew!  

I was watching my "Red Dwarf: Season IV" DVD yesterday, and saw the following scene.... Which, I think, offers a pretty good summary of what all this "furry" nonsense is about;

LISTER: At some point in their lives, most people wish they were someone
else. This is going back years, years, before the accident. Kochanski
had just finished with me, and I was feeling really pony. So I went
for a walk in the botanical gardens, and I saw this squirrel, climbing
up and down the tree collecting nuts. And it stopped, and it looked at
me, and I thought: "You lucky little sod -- you like your job, you're
your own boss, and you've got no woman trouble, so you'll never feel as
bad as I feel now. And at that moment, I mean for a split second, I
would have given anything -- _anything_ -- to swap places with him.

CAT: Ah, that's awful, man. When a woman screws you up so bad you want
to become a squirrel.

LISTER: It just made me think that a lot of the time, being human isn't
much fun!

RIMMER: So, Lister, what are you telling us? You're a closet squirrel?
Behind closed doors, you parade up and down with a strap-on bushy tail
calling yourself "Nutkin?"
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Posted: 6/11/2004 12:29:13 AM     Post subject:  

That scene was one of the first things that came to mind when I discovered furries. Also: Monty Python's (EERILY PROPHETIC) Mouse Problem sketch.
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Posted: 6/11/2004 2:47:45 AM     Post subject:  

Indeed, Monty Python unwittingly hit the nail on the head - including the cameraman disguised as a vole, the "closet mouse" allegations, the farmer's wife, and of course Michael Palin's speaking of the mice as "filthy little perverts."

Frankly, I think that sketch ought to be required watching for furry fans...or at least CYD folk.
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Posted: 6/11/2004 5:57:30 AM     Post subject:  

That scene was one of the first things that came to mind when I discovered furries. Also: Monty Python's (EERILY PROPHETIC) Mouse Problem sketch.

I know people that can't watch that part of Monty Python without squirming uncomfortably. It's sad.
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Posted: 6/11/2004 12:51:46 PM     Post subject:  

When I saw the thread subject, for a mind-bending moment I thought maybe Grant The Burningfox had teamed up with Jay Naylor. Brrrrr
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