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There are no more decent fanfics anymore.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2003
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Posted: 6/19/2004 12:04:20 AM     Post subject: There are no more decent fanfics anymore.  


I believe the last truely good fanfic was written back in 98.

I was searching around for Starfox information for my little brother when I came accross a few fansites. They each had a small library section with numerous short stories. however, a couple authors stood out, they went by the screen names of Jason Wolfman, and Reeve Wolf. My God those two wrotes NOVELS!

Jason Wolfman excelled at creating damn good bad guys, and I mean real sickos, and could write a hell of a space battle scene. Where Reeve was able to write a whole novelas called Terran's Tale. That series was more of an adventure navel more than anything, had everything in it, war, death, sex, character development, you name it.

After 2000, fanfics just went downhill from there. Worse yet, banned their NC-17 section. Granted it was getting over used, but at least they were short, to the point, and honest with themselves, whereas with the "cleaner" fanfics, the author would hype it up, only to have the reader get disappointed. Nowadays, it has hit rock bottom with all these unfinished series of stories. I HATE that!

At least with the older stories, there was a beginning and an end, even the NC-17 stuff had an ending.
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Posted: 6/19/2004 12:09:44 AM     Post subject: = Still the VCL of fan fictions.

Trust me, 90% of fan fictions there are horrible. The rest barely scorch the lines they transmit through.

It's just a den of self-insertion, mary sue, yaoi, slash fictions. With a ton of non-canon crap.

I guess this is what happens when a bunch of fat kids get bored and write out their twisted fantasies online.
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Posted: 6/19/2004 8:20:12 AM     Post subject: = Still the VCL of fan fictions.

Trust me, 90% of fan fictions there are horrible. The rest barely scorch the lines they transmit through.

It's just a den of self-insertion, mary sue, yaoi, slash fictions. With a ton of non-canon crap.

I guess this is what happens when a bunch of fat kids get bored and write out their twisted fantasies online.

You know, the sad part is Kyrn never wanted VCL to be a dumping ground. When he had to give it up, it honestly lost it's soul. He knew when to say "fuck you and your shitty shit" (actual quote from him on IRC one night).
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Posted: 6/19/2004 9:10:01 PM     Post subject:  


Yep, that's just about what someone says before that last little glimmer of fanboyishness dies. Crushed under the growing hordes of the PHANDUMB.

I swear. The current fandumb is like an army of orcs. No real combat skill, yet are SO FREAKING MANY they drown the average person.

And there's no life vests for orc stank.
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Posted: 6/20/2004 4:49:12 AM     Post subject:  

No, but there are gasmasks. But in the end, it seems the best thing to do is to get out of dodge.
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Posted: 6/20/2004 8:53:16 AM     Post subject:  

Rightguard. It'll scare the shit out of them.
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Posted: 6/21/2004 7:49:28 AM     Post subject:  

Back! BACK! Foul denizens of the netherworld! *holds up the Holy Spray of Right Guard, then sprays it. The gibbering horde slowly lurches away like Vampires to holy water*

Ah. It does work. ^.^
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