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Posted: 7/6/2004 7:32:16 PM     Post subject: Welcome to the KKK  

Hello everyone.

I am Alek Fuchs, furmaster of, that is a bilge that a "Furry" posting something in this forum.

It's only that on having seen so much fanaticism and malinformation could not avoid, I ask them to forgive my orthographic mistakes, do not dominate your language.

The Furry is beyond most images of zoophile, the furry is the whole ideology...

We feel sad with the human attitude, full of cruel acts, we seek to fuse the best of the animal world, with the skills, and own qualities of the human being, Excluding his Faults...The way of taking form ours to feel, is by means of the art, already be Drawing, writing or realizing animations.

The real Furry does not accept human perversions, reminding that the homosexuality, the prostitution, the sadism, the necrophilia, and other atrocities, are a human creation.

Certainly, there exist furs that deform the real essence of this ideology, this it is the real problem, because of it there have in an bad concept to the other members of this ideology.

Please, be objective in your declarations, mention good comics, as Vickyfox, pure artists as Alquicira...

Thank you for your time, I hope that they ponder a bit, and grant the truth .... to whom have it
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Posted: 7/6/2004 9:50:41 PM     Post subject:  


Basically, the fandumb has gone the way that anime is going now, down the toilet.

What we are seeing is a total loss of quality, overcompensation with sheer quanity, and a perversion that is increasingly becoming the rule rather than the exception.

VCL has become a dumping ground, furnation IS a dump, fanarchive is nearly an abandoned lot with only the mearest number of straglers still posting there.

Right now, yerf is the only "clean" archive left. That site's censorship borders on utilising Nazism tactics to filter out the crap, as they must. I fear that their efforts, however commendable, is akin to flexing a muscle. They will only be able to hold it for so long before they too will end up easing their grip on what is still sane.
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Posted: 7/6/2004 10:12:43 PM     Post subject:  

First of all, an apology to all the CYDers. I remember I promised I was leaving, but I'm here again. Apologies for being so inconsistent... But, well... it's hard to really leave something when you feel so strongly identified with it.

While I've been lurking ocassionally and visiting the forum as a guest, I felt the urge to come and stand with you on this ocassion.

And now, this is for Alek Fuchs. Y no te preocupes que escribo exactamente lo mismo en castellano un poco más abajo.

I'm not against furrydom, and have a hint that many other people on this forum aren't against it neither. Some define themselves as furries, too.

Myself, I'm against the idiocy surrouding furrydom.

I'm against the usage of furrydom as a way to hide your own sexual fetishes.

I'm against -extreme- sexualization of furries. Sensuality is OK, and sexuality can be acceptable up to certain point, at this point the fandom STINKS sex like a cheap whore, and reaches extremes unacceptable on any other "fandom".

I'm against the banalization of what could have been an interesting subgenre; a valid vehicle of communication for an artist, a metaphor about ourselves and our way to behave.

I'm against people believing they -are- furries. I'm against roleplaying like a furry in excess, or as a way to use furrydom as a hideaway from the world. I -am- a person, first, and not the animal I wish I was. And the characters I use on MUCKs are nothing but puppets handled by me, not -me-.

I'm against being tagged as a pervert for drawing funny animals, even if I'm proud enough of my characters to feature them on my own personal page. And I'm starting to get tired at that, too. I wonder how many real talents the fandom has lost due to that idiocy I've mentioned before.

Come to me with valid, inventive, original ideas featuring furries, come with good comics, good scripts for comics, good literature, good drawings, good painting, and you will have all my support, regardless of if you consider yourself a furry or not.

Come to me with mediocre ideas featuring anthropomorphic characters, come with inane comics, awfully written scripts, wanking material, or "superiority dreams" and you will have all my rejection, regardless of if you consider yourself a furry or not.

Y ahora, como prometí, en castellano:

No estoy en contra del furry fandom, y tengo la certeza de que mucha otra gente en este foro tampoco aborrece el fandom. De hecho, algunos se consideran furries.

Pero sí estoy en contra de la imbecilidad que rodea el fandom.

Estoy en contra de usar el furry fandom como pantalla para ocultar perversiones sexuales.

Estoy en contra de la sexualización a ultranza de los personajes antropomórficos. Entiendo el interés por personajes sensuales, y la sexualidad abierta puede ser aceptable hasta cierto punto; pero lo cierto es que a estas alturas prácticamente todo lo relacionado con el fandom APESTA a sexo, como una puta barata, y está alcanzando niveles a imposibles de encontrar en ningún otro "club de fans".

Estoy en contra de la banalización de lo que pudo haber sido un subgénero literario interesante, un vehículo válido de comunicación para un artista, al margen del medio en que se mueva; una verdadera metáfora de lo que somos y de cómo nos comportamos.

Estoy en contra de la gente que -cree- que son furries ellos mismos. Estoy en contra de jugar a que se es un furry en exceso y fuera de los círculos donde este tipo de jueguitos es acepable. Estoy en contra de la gente que usa el fandom como un medio de escape del mundo real. Yo, en primer lugar, soy una persona, y no el animal que me gustaría ser. Y los personajes que uso en los MUCKs, a los que me conecto cotidianamente, sólo son marionetas manejadas por mí, pero no son -yo-.

Estoy en contra de ser juzgado como un pervertido por el mero hecho de que me guste dibujar animalitos, tanto como para usarlos abiertamente en mi propia página personal. Y ya me estoy cansando de esa situación. Me pregunto cuántos talentos ha perdido el furry fandom por el comportamiento imbécil del que se hace gala en el fandom.

Preséntame ideas válidas, originales e ingeniosas con personajes antropomórficos;preséntame buenas historietas, buenos guiones para historietas, buena literatura, buenos dibujos, y tendrás todo mi apoyo, al margen de que te consideres un furry o no.

Preséntame ideas mediocres con personajes antropomórficos; preséntame historietas aburridas, guiones pésimos, material para pajearse, o "sueños de superioridad" y tendrás todo mi rechazo, al margen de que te consideres un furry o no.

Y ahora, anda, cómprate un frasco de Ubicatex, y tómatelo entero.
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Posted: 7/6/2004 10:27:19 PM     Post subject:  

Here, I'm good at reading sucky grammar, let me translate for you guys:

"Furry isn't about sex! Furry is about hating the stinky hy00mans and trying to be less like them! In fact, the really gross fetishes don't exist in REAL furry! Only stinky hy00mans make gross fetishes! Kay bye!!!!11lol!!1"
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Posted: 7/6/2004 10:35:49 PM     Post subject: Re: Welcome to the KKK  

We feel sad with the human attitude, full of cruel acts, we seek to fuse the best of the animal world, with the skills, and own qualities of the human being, Excluding his Faults...The way of taking form ours to feel, is by means of the art, already be Drawing, writing or realizing animations.

What furries don't get is pretending to be an animal and rejecting being hy00man is the coward's way out. It takes cajones to admit you're a human, lumps and all, and that, as flawed as humanity can be, you know it has potential. It takes work to do what you can to be a better PERSON and to lead by example. Deluding yourself into thinking you're not human is the creative person's lazy-man's way out.
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Posted: 7/6/2004 10:36:57 PM     Post subject:  

That's beautiful broken english!
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Posted: 7/6/2004 10:59:59 PM     Post subject:  

You have the whole reason, the VCL is a Dump of garbage, due to the complete freedom that is provided with regard to the accepted material.

Lamentably Yerf is excessively Strict to allow to the new artists to join.
It, partly this one well, since only it allows the Furry of quality. But, sometimes Yerf leaves out very good artists, artists who are very good, Due to the fact that they do not pass his " test of quality "

My Only Commentary is with regard to the way of criticizing the things on the part of the managers of this page...I agree completely, There exist furs that create total aberrations..But who we feel the real ideology of the furry, I, in the personal thing do not draw very well, but I administer one of the communities most increasing of the furry in Spanish.

Only I ask for a thing them...Understand that not the whole Furry is aberrant...

Alquicira DA
Furry Latino
Alek DA
Vicki Fox
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Posted: 7/6/2004 11:04:31 PM     Post subject:  

...But who we feel the real ideology of the furry...

What the hell are you talking about!? Furry fandom is a fandom!
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Posted: 7/6/2004 11:19:56 PM     Post subject:  

Si me permiten escribir en mi idioma, me facilitarian mucho las cosas, claro que acepto, y aprecio mi calidad humana, no me siento un un humano y eso no cambiara jamas, me interesan los conceptos que brinda el llamado furry, el furry es utopico, una vision "bonita" de la vida....

If allow me to write in my language, make me easy the things, clearly that gently accepted, and I estimate my human quality, I do not "pretend" an animal ... I am a human and it was not changing never..., I am interested in the concepts that the so called furry offers, the furry is Utopian, a "nice" vision of the life....

Porque encasillar todo el furry, existe furry hermosisimo, y tambien Yiffy muy artistico...
Hay Comics con mucha calidad, artistas fantasticos...Que no se creen animales. quisieramos ser uno, un hibrido... pero NO lo somos.

Why classify the whole furry, exists furry beautiful, and also very artistic Yiffy...
There is Comics with many quality, fantastic artists... That do not believe animals. Wish to be one, one hybrid ... but we it are NOT

A pesar de que exista un 99 % de furrys que realizan Trabajos que ocasionan asco, el simple hecho de que exista un 1 % respetable, y con calidad, Les quita la razon para encasillarnos a todos..

In spite of the fact that exists 99 % of furrys that realize Works that cause disgust, the simple fact of exists a 1 %, and with quality, it takes the reason From Them to classify all..

Se que causa risa mi ingles, pero lamentablemente no lo practico, si alguien aqui me notifica que puedo escribir en español, podria darles mas razones validas de su error.
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Posted: 7/6/2004 11:21:45 PM     Post subject:  

I'm against being tagged as a pervert for drawing funny animals, even if I'm proud enough of my characters to feature them on my own personal page. And I'm starting to get tired at that, too. I wonder how many real talents the fandom has lost due to that idiocy I've mentioned before.

One question, how'd you get the links in the images? Image maps?
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Posted: 7/6/2004 11:22:39 PM     Post subject:  

What the hell are you talking about!? Furry fandom is a fandom!

Eso es lo malo, quien se dice conocedor piensa que el furry es simplemente una moda, para la mayoria lo es, para algunos pocos es toda una filosofia.
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Posted: 7/6/2004 11:43:23 PM     Post subject:  

What the hell are you talking about!? Furry fandom is a fandom!

Eso es lo malo, quien se dice conocedor piensa que el furry es simplemente una moda, para la mayoria lo es, para algunos pocos es toda una filosofia.

Literally, "that's what's wrong... those tho call themselves connosieurs think the furry is simply a fad. It is for the majority, and for a few ones, it's a philosophy."

OK, please explain me what's that philosophy about.

(Bueno, haz el favor de explicarme en qué consiste esa filosofía.)
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Posted: 7/6/2004 11:48:11 PM     Post subject:  

One question, how'd you get the links in the images? Image maps?

Yep. I simply wrote the normal text on Photoshop, highlighted the text I wanted to use, turned it blue and underlined, and then, using my ole'good HomeSite 5, I made imagemaps on the blue underlined text. Looks spiffy, doesn't it? :)
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Posted: 7/6/2004 11:56:18 PM     Post subject:  

Hi there, Estrugo, nice to have you back! :) (Really neat site you got there btw, thanks for the link)

El_Zorro_Alek: I think it's obvious that no one here thinks anything and everything with animal characters in it is sick and wrong. But we reserve the right to analyze, criticize and poke fun at all the extremely stupid, twisted and fucked-up stuff that undeniably is going on in the furry fandom. We don't have to write "But there's lots of good anthro stuff too" everytime we do discuss something fucked-up.
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Posted: 7/7/2004 12:09:02 AM     Post subject:  

La filosofia que defiendo ve el furry como una fusion utopica de todo lo que deberia ser la criatura que rige el mundo (entiendase el humano)

Se trata de la admiracion por la simplicidad, la belleza, la calidad que presenta el reino animal, criaturas que muchas veces son mejores en varios aspectos que el ser humano...ese ser se complementa con el cuerpo mas perfecto de toda la creacion, el cuerpo humano.

Unimos las emociones netamente humanas, las cosas que hacen del ser humano un ser tan fascinante sus cualidades...creamos un hibrido con la inocencia, la simplicidad, las habilidades natas de los animales, y le ponemos un cuerpo humano, con inteligencia humana...

Es imposible describirte la doctrina de un verdadero furry, es como querer describirle el amor a alguien que no lo ha sentido jamas, por muy bien hecha que este la descripcion, jamas lo comprenderia...

Tu no sientes el llamado, es imposible explicarte algo que de antemano rechazas. Yo no me siento humano, tampoco animal, eso es confuso, yo se bienloque soy, un ser humano, eso no cambiara, pero en mi alma estoy intranquilo por saber que no pertenezco a esta realidad.

Llamame loco, quizas lo soy, uno tacha de loco lo que es diferente, es la naturaleza de nuestra raza, evadir las cosas, cuando es mejor sentarse y analizar...Quizas ese loco tenga algo de razon...
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Posted: 7/7/2004 12:21:12 AM     Post subject:  

We don't have to write "But there's lots of good anthro stuff too" everytime we do discuss something fucked-up.

Ok, You have reason, only I lose my time, because in spite of giving reasons validated, here nobody wants to analyze it, simply ... ok I understand....You reserve the right to analyze, criticize and poke fun at all the extremely stupid, twisted and fucked-up stuff that undeniably is going on in the furry fandom... :D
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Posted: 7/7/2004 12:48:43 AM     Post subject:  

La filosofia que defiendo ve el furry como una fusion utopica de todo lo que deberia ser la criatura que rige el mundo (entiendase el humano)
The philosophy I defend sees furry as an utopian fussion of everything what the human being should be.
Se trata de la admiracion por la simplicidad, la belleza, la calidad que presenta el reino animal, criaturas que muchas veces son mejores en varios aspectos que el ser humano...ese ser se complementa con el cuerpo mas perfecto de toda la creacion, el cuerpo humano.
It's the admiration for the animal kingdom's simplicity, beautiness and quality, creatures that are in many aspects much better than the human being... that being that complements itself with the most perfect body on this world: the human being.
Unimos las emociones netamente humanas, las cosas que hacen del ser humano un ser tan fascinante sus cualidades...creamos un hibrido con la inocencia, la simplicidad, las habilidades natas de los animales, y le ponemos un cuerpo humano, con inteligencia humana...
We split human emotions and then create an hybrid with the innocence, simplicity and innate abilities of animals, and put them human body and intelligence...
Es imposible describirte la doctrina de un verdadero furry, es como querer describirle el amor a alguien que no lo ha sentido jamas, por muy bien hecha que este la descripcion, jamas lo comprenderia...
Describing the doctrine of a real furry is an impossible task, it's like trying to describe what is love to somebody who never experienced it; no matter how accurate the desctription is, they would never understand it.
Tu no sientes el llamado, es imposible explicarte algo que de antemano rechazas. Yo no me siento humano, tampoco animal, eso es confuso, yo se bienloque soy, un ser humano, eso no cambiara, pero en mi alma estoy intranquilo por saber que no pertenezco a esta realidad.
You don't feel the call; explaining you something you reject is impossible. I don't feel human, nor animal, that's confusing... I know exactly what I am, a human being, that won't change, but, in my soul,
Llamame loco, quizas lo soy, uno tacha de loco lo que es diferente, es la naturaleza de nuestra raza, evadir las cosas, cuando es mejor sentarse y analizar...Quizas ese loco tenga algo de razon...
Call me crazy, I maybe am... people calls crazy those things they don't understand, it's our species' nature, to evade things when it's better to sit down and analyze... maybe that crazy guy was right...

I got it. You've got the sectarian approach to furry fandom.
My suggestions:

    :!: Leave the computer and make friends, a girlfriend, etc.

    :!: If you don't like how life treats you, learn to deal with it. I don't like how life treats me and don't whine.

    :!: Animals aren't as nice and cute as you imagine. Thay may look -cooler- than you think, but that's just how they -look-, not how they -are-.

    :!: Don't try to hide yourself into dreams of being different. We ALL are different. I was different ALL my life, but canalized that difference into something creative and, hopefully, profitable. I've got my own wonderful world of fantasy, I'd KILL to live in, but, you know, that is impossible, and I assume it. I -control- my fantasies, but don't let them control me.

    :!: Furries don't exist. You may fantasize about how cool it would be being one, but furries -do - not - exist. Nor elves, nor smurfs, nor fairies. We live in a fucking sad world, but you better deal with it and try to be as happy as you can in THIS reality before you sacrifice your sanity to a nonexistant world.

    :!: There's only ONE reality: this one. The other ones, like the one you mention are mere inventions that end as soon as you turn your computer off. (Does anybody have access to a certain comic appeared on Skunk? It does explain my point much better than I would).

    You either do this or end up will wake up some morning when you're over 35 wondering what the hell did you do with your life. Your choice.
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Posted: 7/7/2004 12:57:16 AM     Post subject:  

this thread confuses the fuck out of me
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Posted: 7/7/2004 1:07:50 AM     Post subject:  

Nota final:

Antes que nada, doy las gracias a m_estrugo quien se tomo la molestia de responderme adecuadamente y sin (demasiadas) Burlas. Eso habla bien de el.

Sabes, te sorprenderia saber que soy un joven normal, con novia, que estudia la universidad, que tiene un perro y un gato de mascotas, no soy mal parecido, no soy enfermizo, son bueno en los deportes, culto, y muy realista.

Si tu concepto es que soy un pobre chico sin vida propia, que se sienta al monitor horas y horas evadiendose del mundo real, lamento sacarte de ese error...

Crees que vivo en un mundo de fantasia, rodeado de pitufos, y hadas magicas ? No, claro que no, Entiendo y asimilo mi realidad, y el mundo que me rodea...

Te es tan dificil entender, que habemos quienes nos sentimos diferentes, quienes vemos nuestra raza de forma indiferente, quienes queremos algo mas...

Es claro que soy humano, y los Furries NO existen, ademas es paradojico que un invento humano supere al mismo humano...

Es lindo soñar con un mundo idealizado, tal como el furry "limpio" lo muestra, mi objetivo no es cambiar la manera de pensar de nadie es claro que ni tu ni yo cederemos terreno.

Solo te repito, mi furry no son "dibujitos bonitos" mi furry es una filosofia, una linda utopia de la que quisiera ser parte, pero no lo soy....
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Posted: 7/7/2004 1:47:30 AM     Post subject:  

this thread confuses the fuck out of me

Just know these things....

A furry fucknut has pulled another asenine comparison. Rather than comparing "fursecution" to the holocaust, he compares us to the KKK. I request that he mention this comparison to a person of Black, Jewish, etc. persuasion. Do see if they agree with this lovely comparison.

He speaks spanish.

He thinks a god damned fandom is a philosophy of some kind. Imagine if Trekkies took the STar Trek mythos, and made a philosophy and belief system out of it, and you got pretty much what this guy is.

He does the typical, annoying word replacement. He's not a webmaster, he's a "furmaster".

Because we don't think these artists and comics he mentions are any good, we're not being objective, apparently. Lovely logic!

He's being hilarious.

He's wasting our time.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 7/7/2004 8:17:06 AM     Post subject: Re: Welcome to the KKK  

Hello everyone.

I am Alek Fuchs, furmaster of, that is a bilge that a "Furry" posting something in this forum.

It's only that on having seen so much fanaticism and malinformation could not avoid, I ask them to forgive my orthographic mistakes, do not dominate your language.

The Furry is beyond most images of zoophile, the furry is the whole ideology...

We feel sad with the human attitude, full of cruel acts, we seek to fuse the best of the animal world, with the skills, and own qualities of the human being, Excluding his Faults...The way of taking form ours to feel, is by means of the art, already be Drawing, writing or realizing animations.

The real Furry does not accept human perversions, reminding that the homosexuality, the prostitution, the sadism, the necrophilia, and other atrocities, are a human creation.

Certainly, there exist furs that deform the real essence of this ideology, this it is the real problem, because of it there have in an bad concept to the other members of this ideology.

Please, be objective in your declarations, mention good comics, as Vickyfox, pure artists as Alquicira...

Thank you for your time, I hope that they ponder a bit, and grant the truth .... to whom have it

You're a fucking idiot for all the reasons that Schmeckopolis already mentioned. Furry's about cartoon animals, nothing more. In addition, as we've said here many many times, real animals are not all wonderful lovey dovey peaceniks who sit around singing kumbayaa in the forest. They fucking eat each other and shit. Because they're animals. That's what they do.

Oh, also, humans did not invent homosexuality. Animals do it up the ass too. Go find "The Exuberance of Biology" or its Spanish equivalent or something. And I won't even start on about how completely retarded it is to lump homosexuality in with necrophilia and sadism and shit.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 7/7/2004 8:18:27 AM     Post subject:  

Also, what the fuck does that signature mean? Are you comparing us to the KKK or something? I IS CONFUSED
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Posted: 7/7/2004 12:34:29 PM     Post subject:  

El_Zorro_Alek's page at appears to be down just now, but I noticed it in the referrer log yesterday and one of the items on the front page was excerpted from CYD's front page, namely this:

PEOPLE who really like animals more than the rest of us. The non-militant wing are called "Furries" (and they like to pretend they are animals), the extremist faction are called "Zoophiles". And they like having sex with animals.

I'm wondering if he thinks that's CYD's view, when in fact it's an excerpt from a newspaper article. Alek?
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Posted: 7/7/2004 1:29:55 PM     Post subject:  

<:I words.
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Posted: 7/7/2004 6:16:18 PM     Post subject:  

ok lamento no hablar en ingles , pero la verdad es que no me da.
no se los demas pero el webmaster de la pagina es un maldito enfermo mal informado prejuzgador.
un puritano con mucho tiempo al pedo en su miserable vida, que le reza a un dios que espero que no lo escuche.
el furry como palabra ya es muy prejuzgado como para que aparesca gente como el.
Es verdad que hay muchos enfermos que dibujan basura y se hacen llamar furristas , pero no hay que quedarse con solo lo malo.
Pensando las cosas de otra manera es solo un estupido dibujo, no hace daño a nadie, hay cosas mucho mas importantes que preocuparse por eso.
USA es un antro de egomaniacos con ganas de bombardiar cualquier cosa que le lleve la contra
La iglesia esta llena de depravados y extremistas ,que solo saben censurar las cosas buenas de la vida, me gustaria saber por que no donan los grandes tesoros que guardan y demuestran el verdadero "amor de dios" un dios tan razista,machista y genosida como todos en su iglesia.
adoro hacer polemica.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 7/7/2004 6:27:10 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 7/7/2004 6:31:29 PM     Post subject:  





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Posted: 7/7/2004 7:09:47 PM     Post subject:  

ok thx
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Posted: 7/7/2004 8:13:41 PM     Post subject:  


*Used in honor of our multilingual, multicultural theme for this thread.
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Posted: 7/7/2004 8:31:21 PM     Post subject:  

ok lamento no hablar en ingles , pero la verdad es que no me da.
no se los demas pero el webmaster de la pagina es un maldito enfermo mal informado prejuzgador.
un puritano con mucho tiempo al pedo en su miserable vida, que le reza a un dios que espero que no lo escuche.
el furry como palabra ya es muy prejuzgado como para que aparesca gente como el.
Es verdad que hay muchos enfermos que dibujan basura y se hacen llamar furristas , pero no hay que quedarse con solo lo malo.
Pensando las cosas de otra manera es solo un estupido dibujo, no hace daño a nadie, hay cosas mucho mas importantes que preocuparse por eso.
USA es un antro de egomaniacos con ganas de bombardiar cualquier cosa que le lleve la contra
La iglesia esta llena de depravados y extremistas ,que solo saben censurar las cosas buenas de la vida, me gustaria saber por que no donan los grandes tesoros que guardan y demuestran el verdadero "amor de dios" un dios tan razista,machista y genosida como todos en su iglesia.
adoro hacer polemica.

Furries sind alle total pervers. Die schauen sich Zeichningen von kopulierenden Kaninchen an und ficken sich dann einander im Arsch während sie als Füchse ausgekleidet sind.

Seriously, guys, better broken English than no English. What's the point of praising or insulting us if we don't understand it?
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Posted: 7/7/2004 8:44:04 PM     Post subject:  

Broken English is better than about 75% of the English skills exhibited by most teenybopper forumites. That doesn't mean we can't call him an idiot, though. :twisted:
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Posted: 7/7/2004 8:59:55 PM     Post subject:  

ok lamento no hablar en ingles , pero la verdad es que no me da.
no se los demas pero el webmaster de la pagina es un maldito enfermo mal informado prejuzgador.
un puritano con mucho tiempo al pedo en su miserable vida, que le reza a un dios que espero que no lo escuche.
el furry como palabra ya es muy prejuzgado como para que aparesca gente como el.
Es verdad que hay muchos enfermos que dibujan basura y se hacen llamar furristas , pero no hay que quedarse con solo lo malo.
Pensando las cosas de otra manera es solo un estupido dibujo, no hace daño a nadie, hay cosas mucho mas importantes que preocuparse por eso.
USA es un antro de egomaniacos con ganas de bombardiar cualquier cosa que le lleve la contra
La iglesia esta llena de depravados y extremistas ,que solo saben censurar las cosas buenas de la vida, me gustaria saber por que no donan los grandes tesoros que guardan y demuestran el verdadero "amor de dios" un dios tan razista,machista y genosida como todos en su iglesia.
adoro hacer polemica.

Ok, I'm sorry I don't speak (sic) in English, but, to be honest, I just don't want to.
I don't know about the rest of you, but the webmaster of the page (sic) is a damn, sick, bad informed prejudizer (sic).
A puritan with way too much time on his miserable life, who prays to a god I hope doesn't listen to him.
The furry as a word is already way too much prejudiced for having people like him.
It's true that there are many sick people drawing junk and they call themselves furries, but we've got to get not only the bad things.
If you think about it, it's just a stupid drawing, it doesn't hurt anybody, there are things more important than that to worry about that. The USA is just a huge whorehouse plenty with egomaniaticals willing to bomb anything against them.
The church is plenty with perverts and extremists, they only know to censure good things on life, I'd like to know why they don't donate the huge treasures they have and demonstrate the true "Love of God", a god so razist (sic), machoist and genoside (sic) as everybody on their church.
I love generating controversy.

And here why've got the living proof of why I said he's got a sectarian aproach to the fandom.
He thinks the whole of us are American, and tries to insult America to hurrrt usss.
I vote for banning this folk and locking this thread.



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Posted: 7/7/2004 9:27:35 PM     Post subject:  

Maybe he is young.. and new to all this... He'll learn... after some cons. Or then he grows up to be a serious furpervert with no
reallife nor other hobbies.

Die schauen sich Zeichningen von kopulierenden Kaninchen an und ficken sich dann einander im Arsch während sie als
Füchse ausgekleidet sind, Paul says... =)

I don't really know german but having seen their TV for many years I figure out a lot of it. =)

Furs do draw copulating rabbits and fuck eachodda in the bum.. looking at nekkid vixens...
But let them. =)

.....Always look on the furless side of life.=)
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Posted: 7/7/2004 9:44:52 PM     Post subject:  

Comparing the CYD forumites to the KKK is the most asinine thing I've ever heard.The KKK are racists.That's the key word there.Racists.
Furry is not a race,it's a fandom.And people pointing out,mocking and discussing the various insanities that have tainted the fandom,is in no way comparable to the evil that the KKK are infamous for.As a matter of fact it's a slap in the face to the KKK's victims.
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Posted: 7/7/2004 11:44:44 PM     Post subject:  

Wow. This troll got fed 3 pages of forum posts. I woulda banned this oddball in 1.

Look, I don't understand what the hell the arguement is, except for CYD = KKK. All I have to say about that is BS.

As far as I can see, we don't hate ALL of the genre, only the leeching perverts who have latched on to it.

Once the sex-crazed, farm animal loving, animal totem believing, zoophiles are removed, then you might hear some compliments to the fandom.

For now though, sit back and soak in the derision.

Furry isn't a race, it's a mental condition.
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Posted: 7/8/2004 12:37:29 AM     Post subject:  

Yeah, when people like El_Zorro_Alek and Mini-Feru spend time trying to insult us, they should at least come up with insults that are aposite. Incompetent insults just have "wanker" written all over them.

I don't really know german but having seen their TV for many years I figure out a lot of it. =)

Furs do draw copulating rabbits and fuck eachodda in the bum.. looking at nekkid vixens...

Actually that last part is "while dressed up as vixens", but never mind. I didn't expect anybody to translate it! :)
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Posted: 7/8/2004 1:03:59 AM     Post subject:  

se que parece que entre a insultar gratis, pero no fue asi.
realmente pienso eso, no creo que todo el foro piense de la misma manera
que el webmaster, por eso no insulte a nadie mas.
no me interesa hablar en el foro, solo me enojo la pagina en general.
sobre usa y la iglesia, todo lo que dije era verdad ,por mas que se niegue.
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Posted: 7/8/2004 1:45:16 AM     Post subject:  

Frankly, I can't help but sit back and laugh at these little fools...

For one, it was a pretty pussy-minded move to be all faux fair-minded in english, then blast us, and for some of us, our country, in another language. That takes some cajones, lemme tell ya. :roll:

Also, of course you fucknuts have a problem with CYD--you're god-damned furries. We'd be content to explain this kind of thing to an objective party who has a problem with this site, but when you're some little furry trying to look like a big, brave man for the rest of your fuckpack by standing up to "teh eval empire of teh CYD", we're just going to laugh at you, and show you just how underdeveloped your logic really is. Your association of CYD with the KKK still makes me chuckle. I'm a relatively modest guy, but folks like you give me a huge ego boost, because when there's people as sad as you, it makes me look like a fuggin' bronze god in comparison.

Now, do go scamper off to your little furry ratpack. Even if it's with tales of the hate group that is CYD, I don't care. The adults are trying to talk, so run off, children. You're wasting our time.
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Posted: 7/8/2004 1:54:33 AM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 7/8/2004 2:15:39 AM     Post subject:  

For the man who shaves his Juevos!
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Posted: 7/8/2004 4:39:45 AM     Post subject:  

Ahem, my boss has something to say about all this drahmaz.

*looks at watch to see when the thread will be locked.*


Oh, and you gotta love the Google translator. Here's what I got off of the last message.

that it seems that between a to insult free, but he was not asi. really I think that, I do not believe that all the forum in the same way thinks that webmaster, for that reason nobody does not insult to but it does not interest to speak to me in the forum, single I anger to me to pagina in general on uses and the church, everything what I claimed was truth, by but that refuses.

CAn anyone make heads or tails of this raw translation?
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Posted: 7/8/2004 2:11:31 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 7/8/2004 3:23:58 PM     Post subject:  

Oh, and you gotta love the Google translator. Here's what I got off of the last message.

that it seems that between a to insult free, but he was not asi. really I think that, I do not believe that all the forum in the same way thinks that webmaster, for that reason nobody does not insult to but it does not interest to speak to me in the forum, single I anger to me to pagina in general on uses and the church, everything what I claimed was truth, by but that refuses.

CAn anyone make heads or tails of this raw translation?

I can. Spanish is my mother language, I'm Spaniard after all... and in this time I've learned to NOT trust automated translators at all. ;)
The text reads like this:
    I know it seems I came in just to insult, but that isn't true.
    I really think that, I don't think the whole forum thinks like the webmaster, that's why I didn't insult anybody else.
    I'm not interested speaking on the forum, I just gotr upset by the page in general.
    About the US and the church, all I said was true, no matter how much it's denied.

    Since I'm getting tired to translate time after time after clueless folks, this is the last time I do it... but then, a little, clarifying reply by me, courtesy of the little spare time I've got.

    Zorro_Whatever, so you stumble upon here and compare us with the KKK because we don't admit idiocy. So the you talk about a fiurry doctrine and ideology and how beautiful and rosy life is when you're a furry. I ask you an explanation and then you tell me "it's impossible to understand for non-illuminati like you" or a stupidity of a similar caliber. That is not a rational explanation. If you want to defend your position, go ahead, but use more coherent arguments, try to speak on clearer and more eloquent terms, and then I'll change my point of view about you. Try to -earn- my respect, but don't expect me to give it to you just because.

    Zorro_LoQueSea, llegas aquí y nos comparas con el KKK porque no admitimos estupideces. Entonces luego hablas de una ideología y la doctrina de ser furry y de lo bonito que es la vida siendo un furry; te pido que me lo expliques y me cuentas que "no es una docrina fácil de comprender para los iluminados" o una bobada de similar calibre. Eso no es una explicacion racional. Si quieres defender tu postura, adelante, pero usa argumentos de mayor peso e intenta ser capaz de hablar en términos más claros y elocuentes, y entonces cambiaré mi punto de vista acerca de tí. -Gánate- mi respeto, pero no esperes que te lo de sólo porque sí.

    Mini-feru, Zorro_whatever, you apparently haven't realized that the reason for your indignation ISN'T by the author of this site, but it appeared on the British tabloid The Daily Mirror. The only thing the webmaster did was to tell us that The Daily Mirror gave -that- definition of the furry fandom.

    Mini-feru, Zorro_lo_que_sea, ustedes aparentemente no se han dado cuenta que el motivo de su indignación (el famoso artículo de Furry=Zoofilia) NO proviene del webmaster de esta página, sino que apareció en el tabloide The Daily Mirror. Lo único que hizo el autor fue decirnos que esa era la definición que The Daily Mirror había dado del furry fandom.

    Mini_Feru, I couldn't care less about what you think about the US and the church. If you haven't realized yet, the webmaster and the authors of this site are BRITISH and not American, so, in your efforts to insult the webmaster you've missed your target by several thousands of miles and have insulted other people you said you didn't mean to insult.
    So stop being a typical furry imbecile and: 1) don't get messed where you are totally clueless; 2) learn the minimum netiquette rules to post in a forum and 3) get a clue.

    Mini_Feru, me importa un pito lo que opines de los EE.UU y de la iglesia. Por si no te has dado cuenta, el webmaster y los autores de esta página son BRITÁNICOS y no estadounidenses. Así que en tu empeño de insultar al webmaster has errado tu blanco por varios miles de kilómetros, y para colmo has insultado a aquellos que decías que no querías insultar.Así que deja de hacer gala de la típica imbecilidad furry y: 1) no te metas en donde no te llaman, 2) aprende las mínimas reglas de etiqueta para postear en un foro y 3) ubícate, que estás más perdido que una gallina en una cueva de zorros.
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Posted: 7/8/2004 3:40:43 PM     Post subject:  

Not to mention his lack of ability to glean where it's all coming from makes him look about as knowledgeable as the negative stereotypes he's pushing about Americans. Idiots are idiots, no matter what country they hail from.

And just to stay in theme here:

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Posted: 7/9/2004 3:06:08 AM     Post subject:  

Oh no a foreigner hates us american 'whores' oh no

Who needs other countries? we have

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Posted: 7/9/2004 3:37:40 AM     Post subject:  




Furry Hermanos, Simplemente Furry

Navegando por la red encontre una pagina muy interesante, una pagina que literalmente aborrece el furry y todo lo relacionado con este. Y dentro de la discusion generada dentro del foro de dicha pagina se me pregunto que, exactamente cual era la filosofia del furry. Bien, momentaneamente dude en mi respuesta, Dude debido a que realmente no tenemos una filosofia escrita, cada quien furrea como desea hacerlo, esto es en parte acertado ya que implica una intensa vision utopica de esta corriente, llamese artistica o filosofica.

Aunque, en mi humilde vision deberia existir una "guia" una base en que se fundamente esto que llamamos furry. Algo que plasme sus valores fundamentales...

Lamentablemente llevar a cabo dicha empresa es practicamente imposible, dada la gran variedad de formas y matices que puede adoptar, desde los Fursuiters hasta los escritores. Dado que no tenemos nada definido como "normas" nuestra ideologia se presta acertadamente a las criticas irracionales de los detractores de la misma.

Es Claro, y obvio que el furry es para la gran mayoria una simple moda, tendencia o estilo... Equivalente al adjetivo usado para denominar el arte Japones, las mangas y el anime... Aqui me surge una duda, el furry es simplemente un estilo de trabajo, no una forma de vida, el furry es una efimera creacion humana que dada su naturaleza como tal es practicamente imposible que una creacion humana supere a su propio creador.

Cuantos de mis conocidos realmente sienten el llamado del furry, cuantos de vosotros creen que el furry es una completa gama de respuestas a preguntas nunca contestadas, cuantos si los hay, aceptan su condicion ajena a lo cotidiano, cuantos...

Paradojicamente quizas no exista nada mas innato del ser humano que las bellas artes, como entonces usamos algo como la pintura, la musica, la literatura, en algo que suponemos ajeno a la naturaleza humana...En contraste existen furries que "humanizan" de modo insultante nuestra ideologia, a mi parecer, el parecer de Alek Fuchs, cualquier perversion que se encuentre no solo en el ser humano, sino tambien en el animal, debe dejarse de lado en la construccion de tu vision... pedofilia, sadismo, necrofilia, zoofilia, voyeurismo, son algunas de las actividades sexuales catalogadas como "desviadas" pero ¿ en realidad lo son. ?

Cualquiera puede decir Si o No, y entrar en un circulo vicioso tratando de definir el concepto de "malo" y de "bueno" bien, facilitando las cosas... Es globalmente aceptado que el unico ser en este mundo con la habilidad de ser bueno o malo es el humano. Entonces busquemos el concepto de bueno o malo en lo siguiente que tenemos a la mano, el reino animal.

Es obvio que los animales no son tiernos y apacibles como los plasmamos en nuestra imaginacion, son agresivos, mezquinos, desconfiados, y un largo etcetera... son en algun modo humanos, solo que actuan por instinto, no por gusto como ustedes y yo. Y no actuan por gusto simplemente por una cosa, no son capaces de entender sus propios actos, no obstante parecen tener una etica mucho mas desarrollada que la nuestra.

Porque escribo esto, a que me refiero, bien un animal no mata por gusto, mata por necesidad, un animal no goza o maltrata a un semejante por placer, un animal tiene la capacidad de desarrollar la verdadera fidelidad, un animal no prejuzga nada...A pesar de no contar con raciocinio humano, parecen ser mejores que nosotros.

Ha, pero un humano practica valores que no se ven en un animal, la amistad, la solidaridad, el disernimiento, el amor.. Demosle a un humano las cualidades del animal y tendremos un humano perfecto, incapaz de dañar premeditadamente, de engañar, de hacer sufrir, tendremos un ser que siente amor, dolor, tristeza, alegria, temor, un hibrido perfecto, lo que nos lleva a pensar, no se requiere Zoomorfar el cuerpo humano, no requerimos cola, pelo, colmillos, no, no son necesarios.

Dominamos el mundo entero, no por nuestras armas, no por nuestra inteligencia, no por nuestra habilidad....Lo dominamos por algo tan simple como nuestro cuerpo, nuestras manos y nuestro cerebro tan sorprendente. El ser humano posee una ventaja grande, quizas un Zorro, un tigre, un mapache...con la for tuna de haber sido bendecido con una mano prensil y un cerebro fantastico como el nuestro, seria quien en este momento estaria escribiendo este texto.

La unica ventaja real de un cuerpo zoomorfo es la cuestion estetica, porque no decirlo, el cuerpo humano es poco estetico, no negaran el porte de un caballo, la gracia del gato, la imponencia de un leon, la belleza de un cheeta...
Tener una hermosa melena, un cuerpo con color, una hermosa cola...Esa es toda la ventaja, obviamente nuestras garras y colmillos serian inutiles contra un arma.

Asi pues el arte furry es darle forma a una idea, el ideal furry es la idea misma.

Alek Fuchs R.
Primer Filosofo de la doctrina Furry


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Posted: 7/9/2004 4:25:49 AM     Post subject:  

I'm not going to translate this.
And since there are so many grammatical errors on that text, if you try to translate it on an automatic translator, you won't be able to understand it anyway.
Better that way. It's time to lock this thread for once and all. Where's Computolio?
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Posted: 7/9/2004 5:36:54 AM     Post subject:  

Somebody call the guys in white coats as well, I can only minimally translate part of that but if I started spouting that I'd hope they'd sedate me with a nice new jacket to boot.
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Posted: 7/9/2004 6:40:02 AM     Post subject:  

I can't help but wonder if he's imitating robot speak or something with those dashes...

It seems we are being bickered at by Hot Latin Temper-bot 4000, complete with furry mod...
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The New Meat
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Posted: 7/9/2004 7:07:20 AM     Post subject:  

Ya know, I'm amazed that he feels so strongly about his "furry=utopian bliss" philosophy that he feels compelled to come here and argue in a language that he can't even speak. Granted, his English is better than my Spanish but still... Now that he's been reduced to jabbering at us in Spanish, does that mean we've won?

Oh, wait, he compared us to the KKK. KKK=Nazis. That means, you automatically lose. You failed at the internet!

Finally, just a little thans to Miguel for providing effective bilingual services for us limited Spanish proficiency persons. I like this thread. Without the stupid, we wuoldn't have any funny. And you wouldn't want to live in Nofunnyland now, would you????!?
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 7/9/2004 8:38:25 AM     Post subject:  

Okay. I'm finally going to ask. Just what in the fuck IS that goddamn thing???
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Posted: 7/9/2004 8:56:04 AM     Post subject:  

I can tell you why he feels he needs to argue with us about his fucked philosophy. In fact, I said it earlier -- he's trying to look like a big-balled hero for his fuckpack, by standing up to the "hate group" of CYD.
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Posted: 7/9/2004 1:45:07 PM     Post subject:  

Thanks for translating what you did, Miguel. It wouldn't have had as much comedic value if it had all been unintelligble to most of us. But, I think it's over and done with.... easier to ignore the troll if we can't understand what he's saying.

In effect, I think he's done this to himself.....
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Posted: 7/10/2004 8:03:50 PM     Post subject:  

got a rough translation from alta-vista babblefish..
Apperantly that was his last post, and I for one won't miss that nutcase.


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Posted: 7/11/2004 4:28:19 AM     Post subject:  

Okay. I'm finally going to ask. Just what in the fuck IS that goddamn thing???

It's an aye-aye. I'm rather sorry that I even posted it here at this point.

MZ, stop being such a tweaker - we don't need it in every thread. :evil:
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Posted: 7/11/2004 11:38:12 AM     Post subject:  

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