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Hey, just lay off the furries, OK?
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Posted: 7/25/2004 8:20:10 PM     Post subject: Hey, just lay off the furries, OK?  

The thing I find really amusing about this is that it's an, ahem, Infernal-American sticking up for the furries. I mean, someone on the 'outside' tries to stick up for the furries, and it turns out to be a guy who liked the Hellboy movie far too much. And bonus points for his use of "abso-yiffing-lutely".
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Posted: 7/25/2004 9:34:35 PM     Post subject:  

Well, his post is actually a well written and intelligent post. I can certainlly see and understand his point of view. If the way he discussed furries were what it really was about then I don't think there would be a need for sites like this.

I understand the point about chossing a species based on attributes said species has (or at least ones we attribute to them). Basically, taking a human and assigning animal like qualities in them and using the species whose qualities you've assigned to represent their personality. It's be like using a cat to respresent someone who's curious and such or a chinchilla to repesent someone whose hyper and outgoing and perhaps a but 'nutty', or perhaps a ferret to represent someone hyper and likes to sleep a lot and collect things.

If that were all it was about, I'd be cool with the whole thing. Unfortunatly, it's not simply about that, as the articles on this site have shown. It's not the concept of furry that's the problem, it's the behavior some of the people involved in it are engaging in that is the problem.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 7/25/2004 9:42:43 PM     Post subject:  

Sadly, I get stranger customers at work every single day than most of the examples of human debris paraded about here. Furries aren't hurting anyone? Howabout their own chances for a normal productive life? Yeah, let's let everyone commit suicide, do all the drugs they can, and anything else we broadly want to think isn't hurting anyone... until the damage they do to themselves affects how they interact with society...
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 7/25/2004 11:32:36 PM     Post subject: Re: Hey, just lay off the furries, OK?  

"Because what you're doing is having another joke at the expense of a group of people who aren't hurting anyone,...."

"Not hurting anyone"??


(Just had to make that point abundantly clear)
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Posted: 7/26/2004 1:15:30 AM     Post subject:  

Personally, I choose to reserve the right to not contend with someone whom I know is looking at my poor pooch with a lustful gaze..

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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 7/26/2004 4:13:47 AM     Post subject:  

bradhicks wrote:

We're talking about human beings, where the animal shape (however represented) is used as a symbolism, as what Reed Waller called a shorthand, for their personality. In a culture that portrays bulls as forceful and brutal, a man drawn as bull-like isn't an animal, he's just a bullish human being. It's just a convention of comics, it doesn't mean anything. Once in a rare while, some artist or other takes the metaphor one step further, and uses the animal shapes to talk about non-human aliens. But still, when those characters fall in love or have sex, it doesn't mean that the artist is fantasizing about animal sex; then it's another representation of sex among sentient aliens. As such, it joins the long list of conventions and tools and symbols that science fiction writers have always used to talk about human experience.

Sure, animal looking humans are used for symbolism all the time and have been through history, but just as often, anthropomorphic (HUMAN looking ANIMALS, to be technical, correct me if taking the world literally is incorrect, but that's all mostly besides the point anyways) animals are just that, and have ALSO been used throughout history. I know I should dredge up examples, but you've all been exposed to enough anthro'morphics.

" But still, when those characters fall in love or have sex, it doesn't mean that the artist is fantasizing about animal sex; then it's another representation of sex among sentient aliens. "

I don't see much difference between sentient aliens and sentient animals. (other than by definition, animals, kingdom Animalia, are always earth creatures with specific characteristics and genetic history)
Do you?

"Once in a rare while, some artist or other takes the metaphor one step further, and uses the animal shapes to talk about non-human aliens."

Rare? I dunno, maybe in comics. Certainly rare not in books. Theres plenty of animal based aliens in literature, and lots of sex too.

This is really about as much of this dudes strangely apologetic rant I wish to specifically comment on at the moment. He seems to want to filter everything through a 'De-Animalating' filter and it comes across to me as an ineffectual attempt at trying to convince the reader that he's personally not some sort of zoophile, rather then a defence of the fandom itself.
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Posted: 7/26/2004 5:36:59 AM     Post subject:  

When people start beating furries in real life, they'll get my sympathy. But until then...

*cues world's smallest violyn*
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 7/26/2004 7:06:14 AM     Post subject:  

When people start beating furries in real life, they'll get my sympathy. But until then...

*cues world's smallest violyn*

When people start beating furries in real life, I'll smile. :D
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Posted: 7/26/2004 3:49:12 PM     Post subject:  

As I've mentioned before, I've generally used morphs as a "shorthand" approach. Whether I'm designing a fictitious character or representing someone I know, I've always tried to match an animal to the personality or physical traits I'm trying to represent. That's one reason it was always so hard to select a species for myself, as I never felt I could assess my own appearance and personality objectively enough to do a good job. Not really knowing any other furries offline, I could never get any feedback as to someone else's insights. I eventually went with a boar because of my Chinese zodiac. More recently, I started drawing myself as a rooster because my wife was teasing me about always choosing chicken dishes at restaurants.

So.. I figured.. you are what you eat.

This guy's post, while well thought-out, misses much of the point as to why furries are the subject of derision these days. He's coming at it, IMO, from the standpoint of the poor ol' picked-on furries being misunderstood by the masses.

To some degree, that's true. The public in general isn't going to understand something as select as furries or Trekkies or anime fans or whatever. As such, it's going to be mocked.

But, what this guy turns a blind eye to is that, unlike the bulk of Trekkies or Star Wars fans, furries have earned their bad reputation by their actions. CSI didn't make up the idea if yiffing or scrithing or furpiles. It just highlighted it. CSI, MTV, and the Daily Show wouldn't have anything to go on with furrydom if there wasn't something already there.

Star Trek has its slash fiction, and the Klingon fans are considered pretty odd.... but you don't see Trekkies being inherently linked with diaper fetishes, scat, watersports, or hyperphallic herms. The worst Trekkies seem to have sexwise is a penchant for green chicks.

When you think about that, you really have to stop and figure there's something inherent in furrydom that draws these freaks that Trek hasn't. I mean, with furrydom, you have the hyperphalic macro herms being brewed up in furries' minds as an offshoot of a cartoon animal. Why then.. with Star Trek and its IDIC (Infinite Diversity - Infinite Combinations) philosophy did we never see a huge surge in hyperphalic green hermchicks from the planet Gigantron IV? You would think that a bunch of sex-crazed SF fanboys with a whole universe of potential alien lust objects would have come up with this stuff long before furries did.

So why didn't they? What is it about furrydom that finally broke the floodgates between SF/fantasy and sexual depravity as a social standard?

Was it the advent of the Internet? If so, why hasn't there been a real upsurge in Klingon pinups or Leia in slave gear porn? I know there's such stuff out there.. but why isn't it as prevalent or as lovingly organized as furry porn is? How is it a Klingon lesiban rape seen is still deemed as pretty crazy or, at the very least supremely goofy doodles whereas a multi-armed fox with 10 tentacle-like penises is convoluted into "art?"

My biggest problem with furrydom is basically how the furry masses have come to suggest that we're the ones being unreasonable for suggesting some stuff isn't appropriate. I don't care what two people do to each other or what costumes they wear in the bedroom. I do have a problem with it when they do it in the lobby of a hotel.

I don't care if someone wants to use a dildo shaped like a dog's dick. I do care if they decide to mark their hotel room by hanging it on the outside... and then furries everywhere wondering why that's seen as inappropriate.

I don't care if someone wants to draw a 50-foot feline furry using a diesel tanker as a dildo. I do care that furry sites like VCL don't require age verification to access said picture.

I don't care if FurryMUCK makes it easy to two fat, sweaty hams of adult flesh to meet and get together for sex. I do care that places like FurryMUCK make it easy for a fat, sweaty ham of adult flesh to suggest that a 14 year old boy playing a raverwolf in the Nurple and he meet for lunch somewhere with more nefarious aims in mind. That's not to say this happens often or ever. But the fact that it's soooooooo easy for it to happen, and that the FM staff insists their setup is just fine, is something I have a problem with.

Basically, I don't care what furries do behind closed doors. I do care when they strut down the boardwalk in nothing but a fake tail, and then get uppity when someone points out the Emperor has no clothes.

I don't have a problem with furry characters. But, then, furrydom isn't really about furry characters anymore. Anthropmorphs in modern furrydom are little more than the fuzzy vehicles by which fetishes and genitalia are paraded and self-delusions are perpetuated.
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Posted: 7/27/2004 4:10:22 AM     Post subject:  

1: This guy's rant is Intelligent?
COME ON! He refers to himself as an Infernal-American. That immediately means I cannot trust him for he is prone to lying, and he's a FREAKING EXAMPLE as to why the furry phandumb is so disfunctional. THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE THE SUBJECT MATTER!!! Almost like the Trekkies that beleive they're Klingons, just more... perverse.

2: He did argue his point with some knowledge of the subject matter...
Could he have been *gasp* a phurraie plant?!?!

Yes, some of my responses were comedy, but still, this guy sounds either former Fur, or just another oddball defending oddballs.
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Posted: 7/27/2004 9:46:42 AM     Post subject:  

Making a rant about why we should all accept furries and not beat them up etc is about as controversial as saying: “I think murder is a bad thing”

I mean, No one really wants to go around beating up furries or molesting them or anything, some people just want to be amused by the excess.

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The Outsider
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Posted: 7/27/2004 4:53:54 PM     Post subject:  

"Lay off" furries? Fine by me; it's certainly better than laying ON furries.

Or.....if we lay off furries, where will they go to find work? :D

The Outsider
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Posted: 7/27/2004 5:38:52 PM     Post subject: Re: Hey, just lay off the furries, OK?  

The thing I find really amusing about this is that it's an, ahem, Infernal-American sticking up for the furries.

Don't ask.
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Posted: 7/27/2004 9:17:27 PM     Post subject:  

I can't be bothered starting a new thread, and this is the most appropriate place for it:

I was amused.
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Posted: 7/28/2004 7:44:37 PM     Post subject:  

The comic makes a good point.
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Posted: 7/28/2004 7:57:10 PM     Post subject:  


...Being human, of course
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 7/29/2004 11:44:18 PM     Post subject:  

"Lay off" furries? Fine by me; it's certainly better than laying ON furries.

Or.....if we lay off furries, where will they go to find work? :D

Furries have jobs? When did this happen?
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The Outsider
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Posted: 7/30/2004 2:02:06 AM     Post subject:  

"Lay off" furries? Fine by me; it's certainly better than laying ON furries.

Or.....if we lay off furries, where will they go to find work? :D

Furries have jobs? When did this happen?

Well, I can't speak for the average furfanboy, but I think some of the "artgods" have real jobs. I know the story of one such "artgod" who quits jobs when the employer doesn't give him time off to attend furcons.

The Outsider
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Posted: 7/31/2004 9:40:02 AM     Post subject:  

Well, I can't speak for the average furfanboy, but I think some of the "artgods" have real jobs. I know the story of one such "artgod" who quits jobs when the employer doesn't give him time off to attend furcons.

Can’t he just use holiday time?

That’s what I did when I wanted holiday from my job.

I said “hi can i have a holiday please lol”.

Though I suppose it depends on the time of year and what sort of job it is.
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The Outsider
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Posted: 7/31/2004 10:39:20 AM     Post subject:  

Can’t he just use holiday time?

That’s what I did when I wanted holiday from my job.

I said “hi can i have a holiday please lol”.

Though I suppose it depends on the time of year and what sort of job it is.

I don't know the artist's employment situation. I heard the story from another person. From what that person has said, this artist quitting new jobs because they wouldn't give him time off to attend a furcon is a regular event.

I haven't had that dilemma. Whenever I requested time off to attend a convention, I received it.

The Outsider
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