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That Furry Obsession
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Posted: 7/31/2004 7:18:55 AM     Post subject: That Furry Obsession  

This will be my first, and final post to this forum. First of all I am a Furry (this is where I'm suppose to say "...and proud of it", but I won't. Neither will I say that I'm ashamed of same. It's a fact as to who I am. If asked, I will own my furriness and gladly explain what it is. I don't go around proselytizing, however) Deal with it.

Wayd Wolf: "Furries aren't hurting anyone? Howabout their own chances for a normal productive life?"

#ifdef SARCASM
Gee, Mr. Wolf I am touched by your concern for me and my fellow Furries. Really! I am!

Mr. Wolf: exactly who do you think you are? Who made you the final authority as to what "normal" is? Where are your credentials? In the final analysis, other peoples' lives are none of your business.


But, what this guy turns a blind eye to is that, unlike the bulk of Trekkies or Star Wars fans, furries have earned their bad reputation by their actions. CSI didn't make up the idea if yiffing or scrithing or furpiles. It just highlighted it.

Mr. Zhu: CSI is fiction. These are stories, not documentaries. So far as Furry-dom and its supposed foibles, there is nothing that they do that isn't being done in other fandoms. At least Sir William of Redmond didn't offer sex toys as an added inducement to sell the X-Crox to Furry fans. That's exactly the deal Microsoft offered Anime fans:

So, to celebrate the Japanese release of Dead or Alive Online next month, Microsoft is rolling out a special edition Xbox set with an extra-special bonus -- a dakimakura, or "hugging pillow," that features a life-size, front-and-back print of teenage character Kasumi in a skimpy bikini. <...> "I guess they're supposed to be used ... as pillows to hug, of course ... and for other obscene purposes that I would rather not mention."
Getting in Bed with the Customer

WHUDDA BUNCHA PERVS! :lol: Of course, the press didn't pick up on that, now did they? It just so happens that Furries got all the press. Oh well, C`est Le Vie!. (It also turns out that THE CSI episode brought in a lot of new Furries. Those who had some interest did some Googling, found some Furry web sites, saw what this Internet community was really like, and they affiliated with it. The only bad publicity is no publicity.)

Justin Fox:

My main problem, I guess, is like many furs, I lack many social skills, more so then a lot of furs, I fear. There have been times in the fandom, where I just felt like I couldn't socialize with some people. I donno, it's not easy to describe. How does one, in his early twenties, pick up all those important social and life skills that they missed during all the important development stages? Without them, I just feel out of place trying to make friends with non-furs.

And of course all of you just lapped that up, didn't you? No one had the cojones to tell it like it is. Well, I do, and I shall. Mr. Fox: If you believe that you are lacking in "social skills", then whose fault is that? Furry fandom didn't do this to you; you did it to yourself, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Instead of whining about this problem on an on-line forum to a bunch of strangers who don't give a RAT'S @55 about you beyond your giving them another reason (as if they needed one) to confirm their already made-up minds as to how horrible Furry fandom is, turn off the GD computer, get up off your lazy @55, and go out there and meet some real people. Stop blaming Furry-dom, the fandom to which you should show some gratitude for being there for you, otherwise your adolescence would have been far sadder and lonlier. Nor would you have developed whatever social skills you do have.

Oh, and Mitch or Computolio: congratz on digging up that obscure rag with the most biased article on Furry-dom I've ever seen: Heavy Petting. Don't you have anything better to do with your time?(!)

There is another thread that you locked, comparing this site's participants to the KKK. Actually, the comparison is quite apropos. The hard-core, KKK, bigot actually empowers the very Blacks he so hates to a remarkable degree. He allows black people to dictate where he lives, as he moves out of perfectly good neighbourhoods simply because a black family moves in. He denies his kids the benefit of a good school in favor of an inferior one simply because the latter doesn't have any black kids attending it. He throws away lucrative jobs, and even entire careers, because he can't keep the "N" word off his lips -- or his thoughts on black people to himself. Blacks positively rule his life.

The fact is that you are no different. You are constantly worrying about what "those Furries" are going to do next. You have a thread that goes on for two pages, concerning some minor incident that happened at last year's Anthrocon. Indeed, this whole forum goes on for nine pages. Jumping to the very last page, it's the same old stuff, again and again. You are more obsessed with Furry than 99.99% of the Furries.

Ironic, ain't it?
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 7/31/2004 7:36:26 AM     Post subject: Re: That Furry Obsession  

This will be my first, and final post to this forum. First of all I am a Furry (this is where I'm suppose to say "...and proud of it", but I won't. Neither will I say that I'm ashamed of same. It's a fact as to who I am. If asked, I will own my furriness and gladly explain what it is. I don't go around proselytizing, however) Deal with it.

Wayd Wolf: "Furries aren't hurting anyone? Howabout their own chances for a normal productive life?"

#ifdef SARCASM
Gee, Mr. Wolf I am touched by your concern for me and my fellow Furries. Really! I am!

Mr. Wolf: exactly who do you think you are? Who made you the final authority as to what "normal" is? Where are your credentials? In the final analysis, other peoples' lives are none of your business.


But, what this guy turns a blind eye to is that, unlike the bulk of Trekkies or Star Wars fans, furries have earned their bad reputation by their actions. CSI didn't make up the idea if yiffing or scrithing or furpiles. It just highlighted it.

Mr. Zhu: CSI is fiction. These are stories, not documentaries. So far as Furry-dom and its supposed foibles, there is nothing that they do that isn't being done in other fandoms. At least Sir William of Redmond didn't offer sex toys as an added inducement to sell the X-Crox to Furry fans. That's exactly the deal Microsoft offered Anime fans:

So, to celebrate the Japanese release of Dead or Alive Online next month, Microsoft is rolling out a special edition Xbox set with an extra-special bonus -- a dakimakura, or "hugging pillow," that features a life-size, front-and-back print of teenage character Kasumi in a skimpy bikini. <...> "I guess they're supposed to be used ... as pillows to hug, of course ... and for other obscene purposes that I would rather not mention."
Getting in Bed with the Customer

WHUDDA BUNCHA PERVS! :lol: Of course, the press didn't pick up on that, now did they? It just so happens that Furries got all the press. Oh well, C`est Le Vie!. (It also turns out that THE CSI episode brought in a lot of new Furries. Those who had some interest did some Googling, found some Furry web sites, saw what this Internet community was really like, and they affiliated with it. The only bad publicity is no publicity.)

Justin Fox:

My main problem, I guess, is like many furs, I lack many social skills, more so then a lot of furs, I fear. There have been times in the fandom, where I just felt like I couldn't socialize with some people. I donno, it's not easy to describe. How does one, in his early twenties, pick up all those important social and life skills that they missed during all the important development stages? Without them, I just feel out of place trying to make friends with non-furs.

And of course all of you just lapped that up, didn't you? No one had the cojones to tell it like it is. Well, I do, and I shall. Mr. Fox: If you believe that you are lacking in "social skills", then whose fault is that? Furry fandom didn't do this to you; you did it to yourself, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Instead of whining about this problem on an on-line forum to a bunch of strangers who don't give a RAT'S @55 about you beyond your giving them another reason (as if they needed one) to confirm their already made-up minds as to how horrible Furry fandom is, turn off the GD computer, get up off your lazy @55, and go out there and meet some real people. Stop blaming Furry-dom, the fandom to which you should show some gratitude for being there for you, otherwise your adolescence would have been far sadder and lonlier. Nor would you have developed whatever social skills you do have.

Oh, and Mitch or Computolio: congratz on digging up that obscure rag with the most biased article on Furry-dom I've ever seen: Heavy Petting. Don't you have anything better to do with your time?(!)

There is another thread that you locked, comparing this site's participants to the KKK. Actually, the comparison is quite apropos. The hard-core, KKK, bigot actually empowers the very Blacks he so hates to a remarkable degree. He allows black people to dictate where he lives, as he moves out of perfectly good neighbourhoods simply because a black family moves in. He denies his kids the benefit of a good school in favor of an inferior one simply because the latter doesn't have any black kids attending it. He throws away lucrative jobs, and even entire careers, because he can't keep the "N" word off his lips -- or his thoughts on black people to himself. Blacks positively rule his life.

The fact is that you are no different. You are constantly worrying about what "those Furries" are going to do next. You have a thread that goes on for two pages, concerning some minor incident that happened at last year's Anthrocon. Indeed, this whole forum goes on for nine pages. Jumping to the very last page, it's the same old stuff, again and again. You are more obsessed with Furry than 99.99% of the Furries.

Ironic, ain't it?

I love you.
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Posted: 7/31/2004 7:50:21 AM     Post subject:  

The Office of MagKnightX
Professional Bastard
Piss & Moan Co.
3 CYD drive, The Internet

The Furry Fandom, C.O. Blossom
2937 Irrelevant Street, The Internet

Dear Esteemed Mr. or Ms. Blossom, et al:

I write to you to convey an important message to both you and the furry fandom as a whole. It is imperative that this reach you. The general response of Piss & Moan Co. on your grievances and the grievances of all others against Crush Yiff Destroy, LTD and its subsidiary companies, including Piss and Moan Co., is as follows:

Go fuck yourselves.

Indifferently yours,

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Posted: 7/31/2004 8:03:25 AM     Post subject:  

Look kids, random bitching about whatever that no one cares about done just to boost the ego of this poor little furry trying to look like another anti-CYD "hero" to boost her own ego.

Don't touch...
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The Outsider
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Posted: 7/31/2004 8:14:35 AM     Post subject:  

Waitaminnit. Blossom didn't slam me. I've been snubbed. :lol:

The Outsider
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Posted: 7/31/2004 9:23:29 AM     Post subject:  

Here’s to you Mrs Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know
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Posted: 7/31/2004 10:36:39 AM     Post subject:  

Your letter was only the start of it,
One letter and now you're a part of it,
Now you've done it, Jim has fixed for it you, and you and you.

There must be something that you always want to do,
The one thing that you always wanted to,

Now you've done it, Jim has fixed it for you, and you and you and you



Jim has fixed it for you, and you and you



Jim has fixed it for you, and you and yound you-ou-ou.
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Posted: 7/31/2004 11:51:41 AM     Post subject:  

It's only the internet.
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Posted: 7/31/2004 1:11:13 PM     Post subject:  

It's only the internet.

The intarweb is a real place!!!

Let's go find a group of people that satires something we do, find a forum, make one post "telling them off" and go fondle ourselves.


We poke fun at furries cause they make themselves the fool, get a sense of humor. You're not going to affect anyone here with one biased "omg leabe teh furries allone" post. Nice try.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 7/31/2004 3:06:53 PM     Post subject:  

This will be my first, and final post to this forum.

First of all I am a Furry

(this is where I'm suppose to say "...and proud of it", but I won't. Neither will I say that I'm ashamed of same. It's a fact as to who I am. If asked, I will own my furriness and gladly explain what it is. I don't go around proselytizing, however) Deal with it.

That's the problem with furries, they think it means something. "furryness"... jesus. I can't bother to add up what you fuckers are made of.
It just so happens that Furries got all the press. Oh well, C`est Le Vie!. (It also turns out that THE CSI episode brought in a lot of new Furries. Those who had some interest did some Googling, found some Furry web sites, saw what this Internet community was really like, and they affiliated with it. The only bad publicity is no publicity.)

That's Outright Fallacy #1, Mr. Moore. Any press, no matter how positive, scares the shit out of furries and sends them into spiels and fits of "oMG OMGomG teh naziS ar At Teh door, Ann get your diary!" (someone more funny than me needs to write up Furry Ann Frank's last LJ entries, they'd be a riot)
RAT'S @55

You're a cockshitting little mancunt of a furry nigger, an ass polyp living in the pants of a crusty, unwashed fat man, subsisting on the filthy accumulation of cock cheese and greasy anal excretions, but you're just as happy as a retarded puppy that you get to snuggle as much puckered dark meats as your sad little heart desires.
The hard-core, KKK, bigot actually empowers the very Blacks he so hates to a remarkable degree. He allows black people to dictate where he lives, as he moves out of perfectly good neighbourhoods simply because a black family moves in. He denies his kids the benefit of a good school in favor of an inferior one simply because the latter doesn't have any black kids attending it. He throws away lucrative jobs, and even entire careers, because he can't keep the "N" word off his lips -- or his thoughts on black people to himself. Blacks positively rule his life.

I may not expect you to know shit about the world, but I expect you to have the decency not to drag several hundred years of a people struggling for basic human needs into the garbage dump of your pathetic existence. You don't know shit about the way the world is, please stop acting as if you do. For god's sake, please, the last thing blacks need is the selfish 'support' of some corny little ignorant butterball white kid who'd cry and wet his pants if he ever got lost in a black neighborhood. I've lived in black neighborhoods, son. You need to grow up or shut the fuck up.
You are constantly worrying about what "those Furries" are going to do next. You have a thread that goes on for two pages, concerning some minor incident that happened at last year's Anthrocon. Indeed, this whole forum goes on for nine pages. Jumping to the very last page, it's the same old stuff, again and again. You are more obsessed with Furry than 99.99% of the Furries.

I can't voice for anyone else, but no. You're a sideshow attraction, a squealing little deformed piglet put up for show, and the show ends in slaughter. Except this display costs nothing to see, and it never has to end.

No no, keep squirming... it'll be funny.

See, for me you don't even exist outside of a forum of two. There are people who have ties to 'the fandom' that I'd actually befriend, but they aren't ignorant little cunt-wits like you; if they were I wouldn't piss on them to put out a fire (in fact, I wouldn't even acknowledge them). If furry were a major sense of their personal real life identity, they'd seriously need to a) get a real life, or b) go to hell.
Ironic, ain't it?

Yeah, it's like rain on your wedding day, or the free advice you just can't take.
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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 7/31/2004 4:16:15 PM     Post subject:  

Blossom wort:
THE CSI episode brought in a lot of new Furries. Those who had some interest did some Googling, found some Furry web sites, saw what this Internet community was really like, and they affiliated with it. The only bad publicity is no publicity.)

Think so? Great... I bet most of the new recruits from this are of the highest moral/ethical/intellectual calibur too.
Ohwell, the quicker the pathology within the 'fandom' reaches critical mass, the quicker it will collapse and leave us with something more refined or sane. Or perhaps it will just explode to destroy all life on the planet <shrug>
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Posted: 7/31/2004 4:45:08 PM     Post subject:  

The internet is serious
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Posted: 7/31/2004 6:14:17 PM     Post subject:  

The internet is serious

The internet is serious business!

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Posted: 8/1/2004 3:16:09 AM     Post subject:  

The internet is serious business!


Are you making fun of me over the internet?!!?

How dare you!!!!!! :x
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Posted: 8/1/2004 4:38:47 AM     Post subject:  

Are you making fun of me over the internet?!!?

How dare you!!!!!! :x

It's hard to emasculate a person when they're named after a canid's genitals... no?
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 8/1/2004 6:02:50 PM     Post subject: Re: That Furry Obsession  

Deal with it.

Most overused phrase of people who want to appear tough and get the final say but aren't strong enough to stand up to their own mom and dad and get their way to go to a furry con. As you say, "deal with it."

Wayd Wolf: "Furries aren't hurting anyone? Howabout their own chances for a normal productive life?"

#ifdef SARCASM
Gee, Mr. Wolf I am touched by your concern for me and my fellow Furries. Really! I am!

Mr. Wolf: exactly who do you think you are? Who made you the final authority as to what "normal" is? Where are your credentials? In the final analysis, other peoples' lives are none of your business.

As soon as you parade your inane furry lives in front of the public, they become my business. As soon as you and your fellow demented schmucks IM me and ask me to try some hot doggy sex with you and your Schnauzer, it becomes my problem. When you asswipes contact me out of the blue asking me for advice on how to fix your lives and then you turn around and scream at me like children that I'm being unfair when I tell you the truth, you're my business. When you contact me looking for a sexual relationship and then can't manage to go through with the deed after talking about it online for months and months, you're my problem.

See, the people I deal with in the real world may have their defects and faults, but they can hold jobs. They can actually maintain relationships. They can actually have sex without hangups and fetishes. They can talk normally about things other than furry and spooge.

Let's get to that jobs thing. How many furries do you know who are A)not on disability, B)not on welfare, C)not living with their parents, D)holding a job that pays the bills, and E)holding a job that they can take or leave and find another that pays as much any time they want?

Furries don't have that kind of juice. They have hum-drum little lives of unemployment, living at the mercy and off of the largesse of others. They by and large can't maintain relationships and are the embodiment of the old saw "familiarity breeds contempt". They take others for granted. They treat others they call friend as nothing more than someone to deal with their problems and basically could care less about those they inflict on those around them.

Sure, there's some decently stable and well employed people in furry. But they are not, no matter what they like to say, furries. Being a furry means a screw-up on track to utter loserdom. Like the difference between sci-fi fan and trekkie. Trekkies are sad critters. Not as sad as furries but sad enough. I know a lot of trippy underachievers in furry who ARE NOT furries. I also know a lot of people in furry who ARE furries and headed for loserdom.

Who am I? Someone who once upon a time gave a fuck about how others' ended up for their sakes. Sorry if you don't like the fact that I care. Not like you furries can understand the concept of caring about others, being so wrapped up in your own angst as you are.
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Posted: 8/1/2004 7:46:30 PM     Post subject: Re: That Furry Obsession  

Sure, there's some decently stable and well employed people in furry. But they are not, no matter what they like to say, furries.

What are they, then?
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Posted: 8/1/2004 8:37:55 PM     Post subject:  

We poke fun at furries cause they make themselves the fool, get a sense of humor. You're not going to affect anyone here with one biased "omg leabe teh furries allone" post. Nice try.

Furries have a sense of humor, I shall demonstrate.

"You're not going to affect anyone here with one biased "omg leabe teh furries allone" post. Nice try."

Didn't it ever occur to you that I may have known that all along? How about reading all the posts in this thread, read them carefully, and then ask yourself just who has been making fools of themselves. Think about that carefully before answering.

Skunkfucker, your screen name is far more apropos to you than even you suspect. It's an ugly name for an ugly excuse for a human being.

You're a cockshitting little mancunt of a furry nigger, an ass polyp living in the pants of a crusty, unwashed fat man, subsisting on the filthy accumulation of cock cheese and greasy anal excretions, but you're just as happy as a retarded puppy that you get to snuggle as much puckered dark meats as your sad little heart desires.

After up-chucking this vile racist vomit all over this forum, you then write this:

I may not expect you to know shit about the world, but I expect you to have the decency not to drag several hundred years of a people struggling for basic human needs into the garbage dump of your pathetic existence.

I do believe that you have set a new standard for chutzpah with that one. LOL! I have saved this page to my HD, and soon all of Furry-dom will learn just what a despicable, low-life, racist piece of shit you really are. Every time someone claims that Crush, Yiff, Destroy is not a hate-site, you are going to have these words served right back to you. Congratulations. You have lived up (or rather down) to my expectations beyond my wildest imagination. And don't think that I have not noticed how Skunkfucker's racist garbage has not gone unchallenged. Skunkfucker, I just might dedicate a web page to you.

Look kids, random bitching about whatever that no one cares about done just to boost the ego of this poor little furry trying to look like another anti-CYD "hero" to boost her own ego.

Don't touch...

Congratulations, Shmeckopolis, you almost figured it out. There's hope for you yet. With a little effort, you just might be able to re-join the human race. Of course, you will have to leave CYD: can't expect to soar with the eagles until you stop running around with turkeys.

Oh, and Wolfie: why don't you learn the difference between a "zoophile" and a "furry"? You come across as a complete dumbass.

Before I take permanent leave of all of you, know this: you have all been had by a Furry. I'll be laughing at you till next week.
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Posted: 8/1/2004 9:05:43 PM     Post subject: Re: That Furry Obsession  

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 7:18 am Post subject: That Furry Obsession


This will be my first, and final post to this forum.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:37 pm Post subject:


Furries have a sense of humor, I shall demonstrate.

'Nuff said.
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Posted: 8/1/2004 9:38:00 PM     Post subject:  

Hey guys, it's my birthday next week.

Who's bringing the delicious pie?
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/1/2004 10:10:33 PM     Post subject:  

Hey guys, it's my birthday next week.

Seriously? No shit?

Um, sorry I don't know you enough to get you a real present, but I could draw you something. We could even start a "Draw Rankin A Pic For His Birthday (not porn... maybe) " thread :P
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Posted: 8/1/2004 10:46:02 PM     Post subject:  

Seriously? No shit?

Um, sorry I don't know you enough to get you a real present, but I could draw you something. We could even start a "Draw Rankin A Pic For His Birthday (not porn... maybe) " thread :P

Seriously. LEO in the hizzousss!

Hrrrm... I've had some friends draw me things in the past - and they tend to be quite shocked, because I say 'just draw whatever'. They usually draw me pictures of procyonids, since I like 'em. As for porn, eh.. that'd never manage to make it into my desktop rotation, so I'd see it few and far between. ;)

To show my love, and distain for all - following with my last disturbed post, I've altered lyrics to a song from Alice in Wonderland:

Statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday, just one, that fateful year.
But there are chances for a hundred, perhaps more unbirthings!
That is why we're gathered here to jeer.
A very merry unbirthing to you (to you).
A very merry unbirthing to you!
It's great to crawl into someone and I guess that you will do.
A very merry unbirthing to you!
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Posted: 8/1/2004 11:15:49 PM     Post subject:  

OMG Blossom is teh LIEAR he says he only would post ONCE do teh BANNING!!!!!!!!111OMGLOLWTFXYZPDQ
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Posted: 8/2/2004 12:32:34 AM     Post subject:  

This Blossom amuses me. Lecturing us on how we're being mean to furries and comparing us to the kkk.

Do you think it's your job to come here an get on our cases just because we don't ignore the bad parts of furrydom? Seriously, this isn't boyscouts. Who in the world would take their kids to a furry convention? I know I wouldn't. I'm not going to say I'm not friends with any 'furs'. But the few I speak to aren't trying to impress me with their sexual acts with others. They actually act like normal people and know when they're sharing too much information and alienating people. I will say it, not all furries are bad.

My main problem with the majority of furries: They don't know when to shut up, not everyone wants to hear about how 'it's fun to be in the middle' or 'I let my dog screw me in the ass' and about their totems. Seriously, if they didn't talk about that all the fucking time, I'd have alot more respect for them. I don't want to hear about someone's fetishes and sexual escapades. Jesus, shut the fuck up.

As for some of us acting silly? I wasn't aware we were supposed to be serious all the time. AKA, go fuck yourself.

You sure told us. :cry:
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
Joined: 20 Jan 2004
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Posted: 8/2/2004 12:47:03 AM     Post subject:  

OMG Blossom is teh LIEAR he says he only would post ONCE do teh BANNING!!!!!!!!111OMGLOLWTFXYZPDQ

He lost. He knows it, everyone else knows it. If he wants to have some more happy-rapetime fun visited on his tender ass, he can always e-mail or PM me, though judging from his stuttering, clumsy retort he's probably dumb enough to post a third time. I typed up two perfectly good posts (one in answer to a previous poster, the other to deflower Blossom after I saw he did the absolute most predictable thing and posted a second time), and now set them aside contentedly. Instead, I say we make this the happy-funtime thread to bullshit around in.

Seriously? No shit?

Um, sorry I don't know you enough to get you a real present, but I could draw you something. We could even start a "Draw Rankin A Pic For His Birthday (not porn... maybe) " thread :P

Seriously. LEO in the hizzousss!

Hrrrm... I've had some friends draw me things in the past - and they tend to be quite shocked, because I say 'just draw whatever'. They usually draw me pictures of procyonids, since I like 'em. As for porn, eh.. that'd never manage to make it into my desktop rotation, so I'd see it few and far between. ;)

To show my love, and distain for all - following with my last disturbed post, I've altered lyrics to a song from Alice in Wonderland:

Statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday, just one, that fateful year.
But there are chances for a hundred, perhaps more unbirthings!
That is why we're gathered here to jeer.
A very merry unbirthing to you (to you).
A very merry unbirthing to you!
It's great to crawl into someone and I guess that you will do.
A very merry unbirthing to you!

Okay, wait... wait, you want unbirthing coons (omg cooon!!1! i sted teh racitsism thign im a recist to111!!11) with an Alice in Wonderland party theme, or you don't want unbirthing coons with an Alice in Wonderland party theme?

How about just procyonid cheescake?
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Posted: 8/2/2004 1:05:57 AM     Post subject:  

How about just procyonid cheescake?

I doubt that would taste very good. How about both, just not mixed? I love me some good cheeesecake, even if it isn't a pie. ;)

The Alice in Wonderland commentary was due to my prior comment in another thread. I have no perversions related to that - other than I was forced to sing "Painting the roses red" in music class so many moons ago.

... I still find it hard to not recall the lyrics.
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Posted: 8/2/2004 3:35:25 AM     Post subject: Re: That Furry Obsession  

Sure, there's some decently stable and well employed people in furry. But they are not, no matter what they like to say, furries.

What are they, then?

P-E-R-V.. everyone's accusin' ME!
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/2/2004 3:48:06 AM     Post subject:  

Oh goodie, I'd saved that first post:

Sure, there's some decently stable and well employed people in furry. But they are not, no matter what they like to say, furries.

What are they, then?

It's a good, realistic argument that not too many use. Some people just think they're furries because they see people who are into some of the same things, and those people call themselves "furries". But, being a loser is a prerequisite to being a real furry; real furries are the losers, and it's the real losers who gravitate towards -and deeper into- furry.

I did call myself that once, when I first found anthro art scattered across the internet. I had no concept that there was any sort of widespread, pervasive organization to any of it, I just thought it was a few people who happened to do art on a subject that interested me. At the time, even the weirder porn seemed almost... charming, and innocent at the time. I don't think I 'got it', what it was all about.

Based on pure evidence, I'd take the argument further and say I don't believe even the myriad fetishes make furry what it is. Throughout history and to the present day there have been doctors, lawyers and high ranking military and political figures who're hardcore fetishists, and are still successful and accomplished. These are the people we trust with our health, freedoms and safety on a daily bases. At the same time, even the cleanest fur-fan can be a total ugly ass furry fucking loser, with all the gay ass scritching and RPing and social retardation and shit that comes along with it, not to mention total wash-outs when it comes to having a decent career.

Love the sin, hate the sinner? From an objective stance, there is something deeper to it all than the porn and the perversion (which I honestly believe exists mainly because the people involved just need to get out more). Having a sexual thing for animal-people doesn't make you a loser, being a loser makes you a loser. A loser drowning themselves in anthropomorphism makes them furry.

Why anthro? Who knows. Maybe it's because animals are non-judgmental, making it something inclusive enough to allow for anyone, even the most wretched and weak individuals to be involved. Maybe it allows them to set themselves outside of the realm of humanity enough that they don't have to live up to even it's most basic standards, and outside of reality enough so that they don't have to feel any real pain from it's daily disappointments. They can't take the price of living a real, fruitful life, but are too weak and worthless to struggle and make things better for themselves.

Still, if you can hold a good job, have real friends and relationships and not be a burden on society, you get the right to be into and call yourself whatever you want, and I'll offer at least a modicum of basic respect to you. But how many -and I ask you, how many- real furries could been included on that list?

And speaking of furry porn:

The Alice in Wonderland commentary was due to my prior comment in another thread. I have no perversions related to that - other than I was forced to sing "Painting the roses red" in music class so many moons ago.

... I still find it hard to not recall the lyrics.

Now now, as I've already stated, I believe fetishes are merely grist for the chuckle mill, not necessarily cruel derision. You can open up to me baby, I don't mind :oops: I promise I'm not setting you up for anything. If I was really a mean bastard I'd still be punching Blossom in the ass instead of pulling out early.

Just to be clear on one thing, at least: cheesecake, beefcake, or *unf* Philly Cheesesteak? (and you get two guesses what that means)

Right, I'll be nice now.
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Posted: 8/2/2004 11:07:40 AM     Post subject:  


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Posted: 8/2/2004 1:42:40 PM     Post subject:  

Just to be clear on one thing, at least: cheesecake, beefcake, or *unf* Philly Cheesesteak? (and you get two guesses what that means)

Right, I'll be nice now.

Now I'm frightened. Philly Cheesesteak... is that a herm with a mullet and a Rocky Balbola accent?



That is not a wolf! :evil:
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Posted: 8/2/2004 2:31:18 PM     Post subject:  


I'm afraid I'm not quite that good yet. Using the inverted picket fence design for feet was a good technique, I'll have to pick up on it. Very nice work, probably reminiscent of Rob Liefeld's early stuff.

See? He got somewhere with a total lack of talent, and he wasn't a furry!
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Posted: 8/2/2004 4:20:30 PM     Post subject:  

See? He got somewhere with a total lack of talent, and he wasn't a furry!

What??? Captain America isn't packin'?:oops: No wonder he never had a stable relationship. I guess the girls can't salute the flag when he doesn't have much of a flagpole (sh-boom tsssss).:lol:

My GOD...look at those manboobs! :shock: :shock:

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/2/2004 4:56:07 PM     Post subject: Re: That Furry Obsession  

This will be my first, and final post to this forum. First of all I am a Furry (this is where I'm suppose to say "...and proud of it", but I won't. Neither will I say that I'm ashamed of same. It's a fact as to who I am. If asked, I will own my furriness and gladly explain what it is. I don't go around proselytizing, however) Deal with it.

Nothin' says "You Lose" quicker than a followup to your first and last post.

Deal with it.

Mr. Zhu: CSI is fiction. These are stories, not documentaries. So far as Furry-dom and its supposed foibles, there is nothing that they do that isn't being done in other fandoms. At least Sir William of Redmond didn't offer sex toys as an added inducement to sell the X-Crox to Furry fans. That's exactly the deal Microsoft offered Anime fans:

The CSI episode was fiction based on reality. It couldn't have highlighted the goofier minority of furrydom if it didn't already exist. I can guarantee you CBS didn't just invent the ideas of yiffing, scritching, and furpiles. Maybe FOX could, but not CBS.

BTW, nice touch calling everyone "Mr." It kind of makes you sound like William F. Buckley discussing how atomic super apes will eventually rule the planet.

And of course all of you just lapped that up, didn't you? No one had the cojones to tell it like it is. Well, I do, and I shall. Mr. Fox: If you believe that you are lacking in "social skills", then whose fault is that? Furry fandom didn't do this to you; you did it to yourself, and you have no one to blame but yourself. Instead of whining about this problem on an on-line forum to a bunch of strangers who don't give a RAT'S @55 about you beyond your giving them another reason (as if they needed one) to confirm their already made-up minds as to how horrible Furry fandom is, turn off the GD computer, get up off your lazy @55, and go out there and meet some real people.

Originally, I thought you were pulling a Kerry as to whether you were defending furrydom or flaming it, but, I can see now you're simply trying to absolve this kid's involvement in furrydom from having any effect on his limited social growth. Ironically, most of us were addressing his problems outside of furrydom, suggesting that adhering to furrydom didn't help. For a bunch of intolerant Nazis, that thread shows most of us trying to help him with a dash of reality, but without getting too brutal, unlike yourself.

I also love how you can't bring yourself to actually type swear words. I'm guessing that's a holdover from trying to dodge around AOL filters.

Stop blaming Furry-dom, the fandom to which you should show some gratitude for being there for you, otherwise your adolescence would have been far sadder and lonlier. Nor would you have developed whatever social skills you do have.

You know, that says it all right there. Whatever doubts any of us had about what your level of delusional, cock-sucking hero worship of furrydom was have been dispersed.

Be grateful teh furr13z give you spooge!

There is another thread that you locked, comparing this site's participants to the KKK. Actually, the comparison is quite apropos. The hard-core, KKK, bigot actually empowers the very Blacks he so hates to a remarkable degree. He allows black people to dictate where he lives, as he moves out of perfectly good neighbourhoods simply because a black family moves in. He denies his kids the benefit of a good school in favor of an inferior one simply because the latter doesn't have any black kids attending it. He throws away lucrative jobs, and even entire careers, because he can't keep the "N" word off his lips -- or his thoughts on black people to himself. Blacks positively rule his life.

"The deep south? Isn't that the place where the black guys are really lazy and all the white guys are just as lazy but they're mad at the black guys for being so lazy?"

The fact is that you are no different. You are constantly worrying about what "those Furries" are going to do next. You have a thread that goes on for two pages, concerning some minor incident that happened at last year's Anthrocon. Indeed, this whole forum goes on for nine pages. Jumping to the very last page, it's the same old stuff, again and again. You are more obsessed with Furry than 99.99% of the Furries.

Ironic, ain't it?

Not really. Some of us used to give a crap about "saving" the fandom. Some of us used to harbor ideas about trying to root out the fetishists and delusionals. But, we eventually realized we were fighting the tide. Some of us pretty much left the scene. Others have the ability to enjoy what they like and ignore what they don't. But very few of us worryabout furrydom these days. Furrydom can't be saved, because it doesn't want to be. We're not worried about furrydom. We're entertained by it.

Besides... if we're wasting our time with furries, why are you wasting your time with us? Don't you have anything better to do?

Guess not.
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Posted: 8/2/2004 5:40:07 PM     Post subject:  


your gift is some jpg compression yaaay
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Posted: 8/2/2004 6:15:04 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 8/2/2004 11:06:36 PM     Post subject:  

That is not a wolf!

edit: A-Ok

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Posted: 8/3/2004 1:57:55 AM     Post subject:  


your gift is some jpg compression yaaay

Awwww... Thanks!

<3 DOGTHANG.>!!.>!!.1!

I shall cherish it always... and forever.
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Posted: 8/3/2004 1:59:32 AM     Post subject:  

That is not a wolf!

edit: A-Ok

hot. lowercase. Not even.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/3/2004 4:54:32 AM     Post subject:  

I won't even guess what the upturn in the tail is there for.
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Posted: 8/3/2004 9:33:42 AM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 8/3/2004 1:15:43 PM     Post subject:  

How about just procyonid cheescake?

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Posted: 8/3/2004 1:55:25 PM     Post subject:  

How about just procyonid cheescake?

That poor critter had way too much cheesecake. :(
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Posted: 8/3/2004 2:10:26 PM     Post subject:  

That jpeg compression looks like a condom for a macro herm skunktaur.
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Posted: 8/3/2004 6:08:57 PM     Post subject:  

That is not a wolf!

edit: A-Ok

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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/4/2004 2:58:59 AM     Post subject:  

I gave you cool hair :P
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Posted: 8/4/2004 4:04:17 AM     Post subject:  


And my birthday is on the 10th. I think I'll be afraid....very afraid.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/4/2004 2:39:26 PM     Post subject:  

I gave you cool hair :P

Now that's what I call coon cheesecake!

thx! !1!!1!!!!1!!1

U LUV ME! Well, I LUV U 2.


And my birthday is on the 10th. I think I'll be afraid....very afraid.

The Outsider

Don't fear the rubber.

The Latexer.
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Posted: 8/4/2004 6:20:57 PM     Post subject:  


I had to close that before it gave me t3h GAY.

P.S. I came in your cake. Oh yeah, take it all.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/4/2004 10:04:00 PM     Post subject:  

Now that's what I call coon cheesecake!

thx! !1!!1!!!!1!!1

I started to do one of my famous $50 commission pinups, but decided not to for either one of two reasons: a) I'd run the risk of exposing my secret identity, and subsequently my lucrative sideline of Furbid and CD sales might be affected, or b) I'm really not an artist and suck horribly.

U LUV ME! Well, I LUV U 2.


Why.. why does this make me feel this way? So warm.. so.. so wonderful! Is this, could it be, a prelude to hot hot man-lovin'? But, I've never..!

I-I don't know where to start, what should I do? O-okay, touch there..? Like this? Isn't it... dirty? Oh, I don't know what I'm supposed to feel!! This is all so confusing to me...
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Posted: 8/4/2004 10:17:07 PM     Post subject:  

P.S. I came in your cake. Oh yeah, take it all.

Stop being so mean... or I'll never tell you what I did to your brownies..

I started to do one of my famous $50 commission pinups, but decided not to for either one of two reasons: a) I'd run the risk of exposing my secret identity, and subsequently my lucrative sideline of Furbid and CD sales might be affected, or b) I'm really not an artist and suck horribly.

Why.. why does this make me feel this way? So warm.. so.. so wonderful! Is this, could it be, a prelude to hot hot man-lovin'? But, I've never..!

I-I don't know where to start, what should I do? O-okay, touch there..? Like this? Isn't it... dirty? Oh, I don't know what I'm supposed to feel!! This is all so confusing to me...

Now I'll never know if you truly care... and vexed by yoru retort, I opt not to make my moove. Oooh... is all lost? IS ALL LOST?
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/5/2004 1:16:25 AM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 8/5/2004 3:33:47 AM     Post subject:  


Am not.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/5/2004 3:40:19 AM     Post subject:  

Am not.

Denial is not a river, sugarlips. :twisted:
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Posted: 8/5/2004 4:57:13 AM     Post subject:  

Am not.

Denial is not a river, sugarlips. :twisted:

I'm very Very VERY hetero. Heck, part of the reason I didn't do well in certain circles of furdom was because I am hetero.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/5/2004 8:26:21 AM     Post subject:  

Am not.

Denial is not a river, sugarlips. :twisted:

I'm very Very VERY hetero. Heck, part of the reason I didn't do well in certain circles of furdom was because I am hetero.

The Outsider

They sure hate the breeders mr. addlesee. :( :( :( :(
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Posted: 8/5/2004 3:11:24 PM     Post subject:  


A little belated. I didn't find a wolf.
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Posted: 8/5/2004 3:30:26 PM     Post subject:  


A little belated. I didn't find a wolf.

I would say that it was the thouht that counts - however, after this foray into your mind, I don't know if those are safe, either. :evil:
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Posted: 8/5/2004 3:53:46 PM     Post subject:  

Stop being so mean... or I'll never tell you what I did to your brownies..

I know what you did to my brownies. That's why I stopped using that baking pan.
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Posted: 8/5/2004 5:19:11 PM     Post subject:  

I would think it was better with a warm pie.
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