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CYD: "real Furry-hate"
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Posted: 8/18/2004 4:50:16 PM     Post subject: CYD: "real Furry-hate"  

Spotted in a thread on the Furtopia forums discussing
Of course, you can go to sites like Crush, Yiff, Destroy and see real Furry-hate in all its infamy. I know the real thing when I see it, and godhatesfurries is not the real thing.

There's also an earlier thread just about CYD which has some great comments:

*clutches his paws into fists*

i guess ur right draska but some of the topics on that site
just fills me with so much anger (i'm not even gonna type the titles)
somethingawful is like nothing! thing

I hate SA, CYD, (etc) and all they stand for. I cannot see how sick, twisted minds like that think they're funny. It's idiots like that who spread prejudice, ignorance, and inbred bias.

ter taking a look at that site, all I can say is, the only thing worse than the retoric(sp?) and hate that CYD (and SA) puts out is the people who write it. When brains were passed out, where were these people?

Oh yeah, and what furry is really about:
According to that site, furry art has been destroyed by the fandome fith the "too much yiff" thing... I never heard of that before and i thought that furry was all about "wanting to be an animal", not being a comic book geek.
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Posted: 8/18/2004 5:06:05 PM     Post subject:  

We're biased towards in-breds?

That's news to me!
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Posted: 8/18/2004 5:14:35 PM     Post subject: Re: CYD: "real Furry-hate"  

*clutches his paws into fists*

tee hee :)
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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/18/2004 5:18:29 PM     Post subject:  

Ah, I see they've read some of my articles.

I just read their little article on Otherkin... heh. Good for them if they want to use medieval text, but they should remember that back in the medieval times up to the 1800's (?) a lot of modern medicine was basically leeches, licking frogs, or applying paste made of bird crap to the bottom of feet. Oh, and there were also witch hunts, holy wars, the Spanish Inquisition... Yeah. What an intelligent era.

Oh! Your logic cuts me deeply. Gosh, perhaps you're right, perhaps my reliance on medieval goggeldygook was misplaced. Who woulda thought?

Strong suspicion that any article by "The New Meat" is satire.

No shit, Sherlock.

OMG they are the most sick and evil ppl i have ever seen in my life!
how ignorant can ppl b i'm sorry but i am 100% offended at that website and the (most) of the ppl that post there

Srongly suspect that any post by Rika is satire.
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Posted: 8/18/2004 5:23:53 PM     Post subject:  

Furries are pissed off. I think that means we win.
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Posted: 8/18/2004 6:03:04 PM     Post subject:  

SA, admittedly, is a lot of folks that dislike furries without really knowing the ins and outs of furrydom.

CYD, on the other hand, consists pretty much entirely of folks that were or are furry fans to some degree.

The thing that makes all of their angst and anger towards us so amusing is that many of us were once like them at some point. Maybe not batshit insane, but the CYD roster has its share of former yiffmongers. At least a few of us were no strangers to Tapestries in our day. Some of us maybe even went on a mild "spiritual furry" thing. While I, for one, never believed I was a dragon trapped in a human body, I did have a short stint in high school where I mused the possibilities of some kind of draconian Jungian archetype. I even used the "more in touch with nature" line in my furrier days.

If you want to compare it to race relations, as furries are often prone to doing, we're not the KKK calling for the eradication of blacks on the basis of skin color. We're more like Bill Cosby in his recent, infamous speech, suggesting that it's not the schools that are letting children of the black community down.. it's their black parents. I recently saw another black comedian on Comedy Central do a routine where he, himself, declared "White people work to get rich. Black people work to look rich."

We're not folks from the outside looking at furrydom without understanding, and denouncing what we don't understand. We're folks that have been on the inside, and saw what furry started as, and what it became, and dared to suggest that the emperor has no clothes.

For all of the angst and bitterness furries feel toward the CYD crowd, they fail to realize one thing.......


I know it kind of lessens the impact of this post to not end on that.. but looking at the comments they have, some were just too fun not to comment on.

I visited this site some time ago and just revisited to see if anything changed. IMO these people are upset with change. Well change happens, you can either go with it or be left behind. Anything that stays the same to long becomes stagnant and uninteresting.


I don't think they are so much anti fur but anti change.

"FOX became a hardcore porno channel so gradually, I never really noticed." - Marge Simpson
Lessee..... what starts out as a fandom dedicated to those that enjoy anthropomorphic characters in the media, populated by animal lovers and folks that enjoy comic and fantasy art..... changes into a fandom that has a fair amount of focus on wanting to fuck or be the anthropomorphic characters seen in the media, populated by animal lovers... to the extreme in some cases... folks that denounce their humanity and delude themselves into thinking they aren't human, folks that crossover between their interest in cartoon animals and the chance to lure fresh assmeat through the 'net to their hotel rooms at cons, and folks that can't seem to separate their interest in cartoon animals with their gender orientation. By all means, let us hop on the bandwagon and accept this change.

After all, it was embracing change that allowed a number of Germans to decide that the genocide of the Jewish people was a more enlightened approach to preserving the welfare of humanity.

Sometimes embracing change is good.... realizing that changing socially dictated norms to accept that if two people of the same gender enter into a responsible, loving relationship and want to formalize that.. it's not a bad thing. Sometimes embracing change is bad, however, such as trying to suggest that pedophilia would be a good thing.

I love that site, any time I need a good laugh I peek in there. There is always someone posting something to get attention. The site is full of furs who can't stand out in the furry world any other way, so they shout about how evil everyone else is to get you to look at them.

Well, if CYD is all about "We're better than those furries that are worth laughing at".... I don't think lauging at CYD and feeling superior is really any better. But, this is from a fellow that thinks CYD's aim is to gain status in the fandom by any means necessary. I think we should donate to a fund to buy this fellow a clue.

All I have to say is that I'm getting relly tired of hate groups who have to put others down just to make themselves feel superior.

It's always funny to see furries discuss sites like CYD. They engage in the exact same thing they accuse CYD of. It's like bombing an abortion clinic and claiming the moral high ground.

Was a little shaky at first, soem of the stuff was just amusing some of it mean. What told me the truth of these people was finding the prayers some one wrote down for the losses of 9-11 in the atrocities archive. These guys seriously need to grow up.
And this would be weaker than the horde of furry art on VCL commemorating the attacks.... how? Not to mention the furry "sympathy cards" that always come out after someone like Chuck Jones, John Denver, or CarrotTop dies. If there was ever a case of trying to catch a glow from someone's limelight, it's drawing a crying fox as an attempt to see "See how sad I am that Ronald Reagan died?????"

According to that site, furry art has been destroyed by the fandome fith the "too much yiff" thing... I never heard of that before and i thought that furry was all about "wanting to be an animal", not being a comic book geek.

Come over here, sonny, and gather 'roun' gran'pa. See, there wuz a time, long, long ago, when furrydom wuz started by comic book geeks. Back then, we didn't have yer new-fangled Internet or new age religions. So, us ol' timers just sat and read and drew comics. Ifn's I recall, there was one feller.. went by the name of Zeke Tailhole.. that wanted to be an animal. Went an' threw himself off of the city hall bell tower cuz he knew he'd never be a fox. But, the res' of us ol' folks just did the comics. Didn' known nuthin' 'bout this here yiff or "misplaced animal spirit" thang. Durndest thing, too. Now, y'all go an play in yer furpiles. Gran'pa is gonna read a copy of Albedo 0 and then take a nap.

Just laugh since you know where the source is coming from. They don't want the fandom laughing at their stupidity. They want the fandom to get out raged and start posting about THEM. (shakes head)

Hmm.. a little competetion for the clueless award for the fellow above. I dunno about SA, but I didn't think CYD wanted folks to focus on it.... I thought the idea was to get other folks outraged at what furrydom has become.

They continue to not see it.. furrydom has earned it's reputation. MTV and CSI may have played it up a bit, but yiff, furpiles, and plushie humping aren't the works of some fevered television writer's imagination.

I hate SA, CYD, (etc) and all they stand for. I cannot see how sick, twisted minds like that think they're funny. It's idiots like that who spread prejudice, ignorance, and inbred bias.


After taking a look at that site, all I can say is, the only thing worse than the retoric(sp?) and hate that CYD (and SA) puts out is the people who write it. When brains were passed out, where were these people?

Most of us were at the front of the line, getting the hot-off-the-assembly-line brains that could comprehend that being gay and liking siberian huskies have no real relation to each other... the brains that could understand that there's nothing wrong with any of those things, but that liking freaky-tiki buttsex and your favorite movie being Balto have no direct link to each other.

Exactly. I mean, I can spend my time making money with my 'yiffy' art, or searching the internet for hours, looking at sites to make fun I wonder which ine will help me pay off my loan faster

Then there's the whole foreign concept of getting a career that pays decent... something other than working at Starbuck's between yiff commissions. Nothing wrong with drawing spooge art.. but let's not pretend you're going to retire early drawing furry porn.

I actually suspect some of them to be interested in anthropomorphic material but, to be ashamed of admitting it, because of the dirtier and, unfortunately, more prominent side of the fandom.

Gee... do ya think, Einstein? I'll give this guy credit for having a bit of insight, but he clearly doesn't have any knowledge about the history of furrydom, otherwise he'd recognize a few of the more prominent names from this site and realize that some folks here were formerly the kind of furry artists they now gripe about.

Maybe if you ignore 'em, they'll go away!!

So long as furries tend to get freakier and "burn" the less freaky furries with their antics and their showboating their fetishes for the television cameras.... no.. they won't go away. Like I said above, furrydom doesn't realize that they create some of the more vocal anti-furs out of their own ranks.
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Posted: 8/18/2004 7:03:37 PM     Post subject:  

*clutches his paws into fists*

I got a kick out of that as well.
What a disgusting bit of filth Sorry, but I just don't like that kind of stuff
CYD is filth..? Well how bad could we be compared to sickos who roleplay 7 year old bi children? Or multi titted herm taurs?

They do seem to be a very much set against change . But if thats what they want to think then fine let them . There is to little time in this world to give it up wasting time on people who dont agree with you and who WON'T listen to reason . if they do decide to listen thats another story but there you go.
Yes, we after you. The whole world is! Then we have have our pseudo-intellectual comment... that makes little sense.

BAH. We promote hate? Some people have no sense of humor, geeze.

We're more like Bill Cosby in his recent, infamous speech, suggesting that it's not the schools that are letting children of the black community down.. it's their black parents.

I'd have to agree. Instead of pointing our fingers at society itself for causing the problems in 'furrydum', we're pointing them right at the furries. Who, through their unconditional acceptance have let all sort of sicko freaks into their midst. People, it's okay to dislike a horsefucker/pedophile/Mr.I'maYiffyFoxTrappedInAHumanBody/plushophile loser and not want them around you.

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Posted: 8/18/2004 7:31:08 PM     Post subject:  


We're ebil goose-stepping Nazis?

How fecking moronic. You're not a race, you phurraies. You're a messed-up cult. Yeah, you heard me. A CULT!

A Sex-perverted, zooiphilic cult!

We're the frugging heroes here!!!
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Posted: 8/18/2004 7:41:59 PM     Post subject:  


I feel sorry for making you look at that. I feel sorry for having made that. It made my eyes feel sad.
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Posted: 8/18/2004 8:15:35 PM     Post subject:  

Reactions like this are part of the reason CYD exists.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/18/2004 9:15:55 PM     Post subject:  

People, it's okay to dislike a horsefucker/pedophile/Mr.I'maYiffyFoxTrappedInAHumanBody/plushophile loser and not want them around you.


That's why they despise CYD so much. Not only do we refuse to recognise the "MastFur Race" and embrace their superiority over teh st8 hyoomanz, but we actually dare to mock them for their delusional stupidity.
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Posted: 8/18/2004 10:22:01 PM     Post subject:  

I'd have to agree. Instead of pointing our fingers at society itself for causing the problems in 'furrydum', we're pointing them right at the furries. Who, through their unconditional acceptance have let all sort of sicko freaks into their midst. People, it's okay to dislike a horsefucker/pedophile/Mr.I'maYiffyFoxTrappedInAHumanBody/plushophile loser and not want them around you.


Heck, we're not even pointing fingers at ALL of furries.

IMO, furrydom is this kind of nebulous entity where you can separate it from the people that constitute it. It's a mass-mentality thing. Take any single furry fan or small group of them and you can identify ones that are furries... but not freaks. But, when you take all of these individuals and small groups and lump them into the mixing pot known as furrydom, you get this entity that operates on a hive mentality that has become what is, today, the subject of derision... not because they choose to express their fondness for cartoon animals, but because of their apathetic acceptance (mislabeled as "tolerance") of varying fringe practices that really have nothing to do with furrydom.

What the furry entity has forgotten is that it IS okay to draw lines between what is acceptable and what isn't. What CYD does is dare to suggest that the furry entity has lost its way. CYD does not suggest that a person is immediatly a moron for liking cartoon animals or going to cons for the enjoyment of anthropomorphs. What CYD does, in my perception, is it seeks to highlight those groups that are detracting from furrydom's image and suggest to other furries that THOSE groups are NOT furry. The folks on that board don't seem to realize that CYD is not outsiders mocking something foreign to them. CYD is people that are furry fans. We may not all qualify as furries.. but I think it's safe to say we all have some level of lingering interest in anthropomorphics, and we hate to see what it has become associated with.

We don't mock because we hate... we kid because we care. We dare to give a damn about something we enjoy/enjoyed being increasingly associated with personal agendas and delusions and sexual practices.

Imagine how Cardinals fans would feel if a group of small, but very visible fellow Cardinals fans decided that being a "true" fan involved wearing chaps with crotchless panties.

Furrydom has basically come to operate on the "I'm okay, you're okay, everything's okay" principle. Swept up in the modern age of PC thugism and bleeding-heart liberalism, the furry entity has developed not only an unwillingness... but a fear to say "Not only is this not furry... this is not welcome here."

Just applying a little common sense, it's easy to see that what "furry" is is fundamentally an appreciation of animals or morphic animals.

Where furry has lost its way, however, is in its unwillingness to assert what isn't furry. If something can stand on its own without anthro animals, then it's generally going to be reasonable to deduce that it's not furry. Note that I'm not counting stories where you can change the characters to an all-human cast and have it still stand on its own.. i.e., Wind in the Willows.

So, what isn't furry? BDSM, diaper fetishes, foot fetishes, bisexuality, homosexuality, Wicca, scat, watersports, military reinactments, guns...... the list can go on. That's not to say that there's anything wrong with these things (though I might argue the scat thing... I mean, we're talking about fecal coliform here.... potentially harmful.. but, I'll count it as negligible). But, while there's nothing wrong with them, they're not furry. Sure, furries may be into BDSM.. and may be gay.. but that doesn't mean gay bondage and furrydom go hand-in-hand. Furries, however, have become unwilling to assert this.

Furthermore, you have the things that common sense dictates are simply not good under any circumstance... i.e., pedophilia and bestiality. But, furries are not only unwilling to say "these are not furry," but they're unwilling to say "these are not welcome here." That would incur the dreaded label of intolerant. Furries can't distinguish between intolerance, and simple human standards.

But then, they don't want to be human.. do they.

Then you also have the delusional furries. Even with the mindset of "there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy," most people will recognize that some things are just the evidence of a troubled mind. If someone believes they were a cheetah in a former life, but that belief does not keep them from living a happy, healthy life, then, really, there's no harm in such eccentricities.

If, however, a person has attempted suicide on a couple of occasions out of frustration at not being their "inner dragon," this should not be viewed as a harmless eccentricity. I remember about 2 or 3 years back, someone calling themselves Star's Pyre, I believe, turned themselves into street pizza... reportedly out of frustration because they would never be their "true" self.. a dragon in this case. This person should not have been coddled and told their frustrations were only natural for someone more in touch with their animal spirit than the "mundandes." This person should have been dragged, kicking and screaming, to someone that could help them regain perspective.

Who is to say dragons don't walk among us in disguise? There's always the chance of the extraordinary. But.... common sense dictates that suicide attempts born of furry delusions are not good. Yet, furries are unwilling to say "this is not good."

Hell, if furries are unwilling to suggest that a person improve their artistic skill, are they really going to have the balls to tell someone pedophilia is bad?

Sure, furry has changed. Change is the way of things.

But sometimes, you have to ask if something has changed for the better.

Is it a change for the better when folks that used to be labeled as "fuzzy Trekkies" have come to be labeled as "skunkfuckers?"

In my book, that's not a good thing.
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Posted: 8/18/2004 11:42:39 PM     Post subject:  

We don't mock because we hate... we kid because we care.

Well, except for Mike, HE hates.

But, hey, whaddya want? It's MIKE!:roll:
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Posted: 8/19/2004 2:44:27 AM     Post subject:  

"I hate SA, CYD, (etc) and all they stand for. I cannot see how sick, twisted minds like that think they're funny. It's idiots like that who spread prejudice, ignorance, and inbred bias."

The way I see, everyone at this site are "in" as they are, but heaven forbid that there are clashing oppinions. This site if for fans with oppinions, right?
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/19/2004 4:29:27 AM     Post subject:  

We don't mock because we hate... we kid because we care.

Well, except for Mike, HE hates.

But, hey, whaddya want? It's MIKE!:roll:

And gosh golly gee......

Why do I hate them so much for?

After all, they have been nothing but such compassionate sweetypies, right?
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/19/2004 4:58:33 AM     Post subject:  

And gosh golly gee......

Why do I hate them so much for?

After all, they have been nothing but such compassionate sweetypies, right?

And they're so accepting, forgiving and tolerant too. I've recently learned how much so too. One of furdom's "finest" (his heart might be in the right place, but his common sense isn't) honestly believed he could pull off what I called "The Great Reconciliation." He was wrong. As much as the two other people involved love to say how accepting, forgiving and tolerant they are, they showed none of those qualities during the discussion. It was either misinformation, convenient forgetfulness, denial, or "clean slate" (a clever dodge where they can't be held accountable for past wrongs, then they continue as they have). In short, no reconcilation, but the fellow who thought he could perform this modern-day miracle, basically thinks he's the next Henry Kissenger, and has spun it as such. When I put it in its proper perspective, he suddenly is incommunicado.

In my humble opinion, the "Cold War" still and will continue, and it's okey-dokey with me. However, they forfeit the right to call themselves "accepting. forgiving and tolerant."

Yeah boy, you KNOW I'm just gonna RUN to the next furcon, have my tam in my hands, drop to my knees before certain people and beg for their forgiveness. At this point, I'd rather take a beating.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/19/2004 5:35:18 AM     Post subject:  

And gosh golly gee......

Why do I hate them so much for?

After all, they have been nothing but such compassionate sweetypies, right?

So Mike, exactly how many death threats have your recieved from furries?
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/19/2004 5:52:29 AM     Post subject:  

So Mike, exactly how many death threats have your recieved from furries?

I know of one by none other than da Polar Bear himself. Darrel Exline recently posted in a.f.f. that if Mike ever showed up at a furcon that he should be made to "disappear." No grey area, no double-meaning.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/19/2004 7:24:44 AM     Post subject:  

I probably already know this, but why has Mike been threatened by teh furriaes?
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/19/2004 8:00:19 AM     Post subject:  

So Mike, exactly how many death threats have your recieved from furries?

Several, as a matter of fact. Darell Exline (the latest nutbag who thinks he's impressing anyone) likes to try to backpedal after-the-act (that bitchslap he got from Gallacci certainly jarred his peabrain), but the facts were there for all to read.

I probably already know this, but why has Mike been threatened by teh furriaes?

Well, the fact that I refused to bend over for them (metaphorically as well as literally), for calling a loon a loon, and all sorts of things that dared to defy the MastFur Race.

The latest was when I actually dared to laugh at the way Paul Kidd did something incredibly stupid and got himself made into a convicted sex offender. Ooooohhhhhh......the furries swore a jihad on me that time (hence the Exline brainfart on AFF).

I know of one by none other than da Polar Bear himself. Darrel Exline recently posted in a.f.f. that if Mike ever showed up at a furcon that he should be made to "disappear." No grey area, no double-meaning.

And after watching those horrifying videos of fursuiters dancing, why the fuck would I ever want to go to a furry con is beyond me.
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Posted: 8/19/2004 8:16:46 AM     Post subject:  

And after watching those horrifying videos of fursuiters dancing, why the fuck would I ever want to go to a furry con is beyond me.

You sound like you haven't been to one. Given your past you would have had to have made a serious effort not to go to one.
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/19/2004 8:39:11 AM     Post subject:  

I probably already know this, but why has Mike been threatened by teh furriaes?

Because to some of the more overreactive elements of furdom who post on a.f.f., Mike Hirtes is basically the AntiChrist, and he MUST be destroyed for having the audacity to call a spade a spade. Most of his foes are utopians who absolutely CANNOT fathom the fact that furdom is NOT the Rivendell they envision it to be. Also, these utopians KNOW that when they slam Hirtes in public, they'll get their backpats and hoisted on shoulders.

Did I explain it well enough, Mike?

The Outsider
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/19/2004 8:53:06 AM     Post subject:  

And after watching those horrifying videos of fursuiters dancing, why the fuck would I ever want to go to a furry con is beyond me.

You sound like you haven't been to one. Given your past you would have had to have made a serious effort not to go to one.

I went to one (ONE), and that was in 1990, and the only reason I went there was because Reed Waller and Kate Worley were GoH.

It was during that con when I got a real eyeful of the horror. The nastiness of furries. The dysfunctional behavior and the supreme psychotic ego of Mark Merlino were undeniable. But big dumb stupid me, I thought I could somehow try to find the pearl in all of that kharmic oyster muck, but after ten+ years of trying, even I had to give up on them. There IS no redeeming social value to furrydumb. Not even a subatomic particle of it.

I probably already know this, but why has Mike been threatened by teh furriaes?

Because to some of the more overreactive elements of furdom who post on a.f.f., Mike Hirtes is basically the AntiChrist, and he MUST be destroyed for having the audacity to call a spade a spade. Most of his foes are utopians who absolutely CANNOT fathom the fact that furdom is NOT the Rivendell they envision it to be. Also, these utopians KNOW that when they slam Hirtes in public, they'll get their backpats and hoisted on shoulders.

Did I explain it well enough, Mike?

The Outsider

Pretty much. I know several artists who have backstabbed me simply because doing so would increase their status in the genre, and thus ensuring their commission income for years.
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/19/2004 10:46:22 AM     Post subject:  

Pretty much. I know several artists who have backstabbed me simply because doing so would increase their status in the genre, and thus ensuring their commission income for years.

Hurm...I didn't think of that. I didn't realize treachery was a prerequisite to fame and fortune as an artist in furdom. That's where I went wrong. Then again, according to a couple to few in furdom, I am treachery incarnate.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/19/2004 2:09:07 PM     Post subject:  

Something in the discussion tripped a switch in my brain as to one of the things that amuse/confused me about furries and the games they play. I could never really crystallize this perception until now.

Whether they are blind to it, or simply choose to ignore it.... for all of their claims of ultra-tolerance, being more like their "noble" animal spirits/totems/etc., and being "more in tune with nature"...... furries are pretty much just the same as everyone else day-to-day.

Take the discussion they're having on that Furtopia board about SA and CYD. Really, they're doing the exact same thing as we are, just from the opposite side of the fence. No matter which side of the fence you stand on, throwing stones is still throwing stones.

For all of their ideals of tolerance, acceptance, and some funky furry utopian society, they engage in all of the worst hy00man traits as everyone else occasionally does- backbiting, social climbing, advancing personal agendas, hypocrisy, etc. The engage in the exact same social politics as everyone else.. sometimes moreso. The more actively they try and protect their fuzzy utopian view and enforce observation of and adherence to concepts that they feel demonstrate the best traits of animal behavior.... the more they exemplify the worst traits of human behavior.

One could almost say that, the less human they try to be, the more human they become.

Looking at the thread of them discussing, what's really amusing is it's, at present, 4 pages of folks going "Don't pay him any attention." That's an awful lot of text for not paying someone any mind.

The following really amused me:
That's why the KKK leaders call themselves the "Grand Pubah" or the "High Wizard." For people who's aspirations had taken them to be nothing more than janitors, being called the Grand Dragon and condemning a bunch of black law school grads to Hell is the biggest thrill imaginable.

I'm not sure how dubbing one's self "High Wizard" for an ego boost is terribly different from choosing to represent one's self as a "noble," powerful tiger.

I also loved this one:
It's true. Thanks to the media crap floating around, it takes an open-minded person to declare that they are indeed a member of the fandom.

Great.. not only have they convoluted the definition of "tolerance," but now they're completely bastardizing the concept of open-mindedness. I figure it takes balls to admit that, more than an open mind.

But, then, these are diehard furries.... open mind, insert balls, and puree.
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Posted: 8/19/2004 2:50:15 PM     Post subject:  

I don't really hate anyone I just don't take anything seriously over the internet and I think more people should adopt this attitude.
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Posted: 8/19/2004 3:50:11 PM     Post subject:  

For such a strong word, "hate" has really come to be an abused and glibly overused term these days. I don't think anyone here hates furries. I don't think anyone at SA even genuinely hates them. Some here dislike furrydom because of what it has become, but they don't necessarily hate it or furries.

But, many furries seem to take some kind of comfort in feeling like they're persecuted. So, it's not enough to know that they are disliked. They must feel like they are hated.
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Posted: 8/19/2004 5:53:30 PM     Post subject:  

I don't really hate anyone I just don't take anything seriously over the internet and I think more people should adopt this attitude.

There we go.
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Posted: 8/19/2004 6:22:10 PM     Post subject:  

Exactly. I mean, I can spend my time making money with my 'yiffy' art, or searching the internet for hours, looking at sites to make fun I wonder which ine will help me pay off my loan faster



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Posted: 8/19/2004 7:38:16 PM     Post subject:  

You forgot to carry the one. The corrected equation yields:
bunny poon is SFW, dis ain't
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Posted: 8/19/2004 7:57:29 PM     Post subject:  

1. What the fuck is that

2. sadly, this is not fyad, so quit it with the NWS imagery
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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/19/2004 9:01:47 PM     Post subject:  

Maybe I'm missing something here, but what specifically did Mike do to piss off the furries so much? Everytime anyone asks this, we seem to just get a generic BECAUSE HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND FURRIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH sorta response. I want to hear details. Like, who backstabbed you, how, and why.

Also, why is the Outsider supposedly also considered a furry anti-Christ? What did he do? Or fail to do? Enquiring minds want to know.
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Posted: 8/19/2004 9:18:07 PM     Post subject:  

Maybe I'm missing something here, but what specifically did Mike do to piss off the furries so much? Everytime anyone asks this, we seem to just get a generic BECAUSE HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND FURRIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH sorta response. I want to hear details. Like, who backstabbed you, how, and why.

Why don't you try something simpler, like catching the Loch-Ness monster? :roll:
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Posted: 8/19/2004 9:44:07 PM     Post subject:  

I don't really hate anyone I just don't take anything seriously over the internet and I think more people should adopt this attitude.

but the internet is serious bu
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Posted: 8/19/2004 11:10:44 PM     Post subject:  

2. sadly, this is not fyad, so quit it with the NWS imagery

As if I had any inkling of what either of those acronyms were...

The only NWS imagery I know of is this:

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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/19/2004 11:24:25 PM     Post subject:  

Maybe I'm missing something here, but what specifically did Mike do to piss off the furries so much? Everytime anyone asks this, we seem to just get a generic BECAUSE HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND FURRIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH sorta response. I want to hear details. Like, who backstabbed you, how, and why.

Why don't you try something simpler, like catching the Loch-Ness monster? :roll:

Why? Doesn't Mike know what he did?
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Posted: 8/20/2004 12:08:46 AM     Post subject:  

2. sadly, this is not fyad, so quit it with the NWS imagery

As if I had any inkling of what either of those acronyms were...

The only NWS imagery I know of is this:


NWS = Not work safe. You can kinda guess what NSFW is after that.

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Posted: 8/20/2004 2:06:17 AM     Post subject:  

2. sadly, this is not fyad, so quit it with the NWS imagery

As if I had any inkling of what either of those acronyms were...

The only NWS imagery I know of is this:


FYAD = Fuck You And Die

but on topic: lol those furries sure are hypocrites, everyone said it better before me :(:(
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Posted: 8/20/2004 3:28:23 AM     Post subject:  

Why? Doesn't Mike know what he did?

Whether he knows or not, he never actually names it. All he gives are vague, rhetorical "non-answers" like "I just refused to bend over and recognize the superiority of "PHURR@3"".

Or something evasive like "HA! As if you didn't know!"
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/20/2004 4:47:58 AM     Post subject:  

Maybe I'm missing something here, but what specifically did Mike do to piss off the furries so much? Everytime anyone asks this, we seem to just get a generic BECAUSE HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND FURRIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH sorta response. I want to hear details. Like, who backstabbed you, how, and why.

The best suggestion would be to go to Google, then a.f.f. and do a search using Mike's name. Be prepared to read thousands of posts, over 95% of those posts consisting of either cheap shots, insults, "don't feed the troll" policymaking, or just plain ol' "I'm bored, let's slam Hirtes" ballyhoo. Within the remaining 5% of the posts there should be some history/evidence of why Mike HIrtes has a bent towards furdom.

Also, why is the Outsider supposedly also considered a furry anti-Christ? What did he do? Or fail to do? Enquiring minds want to know.

What did I fail to do? I failed to get in the "otter pool." My social/political/sexual mindset was not in sync with the popular mindset. Therefore I was pretty much left to be myself, but I'd be myself by myself.

What did I do? I stood up for myself and stepped on some paws in the process; in particular the paws of a publisher and a couple of "artgods." As a result I was pretty much branded an enemy of furdom by the fans of that publisher and those "artgods." Another mistake is that I didn't go to the offended with my tam in my hands and beg for forgiveness. My attitude was "my life and career will go on," which it has. Recently a "great reconcilation" was attempted, but it failed miserably because the offended were comfortable with the "cold war" as it is. I just shrug and say "okey-dokey."

The Outsider
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/20/2004 7:31:45 AM     Post subject:  

Why? Doesn't Mike know what he did?

Whether he knows or not, he never actually names it. All he gives are vague, rhetorical "non-answers" like "I just refused to bend over and recognize the superiority of "PHURR@3"".

Or something evasive like "HA! As if you didn't know!"

It's not like it's a secret, guy. And yes, it really can be boiled down to the fact that I refused to be submissive towards certain "movers & shakers" in the fandumb and dared not to take part in the twisted groupthink they tend to have.

If that's not a good enough answer for you, then I'm sorry, because that's the only one I've got to give.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 8:52:55 AM     Post subject:  

I want to hear details. Like, who backstabbed you, how, and why.

Almost everyone? The list of people on his bad side feels like it's huge and changes constantly to boot. Nobody has ever seen it, either.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 9:25:04 AM     Post subject: Guh!  

When did pointing out fan stupidity because a hate-crime,for fuck's sake?!
I point out fandumb involving the anime(yaoi,fangirls,sub purist) and music fanatics. If you talk the talk with them....atleast SOME will listen and might agree...but with some of these guys?

Pre-teen brats that I have ever seen in my life. I know my posts were aimed at questionable behavior and insane antics. Did I say I hate all furry fans?


Just the actions....the ones of Ebon Lupus,the anti Hy00mans furs,the primadonnas. Their all babyish and pathetic,and in the real world,your momma can't help you feel better about what shit you do!
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Posted: 8/20/2004 1:24:00 PM     Post subject:  

Funny thing is we've got Exactly the same problem in the gargoyles fandom, problem is the highers are either too stupid to realise the leeches they've got surrounding them or plain don't care.

I'm one of the original early gargoyles Fans, I go way back but I will never go to the Gathering probably because if I did there'd be some people there I'd be tempted to tell the truth to and the truth would not go over well.

I'll also never be 'popular' despite ranking equal in skill to many of the movers and shakers because I refuse to get down and kiss the floor the others walk on.

It seems to be common in the fandumbs, admittedly Gargoyles isn't as bad as Furry but for what it lacks in dick-nipples, herm-taurs and general screwed up spoogey stuff it makes up for in being just as backstabbing, nasty and full of bullshit as Furry.

Moral is: The fucked up people are present in every fandom, what matters is whether there are people who will stand up, spit in their eye and tell them to fuck off and both Furry and Gargoyles seem to have low amounts of those type of people.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 1:42:22 PM     Post subject:  

Almost everyone? The list of people on his bad side feels like it's huge and changes constantly to boot. Nobody has ever seen it, either.

I've seen it. All he did was copy Nixon's enemies list and add Mark Merlino and Carrot Top to it.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 3:40:32 PM     Post subject:  

If that's not a good enough answer for you, then I'm sorry, because that's the only one I've got to give.

So all you have to offer is rhetoric and evasiveness?

Y'know, as much as you claim to hate corrupt politicians (of any field), you sure do a good job of acting like one.

But that's fine with me. You see, the only reason you're even accepted on this board is because you have two things going for you;

1. The majority of posters are not as familiar with you as I am


2. The rationale of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

And with someone like you, that can't last. Sooner or later, everyone here is going to learn what I've already come to know. That you are wholly detestable, despicable, and quite possibly deranged. And all you have to do to ensure this is, quite simply, continue being yourself.

Once that's accomplished, the general consensus around here will develop into something along these lines;

"Hey, whether he agrees with us that this whole 'furry' thing is fakakta(sp?) is inconsequential. A jag-off's a jag-off, cross the board."

And soon enough, you'll find yourself playing the role of the pariah cum martyr yet again.

But don't fret, Mike. Look at the bright side. Once all is said and done, you'll a whole new bunch of folks to point fingers at whenever you realize just how FUBAR you're life has become.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 4:32:03 PM     Post subject:  

for fuck's sake, people, this is the internet.

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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/20/2004 6:31:04 PM     Post subject:  

Everytime anyone asks this, we seem to just get a generic BECAUSE HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND FURRIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH sorta response.

It's not like it's a secret, guy. And yes, it really can be boiled down to the fact that I refused to be submissive towards certain "movers & shakers" in the fandumb and dared not to take part in the twisted groupthink they tend to have.

If that's not a good enough answer for you, then I'm sorry, because that's the only one I've got to give.

I like that you responded to my complaint about generic BECAUSE HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND FURRIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH sorta statements with a BECAUSE HE TELLS IT LIKE IT IS AND FURRIES CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH sorta statement. I suppose I could do a google search to find out the truth, but that would involve effort and somehow I just can't bring myself to care enough. Since Mike refuses to give any specifics, I am forced to conclude that none exist and that this is all some elaborate hoax in order to appear edgy.

What did I fail to do? I failed to get in the "otter pool." My social/political/sexual mindset was not in sync with the popular mindset. Therefore I was pretty much left to be myself, but I'd be myself by myself.

What did I do? I stood up for myself and stepped on some paws in the process; in particular the paws of a publisher and a couple of "artgods." As a result I was pretty much branded an enemy of furdom by the fans of that publisher and those "artgods." Another mistake is that I didn't go to the offended with my tam in my hands and beg for forgiveness. My attitude was "my life and career will go on," which it has. Recently a "great reconcilation" was attempted, but it failed miserably because the offended were comfortable with the "cold war" as it is. I just shrug and say "okey-dokey."

Okay, this is slightly better. See, there's some vague reference to an actual incident here, although the names of the involved parties and what the Outsider actually DID to insult them are still shrouded in mystery. However, note the excessive use of quotation marks; this detracts from the authenticity of the piece. Otter pool? Art gods? Cold war? Great reconciliation? Stop hiding behind your crazy fanjargon and tell us what this stuff really means. Even if you don't want to use real names, at least say what "stepping on paws" entails. Still, all in all, a good initial effort. Keep trying.

Twas in the time of the great reconciliation...

So all you have to offer is rhetoric and evasiveness?

Y'know, as much as you claim to hate corrupt politicians (of any field), you sure do a good job of acting like one.

But that's fine with me. You see, the only reason you're even accepted on this board is because you have two things going for you;

1. The majority of posters are not as familiar with you as I am


2. The rationale of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

And with someone like you, that can't last. Sooner or later, everyone here is going to learn what I've already come to know. That you are wholly detestable, despicable, and quite possibly deranged. And all you have to do to ensure this is, quite simply, continue being yourself.

Once that's accomplished, the general consensus around here will develop into something along these lines;

"Hey, whether he agrees with us that this whole 'furry' thing is fakakta(sp?) is inconsequential. A jag-off's a jag-off, cross the board."

And soon enough, you'll find yourself playing the role of the pariah cum martyr yet again.

But don't fret, Mike. Look at the bright side. Once all is said and done, you'll a whole new bunch of folks to point fingers at whenever you realize just how FUBAR you're life has become. apparently you know what this is all about. What have you come to know that's so damning? Please share with the rest of the class.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 8:25:39 PM     Post subject: apparently you know what this is all about. What have you come to know that's so damning? Please share with the rest of the class.

No, I don't know what occured that made him hate the P#@NDUM8 so much, for exactly the reason you don't, either. Because every time someone bothers to ask him, he just offers some bullshit piece of rhetoric instead of a concrete, vindicative explaination... Probably because he doesn't have one.

So I don't know what happened... And I don't CARE what happened either.

Because I may not have been there to see what it was that happened, but I HAVE been there to see what he's done in the meantime.

And what he's done is take every opportunity to be vicious, spiteful and base to whatever target happens to be convenient at the time... No matter how helpless... Even if it's a 3-day-old infant like Margaret Julia Groat or a father of two that he's never even met who got indicted for ambiguous reasons like Paul Kidd.

And I know how he's going to respond;

:cry: "I'm just doing to the PHUREEZ what they did to me!" :cry:

Well, Mike, you're right. I'll be the first to admit that there's plenty of jerks in that crowd who can be some of the most duplicitous, sneaky, back-stabbing pieces of bugshit on the face of the earth. God knows I've met plenty of them, even considered a few of them friends at one time.

Hell, that's why I'm no longer part of it.

But if you think that's an excuse to act the way you do, guess again.

If you really hate furries so much, for the reasons you claim, then for God's sake, you should stop acting like them.

And if you're going to keep acting like them, then you should at least take responsibility for your own behavior instead of pointing your fingers.

You should, but you won't. Because that's just how you are.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/20/2004 8:36:11 PM     Post subject:  

So all you have to offer is rhetoric and evasiveness?

<snippity doo dah>

You're obviously lost. This is CYD. The room for AFF is down the hall.

(Just follow the smell)
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/21/2004 1:24:13 AM     Post subject:  

Okay, this is slightly better. See, there's some vague reference to an actual incident here, although the names of the involved parties and what the Outsider actually DID to insult them are still shrouded in mystery. However, note the excessive use of quotation marks; this detracts from the authenticity of the piece. Otter pool? Art gods? Cold war? Great reconciliation? Stop hiding behind your crazy fanjargon and tell us what this stuff really means. Even if you don't want to use real names, at least say what "stepping on paws" entails. Still, all in all, a good initial effort. Keep trying.

Sorry, I don't deal with policymakers (I endured more than my share of them when I was involved in furdom). You'll just have to get bent. What I posted and how I posted it is good enough.

Hurm...I thought I left that noise behind in a.f.f.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/21/2004 1:31:21 AM     Post subject:  

whats going on in this thread
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/21/2004 2:59:18 AM     Post subject:  

whats going on in this thread

Just some loons trying to warp it into an AFF clone.

As Seven of Nine used to say, "They will fail".
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Posted: 8/21/2004 3:48:28 AM     Post subject:  

You can feel the love just radiating from this thread.
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Posted: 8/21/2004 6:05:56 AM     Post subject:  

You can feel the love just radiating from this thread. BURRRRNS!

'sup guys? I've been busy with life stuff. Leaves little time for interweb. Sadly, I kind of miss my former interweb existance at times - because I dealt with less fucking idiots on a daily basis.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/21/2004 8:03:38 AM     Post subject: apparently you know what this is all about. What have you come to know that's so damning? Please share with the rest of the class.

No, I don't know what occured that made him hate the P#@NDUM8 so much, for exactly the reason you don't, either. Because every time someone bothers to ask him, he just offers some bullshit piece of rhetoric instead of a concrete, vindicative explaination... Probably because he doesn't have one.

Ah. From your post, I thought you were saying you knew what was up. My bad.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/21/2004 8:06:48 AM     Post subject:  

Sorry, I don't deal with policymakers (I endured more than my share of them when I was involved in furdom). You'll just have to get bent. What I posted and how I posted it is good enough.

Hurm...I thought I left that noise behind in a.f.f.

The Outsider

So now we've become a.f.f? OMG how could I be so blind I have become that which I once seeked to destroy BLARG
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/21/2004 8:43:41 AM     Post subject:  

Sorry, I don't deal with policymakers (I endured more than my share of them when I was involved in furdom). You'll just have to get bent. What I posted and how I posted it is good enough.

Hurm...I thought I left that noise behind in a.f.f.

So now we've become a.f.f? OMG how could I be so blind I have become that which I once seeked to destroy BLARG

I never said that, bub; but it's your choice to overreact and delude yourself as you see fit. As Larry King would say when one of his callers got loopy, "have a good time, sir."

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/21/2004 3:21:49 PM     Post subject:  

So guys how's it going in this thread? :o)

edit: sup kadius
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Posted: 8/21/2004 5:50:38 PM     Post subject:  

I don't understand

And theres no way in hell I'm reading all this
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Posted: 8/21/2004 8:11:09 PM     Post subject:  

I don't understand

And theres no way in hell I'm reading all this

Someone said something about Outsider and Mike, asking about why they're oh so hated. There was a "Well I don't need to prove myself." response, which of course, was expected, this is the internet after all. Though I can see both side's view.

Much panty bunching and twisting was had by all.
sup kadius

I'm going to a cookout. I plan on spending my time there eating and listening to Arch Enemy/Devildriver all by my lonesome. :mrgreen:
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/21/2004 8:38:01 PM     Post subject:  

Much panty bunching and twisting was had by all.

Not from me. I was too busy doing other things.

GMVG just wanted to turn CYD into an AFF emulator. Michael don't play 'dat. The End.

(besides, even if I did actually sit down to put out a Neuremburg Trial sized list of crimes that these dinks have done to cause me misery, I'd probably end up being ten times as pissed off from all the rage that would bubble up to the surface after being buried for so long, and GMVG would probably just say something assinine like "You're ranting.". So, why really bother? )
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 8/22/2004 12:58:15 AM     Post subject:  


"Enemy of my enemy is my friend"...

Nope. I like Mike for other reasons. Not among them is the really cool result that when I mention that I like him, furs who try oh so hard to appear unflappable and above it all react all agog and go, "you actually converse in a civil way with Hirtes?!" which only proves they're posers and not in tune with the same Jimmy Buffet, Cheeseburger in Paradise, suspension between total apathy and complete indifference flow of laid-backness I am. Pour another glass of JD and get back to the hard work of hammock testing.

(That result is a bonus.)

Part of the hatred for Mike in some quarters is his endless bitch-slapping of BOC, but truth is, there's more than a few notable practicing furs who'd do the job in person with a tire iron given a chance.

Others are toasty for their perception of his hypocrisy but as he keeps pointing out, his harem project was the PAST and not furry's ongoing future. Furries can't ever understand the concept of a FORMER FUR. I still get people telling me I'm a fur. Writing anthropomorphic fiction and using a wolf icon doesn't make you a furry. Past tense just doesn't seem to occur to most furs.

Fuck it, who cares what furries say about hate and all? We're talking a fandom where all-male cum spurting sessions at con room parties are okay even if underage boys are involved but Plush is included as an enemy of furry in that card deck pretty much because she's female and not male. This is a whacked assemblage of seriously fucked people who place their every personal eccentricity above all other concerns and frame anyone who clashes with them as enemies of humanity. Ironic since they claim to hate hyoomanity.
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Posted: 8/22/2004 2:57:06 AM     Post subject:  

Jimmy Buffet, Cheeseburger in Paradise

I bet you've never even been to Cabbage Key mr. wolf :x

fake edit: Seriously, those cheeseburgers are actually really damn good.
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Posted: 8/22/2004 5:42:30 AM     Post subject:  

Best burgers you can get are ones made from Laura's Lean Beef, marinated in garlic and beer, then cooked on a grill...I prefer charcoal, but others swear by gas. Me, I just swear at it. I want real flame, not propane!

Oh, and hey. I'm Wyatt Kelly. I'm a furry. it sucks being caught between those that are just fans of the artwork, and the flaming faggoty fuckers who prance about and cry, "I'm a real wolf!" All I need are some brass knuckles and a shallow grave.
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Josh Z.
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Posted: 8/22/2004 6:30:22 AM     Post subject:  

It's 2am and I was bored. This thread generated enough buzz to make me curious as to who Hirtes is in the first place, so it's off to google!

Searching for 'Michael Hirtes' on AFF, sorting by date, and going back as far as I can all I can find is a bunch of stuff pimping out his naughty drawings fanzine. The first real bit of TEH HATE seems to start around here.

10 years old! Whew. So my only guess is that somewhere in the course of publishing a fanzine Mike got into some shit with some artists and everything went downhill from then. Meh. Standard usenet dramarama.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/22/2004 8:06:49 AM     Post subject:  

10 years old! Whew. So my only guess is that somewhere in the course of publishing a fanzine Mike got into some shit with some artists and everything went downhill from then. Meh. Standard usenet dramarama.


Tygger Graf. What more needs to be said?

Okay, I'll say some more. Lots more (hope this makes you happy, GMVG)............

It looks like some people have nothing better to do than try to tear me down, regardless of the facts, and even resort to ancient hearsay. Time doesn't make it any more true than it was when it was first written over a decade ago, you know.

This is the kind of shit that gets tiresome when it's used to hit you over the head with time and time again. Old hearsay being regurgitated into an attempt to make it current-day slander. It's like a case of "Swift Boat Furries Against Hirtes" or something.

Furries like to cause misery for me. It's a undeniable fact. Always have, always will.

When I did run some of Tygger's material (which occured long after this ancient article was posted, I might add.), I later heard that furries tried to start some chaos by taking copies of the issues they were published in and going "Did you give your consent for Hirtes to print these?" to her at a con. When she told them I did because she was the one that sent them, they sulked away with some of the most dissapointed looks on their faces, knowing that they didn't get a chance to start the storm they had hoped to cause.

Better luck next time, you little shitclowns. 8)

And why did I even let her near me after that article she posted? Simple. Tygger is allowed to make some comments and later on change her mind. I was still willing to "forgive & forget" in my hopes of trying to find some merit in furrydom and work with it.

Yes, there actually was a time when I cut furry fandom some slack and tried to "just get along". You can guess by now what a horrible mistake that was.

I've had at least one other person who used to draw art in furrydumb that I have reconciled with later on, but only after they had left that sick sad genre and it's psychotic influence. I won't name the person, mainly because I don't have to and I respect that person's privacy, so you'll just have to take my word for it (or not), won't you?

And one last thing, of these 1994 furries who joined into the digital hogpile, such as Jazmyn (the last "Fag Hag" of Merlino's "Prancing Skiltaire", but left after a major rumble with Mark), DAC Crowell ( who got kicked off of the AAC con committee for making a massive ass of himself ), take note at how these one-time allies against Hirtes had eventually ended up beating the shit out each other & self-destructing, and guess who's getting the last laugh now? :twisted:

Note: This post has been edited several times to correct typos. We all know what anal-retentive grammar nazis furries can be when they have nothing else to attack people with.
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/22/2004 8:13:47 AM     Post subject:  

Tygger Graf. What more needs to be said?

I agree.

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/22/2004 11:09:15 AM     Post subject:

I'd just like to ask why they're all going on about lies and rumours, yet not a single one actually turns around and says, he's saying this and this, or tries to prove the truth or lies. Be interesting to know what the rumours supposedly were.

Gotta love fandumb, reminds me of my own run ins with a few of furry's fandumb. Which consisted of:

Furry: 'you sent harassing personal messages'

Me: To who? I have no idea what you are on about, if I've offended someone tell me so I can apologise.

Furry: you're a meanie who sends harassing messages and we don't want to play with you anymore.

Me: How about some proof? I haven't sent any messages so please post it for all to see. I don't like being libelled.

Furry: Go away I'm not posting it, you're nasty...

Me: You're not posting because it doesn't exist. :roll:

To cap it, I eventually found out who I 'harassed' funny thing is I hadn't sent that person anything for over a fortnight, they just didn't like me cos I wouldn't butt kiss.

And they wonder why I'm stand offish with most of the furry community, been burned way too many times by the idiots in it.
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 8/22/2004 5:47:36 PM     Post subject:  

The biggest offense you can commit in furry is NOT failure to stroke their egos and kiss their asses, it is to play in to and be worshipful of, their every nonsensical notion.

It's like dealing with the DBZ fools. They imagine after a while they really are bipedal talking animals and start to imagine they can do weird things any time they want. They think they can cast spells or that their invented religions are real and equal to all the others established over millenia. Even if it as little as their imagination that they're really a woman trapped in a boy's body, they want unflinching adoration of it all. Fail to and you are enemy number one.

And one need only remember that furries are the most vicious embodiment of all they claim to hate in hyoomans. They bully, they herd into social groupings based on fashion, they backstab while being nice to your face, they strike from odd angles like cowards and deny you the opportunity to take one clock-cleaning right hook at them. They mistreat and abuse others whenever they feel like it and feel no sorrow over what they do. And they never do learn from past furs who lost all friends and ended up persona non grata both inside the fandom and outside it.

As I've said before, there's plenty of functional folks in furry, but no matter what they claim, they are not "furries". That name has been ceded through malign neglect and insufferable inaction to a large cadre of total losers doing their best to expand the ranks of loserdom.
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Posted: 8/22/2004 7:15:18 PM     Post subject:  

Someone said something about Outsider and Mike, asking about why they're oh so hated.

For the record, I got no problem with Outsider.
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 8/22/2004 8:03:59 PM     Post subject:  

Someone said something about Outsider and Mike, asking about why they're oh so hated.

For the record, I got no problem with Outsider.

Well, I've had no problem with you that I know of (aside from the fact that you've got a beef with me). Sorry that you feel the need to loathe me. My life goes on.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/22/2004 11:12:07 PM     Post subject:  

Let me declare right now my intention to yiff you all.

I got about halfway through this thread when I realised "you know, I've got better to do than lose 30 minutes of my life reading this shit", so I just skimmed through it.

I actually don't really know who any of you people are, so peg as being a noob and tell me to fuck off if you want, but I really can't see how some of you have spent so much personal time and energy on something so small, and yet what have any of you really gotten out of the investment?

Well, I know what I limit myself to now. Getting off on stuff like Dr. Comet CDs and Jim Hardiman portfolios, and that's it. Non of that shitty furreh social interaction for me, no thank you.

The rest of you people are crazy :roll:
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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/22/2004 11:29:50 PM     Post subject:  

Someone said something about Outsider and Mike, asking about why they're oh so hated.

For the record, I got no problem with Outsider.

Well, I've had no problem with you that I know of (aside from the fact that you've got a beef with me). Sorry that you feel the need to loathe me. My life goes on.

For the record, I don't have any problem with either Mike or Outsider. I'm just morbidly curious. And this Tygger Graf story, while it might not explain the origin of all this bizzare furry hatred for Mike, is satisfying enough, I suppose.
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Posted: 8/22/2004 11:39:37 PM     Post subject:  

Well, I know what I limit myself to now. Getting off on stuff like Dr. Comet CDs and Jim Hardiman portfolios, and that's it. Non of that shitty furreh social interaction for me, no thank you.

The rest of you people are crazy :roll:

Hardiman? DUDE, THAT'S SICK!!!

I'm sorry, but nothing has ever made em feel more squeamish and afraid of one's innards than Hardiman's gory works... and I've seen the inside of my foot (which suprisingly didn't hurt as much as the stitches).

I realize your post is in jest, but I'm having a problem finding any common ground with those I knew anymore. I'm working fulltime in a shitty job, trying to scrape by just to start paying off bills, little alone EAT - and spending my few waking hours typefucking someone pretending to be a hermaphrodite chinchilla just doesn't have the draw. I tend to listen to eclectic music and be bored quite a bit. Suppose that'll get me into an 'artsy audiophile fag' clique?
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 8/23/2004 12:27:21 AM     Post subject:  

I'm working fulltime in a shitty job, trying to scrape by just to start paying off bills, little alone EAT - and spending my few waking hours typefucking someone pretending to be a hermaphrodite chinchilla just doesn't have the draw.

At least you're trying. Most furries don't have a clue what work is, which is made glaringly obvious by exactly what you mention about sex texting. If they knew work, they'd have no time or energies.

I have about four days off before heading back to work and even hitting the hammock and snoozing takes effort after several weeks of doing twelve hour days. The other day I collapsed on the porch stairs and napped right there for an hour. When I ain't sleeping, I'm working. These precious days off are too valuable to waste on stupid shit. Even what little I do here is stolen time in between household construction repair and various chores.

If we were to build a work camp for the defurrification of people, it would have to include massive amounts of manual labor. Lots of it. And no PCs whatsoever. No net time.
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Posted: 8/23/2004 2:20:50 AM     Post subject:  

At least you're trying. Most furries don't have a clue what work is, which is made glaringly obvious by exactly what you mention about sex texting. If they knew work, they'd have no time or energies.

... When I ain't sleeping, I'm working. These precious days off are too valuable to waste on stupid shit. Even what little I do here is stolen time in between household construction repair and various chores.

If we were to build a work camp for the defurrification of people, it would have to include massive amounts of manual labor. Lots of it. And no PCs whatsoever. No net time.

Ugh. Yes, many of them are capable somehow of demonstrating either to their manager that their software is so wonderful, and it takes them hours to work on (What's the difference between vi and tf to a PHB?) - or their job is so trite and meaningless that 8 hours at Stuckie's is only a bit of time wasted before they go back to their parent's basement to get it on with that vixen-taur.

I'm so tired of my job, and my shitty existance, already, but I can't even pass out on my days off. Yesterday, I was up at 6 to hit Wal-Mart to obtain parts to try to fix my car, and get the wiring of my apartment above sub-par (1950s electricity is not friendly with even the higher end UPS's). Today, laundry, groceries, and a haircut. Fuck!

I think that true labour is the best way for 'defurrification'. When I had to go hang out with my parents until I could afford the cash down on this apartment, my weekends were spent shingling, rebuilding the fence, and other such household chores. It wasn't fun, but at least it was more than pixels on a goddamned screen.
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Posted: 8/23/2004 11:36:06 AM     Post subject:  

I'm working fulltime in a shitty job, trying to scrape by just to start paying off bills, little alone EAT - and spending my few waking hours typefucking someone pretending to be a hermaphrodite chinchilla just doesn't have the draw.

At least you're trying. Most furries don't have a clue what work is, which is made glaringly obvious by exactly what you mention about sex texting. If they knew work, they'd have no time or energies.

I have about four days off before heading back to work and even hitting the hammock and snoozing takes effort after several weeks of doing twelve hour days. The other day I collapsed on the porch stairs and napped right there for an hour. When I ain't sleeping, I'm working. These precious days off are too valuable to waste on stupid shit. Even what little I do here is stolen time in between household construction repair and various chores.

If we were to build a work camp for the defurrification of people, it would have to include massive amounts of manual labor. Lots of it. And no PCs whatsoever. No net time.

I think you should take up BORING holes in earth for tunnels as a job.


See a therapist please. On the issue of ANGRY MIDDLE AGED MEN.

Before the bronze age, There was a copper age I think.
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Posted: 8/23/2004 12:25:47 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 8/23/2004 4:03:25 PM     Post subject:  


THIS IS NOT YOUR LAND! (Damn... Falling Down was such a great movie.)
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Posted: 8/23/2004 4:18:40 PM     Post subject:  

"Get off my property!"

"You can't own property, man."

"I can. But, then, I'm not a penniless hippie."
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/23/2004 4:48:33 PM     Post subject:  

THIS IS NOT YOUR LAND! (Damn... Falling Down was such a great movie.)

Of course you realize that if we're doing "Falling Down" movie quotes it's going to be a matter of posts before someone belts out quotes from the pawnshop owner/Nazi wannabe. Or the quote from the police captain that he doesn't trust a man that doesn't cuss. :lol:

The Outsider
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Posted: 8/23/2004 8:18:44 PM     Post subject:  

...going to be a matter of posts before someone belts out quotes from the pawnshop owner/Nazi wannabe. Or the quote from the police captain that he doesn't trust a man that doesn't cuss. :lol:

The Outsider

What's this? FAGGOT SHIT!
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 8/23/2004 11:35:33 PM     Post subject:  

1B: Would you suggest furries continue not working? BTW, I have dug ditches for work, so nice try dippy.

Rankin: Work is somehow better. You get to actually have something afterwards that lasts longer than the guilt-ridden orgasmic bliss of shooting off all over a screen to the ministrations of some fuck halfway across the globe who has no intention of ever having real sex with you or anyone else. Well, obviously. But you can look at your shingles and say, "I did that." My porch will be there for long years after I ain't.

W/respect to recent blather about hating furries. I don't HATE furries. Furries HATE. Sorry to say it, but it's like the current Kerry people going on about Republicans and hate. I am one and I don't hate. But I see LOTS of hate from those making the accusation at me. I DISAPPROVE of furry behaviours for three reasons:

1. Personal
I'm tired of being saddled with the nonsense of others. No, I don't want to fuck your dog and don't think I should have to make that known again and again and again on IM. I don't want to have cybersex with you if you can't manage the real thing. I don't want to give you advice that you will then textually bitch slap me for. No more. I ain't here to fix your life, furries.

2. Humanitarian
Furries need help if they are ever to become more than the wastes of skin they've been. And since they ain't gonna live forever, they might want to get started now. I will not approve of things that are totally self-destructive no matter what their rationale may be.

3. Functional
Furries are littering the net with their outrageous stupidity and the time has long passed to contain it. Being a fur doesn't make you smarter, better, more enlightened, and doesn't give you the right to export that inane set of assumptions wherever you go.

No, I ain't here to fix lives. I just don't want to sit back quietly and give the impression that I approve. I don't. Won't. Can't. I don't hate. I disapprove. They are not the same. I'd have to give a damn about you as a person to hate you. I don't. I give a damn about furries as living creatures at most. More like an abstraction. Not as people I know.

Those I know in furry who are functional, holding jobs, and so forth, are not furries no matter what they say. And I could hate them, but they aren't dysfunctional, so why would I? See? No reasons to hate all the way around.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/24/2004 3:05:47 AM     Post subject:  

Yesterday, I was up at 6 to hit Wal-Mart to obtain parts to try to fix my car, and get the wiring of my apartment above sub-par (1950s electricity is not friendly with even the higher end UPS's). Today, laundry, groceries, and a haircut. Fuck!

For a moment, just a tiny half-second there, I was expecting you to say you had to hit Wal-Mart so early because you worked there. I'm assuming you don't, and will quickly bury that thought.

1. Personal
I'm tired of being saddled with the nonsense of others. No, I don't want to fuck your dog and don't think I should have to make that known again and again and again on IM. I don't want to have cybersex with you if you can't manage the real thing. I don't want to give you advice that you will then textually bitch slap me for. No more. I ain't here to fix your life, furries.

I've always wondered how you managed to become so bitter towards furries. I mean, I know how you could -just seeing examples of the fandom's festering excesses splattered across the internet is enough to leave any sane person cold- but from the way you talk, I can only assume there were some gory personal details involved.

Not that I haven't experianced some of those those same things -I have, but in every case the first time was the last. In reality, for all my negativity, I can still count my blessings that I stayed out when I had the good sense to do so.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 8/24/2004 4:58:16 AM     Post subject:  

W/respect to recent blather about hating furries. I don't HATE furries. Furries HATE. Sorry to say it, but it's like the current Kerry people going on about Republicans and hate. I am one and I don't hate. But I see LOTS of hate from those making the accusation at me. I DISAPPROVE of furry behaviours for three reasons:

You're a Republican? Such a surprise!

Work Harder! Millions on welfare depend on you!

Or maybe not.
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Posted: 8/25/2004 6:37:40 AM     Post subject:  

For a moment, just a tiny half-second there, I was expecting you to say you had to hit Wal-Mart so early because you worked there. I'm assuming you don't, and will quickly bury that thought.

Nah. I've done shit work in my time. Before I left California for good, I was unloading trucks at the dock due to the lack of work in the higher specialized tech fields. Now, I'm repairing computers for Joe Loser and suggesting that maybe their 486 isn't gunna cut it with XP. I still hate my life, but my back isn't in pain - only my mind.
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Posted: 8/25/2004 9:16:30 AM     Post subject:  

I chose education.
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Posted: 8/25/2004 12:29:29 PM     Post subject:  

Monday was my first day in college.

And I work 30 ish hours a week at a CVS (Eckerd).

All in all, life's pretty good. :)


Edit: I wonder when my hosting is going back up though, those red x's are annoying the fuck out of me.
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