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No taboos on the internet
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Posted: 8/20/2004 10:13:22 AM     Post subject: No taboos on the internet  

You know, I've met some interesting people on the internet.

People tend to talk about subjects that they wouldn't usually discuss in 'real life'. It's on the internet where everybody's beliefs, ideas and opinions are opened wide to passers-by. So naturally, I've come across opinions that wouldn't have otherwise even guessed existed.

Being quite involved in the 'furry fandom' I've met quite a vast number of people who are open to any kind of belief or taboo. One of those I've come across believed that he was in fact a born-again wolf and his actual sexual preference was toward wolves. (namely Ebon Lupus for just one example) If I remember correctly, he wrote that he believed that although forced sexual conduct upon an animal was wrong, if they were both in a loving relationship and the animal 'consents', as it were, then this was ok. He believed this was okay because he felt that all animals (including humans) should not be denied the right to love eachother regardless of species.

On the opposite end of the scale, I recently stumbled upon a National Socialist chatroom. I had no idea what this meant and asked them to kindly educate me on their political beliefs. It turned out that National Socialism includes Pro-Nazi ideas and they feel that all 'breeds' of humans are different and should be separated as such. By what I gathered, this means that they are strongly against mixed-race breeding and believe that all races should stick to their own parts of the world in order to maintain their own natural cultures.

Upon this vast spectrum of ideals, I believe, like most people I know, that I sit in the middle. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to listen to these fascinatingly different out-looks on the way society should be set.
I feel that animals, the same as children, are unable to give consent and that humans will progress further in this world by visiting other cultures and learning from eachother together.

I don't believe I have ever heard about such extreme opinions such as the ones above in everyday life because offline, people generally stick to cultural taboos and keep quiet in case of offending anybody. The internet is an open window where anything goes, and I've learnt so much from it in the space of three years. -Good and bad.

Any thoughts on this?
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Posted: 8/20/2004 12:43:55 PM     Post subject:  

Everyone wants to make their own perfect world. The internet just lets them make their attempts known. Even if just for publicity.

Furries want a world where they can freely and openly fuck dogs in the ass, a world where it is admirable and encouraged. National Socialists want a world in which there is cultural purity and the isolation/separation of all cultures. Socialists want a world where making money is a crime, and where crackmoms can be "understood" and "loved" and can get a weekly cheque from the government. Racists want a world without black/white/yellow/red people. Libertarians want a world where you can legally fuck "consenting" nine-year-olds while snorting blow off a hooker's ass while she buys assault rifles.

"Whatever," in regards to everyone trying to sell their opinions over the internet. I'm hip and apathetic. 8)
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Posted: 8/20/2004 12:55:13 PM     Post subject:  

Being completely, uncompromisingly and absolutely right is a taboo.

Dogfucker: "I hate wolf hunting, even when it's for nature preservation. It's oh so sick!"
Mr.Ineluki Lokomotor: "So they should rather fuck them in the ass like you would?"

And the war begins
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Posted: 8/20/2004 1:10:13 PM     Post subject: Re: No taboos on the internet  

That's the brilliant and terrible thing about the net, innit - people with rarely-held fringe beliefs can meet each other online and discuss their preference for... whatever. Or they can hide behind an alias like Ebon Lupus and put up a website propagating whatever it is they want to propagate.

It's true, in RL one is not likely to run across people who admit they like to have sex with their pet animals, but, after all, it is a rare "conviction" - and it's socially unacceptable. Nazis, on the other hand, can be found if you look around a bit. In the city where I live, there's a small group of them who have a "club" house where you can go and get their pamphlets if you so desire. And they act under their real names. I don't think any skunkfuckers would dare do the same. Just goes to prove, your average nazi has bigger balls than your average dog-fucker. :wink:

Of course, nazism is also, in a manner of speaking, socially unacceptable - but it falls under political/religious belief, something people are more likely to tolerate extreme versions of as long as the extremists do not gain any real power. Sexual deviancy directed against children or animals is something different, because it only takes one sicko to rape a child, so people are not likely to tolerate pedophiles - or their close cousins, the animal-"lovers".
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Posted: 8/20/2004 2:23:50 PM     Post subject: Re: No taboos on the internet  

People tend to talk about subjects that they wouldn't usually discuss in 'real life'. It's on the internet where everybody's beliefs, ideas and opinions are opened wide to passers-by. So naturally, I've come across opinions that wouldn't have otherwise even guessed existed.

I think the anonymity one has on the 'net is largely responsible for this. In the opinion I've formed watching people on the net, I think people want their private ideas and beliefs to be known. In many cases, I don't think it's even a matter of wanting to be right or wanting some kind of fame. People just want to share. People walk around with all of these thoughts and feelings and such going on, and they largely keep it to themselves. But, deep down, many people would like these private things to be known.

Take LiveJournal. You have the concept of a diary, which many people use to record their private thoughts and feelings. Now you have the opportunity to put that online... where anyone could read it. Suddenly, it's not quite so private anymore. I think this provides a kind of catharsis for people.

On top of which, you have the chance for feedback, which can provide the opportunity for someone to agree with your thoughts and feelings, thus providing validation.

Maybe for the more normal, day-to-day private stuff, like "work sucked" or "this waitress was rude to me today, and 2 hours later, I thought of this snappy comeback" or "Justin Timberlake is soooooo HAWT," people just need that catharsis. They have to get stuff off of their chest, because they just can't let it go. So, posting on the net releases it to the ether. Of course, the allure of support from like-minded people is strong as well.

With furries, though, as I've said before, I think a lot of them are looking for external validation. They want... maybe need to be told that their ideas are not strange. They need to hear that they're not unusual for feeling like they have "ghost wings" (like how amputees seem to feel sensations like itching and stuff in the limb that has been removed... only, for furries, with an imaginary tail, wings, etc.). They need to be told they a good person and that stuffing their wing-wang in their german shepard's ass is just being "more in tune with nature." And the furry community will provide it quite willingly, because they're no longer willing or able to set boundaries of what is acceptable and what isn't.

Heh... I guess you could say that, much like children, furries need boundaries. But, since they don't have them, the fandom is much like a spoiled child that goes unchecked and unpunished for its errant behavior.

I feel that animals, the same as children, are unable to give consent and that humans will progress further in this world by visiting other cultures and learning from eachother together.

This is my mindset as well with the bestialists. Both animals and children cannot rationalize the act of sex as adult humans can. Neither a child nor an animal can understand what an adult is trying to do to them.. and while the sex act is a good thing.. committing such an act with someone or something that cannot fathom it can be mentally and emotionally damaging to that person/animal.

The problem you run into with animal behavior is that they act on instinct.. one of those instincts being a sex drive. Until humans and animals can communicate with each other with absolutely no question about what is being conveyed, then maybe there can be a "loving relationship" between two species. But, for now, we're talking about an animal that will dry hump a towel for no other reason than it feels good and trips its instincts. Hell.... when I took horseback riding, my horse would get an erection just from being brushed. Just because an animal sports a boner doesn't mean it loves you or wants you to bend it over the coffee table. So, basically, the zoos misconstrue an animal's tendency to act on instinct as a display of a human quality. They're projecting what they want to think into the animal's instinctual behavior.

There's also sort of a fuzzy area when it comes to what you're doing with the animal. I mean, I've seen ranchers collect.... stuff... from horses to freeze and selectively breed and stuff. Basially, they get the horse rowdy with some pheremones or a mare and when he goes for the target, they sort of.... redirect him.... into this sleeve. Imagine if someone told you you could get it on with some hottie.. and at the last minute, had you stuff your willie into a plastic cup. Similar idea. So.... they're enticing the animal into the sex act for purposes other than bird-n-bees stuff. But... the animal is getting its jolllies either way.

Now, with zoos getting an animal off... that's pretty damn twisted. But, it does slip into this kind of gray area, since the animal may do that pretty willingly and really has no idea or care of the implications of humping some zoo's hand. While I think ethically speaking it's just best to stay away from this, it does get a little harder to define that sort of thing as clear-cut abuse.

But, you get the zoos that simply want to stuff their meat into the animal's rear. That is clearly abuse, as the animal is going to react as if it is being violated.. which it is. The animal gains no gratification in this case.. but is subjected to discomfort or even pain, as well as the fear and confusion of being treated aggresively by its assailant. Even if approached "lovingly," the sense an animal can get from someone that simply wants to buttfuck it going to trip its defensive instincts. On top of which, the average human is far too large to be accommodated by any opening on most dogs... except the bitey part. CHOMP! (One would wish.) (Maybe Ebon is simply hung like a gnat.)

When I lived in Arkansas, there was a case of animal sexual abuse reported in the paper. A family's german shepard had been missing for a couple of days. They found it limping along the country road where they lived and took it to the vet. The normally friendly dog was alternately shying away from or getting defensive at human contact. When the vet examined the dog, it was found to bear signs of sexual abuse, including torn flesh in both the vagina and anus from forced entry by something larger than it could take. Further examination and, ultimately criminal investigation revealed two things- human semen, and dish soap, which they speculated had been used as a lubricant.

I'm not sure what kind of short circuit in the brain is required to make one vehemently believe that it's wrong to shoot animals, but it's natural and loving to use them as a fucktoy.

I don't believe I have ever heard about such extreme opinions such as the ones above in everyday life because offline, people generally stick to cultural taboos and keep quiet in case of offending anybody. The internet is an open window where anything goes, and I've learnt so much from it in the space of three years. -Good and bad.

Any thoughts on this?

Anonymity can be both a tool and a weapon.... much like a pipe wrench.... or a sack of valencia oranges.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 3:10:29 PM     Post subject: Re: No taboos on the internet  

see, this is what I love. Noone I know in real life would even take 2 seconds of their time to even think about animal sexual abuse or racism.

They're so disgusted by it that they cannot bear to even comprehend it.
On the other hand, I find it fascinating to find why others think differently. Call it a morbid curiosity I guess.

Now, with zoos getting an animal off... that's pretty damn twisted. But, it does slip into this kind of gray area, since the animal may do that pretty willingly and really has no idea or care of the implications of humping some zoo's hand. While I think ethically speaking it's just best to stay away from this, it does get a little harder to define that sort of thing as clear-cut abuse.

But, you get the zoos that simply want to stuff their meat into the animal's rear. That is clearly abuse, as the animal is going to react as if it is being violated.. which it is. The animal gains no gratification in this case.. but is subjected to discomfort or even pain, as well as the fear and confusion of being treated aggresively by its assailant.

Now I agree with you there. There is a definate grey area there. And even if I feel it is still morally wrong, should it be lawfully wrong if the animal actually enjoys it? I started a debate about this a while ago actually. Both at Pinks Realm (Pinkfairylotus' forum) and here. The differences between each forum's opinions were quite interesting to say the least.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 3:40:19 PM     Post subject: Re: No taboos on the internet  

see, this is what I love. Noone I know in real life would even take 2 seconds of their time to even think about animal sexual abuse or racism.

They're so disgusted by it that they cannot bear to even comprehend it.
On the other hand, I find it fascinating to find why others think differently. Call it a morbid curiosity I guess.

Bingo. Again, that's the brilliant and terrible thing about the net. You encounter things that you know exist but normally wouldn't waste time thinking about, or you discover things you had no idea existed. I've never been a part of furry fandom, all the horrible crap I know about it I've found on the net - I don't think anyone I know in RL has any idea what furry fandom is. Some horrors I encounter I just shrug off. Others I find strangely fascinating. In the case of furrydumb, it's like watching a car accident that the victims enjoy being in. And I want to find out why. So here we are.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 4:58:15 PM     Post subject: Re: No taboos on the internet  

In the case of furrydumb, it's like watching a car accident that the victims enjoy being in.

I nominate this for one of the taglines that randomly pops up under the CYD title on the front page.

While the 'net does provide a great opportunity to voice thoughts and feelings that would otherwise be bottled up, sometimes, you have to wonder if some thoughts and feelings aren't best kept to one's self.(NSFW)
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Posted: 8/20/2004 5:25:26 PM     Post subject:  

Please tell me that that is not a dog-creature stuffing its cock into ITS OWN ASS! And don't lie to me, either.

...I somehow think that those requests are mutually exclusive.
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Posted: 8/20/2004 9:19:43 PM     Post subject:  

Nope.. apparently, it's a werewolf giving birth.

This is another example of stuff that makes me think "Why are you telling me this?"(NSFW) The caption with it:

I was feeling incredibly bad last night, so I drew my feelings. Please dont worry about my well being, I'm like this every night, I just dont like talking about it. Okay?! Good. :)

First, if he doesn't like talking about, why is he drawing about it and posting it to a bloody image archive where dozens of furries will see it? Sounds like a classic case of saying "I don't want to talk about it." while privately thinking "Please insist that I talk about it."

Second, this is the kind of drek that just makes me say "Why are you putting this here?" Seriously. If he's having these kinds of thoughts and feelings, he needs to be talking about it with someone for real... not posting it on an image board and saying "I think this every night." He needs a counsellor, not a group of plushie-humping acquaintances.

Given the imagery in it, too, I'm guessing he has feelings of guilt towards himself for his choice in wank material. Probably another prison gay furry angsting over his turning to the dick side of the Force for some kind of intimate contact.

Anyway, this is the kind of stuff that seems to make the tendency to divulge one's inner self to extremes on the 'net an unfortunate thing, and earns a big Gollum Aye Aye.
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21st Century Digital Boy
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Posted: 8/20/2004 9:20:57 PM     Post subject:  

Please tell me that that is not a dog-creature stuffing its cock into ITS OWN ASS! And don't lie to me, either.

...I somehow think that those requests are mutually exclusive.

Don't worry, it's not....

...It is, in fact, shittng out a GIANT BLOODY EGG
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Posted: 8/21/2004 6:23:08 AM     Post subject:  

It turned out that National Socialism includes Pro-Nazi ideas and...

Err.... Nazi is a German contraction of Nacional-Socialist. That's why if a party denomines itself 'national-socialist' is pro-nazi.
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Posted: 8/21/2004 5:44:55 PM     Post subject:  

Yeah, I just figured out that the word Nazisim is just short for National Socialism. But that was the point really, I learnt all that from the internet. And had no idea beforehand.

I suppose if I had been listening in history instead of doodling cats in the margins of my lined paper I would have already known.
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Posted: 8/21/2004 8:05:22 PM     Post subject:  

Nationaler Sozialist, actually.
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Posted: 8/21/2004 9:02:24 PM     Post subject:  

Well if we have to be pedantic, the ideology's Nationalsozialismus and the adherents Nationalsozialisten.

Eh, we're closing in on Godwin's law by now, aren't we?
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Posted: 8/21/2004 10:59:04 PM     Post subject:  

Eh, we're closing in on Godwin's law by now, aren't we?

You know who else would suggest such a thing? THAT'S RIGHT!
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Posted: 8/21/2004 11:52:05 PM     Post subject:  

Eh, we're closing in on Godwin's law by now, aren't we?

You know who else would suggest such a thing? THAT'S RIGHT!

Uhhh... this guy?

No, wait... that's not the right answer... Ah, I get it! It's... oh. Damn.
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The Outsider
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Posted: 8/22/2004 2:31:46 AM     Post subject:  

DAY-AM!!! :shock:

Get down, 'dolf!

I've heard the expression "Holy jumpin' Jesus," but THIS.....

The Outsider
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 8/22/2004 11:44:37 PM     Post subject:  

I believe it was Hister. Unsolved Mysteries (with host Robert Stack) said Nostradamus predicted it was Hister who would rise to power.

Oh fuck. I was listening to Elvis singing "Don't Be Cruel" and it all went together so perfectly :?
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