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Your fursona looks like my fursona! YOU BITCH!
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:08:07 AM     Post subject: Your fursona looks like my fursona! YOU BITCH!  

Uh-oh, somebody else's fursona is a paint horse... YUO THIEF!!!11!!1

"Hi please be VERY careful with the markings on your Overo character as well as the colors used. Numerous people have reported your character's eerie similarities with mine. Thank you.

These comments are on the userpage, just scroll down a bit to read them.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:34:19 AM     Post subject:  

Kaffe was cool, she seems to have lost the plot lately though.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:42:32 AM     Post subject:  


Wasn't there also someone on DA a while back who seemed to have convinced herself that she owned the idea of a purple husky, and set about finding other people who drew such things and screaming ART THEFT at the top of he lungs?
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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:45:02 AM     Post subject:  

DeviantArt 'character theft'... yawn. People don't get that it's all been done before. And that it's not that big of a deal if someone's character looks like your's. Unless they're completely dead-on. Even then, only the artist and their groupies are really going to give a shit.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:51:50 AM     Post subject:  


Wasn't there also someone on DA a while back who seemed to have convinced herself that she owned the idea of a purple husky, and set about finding other people who drew such things and screaming ART THEFT at the top of he lungs?

Huskie666 I believe.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:53:43 AM     Post subject:  

Hmm, this is a nice find, the drama ensues as we speak.

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Posted: 10/25/2004 3:03:03 AM     Post subject:  


I'm watching that too
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Posted: 10/25/2004 3:14:28 AM     Post subject:  

That's STILL going on? Link plz :!:
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Posted: 10/25/2004 9:13:48 AM     Post subject:  

How come people aren't just FLATTERED when they get copied?

I know I am.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 1:21:04 PM     Post subject:  

Man, is that one stupid drama. This Horse-Luver who Kaffe complains about is a 12 year old kid with a drawing ability true to that age. And style-wise, it's nothing at all like Kaffe's pics.

Numerous people have reported your character's eerie similarities with mine. Thank you.

um my fursana isn't a paint mare..She just has a blaze and white stockings

I find it odd that your character shares the majority of the same markings and colors (the light sorrel with the magony mane and tail) with the small difference of lack of complex paint markings and the addition of white rims/frosting around the outter edges of the mane & tail as well as green/purple eyes. I also find it odd that your "Fursana" (correctly spelt "Fursona") happened to pop up only RECENTLY almost a full year after my pretty well known one. I'm looking out for my artwork to make sure children to take my ideas and/or art. Call that nonsense, I call that liability.

... and her nonsense only gets worse from there...

The fact that plenty of real horses have those markings doesn't seem to enter Kaffe's art theft equation at all. Don't these furry fucktards get that drawing a perfectly common animal means that other people will have made drawings of the same beast? They must really miss some vital element in their lives if they can make themselves believe they own the copyright on a specific type or look of animal. But if nothing else, that mode of thinking serves as a sure-fire furry identifier.
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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:16:39 PM     Post subject:  

Man, is that one stupid drama. This Horse-Luver who Kaffe complains about is a 12 year old kid with a drawing ability true to that age. And style-wise, it's nothing at all like Kaffe's pics.

The twelve year old seems to be the more mature of the pair, or at the least, is acting at or above her age.

Kaffe should be ashamed, but obviosly that isn't the case, what a bitch

Personal Quote: Try walking down my road a few feet then see if you can still smile & laugh, bitch

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Posted: 10/25/2004 2:22:04 PM     Post subject:  

Man, is that one stupid drama. This Horse-Luver who Kaffe complains about is a 12 year old kid with a drawing ability true to that age. And style-wise, it's nothing at all like Kaffe's pics.

Numerous people have reported your character's eerie similarities with mine. Thank you.

um my fursana isn't a paint mare..She just has a blaze and white stockings

I find it odd that your character shares the majority of the same markings and colors (the light sorrel with the magony mane and tail) with the small difference of lack of complex paint markings and the addition of white rims/frosting around the outter edges of the mane & tail as well as green/purple eyes. I also find it odd that your "Fursana" (correctly spelt "Fursona") happened to pop up only RECENTLY almost a full year after my pretty well known one. I'm looking out for my artwork to make sure children to take my ideas and/or art. Call that nonsense, I call that liability.

... and her nonsense only gets worse from there...

The fact that plenty of real horses have those markings doesn't seem to enter Kaffe's art theft equation at all. Don't these furry fucktards get that drawing a perfectly common animal means that other people will have made drawings of the same beast? They must really miss some vital element in their lives if they can make themselves believe they own the copyright on a specific type or look of animal. But if nothing else, that mode of thinking serves as a sure-fire furry identifier.

Well that and there a brit show on early in the mornings who beginning I have never caught but when flicking have noticed that has horses as the lead characters, animation sucks on it royally but one of the two main 'good guys' the female horse has those same freaking markings.
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
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Posted: 10/25/2004 8:59:38 PM     Post subject:  

There was this one time when I was in New York and I sat down on a bench at a bus stop or something. A bag lady came up to me and started screaming and yelling incoherently and cussing me out, because apparently I was sitting on HER BENCH. She didn't stop until I finally got up and moved over to another seat, then she shuffled in circles around "her bench" muttering under her breath about personal rights and private property.

So many furs remind me of that woman. But especially Kimmaugh and Kaffe. I can imagine one or both of them in real life, sounding exactly like that crazy old hag.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 9:37:33 PM     Post subject:  

Wait.. wait... furries are pulling this shit with 12 year olds, now? Okay.. it was kind of pathetic when someone like Kimmaugh (notice she's on this PaintedKaffe's comrades list?) was claiming to own a pose and the color purple...... but when you start dropping your artistically narcissistic shit on kids' doorsteps.....
That makes me angry.

I can excuse the overblown mewls of "ARTTHEFTZ!" among furries as the petty tripings of talentless butterballs who have attained the devotion of a few tasteless whores who elect to be said "artists'" cocksucking bitch because they're willing to draw Black Beauty with an erection. I can overlook the Tourettes-like expectorations of some like Kimmaugh as the the product of a defunct mind. But when you start harassing children out of some paranoid suspicion that they're copying your already talentless collections of Breyer-horse worshipping chicken scratches, forgetting that when you started to develop your own ability to smear feces on a cave wall and make it look like a pony that you copied more than your fair share of others' images..... that's when Dr. Banner's shirt starts ripping.

You best believe it if Rowling found someone using the idea of a boy with a lightning mark scar anywhere on him, even if he wasn't a wizard or anything to do with magic, she'd go ape shit. So yes, there is character theft as well as art theft in degrees. While no one can steal a Rembrandt off the net, it's not nice to mooch off of people's stuff. Do your own. Be original.

The thing this Virginia ham that bulges out of her shirt like someone just popped a tube of Pilsbury biscuits... as well as other furries... fails to realize is that they are dealing with fucking animal designs. Yes, if someone else used the idea of a boy wizard with a lightning bolt on his forehead in their stories, that is a clear-cut case of mimicing someone's intellectual property (I'm not to up on the laws on that.. hope I used that right). But, when you are dealing animals and their markings, it is pretty damn hard to assert that one is a direct copy of another, unless you can demonstrate that, line-for-line, they are precisely the same. I mean.. look at a herd of holstein cows. They all look pretty damn similar. Does that mean Gateway's mascot is a copy of Chik-Fil-A's "Eet Mor Chikin" cow?

Have you ever gone to Wal-Mart or Target or something shortly after an animated movie has been released? Have you ever noticed the carbon copy direct-to-video variations on the story that hit the shelves? Disney releases Mulan.. so somene else releases their version of Mulan, hoping it'll get bought up in the hype. Does this mean Disney gets to cry "OMG! YUO ARTTHEFTZ ME!"? Hell no.

Besides, if this is the horse Painted Kaffe is talking about, it bears hardly any resemblance to her designs. She tripes on and on about the colors and the points.. as if hers was the only horse in existence with a brown tail and white legs. What really gets me, too, is that these people go off on the alleged "art thief" because of allegations by their "fans." It doesn't often seem to be a case of someone coming across it on their own.. but, rather, someone's said cocksucking bitch coming across something vaguely similar and running back to report to the other person like Ol' Festus runnin' off to fetch Marshal Dillon. Then they ride in on their high horse... which is, like THE ONLY BLACK HORSE WITH A WHITE BLAZE EVER DRAWN... and start tearing up the town.

That's really pathetic when you're so self-absorbed that you have to go after kids to hype yourself up and think that folks are ripping you off. Give it another week and the black helicopters will start showing up to turn the ponies inside out. What's next, Kaffe, stealing candy from babies?

I think the really telling quote comes in here..
All I'm saying is that the characters are almost too close together. Why not make your characters mane & tail the same colors as her eyes? Why not have her socks or blaze be green or purple, and change her "blaze" so it's actually a blaze, not a bald face. Also to the person who said "OMG HORSEHS CAN LOOK TEH SAME!!!!!11!!!" No shit. I think I knew this. However, last time I checked, this was the internet and characters looking the same is often considered character/art theft.

BZZZZZT! Oh, sorry, but you lose at the Internet. We have some lovely parting gifts fo ryou. Last time most checked, this was the internet, and characters looking the same is often misconstrued as character/art theft.

That's really starting to be an apparent downside to the Internet. In drawing and writing, it's very hard to be 100% original. People come up with the same ideas all the time. It's very hard to get a children's book published for this very reason. Every time someone writes a kid's book thinking they have a great story, they submit it to a publisher to find out that there are already 5 or 6 very similar books on the market. Now, couple the fact that many folks come up with very similar "original" ideas with the Internet's ability to share those ideas.. and it's really surprising more people aren't having dick-size contests in court to determine who produced what visual abortion first. And it doesn't help when it involves some egocentric wad of pink goo that thinks she's the first to ever draw a horse that looked the way it does.

Like I said, there's a dozen ways to be original, and frosting the mane & adding a purple splotch of paint on the butt is original, however it only takes one similarity to wind up being theft. Don't bomb my page, I left one tiny warning, don't get your angsty pre-teen friends all over my private space. Get your panties out of the little knot they're in, grin, & take it. I'm not the only one who's noticed the extreme likenesses.

This person really has a convoluted notion of "art theft," but that's nothing new for some self-absorbed furry. One similarity, eh? Let's look at some other creative workds that have one similarity that aren't OMG ARTTHEFTZ!

Spider-man vs. Superman - both have red and blue outfits
Calvin vs. Charlie Brown - both wear black shorts
Batman vs. Daredevil - both have little pointy things on their cowls
Scott Bernard (Hill Climber Mospeda) vs. Rei (Evangelion) - blue hair
Gundam mecha weaponry vs. Star Wars weaponry - laser swords
Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress vs. Star Wars - the whole damn story

What I really love is that it's not enough for her to base her false accusations on the idea of colors being remotely similar, but that her suggestion for making them stand out is TO USE A BLOODY NEON COLOR LIKE GREEN OR PURPLE to separate them. Apparently, it's not enough to claim that colors that naturally occur on many horses constitutes art theft, but she has to sugges the use of unnatural fur colors like green or purple to ensure that there is no confusion between the two. Kaffe is so artistically inept that she can't distinguish between designs unless THERE IS A FUCKING NEON SIGN SAYING "I DID NOT STEEL FROM YUO!"

Furthermore, this kid's style is so dissimilar from Kaffe's attempt at art (you really put that shitty pony on your business cards?) that the vague similarities in color is ALL she really has to go on. We're not even talking about comparing similarities in something like The Lion King versus Kimba.... we're talking about something along the lines of Rankin & Bass claiming ARTTHEFTZ on Barbie because both of them have a WHITE UNICORN! zOMG!

Nah... this Kaffe person is almost as deluded as Kimmaugh.. without the excuse of being retarded. What's worse is she's decided to victimize some kid that, really, displays more artistic potential than her. Maybe Kaffe could start making her horses silver or gold. She should have enough of that around, since she's obviously huffing it.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 9:54:39 PM     Post subject:  

Well... in some cases kids can be OMG ART TEHFTS... =)

The kiddo in DevArt claimed it was all his and his alone! Ah well... My vast group of fans...
all 2 of them, mentioned about it and he took it down. =)

I woulda been happy had he linked to my original or sumfin...
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Posted: 10/25/2004 10:05:02 PM     Post subject:  

You best believe it if Rowling found someone using the idea of a boy with a lightning mark scar anywhere on him, even if he wasn't a wizard or anything to do with magic, she'd go ape shit. So yes, there is character theft as well as art theft in degrees. While no one can steal a Rembrandt off the net, it's not nice to mooch off of people's stuff. Do your own. Be original.

The thing this Virginia ham that bulges out of her shirt like someone just popped a tube of Pilsbury biscuits... as well as other furries... fails to realize is that they are dealing with fucking animal designs. Yes, if someone else used the idea of a boy wizard with a lightning bolt on his forehead in their stories, that is a clear-cut case of mimicing someone's intellectual property (I'm not to up on the laws on that.. hope I used that right). But, when you are dealing animals and their markings, it is pretty damn hard to assert that one is a direct copy of another, unless you can demonstrate that, line-for-line, they are precisely the same. I mean.. look at a herd of holstein cows. They all look pretty damn similar. Does that mean Gateway's mascot is a copy of Chik-Fil-A's "Eet Mor Chikin" cow?

Not to mention, lets point out this thing, Rowling wasn't the first one with a 'boy wizard' character, most of the Books of Magic fans are pretty disgusted with the whole harry potter hype, BOM came first, is way better and more original than harry potter.

Anyone else find it funny she's 'designed' the kid a new character. :roll:

Also got bored, did a record search, no trademark registered for her.
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Posted: 10/25/2004 10:47:42 PM     Post subject:  

Donny, that one's pretty blatant. Although, for a kid, I can understand resorting to copying for your 15 minutes of fame. Not that I can excuse it.. just that... well.. kids will be kids will be dumb. But, if a kid was to copy a picture of Spider-Man or Goku or whatever... in a lot of cases, that's just what they're doing to learn to draw. I think in your case, calling them to the carpet.. although, with a modicum of understanding that it is a kid is completely fair.

This Kaffe being a bitch to some kid just because some pony has vaguely similar colors, though, is just uncalled for and utterly self-absorbed and/or delusional.

The mention of Harry Potter reminds me of another work that is highly unoriginal, yet the furries fawn over it.. the Redwall series. I read a few of the books, and they're enjoyable enough. But, they hardly measure up to their predecessors like Watership Down or Wind in the Willows. Furries just eat Jacques' droppings up because.. OMG.. THEY GOTZ SWORDS! Other than that, they're pretty much like the other two books and half a zillion other nonmorphic "lets quest to beat the baddies" stories. Still, the estates of the creators of the previous works weren't banging Jacques' doors down saying I LAWSUITE YUO!
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Posted: 10/25/2004 11:34:17 PM     Post subject:  

Well, if she doesn't bitch and moan about every single drawing that bears a vauge resemblance to her fursona or whatever, her fans will think her a coward and withdraw. Without heaps of praise feeding her massive ego, she will grow depressed, spending all her time indoors eating Cheetos and ice cream (which isn't much of a change really) and watching "My Little Pony" or something like that. As the weeks go by, she will sink deeper and deeper into depression. Finally, someone complains about a rancid smell coming from "that decrepit shack over there." The police will break down the door and find her sitting on the couch. She will be sitting on the couch, wallowing in a pool of vomit, feces, and urine. She will have ballooned up to 1,500 pounds, with flies circling and crawling over her bloated head. She will be surrounded by her drawings and pictures of horses, smeared with cake and covered with orange fingerprints. Her wrists willl be slit; in one hand, she will hold a bloody razor blade, in the other she will hold a note written in a childish scrawl that reads, "I JuST WaNTed TO ShArE my MASTerPiEceS WitH tHe WoRLD, AnD BEcauSE oF a HeARTlEsS ThiEF, I wAS RUiNED. I HoPE YoU ARE alL HaPPy."

Good riddance.
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Posted: 10/26/2004 5:15:25 AM     Post subject:  

Dizzamn, you hit the nail right on the head. In a non-sarcastic way, you get a thumbs up!
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Posted: 10/26/2004 2:52:03 PM     Post subject:  

I love how she's now trying to argue with a mod, hasn't she learned by now, mod's have the final say.
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Arbitrary Plaid
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Posted: 10/26/2004 3:39:40 PM     Post subject:  

Corporations do the same sort of name-calling. Kellogg's has been quite the whiner in recent years:


Kellogg's vs Toucan Golf, full opinion from an appeal

I still can't find a good, simple description that I can link to, and I really don't want to explain the entire thing. But don't worry, the courts did rule that Toucan Golf's realistic/crappy toucan mascot isn't infringing on Toucan Sam or Kellogg's business. The mascots don't look the same, cereal/golf aren't competing businesses, and it's a fucking toucan.

Sadly, the courts didn't consider Kellogg's behavior frivolous enough to award Toucan Gold recovered attorney's fees. So really, who loses in the end?

I'm apt to believe that the furs who participate in such ridiculous name-calling are secretly being trained to protect corporate intellectual property. They're just in the training section where they discover the difference between having money to hire lawyers and needing money to live, and how extra money helps you to enforce your own BS laws.
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Posted: 10/26/2004 4:28:47 PM     Post subject:  

Oh man, you know the internet is serious business when THIS happens!
Kaffe - I have reported you for inappropriate name calling.

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Posted: 10/26/2004 5:21:28 PM     Post subject:  

The true tragedy of this is that it's gotten to the point where a hapless 12 year old girl who just likes to make pencil & crayola drawings of horses (like so many 12 year old girls) has to be subjected to this furry crap. There are quite a few truly fucked-up furries out there, but I think Kaffe takes the cake with this debacle. She's so deluded that she really thinks this is how things work. weird_guy_in_the_corner's description of Kaffe's possible future reads like a premonition rather than a joke.
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Posted: 10/26/2004 6:05:06 PM     Post subject:  

Boys with a lightning marks are cool.
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Posted: 10/26/2004 7:50:39 PM     Post subject:  

Well, if she doesn't bitch and moan about every single drawing that bears a vauge resemblance to her fursona or whatever, her fans will think her a coward and withdraw. Without heaps of praise feeding her massive ego, she will grow depressed, spending all her time indoors eating Cheetos and ice cream (which isn't much of a change really) and watching "My Little Pony" or something like that. As the weeks go by, she will sink deeper and deeper into depression. Finally, someone complains about a rancid smell coming from "that decrepit shack over there." The police will break down the door and find her sitting on the couch. She will be sitting on the couch, wallowing in a pool of vomit, feces, and urine. She will have ballooned up to 1,500 pounds, with flies circling and crawling over her bloated head. She will be surrounded by her drawings and pictures of horses, smeared with cake and covered with orange fingerprints. Her wrists willl be slit; in one hand, she will hold a bloody razor blade, in the other she will hold a note written in a childish scrawl that reads, "I JuST WaNTed TO ShArE my MASTerPiEceS WitH tHe WoRLD, AnD BEcauSE oF a HeARTlEsS ThiEF, I wAS RUiNED. I HoPE YoU ARE alL HaPPy."

Good riddance.

I could almost hope she goes against the mod enough to get banned. Her level of delusion both astounds and sickens me.
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Posted: 10/27/2004 12:29:53 AM     Post subject:  

Wasn't me, but someone must have done a fine fucking job of messing with DevArt. Anyone know who it was that got ALL of ATT and Comcast ISP users banned? That's a huge friggin' population of people to cut off for one idiot.
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Posted: 10/27/2004 5:21:12 AM     Post subject:  

Wasn't me, but someone must have done a fine fucking job of messing with DevArt. Anyone know who it was that got ALL of ATT and Comcast ISP users banned? That's a huge friggin' population of people to cut off for one idiot.

Anonymous proxy, anyone? (Livejournal and a few security websites are the only places I've seen so far that actually check if you're using a proxy).
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Posted: 10/27/2004 6:11:14 AM     Post subject:  

Getting around lame subnet bans is easy, I just wonder who caused it, lol. I've had my fair share of IP bans from various places, but I didn't do anything this time. :lol:
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Posted: 10/27/2004 6:28:33 AM     Post subject:  

Getting around lame subnet bans is easy, I just wonder who caused it, lol. I've had my fair share of IP bans from various places, but I didn't do anything this time. :lol:

Maybe it's a pre-emptive strike against you for future wrong-doings?
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Posted: 10/27/2004 7:21:32 AM     Post subject:  

DevArt, get outa my miiiiiiiind
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Posted: 11/9/2004 6:29:27 PM     Post subject:  

I think KAK and Kaffe are friends now, maybe that has something to do with her behaviour.
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Posted: 11/9/2004 10:18:20 PM     Post subject:  

I think KAK and Kaffe are friends now, maybe that has something to do with her behaviour.

Perhaps, I'm wondering if she's noticed that I reported KAK's ban evasion account and got her banned a second time yet ;)
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Posted: 11/10/2004 3:37:12 AM     Post subject:  


Wasn't there also someone on DA a while back who seemed to have convinced herself that she owned the idea of a purple husky, and set about finding other people who drew such things and screaming ART THEFT at the top of he lungs?

Well, in the case of that artist, who actually went by Husky, the rips she complained about were valid. They pretty much were rips of her character from style to design.

Hey, folks gotta right to voice protest and protect what they feel is the threat to their copywrite.

Overall, no real big deal to anybody else but that artist and the person(s) doing the rip. I blame MTV.
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Posted: 11/10/2004 6:51:27 AM     Post subject:  

Wasn't there also someone on DA a while back who seemed to have convinced herself that she owned the idea of a purple husky, and set about finding other people who drew such things and screaming ART THEFT at the top of he lungs?

That was fucking mayra boyle. She's been one of the batshit loco postergirls of furry for some while now. Goes by the name huskie666, as I recall. 666, damn. Even nordic metallers don't use that on internet nicknames anymore.
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Posted: 11/10/2004 8:40:57 AM     Post subject:  


Wasn't there also someone on DA a while back who seemed to have convinced herself that she owned the idea of a purple husky, and set about finding other people who drew such things and screaming ART THEFT at the top of he lungs?

Well, in the case of that artist, who actually went by Husky, the rips she complained about were valid. They pretty much were rips of her character from style to design.

Hey, folks gotta right to voice protest and protect what they feel is the threat to their copywrite.

Overall, no real big deal to anybody else but that artist and the person(s) doing the rip. I blame MTV.

Uh, I saw some of the 'rips' I really dunno what an artist who just dipped Jenna(? I've never seen balto) in purple paint is doing bitching about 'character theft' I thought some of the 'rips' very unplausible, almost as bad as kaffe, one was only alike because it was purple. Then again I still can't figure out why anyone would draw their 'fursona' screwing Tails like huskie did.
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Posted: 11/11/2004 7:23:24 AM     Post subject:  

Well, in the case of that artist, who actually went by Husky, the rips she complained about were valid.

NO NO NO NO NO. This is the way Mayra Boyle reacts to "art theft":

Possibly NSFW.

That deranged smile on her character's face probably says a lot about her ego... or her psyche. Either way, that's going to give me nightmares.
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Posted: 11/11/2004 8:56:24 AM     Post subject:  

Well, in the case of that artist, who actually went by Husky, the rips she complained about were valid.

NO NO NO NO NO. This is the way Mayra Boyle reacts to "art theft":

Possibly NSFW.

That deranged smile on her character's face probably says a lot about her ego... or her psyche. Either way, that's going to give me nightmares.

Yeah, but hell, at least she is sane... well, for the most part she is. I like that about her. Sane enough to be insane.

God damn it... I think I confused myself again.
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The New Meat
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Posted: 11/11/2004 9:19:43 AM     Post subject:  

Well, in the case of that artist, who actually went by Husky, the rips she complained about were valid.

NO NO NO NO NO. This is the way Mayra Boyle reacts to "art theft":

Possibly NSFW.

That deranged smile on her character's face probably says a lot about her ego... or her psyche. Either way, that's going to give me nightmares.

Yeah, but hell, at least she is sane... well, for the most part she is. I like that about her. Sane enough to be insane.

God damn it... I think I confused myself again.

Isn't Mayra Boyle that chick who like invented huskies? Because, you know, it's not like just anyone could think of that. ORIGINAL I know people who've had her yammering after them for months because they drew purple dogs or some shit.
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Posted: 11/12/2004 3:31:45 AM     Post subject:  

The funny thing about the art theft pic was that it was a reaction to Rachel Postelwaite (sp?). Rachel is apparently back to drawing ( I can't tell if she rips anymore or not...all these huskie pics start to look the same after a while.
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Posted: 11/15/2004 3:44:16 PM     Post subject:  

NO NO NO NO NO. This is the way Mayra Boyle reacts to "art theft":

Possibly NSFW.

That deranged smile on her character's face probably says a lot about her ego... or her psyche. Either way, that's going to give me nightmares.

Wow. That picture is so Hot Topic.
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Posted: 11/15/2004 4:14:24 PM     Post subject:  

NO NO NO NO NO. This is the way Mayra Boyle reacts to "art theft":

Possibly NSFW.

That deranged smile on her character's face probably says a lot about her ego... or her psyche. Either way, that's going to give me nightmares.

Wow. That picture is so Hot Topic.

It's like one of my friends put it back in high-school, when a newcomer into the LAND OF THE DIPSHITS (also known as the cafeteria stage where everybody hung out during lunch) asked about everybody, "you've got your drama fags, your anime fags, your band fags, and your goes-to-hot-topic-too-damn-much fags." Furry is just like that, except it's art fags, anime fags, faggy fags, and goes-to-hot-topic-too-damn-much fags. In this case, it's a GTHTTDM fag(ette). They probably got into furry for the same reason they started shopping for OMG ANARCHY clothes and gelly bracelets: because it's so individual!!! By which I mean absolutely fucking conformist. Of course, everything is absolutely fucking conformist in some way.

This is all just a long and pointless way of saying I'm bored and that picture sucks.
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Posted: 11/15/2004 7:55:29 PM     Post subject:  

Rainbow bracelets from Hot Topic: $4.95
My Little Pony t-shirt from Hot Topic: $15.99
Oversized black bell bottoms from Hot Topic: $59.95
Harboring the delusion that you're an individual because of your baggy pants, rainbow bracelets and My Little Pony t-shirt while looking like every other clueless "individual" out there: Priceless.

Obviously, one can't surmise what a person is like solely based on their image archives. Still, something of the person comes across in their art.. even if what is presented is small facet of themselves. In this case, this Huskie gal comes off as your average kid rebelling against pop culture by embracing the very pop culture she supposedly rebels against. It comes off pretty much as your typical raver culture copycat rebel that will become/is a bisexual/lesbian until college graduation (BUG/LUG) that attempts to stand out and be all "Oooh, look at me and how little I care about whether your'e looking at me" in-yer-face and winds up being as unique as toast and as "keepin' it real" cool as Anna Nichole Smith's old show.

Incidentally, I find it funny to see a picture by a poser of a poser complaining about posers.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 11/15/2004 10:38:02 PM     Post subject:  

It's like one of my friends put it back in high-school, when a newcomer into the LAND OF THE DIPSHITS (also known as the cafeteria stage where everybody hung out during lunch) asked about everybody, "you've got your drama fags, your anime fags, your band fags, and your goes-to-hot-topic-too-damn-much fags." Furry is just like that, except it's art fags, anime fags, faggy fags, and goes-to-hot-topic-too-damn-much fags. In this case, it's a GTHTTDM fag(ette). They probably got into furry for the same reason they started shopping for OMG ANARCHY clothes and gelly bracelets: because it's so individual!!! By which I mean absolutely fucking conformist. Of course, everything is absolutely fucking conformist in some way.

I'm going to state this one thing, and remember this for it will become reality years from now: those people will be the ones who save the fandom. That's right, call it the ramblings of an incontinent old madman but I say those kids will make like Jesus and save the unsavable by snatching the furry fandom back from the bearded fucktards that founded it overran it so long ago. How will this come to be? Simple; they will dilute the concept of "anthropomorphic animals are cool" with angsty/kewlsy youth pop-culture, pulling their friends into the fold and pushing the sweaty prison-fag population back into the minority (the irony being the anti-fur furries will still never get the fandom back, and will still be surrounded by it's detritus scattered among the filth of a different kind of beast).

The media will leech off the concept, mainstreaming it even more and getting even more young people into it until the true meaning of furry -FUCKING ANIMALS and GETTING HAIRY MANASS- will be one day forgotten. And on that day we will weep.

You shut up. I'm still pissed* at you for not replying to my post in
this thread, even after I went and plagiarized something just for you :cry:

*okay not really
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Posted: 11/15/2004 11:18:46 PM     Post subject:  

I'm going to state this one thing, and remember this for it will become reality years from now: those people will be the ones who save the fandom. That's right, call it the ramblings of an incontinent old madman but I say those kids will make like Jesus and save the unsavable by snatching the furry fandom back from the bearded fucktards that founded it overran it so long ago. How will this come to be? Simple; they will dilute the concept of "anthropomorphic animals are cool" with angsty/kewlsy youth pop-culture, pulling their friends into the fold and pushing the sweaty prison-fag population back into the minority (the irony being the anti-fur furries will still never get the fandom back, and will still be surrounded by it's detritus scattered among the filth of a different kind of beast).

The media will leech off the concept, mainstreaming it even more and getting even more young people into it until the true meaning of furry -FUCKING ANIMALS and GETTING HAIRY MANASS- will be one day forgotten. And on that day we will weep.

Y'know.. I could see that happening. It'd be interesting to see how the furries react.. after so many years of wishing the mainstream would recognize them and tell them their perversions are fine and dandy and that they're good people for fucking in moldy assemblages of shag carpeting remnants...... they would get their recognition. But not as furrydom as we know it today... but furrydom as made known to the public at large as the kitchy images you see on Hot Topic shirts and in Happy Tree Friends: The Movie. In an effort to reach out to the teens of today, Disney will create something akin to Sealab 2021 using the cast of their animated Robin Hood movie. Tons of..... whatever will be the future contemporary of ravers.... will claim themselves to be furry and wear sequined kitty ears and tails they bought at Torrid and Spencer's. Furrydom will move out of the dealer's den and into the clubs. The beardy chubsters will die of heart attacks after trying to keep up with the kids thrashing to techno. Filksongs will no longer be the standard musical fare, but Moby will produce an album called Skunkbutt 0.382. Not a single furry comic will be found associated with furrydom, but there may be the occasional reference to some kemono in a manga.

It'll become to what we know as furrydom what the Puffy Ami Yumi show is likely to become to Cartoon Network (or the havoc Inuyasha has already unleashed on the anime fandoms).

You shut up. I'm still pissed* at you for not replying to my post in this thread, even after I went and plagiarized something just for you :cry:

I was kind of distracted, what with throwing a suitcase together to drive my wife down to see her father who has been diagnosed with advanced cancer and all.

Cool rip of the pic, though. Make the tits a bit saggy and it'd almost be Vaughn Bode-esque. Actually, I'm not fond of beer, or any booze for that matter. That's actually something Jeff Foxworthy said about the typical ongoing thoughts of your average male.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 11/15/2004 11:42:48 PM     Post subject:  

I was kind of distracted, what with throwing a suitcase together to drive my wife down to see her father who has been diagnosed with advanced cancer and all.

Damn. My well wishes to all involved then.

Now I'm going to be thinking serious thoughts for the rest of the day :(
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Posted: 11/16/2004 10:34:21 AM     Post subject: Re: Your fursona looks like my fursona! YOU BITCH!  

Uh-oh, somebody else's fursona is a paint horse... YUO THIEF!!!11!!1

"Hi please be VERY careful with the markings on your Overo character as well as the colors used. Numerous people have reported your character's eerie similarities with mine. Thank you.

These comments are on the userpage, just scroll down a bit to read them.

bad boy, bad boys what'ch gonna do when they come for you, bad boys, bad boys.

this is bad man i think we need the internet police for this one cause we can't have just anyone stealing other furries freaky fursonas ya'll.
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Posted: 11/16/2004 11:06:50 AM     Post subject: Re: Your fursona looks like my fursona! YOU BITCH!  

Uh-oh, somebody else's fursona is a paint horse... YUO THIEF!!!11!!1

"Hi please be VERY careful with the markings on your Overo character as well as the colors used. Numerous people have reported your character's eerie similarities with mine. Thank you.

These comments are on the userpage, just scroll down a bit to read them.

bad boy, bad boys what'ch gonna do when they come for you, bad boys, bad boys.

That'd be some episode of Cops...

Cops drag blurred-face white trash guy from his trailer

WHITE TRASH: Whattre you do--whus yer problem, man? I wuz jus' tryin' to make m'self into a wolf, okay?!

COP: Well, you shoudl've used a different color scheme, sir. This lady is pressing charges for art theft, now.


WHITE TRASH: This iz bullsht, man! I'm a purple wolf! I'M A PURPLE WOLF! AWOOOOOOOO!
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Posted: 11/16/2004 1:42:38 PM     Post subject: Re: Your fursona looks like my fursona! YOU BITCH!  

Cops drag blurred-face white trash guy from his trailer

WHITE TRASH: Whattre you do--whus yer problem, man? I wuz jus' tryin' to make m'self into a wolf, okay?!

COP: Well, you shoudl've used a different color scheme, sir. This lady is pressing charges for art theft, now.


WHITE TRASH: This iz bullsht, man! I'm a purple wolf! I'M A PURPLE WOLF! AWOOOOOOOO!

That's a good script for a comedy skit. Heck, the sillier stories of furrydumb could be used for making a great episodic comedy movie. The ordinary movie-going audience would be in stitches over the implausible, over-the-top happenings, while those in the know would view it as a sadly accurate drama-documentary.

"Fur and Loathing in Philadelphia" - starring John Goodman as "Mark", the bearded ex-pornster who organizes a furry con; Steve Buscemi as "Wolfie", the creepy super-fan who commissions skunkhermtaur porn pics from everyone; Scarlett Johansson as "Bunny", the hopeful young artist who just wanted to make cute drawings but was lured by furries' dollars; and Johnny Depp in the small but crucial role as the cop who goes undercover at the con dressed as Minerva Mink to bust the gay furry pedo conspiracy. Also starring a horde of FAT extras.
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Posted: 11/17/2004 2:43:17 AM     Post subject:  

Which is exactly why we should follow in I-Mockery's footsteps! While they want to make a zombie movie, we should get donations to do a comedy! It'll be to furries what Half Baked was to stoners! Hell, CYD'll make enough to cover actors from Something Awful alone.

Okay, unrealistic idea, but I'd still like to see a movie like that. :p
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