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I am a cheesy.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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Posted: 9/27/2003 9:22:16 PM     Post subject: I am a cheesy.  

I like Cheese.
I came out to my family as a cheesy.
They were initially shocked, but said that if that was what it took to make me happy, then so be it.

I like Anthromorphic animal art.
I came out to my family as a furry.
They were initially shocked, but said that if that was what it took to make me happy, then so be it.

Hmmm, What’s the difference?
The difference is that the first one, I don’t think ANYONE has ever done. The second?
Well, There seem to be quite a few people who hath done so.

But why?
Why do people feel the need to “come out” as a fury?

I think this is due to the social construct that has evolved around Anthromorphics animal art.

My theory is thus:

Anthromorphic animals are less threatening than “real people”. This is because many animals are easier to get along with humans and we can interact with them without fear and confident in the knowledge of acceptance.

Thus, By combining human characteristics with animal ones, You create the perfect being for a certain types of people to associate with.

Now, Some people may just look at anthro art and say: “Hey, k4wl.” And collect it and such, and form social groups based around fannish activities.

However, There would be some, who because they want acceptance etc, will be attracted because of the non-judgemental element implied by the anthromorphic animal forms. Therefore These types of people will start to conglomerate and form even more social groups. But the social groups that these type of people will form, Are more tight knit and "in deeper" than average fan ones, and may be marked by such things as ideological identification with anthro animals and these groups will be the ones that are much more "depandant" on the "furry fandom" for such elements as you may get elsewhere should you seek, Like sex or comradery and suchlike.

Since the people feel that it is such an important part of their life and being (As they see it) they think that they should therefore reveal it to family and suchlike, as one may reveal to others than one is gay.

However I would dispute that being "furry" or considering oneself to be so, Can realy define your personality in such a major way.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
Posts: 186

Posted: 9/28/2003 6:27:37 PM     Post subject:  

Now, Some people may just look at anthro art and say: “Hey, k4wl.” And collect it and such, and form social groups based around fannish activities.

However, There would be some, who because they want acceptance etc, will be attracted because of the non-judgemental element implied by the anthromorphic animal forms. Therefore These types of people will start to conglomerate and form even more social groups. But the social groups that these type of people will form, Are more tight knit and "in deeper" than average fan ones, and may be marked by such things as ideological identification with anthro animals and these groups will be the ones that are much more "depandant" on the "furry fandom" for such elements as you may get elsewhere should you seek, Like sex or comradery and suchlike.
Indeed. In this case, it would all depend on which of these statements you are more likely to say: "I like furry art" versus "I am a furry".

In the first, you are simply defining one of your interests, of which there could be a great many. As for the latter, you are defining what you are - which is a vast difference.

Of course, all of this is moot with regards to conversing with anyone else - assholes are assholes, no matter what their interests are, and rabid nintendo fanboys swarming a site that gave one of their favourite games a bad review is often just as amusing (and just as insane) as any kind of whiny furry.
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