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Posted: 12/27/2004 10:40:36 AM     Post subject: Help Gonterman! campaign (or something)  

Perhaps I should, perhaps I should. Anatomy is one of the areas I'm constantly hammering, and how well I do at it depends on the day it is. (Besides, I had to do this pic on the QT). If I get enough Borders Gift Cards, maybe I'll get an anatomy book.

I wish you a Gonterchristmas!

Because she's a fursuit.

Edited for:
Initially, I'm putting in him similar values to what I would have if I myself were gay. (I'm actually straight IRL, so LilMarcieMouse needn't worry ^-^) You can see that he's a member of the Gay-friendly conservative group 'Log Cabin Republicans,' and that he doesn't consider his sexual orientation a major part of who he is; if you don't want to know, he won't bother you with the details.

And now he's getting gay from yiff!
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The New Meat
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Posted: 12/28/2004 8:01:16 AM     Post subject:  

I posted this on POE, but, again, for the edification of the general public:

Gonterman explains his stance on Homosexuality (IE. NOT A HOMOPHOBE B/C HE WATCHES QUEER EYE!11!)


A note on Jim's character design:

Some folk over at the Portal of Evil wondered how my protrayal of Gays is going to be in this strip, and whatever or not I've actually met any homosexuals in real life (of is this merely a Queer Eye fanfict, Hurr Hurr Hurr and lots of ). Someone said that I may have actually met some and not know it, mainly because they don't announce their lifestyle to the world.

That's what I'm shooting for when it comes to Jim Goodlow. Initially, I'm putting in him similar values to what I would have if I myself were gay. (I'm actually straight IRL, so LilMarcieMouse needn't worry ^-^) You can see that he's a member of the Gay-friendly conservative group 'Log Cabin Republicans,' and that he doesn't consider his sexual orientation a major part of who he is; if you don't want to know, he won't bother you with the details. He also has beliefs that run counter to what the general public would consider to be in this particular lifestyle. (Two examples: He considers choice as much a factor as to what makes a person gay on par with genetics, environment, and what not. Don't want to be gay, or don't want to anymore? You have his permission. He'd also tell younger people to hold off on deciding their orientation until they're more mature, being that there are more important things to worry aobut; like School Studies, and getting through that final boss in Final Fantasy XII.) It's not that I've made him to intentionally run counter with folks with agendas, but I wanted Jim to have a more realistic view on life in general, and that he's more than his gayness. It is my hopes that Jim's character is in par with the current trend to make Homosexuality more toleratable--a move started with recent programs in the media like Queer Eye--as well as counter the reputation I got when one of my characters used the 'F' word while telling off Zoycite in Sailor Moon: American Kitsune.

Oh, and if you think that Jim Goodlow is an self-insertion, (That's Adam Packbell's job, thank you so much) future strips will change that notion real quick. There are some things Jim have and does you wouldn't catch me dead in.

Sure, Jim's gay, but it's not like it affects his life IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. Also, kida, remember that coming to terms with your sexuality is less important than beating some video game. I honestly don't understand the whole Log Cabin republican thing...partly meaning, I just don't get what the name is all about, unless a log cabin is a place where Republicans gather for man sex or it's some sort of juvenile pun on "log." Also, honestly, why would any gay person join the party that's pretty much made it its mission to grind the hobnailed boot of oppression into gays' faces forever? (SLIGHT HYPERBOLE)

Not that Democrats have been that vocal for equality lately, but still.
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Posted: 12/28/2004 3:04:34 PM     Post subject:  

Because for the most part any "Log Cabin" Republican is a moron plain and simple. Also Gonterman's character really just is not that gay. I mean I have nothing againist Homosexuals at all, but Gonterman really just added himself into the comic again and made him gay to get everyone of his back about it. LilMarcieMouse please tell me that's not a real person who wants to spread Gonterman's genes.
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Posted: 12/28/2004 4:05:18 PM     Post subject:  

LilMarcieMouse please tell me that's not a real person who wants to spread Gonterman's genes.

I'm sorry.
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Posted: 12/28/2004 4:41:41 PM     Post subject:  

A note on Jim's character design:

Some folk over at the Portal of Evil wondered how my protrayal of Gays is going to be in this strip, and whatever or not I've actually met any homosexuals in real life (of is this merely a Queer Eye fanfict, Hurr Hurr Hurr and lots of ). Someone said that I may have actually met some and not know it, mainly because they don't announce their lifestyle to the world.

Knowing how Daveykins fanfics EVERYTHING he watches, a Queer Eye fanfic wouldn't be that surprising. Heh.. that would actually be amusing to see Carson Kressley drawn with Gonterman eyes.

That's what I'm shooting for when it comes to Jim Goodlow. Initially, I'm putting in him similar values to what I would have if I myself were gay.

Apparently, that means he would be the most clueless gay man on the planet.

and that he doesn't consider his sexual orientation a major part of who he is; if you don't want to know, he won't bother you with the details.

Because, as we all know, the primary measure of how important a person's sexual orientation is how much they tell you about it. I assume this is simply Daveykins' ham-fisted way of conceptualizing how something as important to everyone as sexual identity is simply not a prominent point of conversation with everyone. I'd guess he hasn't knowingly interacted with many homosexuals, since it sounds like he expects all of them to say stuff like:

"Hi, I'm Jim Goodlow, resident homosexual. It's very nice to meet you, being that I'm a gay man now meeting a straight man. Have you had dinner yet? Gays like myself don't eat until around 6 PM. So, if you'd like to join me.. a gay man.. and some friends for dinner where you'll be eating with me.. a gay man.. then you're welcome to come along and dine with a gay man like me."

He considers choice as much a factor as to what makes a person gay on par with genetics, environment, and what not. Don't want to be gay, or don't want to anymore? You have his permission.

HE WANT TO BE GAY FROM YIFF, BUT HE NOT HAEV DAVIEKINZ PARMISSON! Apparently, Jim Goodanplenty, er, Goodlow is "college gay." College gay differing from prison gay in that it's an experimental thing like the chicks on those Girls Gone Wild go through kissing each other and stuff.... LUGs.. Lesbians Until Graduation. Jim's just the male version. I wonder how much "research" Gonterman has fapped to on Tapestries.

He'd also tell younger people to hold off on deciding their orientation until they're more mature, being that there are more important things to worry aobut;

Because, as we all know... homosexuality isn't really a difficult thing to come to grips with. There isn't any actual period of turmoil when one must admit to themselves that they're gay.. then cope with either hiding from or revealing it to others. There's no worries about how your family and friends will react.. it's just something you can put off until, say, you've finished college and that backlog of PS2 games you've been hoarding. It's just another suit... like Jim's "Scarlet-chan" suit, homosexuality is something he can put on or take off... his "Homo-chan" suit.

and getting through that final boss in Final Fantasy XII.

I like a man that has his priorities straight. :? :?:

It's not that I've made him to intentionally run counter with folks with agendas, but I wanted Jim to have a more realistic view on life in general, and that he's more than his gayness.

Too bad the person writing the character doesn't have a more realistic view on life.

It is my hopes that Jim's character is in par with the current trend to make Homosexuality more toleratable--a move started with recent programs in the media like Queer Eye


as well as counter the reputation I got when one of my characters used the 'F' word while telling off Zoycite in Sailor Moon: American Kitsune.

Thank God for making gays so that Daveykins could use them to spread the message that he heat he got for putting a swear word in a SailorSonic fanfic was undeserved.

Oh, and if you think that Jim Goodlow is an self-insertion, (That's Adam Packbell's job, thank you so much) future strips will change that notion real quick. There are some things Jim have and does you wouldn't catch me dead in.

As we all know, many other characters ARE clearly self-insertions, because Daveykins is, in fact, a kitsune samurai with a gun and an android bunny girl love slave. Given that, obviously something as fanciful as a GAY MAN can't be a self-insertion.

I got Daveykins self-insertion right here.

I have finally found something that exceeds his ignorance about the Japanese culture and language.. his ignorance of homosexuality.
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Posted: 12/28/2004 5:00:47 PM     Post subject:  

Analyse THIS, Mr Armchair Psychologist!

FoxFire morphs back into Human Mode, which caused Zoisite to remember. A young boy who's unpopular and effeminate. Zoey tried to force this child into the Gay lifestile, but the boy turned away. he was promptly labeled as a Homosexual afterward, which took what pieces he had left of getting any friends or respect from his teachers and grinds them into dust.

"I hated you all my life, FAG." FoxFire lets spittle fly on the FAGs as he morphs back into Fox Mode. "You riuned almopst half of mah life, FAG. I was *never* allowed to live what you did to me down, FAG, and I'm going to take some payback out of your AIDS-ridden, maggot infested, perverted hide, FAG!!" He pumps up and aims, channeling over a decade of rage into his rifle.

Zoisite sneers. "What are you going to do, Homophobe? Shoot me?"


. . . . .

"Whoa, I couldn't believe that *anyone* can do that to a Negaverse General!! Uh, Foxie, was that true about the part where he tried to make you gay?

FoxFire noonded to Sailor Moon as the affects of his blast begins to register. What exactly happened to Zoisite was, when the shot slammed into him, that instead fo having his guts punched out of him, he was literary picked up by the blast and thrown into a tangent course form Earth into deep space, and woe to any property that was in the way, including a satalite.

All this was begining to register to the assembled homosexuals as well, who were by that time begining to close in on the pair with the chant of "Kill the Homophobe," on their lips.

"I don't think they're gonna let us walk out here with our dignity intact, Foxieeeeee..."

"Then, Sailor Moon," FoxFire gave her one last longing look, "let's make their victory over us as expensive as Hell."

You know, all this shit is alike Mr Garrison from South Park. Now Gonterman's slowly admitting to be GAY FROM YIFF! Living fursuit is "I'd like to be a woman", while Jim Notgonterman is "okay, I'm gay".
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Posted: 12/28/2004 5:52:50 PM     Post subject:  

I believe ze patient vas forced into potty-training at an early age vhen he vas not ready for such a t'ing. Zhen, he began to vet his bed. Hiz fazer responded mit anger and, being ze effeminate boy he vas, made allegations to hiz gender orientation. All of zis early trauma coalesced into a pzychological backlash vherein he zought a means of ezcape from hiz vorld. Zo, he concocts zhis fantasy vorld vhere he dresses up as a female fox and obsesses on zhe girly-girl anime as hiz Id attempts to express itself. All of zhese coping mechanisms have begun to break down, and he is being vorced to convront hiz own latent homozexuality.

He wants to be a foxwoman so badly. That's why they're so voluptuous. He has to starve them a while to loosen the skin. He's killing foxwomen to make a foxwoman suit, Clarice.
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Posted: 12/28/2004 6:34:44 PM     Post subject:  

Now, childen... The Vixen-zoots are big sillies! -You gay-bashing homos!
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Posted: 12/28/2004 7:43:16 PM     Post subject:  

I honestly don't understand the whole Log Cabin republican thing...partly meaning, I just don't get what the name is all about, unless a log cabin is a place where Republicans gather for man sex or it's some sort of juvenile pun on "log." Also, honestly, why would any gay person join the party that's pretty much made it its mission to grind the hobnailed boot of oppression into gays' faces forever?

The Log Cabin Republicans are Republicans who oppose things like constitutional amendments banning gay marriage, etc. Kind of a one-issue group. Anyway, the reason they are Republicans is because they agree with MOST of the Republican platform.

Perhaps I should, perhaps I should. Anatomy is one of the areas I'm constantly hammering, and how well I do at it depends on the day it is. (Besides, I had to do this pic on the QT). If I get enough Borders Gift Cards, maybe I'll get an anatomy book.

No, no, if he learns how to draw, we'll be reduced to actually having to read his comics to criticize them instead of just looking at them.

I got Daveykins self-insertion right here.

Ah, good 'ol Thor. I plan to get one of those to drive away Jehovah's Witnesses, but I just can't find the funds.
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Rural Pimp
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Posted: 12/28/2004 8:20:27 PM     Post subject:  

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Posted: 12/28/2004 8:30:08 PM     Post subject:  

Perhaps I should, perhaps I should. Anatomy is one of the areas I'm constantly hammering, and how well I do at it depends on the day it is. (Besides, I had to do this pic on the QT). If I get enough Borders Gift Cards, maybe I'll get an anatomy book.

So.. lemme get this straight.. Gonterman can pony up the dough for Final Fantasy XXII... but he can't go to Borders and get a $20 anatomy book without financial aid?
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Posted: 12/28/2004 9:04:49 PM     Post subject:  

Hey, reading through the Gonterman is about as good as just watching his comics!

Some more of a classic Gontergay quotes:

Some homosexuals will tell you that you can't usually tell whatever a person is gay or not. On average, this is the case. But there are a select few who not just outwardly express their homosexuality for all to easily recognize, but blatantly cram it down normally unwanting people's throats; this behavior usually gets them on Christian talk shows like "Focus on the Family," and "The 700 Club." These people do the gay rights movement no service.

Zoisite is one of the latter. Even if he's in his . . . uniform.

"Even as we speak. David has tracked you to Denver, where I have an operation set with the CDA protests there. You are familiar with the Telecommunications Bill and it's controversies there?"

Beryl: Yes, I have been keeping up. See if you can use this protest against Sailor Moon's new boyfriend when he comes.

Raye: Well, what was it with you and Zoisite? We all know he's really a gay man, but he doesn't do the stuff that'll get people to go homophobic on him.

"I didn't have the best luck with the girls. In fact I wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of having a girl fall in love with me. So, when Zoisite come to town pushing his Homosexual agenda and said that one in every ten people are destined to be gay, every school kid in that school pointed at me. Naturally that had them pushing their doctrine down their throats, and as a kid, I couldn't tell them from every other bully in that school. It was through the grace of whatever God I had at the time to get out of there with my virginity intact. But, the damage to my character was done, I'm afraid. The rumor mill ran twenty-four hours a day on my "homosexuality" and I was branded a Gay without any say on my own. Even members of my own family believed it. Heck, I would have sex with all five of you right in front of them and they'll *still* call me a Gay! So could you come accusing me of being a homophobe? Can you really . . . blame me?"

"No on both counts, FoxFire," said Luna, speaking for all of the Scouts, who kinda listened in (The majority were in tears by now). "I wouldn't consider you homophobic, racist, or sexist; especially after you told us that.

FoxFire immediatley let his Luna Card fly. As the cat said, it didn't cut them in any way as it slammed into gay after gay, but it did managed to drop them all faster than a bad outbreak of AIDS. -If they're smart, they'll bug out once they'll discover that they're in the middle of a fight that don't concern them, but knowing millitant homosexuals, they'll only see a bunch of homophobes and try to force their disease on all of us, good guy or bad guy. Oh well, at least they're waiting in line now.
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Posted: 12/28/2004 9:20:18 PM     Post subject: Sorry, couldn't resist.  

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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 12/28/2004 10:35:40 PM     Post subject:  

Whatever else, Gonterman gets extra magical bonus points for working up creative ways to present his own confused ambisexual tendencies, other than the usual herm-taur spooge.

A human guy in a sentiant vixen fursuit? Who turns out to be a gay Republican? Brilliant! But say... if my character makes love to his character in the fursuit does that make my character gay if he's only just thinking about the fursuit?
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Posted: 12/29/2004 3:54:23 AM     Post subject:  

You know, looking at this Gonterfella's 'art' again. I realize that he really, really loves ovals. Really. Well, that. Or perhaps that's how he draws. Oval for the eyes, oval for the mouth, oval for the arm, ovals for legs. Look closely. :?
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Posted: 12/29/2004 6:40:30 AM     Post subject:  

In other words, he continues to suck.

And why focus on that blonde stick Sailor Moon? If I'm gonna fixate on an anime babe, it'll be the chick from Onegai Teacher, Modoko (or is it Motoko?.. I just have the figure, never seen the series) from Love Hina, Kaoru from Rurouni Kenshin, or.. my favorite, Kagura from Inuyasha.

Maybe I just have a thing for brunettes in kimono or miko uniforms.
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:18:23 AM     Post subject:  

Motoko? Love Hina was the first anime I ever downloaded and watched. She's even my favorite character from it as well. How can you not like a hot tempered swordswoman who can still act cute?

Now, if I'm going to fixate on an anime babe; it's going to be Urd from Aa! My Goddess.

She's just too likeable. And my overall favorite of all fictional women.

Just as a side note, the first episode of the TV series airs January 6th in Japan.
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:24:00 AM     Post subject:  

I'm careening wildly OT here, but...

In the photo with the buttertroll posing with the Disney costumed character, WHAT THE HELL IS CREEPING UP HER LOWER LEGS
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Posted: 12/29/2004 12:00:13 PM     Post subject:  

And why focus on that blonde stick Sailor Moon?

Hey, Sailor Gontermoon isn't a "stick", Mister!
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Posted: 12/29/2004 12:31:34 PM     Post subject:  

Hey, Sailor Gontermoon isn't a "stick", Mister!

*falls out of his chair laughing*
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Posted: 12/29/2004 1:19:09 PM     Post subject:  

I'm careening wildly OT here, but...

In the photo with the buttertroll posing with the Disney costumed character, WHAT THE HELL IS CREEPING UP HER LOWER LEGS

I noticed this too... looks like some kind of a skin disease.

Well, okay, it's disgusting. Let's go back to the G-man himself:
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Posted: 12/29/2004 4:57:15 PM     Post subject:  

First, observe the complete lack of boobs. This leads me to believe that the... creature... in the picture is a man. Therefore, we must next consider the attire. No straight man would dress like that, not even if he were payed quite highly in beer, porn, or cash, the universal currencies of men. Ladies and gentlement, the hominid so depicted above is gay. This is further evidenced by the rainbow pattern on its bracelet, the purpose of which is unknown, but apparently some sort of super-power-device. Finally, the mullet hints to a tendency to watch NASCAR, trap raccoons, and cornhole incautious travellers. Therefore, I propose we classify this new specimin as the species Homo superfaggus neckrufus.
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Posted: 12/29/2004 5:03:30 PM     Post subject:  

Dear God we're Doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Gargoyle look I'm Sorry doesn't cut it okay. I can never have a meaniful relationship now after that.
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Posted: 12/29/2004 5:14:03 PM     Post subject:  

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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 12/29/2004 5:36:55 PM     Post subject:  

I think I might just stay away from this thread, I feel a disturbance in the force, or something. It's not good, bad vibes man. Yer gonna summon some sort of, wait, my god, was any of this posted near 5:00(PST) on christmas day?
I know what must be done, I've got the gulfstream jet, who can get a submarine to the south pacific/indian? And who shall acompany me upon this expedition? The elders are awakening!
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Posted: 12/29/2004 5:57:58 PM     Post subject:  

This pic indicates Gonterman could be fan of the Saban's Sailor Moon travesty.

Anyway, David's anti-gay romance with Usagi ultimately sadly failed...

that only way you'll see Sailor Moon on my site is tourtured, raped, and murdered

and not unlike like his previuos affair with Zoicite.
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:04:22 PM     Post subject:  

Gonterman has been drawing for so long, I bet he would actually improve drastically if he started studying art.

A lot of people who start drawing a webcomic get stuck. I would think mainly because they would be focusing on continuing thier story, or keeping to some schedule and not even thinking about changes they want to make to how the characters look (for ex.) or just general improvements.

Now the writing in his comic is a whole different thing :)
Tho I do find the idea of a living, sentient suit (not necessarily a furry one) to be interesting, a wearable symbiote
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Rural Pimp
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:15:11 PM     Post subject:  

If you examine the linked Popeye Sailor Moon jpg. YouŽll see that it originates from a domain belonging to the Royal Engineering College in Stockholm, Sweden. I have some friends there, and in one of their student papers they had a rather large and positively-spirited article about the resident anime fandom. It looks like the infection is spreading. So far, Sweden seems pretty furry-proof yet though.
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Posted: 12/29/2004 9:37:15 PM     Post subject:  

You know what's funny?

"Gontermann" gets you 7,760 hits on the (including some encyclopedias entries and firms and stuff), but still redirects you to "Gonterman" with only 6,570 (mostly David)... and no, not vice-versa :)
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Posted: 12/29/2004 10:35:17 PM     Post subject:  

What's with him anywho?

Is he stuck in the mid '90s or something? :?
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Anencephalic Baby Jesus
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Posted: 12/30/2004 12:05:15 AM     Post subject:  

Gonterman has been drawing for so long, I bet he would actually improve drastically if he started studying art.

Here's what's sad. He's been drawing for a LOT longer than I have. When I first started drawing seriously, you could probably say Gonterman and I were about on the same level. In other words, my first few paintings sucked.

So I worked on improving, bought some books, learned the basics, and took some lessons. If you looked at my art "then" and "now", it doesn't even look like the same person drew it, and it's still changing and refining itself.

Meanwhile, Gonterman's work hasn't changed a bit. Given his experience, if he'd actually worked on learning his craft rather than churning out bad webcomics, he'd probably be really good by now. I think he has some measure of aptitude; sadly, it's wasted, as he's relying on "symbols" rather than adding depth to his pictures. And in his case, I think the bad crazy is preventing him from making good use of his talent.

And yes, I agree with (I think it was) ZenZhu who said basically if he can afford video games, he can afford a how-to-draw book. Hell, the Loomis book (Figure Drawing for All It's Worth) can be downloaded off the internet for free.

In other words, no excuse.

Now the writing in his comic is a whole different thing :)
Tho I do find the idea of a living, sentient suit (not necessarily a furry one) to be interesting, a wearable symbiote

Isn't that kind of like the premise of Witchblade, though?
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Posted: 12/30/2004 9:16:26 AM     Post subject:  

And Spawn? And Venom from Spider Man?

It is my hopes that Jim's character is in par with the current trend to make Homosexuality more toleratable--a move started with recent programs in the media like Queer Eye


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Posted: 12/30/2004 9:30:55 AM     Post subject:  

Fuck! Double post...
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Posted: 12/30/2004 12:02:19 PM     Post subject:  

What's with him anywho?

Is he stuck in the mid '90s or something? :?

Gonterman is 35 years old.
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Posted: 12/30/2004 3:26:03 PM     Post subject:  

What's with him anywho?

Is he stuck in the mid '90s or something? :?

Gonterman is 35 years old.

No,I meant his artstyle,it looks like a sorry attempt on a Rumiko Takahashi rip-off.
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Quantum Coyote
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Posted: 1/2/2005 3:17:42 PM     Post subject:  

Tho I do find the idea of a living, sentient suit (not necessarily a furry one) to be interesting, a wearable symbiote

Heres an interesting one :)

Jumbo Dingo Stroller
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Posted: 1/23/2005 8:26:58 AM     Post subject:  

Well, two questions: One, who in his or her right mind would want to impersonate me? Name me one person who would _want_ to imitate my style. I'd love to see one Art Thief who actually considers me to be a target; becuase I'm sure that all of them use the same PoE-inspired Hurr Hurr lines whenever my name is mentioned. And Two, what would you expect me to be? I'm certain that, if you tell me what you think I am, I'd return and say that you don't know me at all. Some may say that I've changed in recent years, with the thanks to getting perscribed to Celexa, but some may say that's a good thing.

And if you think I'm homophobic, then you _really_ don't know me; I have about a dozen people in my home town that actually thinks I'm _gay_ for every one for whom 100% of what they think of me is the scenes with Zoicite in SMAK, and they're blind to every other opinion or even reality. I may not be PC, but I'm far from what my old fanficts paint me as.

My name is still David Gonterman, I haven't changed my web page link or e-mail addy since last year, and I could answer whatever question you can ask that only I know, or at least as much as I can remember. But if my presence here does not convince you that I am very much who I say I am, I doubt I can convince you ever.

And why should I even attempt to do something I have no chance in succeeding in?

Good question!

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Joined: 04 Sep 2004
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Posted: 1/23/2005 9:28:55 AM     Post subject:  

And there's an answer!

My legal name is David Gonterman, a BA graduate from SIUE who got good and stoned one day over what I'm allowed to do with my life and decided that it would be a good idea to showcase my talents on the internet with the hopes that I'd get noticed by someone who would want me to do what I like for a living.

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