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Poor Sibe...
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:37:05 AM     Post subject: Poor Sibe...

So sad... so sad.

They must have done something really bad to him at the last con for him to give it all up like that. It's also notable that he mentions wanting to be able to "enjoy being a furry" and getting deeper into the fandom, which is also sad because, well... it's just a sad thing to say period.

Also note the "we're better than you" reaction from the furries that aren't in Sibe's circle, which goes to show when they feel they've been wronged, they milk it for all the angst and rightous indignation it's worth. On the other hand, it's not like Sibe can be trusted to turn over a new leaf either, since he himself is a furry, and furries are evil.

Final analysis: when furries turn on each other there is no right or wrong, no winners or losers (well, more like mostly losers), only tragicomedy for those watching from the sidelines.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:42:25 AM     Post subject:  

With no Sibe distribution, and Yerf/VCL... this means they'll either only have the muck... or learn to bathe, and go outside.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 3:44:21 AM     Post subject:  

With no Sibe distribution, and Yerf/VCL... this means they'll either only have the muck... or learn to bathe, and go outside.
Or kill himself.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 4:07:15 AM     Post subject:  

Or kill himself.

Things are lookin' up all over! :o 8)
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Posted: 1/27/2005 5:02:20 AM     Post subject:  

Yarrr! Thar be no plank for us internet pirates. Well, not really.

This doesn't affect me, since I don't download furry porn. But, it is kinda sad to see someone who's caused such a stir to give up.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 5:52:28 AM     Post subject:  

Man, that fxcking sucks.

I mean, yeah, on one hand he was a drama king, but damn. He had balls. :(
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Posted: 1/27/2005 7:28:35 AM     Post subject:  

What was he famous for, again? I missed the Sibe stuff.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 8:16:37 AM     Post subject:  

R.I.P., Sibe's furry smut pirating ring. Anyone that can directly piss off that many furries is OK in my book.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 4:07:26 PM     Post subject:  

I only know Sibe by infamy. In my furrier days, I tried to find where I could get his pirated stuff, but never had any luck. I'm all for giving the furries a good ruffle. But, a guy has to set his priorities... and if he can't enjoy going someplace to see his friends without vindictive little bitches doing whatever it was they did to him or his room, then I can understand how he would decide it's just not worth the angst.

Unfortunately, furries hold a grudge like a pitt bull with lockjaw. I don't know if he'll ever be able to outlive the stigma they place on him.

What's interesting in the LJ thread is to see that there are other furries speaking out against the dumbassedness of their own kind.

I've noticed in the fandom its all about who you know...who your with...kinda like a monarchy. You mate into fame, and what not. This is why some furs switch mates like underwear. Also why fanboi's exist.

think the constaff, and/or furries that hate you are just riled because the next guy is. The fandom now, it's no long an interest, it's trying to become a higher level of furry, like furry is now a sub culture. "I'm more Punk than you." now "I'm more furry/animal like than you."

Local furries ruined this for me because they are just like that, one of them put me down for every little thing I did. I don't buy and hump every plushie I find. But to him this was normal. I even stayed at there house a few times, his boyfriend is a very nice, and modest guy and I hold alot of respect for him. But furry #1 is loud, rude, obnoxious, and had the nerve to pull out his penis in front of me like it was a normal thing to do when you had guests over. This pissed me off very much, a guy I tried to be nice to, even after he put me down so many times. Because of people like that I hold NO respect for the fandom anymore, because I see alot of furs that are the exact same way.

I'm sure not all are, but people who try to say the fandom isn't sexual based... are lieing.

This guy apparently is going to harbor a grudge until doomsday:

The old "Things-Have-Become-Too-Hot-For-Me-To-Handle-And-Now-I'm-Going-To-Be-Good-Until-Things-Cool-Down-Again-And-People-Have-Forgotten-About-My-Criminal-Activities-And-Moved -On" routine. The ONLY reason this works is because there are so many new furs coming in to the scene who have not heard it all before. Take it from Us, people, We have been here since the early 90's, We were here to see Sibe come on the scene and start making trouble from the get-go. And during that entire time, he has always pulled out the innocent puppy routine once things become too difficult for him to play the game. We have categorized this particular claim into category two, sub-category seven. Category two is, "Sibe declares that he is going to behave himself from now on." And sub-category seven is "Sibe says he will: (7) Pull down his website/IRC channel and behave himself from now on." This becomes quite tedious after a while, but We are nothing if not persistent. And in the end, persistence pays.

For example, We said that We would be distributing Sibe's criminal record at the convention. We were asked to refrain from doing this as it could possibly build sympathy within the jury during any future proceedings against him, so We held back. Apparently, mass distribution of criminal records, while not illegal, can be construed as a form of harassment if not done properly. Ah well. Back to small-time, targeted distribution, then. Any person who cares to have it need only email Us, and We will send it to them. By the way, Sibe, you will have to be moving very soon again. The courts are tracking you down, and you will be receiving even more summonses quite soon.

This guy apparently wants restitution.... like getting paid off by the people that owned your ancestors as slaves. :shock:

Shutting down your bittorrent is a start, but it's not enough.

I'll believe that you've turned over a new leaf when you've paid damages to the artists whose work you've stolen, paid damages to the sites that you've DDOS'd, and cleared up the current problems with the FBI.

You've hurt people. Stopping attacking is a start. Now, you need to settle all the scores you've started. Good luck.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 7:06:57 PM     Post subject:  

Shutting down your bittorrent is a start, but it's not enough.

I'll believe that you've turned over a new leaf when you've paid damages to the artists whose work you've stolen, paid damages to the sites that you've DDOS'd, and cleared up the current problems with the FBI.

You've hurt people. Stopping attacking is a start. Now, you need to settle all the scores you've started. Good luck.

They got the FBI onto this guy?

FBI: This is the FBI, how may I help you?
Furry: Yeah this guy is stealing my art and allowing anyone to see it without paying for it.
FBI: Ok, may I get a description of how he's doing it.
Furry: He uses BitTorrent, Dickgirl Unicorn porn is how I make my living.
FBI: What kind of porn sir?
Furry: Dickgirl Unicorns.

Furry: Hello... Hello... Stupid Mundanes.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 10:15:33 PM     Post subject:  

I only know Sibe by infamy.

I don't know Sibe personally and can't really say what is going through his head, but his story is a really bizzare one.

I started to know of him when he would do channel takeovers on IRC. He'd just come into a room with some buddies and overthrow the channel. Yiffnet wasn't exactly the most well-secured network, and in the early days pretty much everyone got ops. He'd piss off everyone and keep doing it.

He'd post stuff to newsgroups just pissing people off, and pretty much do anything to get a rise out of people, like doing denial-of-service attacks (supposedly) against popular furry sites.

Then he got into pirating art, and originally had a channel on the furry IRC server to trade it.. They kicked him out, he started his own bittracker and hosted as much as he possibly could.

But I will tell you what, REALLY angry furries are not to be messed with. They have a lot of free time, many of them are pretty smart and know their way around the internet.

His "fanclub" not only tracked down his real name, but also his criminal record (just more stupid anti-social shit), his parole officer, his social security number, address, naked pictures of him, and details of who he knows, has had sex with, previously was "mates" with and a whole shitload of other information, and posted it ALL on the internet. They'd also go out of their way to call the cops if he came to their cons and called his parole officer if he left his home state (supposedly against his parole).. Even the babyfurs post nutball "warnings" about him on their websites

The private information posting, in my opinion, was completely uncalled for and probably far more criminal than anything Sibe ever did. Seeing that reaction, as well as these frothy-mouthed diatribes against him posted on the newsgroups and stuff, was one of those times when I sat back and thought "man, these people are really crazy, and DANGROUS-crazy too."

There were a few times that I wondered if he would ever turn up as a homicide victim since some of the really unhinged seem to latch on to him as enemy #1 (See KadaichaDancers).. Man what a cluster fuck that would have been for the fandom in general.

Seriously, if I ever met him IRL i'd want to take him out for a beer and ask him just what the hell happened with everything. I bet he's got some stories of crazy.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 10:51:25 PM     Post subject:  

That's it! I'm starting a club.

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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/27/2005 11:20:46 PM     Post subject:  

R.I.P., Sibe's furry smut pirating ring. Anyone that can directly piss off that many furries is OK in my book.

Seconded, or thirded or whatnot.

The thing is, he may be just in it for the thrill of being disruptive any way he can (which just means he's messed up like most any other furry). I'm not too sure I'd want to know this guy IRL, but as a living weapon grating against the furry hubris, I'm all on it.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 12:17:21 AM     Post subject:  


That brings back memories. The Kadaitcha Dancers are like a network of "OMG fursecution" people that attempt to harass those that harass furries. They give themselves Australian animal names, refer to the (deity) Rainbow Serpent, captialize "we", and made an infamous attack on a SA goon.

Hilarity ensued.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 12:40:13 AM     Post subject:  


That brings back memories. The Kadaitcha Dancers are like a network of "OMG fursecution" people that attempt to harass those that harass furries. They give themselves Australian animal names, refer to the (deity) Rainbow Serpent, captialize "we", and made an infamous attack on a SA goon.

Hilarity ensued.

No no no, it's worse (re; sadder) than all that.

See, Kotexbloodyfagdansers is only that one person, in his 30's and still angsting over being picked on in school as a kid, and for not being able to walk around like the inner flaming furry he really is because he's still getting picked on as an adult for it. He's a total fucking loser, with no backbone or will of his own, so he tries to play one out over the internet. The "We" bullshit is a sad example of this, as he can't even bear the courage to stand up as a individual on the freaking internet.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 12:59:39 AM     Post subject:  

I don't know if I can respect this guy. Isn't he into zoosexuality or whatever the furries label their bestiality as?
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Posted: 1/28/2005 1:37:29 AM     Post subject:  

The thing about Sibe that's interesting to me is how he started out as yet another faceless furry dipshit and gradually became somewhat self-aware as through his poking and prodding he discovered just how easy it was to drive his fellow fetishists into some sort of endless circle of fear and panic. Make fun of their appearances or even THREATEN to COPY THEIR FLOPPIES and your name gets dropped for all eternity whenever anything bad happens to the furries. The drama he created is damn funny.

And yet as much as he's learned, he still has quite a ways to go. I mean, he's basically posted a GOODBYE TO ALL MY INTERNET FRIENDS FOREVER post. That's not exactly a mark of maturity if you get my drift.
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 1:41:16 AM     Post subject:  

I don't know if I can respect this guy. Isn't he into zoosexuality or whatever the furries label their bestiality as?

As we all know, most furries are bisexual, or as I like to refer to them; "bi-desperate".

Some are what I like to refer to as "tri-desperate", as in "I'm desperate enough to be down for anything just to experiance some little form of physical affection"
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Posted: 1/28/2005 2:08:17 AM     Post subject:  

I think hes into zoo and anal stuff...but frankly I never really talked about his sexual preferences with him. What he likes to do with dogs never came up in our conversation (which is what should happen in furry anyway!)
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Posted: 1/28/2005 2:55:59 AM     Post subject:  

Hadn't Sibe already promised to give up all of this before?
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Posted: 1/28/2005 4:34:42 AM     Post subject:  

He'll be back.

Give him a few weeks, and he'll be back!!! Mark my words!
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Posted: 1/28/2005 6:34:19 AM     Post subject:  

I think hes into zoo and anal stuff...but frankly I never really talked about his sexual preferences with him. What he likes to do with dogs never came up in our conversation (which is what should happen in furry anyway!)

the prevailing rumor holds that sibe is into crapping his pants

i wish i was making that up
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Posted: 1/28/2005 7:05:01 AM     Post subject:  

Groat sez, "Sibe is a crinimal, a rapist, molester, asshat, plagerious, copright infringer." That he's been told that others have said that someone else has said that Sibe has threatened old men with a shotgun, kept a minor girl under bondage in his basement, and performed various other life-threatening acts with a deadly weapon against the general populace.

Funny, that nothing like this appears on his posted criminal record. So where's the rumor mill pulling this shit from?

All of which so far ranks pretty high on my 'bullshit' meter. What, furries inventing false charges against people they just don't like? What is this world coming to!?!
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 7:17:39 AM     Post subject:  

Funny, that nothing like this appears on his posted criminal record. So where's the rumor mill pulling this shit from?

Where furries pull all their shit from; their crusty, puckered and abused assholes!

That is to say, off the top of their heads.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 8:16:35 AM     Post subject:  

From what I've gathered I think Sibe's into scat, hence my crappy MSPaint BS. Wait... that's pretty sad talking about someone else's fetishes for so long. :?
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Posted: 1/28/2005 8:26:12 AM     Post subject:  

From what I've gathered I think Sibe's into scat, hence my crappy MSPaint BS. Wait... that's pretty sad talking about someone else's fetishes for so long. :?

I might regret this, but how do you know?
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Posted: 1/28/2005 8:30:10 AM     Post subject:  

I remember a few people mentioning it in IRC, then Sibe himself said it on some crappy forum; to which I replied with a spamming of that image, with a swift delete/ban combo from Sibe.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 8:42:15 AM     Post subject:  

I remember a few people mentioning it in IRC, then Sibe himself said it on some crappy forum; to which I replied with a spamming of that image, with a swift delete/ban combo from Sibe.

What forum? *sniffs the air* I think I smell comedy.
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Posted: 1/28/2005 9:53:24 AM     Post subject:  

I absolutely forgot, something tells me it might have been the Anthrochat Forums. I remember *something* involving me and Sibe there, but I have no idea if that's where he mentioned his scat fetish. I do know that it was mostly Sibe and his 'mate' giving eachother 'scritchies' in the forum that made me want to plop into MSPaint, nothing too lol-worthy.
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