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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 4/15/2005 7:06:47 PM
Post subject: Mitch & Minerva pix on fchan |
One big party of posts by (and of) Mitch's Minerva Mink phase.
Of course, you just knew that I couldn't resist squeezing a turd into their punch bowl when I made my post to the thread. :twisted: |
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Posted: 4/15/2005 7:43:07 PM
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Ah Mike, that hint might have been a wee bit too subtle for the furrehs. |
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Posted: 4/15/2005 7:50:19 PM
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What's with the cast of Skunkworks swooning over Mitch like he's God's gift to fictional women? Furry fan networking, I suppose.
Nice turd, Mike. I don't think there's a picture more appropriate or perfect. |
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Joined: 12 Mar 2005
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Posted: 4/15/2005 8:42:54 PM
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Err... in the middle, is that supposed to be MicahFennec?? |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 4/15/2005 9:14:09 PM
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Err... in the middle, is that supposed to be MicahFennec??
Huh? The fuck? How do you figure that? Is every OMG girl furry now Micahfennec?
Because this girl is a mouse and a blonde, two things Micahfennec never is. And if that's some sort of shit joke, I think that's supposed to be a dildo. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 4/15/2005 10:03:52 PM
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Because this girl is a mouse and a blonde, two things Micahfennec never is.
a girl, a mouse, and a blonde are three things. |
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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
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Posted: 4/15/2005 10:11:36 PM
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It seems like Mitch still lives in la-la land. :3 |
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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Posted: 4/15/2005 10:32:09 PM
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Mitch, Mitch, Mitch...
What the fuck HAPPENED to you, man? |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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Posted: 4/15/2005 11:13:37 PM
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Err... in the middle, is that supposed to be MicahFennec??
Huh...what?? Not that I'm aware fursona is an opossum with short black spiky hair. ;P |
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Joined: 05 Mar 2005
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Posted: 4/16/2005 1:15:10 AM
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In the bad way..
This guy is SAD..
I mean, theres diluting yourself from reality...
Then theres drawing pictures of it, staging a fake wedding, and actually PRETENDING to do it..
Sweet Jiggity Jesus this man needs help.. |
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Joined: 12 Mar 2005
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Posted: 4/16/2005 3:51:32 AM
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Err... in the middle, is that supposed to be MicahFennec??
Huh...what?? Not that I'm aware fursona is an opossum with short black spiky hair. ;P
The mouse-like thing with glasses threw me off.
You know what they say, they all look alike! |
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Joined: 10 Feb 2005
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Posted: 4/16/2005 4:26:42 AM
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Err... in the middle, is that supposed to be MicahFennec??
Huh...what?? Not that I'm aware fursona is an opossum with short black spiky hair. ;P
The mouse-like thing with glasses threw me off.
You know what they say, they all look alike!
This is a quick sketch of my current fursona, Sinclaire the opossum.
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Posted: 4/16/2005 7:28:34 AM
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This is a quick sketch of my current fursona, Sinclaire the opossum.
*Hits it with a redneck style truck.*
"Varmet, you be lucky I don't done shoot ya first! Possum be gooooood eatin'!" |
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Posted: 4/16/2005 8:36:51 AM
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So wait... you just posted Keller's old image macro in the hopes it would rain on the JERKPARADE of people who've probably already seen it anyway? |
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Michael Hirtes
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Posted: 4/16/2005 8:45:15 AM
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So wait... you just posted Keller's old image macro in the hopes it would rain on the JERKPARADE of people who've probably already seen it anyway?
Not sure if there's ever been a census taken on how many have seen that pic. Even if so, chances are the best quality version they've seen is the thumbnail that is featured in the early article here on CYD. The one I posted was a slightly higher, more defined copy (at least you can read the text of it). |
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Joined: 01 Jan 2005
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Posted: 4/16/2005 8:59:17 AM
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This is a quick sketch of my current fursona...
Oh good Christ. Use of 'fursona' in a non-sarcastic phrase, ten minutes in the penalty box. |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2005
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Posted: 4/16/2005 12:00:09 PM
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What can we ascertain from our boy Mitchell Beiro, a man who has trouble facing reality? What drives a man to become infatuated with a figment of his imagination? And note, I say HIS imagination and not a Warner Brother artist's imagination because he has taken Minerva Mink from just a simple drawing and manifested her into something more tangible to fit his perceptions of reality.
Consider his wedding. Mitch desires companionship (of sorts). Mitch can not function with people in reality, so he manifests them in his own mind so they fit in with his own perception of reality. Thus, the reason why he held a wedding with Minerva. Thus, the wedding artwork. Thus, the reason he drew himself into his own erotic artwork of Minerva having a bath. Mitch wants to be placed close to something he coverts, hence the wedding and artwork. Why does he do this? Because he knows that in reality he cannot have what he wants. Not just Minerva, but companionship from other women, because he has trouble relating to them.
He was probably jilted by some blonde, big-titted cheerleader who told him she just wanted to be friends with him. In fact, my guess is this happened to him several times with several women. Mitch desired other women who then rejected him. Mitch couldn't accept the rejection so it drove him to the point where he tried to live out his own fantasies. Legend has it that Mitchy cried when he saw that picture of Minerva with the single-mink picket sign. When he faced the discomfort of reality, he brokedown and realised he couldn't get what he wanted.
Many furries who attended the event claim the whole situation was a "skit" (As per the recent update I just read in CYD's Beiro article ). That may be the case. However, that does not explain the picture of that Mitchy drew of Minerva with a strap-on.
I bet the same furries who claim the wedding was a "skit" will try and tell me that picture is just "satire". One of my theories applies here, not just with Beiro but furries in general: most hardcore furries have trouble facing reality and are always in denial.
Back to our boy Beiro. The strap-on picture. Beiro seems sexually confused, especially to take the Minerva obsession one step further to idolising her with a phallus. Perhaps the phallus represents himself to a degree. He didn't just draw a vanilla lesbian sex picture, mind you. Notice as well, Mitch's "fursona" which is a mouse, a submissive animal. Notice as well in the strap-on picture, the animal taking it up the rear from Minerva is a mouse. Mitch has evidently placed much of himself in this particular drawing. Could this possibly be representive of his own confused sexuality? Could he covert Minerva to the point where he wants to feel a part of her, and wants her to feel a part of him? Or perhaps this is further evidence of the "jailhouse gay" tendancies that seems so common in the furry "fandom". Perhaps all of the above.
When someone draws erotic art, they do not just draw it for the sake of drawing it. They draw erotica (or any art) because they are motivated to create something that will appease something within them. Call it a muse, if you will. In Mitch's case, his muse is his desire for something that arouses him. There is an emptiness there and desire to fill such a void. Likewise, with Mitch's lack of companionship. Likewise his desire to be wanted by many women (as in this picture: Mitch places himself within his fantasies because he desires several things that he draws. And, although if he actually recieved what he drew in his artwork it would fill a void (on a very short term basis), he cannot have such a things due to his own inadequacies hindering his ability to get what he wants. Particularly when it comes to sexuality.
Was the mink silent, Mitch? |
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Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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Posted: 4/16/2005 1:42:46 PM
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Oh wow, what a huge, enormous, ass-hat of a human being. What makes me laugh-cringe most is the guy's pathetic habit of inserting himself into the action. I have no respect for any artist who gets off on molesting beloved characters with dildos...well, okay, except for Donny. =) But it's one step fuirther to put YOURSELF in the action like some irresistable hyooman pimp-daddy. Look, the guy doesn't even make his so-called "fursona" attractive! What do Minerva and this skunk/mouse girl harem presumably see in ol' Mitch? A stable life in Mom's basement? A night on the town at McDonald's and shopping for ointment? I know! He's wearing Sex Panther cologne! That's it!
The most ridiculous was "wedding night". This man is shameless and pathetic. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 4/16/2005 4:54:10 PM
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I've been confused for the longest time so I'll guess I'll ask now.
Is the Mitch here that same Mitch? Did he see the light and make a full recovery?
I don't know what's going on. |
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Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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Posted: 4/16/2005 5:31:11 PM
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I've been confused for the longest time so I'll guess I'll ask now.
Is the Mitch here that same Mitch? Did he see the light and make a full recovery?
I don't know what's going on.
Totally different Mitch. The one in question here is Mitch Beiro. You can visit his madness on this very site- |
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Posted: 4/16/2005 5:31:31 PM
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I've been confused for the longest time so I'll guess I'll ask now.
Is the Mitch here that same Mitch? Did he see the light and make a full recovery?
I don't know what's going on.
The Mitch with the Kliban cat avatar who runs this site is from England. I don't know what his last name is.
The Mitch in question is Mitch Beiro, a yank with an affinity (meaning obsession) with Minerva Mink.
Neither of which is be confused with my friend Mitch de la Guardia. |
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Skunkfuckers Inc.
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Posted: 4/16/2005 5:43:45 PM
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I've been confused for the longest time so I'll guess I'll ask now.
Is the Mitch here that same Mitch? Did he see the light and make a full recovery?
I don't know what's going on.
It's the same person. Don't believe the lies these other people tell you! He's confessed to me personally several times that he's the same guy :wink: |
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Joined: 08 Mar 2005
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Posted: 4/17/2005 12:15:17 AM
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Is Mitch selling those drawings? It looks like the majority make up a portfolio. He needs a LAWSUITE for real :x |
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Jerry Collins
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Posted: 5/3/2005 7:07:56 PM
Post subject: hoooboyeee |
And D.A. bitches about my"Bambioids"? :lol: :lol: :lol: I might be an utter looney,but I do know where the art page ends and reality begins!At least I have the real-life equivilant of a Haku-Hasin wife Becky!!!! :D who needs the fake fuzz when you have the real deal!(and Jah,how I love the girl) pity for Mitchy B,he got the fake...I have the REAL thing (hee hee :twisted: ) |
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