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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Posted: 7/15/2005 5:19:28 PM
Post subject: So THAT'S why furries are moving to Washington! |
Turns out bestiality isn't illegal there!
You have to actually PROVE the animal didn't enjoy it! |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 7/15/2005 5:28:05 PM
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And here I naively thought that it was illegal in the lower 48. It's actually legal to pork the pork somewhere in this country. It's sad that we actually have to have laws to keep people's dicks away from the sheep, but I think it's possibly even sadder yet that some states haven't actually gotten around to outlawing it. |
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Posted: 7/15/2005 5:32:07 PM
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I'd think that a man who suffered internal bleeding after engaging in anal sex with a horse at the farm
was causing some displeasure... Er, unless it wasn't from a kicking horse. They really need to state if he was giving or recieving. |
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Joined: 07 May 2005
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Posted: 7/15/2005 5:42:20 PM
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I'd think that a man who suffered internal bleeding after engaging in anal sex with a horse at the farm
was causing some displeasure... Er, unless it wasn't from a kicking horse. They really need to state if he was giving or recieving.
Extremely likely. I've seen the awful video of the man getting reamed by a horse. The sounds he made were not of pleasure.
I've been on internet too long... |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 7/15/2005 6:08:34 PM
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A number of states haven't gotten around to banning it. Missouri is especially funny, because they originally had bestiality and homosexuality banned as "crimes against nature," but they legalized both, and then later rebanned homosexuality while leaving bestiality legal. If you look it up in the Missouri state code, there's actually an explanation for this decision, something along the lines of "boys will be boys" and it's more harmful to a boy's development to point out his dog-fucking than to just leave him be. They also quote some of Kinsey's studies to the effect that most dog-fuckers eventually grow out of it.
I actually wrote my thesis on this shit because I thought it would be funny. And surprisingly they still let me graduate. |
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Joined: 13 May 2005
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Posted: 7/15/2005 6:50:01 PM
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A number of states haven't gotten around to banning it. Missouri is especially funny, because they originally had bestiality and homosexuality banned as "crimes against nature," but they legalized both, and then later rebanned homosexuality while leaving bestiality legal. If you look it up in the Missouri state code, there's actually an explanation for this decision, something along the lines of "boys will be boys" and it's more harmful to a boy's development to point out his dog-fucking than to just leave him be. They also quote some of Kinsey's studies to the effect that most dog-fuckers eventually grow out of it.
I actually wrote my thesis on this shit because I thought it would be funny. And surprisingly they still let me graduate.
This is has probably been brought up a million times... but if not, I think antics of a Mr. Peter Singer would apply.< Original Article (NSFW)> |
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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
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Posted: 7/15/2005 8:01:38 PM
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That's fucked up. |
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Posted: 7/15/2005 9:05:27 PM
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Crap, I used to know a furry who lived in Enumclaw. According to the article, bestiality is outlawed in thirty-three states. And there are still some states which ban gay sex (despite being straight myself, I think banning gay sex is absurd).
I'm not going to defend bestiality itself, but the fact remains that there are people who will inevitably do stupid things to themselves and others. Frankly, I think it's a waste to make it against the law for a redneck to render himself incontinent from having Mr. Ed plow him too much. Are there sections of the police that actually enforce this? "Freeze, dog-fucker! You're under arrest for having knotted doggy cock up your butt!"
Unless of course the animal is harmed (such that one guy featured here awhile back), then you can claim animal creulty. But I say if Joe Zeta Schmoe wants to die from interal bleeding from having an animal schlong inserted in him, so much the better. One less inferior strand infecting the gene pool. |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 7/16/2005 12:32:08 AM
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Are you in need of assistance, bear fucker? |
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Posted: 7/16/2005 1:46:20 AM
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A number of states haven't gotten around to banning it. Missouri is especially funny, because they originally had bestiality and homosexuality banned as "crimes against nature," but they legalized both, and then later rebanned homosexuality while leaving bestiality legal. If you look it up in the Missouri state code, there's actually an explanation for this decision, something along the lines of "boys will be boys" and it's more harmful to a boy's development to point out his dog-fucking than to just leave him be. They also quote some of Kinsey's studies to the effect that most dog-fuckers eventually grow out of it.
I actually wrote my thesis on this shit because I thought it would be funny. And surprisingly they still let me graduate.
Excellent! Do you happen to know incest laws for Georgia while you're at it? |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 7/16/2005 2:15:22 AM
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i have a chart from the paper about what states where cousin marrying is legal. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/16/2005 4:49:42 AM
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I'd think that a man who suffered internal bleeding after engaging in anal sex with a horse at the farm
was causing some displeasure... Er, unless it wasn't from a kicking horse. They really need to state if he was giving or recieving.
That must have made for an awkward funeral/eulogy. But the way i see it, these people that are so desperate to fuck lesser species probably don't stand much of a chance at reproduction anyway. |
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Posted: 7/16/2005 5:07:42 AM
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Irony back east. Jesus fuck, that's gotta be the most amusing case of man-dog loving I've ever seen. |
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Posted: 7/16/2005 6:28:18 AM
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Doesn't EbonLupus live there? Or am I thinking of Oregon? |
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Posted: 7/17/2005 9:42:08 PM
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I just read about this and was going to post it. The short blurb in my paper pretty much said he was recieving. It mentioned that he suffered a ruptured colon or something. The horse was uninjured! The horse won! |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 7/17/2005 10:16:53 PM
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I just read about this and was going to post it. The short blurb in my paper pretty much said he was recieving. It mentioned that he suffered a ruptured colon or something. The horse was uninjured! The horse won!
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Posted: 7/17/2005 10:31:31 PM
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Extremely likely. I've seen the awful video of the man getting reamed by a horse. The sounds he made were not of pleasure.
I came across this old horror immeadetly after writing that. You really shouldn't click on this link. *NSFW* It contains just what I described and it will just make you puke. If you like atrocities then go ahead. If you like beastiality then shoot yourself and avoid a humiliating death.
Horses are deadly weapons! So, remember that when your kid wants a pony. |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 12:07:10 AM
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Since "Don't even LINK to illegal porn" isn't in the rules(yet), you're not banned.
But you sure as fuck are warned. |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 12:13:06 AM
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I just don't fucking believe it. I just can't understand how people could be so insane AND stupid enough to do that. I mean it should just be simple logic that they could die from doing that. I don't get squicked out very often but this one got to me. |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 2:46:43 AM
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When I clicked the link, I got some generic link page, but this was pretty funny.
Funny that beastiality wasnt exactly widely frowned upon in the south, heh. |
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Ray Prower
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Posted: 7/18/2005 3:08:09 AM
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That's because Compu edited out the original link, I believe.
Animalsex loooooooool |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 3:28:36 AM
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I wish he edited it just a few minutes earlier, then I wouldn't have seen it. I did however come up with a reason why it should be illegal to have sex with animals, what these people are doing is training animals to fuck people. And if one of these animals does get all randy on some innocent bystander I don't think saying "hey stop, that's not right" is going to be much help. It's kind of like training a pitbull to attack things. |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 7/18/2005 1:47:20 PM
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Hear hear. We already have enough problems with normal dogs humping people's legs. We don't need lonely buttertrolls encouraging that sort of behavior. |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 3:15:34 PM
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"Just sex with an animal per se.."
Just for you to know.. "perse" is "ass" in finnish. That's why i laughed at that thing.
A man having sex with his guide dog? Now i've heard everything :lol: |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 3:50:43 PM
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Love Is...
...Blind!!!!!!! |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 3:50:46 PM
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Ah, how quickly this story has spread among the furries. For example, a mention within this 'open minded' thread. (Dissent will be banned LOL)
I liked how the Humaine Society was saying they will use this as an example of why it should be illegal, when really umm he was the one violated in this case. =P
Funny that I can watch videos of this shit without batting an eye but seeing it defended on the Internets makes me feel naseous. How aren't these people suffocating on their own tongues? O, modern science, how thou hath failed us! |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 3:54:50 PM
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"I've been with a few lovely creatures in my life. I miss them dearly. They gave me love at a time when everyone around me told me I was unlovable."
:lol: Awww... a dog humped him and he felt looooved.. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/18/2005 8:18:41 PM
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"I've been with a few lovely creatures in my life. I miss them dearly. They gave me love at a time when everyone around me told me I was unlovable."
:lol: Awww... a dog humped him and he felt looooved..
That's hilarious. A dog will literally try to fuck anything it can when it's in the mood, whether it's a couch cushion or some lonely blimps rectum. Dogs do not feel "love", if they did they could stay monogamous and I can assure you a dog will not pass off a bitch in heat cuz it's in love with it's owner.
And it's funny cuz i hear all the time about someone dying in there house and before they're spouse can get home the family dog has already eaten about a third of it's former master. THese people watch too much Lady and the Tramp.
So a guy is getting the shaft from his dog, and it's in showing him "love". So i guess that means the dog is gay? Who woulda though? Obviously since animals rely almost purely on instinct the dog will stick it's wang in whatever feels good.
These people need to be shot in a ditch and forgotten. |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 8:57:46 PM
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Lower species? Regardless of which species you are speaking about and in whatever context, that's a bit anthropocentric isn't it?
"Anthropocentric"? Whaaaa?! Shtupid humansh! Always putting themselves before whatever's pissing on their carpet. Bad human--BAD!! |
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Posted: 7/18/2005 9:08:34 PM
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It appears that our bondage ferret friend isn't the only one who assumes that a crime against all things pure is fine when one takes sub. This must be a common furry philosophy, maybe 2 mentioned it once or something.
Dogs hump. Even fixed or female dogs will hump the shit out of stuff sportatically, be it a pillow or your leg or a neighbors dog. If you look in their eyes while they do this, all you see is a blank robotic stare forwards. I doubt they even enjoy sex like a human does, and very highly doubt that a man training a dog to penetrate him counts as 'love'.
Groupthink, meet bestiality. |
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Posted: 7/19/2005 2:49:41 AM
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They have to watch all the videos. :vomit: |
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Ray Prower
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Posted: 7/19/2005 3:02:25 AM
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ENUMCLAW — Authorities are reviewing hundreds of hours of videotapes seized from a rural Enumclaw-area farm that police say is frequented by men who engage in sex acts with animals.
You've gotta be fucking kidding me. It wouldn't be that bad if it were like, one or two tapes, but hundreds of hours?
I would just quit. Fuck that, I would much rather change my career and keep my sanity intact. |
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Posted: 7/19/2005 11:48:24 AM
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"That's hilarious. A dog will literally try to fuck anything it can when it's in the mood, whether it's a couch cushion or some lonely blimps rectum."
Aye. So true.
It's almost funny that all the dog fucking furries are like that. When hy00mans are mean to them (for a reason i think >:D) they pick up some dog and think it "loves" them to get even some sort of comfort to their nasty lives.
Furries are mostly people who've been treated badly, so they seek comfort from creatures what can't say "no" to them and call it love.
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/19/2005 11:19:02 PM
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"Furries are mostly people who've been treated badly, so they seek comfort from creatures what can't say "no" to them and call it love.
The million dollar question is, are they furries cuz they were treated badly? Or are they treated badly cuz they used to be the type of person that becomes a furry, and treated badly now cuz they ARE furry.
Has there ever been a case where popular Johnny quarterback from highschool was a closet furry and later progresses into full on gay fursuit fucking furrydumb? I would be surprised, i still believe that most of the "extreme" furs do what they do mainly cuz no one else would accept them. |
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Posted: 7/27/2005 2:55:40 PM
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Still not legal in Missouri: AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kahoka Chief of Police gets Internet-pwned and charged with 'possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute and attempted illegal sex acts with an animal.' Seems he could be sent to prison for a nice 19 years if convicted of all charges. He doesn't look too pleased.
Cops should pose as a furry dogfucker and troll LJ, inviting the freaks to a less subtle Wolf J. Lupus style 'fur meet'. Park a bunch of cruisers out back, catch 'em as they walk in the front door, and introduce them to a whole new meaning of 'jailhouse gay'. |
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Posted: 7/28/2005 2:48:30 AM
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Dogs hump stuff if there's a female in heat nearby, or if they see themselves as more dominant than you. So they do it because they're thinking about another dog or because you're a shitty dog owner, not because of some bizarre interspecies romance.
You'd think they'd know this, since so many of them claim to be "in touch" with nature. But I guess if they're socially inept with other people, there's no reason they should be any better with dogs.
Haha. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 7/28/2005 3:21:05 AM
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Dogs hump stuff if there's a female in heat nearby, or if they see themselves as more dominant than you. So they do it because they're thinking about another dog or because you're a shitty dog owner, not because of some bizarre interspecies romance.
You'd think they'd know this, since so many of them claim to be "in touch" with nature. But I guess if they're socially inept with other people, there's no reason they should be any better with dogs.
My female dog humps anyone wearing shorts or a skirt.
She's a leg woman. |
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Posted: 7/29/2005 5:11:26 AM
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As one who studies biology, ethology, evolution and animal behavior for a hobby, I feel I should make some comments on the issue.
Dogs (like any mammal) have the necessary hormones in their brain (deratonin, dopamine, oxcytin) to feel love, and in fact these are resleased upon affectionate things like petting and cuddling (just as in humans). They also feel pleasure (males at least) from the actual sexual release, from the combinatin of nerve nedings and seratonin, etc. This is something that is pretty much in consensus amongst ethologists and behaviorists that I read (apart from those who come from a 'christian' standpoint or who simply refuse to acknowledge it...much like flat earthers or creatinoists).
Indeed, dogs are more often than not credited with extreme loyalty and heroism and protecion. For every story of a mauling or eating a dead owner (usually our of hunger), there are more of rescue, affection, and protecting the owners children. Such loyalty likely has pack instinct as a foundation, but then the same goes more or less for any social animal, humans included.
See, only in primates and cetacea do you see love combined with sex to form what we call 'relationships'. Only in these species do you really see sex used to bond emotionally, and for pleasure. Likely it was an evolutionary step to encourage pair bonding for survival, group coehsion, and raising offspring. In other mammals, bonding can be achieved by other means, but sex is strictly business. Not necessarily 'robotic' (their eyes dont glaze over any more than a horny teenager with a lpayboy), but not connected with love either.
These mechanisms are NOT present in dogs. Now, they may love or like another creature platonically, and they may enjoy sexual release on a purely carnal level, but they are simply not equipped psychologically (that I know of) to do romance as we know it.
Dogs have sex for reproduction, and 'hump' for either release (read: masturbation) or dominance (read: pwned!). But to claim they combine both love and sex into a pure bonding 'marriage' type thing for furries is probably not grounded in reality.
So, when a zoo screws the pooch (literally) he is at the most giving him pure physical carnal pleasure. Its unlikely to endear the dog to him any more than giving him a treat, and it will not endear the dog to him like a good honest cuddle or 'pack play' like a game of catch will.
Bottom line: Zoos, stop wasting your time! If you wanna have your pet love you, grip his torso, not his knot. And for gods' sakes find a human sex partner! |
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Joined: 25 Aug 2004
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Posted: 7/29/2005 5:23:39 AM
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Bottom line: Zoos, stop wasting your time! If you wanna have your pet love you, grip his torso, not his knot. And for gods' sakes find a human sex partner!
This post should be required reading for bestialists. |
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Bag Full o' Money
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Posted: 7/30/2005 1:02:48 AM
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What is the connection between Christianity and not believing that non-human mammals are capable of affection or enjoying sex? |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 7/30/2005 1:31:26 AM
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What is the connection between Christianity and not believing that non-human mammals are capable of affection or enjoying sex?
According to Christians, animals have no souls, and thus cannot love like a human can. This is one of those curious occasions when science and religion are in agreement, albeit for different reasons. |
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Posted: 7/30/2005 2:53:08 PM
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What is the connection between Christianity and not believing that non-human mammals are capable of affection or enjoying sex?
Bestialty is also forbidden according to the book of Leviticus.
"Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion." -Leviticus 18:23
Then again the book of Leviticus also states of bunch of really bizarre and my modern standards impractical and useless rules such as kosher eating, not wearing a tunic made from two materials, and not harming the sides of one's beard.
The book of Exodus however sends a much clearer statement.
Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal must be put to death |
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/30/2005 7:13:42 PM
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I think put to death might be a tad bit harsh(only a tad). But i do think convicted dog fuckers should be jailed, then forced to register as sex offenders for the rest of there lives. And they most defenitely should be barred from owning any animals or having unsupervised time with others animals. I don't think there is a grey area for discussion here, banging lesser species is wrong.
I looked up this site that is an anti bestialist site that basically reports dog fuckers getting arrested in the news and laughs at them(much like we do). One of the many claims on why they are anti dog fucker is that it destroys dogs demeanor and came make them violent. It also stated that animals that have been abused sexually by humans usually end up having to be euthenized, but they didn't offer anything to back up those claims. I wonder if this is true?
To think a poor animal getting molested by a fat guy for years's life is ended cuz of it, that's sad. |
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Posted: 7/30/2005 10:08:42 PM
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Stoneth, I think the issue with Leviticus is that it is a law for being icky, not to protect any animals, or to stop the spread of disease. (Syphillis was originally a disease in goats, figure that out). Hence, the dog fuckers just view it alongside the bit in Leviticus that bans homosexuality and chalk it up to zooaphilcsecution or whatever...
Also, is it just me or does that law make it sound like it's alright for a woman to have sex with an animal as long as she didn't intend to?
It also stated that animals that have been abused sexually by humans usually end up having to be euthenized, but they didn't offer anything to back up those claims. I wonder if this is true?
In the article I posted a while back about the redneck dogfucker/child molestor, the dog was euthanized because of internal bleeding or somesuch. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/30/2005 10:23:31 PM
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I acctually meant they implied that being molested by humans changes the animals mentality and makes it violent and uncontrollable. |
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Posted: 7/31/2005 9:14:10 AM
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Isn't this partly where weaponized pitbulls come from? |
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Posted: 7/31/2005 1:18:34 PM
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Akhetnu.. i think i love you.. in none-furry way.. |
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Posted: 7/31/2005 6:54:40 PM
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Isn't this partly where weaponized pitbulls come from?
What, someone fucked them in order to make them aggressive? |
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baserock love
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Posted: 7/31/2005 8:18:00 PM
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Wow, they fuck the pitbulls? That takes guts. I thought it was a systematic daily regimen of starvation, daily beatings, and isolation. Honestly i wonder which one is more inhumane. |
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Posted: 7/31/2005 8:49:16 PM
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Whichever one involves furries. |
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Posted: 7/31/2005 8:56:56 PM
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Furries ruin everything, even pitbull breeding. Also, hardcore furries would probably take "inhumane" as a compliment. |
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Posted: 8/1/2005 7:07:18 PM
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Furries ruin everything, even pitbull breeding. Also, hardcore furries would probably take "inhumane" as a compliment.
NOES! Teh humane is teh mundane!11! |
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Posted: 8/2/2005 5:59:04 PM
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Stoneth, I think the issue with Leviticus is that it is a law for being icky, not to protect any animals, or to stop the spread of disease. (Syphillis was originally a disease in goats, figure that out). Hence, the dog fuckers just view it alongside the bit in Leviticus that bans homosexuality and chalk it up to zooaphilcsecution or whatever...
This is the point where any self respecting gay person beats the ever living shit out of them :twisted: |
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Posted: 8/3/2005 12:05:01 AM
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Isn't this partly where weaponized pitbulls come from?
What, someone fucked them in order to make them aggressive?
Yeah, or otherwise severely mistreated them starting at an early age. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/3/2005 11:39:55 PM
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Related to the topic of fucking farm animals, I found this quite humorous.
That's hysterical. Absolutely hysterical. My grampa had a cattle farm and you would have to be absolutelyl trashed to do something like this. IF you've ever been close to a cow and looked at it's vulva, it's probably the filthiest orifice you can imagine. Even still, there are way better reasons than these NOT to have sex with an animal. |
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Posted: 8/4/2005 5:21:37 PM
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So our little frat boy was sent home with a cream made especially for people who fuck cows.
:lol: There is cream especially for skunkfuckers? This is hilarious.. someone must do an evil joke about this! |
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Posted: 8/4/2005 5:47:43 PM
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I just wanted to say that I think Paul's comment about 'inhumane' is so ironic that it rules. Oh Yeah! |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/4/2005 11:17:43 PM
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Interesting, looking for an explanation for the mental changes that can supposely make animals violent after being raped by humans I stumbled accross It's apparently part of an anti bestiality activist site run by a former dogfucker who got psychiatric help. It doesn't go much into depth on the violent behavior part but look at all the other shit that can happen.
What are the risks to the animals involved?
3. Some of the medical problems in the animals who are sexually abused include both sexually intact as well as neutered and spayed dogs, gelded or intact equines, mares and other animals.
The health risks includes, but is not limited to the following, some is applicable to small animals only:
Vaginitus, either from bacteria or foreign substances used for lube that do not belong there, an allergic reaction to human bodily fluids, tearing, or irritation from repeated frequent contact.
Urinary tract infections
Ascending vaginal infections which affect the bladder
Ascending vaginal infections resulting in a life threatening medical emergency known as; pyometra- common in unspayed dogs
Spread of brucellosis from one infected animal to another through sharing or successive contacts with the human acting as the carrier between them. At special risk are boarding facilities
Marked dramatic increase in the risk for the animal to develop mammary cancers, ovarian cancers, ovarian cysts, accidental pregnancy, pyometra since these animals are preferred to be kept sexually intact.
Benign prostatic enlargement, prostate infection, infection, irritation or tearing of the penile sheath or penis, testicular and prostatic cancers.
Side effects may include behavioral problems such as: marking (inappropriate urination indoors), fighting, and dominance displays on the owner. All of which have been cited as main reasons people give up pets to animal shelters!
Animals were designed by nature to have specific limited duration breeding cycles with their own kind. Since most of the abuse concerns dogs, I will go into detail into that species, although much applies to all mammals to various degrees.
The females come into breeding estrus twice per year, the rest of the time the female in a period of diestrus for repair and rest. Females are only drawn to the males for breeding, and can actively breed during a limited time of each of these cycles.
Along comes someone who now through coercion, bribery, threats, or dominance penetrates the female in her out of breeding cycles, and perpetrates this repeatedly- perhaps on a daily basis.
Her being kept intact subjects her to the risk of pyometra, infections and additional risks of cancers as mentioned previously. Would you be surprised to know that a female dog spayed before her first breeding cycle has virtually a zero percent chance of contracting pyometra, uterine infections ovarian cancers, ovarian cysts, and mammary gland cancers? One of the leading causes of death in this species is cancer, especially mammary gland cancer. Males are at a much greater risk for various cancers from being kept intact. References
Equines can be spooked by a stranger late at night in their quarters, resulting in injury or even death, a special concern for boarding facilities and for valuable breeding animals.
So these dog fuckers who "love" there animals could be unknowingly killing there animals. I'm sure they know about some of this shit but who cares right? Long as they get there rocks off. Sick fucks.
I was also interested in the comparisons that psychoanalysts, after studying dogfuckers have made between dogfuckers and pedophiles. I know there not the same, but apparently a large number of people arrested for assaulting animals have also been arrested for assaulting children. And that both mental disorders (they obviously are) pretty much result from the same early life experiences. Both end up the way they are cuz they are antisocial tendencies, not being able to relate to other people, a fucked up sexual incident that happened as children, etc.
Whether the dogfuckers care to admit it or not, they have a lot more in common with pedophiles than they think. |
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Posted: 8/5/2005 6:44:49 PM
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Whether the dogfuckers care to admit it or not, they have a lot more in common with pedophiles than they think
i've always thought zoophilia as some level of pedophilia, because the dog is like child to the owner, the owner takes it as a puppy and raises it into adult, and humping it would be like.. pedophilia.. right <_<??
i think it is, because it counts as "having sexual acts with someone the molester raised into an adult"
Most of the dogfuckers/pedo's are some sort of sex addicts, who noticed one day that they can't get enough from their pervertions, what they already had and tried "something new and eciting"
That's common with sex-addicts.
They can't get satisfaction from the things they used to get it, and they have to try something radical and new.
i belive, that that's why most of the dogfuckers/pedo's are also gay. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/5/2005 7:08:22 PM
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I think your probably right. Although i'm not going to claim dogfuckers are pedo's as a rule. But they're disorder is similar in nature as to what drives them to do what they do.
Pedophiles---------Deserve to have they're testicles shot out one at a time before being chopped into wafers 1 inch thick with a rusted jigsaw starting with the toes, prolonging they're life as long as possible.
Zoophiles----------Deserve to be merely shot in the face.
One is defenitely worse then the other obviously cuz people>dogs. It's so disturbing though cuz they're basically doing the same thing, taking advantage of something that does not understand it's being taken advantage of so it can't consent, however both pedo's and zoo's alike will try to have you believe they're victims can consent. Maybe if a dog could understand the risks i described in my above post and sign some sort of waiver it would merely just be disgusting, as opposed to morally reprehensible AND disgusting.
All the dog fuckers we've dealt with have been "zoophiles", they claim to love and have emotional bonds with there dogs. What i want to know is do they grieve for dogs like a person would for there human lover? Would they morgage there house twice to pay for an operation to save there dog like my parents did to fix my bro's heart? I guaruntee they don't, they're just sex objects there to fulfill they're immediate desires, when one is sick and needs an expensive operation, they put it to sleep and start calling around to see who will sell them another intact dog. They will "love" whatever dog is around that will pork them. It's like a woman being emotionally attached to her vibrator. |
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Posted: 8/5/2005 7:35:22 PM
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You got good point in that.
Besides.. i've met many guys who think that "love" is when they get a hard-on, they mix it with arousment, and don't understand that it means the feeling what bonds them into someone, not the thing what makes them horny.
One of the guys talked to me awhile back and told me that he've just realized, what love means, and he've said "i love you" to too many people without understanding the true meaning.
Maybe the zoophiles are the same with this?
At least i don't think they even realize how disgusting and wrong they are.
i really wish zoophilia and beastiality would be considered as mental illness..
They're people who're so attatched to animals, that they've lost their ability to reproduce(have babies) as they can never have children with the creatures they have sex with.
And i think that there must be some real good reason why someone's genes shouldn't be spread.
It's like the ultimate way to make sure they won't spread their genes.. to make them sexually attached to male(if they're male too -_-) animals. It's the worst combination to try have babies with. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 8/5/2005 8:01:49 PM
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Hey :(
My genes are perfectly fine. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/6/2005 12:18:40 AM
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You got good point in that.
Besides.. i've met many guys who think that "love" is when they get a hard-on, they mix it with arousment, and don't understand that it means the feeling what bonds them into someone, not the thing what makes them horny.
One of the guys talked to me awhile back and told me that he've just realized, what love means, and he've said "i love you" to too many people without understanding the true meaning.
Maybe the zoophiles are the same with this?
At least i don't think they even realize how disgusting and wrong they are.
i really wish zoophilia and beastiality would be considered as mental illness..
They're people who're so attatched to animals, that they've lost their ability to reproduce(have babies) as they can never have children with the creatures they have sex with.
And i think that there must be some real good reason why someone's genes shouldn't be spread.
It's like the ultimate way to make sure they won't spread their genes.. to make them sexually attached to male(if they're male too -_-) animals. It's the worst combination to try have babies with.
All's i knows is that if you love an animal, platonic or not on the same level that you love any human, your fucked up in the head. I've grown up around animals my whole life and I used to be devestated when one passed on. Then my friends started dying (number 3 this summer and that really put things into perspective. I will no doubt never shed a tear for an animals passing ever again, it just doesn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things. I love my ferret and i've loved all my pets, but they are still just that, pets. |
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Posted: 8/6/2005 5:01:09 PM
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i belive, that that's why most of the dogfuckers/pedo's are also gay.
Statistics show that child molesters break down evenly among men and women (a fact that surprises many) and AFAIK the hetero-/homo-/bi-sexual ratio of child molesters is roughly the same as in the general population as well. I've never seen any statistics on people who sexually molest animals (but then I've never looked). So, any evidence to support your claim there? |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/6/2005 7:37:24 PM
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i belive, that that's why most of the dogfuckers/pedo's are also gay.
Statistics show that child molesters break down evenly among men and women (a fact that surprises many) and AFAIK the hetero-/homo-/bi-sexual ratio of child molesters is roughly the same as in the general population as well. I've never seen any statistics on people who sexually molest animals (but then I've never looked). So, any evidence to support your claim there?
Wow, that does surprise me. It probably shouldn't though. I recall checking out the megan's law to see how many sex offenders lived in my town and my moms city. There were far more than men than women but there were a surprising number of women. And every single one of them had committed a sexual crime against a child. |
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Posted: 8/6/2005 8:12:08 PM
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So, any evidence to support your claim there?
Well.. i have heard about only... *counting* maybe 2 pedo's who liked girls also, all the others are men interested in little boys.
In some countries(Bulgaria? i apologise, i forgot <_<) they even sell their own boy childs to adult perverted men.
It's quite big business even that it's so "underground" and totally sick.
i would search that thing up, but i don't want to run into child porn <m<
Or go to and get shocked by the women who "love" little girls.
Mostly the pedo's have fixation to children of their own genre, but there is -of course- eceptions. |
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Posted: 8/6/2005 8:36:47 PM
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Wow, that does surprise me. It probably shouldn't though. I recall checking out the megan's law to see how many sex offenders lived in my town and my moms city. There were far more than men than women but there were a surprising number of women. And every single one of them had committed a sexual crime against a child.
Re: the last sentence: Of course, Megan's Law is about public access to information about perpetrators of certain sex offenses - notably when the victim is a minor. There are sexual offenses that don't fall under Megan's Law. Check, for instance, the Pennsylvania list of Megan's Law offenses.
As for the men/women ratio, I can't find the statistics (read them in newspapers quite some time ago), but a telling example is the high-profile case in Angers that ended just last week: Of the 66 defendants, there were 39 men and 27 women. Not exactly an even breakdown, but still.
Well.. i have heard about only... *counting* maybe 2 pedo's who liked girls also, all the others are men interested in little boys.
In some countries(Bulgaria? i apologise, i forgot <_<) they even sell their own boy childs to adult perverted men.
It's quite big business even that it's so "underground" and totally sick.
Mostly the pedo's have fixation to children of their own genre, but there is -of course- eceptions.
Frankly, this is little more than hearsay. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/6/2005 9:56:44 PM
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I almost never hear about little girls getting caught up with these pervs. Even the women seem to be solely after the little boys(as are men). Although Mr. Chuck, my second grade teacher and one of my favorite teachers i had when i was a kid is serving 10 years in prison right now for fondling little girls in his class and having child porn on his computer. You can google it, it was big news, i think his full name is Charles Liedstrandt, possibly Chuck Liedstrandt. Scary shit. |
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Posted: 8/7/2005 1:47:59 AM
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I almost never hear about little girls getting caught up with these pervs. Even the women seem to be solely after the little boys(as are men).
I know no figures on this, but it seems extremely unlikely that pedophilia would be directed only at boys. I've certainly heard and read about plenty of girls falling victim to child molesters. In fact, in the high-profile cases I've heard/read about on the news where a child has been both abused and murdered, the victims are almost invariably girls. Until demonstrated otherwise, I'd assume the victim breakdown is 50/50.
Anyway, this whole subject is making me feel ill at ease, it's just... ewww. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/7/2005 2:09:55 AM
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I almost never hear about little girls getting caught up with these pervs. Even the women seem to be solely after the little boys(as are men).
I know no figures on this, but it seems extremely unlikely that pedophilia would be directed only at boys. I've certainly heard and read about plenty of girls falling victim to child molesters. In fact, in the high-profile cases I've heard/read about on the news where a child has been both abused and murdered, the victims are almost invariably girls. Until demonstrated otherwise, I'd assume the victim breakdown is 50/50.
Anyway, this whole subject is making me feel ill at ease, it's just... ewww.
Seriously, this is a thread aboun bestiality. How the fuck did it take a turn for the worse? :lol: |
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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
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Posted: 8/7/2005 7:32:09 AM
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I almost never hear about little girls getting caught up with these pervs. Even the women seem to be solely after the little boys(as are men). Although Mr. Chuck, my second grade teacher and one of my favorite teachers i had when i was a kid is serving 10 years in prison right now for fondling little girls in his class and having child porn on his computer. You can google it, it was big news, i think his full name is Charles Liedstrandt, possibly Chuck Liedstrandt. Scary shit.
See, I really like my favourite childhood teacher. His influence is the only reason I'm marginally screwy instead of totally batshit insane. He was a hero to me, still is. I dunno about you, but knowing something like that to me would be disturbing on a level almost as bad as inscest. Seriously tramatic. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/7/2005 8:07:57 AM
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It's really not. I only have fond memories about him. He played more videogames than i did (big surprise :roll:) and was the only one that could tell me how to beat gannon in LOZ on nes. I guess any sexual perversion has similar roots that occur during youth that set it off and warp your perspective till it becomes an obsession.
To keep this on topic.......On the whole dogfuckers vs pedophiles thing I was surprised to learn years ago when it got brought up amongst my crew that most people think bestiality is worse. There rationale is "Well at least the pedo's are having sex with humans." That's pretty valid when you think about it on sheer WTF factors. Having sex with something that's not intelligent and doesn't even walk on two legs is mindbending. Pedo's are worse though, they ruin entire lives, only thing worse than a child molestor is a child killer. I liked Mr. Chuck a lot but i hope he becomes queen bitch of that prison for the whole 10 years he's in there. |
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Posted: 8/8/2005 3:08:17 PM
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To keep this on topic.......On the whole dogfuckers vs pedophiles thing I was surprised to learn years ago when it got brought up amongst my crew that most people think bestiality is worse. There rationale is "Well at least the pedo's are having sex with humans."
I notice this strange occurance too. I once asked my Christian friend to cite which was worse, and he picked bestiality (and the bible has two entries against it, where as has nothing specific on child molestation). I guess this stems from a misconception that pedophilia results from sexual frustration, rather than being what it is, the most fucked up flavor of rape. Dogs, in worstcase scenarios, can be destroyed. They don't have to function in society later. Hence, pedophilia is always the more damaging of the two, and hence, worse.
Also, I have to say (for once) I completely agree with Paul that, not only are a significant numbers of child sex offenders women, but that many men rape girls, despite what urban mythos teaches us. Id' like to add though that most cases of child molestation involve blood relation. So you have, statistically, more to fear from crazy Uncle Earl than you do from the more socially correct stereotype of a stranger in a black van.
The ONLY abnormal statistic about child molestors that is reoccuring is that they find jobs, positions, or relationships that give them easy access to children. Remove the fact that most people sadly ignore accounts of female teachers with male students, or... God, on one television special, a woman sent her girl to a coach whom she knew was a child molestor because his last victim was a boy, so she assumed her girl was not a target.
That's scary. This isn't something we should go off myths or misconceptions about... Not at all. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/8/2005 7:55:58 PM
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I lolled at that.(NSFW) |
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Joined: 25 Jun 2005
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Posted: 8/11/2005 11:20:14 PM
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404 error? |
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/12/2005 4:46:58 AM
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It was from a chan board, you gotta be quick. I'll describe.
it had a cartoon kid holding up a stuffed lion and looking shocked. The plush was saying "I want to touch your penis", on the back of the lion's shirt it said "Cub central, we love your kids." It's funny cuz it's true. |
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Joined: 28 Jul 2005
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Posted: 8/12/2005 7:49:11 AM
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That's really, really creepy. I'm not familiar with onechan, are they seriously grody pedos over there like in all the other #-chans? |
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The New Meat
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baserock love
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Posted: 8/18/2005 10:10:48 PM
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Lastly, I just want to add that you gave her bad advice about germs, and direct your attention to the following web page for reference: (TOS violating link).
Ok, so i figured that since the site was getting a shoutout in the EBE (or would have) that it wasn't a strait bestiality porn site and I have a strong gag reflex. WTF? I almost wish it was a porn site, if you look at the site it's intirely geared towards showing people fucking dogs is completely normal and even posh and ultra hip. They got all these super hot naked chicks posing with dogs in nonsexual ways (no way these broads are dogfuckers) and a bunch of propaganda articles. It's like dogfucker recruiting central, GAH! |
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