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Man of Steel
Joined: 12 Sep 2004
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Posted: 9/26/2005 12:18:25 PM
Post subject: Furries - you can't take them anywhere |
Trawled up from the abyssal depths of the Internet to lie gasping and bloated for your edification: Furries go bowling. Furries grab ass (and other parts). People are unimpressed.
As me and a number of other fursuiters were busy getting out of
costume and squaring things away in the back room, the main manager
(Jim, I think his name was) came back to have a word with us. He was
not at all rude; on the contrary he was very calm and polite. But
the gist of what he came back to talk to us about was a warning on
certain individuals in the group (I won't use names, you all know who
you are) showing extremely overt displays of affection in the locker
room and elsewhere. From what I gather, some of the mundane
customers oversaw some of this and were offended by it.
Last night was compleatly out of control, and I will take some responsibility for it since I was suppose to be "in charge" last night - plus I too also displayed probably more affection toward my mate/fiance, Ken, then necessary- but from what I hear, Ken's and my affection was NOTHING compared to what was going on behind those lockers.
This has nothing to do with "acceptance" because it is IN NO WAY appropriate to commit a sexual (hand to genitalia) act in a public place! I don't care what you do at home, infact, I encourage you to do whatever you want to at home - but people - PLEASE, Fox Bowl ALLOWS us to be there. They LOVE our business! Do you know how much money they make off of us every month? When the manager came back to talk to us last night - he wasn't saying "Get out I don't want you guys to ever come back again." - no... he was kindly asking/warning us to knock off the indecency because other costumers were complaining.
We all complain about how furries have a bad name - and wonder why CSI and MTV depict us as sexual fiends - well this is the reason why. We are so caught up in acceptance (which is a great and powerful thing, don't get me wrong) - that we allow these types of things to happen! Well let me tell you people - What happened last night IS NOT acceptable! Not to mention, it was INCREDIBLY DISRESPECTFUL toward Fox Bowl and all their staff. These people have been GOOD to us, and put up with a lot every month. They love us! We're good business, and not to mention, all the other bowlers there ask about us and love having us there - but not when this type of crap is going on. It got to the point last night where the police could have been involved - THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE and EVERYONE (including me) is to blame for letting it happen!
Something needs to be done, not like a list of rules - but atleast a watchdog system. We need to understand (not decide) what's appropriate and what's inappropriate and we need to say something to the people when they are being inappropriate - you can't be apathetic about this, or ignore it because it's going to keep happening.
We have to make a choice people - Do we want bowling everyone month? I know I do, and I know about 60% of the people their last night also want it as much as me. Bowling is something I look forward to every month - it would be a real shame is we weren't allowed to come back in future months.
If we are agreed, and done with finger pointing (I see none here but way too much on the mailing list), I think we better get a Bowling security team together.
A few people to ensure things don't get out of hand. No-go zones won't be enough, as they will always find new places to go to carry on in a dimly lit bowling alley. Most agree to the Rules of Conduct for cons and those who don't wish to adhere will not be given the special group discounted rate. Those who break the rules will be given warnings but severe infractions will just be given a polite request to leave. We would have to take names of those who are actively attending, and those who break the rules and have been given a request to leave the group, will then be referred to the management of Fox Bowl. We would have to work before-hand with Fox Bowl management so we can by their permission expel individuals who don't wish to obey certain codes of conduct.
More work than most would ever like to have for what used to be a simple gathering. However, the amount of attendance truly would necessitate stronger action than has been taken for over a year of bowling.
The fact that all of this needs to be pointed out makes me sick to my stomach.
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Needs to get out more
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Posted: 9/26/2005 1:08:20 PM
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I love how they bitch about certain individual furries not behaving at these meets, but most of those misbehave because they want to weird the norms... while the meets themselves seem to be to weird the norms in general. Why wear a fursuit to bowling?
Also, why bowling? Someone call Michael Moore. |
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baserock love
Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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Posted: 9/26/2005 4:31:53 PM
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They go to Fox Bowl? Who wants to bet they didn't get interested in bowling till they found this place?
Why do furries get depicted as sex crazed maniacs on mtv? MAYBE CUZ YOU IDIOTS ARE. Why must they wear the fursuits bowling? Is that not an activity they do for sexual arousal? I know fursuiting is a fetish. If gay men went bowling and walked around in leather garter belts and one of the zip mouth leather mask, people would assume they are sex crazed maniacs as well. |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2005
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Posted: 9/26/2005 4:53:15 PM
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I once had this thought that bowlers and furries aren't all that physically different. They've got either the same fat-bodied belly that sags over their belt like an aging pornstar's tit or they've got that bug-eyed look from when they were flashed by the creepy, old-man next-door neighbour when they were kids and have kept that same whacked-out expression ever since.
The difference is that bowlers seems pretty cool and have a cult following. Look at a film like The Big Lebowski. Hell, the film even made a sex offender (The Jesus) look cool. That's pretty hard to do.
But furries just look like a bunch of creeps and lame-os, with or without the fursuits on. There is no escape. Once you don a fursuit or find your badger-spirit, you are doomed to Hell's "Retarded Section" for all eternity.
Mix furries and bowling and you've found a way to make bowling look dorky. Congratulations, you idiots! A request from Goofy: stay indoors. Always.
Also, I don't think I need the power of five homosexual television celebrities to say that this shirt is fucking horrendous. And it looks worse on whatever the hell that animal is supposed to be. OH WAIT HES A BIG FAT DYNAMO WOO HOO!!!!!! (fuck you) |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 9/26/2005 5:00:41 PM
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I have to say, people need to start pointing out the idiots. Specially in the furry fandom. <colour><species> does something stupid? <colour><species> should be pointed at and told, publicly, that they are a fuckin idiot and need to behave right. I hate having to feel like a special ed teacher telling retards not to yell in the classroom, but damn it has to be done. |
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Posted: 9/26/2005 5:06:28 PM
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Enh. I rate this one very low on the drama scale. Nobody there is rushing to the "OMG I DO WOT I WANT" side, although some of the ideas are laughable. "Free Cookies" and whatnot.
I love how they bitch about certain individual furries not behaving at these meets, but most of those misbehave because they want to weird the norms... while the meets themselves seem to be to weird the norms in general. Why wear a fursuit to bowling?
At the risk of sounding apologist, at least it gets them out of the house and socializing. From what it sounds like, the costumes themselves aren't complained about by others. There is a difference between being strange, which is socially acceptable; and being ill-mannered and innappropriate, which isn't. |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 9/26/2005 5:08:54 PM
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You should see the LAFF mailing list. That is a cluster fuck. |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2005
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Posted: 9/26/2005 5:40:28 PM
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At the risk of sounding apologist, at least it gets them out of the house and socializing.
See, I'm not at all worried about the displays of overt affection in front of other bowlers. Furries do that regularly in places that are not bowling alleys, so what's the big deal?
My issue is that they're going BOWLING IN FURSUITS. And how the fuck do you hold a bowling ball with a fuzzy-gloved hand anyway? Do they scream fursecution for not having holes drilled for the average panda digit?
As far as I'm concerned the only place furries should socialise is a mental hospital. Install a bowling alley there. That way they can seek help AND have a good time. |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 9/26/2005 6:59:18 PM
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My issue is that they're going BOWLING IN FURSUITS. And how the fuck do you hold a bowling ball with a fuzzy-gloved hand anyway? Do they scream fursecution for not having holes drilled for the average panda digit?
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill myself for admitting I know the info. |
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The Flying Fox
Joined: 05 Sep 2005
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Posted: 9/26/2005 8:42:35 PM
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And now for a reply which is thoroughly stupid.
I didn't know we bowled! :D I think someone should write a song about this, it'd be called 'The Night the Yiffers Bowled' and it would be sung by 2 while he pushed a nine inch long board nail through his head. That might actually improve his singing. |
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Needs to get out more
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Posted: 9/26/2005 9:19:33 PM
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The only time I most recently ever went into a bowling alley was to play F-Zero AX. |
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Joined: 05 Mar 2005
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Posted: 9/26/2005 11:39:26 PM
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The only time I most recently ever went into a bowling alley was to play F-Zero AX.
Then you had every right to go there.
Because that game is fucking hard to find.
ASIDE, what the hell?
These people need a SERIOUS dose of reality.
NOBODY ELSE does anything like this, Masochists even have strict rules AGAINST such things..
But NOOOOO the furry fandom wants to be "NOTICED" I think they're just exhibitionists in denial... |
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Monkey King
Joined: 16 Jun 2005
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Posted: 9/27/2005 12:45:23 AM
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Well, at least somebody is putting their foot down and saying "Hey, cut that shit out!" The overarching problem with furry has generlaly been an inability to adapt to the norms of society when they're out in public. This is pretty much what we've been saying here all along, isn't it?
Surprisingly, it's been my experience that people don't really seem to care about the fursuiting in a negative way. It gets you a few wierd looks, but good behavior can carry you quite a long ways. If that was the only public face furry presented, there would be no problems. Furry events only become an issue when it's less about hanging out with your fursuiting buddies, and more about squicking the normals and feeling up your boyfriend.
Not to be hypocritical; I love some of the reactions some people have to all the wierdness too, but that shouldn't be the whole purpose for the event. |
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Needs to get out more
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Posted: 9/27/2005 1:56:55 AM
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What the hell?
These people need a SERIOUS dose of reality.
NOBODY ELSE does anything like this, Masochists even have strict rules AGAINST such things..
But NOOOOO the furry fandom wants to be "NOTICED" I think they're just exhibitionists in denial... They have no social skills and are among people that're 'accepting' of them. So they just do whatever the hell they want to, because they don't know anybetter and their buddies wont say anything. |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 9/27/2005 4:55:27 PM
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These are the same people that think Bart Simpson saying "I do whatever the hell I want" is god speaking to them. These are the same people who've burnt out DVD players watching Lion King back-to-back when they get home from work (assuming they even have jobs) so they can burn off the mundane and get back to their furselves.
Of course they don't know how to act in public. I'm sorry, there is a fine line between beating your kid too much for being stupid in public and not doing it enough, and I'm not sure where the hell these idiots fall. Yes, I do stupid shit at furry events, but ONLY at cons. Picnics, bowling (which I haven't done in three to four years now), even dinner with friends, there is no way in hell. And yes, it's me pointing at stupid people and saying "that's a bad thing". I know Josh will probably want to kick my ass for doing this, but take a look at this and you'll understand a lot. |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 9/27/2005 8:19:12 PM
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RE: creature's link
Sounds pretty similar to my own experiences, except the turnover rate was just under two years for me. My first and only visit to a furry outing is what really turned me off from the fandom. A 4th of July picnic sounded like a great way to get to know the local furries. Too bad they were less interested in getting to know the new guy, and spending more time hugging on their boyfriends and/or prancing about like fags.
There might've been some decent folks there, but there's no way I could have put up with the rest of those maladjusted twits long enough to get to know them. That's the part that makes me the most sad, the impossibility of finding the relatively sane folks in the nuthouse. |
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Posted: 9/27/2005 8:58:25 PM
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Yeah. My bad. I mentally filtered out too much for sanity's sake. Rereading it again, gah. Thoughts:
Creature and the Topic LJ mentioned LAFF mailing list. I have a feeling that the REAL DRAMA(tm) is stored therein. Any choice bits?
Just venturing a guess, Goofy, that they would bowl the same way kids who don't have the strength do: Two-handed, gripping the sides, not using the holes.
Creature's link is insightful, like Monkey King mentioned, but it made me wonder. The natural progression then, would be CYD or similar disillusioned groups, of joining, high activity, growth, and leaving. Interesting. Kind of like the hindu cycle of reincarnation, only with the atrocity archives along the way. |
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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Posted: 9/27/2005 9:18:49 PM
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I think people like that were either improperly or not at all disciplined as children, or maybe they were overly disciplined, suppressed, sheltered, etc. and as soon as they find the fandumb as adults they decide to do a complete 180º.
Personally, this kind of thing is my major gripe with furry: people behaving like idiot children instead of having a sense of integrity and showing respect for others, then claiming SOUL RAEP or whatever as soon as somebody criticizes them. Because apparently it's some insurmountable task to grow the fuck up. :? |
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Joined: 24 Sep 2005
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Posted: 9/27/2005 9:29:55 PM
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Sounds like every single UK fur meet ever. |
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Joined: 26 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/27/2005 9:32:31 PM
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It's funny you should mention that DOOM. I was reading this on Furtopia just now.
It's a thread started by a person emotionally dependent on his plush.
(GOOD NEWS: Simo makes dumass comments about imagination and growing up.);act=ST;f=12;t=13206 |
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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Posted: 9/27/2005 9:48:10 PM
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We're the ones who choose not to kill off our imaginations.
Yes, and that's exactly why furry art is always so creative and original. |
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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Posted: 9/27/2005 10:33:57 PM
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We're the ones who choose not to kill off our imaginations.
Yes, and that's exactly why furry art is always so creative and original.
I tried to read simo's whole post, but my eyes rolled so hard they popped clean out of my skull. |
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baserock love
Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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Posted: 9/27/2005 11:10:57 PM
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We're the ones who choose not to kill off our imaginations.
Yes, and that's exactly why furry art is always so creative and original.
I tried to read simo's whole post, but my eyes rolled so hard they popped clean out of my skull.
MY GOD, that guy is such a pretentious faggot!! I had the same eye popping reaction before i even read his fucking post. Looking at everyones description above they're avatar i'm seeing a lot of "wolf" "snow leapord" "dragon+fox( :roll: )". What does dolphin boy have? Dolphin?! of course not "Tursiops Truncatus"
The word dolphin is too mundane or not impressive enough. Has he been banned yet? |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 9/27/2005 11:39:07 PM
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We're the ones who choose not to kill off our imaginations.
Yes, and that's exactly why furry art is always so creative and original.
I tried to read simo's whole post, but my eyes rolled so hard they popped clean out of my skull.
MY GOD, that guy is such a pretentious faggot!! I had the same eye popping reaction before i even read his fucking post. Looking at everyones description above they're avatar i'm seeing a lot of "wolf" "snow leapord" "dragon+fox( :roll: )". What does dolphin boy have? Dolphin?! of course not "Tursiops Truncatus"
The word dolphin is too mundane or not impressive enough. Has he been banned yet?
Heh, Furtopia. I was a member there back in the day.
Anyways...check out this gem:
You shouldn't. I often wonder just how many heart attacks and ulcers, and general uptightness, could be avoided by the simple expedient of plushie cuddling. Or the occasional wearing of ears and tails or fursuits just for the halibut, not because it's Halloween or something like that. Pretty hard to take yourself too seriously under those conditions. Helluvalot cheaper than a triple bypass.
"Just for the halibut?"
Well, in that case, time to attach a dildo to the ol' Teddy Ruxpin.
Oh, and look at this...
One Fur-basher I know of had this for a sig line: "Playing pretend is for children". Seeing that this individual had all the personality of wallpaper, and what a pathetic loser he was (really had it in for Furry Spirituality) well, if that's "growing up", you can have it.
Who is that? Anyone remember? I think it's Guido who has that as a sig line... :lol: |
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Joined: 26 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/27/2005 11:42:15 PM
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The word dolphin is too mundane or not impressive enough. Has he been banned yet?
I think he's the popular one, actually.
He's a pompous wind bag is what he is.
Would it be fair to call him the Giraldo Rivera of FURRY? |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/28/2005 12:20:48 AM
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We're the ones who choose not to kill off our imaginations.
Yes, and that's exactly why furry art is always so creative and original.
I tried to read simo's whole post, but my eyes rolled so hard they popped clean out of my skull.
MY GOD, that guy is such a pretentious faggot!! I had the same eye popping reaction before i even read his fucking post. Looking at everyones description above they're avatar i'm seeing a lot of "wolf" "snow leapord" "dragon+fox( :roll: )". What does dolphin boy have? Dolphin?! of course not "Tursiops Truncatus"
The word dolphin is too mundane or not impressive enough. Has he been banned yet?
Heh, Furtopia. I was a member there back in the day.
Anyways...check out this gem:
You shouldn't. I often wonder just how many heart attacks and ulcers, and general uptightness, could be avoided by the simple expedient of plushie cuddling. Or the occasional wearing of ears and tails or fursuits just for the halibut, not because it's Halloween or something like that. Pretty hard to take yourself too seriously under those conditions. Helluvalot cheaper than a triple bypass.
"Just for the halibut?"
Well, in that case, time to attach a dildo to the ol' Teddy Ruxpin.
Oh, and look at this...
One Fur-basher I know of had this for a sig line: "Playing pretend is for children". Seeing that this individual had all the personality of wallpaper, and what a pathetic loser he was (really had it in for Furry Spirituality) well, if that's "growing up", you can have it.
Who is that? Anyone remember? I think it's Guido who has that as a sig line... :lol: I have mild Autism and alot of social problems, furries manage to make me feel quite secure about my ability to fit into normal society. It's like losing use of your left arm in a car wreck and bunking next to a parapalegic, it puts things in perspective. |
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Needs to get out more
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Posted: 9/28/2005 12:30:33 AM
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One Fur-basher I know of had this for a sig line: "Playing pretend is for children". Seeing that this individual had all the personality of wallpaper, and what a pathetic loser he was (really had it in for Furry Spirituality) well, if that's "growing up", you can have it.
Who is that? Anyone remember? I think it's Guido who has that as a sig line... :lol:
Oh, I guess that means us CYD guys ARE all fur bashers. Yes, I do believe that was guido's siggy. |
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baserock love
Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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Posted: 9/28/2005 12:34:24 AM
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One Fur-basher I know of had this for a sig line: "Playing pretend is for children". Seeing that this individual had all the personality of wallpaper, and what a pathetic loser he was (really had it in for Furry Spirituality) well, if that's "growing up", you can have it.
Who is that? Anyone remember? I think it's Guido who has that as a sig line... :lol:
Oh, I guess that means us CYD guys ARE all fur bashers. Yes, I do believe that was guido's siggy.
Acctually it was my sig, i'm going to put that back in there, that was a good line. I just don't want my sig to become too crowded.
I'm not a fur basher, i used to draw furry spooge porn for christsakes, i'm an idiot basher. I've never bashed anybody for being a furry, it's the combination furry/fucking retard that usually raises my ire. If i was a fur basher i'd be talking shit to cap'n cowgirl and being a general dick to several people on this forum and have been prematurely banned. |
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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Posted: 9/28/2005 12:42:47 AM
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"dragon+fox( :roll: )"
I LAFFO'ed at that one, too. XD |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/28/2005 1:11:25 AM
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One Fur-basher I know of had this for a sig line: "Playing pretend is for children". Seeing that this individual had all the personality of wallpaper, and what a pathetic loser he was (really had it in for Furry Spirituality) well, if that's "growing up", you can have it.
Who is that? Anyone remember? I think it's Guido who has that as a sig line... :lol:
Oh, I guess that means us CYD guys ARE all fur bashers. Yes, I do believe that was guido's siggy.
Acctually it was my sig, i'm going to put that back in there, that was a good line. I just don't want my sig to become too crowded.
I'm not a fur basher, i used to draw furry spooge porn for christsakes, i'm an idiot basher. I've never bashed anybody for being a furry, it's the combination furry/fucking retard that usually raises my ire. If i was a fur basher i'd be talking shit to cap'n cowgirl and being a general dick to several people on this forum and have been prematurely banned.
How many people on this board genuinely hate furries? I know a furry who is a fairly well adjusted person, being a furry in and of itself isn't really a problem. Furrydom just has a tendancy to spawn stupid and is a ripe target for ridicule and parody. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 9/28/2005 1:36:59 AM
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One Fur-basher I know of had this for a sig line: "Playing pretend is for children". Seeing that this individual had all the personality of wallpaper, and what a pathetic loser he was (really had it in for Furry Spirituality) well, if that's "growing up", you can have it.
Who is that? Anyone remember? I think it's Guido who has that as a sig line... :lol:
Oh, I guess that means us CYD guys ARE all fur bashers. Yes, I do believe that was guido's siggy.
Acctually it was my sig, i'm going to put that back in there, that was a good line. I just don't want my sig to become too crowded.
I'm not a fur basher, i used to draw furry spooge porn for christsakes, i'm an idiot basher. I've never bashed anybody for being a furry, it's the combination furry/fucking retard that usually raises my ire. If i was a fur basher i'd be talking shit to cap'n cowgirl and being a general dick to several people on this forum and have been prematurely banned.
Ah ok. I don't know why I thought it was Guido's.
How many people on this board genuinely hate furries? I know a furry who is a fairly well adjusted person, being a furry in and of itself isn't really a problem. Furrydom just has a tendancy to spawn stupid and is a ripe target for ridicule and parody.
I don't hate Furry in general. I hate alot of the aspects...the drama, the shitty webcomics, ect. But I'm not anti-furry...if I was, trust me, I wouldn't be one myself. :roll: |
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baserock love
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Posted: 9/28/2005 1:37:12 AM
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I've known 2 furries in person. This one guy chris i met after he liked my vcl art and emailed me, we kicked it at his house, played pool and smoked bomb, he was a cool guy. He cut me off after i found out he was hiding his gayness from me, i don't know what's up with that.
I also just found out my new buddies girlfriend is almost guarunteed a furry. She looked through my sketchbook and saw some anthro characters and dropped some not so subtle questions to find out if i was a furry. She rolled out in this rediculous beanie with cat ears and started saying she wished she was a cat, or a catgirl and asked me if i like catgirls and if they really existed, would i have sex with them? Whats funny is she's a crazy animal lover and the night when she dropped this epiphony on me she ran over an entire family of raccoons when she drove me home :lol: flattened the mom and dad and one of there kids, one survived and has probably starved to death already.
I can't stand her but i'm sure there are furries i could get along with. |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/28/2005 1:47:21 AM
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I've known 2 furries in person. This one guy chris i met after he liked my vcl art and emailed me, we kicked it at his house, played pool and smoked bomb, he was a cool guy. He cut me off after i found out he was hiding his gayness from me, i don't know what's up with that.
I also just found out my new buddies girlfriend is almost guarunteed a furry. She looked through my sketchbook and saw some anthro characters and dropped some not so subtle questions to find out if i was a furry. She rolled out in this rediculous beanie with cat ears and started saying she wished she was a cat, or a catgirl and asked me if i like catgirls and if they really existed, would i have sex with them? Whats funny is she's a crazy animal lover and the night when she dropped this epiphony on me she ran over an entire family of raccoons when she drove me home :lol: flattened the mom and dad and one of there kids, one survived and has probably starved to death already.
I can't stand her but i'm sure there are furries i could get along with. I can pretty much assure you there are, the problem is the ones most likely to let you know they are furries (bringing it up for no real reason) are often the least likeable. The decent folks would probably assume that a random stranger doesn't want to hear about it or they simply don't think about the subject enough for them to even consider it an issue. I for example play magic and I usually won't bring it up unless I think the person I'm talking to also plays, this is because people that don't play won't be interested and some people think it's weird. Furries should realize that most people really don't want to hear about what they do in their spare time. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 9/28/2005 2:06:29 AM
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Whats funny is she's a crazy animal lover and the night when she dropped this epiphony on me she ran over an entire family of raccoons when she drove me home :lol: flattened the mom and dad and one of there kids, one survived and has probably starved to death already.
That is terrible, but I laughed. |
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baserock love
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Posted: 9/28/2005 2:24:00 AM
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I can pretty much assure you there are, the problem is the ones most likely to let you know they are furries (bringing it up for no real reason) are often the least likeable. The decent folks would probably assume that a random stranger doesn't want to hear about it or they simply don't think about the subject enough for them to even consider it an issue. I for example play magic and I usually won't bring it up unless I think the person I'm talking to also plays, this is because people that don't play won't be interested and some people think it's weird. Furries should realize that most people really don't want to hear about what they do in their spare time.
Same things with me and guns, i'm always down to meet people who share my enthusiasm for firearms and marksmanship but i can't meet anybody to go to the range with unless i mention it when i think theres a fellow gun fanatic around me. this has led to a lot of people being very scared of me. |
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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Posted: 9/28/2005 4:14:22 AM
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How many people on this board genuinely hate furries?
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The Flying Fox
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Posted: 9/28/2005 4:59:02 AM
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I don't hate Furry in general. I hate alot of the aspects...the drama, the shitty webcomics, ect. But I'm not anti-furry...if I was, trust me, I wouldn't be one myself. :roll:
EXACTLY what CC said. |
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Posted: 9/28/2005 3:05:04 PM
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We're the ones who choose not to kill off our imaginations.
Yes, and that's exactly why furry art is always so creative and original.
I tried to read simo's whole post, but my eyes rolled so hard they popped clean out of my skull.
I read it, and the most hilarious thing IMO is his claim furries are better people than those darn mundanes who've chosen to "kill off their imaginations". Furry: first a hobby, then a lifestyle, now a supremacist ideology. |
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Joined: 18 Mar 2005
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Posted: 9/28/2005 3:19:17 PM
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How many people on this board genuinely hate furries? I know a furry who is a fairly well adjusted person, being a furry in and of itself isn't really a problem. Furrydom just has a tendancy to spawn stupid and is a ripe target for ridicule and parody.
Why would anyone hate furries? Their stupid antics provide a daily dose of lol!
But I do feel there are a lot of furries who are disturbed individuals and need psychological help.
They annoy me. Then again, any group of like-minded individuals fixated on one obsession annoy me. Furries are a lot like Christians in that respect. |
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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Posted: 9/28/2005 9:56:37 PM
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How many people on this board genuinely hate furries?
I don't. I don't even hate the truly crazy ones, since they provide such a rich vein of comedy. Additionally, I'm not a furry myself, so it doesn't matter to me if anyone is "ruining" the fandom. |
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The New Meat
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Posted: 9/28/2005 11:42:18 PM
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I hate all furries except the ones I know persinally because I am a hypocrite. |
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Joined: 26 Aug 2005
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Posted: 9/29/2005 2:45:40 AM
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Seems the Furtopia Forums off limits to non-members now. Hmmm, wonder why...
No you're not a hypocrit, you shouldn't trust people you don't know.
Furries trust everyone... aslong as they're also furries. |
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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Posted: 9/29/2005 7:50:22 AM
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You should see the LAFF mailing list. That is a cluster fuck.
For those who want to see the list, they have archives posted online at
The e-mail that started the shitfest the poured onto LiveJournal starts at |
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Posted: 9/29/2005 4:55:31 PM
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How many people on this board genuinely hate furries? I know a furry who is a fairly well adjusted person, being a furry in and of itself isn't really a problem. Furrydom just has a tendancy to spawn stupid and is a ripe target for ridicule and parody.
I don't. I don't hate per se. I am amused by idiocy and atrocity (especially since much of that comes from the furry fandumb) and so I stick arround here. I don't even hate the truly moronic fuckwads who occasionally get featured here.
Plus I think it's kind of hard to be a furry and hate furries yourself. |
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Joined: 24 Sep 2005
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Posted: 9/29/2005 5:21:49 PM
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How many people on this board genuinely hate furries? I know a furry who is a fairly well adjusted person, being a furry in and of itself isn't really a problem. Furrydom just has a tendancy to spawn stupid and is a ripe target for ridicule and parody.
I don't think it's possible to actually *hate* furries... I mean, unless you're seriously dysfunctional yourself. Furrydom has this annoying habit of branding anything that criticises or mocks its retarded shenanigans 'hateful', when in reality it's very hard to hate something as funny as a hambeast in a bunny suit. |
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Posted: 9/29/2005 6:15:54 PM
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I know a handful of people who honestly HATE furries. Typically thay are also the teenager types who take bats to posters of children's show icons and get things like "DETH TO ALL" tattooed on their ass.
The mast majority of people I find are simply annoyed by furries, this includes most goons and anyone who has had a tenure of a year or so online, minus furries themselves. I happen to still have my paw hand in the cookie jar, and most annoy me, but some are rather nice people. I tend to think of them like goths. Taken as a group, they are annoying, but taken individually, some are just good people with different interests. |
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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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Posted: 9/29/2005 9:41:37 PM
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I detest a lot of furries, but it's not BECAUSE they are furries that I detest them - other deplorable behavior and general idiocy are what made me dislike them.
With furries in general, I don't so much hate them as I hate the fandom itself. If it hadn't been for the fucked up nature of the fandom, I might not have lost a few good friends to the bottomless pit of life-sucking sex-crazed hungry-assed lunacy associated with 'furry'. If it wasn't for the all-encompassing and all-accepting nature of the fandom, a lot of the really mentally screwy people might actually realize they have a problem and possibly even seek help. The whole 'accept everyone and question none' attitude of the fandom is founded on the rejection fears of a socially inept population, and, as has been said many times before, when these people connect with each other and share the dark sides of their Id, they're more likely to be encouraged than to be told to STFU and GTFO. |
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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Posted: 9/29/2005 9:45:37 PM
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I don't think it's possible to actually *hate* furries... I mean, unless you're seriously dysfunctional yourself.
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baserock love
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Posted: 9/30/2005 2:44:45 AM
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This is the best way i can sum up my fealings
I hate FURRY, not furries, ok, i hate most furries that i hear about but that is not a generalization, i don't hate them as a whole |
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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
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Posted: 9/30/2005 2:47:28 AM
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For the most part, I like furry shit. However I don't like the bullshit drama everyone bitches about. It's bad enough when you're a functional member of society, even worse when you need to do it online. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 9/30/2005 4:59:35 AM
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Taken as a group, they are annoying, but taken individually, some are just good people with different interests.
I wholeheartedly agree! |
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Monkey King
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Posted: 10/1/2005 2:41:02 AM
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Taken as a group, they are annoying, but taken individually, some are just good people with different interests.
Well hell, that's true of the entire human race. I hate PEOPLE, but individual persons I can deal with. |
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Joined: 09 Mar 2005
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Posted: 10/2/2005 5:43:30 AM
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I'm like the furry anti-furry... or something. Apparently, I also have some sort of rep now with some furries which I'm completely oblivious to. It's funny how they tend to talk behind people's backs. As far as furries go, I hang out with the more normal looking and socially developed people at cons. There's always those butt ugly trolls who lack the ability to speak to another human being without being a complete fucktard and then there's those people who just like to have a good time and hang out. |
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Joined: 02 Mar 2005
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Posted: 10/3/2005 12:05:07 AM
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For the most part, I like furry shit. However I don't like the bullshit drama everyone bitches about. It's bad enough when you're a functional member of society, even worse when you need to do it online.
I love the drama. :wink: Makes me feel like a better person, knowing there are people making a big deal out of stuff no one cares about. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 10/3/2005 12:14:42 AM
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For the most part, I like furry shit. However I don't like the bullshit drama everyone bitches about. It's bad enough when you're a functional member of society, even worse when you need to do it online.
I love the drama. :wink: Makes me feel like a better person, knowing there are people making a big deal out of stuff no one cares about.
Some furry drama is EXCELLENT. |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 10/3/2005 12:18:17 AM
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For the most part, I like furry shit. However I don't like the bullshit drama everyone bitches about. It's bad enough when you're a functional member of society, even worse when you need to do it online.
I love the drama. :wink: Makes me feel like a better person, knowing there are people making a big deal out of stuff no one cares about.
Some furry drama is EXCELLENT.
Of course, why do you think I'm here. |
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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Posted: 10/5/2005 5:26:42 AM
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Holy hell. More drama on the LAFF mailing list popped up today and it's loosely related to the bowling fiasco. It's freaking hysterical. |
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Posted: 10/5/2005 5:52:49 AM
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Holy hell. More drama on the LAFF mailing list popped up today and it's loosely related to the bowling fiasco. It's freaking hysterical.
Such a limited vocabulary... and so many exclaimation points. The drama level is 6.2 at that point, but the bible quote rounds it out to an even 7. :lol: |
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Joined: 03 Oct 2005
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Posted: 10/5/2005 7:41:42 AM
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What's this, Thomas?
A vehement fully capitalized post without grammatical structure and lawless use of shift+1, twenty-nine instances of the word "fuck" or "fucking", buckets upon buckets of barely contained furry betrayal, all formed into two pagebreaking sentences with a barely applicable biblical quote spliced on at the end?
Welcome to Furry Country. |
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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Posted: 10/5/2005 8:06:44 AM
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What's this, Thomas?
A vehement fully capitalized post without grammatical structure and lawless use of shift+1, twenty-nine instances of the word "fuck" or "fucking", buckets upon buckets of barely contained furry betrayal, all formed into two pagebreaking sentences with a barely applicable biblical quote spliced on at the end?
Welcome to Furry Country. Bonus points to you sir as you have called me out on the Internet by my real first name. And to think most people consider me a faceless troll that dwells in their parents' basement who gorges on Cheetos and downs liters of Mt. Dew so I can have the energy to dig through my rolls of fat to locate my small penis so I can furiously masterbate to my collection of vintage hermaphraditic furry pornography in between posts on slash fiction boards where I insert my character into homoerotic situations with characters from the Lion King and Bambi.
Anyway, if you think that e-mail was unimpressive, then I suggest you follow that thread. It's getting worse and worse as more flames come in, more details of this sorrid affair unravels, grammar nazism, and now there's silly talk of making a seperate list for "Therians" because of the proliferation of drama on this list.
What the fuck is a Therian anyway? AND WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CHEETOS?! |
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Joined: 02 Mar 2005
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Posted: 10/5/2005 10:37:15 AM
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Bonus points to you sir as you have called me out on the Internet by my real first name. And to think most people consider me a faceless troll that dwells in their parents' basement who gorges on Cheetos and downs liters of Mt. Dew so I can have the energy to dig through my rolls of fat to locate my small penis so I can furiously masterbate to my collection of vintage hermaphraditic furry pornography in between posts on slash fiction boards where I insert my character into homoerotic situations with characters from the Lion King and Bambi.
Anyway, if you think that e-mail was unimpressive, then I suggest you follow that thread. It's getting worse and worse as more flames come in, more details of this sorrid affair unravels, grammar nazism, and now there's silly talk of making a seperate list for "Therians" because of the proliferation of drama on this list.
What the fuck is a Therian anyway? AND WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CHEETOS?!
Ah, I can answer that. :oops: A Therian is short for Therianthrope, which pretty much means an otherkin that considers themselves to be an were-wolf/cat/fox/hermaskunktaur. Pretty much all the furry otherkin, but excluding the dragons. Bonus points if you can correct me. |
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21st Century Digital Boy
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Posted: 10/5/2005 12:04:17 PM
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Bonus points to you sir as you have called me out on the Internet by my real first name. And to think most people consider me a faceless troll that dwells in their parents' basement who gorges on Cheetos and downs liters of Mt. Dew so I can have the energy to dig through my rolls of fat to locate my small penis so I can furiously masterbate to my collection of vintage hermaphraditic furry pornography in between posts on slash fiction boards where I insert my character into homoerotic situations with characters from the Lion King and Bambi.
Anyway, if you think that e-mail was unimpressive, then I suggest you follow that thread. It's getting worse and worse as more flames come in, more details of this sorrid affair unravels, grammar nazism, and now there's silly talk of making a seperate list for "Therians" because of the proliferation of drama on this list.
What the fuck is a Therian anyway? AND WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CHEETOS?!
Ah, I can answer that. :oops: A Therian is short for Therianthrope, which pretty much means an otherkin that considers themselves to be an were-wolf/cat/fox/hermaskunktaur. Pretty much all the furry otherkin, but excluding the dragons. Bonus points if you can correct me.
I'm pretty sure therion's a somewhat decent heavy metal band Greek for animal, in which case therianthrope would approximately mean "Animal Man."
So in other words, yet more pointless pseudointellectual masturbation, as if furries weren't already drowning in it. Besides, there can be only one Animal Man! |
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Joined: 23 Nov 2004
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Posted: 10/5/2005 5:43:36 PM
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That there is some good drama. |
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Joined: 06 Nov 2003
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Posted: 10/5/2005 6:03:30 PM
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Why do I have this image of like 20 Jays (Jay and Silent Bob) running around talkin shit about each other? |
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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Posted: 10/6/2005 11:13:47 PM
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In addition to the drama that's appeared on the list, now they've made a LJ community for all this crap. |
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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Posted: 10/7/2005 1:37:52 AM
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I'm sure it's been pointed out before, but the fact that a group called LAFF produces drama that makes people laugh is amusingly ironic. |
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Wayd Wolf
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Posted: 10/8/2005 1:56:52 AM
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I subscribe to a view of furry paralleling Quinn's views of humans expressed in the first season episode of War of the Worlds: The Series: "I have nothing really against humans. Some of my best friends are humans. But as a group, they stink, and you know it. I say, kill them all."
You can modify that to make it less warm and fuzzy a sentiment if it pleases your cuddly little hearts.
Of course I hold the same disgust, derision, dislike, and distaste for the little pricks who migrate endlessly all night at the mall from Spencer Gifts to Hot Topic and back like salmon.
Too bad they didn't pull this at the bowling alley near me. They play hardcore rap and house mix hip-hop, the place is seriously favored by real thug types, and they'd have been bowling with these cretins' heads by the end of the night. Now that I would have paid money to watch while downing one of their overly watered beers. |
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