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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 11/12/2005 3:29:02 AM
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what's with those numbers in the URL?
God I'm an idiot. |
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Posted: 11/12/2005 3:33:05 AM
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It's an IP adress, all websites (and internet users) have one. Each section ranges from 0-255 IIRC. Basically, just a need identifier for all the servers on each site.
Also, Stoneth, kickassery. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 11/12/2005 4:22:52 AM
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Well Stoneth has reason to live again so that's good.
Yerf was always a fun way to kill 5 minutes in the morning before I went to school and now I guess I can do that again. |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 11/12/2005 5:18:00 AM
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It's an IP adress, all websites (and internet users) have one. Each section ranges from 0-255 IIRC. Basically, just a need identifier for all the servers on each site.
Also, Stoneth, kickassery. Oh, ok. I know what IP addresses are, but I've never seen 'em in a URL before.
Heh, I'm inept. |
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Posted: 11/12/2005 7:19:24 AM
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It's an IP adress, all websites (and internet users) have one. Each section ranges from 0-255 IIRC. Basically, just a need identifier for all the servers on each site.
Also, Stoneth, kickassery. Oh, ok. I know what IP addresses are, but I've never seen 'em in a URL before.
Heh, I'm inept.
Archive what you need, those that actually need it. I'd wager that this will last shorter than Chanplz. |
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Posted: 11/12/2005 2:33:43 PM
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Sorry, I have a bit of a personal vendetta aginst Ruggles, so forgive me for not jumping for joy. He's a stupid, policing asshole who thinks he's great shit and he just sounds like a retard. He tries to tell EVERYONE how to do EVERYTHING. *twitch* |
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Posted: 11/12/2005 4:34:03 PM
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I can understand what you have against Ruggels, since his comments were uncalled for and out of place. But Ruggels don't run Yerf, Dingo does. |
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Posted: 11/12/2005 10:59:10 PM
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Meh - I'll save getting excited until the site is actually up and running with new art. I suspect that by now, Yerf having been inactive for over a year, many have given up on it and found new outlets. Like I said in another thread, many (former) Yerf artists have their own sites by now. Ah, we'll see.
Also: Banrai, Stoneth, what are you talking about regarding Ruggels? If you've got drama, you must share it with the rest of us! That's what the CYD forums are for! |
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Posted: 11/12/2005 11:08:20 PM
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Ruggles is known to poke his nose in everyone's buisness except his own. You do 3D rendering? Oh, he'll tell you how to do it. You into fine arts? He'll tell you exactally how to paint like the old masters. He's a pompous know-it-all, and thinks he's a lot better than he really is. He's like... 'Yerf Policeman' or some shit, seriousley. In the communities he's all like "DO NOT CRITICIZE DINGO OR YERF. IT WILL BE UP WHEN IT IS UP. STOP BITCHING. I ORDER EVERYONE TO STOP BITCHING."
He's always trying to be this mentor figure, without actually having the skills or authority to be a mentor. |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/14/2005 8:17:04 PM
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Is there a problem?
Scott |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 11/14/2005 8:32:34 PM
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ohhh banrai is in for it now! |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/14/2005 8:52:21 PM
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I can understand what you have against Ruggels, since his comments were uncalled for and out of place. But Ruggels don't run Yerf, Dingo does.
Which comments were these, specifically?
Scott |
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Posted: 11/14/2005 10:47:22 PM
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:shock: |
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Posted: 11/14/2005 11:23:40 PM
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Speak of the devil...
CYD has this magic to it, where even though we're a collection of jaded, disillusioned fucks who nobody should reallt give a dime about, the furries when mentioned by name will still magically teleport here to defend their e-honor and/or to 'educate' us on their version of events. It's a power which must be used judicially, for the good of all mankind.
Scootybutts, all I can say is "enjoy". |
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Posted: 11/14/2005 11:24:36 PM
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I can understand what you have against Ruggels, since his comments were uncalled for and out of place. But Ruggels don't run Yerf, Dingo does.
Which comments were these, specifically?
A comment you left on The Banrai Files.
Thank you for doing this research. The post was brouight to my attention and I will be passing this link to the other Moderators of Yerf, with the recommendation that she never be permitted entry to the site for such activities.
The Banrai Files while containing some valid information, ultimately served little more than the creation of net drama and malicious feelings toward Banrai from people she didn't even know. With all due respect, I felt that it was none of your business to step in. Comenting is one thing, but recommendation that she never be let in to Yerf? That's really harsh. That's not reflective of the friendly, artistic improvement atmosphere of the Yerf that I know and love. As far as I'm concerned, you only contributed to the problem. Of course, The Banrai Files are kind of moot and old hat now since Banrai has already made a public confession regarding the whole intellectual theft matter. I also get irked when people make it seem that forgiveness is not an option, but that may just be my upbringing in which I was taught to forgive others.
Those are just my thoughts on the matter. I have nothing personally against you, Mr. Ruggels. |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/14/2005 11:36:01 PM
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Hey, I intend to. :-)
Scott |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/14/2005 11:50:08 PM
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The Banrai Files while containing some valid information, ultimately served little more than the creation of net drama and malicious feelings toward Banrai from people she didn't even know. With all due respect, I felt that it was none of your business to step in.
Understandable, but the moderators, and myself take a very dim view of art theft, and tend to not allow one an oppotunity to join, as long as they maintain the practice. The emphasis should be on originality, at least in public.
Comenting is one thing, but recommendation that she never be let in to Yerf? That's really harsh. That's not reflective of the friendly, artistic improvement atmosphere of the Yerf that I know and love..
In general we do prefer to be supportive, and and help people improve their work, but the site has also been victimized by KAK,and others, and the situation looked like another version of the same behavior, and as such we discussed a pre-emptive move to keep such from occuring again at Yerf. Also note that I passed it as a "recommendation, not that it would automatically become Yerf policy to do so.
As far as I'm concerned, you only contributed to the problem. Of course, The Banrai Files are kind of moot and old hat now since Banrai has already made a public confession regarding the whole intellectual theft matter.
I will take a look at this.
I also get irked when people make it seem that forgiveness is not an option, but that may just be my upbringing in which I was taught to forgive others.
I will say this is true. God may forgive, but I don't usually. Not in my nature, unless true contrition is displayed. When it is, however, opportunities arrive. The artist, who goes under the nom de plume Marie Cannabis, was once a rather notorious art thief and was expelled from Yerf, but she cleaned up her act, and got beter, and was allowed to rejoin.
Those are just my thoughts on the matter. I have nothing personally against you, Mr. Ruggels.
Not a worry, just needing clarification, that's all, which you supplied. Thank you.
Scott |
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Posted: 11/15/2005 12:50:01 AM
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Is there a problem?
What th-... ?!! How in th-...?!! When did y-... ?!!
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Posted: 11/15/2005 1:31:26 AM
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I've always been told that I'm shit out of luck on this, but do any archives of the Yerf newsgroup system exist? For years I've been wanting to see Hangdog's 9/11 blow-up and/or the KAK ATTAK. |
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Posted: 11/15/2005 2:11:48 AM
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Is there a problem?
What th-... ?!! How in th-...?!! When did y-... ?!!
You see? You see? We need to install an automated audience here in CYD. That way, we could cue the canned laughter when a failed trolling happens, or maybe an applause track whenever we get the e-lebrity of the week. |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/15/2005 2:12:03 AM
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I've always been told that I'm shit out of luck on this, but do any archives of the Yerf newsgroup system exist? For years I've been wanting to see Hangdog's 9/11 blow-up and/or the KAK ATTAK.
Man I wish I had them too. Classic stuff, The death threats, Kak's dragging in of a "real Animator" who defended her to the detriment of his rep, and soon left Animation nation. As well as "Nightweaver's" various melt downs, but the newsgroups were on the old server, and I don't think theyare accessible, but I can ask.
All of those were the reason we went to such a tightly moderated forum.
Scott |
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Posted: 11/15/2005 2:19:15 AM
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I don't think that's really him. It's got the endless self-important babble and the habit of signing everything, sure, but the spelling and punctuation are way too good. |
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Posted: 11/15/2005 2:34:31 AM
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The Banrai Files while containing some valid information, ultimately served little more than the creation of net drama and malicious feelings toward Banrai from people she didn't even know.
It only takes a second to lose everyone's trust. It's going to take her a long time to live down her reputation as a (liar and) theif. If she gives it up. She hasn't exactly stated that she's going to stop ripping art.
...recommendation that she never be let in to Yerf? That's really harsh. That's not reflective of the friendly, artistic improvement atmosphere of the Yerf that I know and love. Can you honestly blame him for not wanting to go through all the drama? She's been banned dozens of times from multiple sites. Causing nothing but bad feelings. |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/15/2005 2:56:53 AM
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Ahh, good one Squizzle, I didn't know one was supposed to NOT sign thing. Okay I won't, but yes, this is me.
Precisely, Kadius. |
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Joined: 14 Apr 2005
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Posted: 11/15/2005 3:34:54 AM
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Kadius is right, and Banrai has nobody to blame but herself.
Scott only wants what's best for Yerf. Hi kitty. :lol: |
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Bob Guthrie
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Posted: 11/15/2005 4:09:18 AM
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I've always been told that I'm shit out of luck on this, but do any archives of the Yerf newsgroup system exist? For years I've been wanting to see Hangdog's 9/11 blow-up.
There's a copy of the exchange on Eric Blumrich's Wikifur Talk page: |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 11/15/2005 4:36:19 AM
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wtf can we just let thsi banrai drama DIE PLEASE |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/15/2005 4:48:35 AM
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Okay, I can do that. I'll see you folks later then.
But before i go, I do have to say that the articles on the main site were a fascinating read. Nicely done. |
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Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Posted: 11/15/2005 5:38:54 AM
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"Oh, the Banrai drama is over? Oh well... time to leave then..." |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/15/2005 5:52:14 AM
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Neglected to turn off the email notification.
Well, I didn't mean it like that. I didn't want to add to the problem.
However, if you have any comments or questions, I might be able to answer them. |
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Posted: 11/15/2005 7:31:33 AM
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I've always been told that I'm shit out of luck on this, but do any archives of the Yerf newsgroup system exist? For years I've been wanting to see Hangdog's 9/11 blow-up.
There's a copy of the exchange on Eric Blumrich's Wikifur Talk page:
Excellent find. Damn, I was expecting Celtic war cries and more crazy attacks on young female artists.
Oh well. That's what years of expectations does to things. |
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Joined: 11 Sep 2004
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Posted: 11/16/2005 5:39:26 PM
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*rolls eyes*
Talk about a forum that shoots itself in the foot...
Ruggles is one of the ONLY people in the world of Anthropomorphic art that is sane and actually interested in NOT letting the pr0n-mongers take over (he's the first person who's ever given ME an honest and realistic account of how the fandom went south originally), and people over here feel the need to treat him like he's some kind of troll? 0_o
That is inexplicable. Ruggles is cool. |
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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Posted: 11/16/2005 6:24:50 PM
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*rolls eyes*
Talk about a forum that shoots itself in the foot...
Ruggles is one of the ONLY people in the world of Anthropomorphic art that is sane and actually interested in NOT letting the pr0n-mongers take over (he's the first person who's ever given ME an honest and realistic account of how the fandom went south originally), and people over here feel the need to treat him like he's some kind of troll? 0_o
That is inexplicable. Ruggles is cool.
Dude, I was glad to see him! |
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Posted: 11/16/2005 9:08:51 PM
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*rolls eyes*
*bares talons* |
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21st Century Digital Boy
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Posted: 11/17/2005 1:19:04 AM
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*rolls eyes*
*bares talons*
*moves paw towards cock* |
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Posted: 11/17/2005 4:16:02 AM
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*moves paw towards cock*
*hugs anyway* |
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Captain Cowgirl
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Posted: 11/17/2005 4:47:00 AM
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also, Comicartist...we didn't 'shoot ourselves in the foot'. The truth is, Banrai drama isn't particularly interesting. All that's left to be said about it has been said. |
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Posted: 11/17/2005 2:49:35 PM
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*rolls eyes*
Talk about a forum that shoots itself in the foot...
Ruggles is one of the ONLY people in the world of Anthropomorphic art that is sane and actually interested in NOT letting the pr0n-mongers take over (he's the first person who's ever given ME an honest and realistic account of how the fandom went south originally), and people over here feel the need to treat him like he's some kind of troll? 0_o
Talk about a forum member generalizing...
This is a forum for debate; as a rule of thumb opinions differ. There were three or four people who posted negative remarks, everyone else were being perfectly civil and having a nice conversation with Ruggels.
The truth is, Banrai drama isn't particularly interesting. All that's left to be said about it has been said.
Wrong. Banrai started brand new drama by levying accusations against Ruggels in this thread. Can't blame Ruggels for wanting to reply. |
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Posted: 11/17/2005 7:52:29 PM
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Talk about a forum member generalizing...
Well, you're right about that. I was certainly generalising. I didn't imagine that MOST people here would be against Ruggels, but the attacks posted back there just seemed rather... ridiculous. Then again I tend to be paranoid and mistrustful, particularly around boards where the infighting gets as vicious as it does around here. *shrug*
Anyway. :) Differing opinions are indeed what makes the world go 'round. |
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Posted: 11/18/2005 12:10:42 AM
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Well, you're right about that. I was certainly generalising. I didn't imagine that MOST people here would be against Ruggels, but the attacks posted back there just seemed rather... ridiculous.
Yeah, there were a few comments that were on the silly side.
Then again I tend to be paranoid and mistrustful, particularly around boards where the infighting gets as vicious as it does around here. *shrug*
We do vicious infighting? Honestly, I'm a bit surprised at that assessment. Apart from the ignominious Hirtes/Howard flamefests of yesteryear, this forum always seemed rather civilized to me, despite various forum members disagreeing quite a lot over this whole furry business. I mean, I've read forums where people would threaten each other with bodily injury... But it's interesting to hear how this little monolithic anti-furry conspiracy forum looks. Maybe some of us do come off as more aggressive than we really are. |
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Posted: 11/18/2005 3:21:57 AM
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banrai are you done with the drama now
because seriously this thread |
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Joined: 21 Apr 2004
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Posted: 11/18/2005 9:10:00 AM
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But it's interesting to hear how this little monolithic anti-furry conspiracy forum looks.
Sorry I stole your joke Mitch, but I couldn't resist. |
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Joined: 13 Jan 2005
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Posted: 11/18/2005 12:53:43 PM
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banrai are you done with the drama now
because seriously this thread
Hey, I haven't posted again because I said my oppinion. That's it. |
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Posted: 11/18/2005 1:45:52 PM
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Annnnyway... regarding our ability to "magically" draw people we're talking about to the site, I'm curious to see how well this has panned out in practice. There are a few "famous" people who reportedly have come here -- EWS for one -- but what about Jay Naylor? Or Xydexx? There doesn't seem to be a link to any sort of member list here, or maybe I just can't find it. |
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Dr. Dos
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Posted: 11/18/2005 8:12:55 PM
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It was taken down to conserve bandwisth I believe. |
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Posted: 11/19/2005 1:48:20 AM
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Only the link was... It's still there, you just need to know a thing or two about basic php forum layout. :roll:
Oh, and Xydexx has done enough argle bargle on his own little journal to constitute a definite obsession. See his ED article. Naylor never seems to outwardly care. Or at least to not make an e-stink about anything. |
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Posted: 11/19/2005 2:09:41 PM
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It was taken down to conserve bandwisth I believe.
Okay, this is why, if anyone was wondering. We've actually had a few spammers sign up, by the way.
The presence of this page is one of the big motivators for spam signups: the page is a great way for the unscrupulous to get a load of backlinks to their site(s) via the link in the member profile which is displayed on this page. Often, the signups will use names starting with exclamation marks so as to get on the first page of the list.
Also, once you have more than about 50 members, the page is unusable by real visitors - it is just too inefficient for finding information. On a busy board, it is a total waste of bandwidth. Your real users can still get at all the information they want for another user by viewing that member's profile via the link next to one of their posts. Of course, if anyone signs up and doesn't post, their profile is unlinked - so even if they have put a link to their site in their profile, it is not visible. |
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Jerry Collins
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Posted: 11/21/2005 6:44:17 PM
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Hmmm, "Yerf"......sounds like something a Bode' lizard would say while picking up something heavy. :wink: |
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Scott Ruggels
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Posted: 11/25/2005 1:17:36 AM
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banrai are you done with the drama now
because seriously this thread
Hey, I haven't posted again because I said my oppinion. That's it.
Interesting. debate then? Ah well...
In any case the site seems to be working fairly well, and is stable, and most importantly has a back up plan now. It may be a few weeks before new art gets posted, and the applications are open again, but things show progress for a change.
Scott |
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Posted: 11/25/2005 2:26:57 AM
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In any case the site seems to be working fairly well, and is stable, and most importantly has a back up plan now. It may be a few weeks before new art gets posted, and the applications are open again, but things show progress for a change.
To the return of Yerf! Perhaps we might get a fully functional Yerf as a Christmas present then (or if not a slightly late one)? |
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Joined: 23 Aug 2005
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Posted: 11/25/2005 3:19:03 AM
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In any case the site seems to be working fairly well, and is stable, and most importantly has a back up plan now. It may be a few weeks before new art gets posted, and the applications are open again, but things show progress for a change.
To the return of Yerf! Perhaps we might get a fully functional Yerf as a Christmas present then (or if not a slightly late one)?
What you don't know is that it IS already fully functional
sorry geek spasm
of course as is the case with all forums and boards only the administrators will have access to the superlaser. |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2005
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Posted: 11/28/2005 3:58:16 AM
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In any case the site seems to be working fairly well, and is stable, and most importantly has a back up plan now. It may be a few weeks before new art gets posted, and the applications are open again, but things show progress for a change.
To the return of Yerf! Perhaps we might get a fully functional Yerf as a Christmas present then (or if not a slightly late one)?
What you don't know is that it IS already fully functional
sorry geek spasm
of course as is the case with all forums and boards only the administrators will have access to the superlaser.
I think a better analogy would be:
"We are teh Yerf. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile." |
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Posted: 11/28/2005 5:30:36 AM
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I think a better analogy would be:
"We are teh Yerf. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile."
Umm... no? For unlike the Borg collective, Gaia Online and VCL, Yerf actually requires effort to become a part of. |
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Posted: 11/28/2005 5:52:43 AM
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Umm... no? For unlike the Borg collective, Gaia Online and VCL, Yerf actually requires effort to become a part of.
My bad, I have never tried to apply for a Yerf account. The only thing I ever signed up for was furnation way back in 1999, and it was pretty instant, like signing up for an angelfire site, any elementary school kid on his parent's AOL screename could join. |
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Posted: 11/28/2005 9:47:56 AM
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I seem to remember David Gonterman once had a Yerf directory. |
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Posted: 11/28/2005 4:36:03 PM
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I seem to remember David Gonterman once had a Yerf directory.
He did. Although he had been booted by the time I joined which was way back in mid '98, I think. Back when Yerf didn't mind cruddy artwork, Somic fanart, Sailor Moon fanart or fanart in general, all of which got rectified in subsequent updates of SCFA/Yerf. A pity too because David Gonterman had a whole bunch of art and comics on Yerf that can't seem to be found anymore. |
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Joined: 27 Oct 2003
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Posted: 11/28/2005 11:27:44 PM
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I seem to remember David Gonterman once had a Yerf directory.
I was around when he got booted, early 97 I think. I remember because kilorat actually had a special page consisting of all of gonterman's insane emails and postings over the debacle, it was some hilarious reading.
kilorat is the greatest yerf admin there ever was or ever will be. |
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Posted: 11/29/2005 12:07:07 AM
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I think a better analogy would be:
"We are teh Yerf. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile."
Umm... no? For unlike the Borg collective, Gaia Online and VCL, Yerf actually requires effort to become a part of.
But a superlaser is useful for disposing of the massive ammount of furry por er art that isn't suitable for yerf |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2005
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Posted: 11/29/2005 4:20:02 AM
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I think a better analogy would be:
"We are teh Yerf. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile."
Umm... no? For unlike the Borg collective, Gaia Online and VCL, Yerf actually requires effort to become a part of.
But a superlaser is useful for disposing of the massive ammount of furry por er art that isn't suitable for yerf
Yes, but like the Borg's adaptive shielding, Yerf's TOS and other policies can be constantly updated whenever someone goofs up...
(Yeah, STFU, I am a Trekkie) |
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Posted: 11/29/2005 4:36:38 AM
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But then all you'd have to do is rupture the warp core coolant tanks and the coolant will liquify... the massive ammount of furry por er art that isn't suitable for yerf |
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Posted: 11/29/2005 4:45:32 AM
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But then all you'd have to do is rupture the warp core coolant tanks and the coolant will liquify... the massive ammount of furry por er art that isn't suitable for yerf
Rupture the coolant tanks and the resulting runaway matter/antimatter reaction will assplode like EWS sadly cradling the last dead Amiga in the world.
Gold Five the X-Wing pilot: "Stay on target" (as in this thread) |
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Joined: 27 Nov 2005
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Posted: 12/7/2005 7:50:48 PM
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The Banrai Files while containing some valid information, ultimately served little more than the creation of net drama and malicious feelings toward Banrai from people she didn't even know. With all due respect, I felt that it was none of your business to step in.
Understandable, but the moderators, and myself take a very dim view of art theft, and tend to not allow one an oppotunity to join, as long as they maintain the practice. The emphasis should be on originality, at least in public. Wait, you're not going to let in anyone who's stolen art, even if reformed? |
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Joined: 15 Feb 2005
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Posted: 12/8/2005 1:24:23 AM
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Understandable, but the moderators, and myself take a very dim view of art theft, and tend to not allow one an oppotunity to join, as long as they maintain the practice. The emphasis should be on originality, at least in public.
No, just if they haven't reformed. Whether or not the art they try to put on Yerf is stolen. |
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Joined: 27 Nov 2005
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Posted: 12/8/2005 4:41:12 AM
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Duly noted. Thanks. |
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Joined: 05 Mar 2005
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Posted: 12/13/2005 3:38:18 AM
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I'm still waiting for a new Yerf-like gallery... but with admission policies that are more along the lines of "If it's good, and if it's clean, you're in". The pretention in the apps process was beyond belief. For the love of all that is not warped, it's fine to have limits on what's appropriate, but as long as it's anthro and clean, please don't tell us what to draw! :x I have half a mind to submit stuff I like, and would like to post on Yerf... and then post links to other art just to prove that I've earned the right to do what it is that I like to do. Then again, I've never applied... maybe they'd like my stuff enough to just let me in. :D |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2005
Posts: 122
Posted: 12/13/2005 4:04:43 AM
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I'm still waiting for a new Yerf-like gallery... but with admission policies that are more along the lines of "If it's good, and if it's clean, you're in". The pretention in the apps process was beyond belief. For the love of all that is not warped, it's fine to have limits on what's appropriate, but as long as it's anthro and clean, please don't tell us what to draw! :x I have half a mind to submit stuff I like, and would like to post on Yerf... and then post links to other art just to prove that I've earned the right to do what it is that I like to do. Then again, I've never applied... maybe they'd like my stuff enough to just let me in. :D
Clean, Experimental, not much there, and I threw it up last weekend. I basically want to see if an art archive coupled with the concept of a wiki will work at all. Don't cry to me if the bandwidth quota gets used up real quick though, I'm not paying jack shit for it right now.
I can trust you guys not to vandalize it, right? Cause I am headed to bed. |
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Joined: 04 Oct 2005
Posts: 38
Posted: 12/13/2005 5:04:18 AM
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Clean, Experimental, not much there, and I threw it up last weekend. I basically want to see if an art archive coupled with the concept of a wiki will work at all. Don't cry to me if the bandwidth quota gets used up real quick though, I'm not paying jack shit for it right now.
I can trust you guys not to vandalize it, right? Cause I am headed to bed.
Interesting idea. Methinks that I'll have to sign up right now.
*Edit* Done and done. Sample artwork up and ready for evaluation. Hopefully I didn't vandalise anything, and if I did it was purely unintentional. Honest! |
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Joined: 14 Nov 2005
Posts: 122
Posted: 12/13/2005 1:37:33 PM
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Clean, Experimental, not much there, and I threw it up last weekend. I basically want to see if an art archive coupled with the concept of a wiki will work at all. Don't cry to me if the bandwidth quota gets used up real quick though, I'm not paying jack shit for it right now.
I can trust you guys not to vandalize it, right? Cause I am headed to bed.
Interesting idea. Methinks that I'll have to sign up right now.
*Edit* Done and done. Sample artwork up and ready for evaluation. Hopefully I didn't vandalise anything, and if I did it was purely unintentional. Honest!
You know what, like I said on the discussion page, I like your art, and you're the first one, so voting doesn't really work yet until there are more people :) .
Oh, and vandalizing on a wiki means intentionally spamming or posting derogatory comments on a page, or other wise turing it into garbage. |
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